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I had no idea when I requested this audiobook from the library it was nearly 19 hours long. I probably would‘ve skipped it, but I‘m really loving it 🥰 Narration is SUPERB🎧🙌🏻 Chose for #IspyBingo curtain and #52Books September mini challenge #BookBeginsWithProperNoun

BarbaraBB I am not doing the mini challenges but now that you mention them I‘ll probabilities do so next year 😂 (edited) 10mo
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TrishB Had this on my kindle for a while! 10mo
Cinfhen I really think you‘d like it @TrishB 😄 10mo
Cinfhen I wasn‘t going to do the mini challenges but then I saw I kind of did without really trying @BarbaraBB I think I‘m only doing #52books and hopefully #Booked2024 next year plus the other challenges on Litsy like #AAM and #BookSpin and of course #TitlesAndTunes 😁 (edited) 10mo
jenniferw88 😍 book is set in my home county, and the author lives in Dorset too! 😍 10mo
Caroline2 This is 99p on kindle at the mo in the uk. 👍 😁 10mo
LeeRHarry Mini challenges? Guess I‘m not doing them. 😏 10mo
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Hopefully #Booked2024! I‘ll do them all again I‘m afraid (52books, ATY, Pop) and of course #TitlesAndTunes and #Roll100 but not #Bookspin. Might try #AAM. And of course the #TOB! 10mo
Cinfhen Have you read it @jenniferw88 ??? It‘s really good!!! Definitely worth #99p @Caroline2 10mo
Cinfhen There‘s only been a few @LeeRHarry they are usually set around an event/holiday( like Easter in March or back to school in September ) 10mo
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen not yet! 10mo
Cinfhen @BarbaraBB hard to believe we are almost at January !! A whole new year of challenges 😀 10mo
Librarybelle I‘m not doing the mini challenges this year. Maybe next year??? Who knows! I didn‘t realize this book was that long - 19 hours is a nice size book! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
Bluebird Lol, like @LeeRHarry I did not know there are mini-challenges (edited) 10mo
Megabooks Oh awesome! I‘d been avoiding it due to length, but I‘ve been burning up the audiobook hours this month! 10mo
Cinfhen I really enjoyed the audio @Megabooks and I thought it was a remarkably written debut!! 10mo
Cinfhen I hadn‘t planned on doing the mini challenges @Librarybelle @Bluebird but it sort of evolved organically 😉 10mo
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#Booked2023 #AfroFuturism #52Books #OctaviaButler I was worried about these prompts as I don‘t really enjoy Sci-Fi or fantasy but this Graphic Novel adaptation was really wonderful. I thought the artwork and story boards were beautifully done. It was so eerie to see how intuitive Octavia But.er was regarding the “future” (2024) of the world, specifically the United States. So glad I was able to borrow via #Hoopla.
Rec by @Megabooks ♥️

Megabooks So glad you enjoyed it!! 11mo
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Big Summer: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I was so close to bailing when a very unexpected twist occurred that made me want to see this book through to the end. It does read a bit YA which I hadn‘t found in previous books from Jennifer Weiner but she managed to pull off a fun and interesting 🐥 lit mystery🩷Good choice if you‘re looking for a beach read🏖️ A plus size influencer gets drawn back into a toxic friendship with her HS nemesis when she asks her to be in her wedding party.

squirrelbrain Sounds like a good (beach) read. I just found a 50p used copy on Amazon, as it fits with one of my last challenge prompts. 12mo
Cinfhen I almost forgot….Im using it for #BodyPositivity #52Books @squirrelbrain and bathing suit on cover for #ISpyBingo stick with it….because you‘ll probably be frustrated the first 1/3 of the book! 12mo
squirrelbrain Hmmm…I‘m not sure now if it fits cos I just checked the prompt and it‘s #romancewithafatlead. What do you think? 12mo
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Cinfhen She‘s a plus size influencer and there is a “romance” so it does fit @squirrelbrain - she also isn‘t one to cower to those that seek to shame fat people. She “owns” her weight in a positive manner. (edited) 12mo
DivineDiana Years ago,I won a contest to be a guest of Jennifer Weiner at a concert for a band consisting of authors. She was singing with the band that night. Love her! Stacked! ❤️ 12mo
Cinfhen I read her memoir a few years ago and she mentioned being in a band of authors @DivineDiana I think Ann Patchett might have been part of it at one time also! And she‘s a #PhillyGirl ♥️ 12mo
DivineDiana My understanding is that the band members rotated. I don‘t think Ann Patchett was there, but I do remember Amy Tan and Mitch Album. Stephen King had toured with them. I was hoping to see him, but he was not there for that performance. So fun! (edited) 12mo
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Saint X | Alexis Schaitkin
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I really enjoyed this multi cast audio book about the disappearance of a teenage girl during a family Caribbean vacation. Told mostly through the voice of her younger sister we also hear from other‘s who were on the island at the time. #Booked23 # SunshineNoir #52Books #publishedbyMacMillan

Cinfhen I thought this was really well done 👍🏽 13mo
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A Rogue of One's Own | Evie Dunmore
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This was no more and no less than what I expected. An entertaining romp with a small side of historical facts about Britain‘s Married Women‘s Property Act. It is a gentle reminder of the women who came before who paved the way.

#Bookspin #TitlesandTunes #14Books14Weeks #52Books #FashionableCharacter

@TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen @Librarybelle @rmaclean4 @Read4life @LaraReads @jenniferw88 @squirrelbrain @KarenUK @LeeRHarry @Bluebird

squirrelbrain This is one of the few prompts I haven‘t done yet…. 14mo
Cinfhen Sounds like a fun read 🤩 14mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 14mo
Librarybelle Good choice! 14mo
Deblovestoread @squirrelbrain It is probably a bit of a cheat as the MC went to the modiste once for a few new stylish clothes but the description of her ball gown sold me 😂 14mo
Read4life Sounds good! 14mo
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I enjoyed this book about Cuba‘s struggle for independence from Spain told from the prospective of 3 different woman. My only criticism is there was jumping around on the timeline that took me out of the story a couple of times. #TitlesandTunes I LOVE the Island Vibe playlist! My 31/52 book for #52books #SetduringawarnotWWIorII

@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle @rmaclean4 @Read4life @ravenlee @LaraReads @triplem80 @AshleyHoss820 @jenniferw88

Cinfhen Glad you enjoyed your book choice for #IslandVibe and the playlist too 💖Excited to see your June #GuiltyPleasure 1y
Librarybelle Nice! I need to read one of her books! 1y
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It took me a long time to finish this audio book. My commute is only 20 minutes each way and I wasn‘t interested in listening at any other time. It is my first Ware and likely my last. I did like the MC Hal but it felt too long to get to the big finish. It does ticks some challenge boxes.

#AuthorAMonth #Bookspin #52books #withanimheritance

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
Cinfhen At least it ticked off a few boxes‼️ware isn‘t for me, either 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
Librarybelle I know Ware is hit or miss…I‘ve liked the books I‘ve read by her, but I‘ve not read this one yet 1y
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Notes on Grief | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Grief is so very personal. Adichie writes her personal story about losing her father and the grief that followed. It‘s a very intimate story. Maybe I was looking for consolation or similarities because I lost my father too, but I didn‘t really find them. That doesn‘t make the book less good. Adichie‘s recount is very touching and I still ended up a little teary. Like her, I still am “my father‘s daughter”.

#52books #BookWithADedication

Cinfhen Beautiful photo and review 💕💕💕 1y
Cathythoughts Lovely review ♥️ 1y
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batsy Lovely review. I can relate to your last sentence a lot ❤️ 1y
youneverarrived Love this review ❤️ 1y
CarolynM ❤️ 1y
AshleyHoss820 Adichie can‘t put a foot wrong, in my eyes. I just love her. ☺️ 1y
BarbaraBB @AshleyHoss820 Me too, especially 1y
BarbaraBB @batsy It is what Adichie calls herself and it feels so true, no matter what 🤍 1y
Librarybelle Great review! ❤️ 1y
squirrelbrain Beautiful review, Barbara ❤️ 1y
sarahbarnes Great review ♥️♥️ 1y
KarenUK Lovely 💕💕 1y
AshleyHoss820 @BarbaraBB Yes, I really enjoyed that one too! My personal favorite is 1y
BarbaraBB @AshleyHoss820 I haven‘t read that one. Stacking! 1y
Suet624 Aww, my heart goes out to you. 1y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Thank you dear friend 🤍 1y
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Broken River | J Robert Lennon
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This is such a cool book. A family moves to a deserted house where a murder took place years before. A sex obsessed father, a mother who tries to save their marriage and their smart lovely kid, who is intrigued by the murder. More characters are introduced as is the sleepy town of Broken River, almost ghost town like. The setting, the atmosphere, the characters, the plot, the genre bending: it‘s all so good!!

Pic: Rabat, Morocco

squirrelbrain You‘re loving your Lennon books! ❤️ 1y
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Yes! I‘ve read three so far and loved each of them! 1y
jhod I also loved this one, I should seek more Lennon out... 1y
Cinfhen I was there too, in Rabat 😉cool picture 1y
Librarybelle Stacking! 1y
batsy I have this stacked, I see. Great review! 1y
BarbaraBB @batsy Thanks! He is such a good author. 1y
BarbaraBB @jhod You should! I‘ve been reading his backlist lately and he doesn‘t disappoint! 1y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Cool place, that square. I really liked Rabat! 1y
sarahbarnes Yay! So glad you enjoyed it. I need to figure out which book of his I want to read next. 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I loved it! Have you read 1y
BarbaraBB Or were you the one recommending it to me 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ @sarahbarnes (edited) 1y
sarahbarnes I think maybe I did! 😂 I did really like that one, too. I‘m thinking maybe I‘ll read Happyland or Castle next? 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes You definitely did, I checked it. Both your suggestions sound good too! I am having this one on my shelves 1y
sarahbarnes Oh, that one sounds really good too! 1y
Centique Stacked! Great review and amazing photo 😍 1y
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