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Joined August 2016

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I did not like this book we read for bookclub. There was about 10 of us and I was the lone person who did not care for it. I really dislike books written for the gotcha! moments that sacrifice character and plot development. It was a no for me. I did enjoy the discussion. We laughed a lot and I walked out of there feeling lighter. So that was the win of this book for me.

Sace I read this one and I enjoyed the book, but can‘t remember a thing about it! 1mo
Ruthiella At the least you got something out of the discussion! 1mo
Leftcoastzen The gotcha ! really annoys me too! Not really fond of that style. 1mo
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Amor4Libros That sucks! I read The Leftover Woman and I liked it. Glad at least the discussion was good 😊 1mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
Centique Im glad book club is a fun and light vibe. It looks great! And so sunny 🌞 I totally get what you mean about the “gotcha” moments. When you can see it coming and the author is playing their hand too heavily - they lose me. 1mo
vivastory Hey Reggie, I just read King's “Everything's Eventual.“ Have you read it? I hope you're doing well! 3w
TrishB Hope all is well Reggie! 2w
sarahbarnes Hope all is good with you! 6d
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Ghost Radio | Leopoldo Gout
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Ever since reading his Piñata, I‘ve been on the lookout for this and found it. I was not disappointed. Joaquin runs a radio show called Ghost Radio where people call in telling their spooky stories. Joaquin has been close to death most of his life escaping two close calls. Something has been trying to reach Joaquin and as Joaquin starts to pay attention reality starts to blur and smudge and he has no idea what the hell is going on. It was a ??

Reggie creepy trip. A pick! Bonus points for certain sections where Joaquin and his gf Alondra had me laughing because they were so extra, so dramatic, passionate, I wanted to throw a glass of water on them sometimes, lol. 2mo
vivastory I have had this sitting on my shelves for Y E A R S. Will have to check it out 2mo
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Coincidence | David B Lyons
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It is wild to me that the song Kill the Poor by Dead Kennedys features prominently in back to back books I‘ve read.

Leftcoastzen That is interesting! 2mo
Ruthiella That is a freakish coincidence ! 🤯 2mo
Decalino I call it "book synchronicity"-- love when that happens 2mo
vivastory It's funny you mention that bc I've had death metal mentioned in a few books I've read this year lol 2mo
Suet624 Wow! That‘s wild! 3w
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Cuckoo | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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This was SK‘s It meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The prologue could have been its own brutal short story. A bunch of teens are sent to a conversion camp in the 90s. A camp hiding a very cosmic horror. Years later the survivors will have to go back to finish what they started. This was great. Gretchen doesn‘t care about your feelings or delicate sensibilities cause she just tells it like it is. My only issue here is is that I wish she 👇🏼

Reggie had broken down some of the story into chapters focused on a single character so we get a better handle on them. It was hard to tell who was who sometimes. Still a great queer horror pick! 🏳️‍🌈 2mo
Centique Brilliant review Reggie!😍 2mo
vivastory You got me with your comparison. SOLD 2mo
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The Bayou | Arden Powell
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@Bookzombie thanks for picking this, Margie. I thought it was great. The language was exact and I felt held by it. I wanted to have a fan to fan myself with because I kept feeling as if I was put right there in the swamp in the middle of a hot summer. Sorry about the lateness, @psalva It‘ll be on its way to you tomorrow.

psalva No worries! It‘ll give me time to buy a hammock and hire a cabana boy to bring me iced tea and fan me while I read. Sounds like I‘ll need it! 2mo
BookmarkTavern I felt the same about the setting! 2mo
Reggie @psalva @BookmarkTavern I really kinda wanted to say I would give it 4 out of 5 Blanch Devereauxs. It really had that Southern flavor. 2mo
BookmarkTavern LOL That‘s perfect. 2mo
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The Guest List | Lucy Foley
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I read this for bookclub last week. There‘s this grindhouse, zombie apocalypse movie called Planet Terror. In the 1st 5 minutes we find ourselves in the dressing room of a go go club where these 2 topless women are kissing. While watching with the director‘s commentary he says he always puts nudity in the beginning because it‘s proven that people will pay attention to the movie more subconsciously hoping more nudity will show up. Imagine my 👇🏼

Reggie surprise when in the 2nd short chapter there is this hot almost sex scene. For this group to pick THIS book. I was tired but was awake all of a sudden and then I sat up straighter. Lolol And then Lucy morphs this book into a story about 5 guests at a wedding that don‘t know how they‘re all connected and how it talks about the dangers of “boys will be boys,” the real danger women feel when they‘re left alone with men, and pretty privilege. I 👇🏼 (edited) 2mo
Reggie think Foley did a great job of introducing 5 star characters and kept moving the camera back until we could see how they connected in this great constellation of a thriller/mystery story. 2mo
Crazeedi Good review! 2mo
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AmyG Ha! I always enjoy reading your revies. 2mo
The_Book_Ninja The last semi-decent flick Roth did imho 2mo
Suet624 You and your bookclub stories are what I look forward to. Well, all of your reviews I look forward to, but the books you read for book club are never what I expect you to be reading. 2mo
Centique This sounds really good and i cant wait to hear what the book clubs opinions will be! 😂😂 2mo
reading.rainb0w Oooh I definitely want to read this now 😂 2mo
Reggie @Crazeedi Thank you! 2mo
Reggie @AmyG Lol thanks AmyG! I ate this book up! 2mo
Reggie @The_Book_Ninja Idk, man. I liked Thanksgiving. I got a big kick outta that movie. 2mo
Reggie @Suet624 @Centique starting next week, I‘m on vacation and I thought I‘d write ya‘ll middle of the year letters describing bookclub cause it‘s hilarious. I tell my coworkers about it and we always have a chuckle about it. 2mo
AmyG Are you the only guy in your book club? 2mo
Suet624 I‘ll be sitting by my mailbox awaiting its arrival. 💕 2mo
Centique @Reggie yay! That will be such a treat - you tell the best stories 😍 (edited) 2mo
CoverToCoverGirl Well after that review, I‘ll have to give this one a try. Psychological thrillers are not my fav, but you‘ve tweaked my curiosity. (edited) 2mo
Powered_By_Plants 😂 This has been on my ‘to read ‘ list for a while . Great review ⭐️ 2mo
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I loved this book. Since 1983, there are laws that prohibit humans from killing vampyres. In this world vampyres are a marginalized group living in colonies next to human cities but can never go to school or work a job. In a remote Alaskan town a boy is found dead and everyone is just itching for an excuse to cull a colony. Enter very even keeled, government agent Barbara. This is dark, everyone in the town has secrets. The twists! There is 👇🏼

Reggie an in between side story told in italics and at every turn I rolled my eyes and thought, pfffff I know what‘s going on. And at every turn I was wrong! lol so good. Pick!!! (edited) 2mo
Rissreads I have this on my tbr shelf I think. I‘m glad you really enjoyed it. I love a good vampire story. The story seems very fitting for whats going on in the world. 2mo
Lesliereadsalot This sounds great! Stacked. 2mo
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TrishB I loved it too 👍🏻 2mo
Cathythoughts Great review Reggie 👍🏻❤️ How can I not stack this .. stacked. 2mo
sarahbarnes You do write the best reviews. 😁 2mo
Reggie @Rissreads I know. I watch these shorts that talk about what scares scientists. One is where people overpopulate the world. Well then this one scientist was like I don‘t think that will happen. He did this experiment where he introduced these mice into an environment of abundance. They grew their population but then formed groups and had outsiders that they fed off of and fought each other. The population topped out at 2300 when there was enough 2mo
Reggie resources for 6500. So I know what you‘re feeling. 2mo
Reggie @Lesliereadsalot I hope you like it. It‘s great! 2mo
Reggie @TrishB I‘m not one for series but I hope we get some more of this. 2mo
Reggie @Cathythoughts Thanks Cathy! Even though there are Vampyres it‘s very accessible and just a good, dark, read. 2mo
Reggie @sarahbarnes Thanks so much. It helps when the book is really good! 2mo
vivastory I had no idea this is a vampire story! 2mo
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This was adult Mean Girls meets Erin Brokovich meets The Wicker Man meets The Minotaur. We follow Linda and her family be accepted into a utopian town in the future against something called The Great Unwinding, climate crises, food and resource scarcity, government breakdown, etc. This is what happens when you let large corporations build these towns and let the Ritchie Riches of the world run them. I needed to find out what was happening 👇🏼

Reggie but didn‘t necessarily care, if that makes sense. Low pick. 3mo
Suet624 Isn‘t this happening already? 3mo
sarahbarnes Great review! 3mo
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batsy You make it sound super interesting despite the low pick! 3mo
Ruthiella That‘s a lot of meetings! 😆 3mo
Reggie @Suet624 yes. I keep seeing their on y YouTube shorts where he talks about all the empty homes and apartments that are empty because rich people from the city bought them and charged rents no one in the area could afford. It‘s depressing. 2mo
Reggie @sarahbarnes @batsy thank you ladies! @ruthiella she has a good premise going but I think some of her main characters got shorted in the building of this premise. 2mo
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Our Children's Children | Clifford D. Simak
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As with some music videos where I have no idea wth the video has to do with the song, I have no idea what this cover has to do with the book. I wanted to read the book with the Litsy sci-fi group but could not find that book, but was at a used bookstore where I found another of the author‘s books from 1974. This was great. Time portals open up all over the world and people 500 years from the future walk through. Humanity is about to be killed 👇🏼

Reggie off by a not so nice alien species so this is their escape. To come back to their past. I think the author is brilliant in how he captured what we do as a society when 2 billion more show up on our doorstep. The part that got me was that there is this editorial writer who surmises that such a situation would not be so easy for our government to tackle and it would be so easy to pick apart all the ways they would fail, but instead of doing that👇🏼 (edited) 3mo
Reggie he promises to just keep his mouth shut. I don‘t know why that caused me to get choked up. Giving grace? The ending is quite clever and gave me a chuckle. This was a pick! (edited) 3mo
DestinyMorna I love wandering in second hand bookstores. You never know what treasure you will find. 3mo
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wanderinglynn Secondhand bookstores are the best! If you‘re still interested, I found Way Station on Thriftbooks. 3mo
wanderinglynn And can you imagine if the premise of this book happened today? The world population in 1960 was at 3 billion. We‘re nearly quadruple that today. Add another 2 billion & wow! 3mo
vivastory This sounds great! Stacked 3mo
Ruthiella Sounds great! Does your library have Hoopla? That‘s how I read it because none of my libraries had it available in hard copy. 3mo
RohitSawant Awesome review! Stacking. 3mo
Reggie @DestinyMorna yeah, I loved this one because it looked like a fire hazard. lol. Every shelf was packed with books on top of shelves, in front of the shelves, at the end of the shelves with boxes near full of books waiting to be put somewhere. It was heaven. 3mo
Reggie @wanderinglynn I can. I think it would get kind of ugly in today‘s world. But there‘s a lot more to this 188pg book. Also, I looked for this book on Hoopla and swear I couldn‘t find it. But once @Ruthiella said she found it there, I looked again and it was there. So thanks. 3mo
Reggie @vivastory and @RohitSawant its very prescient. Lots of links to what‘s happening today. It‘s a slim book that packs a lot. Hope you guys like it. 3mo
Centique This sounds like the kind of book that gets me obsessed and then ties my brain in knots trying to figure out ways to improve or rectify situations That Could Never Actually Happen. 🤯 Also filed under this category: Manifest (tv show) 3mo
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Six Stories | Matt Wesolowski
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In 1997, the body of teenager Tom Jeffries is discovered in the marshland, a year after he had disappeared. 20 years later, a Serial type of podcast revisits his unexplained death in 6 interviews with people close to situation. This was great. A little frustrating because people are always holding something back and you just want to scream-Just tell us!!! This has some nice folklore misdirection, I was starting to believe in Nana Wrack. lol,Pick!

BarbaraBB I had this one stacked since @vivastory talked about the series but now I couldn‘t wait any longer and bought a copy online 3mo
vivastory This book has one of my favorite twists 3mo
vivastory @BarbaraBB I think you'll like it. I somewhat recently finished the series & it's interesting to see how the evolution of podcasting & true crime reporting is reflected in the books themselves 3mo
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CarolynM I often think that about murder mysteries, both books and TV or film. I wonder how true it is, do so many people really not tell everything to investigators? Why wouldn‘t you just spit everything out? 3mo
Reggie @BarbaraBB Scott and a found footage horror Reddit were the reasons I read this. 3mo
Reggie @vivastory It was effing BRIAN MINGS!!!! Who saw that coming?!!!! Lol 3mo
RohitSawant The spoiler tags have me so intrigued 😄 Need to check this out soon! 3mo
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American Dirt | Jeanine Cummins
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I told myself I would never read this but I am so starved for in person book chat I thought why not. And that is totally on me. I didn‘t care for it. Can‘t wait for bookclub tomorrow.

AmyG I bailed on this. I get it. 3mo
Prairiegirl_reading This is how I ended up reading The Goldfinch. It‘s my most hated book of all time! My book club met on zoom through 2020 and I told them I wanted my time back even my 2020 time that‘s how much I disliked it. The sacrifices we make for book club eh? Lol!! 3mo
BarbaraBB Even my 2020 time lol 😜 @Prairiegirl_reading (edited) 3mo
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Cathythoughts I bailed on this one 😐 3mo
CarolynM Thanks for validating my decision not to read it😆 3mo
batsy Yeah, not on my list 😆 Have you read the reviews by Myriam Gurba and Parul Sehgal? So good! 3mo
sarahbarnes I share your sentiments on this one. 3mo
Centique Like @CarolynM said. Thank you for taking one for the team! 😘 3mo
Suet624 I‘ve been able to avoid this one. 3mo
Reggie @Prairiegirl_reading @AmyG @BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts @CarolynM @batsy @sarahbarnes @Centique @Suet624 the librarian who picked it framed the author as being a victim of cancel culture and it went down hill from there. Someone said it was just jealousy and other people were so upset on her behalf. I was the only dissenter and it was quite the ride for an hour. lol however, it didn‘t mean we left the meeting as enemies and that‘s why I really 👇🏼 3mo
Reggie like this group even though the books they‘ve picked so far aren‘t my thing. Some of the stuff they say is hilarious. There are two guys who love to take one thing and run way far away off topic until this very old lady who I like, Dolores will slam her book and say let‘s get back to the book. Just fun stuff. 3mo
Prairiegirl_reading @BarbaraBB lol! That‘s what I said while leaning in to my zoom camera! Lol! I really hated that book. 3mo
Prairiegirl_reading @Reggie I‘m glad you found a group you enjoy!! Even if the books aren‘t your favourites. 😊 3mo
Suet624 Like @Prairiegirl_reading said, I‘m glad you found a group you enjoy to hang with. Clearly you have a lot more patience than I do. I might be grinding my teeth as they talked about cancel culture. 3mo
BarbaraBB That‘s wonderful Reggie! To have found such a group and to be so open minded ❤️ 3mo
BarbaraBB @Prairiegirl_reading I must remember that, it‘s hilarious even though it is sad of course 3mo
Centique Oh wow - starting off by saying shes a victim of cancel culture. That was really setting the tone! I wonder if theyve read Yellow Face yet - that would raise a few more complicated questions 🙄 Well done you for enjoying the group dynamic - im glad they can disagree without it getting personal 👍💕 3mo
Rissreads Dolores sounds fabulous! ♥️ 3mo
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Annie Bot | Sierra Greer
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Soooo…. Eff Doug. Annie is a cuddle bunny AI bot who is owned by Doug. Annie learns all about what it takes to please Doug. Something happens with his trash ass friend Roland and all trust is lost. This gets intense and part of me was hoping that she would either kill Doug or hope she would throw herself out of a window so that people would know that an AI tried to kill herself just to get away from Doug. I liked this, it‘s very readable. Very👇🏼

Reggie frustrating. I can only imagine all the women trapped in these types of relationships. There were times when I didn‘t know what was real. It kept me off kilter in a way because here Annie is having conversations on the phone and I wondered is this real??!!! She‘s on the phone? It‘s a pick. The ending was enjoyable and calming. (edited) 4mo
Lesliereadsalot Great review! Starting this one today, 4mo
marleed Oh, good review. This one is going to spin in my head for months. 4mo
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AmyG “There were times I didn‘t know what was real”…..good job, author, good job. Sounds like an interesting book. 4mo
RohitSawant Fantastic review! Stacking this for sure. 4mo
intothehallofbooks Your reviews make everything you read sound so great. I had no idea this is a book I might want to read but I just added it to my list. How about that!? Also added to my (vocabulary) list: “trash ass friend” because it‘s a GREAT descriptor and we all have them from time to time. 4mo
Reggie @Lesliereadsalot I hope you like it! 4mo
Reggie @AmyG if I get to pick for my bookclub sometime next year and this book is on the list I‘m subjecting them to it. It definitely makes you think. 4mo
Reggie @RohitSawant Have you read Sea of Rust by Robert Cargill? I think that book is a great companion book for this. There is a moment where Annie is two thoughts away from giving us the full Terminator Skynet experience but she backs away from it. This is a more relationship book but the AI stuff really throws some wrenches in there. I was telling a coworker about it and she was saying but she‘s just a robot and I almost stopped talking to her. lol 4mo
Reggie @intothehallofbooks Thanks! I hope you like it if you get to it. I had to edit some of the cuss words I had in here. I hate when people make others feel bad and my heart just went out to Annie. And yes to the TA friends. I‘ve had 2 I had to give the chop to when I realized who they were. 4mo
TNbookworm Great review, makes me want to read this! I enjoyed Sea of Rust! 4mo
Avanders Perfect review! ♥️ 4mo
Reggie @TNbookworm Thanks! I hope you like it. So much to think about in here. 4mo
Reggie @Avanders Thanks!😊 4mo
RohitSawant @Reggie I‘ve been meaning to check it out! I liked Cargill‘s collection of stories & added Rust to my wishlist long back. Loved how you put that about Annie being close to giving the full Terminator experience. I dig the fact that it focuses on the relationship dynamic, mirroring real world scenarios through a sci-if lens. Echoing the sentiment that I had no idea this‘d be on my TBR, but you‘ve so sold me on it. 4mo
Amor4Libros Ok, I need to read this 😅 4mo
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Beloved | Toni Morrison
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I read this for my horror bookclub earlier tonight. This book is an ocean of sorrow. It‘s based off an actual woman who killed her child rather than let them be a slave. You know what she got charged and convicted of? Destruction of property. In the book, Sethe and her daughter, Denver live at 124 Bluestone Rd. A haunted house if there ever was one. A man from Sethe‘s past shows up and one thinks maybe the ghost is gone. That is until a young👇🏼

Reggie woman shows up a couple days later. Morrison does not baby you as a reader. She takes a knife and carves the horror of slavery into you. How the horrors of slavery can haunt someone, a people, for a long time. Morisson‘s writing is sticky to me, it doesn‘t let go. A sad, horrific pick! 4mo
Ruthiella This is such a fantastic book. 4mo
TrishB Great review Reggie. Still not read this book. 4mo
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batsy Nice review, Reggie. I'm not sure what I've been doing that I've yet to read Toni Morrison's fiction. 4mo
Amor4Libros I have not read Morrison yet and now I want to read this, but also don‘t…Great review!!! 4mo
AmyG Great review. This book was heartbreaking. 4mo
Reggie @Ruthiella I‘m glad bookclub pushed me to read her. Sometimes she‘s intimidating and then you‘re in the middle of it and wondering why did I wait so long. 4mo
Reggie @TrishB Thanks! And you should. She‘s such a genius writer. 4mo
Reggie @batsy Thanks, Suba! I‘m shocked you haven‘t. There are passages in here that I will think about years from now. One is how 3 characters went to the circus and even though they weren‘t holding hands, their shadows were. You have to read her. Promise me you will. Pinky swear! 4mo
Reggie @Amor4Libros thank you! Yeah, she‘s tough, she doesn‘t baby the reader, lets you know exactly how it was. So good. 4mo
Reggie @AmyG thanks, AmyG! I totally felt ripped open and raw by the end of the book. 4mo
batsy Yes pinky swear!! Think I will read her books in order of publication and make it a reading project to tackle for myself 🙌🏾 4mo
Amor4Libros I‘m bumping her up on my TBR, I‘ve put it off long enough! 🤗 4mo
RohitSawant This has been on my TBR for ages. Likewise bumping it up. 4mo
Centique This is definitely one of the best books ive ever read. Just broke me and is now seared into my heart and brain. Morrison was the greatest 4mo
Reggie @RohitSawant you‘ll love it. There‘s this character who talks about how as a slave he could only love small, the faintest stars, the smallest flower, because if he loved bigger they would hurt him with it. But now he‘s deciding he can love bigger and make a life for himself. That‘s one of 8 or 9 passages I can pull out my hat from here. Morrison is a boss. (edited) 4mo
Reggie @Centique the passage where Paul D and Sethe are talking about the rooster Mister. And they laugh about how annoying he was. But then Paul D remembers when he has a bit in his mouth for punishment and Mister crows. And he realizes that rooster will always have more freedom than him. Ughhh……😭this book. 4mo
Centique @Reggie 😭 4mo
RohitSawant @Reggie Wow, boss is right. That‘s so poignant and powerful. Needless to say, it‘s such a heavy topic & I didn‘t know how to engage with it previously without having a depressive episode. In comparison, I feel better mentally equipped now to deal with it and am really prompted by your post to check it out. 4mo
RohitSawant It‘s also a subject I‘m interested in exploring from a writing perspective, mainly in an Indian context, as it pertains to the oppression, slavery & displacement of the population under colonial rule. I tried doing research some years ago but found it too triggering at the time. I can never write a “literary” story on the subject as I find that too painful to process, but for some weird reason, I‘m all right with exploring it through a genre lens. 4mo
RohitSawant Maybe if I figure out a way to throw a werewolf or something in the mix, I‘ll get back to researching someday and write it! 4mo
Suet624 This book has been on my shelf for ages and anytime I get close to reading it I shy away. One of these days I will. 3mo
Rissreads I think I will pick this for my bookclub. It‘s been sitting on my shelf looking at me for years! Thanks for the push. Great review as always ♥️ 3mo
Reggie @Rissreads I read it for our horror bookclub and everyone was in awe of it. Hope your club likes it! 3mo
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@psalva This is on its way to you. Should be there Monday they said. Written in the UK during the 1950s we follow a young Colin who goes around performing in a drag troupe and his two suitors. This was better than I expected and all the feelings and attitudes are still relevant today. Pick!

vivastory Not book related, but have you watched Immaculate or Late Night With The Devil? Considering going to see one of them this weekend. I have heard great things about both. 4mo
Reggie @vivastory I have not even heard of Late Night but I totally want to see that. I have Monday and Tuesday off so that‘s where I‘ll be. Thanks, Scott. 4mo
vivastory I've heard several people I trust say that it's going to be one of the best of the year 4mo
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psalva @Reggie I just retrieved it from the mailbox. I‘m excited to get to it! 4mo
Reggie @vivastory so I just came back from Late Night with the Devil.lol, and I loved it. Have you watched the V/H/S anthologies? The last couple have taken place back in the 90s and 80s and it just felt like an elongated episode of one of the short stories that make up those movies. It has a good pace and just good stuff. 4mo
vivastory @Reggie I hope to see Late Night etc in the next couple days. Glad to hear your endorsement! I have seen most of the V/H/S anthologies. I remember really liking the one set in '85 with the swimmers who come back for revenger. I also really liked the segment in '94 towards the end where the extremist group planned on using the vampire as a weapon 4mo
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Angels: A Novel | Marian Keyes
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I actually read this over 20 years ago. Maggie Walsh-Garv finds out her husband has cheated on her and decides to leave Dublin to go stay with her friend in Los Angeles. Being the “safe” sister of the Walsh family it was fun to see her let her down as she tries to move on. I loved getting to reconnect with The Walsh clan. I forgot how funny they were. Might go pick up other Keyes when I need a pick me up. Pick!

LeahBergen I think that‘s about when I read it, too! 4mo
Reggie @LeahBergen I think I‘ve read about 4 Keyes books, 2 of them having to do with the Walsh daughters. This one and the Rachel one. I like her books. 4mo
Librarybelle I love Marian Keyes! I was just thinking this morning, as I gazed at my shelf of her books, that I really need to read one of her books soon. 4mo
Reggie @Librarybelle she gave me something cute and made me laugh at a time I needed to laugh. I appreciate her. 4mo
Lindy I was sceptical when a member of my feminist book club suggested that we read Marian Keyes, but I enjoyed 4mo
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Ripe | Sarah Rose Etter
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This one got a little crazy, so crazy that I had to take a break and read a Marian Keyes before I came back. Cassie is in her new life in San Francisco at a toxic tech startup. There‘s homelessness, rising rents, people setting themselves on fire, a boyfriend who is not hers, and she has this black hole that accompanies her everywhere that sometimes gets bigger or smaller depending on her loneliness. This was wild and depressing. This belongs 👇🏼

Reggie in that category of women on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She‘s for fans of Otessa Moshfegh. There was a point where I just started laughing because it got to be too much but things start to happen on the last half that roped me back in and I just felt so much for Cassie. Pick. A sad pick! A sad, sad, sad, pick! 5mo
sarahbarnes Wow, what a review! I‘ve been curious about this one. Your comparison to Moshfegh is very compelling. 4mo
Billypar A 'triple sad' pick...how can I resist? 😅 4mo
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Reggie @sarahbarnes @Billypar I‘ve never read someone who is so good at interrupting their own scenes. It‘s jarring and every time we‘re presented with air, the author plunges us face first into mud. It was a lot. I hope ya‘ll like it if you pick it up. 4mo
Cathythoughts Excellent review! I loved this one and will be looking forward to more by this author 👍🏻❤️ (edited) 4mo
Rissreads A ‘sad‘ stack it is then! 4mo
Reggie @Cathythoughts Thanks, Cathy! I‘ve been thinking about Cassie all week. 4mo
Reggie @Rissreads lol, I hope you like it! 4mo
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Broken Monsters | Lauren Beukes
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I reread this earlier this week and I still liked it. The first 100pgs is hard because there are so many characters are introduced but Beukes threads them masterfully together against the biggest character in here, the city of Detroit. This was wonderful, and scary, and I went to a horror bookclub tonight at an Albuquerque library where wonderful people had some really thoughtful things to say. Pick!

Centique Ooooh horror book club might be the best book club 🙌🧙‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️😈 5mo
AmyG Horror in Detroit? Sounfs fun. 5mo
vivastory If you haven't read it I also rec The Shining Girls 5mo
Bookzombie Book club sounds fun! I second The Shining Girls! 5mo
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The Paris Library: A Novel | Janet Skeslien Charles
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I read this for bookclub next week. 2 timelines, Odile starts work at the American Library in Paris right before the German occupation of Paris. We find out what the staff of the library went through to keep it open while helping and protecting patrons. Then there is Odile in 1989s Montana living next door to coming of age Lily who just lost her mother. I enjoyed both timelines but I‘m not sure they fit in the same book. This was also a lovely👇🏼

Reggie story about books and what they offer to the world, what libraries offer to the world. How important they are. It could be twee at times but ultimately I liked it. Pick! 5mo
Centique It sounds like its full of heart even if imperfect. 💕 Ill be interested to hear what your book club thinks! 5mo
Suet624 This doesn‘t seem like a typical pick for you! 4mo
CoverToCoverGirl I really loved that final twist at the end- a knock on a door can really change a life. 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Hi groupQ! These are my picks. Let me know what you‘re interested in cause all work for me. We have lesbian coming of age, Spanish gay, queer horror anthology, Arab drag memoir, late 1950s drag tale. The order is me to Peter, Peter to Margie, Margie to Krysta, Krysta to me. Mark, draw, comment, tell an anecdote, have a good time. All hands in, break!

BookmarkTavern These all look great! I have had Unicorn on my TBR for a while, but I‘d honestly be interested in any of these! 💕 (edited) 5mo
psalva I‘m okay with any of these. They all sound like interesting choices! 5mo
Bookzombie These all sound like great choices! If you really need me to lean toward one, I‘m really curious about Chorus of Witches. 5mo
44 likes3 comments
The Trees: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Book #5 in #24in24. The writing gymnastics one has to have to have dry, witty and humorous, dialogue while still having this important weight of horrible history hanging over it is astounding. I found laughs bubbling through me on one page only to be so angry and sad on the next. The care certain characters got in here when it came to their murders while there was a whole century of people who sometimes didn‘t even get names to their bodies,👇🏼

Reggie infuriating. This book is just brilliant. Pick! (edited) 5mo
batsy I'm in awe of what he did with this book and have no clue how he was able to do it. Just brilliant. 5mo
Reggie @batsy the names were hilarious. Governor Pinched Wheyface. Pick. L. Dill. What killed me was how accurately he captured the outrageousness of characters, that made me laugh. They seemed like a caricature, the exaggeration, BUT he wasn‘t wrong. And because he wasn‘t wrong I felt like I shouldn‘t have laughed because how much those characters have done in real life. He has me tumbling over myself. 5mo
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batsy @Reggie "Tumbling over myself" is such a good way to describe how it was to read it. So true!!! 5mo
JamieArc Brilliant is exactly the word I use to describe this author. 5mo
Aimeesue Such a great book. The names! Just brilliant. 5mo
Tamra Isn‘t it fantastic?! Such creativity! If you haven‘t already, I recommend reading 5mo
BarbaraBB Loved all I read by him. Brilliant indeed! 5mo
Jas16 I loved this book and have and have not stopped recommending it to people since I read it. Great review. 5mo
youneverarrived I need to read this! Great review. I‘d recommend So Much Blue too by the same author if you haven‘t already read it 🩵 5mo
Ruthiella Agree, this book makes you laugh and cry. The balance is amazing. It‘s a masterpiece. 5mo
Centique I loved this too. Great review Reggie! 😍🙌 5mo
Reggie @JamieArc @BarbaraBB @Jas16 @Ruthiella @Centique It reads so easy all the while he‘s Trojan horsing you. It was amazing. 5mo
Reggie @Tamra I definitely want to read that one. My parents loved the movie. 5mo
Reggie @youneverarrived I have read that one. The part about him being in El Salvador all those years later and he meets that father again whose son he helped bury all those years ago. Gets me every time I think about it. I need to read more of him. 5mo
Reggie @Aimeesue Junior Junior, Triple J, Pinched Wheyface was my favorite, Pick L. Dill, Mister Mister. There was a lot of fun being had. 5mo
vivastory Just know that mentally I am sending you a link for the Daniel Bryant “Yes! Yes! Yes!“ GIF Fantastic review, friend. This is such a great book & I still think about it 5mo
Reggie @vivastory Thank you, Scott.Lolol I had to go look that gif up. Hilarious. Part of the style in here, it reminded me of Brian Evenson a little. 5mo
Rissreads I‘m excited to read this one 5mo
Suet624 This was the first of his that I had read and I couldn‘t believe I had never heard of him before. Just as you say, I was amazed at how he made me laugh and be horrified page by page. 4mo
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Camp Damascus | Chuck Tingle
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Book # 4 for #24in24. This made me sad. I hate when kids are the victims of adult bigotry. We follow Rose Darling a 20yo member of The Kingdom of the Pine religion. Their claim to fame is Camp Damascus, a conversion camp with major results. It‘s funny because most of the book doesn‘t even take place there but it is no less compelling. Rose Darling starts to see scary apparitions and throws up mayflies every so often. What could be wrong? Pick!

Jas16 What could be wrong indeed? You always make me curious about books I know I should never read. 5mo
Bookzombie Great review! 5mo
Reggie @Jas16 one day I will convince you to come to the dark side! 😁 5mo
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Reggie @Bookzombie I thought of you when they tell that Saul he was in a cult. He says we don‘t believe in anything that crazy. We‘re just like all the other religions with just small differences on how we interpret a book. AND the game the mom played with her giving Rose the scenarios around the neighborhood. What a sicko! 5mo
vivastory Lol love your see no evil hear no evil speak no evil zombies 5mo
Reggie @vivastory I‘m trying to keep it fresh with these rotting zombies. 🧟 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ 5mo
65 likes6 comments
The White Road | Sarah Lotz
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Sarah Lotz has scared me off of planes and cruise ships and now we can add cave exploring and Mt Everest climbing. Simon, eager to get some hits for his fledgling adrenaline website, decides to go explore a forbidden cave with an unstable older guide. The guide does not come back. Simon does, with more than he bargained for. The first part of the book in these caves had my windpipe choking me while reading what was going on. It was harrowing. 👇🏼

Reggie Desperate for more clicks his partner sends him to climb Mt. Everest. There are so many layers to not only the settings but the different characters in here, and I think Sarah did a great job integrating them all into a solid, good story. There‘s a video on YouTube where a guide takes her cave exploring to do research for this book and oof…I could not do it. Pick! 5mo
BkClubCare Yowza 😳 5mo
sarahbarnes This sounds terrifying. 5mo
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vivastory This one was great. I also liked 5mo
Suet624 Ooohhhh, sounds interesting! 5mo
Reggie @BkClubCare @sarahbarnes those first 50 pages were the summit of this book. It was crazy. 5mo
Reggie @vivastory I‘m gonna have to order that one. Just so I can be a Lotz completist. My libraries don‘t have it. 5mo
Reggie @Suet624 there is a lot about the 3rd who always walks with you in here. But I thought it was great. And the sections about MtEverest and the trials and tribulations were great. 5mo
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Day Four: A Novel | Sarah Lotz
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I came back from my last break and a coworker asked me if I was okay cause I looked tired. I replied that I‘m at the point where I think everyone in my book is about to die. The 3 of us in our little room all laughed at the same time. lol. I loved this book. On the 4th day of a cruise, the engines blow up, the stabilizers fail, there is a murderer loose on the ship, there is the norovirus starting to spread, and a medium-psychic who has 👇🏼

Reggie started to stop faking it. It was claustrophobic, creepy, and eff all the people on Goodreads, and there are a lot of them , that said she threw away the whole book at the end, cause I loved the Twilight Zone double, triple down ending in here. Pick! (edited) 5mo
batsy And now you've got me to add this to the list. Fab review! 5mo
Reggie @batsy you know, Reggie 7 years ago was all about concrete endings, and NOW, I‘m in love with authors who smudge all the answer lines in the end into something not legible. lol, thank you Suba. If you get to it I hope you like it. None of these characters were likable but I hoped for better for them. 5mo
See All 18 Comments
Lesliereadsalot Can‘t wait to read all her books! 5mo
erzascarletbookgasm Hahaha very often you make me curious about the books you‘ve enjoyed. 5mo
Librarybelle Wow! I did not even have this one on my radar, and now I‘m curious. Do you need to read the prequel before this? I noticed this was a follow up to Three. 5mo
LeahBergen And the most terrifying of all is the Norovirus! 🤢 I‘m going to keep an eye out for this one, Reggie! 5mo
Reggie @Lesliereadsalot You know, I‘m amazed at her versatility because The Impossible Us is sci-fi and this was just horror. And looking her up, she has this other one where it‘s just 2 girls who go to Paris coming of age. 5mo
Reggie @erzascarletbookgasm 😁Idk, there‘s something about horror that just grabs me. 5mo
Reggie @Librarybelle it‘s almost 10 years old, maybe that‘s why. And no you don‘t have to read The Three before this one. But I will say alot of people enjoyed The Three way more than this one. I enjoyed both. 5mo
Reggie @LeahBergen also, their toilet system stopped working so they were given red plastic bags to do their business in. The lower deck restrooms were backing up. At one point someone looks overboard and there is this sea of red floating bags. There is a lot going wrong all at once. Hope you like it! 5mo
Librarybelle Good to know! Thanks! 5mo
Lesliereadsalot Excited to read them all! Thanks for a great review. 5mo
LeahBergen @Reggie Oh, Lawdy! 😬 5mo
Bookzombie I would have stacked it if I hadn‘t had it stacked for a while. lol. 5mo
Reggie @Bookzombie I think if I had read it before Trump and Covid I think I would have felt differently but now what we know about people this hits differently. 5mo
vivastory I have to admit that I did not like this one (I loved The Three) but I really liked the ending. 5mo
Reggie @vivastory I loved it because these people are just trying to survive and they don‘t know if they should follow the rules that are the ones we know or to make up new ones. There were so many angles covered. And I was never at ease. 5mo
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A House With Good Bones | T. Kingfisher
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Samantha, an archeoentymologist, has to go stay with her mother after her job gets put on hold. The house belonged to her grandmother, her mean grandmother. As soon as she gets there she discovers all is not right. There are vultures and creepy, blood thirsty roses and a mother who seems less than herself. Samantha is humorous and very knowledgeable about bugs. That was my favorite part of this book. Her passion for bugs. This was alright.

ImperfectCJ I'm reading this one right now! (Well, right now I'm posting a comment on Litsy, but immediately before and after, I'm reading this novel.) I'm enjoying Kingfisher's humor. 5mo
Reggie @ImperfectCJ lol, yeah. I‘ve read another by her, The Hollow Places, and both were so funny. 5mo
Aimeesue 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 🐞 5mo
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The Honeys | Ryan La Sala
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We meet Mars, short for Marshall, a gay genderfluid teen, being woken up in the middle of the night by their twin sister, who tries to murder them. They tussle over to the banister, fall over it, fall on the chandelier that breaks and they land on the sister, killing her. High drama! She should have been at camp. Now Mars goes back in her place to investigate. This book is a fever dream of wth is happening. I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the 👇🏼

Reggie author‘s style of writing. It felt like while I was reading I was eating Poprock candy. The words just snapped and crackled in my eyes. Ya horror, it‘s a pick! 5mo
CarolynM You make the most unlikely books sound appealing 😆 5mo
5feet.of.fury Loved this one, it was so unique 5mo
Reggie @CarolynM Thanks! 😁 @5feet.of.fury I loved this book so much because Mars, despite the world telling him to be smaller, acted much larger they were and I admired them for their bravery. Mars was a diva and I loved it. (edited) 5mo
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The Impossible Us | Sarah Lotz
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Loved this. Bridget Jones meets Blake Crouch meets a Simon Pegg comedy. Bee and Nick accidentally connect when his i-mail gets sent to her e-mail. They hit it off and soon try to meet each other only to find out they live in parallel universes. This a charming, romantic, sci-fi that made me chuckle so many times, unexpectedly. There just some really great epistolary email/imail back and forth. It also had great side characters. Pick!

vivastory I always forgot that Lotz wrote this one... 5mo
Ruthiella Sounds like lots of fun. #reggimendation 5mo
LeahBergen This sounds delightful! 5mo
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Lesliereadsalot I loved the ending that I didn‘t see coming! 5mo
CarolynM Sounds great. Stacked🙂 5mo
Reggie @vivastory yeah, it seems real crazy to me that this author is the one who wrote The Three. She‘s talented. I have her 2 other books from the library to try out. 5mo
Reggie @Ruthiella @LeahBergen It was fun and delightful. It kept me up way past my bedtime. 5mo
Reggie @Lesliereadsalot Yes! So happy for them. 😁 5mo
Reggie @CarolynM I hope you like it.I have this friend who told me about the Hadron Collider they turned back on last year and how because of it we might be merging with other realities and that‘s how you get Mandela effects and she used to send me these freaky TikToks of people warning about it. And every time I got them I would think no, not another one, but I‘d still watch it. lol This reminded me of that but in a good, romantic way. (edited) 5mo
Centique This sounds BRILLIANT 😆 Stacked! 5mo
Reggie @Centique it‘s very cute. I think you‘d like it. 5mo
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Alexei is hiking the 2000 mile PCT, trying to work through his being disowned by his family for being gay. Ben is also hiking the PCT for a new start after a string of bad boyfriends. The two meet and fall in love. This was slow, but steady, and by the end had burrowed itself into me, encircled my heart, squeezed it, broke it, and put it back together. Pick!

CarolynM This is on my #readyourkindle list. I hope it‘s number comes up next month🙂 5mo
Reggie @CarolynM I hope you like it. I ended up crying the last 80 pages. lol. It gets emotional. 5mo
BkClubCare Love your reviews 💖 5mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Thanks for the tag @Deblovestoread The other night I was reading late at night on the sofa. And I hear a slow crunching of leaves right outside the window. All of a sudden I hear this not petite sounding guttural ,”MEEEEOOooooow.” And it scared the hell out of me.lol and the cat just kept doing it. It was like they were saying, I see you in therrrrre, why are you ignoring meeeee, feeeeed me. People at work think it belongs to a previous owner👇🏼

Reggie but I‘ve been here for 5 months. But then a friend who knows me best said it‘s the spirit of the animal buried in the back yard. lol. When I moved in I told a friend ohh I think they used to do fires in the backyard cause of this ring of rocks. When she came to visit she told me that was a pet grave marker. Oof. 5mo
Ruthiella Yes, for sure it is a demon spirit trying to eat your soul! 😈 I do hope someone is feeding the little devil any way. Also, love your amendment to the game! 😆 (edited) 5mo
Reggie @Ruthiella 🖤I want the ghost demon cat to scratch messages into my door or even into the paint on my car telling me what to do or give me the clues to solve its murder to let its soul rest. lol If it comes back I‘ll get some cat food. 5mo
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LeahBergen He‘s speaking from beyond the grave so you can find out who neutered him and seek revenge. 5mo
AmyG Ah, a Pet Semetary. Churchill has come to visit you, it seems. 😳 5mo
Deblovestoread Welcome! I‘d be awake all night after that! 5mo
Rissreads Awwww the poor love. It might be the friend you didn‘t know you needed! 5mo
Reggie @LeahBergen I‘m with Bob Barker on this one, so demon ghost cat will stay in a state of unrest. lol 5mo
Reggie @AmyG I know I‘ve said it before but every time you bring up Pet Sematary: we will always have Dale Midkiff! 5mo
Reggie @Deblovestoread I didn‘t go to sleep anytime soon that night. 5mo
Reggie @Rissreads we never had pets growing up. And there are some cute pets out there, it‘s not for me. Also, cause I live alone if I die in my apartment I don‘t want them eating me. 5mo
LeahBergen 😂😂 5mo
Rissreads Oh Reggie you crack me up! 😆 5mo
AmyG Hahahaha I love Dale Midkiff! 5mo
49 likes14 comments
Count Your Lucky Stars | Alexandria Bellefleur
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Olivia is getting to prove herself as an event planner being assigned a big account. What she doesn‘t count on is running into her best friend, Margot, from high school who she hasn‘t seen in a decade. The one she had that one special week with during spring break their senior year. This is 2nd chance with low stakes but I loved it because there were some scenes where it‘s just them 2 making cookies and it was lovely. The one thing I will 👇🏼

Reggie say is that I think Bellefleur has control issues. After every piece of dialogue the characters smirked, raised an eyebrow, pushed their hair out of their face, bit their lip, huffed air, sighed, harrumphed, giggled. lol, I just wanted to say we can imagine that for ourselves sometimes. It was a bit much. Still a pick! 5mo
Bookzombie Lol. I read her first one a few years ago so I can‘t remember those kind of details, but I‘m betting she did the same in it. I enjoyed it though. 5mo
Reggie @Bookzombie Yeah, I still liked it. I‘ll probably read another of hers. I like the “just moments” in romances where they‘re just existing in coupledom doing things couples do. And she really did that for me here. 5mo
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Centique @Reggie yes i love the “just” moments too. Thats a great name for it! 5mo
Centique Which reminds me that the last romance novel i read is still in my head because they do stuff like grocery shopping and making dinner together 5mo
Reggie @Centique yes, exactly. Also, just placed a hold for tagged book, so thanks. I went to Barnes and Noble and almost didn‘t buy any books because I have 4 on loan through Libby and 8 physical. What business do I have buying a book. Still bought one, though. lol 5mo
Centique @Reggie it would be terribly off brand if we didnt! My daughter is always asking me why im picking up reserved books from the library when there are 40 unread books in the bookshelf by my bed 🤯🤯 5mo
59 likes7 comments
Almost Perfect | Brian Katcher
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Logan starts off his senior year of high school broken hearted having been dumped by his gf of 3yrs. But a new girl shows up and she‘s tall, quirky, and fun. And no matter how much she tries to keep things platonic, Logan kisses her and that‘s when she has to tell him she was born a boy. I really liked this book a lot. There are complaints about Logan, we‘re in his head the whole way through. He‘s an 18 yo from rural Missouri. It‘s a double 👇🏼

Reggie edged sword. Most people want to judge him for not being PC but he is also the guy we need to meet queer people in the middle. I found him hilarious and contemplative. This story broke my heart because you want better for trans kids and the world 14 years after this book was written is worse off for them. Pick! 5mo
TrishB Great review Reggie 👍🏻 5mo
CarolynM Fabulous review. Stacked. And you‘re right, things should have got better rather than worse. I really don‘t understand why it‘s so controversial. 5mo
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squirrelbrain Great review - stacking. 5mo
Ruthiella Stacking! Another #reggimendation ! 😆 (edited) 5mo
Suet624 Such a lovely review. 💕💕 5mo
Reggie @TrishB @CarolynM @squirrelbrain @Ruthiella @Suet624 Thank you ladies. It‘s sad to say but the weekend I read this, a candidate for Secretary of State in Missouri, the state where this book takes place, ran an ad where she has a flamethrower and is burning a queer book. 5mo
Ruthiella @Reggie That‘s awful. 😞 5mo
squirrelbrain WTF - what is WRONG with people?! 5mo
TrishB 😢 no words. Well I have many tbh. But I definitely agree it‘s getting worse. 5mo
Suet624 Oh God. 5mo
Rissreads What!!!!!!!!!! Why do people feel the need to control what other people read? This truly saddens me. 5mo
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I liked the last quarter of this almost 400pg book. So it gets a so-so. I loved the movie Practical Magic-I wished for you too!!…😭😭💔So I thought I would love this but the lovely writing doesn‘t support a strong story. There‘s a floofiness and flimsyness, a floofy flimsyness, lol, I didn‘t care for in here. I was missing the grit and heartache 1600s Salem Trials and being a witch ought to have. This was read for bookclub tomorrow. The best👇🏼

Reggie thing I can say about this is it made me long for the best witch and magic books I‘ve read. The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, The Daylight Gates by Jeannette Winterson, and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. 6mo
Ruthiella Floofy flimsiness! 🤣 6mo
charl08 Ah such a shame when a new book by an author you loved doesn't work! 6mo
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Kimberlone Interesting take! I quite liked that this one was more lighthearted and optimistic than most books set in this time period. I read it around the same time as Hour of the Witch, which was so grim and bleak and the prose really reflected that dourness, that I thought this one really shined in contrast. But to each their own! 6mo
Reggie @Ruthiella a floofy flimsiness is my fetch. Lol 6mo
Reggie @charl08 I went to bookclub and there was a guy next to me who just loved it and said he was gonna read the rest. And because of the happy way he talked about it just made me happy for him and like the book a little bit more. 6mo
Reggie @Kimberlone I think we need different books at different times. I have a job where reality doesn‘t seem to exist right now and maybe I took that out on Alice. 6mo
Centique Floofy flimsiness is the best ever description! 💕 5mo
Reggie @Centique ❤️Lol. Hope you‘re loving Cantoras. Whenever someone asks me about a queer women book, that‘s my go to. I love that book so much. 5mo
Rissreads Floofy flimsiness! I can‘t wait to use this! 🤣 5mo
78 likes10 comments
The Reformatory | Tananarive Due
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This is such a good book. This is horror but the horror doesn‘t come from the supernatural or made up monsters. Within the first 25 pages the racism of 1950s Florida comes and grabs you by the throat and doesn‘t let go. Half this book is 12 yo Robbie at the school for boys, the other is his sister Gloria doing everything she can to get him out. They both go through their own hell. Due is a great writer, her writing put me right there with 👇🏼

Reggie Robbie and Gloria. Tananarive Due really gave a lesson in how to take something from history and turn it into a story. If you read this, which I think you should, look up every mention of a person, every side characters name. All of them are rooted in the struggle for civil rights in Florida. This book is amazing and took a piece of me with it. 6mo
AmyG Bumping this one up in my kindle. 6mo
Suet624 Stacked! 6mo
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batsy Great review. Added to the list for sure. 6mo
Bookzombie Great review! 6mo
TNbookworm Excellent book and great review! 6mo
Centique This sounds really good. Stacking 😍🤞 6mo
Reggie @AmyG @Suet624 @batsy @Bookzombie @TNbookworm @Centique There were moments when I was so caught up with tension I had to remind myself to relax my hands and shoulders. This is based off a real boys school whose survivors showed up decades later to shut it down. Due has a relation who was buried on the school grounds. Her mother and father were civil rights activists. Hope ya‘ll read it. 6mo
vivastory I think humans are the scariest monsters. A lot of the parts in Stephen King's work that stand out are those committed by people, not the supernatural creatures. 6mo
Reggie @vivastory have you read Due before? Her Good House is one of my top 10 horror. And totally agree. Have you read Under the Dome by King? Where the aliens put the glass jar over a town and everyone freaks out. Love that book. 6mo
vivastory The only one I have read is The Between, but I loved it & I have the Good House on my TBR shelves. I haven't read Under The Dome yet, it's one of the longer King works I have left. Looking forward to it! 5mo
Rissreads Great review! My tbr shelf is getting out of control! I‘ve managed to stack 4 books in minutes from your reviews! This, Cantoras, Under the dome and Almost Perfect! 🤦🏼‍♀️ 5mo
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The Reformatory | Tananarive Due
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Of course I had to go down a rabbit hole because I didn‘t think she would throw something random out like that. I had no idea these women existed. Check them out: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/seventy-five-years-ago-militarys-only-all...

julesG Wow! I can understand your rabbit hole jump. 6mo
BarbaraBB Wow! 6mo
Itchyfeetreader Yup would follow you down that rabbit hole 6mo
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Tamra Thank you for sharing! 6mo
AbstractMonica Whoa, that‘s amazing! 6mo
Bookzombie Wow! Thanks for sharing! 6mo
Rissreads Rabbit holes are the best! 🐇 5mo
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The Future | Naomi Alderman
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In the first 3 chapters we follow 3 billionaires who get an alert that an apocalypse has started and they need to get to their bunkers. I was excited. Then we don‘t see them again for 250 pgs. This had a lot to say about community vs the self. The role of the internet. There were 2 great female MCs in here, one a survivalist refugee coming from a fallen city and the other coming from a cult. This could very faintly be called a sapphic romance.👇🏼

Reggie That last quarter got a little convoluted and slowed everything down for me. Still a pick. (edited) 6mo
TrishB Great review Reggie 👍🏻 6mo
vivastory I had no idea what this one was about. I read Alderman's book Disobedience years ago & sometimes still think about it. Def recommend. Adding this one to my TBR 6mo
batsy I was thinking I wasn't going to read this but your review has me intrigued! Sounds a tiny bit like a sapphic, survivalist Birnam Wood with a twist. 6mo
Reggie @TrishB thanks! @vivastory @batsy I liked the Power better, but I like the 2 MC characters in here far more than anybody in The Power. I need to check out Birnam Wood. 6mo
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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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Thanks for the tag @julieclair

1. I thought it was going to be North Woods but Tom Lake weeks later still keeps talking to me.

2. Just looking forward to a bunch of horror. The long list for the Stoker Awards came out so there‘s a lot I want to get to. Also- #justiceforMariannaEnriquez She didn‘t get nominated and I‘m pretty upset.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 6mo
julieclair Interesting about Tom Lake! Just yesterday, my irl book club was picking books, and Tom Lake didn‘t make the cut. I was disappointed about that, but will just plan to read it anyway! 6mo
AmyG I got to get to Tom Lake. 6mo
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BarbaraBB Super interested in Tom Lake, especially after your North Woods review! 6mo
Bookzombie I haven‘t read Our Share of Night yet, but I know it was a big pick for you. Since I sort of bailed (I might go back to) Burn The Negative, I think she should have that spot. 6mo
Bookzombie Also, how do they define long fiction? Due‘s Rumpus Room is a short story (very good) but Khaw‘s is more of a novella (haven‘t read it). Just curious. 🙂 6mo
Bookzombie Also they have Camp Damascus as YA. It feels YA but the main character is an adult age wise and Goodreads has it as adult. 🤔 I don‘t really keep up with the awards so I‘m probably being annoying with my lack of knowledge on how they work. (edited) 6mo
Leniverse Tom Lake still speaks to me too, and I read it in Nov-Dec. I haven't read North Woods yet, but it's a high priority. 6mo
Reggie @julieclair I think you‘d love it! 6mo
Reggie @AmyG you loved the North Woods, you‘ll love this. 6mo
Reggie @BarbaraBB I don‘t know how your kids are but in Tom Lake there is this one daughter who just eats that mom‘s lunch and even though they‘re adults in the present there are echoes of their strained teenager-mom relationship and I just loved it. 6mo
Reggie @Bookzombie I have no idea what constitutes what cause I wanna just be like novellas? You talking about novellas. Short story? Best short story? lol also ughhhhhh last year for best first time novel the one book from that category that won, I bailed on. Sometimes I just wonder if it‘s a popularity contest cause all members get to vote. And I don‘t think everybody reads everything. I need to just stop. lol I‘m becoming that crazy guy. 6mo
Bookzombie You are not! I remember that last year you were not thrilled with all the wins. I don‘t feel like I can keep up with awards because I don‘t read enough of them in time to make a responsible decision. For example, for first novel, I have read two so far. I wonder about it being a popularity contest too. 6mo
vivastory Off to look at the longlist but I'm a bit shocked that Enriquez didn't get nominated! 6mo
vivastory @reggie @bookzombie I'm looking at the Stoker longlist now & am also a bit annoyed/confused as well. Annoyed bc while I did enjoy Black Mirror's Beyond the Sea, it didn't compare to Demon 79 IMO. And how can you nominate Exorcist: Believer, but not “Talk to Me“? I'm definitely confused by the long form category because it appears that there is a category specifically for short stories under short form. 6mo
BarbaraBB That sounds great, thanks! 6mo
Reggie @vivastory I have only watched a couple of Black Mirror episodes but now that it‘s really cold and overcast I think I‘m going to watch the new ones now. @Bookzombie last night I went to a horror bookclub for Lone Women. I had such a great time. I was explaining why I didn‘t like the back half part of which was the stakes were low. We got to a point where none of the likable characters were gonna die. I said my favorite books will hurt me and 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie verbatim-‘I want to be torn up on the inside.‘and right after I said that this girl who looked like she was 19-21 let out the biggest laugh and right away took it down as all the older women looked at her. And none of them got it but I smiled real big at her, like get your mind out of the gay gutter. It was a small moment her and I shared. It was so funny. 6mo
Bookzombie @Reggie lol That is so funny! I‘m glad you had such a great time. I still need to read Lone Women. What‘s their next read? 6mo
Reggie @Bookzombie It‘s Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. Which I love, so I‘m gonna reread it and go back. The one after that is Beloved by Toni Morrison so I‘m excited for that. I‘ve never read it. 6mo
Bookzombie @Reggie I loved Broken Monsters too and also have never read Beloved. 6mo
Rissreads Another book club Reggie! It sounds like you are living your best life! I binged all of Black Mirror recently, sooooooo good! 5mo
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Lone Women: A Novel | Victor LaValle
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Book 3 of #24in24. Sooooo there was a lot of nyuhhh nyuhhh grinding teeth chewing the side of my check thinking about this book because I loved the first half. But then he has identity after identity after identity show up. Just give them a little bit more than “I‘m this identity.” lol idk. I felt some of the characters were shortchanged. Adelaide, a Black woman, flees to Montana in the early 1900s to homestead and hide. Little does she know👇🏼

Reggie it‘ll take community to pull you through sometimes. And that which you hate about yourself sometimes becomes this uncontrollable monster that has disastrous consequences. Pick…. (edited) 6mo
Crazeedi Nice review! 6mo
BkClubCare Great review 6mo
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Jas16 Great review and you are making excellent progress through your stack! 6mo
Megabooks Fantastic review! I‘ve been on the fence about this one, but you make me want to read it!! 6mo
Reggie @Crazeedi @BkClubCare @Jas16 @Megabooks Thanks! I‘m excited because I found a fright night bookclub in Albuquerque at one of their libraries and this is the book they‘ll be discussing this Thursday. I‘ll be going. 6mo
Centique Oh wow - enjoy the Book Club Reggie. Hope this one has some kindred spirits. 👻🧛🏼‍♂️🧙‍♀️ 6mo
Reggie @Centique I had a great time at bookclub. Most surprising were two people who were differently abled, wheel chaired people who shocked the hell out of me with their interpretation of the “monster” in here. There were 8 of us and it was a lovely, lively time with a bunch of laughs thrown in. 6mo
Centique @Reggie i am so glad to hear that! People you can laugh with as well as who can surprise you make the best kind of book club. 😍 6mo
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North Woods | Daniel Mason
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I really liked this. Mason tells the story of a piece of land starting somewhere in the 1600s up to the future end, and a lot of its inhabitants. He‘s great at making each character not only having a distinct voice, but also a style pertaining to the time period. I laughed, I cried, I breathed deeply at the beauty in here. Bonus points for a certain lascivious beetle scene. lol. It reminded me of 3 stories that are near and dear to my heart. 👇🏼

Reggie The Overstory by Richard Powers. The Daylight Gate by Jeanette Winterson. The novella N. by Stephen King. Pick! 6mo
Crazeedi Maybe I need to pick this up again, I read several pages and then put it down. Maybe I just didn't give it enough time! 6mo
intothehallofbooks Oh wow. I have been wanting to read this one (and The Overstory too) and I think your review has moved it up near the top of my to-read pile. Stories in this format work really well for me, with some being among my favorite books. Barkskins by Annie Proulx, The Forest by Edward Rutherfurd, Midwinterblood by Marcus Sedgwick. I‘m going to try to put my hands on this ASAP and I‘m crossing my fingers I‘ll like it as much as you did. 6mo
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sarahbarnes Great review. I‘m on a long list at the library for this one. 6mo
AmyG Yes, much beauty in this book. I absolutely loved it. I still need to read the Overstory. (edited) 6mo
Tamra Can‘t wait! 6mo
BarbaraBB I am reading this one now too and it‘s quite original! 6mo
vivastory Have you read Frankisstein by Winterson? I think you'd dig it. It's transgressive, topical & smart. 6mo
Reggie @Crazeedi I read a review that describes it as a bunch of short stories strung together and I see that but I love short stories so it worked for me. And I was kind of like you where after the first 20 I wondered if I wanted to go through with it but luckily there were some ladies on Litsy who I trust that recommended it. Good luck! 🍀 6mo
Reggie @intothehallofbooks I have read none of the books you have mentioned so there goes my TBR today. But I hope you like it, too!!! 6mo
Reggie @sarahbarnes I hope it comes sooner rather than later. There are so many voices and styles in here. Mason wasn‘t showing off, but he was showing off. lol 6mo
Reggie @Amyg I was absolutely shocked when the sister took an axe to the other sister. I went back to work off of break with my mouth open and my heart hurt for Alice. When I read the letter of the gay artist to his lover talking about their glen, I had tears in my eyes. And the whole part with the pulpy True Crime! guy made me laugh so much. Lots to love in here. 6mo
Reggie @Tamra Hope you like it! I had to talk some of it out with my coworkers and a friend today. 6mo
Reggie @BarbaraBb yayyyy! Glad you‘re liking it. 6mo
Reggie @vivastory I have never read another Winterson. And I need to. Anytime I hear people say give me a good witch book I run to Daylight Gate. Also anytime I see, hear, or read about a place that holds echoes or ghosts of memories of lovers I run back to that book. I‘ll give Frankisstein a try. 6mo
AmyG I think that was what I loved most….a little bit of everything, like in life. And I love to be completely surprised in a book. When that‘s happens I‘m thrilled. So much love, laughter, murder, kindness, evil., apples. Yes, lots to love. 6mo
Crazeedi @Reggie that's probably it, didn't realize the short story style and I think I gave up too quickly. 6mo
BkClubCare I might have to put this on my book spin list for Feb. I own it but so many books yet to read for ToB 😫 6mo
Suet624 So many lives, so many stories, some great writing. I agree.. the storyline of the gay artist brought tears. 6mo
Reggie @Suet624 @Centique I read this because you two and AmyG recommended this. And when I read this, I thought-You Liars!!!! Because you say you don‘t do horror but there is a horrific ax murderer in here. (Poor Alice) There is a seance with actual paranormal activity. There is an old woman holding a door open to blizzard while her dog is barking. There was some really scary stuff in here. 😜 lol thanks for the push to read this. Loved it alot. 6mo
Suet624 @Reggie Lol. You‘re so right! 6mo
Centique @Reggie im so glad you liked it! Yes the supernatural side to it was so cool! I think i probably DO do horror but not jump scares, not body horror, no constant feeling of peril. Can definitely handle your milder ghosties 😂😂 6mo
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Boom. 2nd book off of #24in24. Thanks @Jas16 for this signed book for Xmas and thanks @CarolynM for the nudge to read it. Rikker walks in to the locker room of the hockey team he just transferred to and no one is more shocked than Graham as they have a shared history that has haunted him. Queer hockey romance that at times felt like horror because of the prison Graham builds for himself by being in the closet. This was sweet and, of course, 👇🏼

Reggie I cried. Pick! 6mo
ShyBookOwl I see Camp Damascus in the shot. Have u read it yet?? It's pretty high on my TBR! 6mo
intothehallofbooks I love everything I‘ve read by Sarina Bowen! 6mo
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Lesliereadsalot Shark Heart is so good! 6mo
Jas16 Yay! So glad that you liked it! She has written other gay hockey romances and they are all really good. (edited) 6mo
Reggie @ShyBookOwl not yet, this stack of books is my TBR for a challenge this year where we pick 24 books to read off our bookshelf. I‘m just gonna keep taking pictures of the books I read off of it until it gets down to zero books. But I loved Tingle‘s Straight novella so I have high hopes for Camp Damascus. 6mo
Reggie @intothehallofbooks Yeah, I think this is my 3rd book by her and they‘re always good. 6mo
Reggie @Lesliereadsalot I have heard nothing but good stuff about it. 6mo
ShyBookOwl @Reggie Awesome! I hope to make it a summer read 6mo
CarolynM Glad you enjoyed😀 I just love Johnny Rikker. If you‘re interested there‘s a follow up novella called Yesterday in 6mo
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Happy Saturday Littens! Today, at the laundromat I asked this girl what she was reading and it was a book about the 12 steps but the original ones more based in faith(?) because she had a friend who was an addict going through the program who asked her to read it so she could help them out. Later on while she was leaving she asked me what I was reading and I told her-gay hockey romance. Her eyes widened just a touch and her small, cute 👇🏼

Reggie mouth released an-ohh. And you could tell bells of realization were ringing for her and our story was now over. But it wasn‘t over for me. In the multiverse where there is a straight Reggie I walk up to use the dryer she just finished with. There are sexy panties left over that I have to return to her. Lolol we have reading dates and her addiction friend becomes the godmother to our children. When they ask our kids how their mommy and daddy 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie met they‘ll say over books at the laundromat. And our kids are readers and two of them have to have glasses before 1st grade. But alas Littens it is not to be. Extra points to romantsy readers who can recommend me meet cute romances in the laundromat. Happy Saturday! 6mo
AmyG HA! She wouldn‘t be thrilled with me either as I believe in a woman‘s right to choose what to do with her own body. In my multiverse we‘d all be accepting of each other based on kindness and would form a book club. But not a horror one. Maybe we‘d give horror the month of October. ;) 6mo
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Reggie @AmyG one of Albuquerque‘s library has a fright night book club and I‘m going to it next month on the 1st. So I‘m excited. 🖤🖤🖤 6mo
cariashley Ha I love this post!!! 😆💛 6mo
psalva Laundromats are interesting places. Same for apartment building laundry rooms. I‘ve had some interesting interactions with people in those venues and I can definitely relate :) 6mo
sarahbarnes I love this universe‘s version of Reggie! ♥️ 6mo
Jas16 Love this 6mo
AnnR @Reggie - I loved reading your post and the comments here. 🙂 6mo
Ruthiella I think the laundry romance is a book you should write Reggie! 😃 6mo
Leftcoastzen Love your post! Please write a laundry romance straight,gay , or otherwise!😂👏 6mo
Suet624 Aww, Reggie, I wish I lived close to you. I‘d love to hear all of your stories. 6mo
Bookzombie @Suet624 I feel the same! 6mo
Bookzombie I love your story! I can‘t think of any laundromat related romances. Just this graphic novel which is definitely not a romance. 6mo
TheBookgeekFrau 😂 Love it! 6mo
LeahBergen You almost had your own little laundro-meet cute. Almost. 😆 6mo
BarbaraBB Great story! You should write a book! 6mo
batsy Reggie you need to write a memoir and then a novel and ASAP please 😁💜 6mo
TrishB 😂😂 go for it! 6mo
julesG 😍😍 Really enjoyed this whole post. Do write a laundromat romance, please. 6mo
vivastory I'm so happy that I live in this universe where there is a horror loving Reggie with terrific stories like this. Never change, friend 💙 6mo
rwmg @ruthiella @bookzombie My Beautiful Laundrette? (edited) 6mo
Centique Dont change our Reggie please and thank you! PS just imagine when that girl has kids with her meet cute they grow up to be a goth lesbian art historian and a pot smoking truant surfer dude who both school her on having a wider world view. I say this as i have a kitchen full of goth lesbians baking brownies right now 😂 6mo
Reggie @Centique goth lesbians baking brownies sounds like great time and a great title for a short story. Can I ask? Is the daughter one of them or is she friends with them? 6mo
Centique @Reggie the daughter is currently undecided but the majority of her friends are queer - and kick ass - and good at baking which is a plus! 6mo
Rissreads Awwwww Reggie, she has really lucked out not getting to know you. Her loss! And yes you really need to write a book. It would be an instant best seller! ♥️ 5mo
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John Paul Brammer is an advice columnist for Grinder that starts off as a spoof and then gains traction as more and more letters come in prompting him to cull from his personal life leading to shared universal experiences that are super self aware, funny at times, and touching at others, all well written which means that after this long ass sentence: It‘s a pick!!!! So glad queer books like this exist. 🏳️‍🌈

Smrloomis I loved reading this one and enjoyed it so much. I hope he writes more books/thoughtful advice for others. He‘s great! 6mo
sarahbarnes ♥️♥️♥️ 6mo
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This Wretched Valley | Jenny Kiefer
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A liminal space horror story. 2 college students and 2 rock climbers will go in search of an undiscovered climbing space only to never return. You find this out in the first chapter. The rest is their story. I liked this purely based on this wretched valley that is the main character. However what‘s missing here is characterization. There‘s a guy who loves his dog, a girl who likes to climb, a girl who‘s a biologist, and some guy who might as👇🏼

Reggie well be a mediocre potato chip. Like people are arguing later on in the book and I‘m thinking there‘s no love triangle to base this in, no unrequited lust, no we were childhood best friends, no post-graduate frenemies history or just something to ground them to the reader. Still an ok pick. (edited) 6mo
batsy The concept sounds so interesting! Alas, not the walking, talking potato chip 😂 6mo
Rissreads Walking mediocre potato 🥔 chip! 🤣🍟 (edited) 6mo
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vivastory A mediocre potato chip lol 6mo
TrishB Great description 😁 6mo
Leftcoastzen You have inspired me to write a short story about a mediocre potato chip!😁 6mo
Reggie @batsy @Rissreads @vivastory @TrishB People are saying this is a comp to The Ruins and I get it with the wilderness horror, but The Ruins was DRIPPING in characterization. 6mo
Reggie @Leftcoastzen I hope that in the story they have a breakthrough and maybe become salty, maybe bitter at time wasted, or they fall in love and become sweet. And somehow they do a dna test and find out they come from a sweet potato. lol 6mo
Rissreads Hilarious! 😆 😹 🤣 I do love a sweet potato 🍠 6mo
Bookzombie I took a screenshot of this somewhere to add to my TBR. I do that a lot. I will temper my expectations. I loved The Ruins. 6mo
Reggie @Bookzombie Margie you staying warm? I‘m glad your work is from home. 6mo
Bookzombie @Reggie Yes, it‘s not been that bad, but definitely nice to work from home. We have had snow, but not anywhere near what other places had. Everything pretty much keeps functioning. Do you get snow in Espanola? 6mo
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My 1st book in my #24in24. I thought this collection was amazing. All the stories had a bite to them, full of anger and despair. There were 3 that had to do with how the line between having a life and having a job blurs and next thing you know your life is the job. The most affecting were the ones about race, abortion, and school shootings. Not easy stories but ones that will stick with you long after. Thanks again, Scott. Pick!

CarolynM I missed the original #24in24 post but I‘m on it now, so thanks for that🙂 By the way I see one of my favourite romances at the top of your right hand stack. Hope you like it 6mo
Jas16 Oooh! There are some books I really loved in your stack. 6mo
marleed Great stack! 6mo
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AmyG Some great books. I loved Leave the World Behind. Curious what you will think of it. 6mo
vivastory I could blow up your comments section just talking about the truly excellent stack of books (some read & loved, quite a few on my TBR). I'm so happy that this one worked so well for you. There are several stories in here that I think about on a regular basis. 6mo
Reggie @CarolynM I‘ll make that my next book! February/Valentines is close and it wouldn‘t hurt to get in the mood. 6mo
Reggie @Jas16 thanks for the inspiring challenge. 6mo
Reggie @marleed Thanks! 6mo
Reggie @AmyG Everyone has been talking about the movie at work so I kinda wanted to get to it. 6mo
AmyG The book is MUCH better. The movie is a bit different than the book….and imho not in a good way. 6mo
Bookzombie Most of these are on my TBR. Maeve Fly and Camp Damascus are the ones I have read. I will be interested to see your reviews of all. 🙂 6mo
Rissreads I have this book on my tbr. I‘ll get to it eventually! 5mo
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WTF @vivastory ! The Finkelstein 5 is a knockout. What a way to start a collection. Thank you my friend for the books and the bookmark.

LeahBergen 😆 6mo
vivastory 💙 It keeps getting better 6mo
merelybookish Lol. Best reviews on Litsy. 6mo
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batsy Hahaha! Love it. 6mo
Reggie @vivastory so I‘ve been binge watching Beat Bobby Flay because now I have Philo because it‘s the cheapest option to watch the new season of Drag Race. Anyways they do those chef interviews where they say I‘m so and so and I‘ve worked my whole life working my way up and through to become head executive chef of so and so. I‘m here because my success has come with a lot of sacrifice to my kids, my marriage and my friends. If I beat Bobby Flay it 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie will mean it was all worth it. And part of me wonders if that day beating Bobby Flay would be better spent with those kids, that wife, those friends. The retail stories in here have really paired well with those chef interviews. Lol 6mo
Rissreads Hey @Reggie have you tried all the Aussie delicacies yet? I‘m dying to know what you think! 6mo
Reggie @Rissreads I have not. Last month my sugars were averaging 300 so I went on this carnivore diet where I‘m eating nothing but beef, salt, and water until April1st because I‘m also in this diet competition at work where the prize is $500. So I‘m saving the box for April 1st my official first cheat day. The good news is that my sugars have been normal for 2 weeks and people at work are saying I look slimmer so Yay! But I promise you I will eat 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie that box on April 1st. Also for context, I‘m diabetic. So that‘s why I needed this diet. (edited) 6mo
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A Wild Winter Swan: A Novel | Gregory Maguire
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I picked this up at the library because they said they were doing a bookclub on it tomorrow and it was only 230pgs. Of which the last 80 were only the good ones. Oh man I hate read that first 150. It‘s Coming of age, Laura has just been kicked out her school. She‘s been raised by her Italian immigrant grandparents because her father and brother are dead and her mother has never recovered. It‘s Christmas and the household is getting ready for👇🏼

Reggie an important Xmas dinner when a boy with one swan arm and one regular arm crashes into the side of her bedroom wall during a winter storm. A great 80 pages does not rescue this from so-so. But I get to go to bookclub now! 🙌🏽 6mo
sarahbarnes Another great review! 🩵😆 6mo
quietlycuriouskate Happy bookclubbing! 😊 6mo
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Centique Fingers crossed that there were some kindred spirits at the bookclub 🤞🤞 6mo
Rissreads I love your commitment! 🤣 (edited) 6mo
Reggie @sarahbarnes @quietlycuriouskate @Centique @Rissreads so sad news. I went to bookclub and I guess I saw the time wrong. I showed up 5 minutes until one and they had started at 12 and were just about to finish. But they let me say my thoughts on the book. And as soon as I finished this man straight across from me says-I felt the opposite in every way you felt about this book. We locked eyes and I marked him as my READING NEMESIS! lol he was 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie real nice about it. I got next months book and am looking forward to it. There was 9 of us, 2 of the women had binders. They were serious and pretty cool. 6mo
quietlycuriouskate Well that went from "Oh no!" to "Oh wow!" in very short order, Reggie! ? 6mo
Centique Every good story needs a hero and a NEMESIS! 😂 Im glad you have one! Look forward to the next instalment of Book Club Zombies Take Over the Library. 😍 6mo
Rissreads So what is the next book? This bookclub sounds very intimidating! 😳 6mo
Reggie @Rissreads Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman is our next book. I think the women with the binders and there was one woman with a book journal, I think they‘re just very organized people. Albuquerque has 9 libraries and I found one that has a fright night bookclub that I‘m also gonna try to make so that‘s exciting! 6mo
Reggie @Centique @Rissreads so I went to bookclub today and the same man was there, my nemesis. He went after me and said the exact opposite of everything I said. It was hilarious until he mentioned that we brought up slavery. Because in this novel it‘s in the periphery in one of the sections. AND THEN he says that ‘if I was getting paid room and board maybe I would never leave. That doesn‘t sound so bad.‘ Spoken like a true Fox News person. Omg. He 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie also mentioned that he had an ex wife and I couldn‘t help but think she had escaped. And that if he had enough money he would have one of those mail order brides. Someone he could control. Besides him everyone else was great. Even though I didn‘t like it there was a cuddly looking guy next to me who said he reading the rest of them cause he loved the book. And it made me happy for him. There was a lady there with her binder giving us all the 👇🏼 6mo
Reggie backstory to Salem, and there was another lady who printed out a recipe from the book. And another one who played us a song from the book on her laptop. Overall I enjoyed it. Also, there was this woman named Delores who was old and she was a battle axe about how much she didn‘t like this book and I adored her. lol. 6mo
Rissreads @reggie this book club sounds BONKERS! I have a feeling the members are way more interesting than the books! You need to write all this down. It‘s gold! Write a screen play! Which book club character can my daughter play? 🤣 You are braver than me, I think this book club may be a little too anxiety inducing for me. They all obviously take it so seriously! Cuddly guy sounds nice and what a gorgeous way to describe someone! 6mo
Rissreads Nemesis/Fox News guy sounds like he just loves the sound of his own voice! 🤮 So what‘s the next book? I hope it‘s better than the last 2! Who gets to pick? Do you take it in turns or are they already set? Does the bookclub have a theme? (edited) 6mo
Centique @Reggie oh my god your nemesis is AWFUL! I read that bit to my husband and daughter & cue Massive Jawdropping 😳 Just imagine you have us as an audience behind you GASPING at every awful thjng he says. As @Rissreads says what a great screenplay this would be. Fingers crossed that cuddly guy is not Ted Bundy. 😂 (I really really hope that cuddly guy is NICE! A tiny bit boring cos predictable is preferable to exciting in the apocalypse- but NICE) 6mo
Centique @Reggie also this is the best book club update ever! Thank you for updating us 💕💕 Hope work is not too manic and the world is being kind and the winter is not blizzarding you 😘 6mo
Reggie @Rissreads @Centique the lady told me they can only pick so many books because to be able to have bookclub they have to have so many copies of a book and have it also in different formats. Our next book is called The Paris Library. I think they have the next couple of books picked out. I think once you‘ve been there a while you get a turn. Rissa, we would have to doctor up your daughter about 40 years to play anyone in this group. I‘m the 👇🏼 5mo
Reggie youngest one by 10-15 years at least. Paula, cuddly guy should be afraid of me! lol, after I told them I read horror he asked for a rec and I gave him one. I look forward to the next bookclub. 5mo
Rissreads @Reggie so you are the spring 🐥 chicken of the group! They can do amazing things with makeup and prosthetics these days! 🤣 (edited) 5mo
Reggie @Rissreads if they can give Nicole Kidman that nose in The Hours they can do anything. 5mo
Rissreads @Reggie I laughed out loud when I read you recommended a horror book to cuddly guy! He doesn‘t know what he is in for! How long until the next book club? I can‘t wait to hear what he thinks! Maybe I should join a new random book club? Yours is so interesting! I need a bit of crazy in my life! 5mo
Reggie @Rissreads It‘s the 2nd Friday of every month. You should start one at your library. See how it goes. I bet there‘d be interest. There‘s also a horror bookclub that I went to this past month on the 1st Thursday of every month and that was good, too. 5mo
Centique Oh wow! I hope cuddly guy likes the book recc 🤞🤞💕 5mo
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Boys Weekend | Mattie Lubchansky
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Came to return books and saw this on a display. I loved this. Sammie, a trans woman, is best man at her college friend‘s bachelor weekend at an anything goes, in the future, in the middle of the ocean resort. While grappling with the fact that her buddies haven‘t caught up to who she is now, Sammie starts to notice that not all is right at the resort. There are a lot of details to love in here. The itinerary, the capitalism in here was👇🏼

Reggie suffocating and the part where they have to hunt clones of themselves. Only, Sammie‘s is the guy she used to be. Some powerful stuff. Pick! (edited) 6mo
psalva I‘ve got this on my library stack across from me as I write this! I‘m excited to get to it :) 6mo
BarbaraBB Sounds great. I thought I‘d skip it but now I am hesitating again! 6mo
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Reggie @psalva I think you will love it Peter. I cried at the end. 6mo
Reggie @BarbaraBb Idk how it will go for you. There‘s some cosmic horror in here and all the illustrations remind me of the Simpsons. The story and details did it for me. 6mo
Megabooks I loved this too!! Agree with the Groening influence. Very Futurama-like. 6mo
Reggie @Megabooks one of my favorite things in some books explore friendships that have to die sometimes because they no longer are healthy. This is one of those books. Also Loved the message at the end that sometimes you have to save yourself. When the worker turns out to be her before transition…..oof. 6mo
Kenyazero Library finds are my favorite! This sounds like a super fun read 🤩 6mo
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I thought this was going to be fluff. I had no idea it would be so charming, funny, romantic, and have some mystery with a couple dashes of danger. Two gentleman in the early 19th century England lovers to enemies and back to lovers. There were times I was reading this at work and was cursing the clock that I had to go back from break already. Pick!

LeahBergen I like the cover! 7mo
Reggie @LeahBergen It is serene yet fetching. 7mo
LeahBergen Just like you and me. 😜 7mo
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Centique KJ Charles forever 🙌 I havent read this one yet but will do! 7mo
Centique PS saw Poor Things this week and loved it. Wish it had been even stranger - kind of pulls back a bit from the strange towards the end. Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo are So Good. Love to hear your opinion if you see it. Definitely not horror or v gorey though so dont expect too much going in! 7mo
batsy Oh, a KJ Charles with a lovely cover. I need to read this. I loved this series 7mo
CarolynM K J Charles is SO good! Her latest is the follow up to this one and I liked it even more 7mo
Reggie @Centique I‘m on my weekend and haven‘t been to the movies in forever so im gonna give it a go. I‘ll go see Poor Things. Also this was my first KJ so I‘m excited for the backlist. 6mo
Reggie @batsy @CarolynM Libby only had this one but luckily for me Hoopla has them all, so yay! Lol. This was so well rounded. It had a little of everything. 6mo
Reggie @BarbaraBB chica my phone is going crazy and I accidentally erased your comment but it was good. Give it a shot. 6mo
BarbaraBB I think I will, trusting your judgment! (edited) 6mo
Centique @Reggie 😘 6mo
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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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I loved this book. A family that owns a farm is stuck together during the pandemic. While picking cherries the mother will tell her 3 daughters about that summer she dated a movie star. This is about the look back you have on your life and realize how much you didn‘t know and all the avenues you could have taken and the ones you didn‘t take. So good. It‘s about mother and daughters, even that one who eats your lunch during their hormonal rage👇🏼

Reggie teenage years. (❤️Emily) So happy to have read this. Now sometime this year I have to read Our Town. Pick! 7mo
Kristin_Reads I loved this one, too! Our Town is a quick read and I found it really enhanced my experience of TL. 7mo
Librarybelle It was so good! One of my favorites from last year! 7mo
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Lesliereadsalot I loved this book too! 7mo
TrishB Loved this too ❤️ 7mo
sarahbarnes Great review! I really need to read this one. 7mo
vivastory The Dutch House was one of my favorite reads of November 7mo
squirrelbrain One of my favourites of last year! ❤️ 7mo
BarbaraBB Like @sarahbarnes I really need to read it !! 7mo
TheLudicReader You absolutely must read Our Town.❤️ 7mo
merelybookish Reading it now! On audio. Meryl Streep is the narrator. 7mo
sarahbarnes @merelybookish Meryl Streep?! That sounds very fun. 7mo
sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB I‘ve somehow never read anything by her! 7mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I did and I didn‘t like her books as much as everyone else does but I do have high hopes for this one. 7mo
Reggie @Kristin_Reads @TheLudicReader One if my libraries has a book of his 3 plays, one of which is Our Town so I just have to wait for the ice to melt to go get it. 7mo
Reggie @Librarybelle @Lesliereadsalot @TrishB @squirrelbrain She really has a delicate and deft hand when writing families that just comes off so beautifully. 7mo
Reggie @BarbaraBB you‘re missing out. And I‘m shocked I got to this one before you. 😁 7mo
Reggie @sarahbarnes this is my 3rd of hers. Loved Commonwealth by her. Did not care for State of Wonder. I had to go watch the movie, Congo, to erase State of Wonder from my brain. But she‘s an impeccable writer. I‘ll still read another of hers. 7mo
Reggie @vivastory I heard it was great. And it‘s available on Libby but I want to wait. Maybe in the summer or the fall. When I was reading this I felt like my breathing got deeper. And I was more relaxed. So good. Hope you like it. 7mo
BarbaraBB Lol maybe because of wasn‘t too much of a fan of Bel Canto and that one with the oranges on the cover 😊 7mo
Reggie @merelybookish I think that sounds awesome. I love that movie where she‘s a divorced mother of 3. She runs a bakery and Steve Martin is the contractor she starts to date. But then she cheats on him with her ex played by Alex Baldwin. This had those same vibes because of her relationship with the children. 7mo
Centique I have this one on hold on Libby - your review is gorgeous 😘😘 7mo
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@vivastory thanks for putting this in my radar. This was fun. 5 women invited are invited to a writer‘s retreat. It is run by a female author who is huge yet has this aura of mystery to her. It‘s being hosted at an estate in the middle of nowhere. There is story upon story upon story in here and I couldn‘t stop chuckling at the inventiveness of the author and the audacity of a character in here. This could also be a queer novel. It‘s a pick!

erzascarletbookgasm Sounds fun. Will look it up in my library 7mo
vivastory This was such a fun, wild ride. Glad you dug it! 7mo
Reggie @erzascarletbookgasm I hope you like it. I think for an author it‘s hard enough to write AtoZ sometimes but then this author turned every letter into a doorway. And behind every door there was a story. It was pretty cool. 7mo
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Reggie @vivastory lol Roza Vallo, that crazy lady. 7mo
batsy I thought it was fun, too. My main complaint is that it could have been more batshit 😆 7mo
TrishB Great review- I‘ll keep my eye out for this 👍🏻 7mo
Reggie @batsy yes I agree because I felt like I was in the audience of an early 90s talk show like Sally Jesse Raphael, Donahue, or Geraldo, but we hadn‘t devolved into the 2000s and beyond level of real housewives of crazy, throwing the fake arm on a table of craziness. Totally agree. lol 7mo
Reggie @TrishB even though there is murder in here and an estate with a really terrible history, it still felt light. I hope you like it if you pick it up. 7mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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These are my top 11 for the year. Our Share of Night is my favorite of the year. Cult, coming of age, a haunted house, fraught father son relationship, and an author who knows how to plant seeds throughout the book that turn into some great surprises. Fruiting Bodies, every story was a dark indulgent sorbet. Needful Things because King is King and he can make me laugh and horrify me and he just really knows people. Happy New Year Littens!

AmyG 🥳 Happy New Year! 7mo
Jas16 Happy New Year Reggie 7mo
Ruthiella Happy New Year! 🥳 7mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Happy New Year! 🎊 7mo
sarahbarnes Pew and Fruiting Bodies! 😍 I am interested in Our Share of Night. 7mo
Megabooks Happy new year!! 🍾🎉 7mo
Bookzombie Screenshot! Happy New Year! 7mo
Rissreads Pew, was soooooooo good! Happy 2024 Reggie. I sent you a parcel and it says it arrived Saturday. Have you got it? 7mo
batsy Happy New Year, Reggie! 🥂💜 7mo
AnneCecilie Happy new year 🎆 7mo
julieclair Happy New Year! 🎆🎉 7mo
RohitSawant Happy New Year! 🥂🎆 7mo
Suet624 I‘m glad Pew made it on the list. Happy New Year!! 7mo
vivastory Fantastic list, Reggie! Several on here that have been on my TBR & a few that I have been meaning to read for awhile now. 7mo
GatheringBooks Belated Happy New Year, dearest Reggie. Here‘s hoping the holiday had been kind and brought you new great reads. Sending hugs your way! 6mo
61 likes15 comments
Freddy Krueger | Kenny Abdo
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So I had to work tonight and people are crazy. I have to work tomorrow. My only saving Grace is that they have the tvs on the SyFy channel and A Nightmare on Elm Street came on. lol. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my Litten friends.

Ruthiella Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you Reggie. 🎄I‘m sorry you have to work over the holiday. Hopefully the workday will pass quickly. 🤞 7mo
batsy Merry Christmas to you, Reggie 🎄 Hope you can get some time off soon! 7mo
erzascarletbookgasm Happy holidays! Hope you‘ll get to enjoy and relax on your off days soon. 7mo
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LeahBergen Merry Christmas, Reggie! I hope you get some well deserved time off very soon. 😘😘 7mo
Chrissyreadit Merry Christmas Hope more good movies come on! 7mo
quietlycuriouskate Merry Christmas, Reggie! 7mo
Jess Merry Christmas! Hope the day does smoothly. 7mo
AmyG Yep, people are crazy. May they be less so today. Merry Christmas, my friend. 🎄😘 (edited) 7mo
Mollyanna Merry Christmas Reggie! Hopefully people won‘t be as crazy today. 🎄 7mo
TheBookgeekFrau Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎅🏼 and may the crazy give you a break today 🤞🏼🤞🏼 7mo
Bookzombie That seems like a perfect Christmas Eve movie to me. 😏 7mo
dabbe MC! 💙❄️💙 7mo
CarolynM Merry Christmas Reggie🎄💕 Hope your work included some Christmas cheer. 7mo
vivastory I hope that you get some time off soon! May any a-hole customers get the dreams that they deserve *MWAHAHA* (edited) 7mo
Rissreads Merry Christmas Reggie, don‘t let the crazies get you down. I hope you get some time off soon to curl up with a good book! ♥️💚 7mo
AnnR Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (Sorry, I didn't see your post until now. I hope your holiday was better than expected. (Freddy Kreuger totally gave me nightmares during my school years. Yikes) 7mo
Centique OMG that sucks working Christmas. I have done Boxing Day in retail many times and thought “what is wrong with you people?!!!” I hope you have recovered from it now. Are you getting a break? NZ basically shuts down from Christmas to about January 10 cos its summer holiday and Christmas all at once. 7mo
Rissreads Hey Reggie did you get a parcel from me yesterday? It‘s saying it‘s been delivered. I‘m a bit worried something has gone wrong! 7mo
Reggie @Rissreads I‘m so sorry I just went to the mail. I did get it. Sorry I didn‘t message sooner but work has been whooping me this week. Thank you for the box!!! I‘m excited to try the Tim Tams. Also, I‘ve never had vegemite so I‘m excited! Thanks so much Rissa. Happy New Year! 7mo
Rissreads I‘m so glad you got it. I could just envision a neighbour lying on their couch enjoying all your goodies! I‘m excited to see what you think! ♥️ 7mo
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