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Joined September 2016

Main loves: Stephen King, Robin Hobb, Sharon K Penman, Mark Lawrence.
Sunburn | Chloe Michelle Howarth
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Day out in Manchester with daughter!

squirrelbrain I liked this book - I listened on audio. 11h
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Le Fay | Sophie Keetch
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Loved spending some time in the Arthurian tales. Author dealt well with the legend of the shift from loyal sister to Morgan the witch. Morgan is a great character in this series. Can‘t wait to read the next one.

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Survivor‘s Guilt was a great one in this series with a huge twist!
All Fours- not for me
Every Move You Make- entertaining read
Currently reading Le Fay and loving being in the Arthurian world.

West Kirby Library | West Kirby, Wirral, United Kingdom (Library)
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I didn‘t visit the tagged library- but an indie bookshop in West Kirby. Today‘s #bookhaul
3 for me, 2 for daughter!

Cathythoughts These look great.. I must investigate 👍🏻😁 1w
TrishB @Cathythoughts so many books! 1w
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Every Move You Make | C L Taylor
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Stalker theme. Many twists. Good afternoon‘s entertaining read.

Cathythoughts It‘s great to find a good afternoon read 👍🏻❤️ 1w
MyNamesParadise What I‘ve read of CL Taylor I‘ve really enjoyed!! 1w
TrishB @Cathythoughts @MyNamesParadise very entertaining reads! 1w
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All Fours | Miranda July
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Life‘s too short to be voluntarily annoyed and hate read this any longer.
I loathe this MC.
There should be a sub genre of ‘menopause‘ books- insufferable privileged women spending money to find solutions to their life.
Definitely a lot to discuss here.

Ruthiella Love this review! I liked it for what it was. July pushes boundaries, but your assessment is not wrong. 😆 2w
Librarybelle Love this review! One of my favorite bailed reviews I‘ve read! 2w
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squirrelbrain You might still be able to contribute at the weekend! 🤞 If it doesn‘t upset you too much…. 2w
Susanita I‘m hanging in there so far, but yeah she is…a lot. 2w
TrishB @Ruthiella I think it‘s because I don‘t think the boundaries are real. Woman has mid life epiphany needs a lot of sex. 🤷‍♀️ lots to discuss! 2w
TrishB @squirrelbrain I think I have a lot to say! Probably none of it relevant 😁 2w
TrishB @Susanita you‘re very diplomatic 😁 2w
Susanita Actually, I read a few more pages and decided to bail too! 2w
julesG 👏👏👏 2w
dabbe I think I'll skip this one based on this review. #hailthatbail! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Megabooks I‘d still love to hear your thoughts. Seriously! I love menopause reads, but I can definitely see how they‘re marmite. 1w
BarbaraBB Lots to discuss. I am not a fan of menopause books per se but I liked this one much more than Sandwich, which I know you preferred. I do think J won‘t read the new Lombardo soon, having enough of menopause books for now! 1w
Hooked_on_books I thought the menopause bit had a lot of potential and could be interesting, if the book would stop focusing on sex for two seconds and act like there‘s more to life than that. I don‘t blame you at all for bailing. I probably should have. 1w
Oryx Love this review! I've been so looking forward to seeing the reviews of this come in 1w
DGRachel I could not agree more! I love this review. 1w
TheBookHippie I bailed… I couldn‘t even hate read it 🫣😬😵‍💫😝 1w
TrishB @Megabooks I definitely have plenty of thoughts! 1w
TrishB @BarbaraBB I think I liked Sandwich as there was some humility, normality and humour! But still a bit privileged. I didn‘t find any of those in this one! Like you I may give them a miss for a bit. 1w
TrishB @Hooked_on_books agree. It seems the only ‘solution‘ to the menopause is to throw off the shackles of life and have lots of sex. Hard enough getting the menopause taken seriously as it is. 1w
TrishB @Oryx @DGRachel @TheBookHippie it definitely makes for strong opinions 😁 1w
TrishB @Susanita 👍🏻 1w
Caroline2 “Voluntarily annoyed” love that expression Trish!! Yep, life is defo too short to spend with books that wind you up!! ? for me, the real privilege came later when she‘s all blasé about her annual gynaecologist appt who then just did a hormone test and got her on hrt like it was nothing. Cor, can you imagine that in this country!???? 6d
TrishB @Caroline2 getting the app would be one battle, being taken seriously would be a step too far! Fantasy. 5d
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Woah!!! What a plot twist, did not see that coming at all. Things never actually get any easier for Matilda and her team….

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Forget me Not 👍🏻 Helen had a lot to deal with in this one
Lula Dean‘s ❤️ lovely read
Any Human Power- v interesting read
Just started Survivor‘s Guilt

Tove_Reads Michael Wood ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 2w
TrishB @Tove_Reads I think you put me onto the series, I love it! (edited) 2w
Tove_Reads @TrishB Fine, I‘ll take the blame. 😆 2w
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So there‘s a dream walking/life after death thread and there‘s a how we fix the world/change democratic systems and plan for the future thread.
Both are interesting - but the alternative visions for the future and the tense general election (written before last week‘s in U.K.) narrative were great.
Digital oversight of our every move and thought is scary shit.

sarahbarnes Great review. 2w
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Jari-chan Yes. 2w
Velvetfur Oh gosh yes. 2w
TheBookHippie Word. 2w
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lil1inblue 🎯🎯🎯 2w
Ruthiella That‘s true of most humans when denied privilege to which they have been taught is their right. I like this quote ““When you‘re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.” – Franklin Leonard”. 2w
TieDyeDude 👏 👏 👏 2w
dabbe Agree 💯!!! 2w
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How‘s that for a quote!

Ruthiella Sounds pretty accurate. ☹️ 2w
dabbe Wowza! 🤩🤩🤩 2w
BarbaraBB I have to use a dictionary to understand what that means 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2w
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Cathythoughts Mad 😳❤️ 2w
TrishB @BarbaraBB definitely not day to day English! 2w
TrishB @Ruthiella 😂😂 2w
TrishB @dabbe @Cathythoughts we‘ve learned new words! 😁 2w
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Every type of bigotry addressed in this book- in a light hearted but serious way. Some brilliant characters and a lot of positive messages, about communities, good people and, of course, books. A lovely read.

squirrelbrain Glad you liked it too! ❤️ (Although I‘ve still got about an hour and a half to go on audio…) 3w
TrishB @squirrelbrain there‘s a few more reveals! 3w
Oryx Glad this was good! I've not started yet 1w
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Helen‘s team is toxic and falling apart! And there‘s kidnapped teenagers to find. Usual full on action plot for Helen Grace.

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Finished All the Colours and loved it.
Finished James and we‘re discussing later!
Reading Forget Me Not, the new Helen Grace 😁

julesG Forgot we're doing James. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Camp seems to pass me by this time. 3w
TrishB @julesG my reading time is awful at the moment so I consider it lucky to have read it. Did most on train home from work thing this week. 3w
TheLudicReader I just started All the Colors yesterday. I loved We Begin at the End so… 3w
TrishB @TheLudicReader I think this is even better! 3w
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Oh this book. There is everything in it- I don‘t want to say much more because there are so many layers and twists that I don‘t want to spoil anything.
The characters are wonderful and will have your heart aching. A great read.

squirrelbrain Stacking. 4w
Oryx Ok good! This is the one I wanted a trusted opinion about. I'm gonna get it. 4w
Oryx Also it's out on Kindle but not hardback? Is this a new thing to release Kindle first? 4w
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TrishB @Oryx I thought that! Half way through I had no clue how the author was going to wrap anything up. I was trying several plot lines in my head. It was none of them and I loved that it wasn‘t. 4w
BarbaraBB That seals it! 4w
Cathythoughts Great review! Can‘t wait to get to it 👍🏻♥️ 4w
julesG Oh, I see what you mean about US vs UK cover/spelling. 4w
julesG @Oryx I liked the book and how it all tied up in the end. 4w
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Reading is very slow!
Loved This is Why We Lied- new Will Trent
Under a Rock was a bit disappointing
Reading All the Colours now and loving it even though it‘s very sad!

BarbaraBB Curious about the Whitaker 4w
Cathythoughts I‘m looking forward to All the Colours 👍🏻♥️ 4w
TrishB @BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts I‘m really enjoying it. 4w
Centique Congratulations on the election result! I thought of you when i heard the news. Not that its a perfect result but seems things went better than expected. 2w
TrishB @Centique absolutely! Nothing‘s perfect but I‘m hoping there is a light at the end of the corruption tunnel and the interests of the population are put first. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 2w
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It‘s a pick because I finished it. I wanted to love it but didn‘t really. Felt the same about Debbie Harry‘s - too cool for school comes across. It‘s a very quick run through the band, every other famous person around at the time and drug taking.
There‘s a sad prologue- which I felt was the first time we saw Chris the man, not the rock group member.

Cathythoughts I don‘t like reading about rock bands 🤔 🤷🏼‍♀️ but Debbie Harry played here recently with Sting … and I would love to have seen her , but didn‘t make it. 1mo
squirrelbrain Great review - sounds rather a rather depressing read though. 1mo
TrishB @Cathythoughts I‘ve seen them a few times and they‘re great! Could have missed the books though. 1mo
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TrishB @squirrelbrain it was slightly! 1mo
CarolynM That‘s a shame. He ought to have an interesting story to tell. 1mo
TrishB @CarolynM exactly what I thought! 4w
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This Is Why We Lied | Karin Slaughter
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More Will, Sara, Faith and Amanda!
A twisty, dark thriller with some horrible themes, murders and people. Expect the usual and then even darker.
Loved it.

bookaholic1 Is this a new one?? 1mo
TrishB @bookaholic1 yes- published last week in the U.K. 1mo
bookaholic1 @TrishB awesome! 1mo
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Criminally Good Books - York | York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Fabulous bookshop crawl in York today with Helen, Emma & Katie.
One of the above arrived whilst out today - so I‘m including in my haul 😁

Ruthiella Awesome stack! 👍 1mo
Bookwormjillk Ohhh those look so good 1mo
TrishB @Ruthiella @Bookwormjillk a fabulous day of shopping! 1mo
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Oryx Beautiful stack 1mo
squirrelbrain Great stack - and a fab day! ❤️ 1mo
charl08 Wow, impressive stack! 1mo
MicheleinPhilly So many new to me titles. Must investigate! 😍 1mo
Tamra I love seeing stacks of titles! 1mo
Cathythoughts Lovely stack ❤️ 1mo
LeahBergen Nicely done! 👏 1mo
TrishB @charl08 @Tamra @Cathythoughts @LeahBergen so lovely to be encouraged in your shopping! 1mo
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly was great to browse with like minded book nerds! 1mo
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This Is Why We Lied | Karin Slaughter
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New Will Trent!
On way to York for a bookshop crawl with Helen and Emma and maybe joined by Katie 🤞🏻
Book purchases ahoy!!

squirrelbrain Hooray - can‘t wait! 😝 1mo
Bookwomble I've just spent the week on a York bookshop crawl - you'll certainly have lots to get around! There's a new (opened three months ago) shop on Colliergate, Criminally Good Books, that specialises in crime novels, which you'll want to visit 😊 1mo
Crazeedi Have lots of fun! 1mo
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ShyBookOwl Is this the kind of series u can jump into at any point, or do u need to start at book 1? I'm overwhelmed by how many there are, but I've run out of other Slaughter books lol 1mo
5feet.of.fury It‘s always out so much earlier in UK 😭😩 1mo
5feet.of.fury @ShyBookOwl I know some people who jumped in at the Last Widow, but Grant County series & Will Trent series are soo so good it‘s worth to go from the beginning, but if you wanted to start at a recent one it‘s totally doable 1mo
LeahBergen It looks like you all had a great day! 🥰 1mo
TrishB @ShyBookOwl @5feet.of.fury I would always start at the beginning! 1mo
TrishB @Bookwomble that one was the reason for our trip! 1mo
TrishB @LeahBergen it was fabulous! 😘 1mo
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Seriously- we do not get to elect the royal family….

TieDyeDude Oof! 🤣 1mo
squirrelbrain 🤯 1mo
julesG 🤣🤣🤣 Erm? How did this get past the editor? 1mo
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TrishB @julesG it‘s the same editor that lets contemporary novelists say Queen of England… 1mo
Bookwormjillk Ooops 1mo
rwmg A joke, surely? 1mo
Tamra 🤣 1mo
The_Book_Ninja Maybe we should. I can think of a few Queens/Queens who would do a better job🙃 1mo
CarolynM 😫 1mo
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It‘s been too long! Can‘t remember last lunchtime when I got 20 mins to read.

squirrelbrain Enjoy! ☺️ 1mo
Cathythoughts So nice ♥️ 1mo
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The Mercy Chair | M. W. Craven
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This is a very dark, roller coaster of a thriller.
It started off very slowly and I didn‘t think I would like it. Probably is my favourite of the series now….if you‘re reading this series you‘ll enjoy this.
A major turning point at the end though.

andrew61 I've just finished the botanist so will have to get to this soon. 1mo
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The Mercy Chair | M. W. Craven
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Hotel breakfast, quick read before the rest of my colleagues appear….

BarbaraBB Precious moments! 1mo
squirrelbrain Have a good day! 1mo
MicheleinPhilly There‘s a new Poe??? 😮 1mo
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly I had pre-ordered and had forgotten- so a nice surprise!! 1mo
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The Bone Season: A Novel | Samantha Shannon
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I liked this when I read the original 10 years ago- as a debut and a very young author. Said author has now re-drafted for this 10th anniversary version and it‘s brilliant. Love this series.
The MC Paige is one of my favourite fantasy characters.

LeahBergen Perfect bookmark matching! 😁 2mo
TrishB @LeahBergen 😁 you don‘t know how much I was waiting for that validation! 2mo
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 2mo
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squirrelbrain Ooh I love a good bookmark match! ❤️ 2mo
TheBookHippie So pretty!!! 2mo
TieDyeDude Wow, 10 years! I read this when it came out, and I was very intrigued, but then I read that it was going to be seven books, and the first was 600 pages. I might revisit closer to the series end, but it was too intimidating a commitment 🤷😁 1mo
TrishB @TieDyeDude wait and read all of the new versions! 1mo
Bookwomble Bookmark Appreciation Society! 😍🔖 1mo
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Guilty Mothers ✔️
Time is Running Out 😳 roller coaster ride
Sandwich ♥️ real life problems and challenges
The Bone Season- started the new authors preferred versions in preparation for number 5 early next year - love this series.

Caroline2 Oh and bone season is only Q9.99 on kindle at the moment ? 2mo
TrishB @Caroline2 👍🏻 just make sure it‘s the updated one. 2mo
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This book is absolute mayhem! A wild roller coaster ride. So much happens and you just can‘t look away. Best in the series so far for relentless action.

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I loved this, very relatable. Menopause- family relationships- mid life wobbles, grown up kids leaving home, elderly parents. Some laugh out loud moments and some very poignant moments.
Matched Sandwich and Paddington purposely 😁

KadaGul Nailed it!😁 2mo
Texreader Menopause…. Stacked… 2mo
squirrelbrain Ooh I didn‘t know about this one, and I loved Impossible Things - stacking! 2mo
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TrishB @squirrelbrain not supposed to be out until later this week and it suddenly arrived on Friday from Waterstones 🤷‍♀️ 2mo
TrishB @KadaGul 👍🏻 2mo
TrishB @Texreader there are some very relatable bits in there! 2mo
squirrelbrain Ooh, naughty Waterstones! At least it was early for a change, rather than late! 2mo
CarolynM Might be a bit too close to home for me right now🥴 2mo
TrishB @CarolynM understand ♥️ sometimes it helps but sometimes you want an escape! 2mo
BarbaraBB Sounds close at home but I‘m in the mood for it! Stacked! 2mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB hope you enjoy when you get to it! 2mo
Centique Im so glad to hear its good! Im excited about this ones after loving her last one 😍 1mo
TrishB @Centique hope you love it 👍🏻 1mo
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Book 20 and still a great series. Love kick ass Kim and her great team- 2 murder stories ongoing here.

Read4life I need to check out this series. 2mo
BarbaraBB @Read4life I just started it too! 2mo
Read4life @BarbaraBB 👍🏻 2mo
Itchyfeetreader Was so chuffed to find this pre ordered on my kindle as I got to the airport for my hols. One of the strongest in the series I thought. 1mo
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How to say you had a couple of days off work…
King new short stories 👍🏻
Clear for #camplitsy24
Trust in Me- entertaining thriller that I‘ve mostly forgotten!
Live Wire- continuing the Myron series
Guilty Mothers- new Kim - current read.

Oryx I haven't quite finished the SK, just finished the twins one, but what stories stood out for you? 2mo
TrishB @Oryx I loved the 2 long ones (Danny Coughlin and Rattlesnakes) as I think you get the full impact of King! But saying that I also loved The Fifth Step as it gave me an evil little chuckle. I did have Taylor Swift‘s Florida in my head the whole time reading the Florida set ones. Listen to it and you will too 😁 2mo
julesG @TrishB Now I have that song stuck in my head. 2mo
TrishB @julesG me too! Again. 2mo
Oryx I liked Rattlesnakes too. I really liked Duma Key, so enjoyed being back in that area. I also liked Red Screen. 2mo
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Live Wire | Harlan Coben
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Off to conference in Exeter. 5 hour train journey. Hopefully some reading.

BarbaraBB You‘ve been traveling a lot lately! 2mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB 2 more trips to go this academic year…. 2mo
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An entertaining thriller with a lot of twists in the last third!

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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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First one finished. Look forward to discussing.
Another moody, sea cover I‘m in love with.

BarbaraBB Moody is just the word 🤍🩶🖤 2mo
squirrelbrain Love this cover and The Coast Road one too, which I‘ve just finished. 2mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain yes that cover is amazing too! 2mo
Suet624 This story 💕💕💕 2mo
Megabooks Great cover! I‘m glad you enjoyed it, too! 2mo
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Short stories are never my favourite, but somehow King‘s are different. A great collection, some excellent, some ok, some creepy.
I would have loved an 800 page novel but these will do for now 😁

Sharpeipup Is that a Stephen King bookmark? 2mo
Leftcoastzen I read the first one so far ! 😂 2mo
Cathythoughts 👍🏻😁 2mo
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TrishB @Sharpeipup it is 👍🏻 2mo
TrishB @Leftcoastzen hope you enjoy 👍🏻 2mo
RamsFan1963 It might be sacrilegious, but I actually prefer King's short stories, even novellas, to his big doorstop chunksters. 2mo
Centique Love the bookmark! 2mo
Reggie I am shocked you read short stories. I‘ll be reading this soon. 2mo
TrishB @RamsFan1963 I know a lot of people do but I love the big books! 2mo
TrishB @Centique 😘 2mo
TrishB @Reggie only the King! 2mo
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Double points at Waterstones! Top two are my daughters others are mine.
Not read a word most of this week with work stuff, but more books of course!

Cathythoughts Of course ! I hope you get some reading time. ❤️ 2mo
CarolynM Hope work stuff doesn‘t keep you from the books for too long😘 2mo
TrishB @Cathythoughts @CarolynM thanks both. Very grateful for a long weekend! 2mo
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The List | Yomi Adegoke
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Really enjoyed this. Very nuanced, every-time one of the characters made a crappy decision we were given a bit more info. Very current and explored many modern dilemmas.
Many morally dubious men in this.

squirrelbrain I enjoyed this one too. 2mo
MicheleinPhilly This 99p right now, yes? 2mo
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly absolutely 😁 2mo
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Cathythoughts Oh good ! Looking forward to my lovely copy you gave me ❤️ 2mo
Megabooks Just bought this week. Glad to read another good review!! 2mo
Caroline2 I really enjoyed this one too. 👍 2mo
CarolynM Sounds interesting. Stacked. 2mo
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Enjoyed The Coast Road
Was highly entertained by The Passengers
Currently reading The List- interesting read so far.

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Enjoyed this twisty, driverless ride! I told my daughter what the plot line was and she said sounds like an episode of Black Mirror- which it definitely did.
An entertaining read.

BarbaraBB Glad you liked it! 2mo
Cathythoughts Oh great. I have this one. He‘s good , isn‘t he !! 👍🏻❤️ 2mo
TrishB @Cathythoughts yes very entertaining! 2mo
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I can‘t call it a lovely quiet read as actually it‘s a bit of a sad story about lost people! Set against the backdrop of the divorce vote in Ireland. It‘s not that long ago and there‘s a lot of lost, lonely women in this.
A good read and a great cover.

rockpools It is gorgeous. 2mo
squirrelbrain Looking forward to this, if that‘s the right way of putting it. 2mo
BarbaraBB That cover is great indeed 😍 2mo
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Deblovestoread Beautiful cover and Ireland stacked 2mo
Bookzombie I had to look up stonkingly from the blurb. I‘ve never come across it before. 🙂 2mo
Cathythoughts Nice review ❤️ 2mo
Hooked_on_books Total agree about the cover. It‘s stunning! 2mo
TrishB @rockpools hi Rachel 👋 yes it is beautiful @BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books 2mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain hope you like it 👍🏻 2mo
TrishB @Deblovestoread hope you enjoy it. 2mo
TrishB @Bookzombie how weird! Is it a U.K./Irish centric word? Very, very good 😁 2mo
TrishB @Cathythoughts thanks Cathy 😘 2mo
Bookzombie @TrishB Google said it‘s British slang. I‘m going to try and remember to use it. lol. 2mo
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There‘s a sub genre at the moment- small, quiet novels set in coastal Irish towns with amazing covers.
Reading on a quiet Sunday morning.

squirrelbrain Enjoy! I have this as an ARC but I‘ve got a bit behind with those…. 2mo
Suet624 I‘m all for reading this particular genre. And that cover!! 2mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain I hear you! 2mo
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TrishB @Suet624 the cover is awesome. 2mo
JacqMac I have a thing for this genre. I blame Maeve Binchy. Lol 2mo
TrishB @JacqMac ah, Maeve could write a story couldn‘t she. 2mo
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Loved it ❤️ one of my fave series. Combining thriller and horror themes and generally set in creepy old Maine. Full of characters that you‘ve come to love over the last 20 books.

FlowerFairy I‘m only five books into this series but I love it! 3mo
Caroline2 I still need to read number two! I remember really liking book one, think we read it for our old crime book club….. oh can‘t remember what it was called now? Do you remember? We used to post the books to each other. WHODUNNIT! That was it! 😂 3mo
Addison_Reads I can't wait to read this one. 3mo
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TrishB @FlowerFairy oh you have 20 books ahead of you still- that‘s brilliant! 2mo
TrishB @Caroline2 in some ways that feels like 5 mins ago and a lifetime 😁 2mo
TrishB @Addison_Reads I don‘t think you‘ll be disappointed! 2mo
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‘Enjoyed‘ In Defence
Ordinary Human Failings was very sad
Stolen Children was the usual action packed detective outing
Reading The Instruments of Darkness at the moment and loving it. Definitely one of my fave series.

Cathythoughts Very good 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I want you to read In Defence 👍🏻❤️ 3mo
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Jeez, what a sad roll call this book is. Not sure what I was expecting really. It‘s grim and sad and full of mistakes people make in life. And poverty and hopelessness.
Small glimmer of a light at the end.

squirrelbrain Great review! 3mo
sarahbarnes I agree. And I loved it. 3mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I loved it too. 3mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻❤️ 3mo
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Stolen Children | Michael Wood
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6th in the series. A lot happening in the personal lives and in the plot! I did guess the killer at about 50% because there was so much pointing to someone else. But still enjoyed the story.
Look forward to the next one.

In Defence of the Act | Effie Black
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A well very written book. A very difficult subject. I would find this hard to recommend. If suicide has touched your life you probably won‘t want to read. It was hard.

sarahbarnes I ordered a copy of this given a strong recommendation from @BarbaraBB. Glad to see you recommend it as well. 3mo
Cathythoughts I have this stacked. I‘m interested to read it too 👍🏻♥️ 3mo
BarbaraBB Suicide has touched my life and yet I found it somehow comforting 🤷🏻‍♀️🩷 3mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB I think it stirred up to many things. But my own fault- I knew what it was about. 3mo
BarbaraBB I can imagine 🩷 3mo
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24 Hours was an all action thriller
Virgin Widow was to satisfy my R3 obsession this week
Whale Fall was a beautifully written quiet read
Just started In Defence this morning

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Beautifully written, with a haunting MC and nasty posh, educated side characters.
Though there some very sad themes in the book I just didn‘t feel I connected emotionally with it and I wanted to love it.
I will try the authors future books though!

squirrelbrain Great review! I still need to post mine…. 3mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain I‘ll be interested in yours! 3mo
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First for a long time!

squirrelbrain Enjoy! I just read this too…. 3mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain I may actually finish a book in a day. Something I haven‘t done for a while. 3mo
Cathythoughts I love your lunch time reads. 👍🏻❤️ 3mo
TrishB @Cathythoughts 😘 I wish there were more of them! 3mo
77 likes4 comments
The Virgin Widow | Anne O'Brien
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After a day out to Bosworth last week, just a bit of a R3 story. Enjoyable, if a bit romanticised.

LeahBergen I‘d like to go to Bosworth!! 3mo
TrishB @LeahBergen it was fab! We were the only 4 on the tour. The guide was great and we got to do all the re-enactments 😁 3mo
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Ariel: Poems | Sylvia Plath
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Book you have the most copies of ❤️
Assassins Apprentice by Robin Hobb is next with 5.
And I have 4 of The Bell Jar.

Ruthiella Beautiful collection. 😍 3mo
BookmarkTavern That‘s amazing! Thanks for sharing sharing! 3mo
Cathythoughts ♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
Centique I love seeing your Ariel collection! 3mo
TrishB @Centique I love hoping there‘s others out there! 3mo
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