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Carrie | Stephen King
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You don't really need a synopsis for this book do you? OK, how about bullied teenager uses telekinetic powers to get revenge at the prom.

After reading several of King's other books & not liking them, I decided to finally read one of his books that most people seem to rave about (to see if the problem was the particular books I'd read before) & it was.....ok. It wasn't bad but it wasn't earth-shatteringly good either.

OutsmartYourShelf It was mercifully quite short (I read The Stand & that was tough going) so the author didn't have quite as much time to go all around the houses instead of getting to the point. I skipped the pig killing scene. 3⭐

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6936359474
Read 19th-20th Oct 2024

#Flerken #HauntedShelf 471 points
Librarybelle I‘m not a King reader, but I‘m not a horror reader either…I have way too vivid of an imagination! 22h
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TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 20h
PuddleJumper 🧡🖤🧡 17h
The_Book_Ninja I‘m not a fan of his books. Way too much waffle 15h
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Battle Royale | Koushun Takami
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A coachload of junior high school students are kidnapped off a 'school trip', their teacher is killed, & they are taken to a deserted island. There they are told that they are this year's 'Battle Royale' & they have to kill each other until just one is left alive. The students will be given backpacks with limited supplies, there is no way off the island, & phones will not work. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Add to this, they have metal bands around their necks that if they try to remove them or they are caught in a prohibited zone, it will explode killing them instantly. The students each face a choice: should they try to band together & figure a way out, or play the game & hope to be the winner?

This is an action-packed read but somehow it doesn't seem that fast-paced.
OutsmartYourShelf I'm not sure if it is because it is a translation from the original, but it seemed a little stilted in style, but it was still very readable. There are a staggering 46 deaths in this books - most of them students. - & it's interesting to see the shifting loyalties of those who try to band together versus those who start playing the game straight away. 2w
OutsmartYourShelf Some of it did seem a little contrived: the backpacks were supposed to have been given out randomly & yet the obvious psychopath received a machine gun whilst the others had weapons ranging from handguns, & boomerangs, to flick knives. Seems rather one-sided. Perhaps that is the point? It has been suggested that this was a precursor to 'The Hunger Games' & I can certainly see where certain elements are similar. 2w
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OutsmartYourShelf I would say this one slightly edges it on brutality & stone-cold killing. Definitely worth reading. 4🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1142934532
Read 1st - 8th Oct 2024

#Flerken #HauntedShelf 1650 points
Words Found - crisp, ghost, dark, night, read, nibble.

#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo @puddlejumper
#RedTaylorsVersion @emilymdxn
#31by31 @catsandbooks
#SupernaturalBookBingo (Crossroads)
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 1w
Librarybelle Hooray!! 1w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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October #BookSpin list! Lots of buddy reads, my usual slots for #192025 picks, and lots of titles that feel seasonally-appropriate to me. Looking forward to seeing what numbers are drawn tomorrow!

*Last-minute edit to swap in parts 1-2 of Crime & Punishment for #torturedpoetsbookclub #CAPbuddyread 🎉 (or maybe the celebration emoji is the wrong one for that particular book! 😂)

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3w
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A Fall of Moondust | Arthur C. Clarke
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This story about a tourist shuttle trapped in a sea of dust on the moon seemed somewhat dated, in that the roles of men and women reflect very much those of the time. However, it was still a very good hard science-fiction story with a lot of tension, as the shuttle's occupants and scientists on the outside work on a rescue.

#ClassicLSFBC @RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella
#192025 #1961 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Hooray! 3w
Ruthiella Nice review! 👍 3w
37 likes2 comments
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Who would have thought Meg‘s easy-going, carefree brother, Rob, would create a million dollar computer game?? Turns out he did! (With help from savvy advisors and employees) But there is something sinister simmering at his new company, and he asks Meg to see if she can figure out what the trouble is and how to fix it.
#2003 for #192025

Librarybelle Hooray!! 3w
24 likes1 comment
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This was a better book than the first in the series. The plot was much more interesting & moved at a slightly faster pace. Jack Barak is also an improvement on Shardlake's previous assistant, Mark Poer, although he is still a little rough around the edges. It was lovely to see Guy again - now the owner of an apothecary shop - & I hope he will be a recurring character. He seems to be the only one with a lick of sense!

OutsmartYourShelf I would like to warn anyone who has triggers from animal cruelty/death that there are several references in this book to those subjects although they are mercifully quite brief. For example, Shardlake reluctantly heads to a bear baiting but thankfully chooses to go for a walk instead so the reader is spared most of that spectacle. This is one part of life that I would not like to see if time travel were possible. 3w
OutsmartYourShelf Overall though, I\\\'m thinking that this series will continue to improve. 3.5🌟

TWs: animal cruelty, animal death, violence, death, misogyny, ableism.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4092301616
Read 29 Aug - 27 Sept 2024

#192025 (2004) @LibraryBelle
#Readaway2024 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @andrew65
#ShardlakeSeriesBR @dabbe
(edited) 3w
Librarybelle I‘m really enjoying this one! 3w
dabbe Excellent review and warning about the horrors in Tudor England. Looking forward to our discussion! 🧡🤎💛 3w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Part of me loved the bits of humor in the book. Another part of me honestly had no clue what was going on sometimes—to be fair to the book, I was distracted a lot while reading, so may have missed info. I plan to read this again in the future to see what I may have missed. But, I leave this list feeling a bit let down. Oh well! #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade #192025 #1927

rubyslippersreads I don‘t think I‘d reread this one, but I‘d definitely try more by the author. 4w
Librarybelle @rubyslippersreads I‘d try another one of hers too, probably sooner than I would reread this one. 4w
62 likes2 comments
I, Robot | Isaac Asimov
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It's been a while since I've done a #192025 update. These are the slots I've filled, in the past few months. I've completed 75 of the 106 prompts!

psalva I‘m intrigued. Can you tell me more about this? I haven‘t heard about it but I‘m assuming it‘s a reading challenge. I‘d love to know what it‘s about. 4w
Librarybelle Oh! You‘re so close! Great job! 4w
Librarybelle @psalva The #192025 challenge encourages reading a book originally published each year from 1920 to 2025. I started it in 2022, I think, and it ends December 31, 2025. I have the challenge also on Storygraph for easy tracking. 4w
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psalva @Librarybelle Cool! It sounds like a fun challenge. 4w
Librarybelle @psalva It has been fun, and I have plans to restart it as a #192030 challenge closer to 2026. 4w
psalva @Librarybelle awesome! I‘ve joined up on Storygraph, although I may not get very far :) I love joining challenges anyways so we‘ll see how I get along. 4w
kwmg40 @psalva @Librarybelle I\'m really enjoying this challenge. I made it more difficult for myself by requiring a different author for every slot, but that has led to my discovering many authors new to me and it\'s been a fun experience. I\'ll definitely be ready for another round by 2026! 4w
Librarybelle I‘ve enjoyed this so much too, @kwmg40 ! I have used the same author for multiple years, but I‘ve still discovered new to me authors and have loved seeing the changes in writing styles over the years. Glad you found the challenge, @psalva , on Storygraph! 4w
willaful The Native Heath is my 1954 too. :-) 4w
Ruthiella I‘m so pleased to see both #ClassicLSFBC and #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub books displayed! It‘s a fringe benefit of both reading groups! 😅 4w
AnishaInkspill these look interesting, I Robot is on my tbr 3w
40 likes11 comments
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2024 re-read.

Not really much to add to my previous review. I did enjoy reading this one a bit more on the second time around. Maeve & Derwent's banter comes through a bit more, & Derwent seems less like a complete a**hole. I think I just hated his character from the off first time through so it blinded me to his (few) good points. I've added a half star & rated it 3.5 🌟

OutsmartYourShelf 2018 review:

Maeve Kerrigan returns for the third book in the series. This sees the family of a thoroughly unpleasant criminal defence lawyer attacked, leaving his wife and one daughter dead. There are also a couple of other subplots involving Rob and his new job, and Kerrigan\'s stalker, Chris Swain. Derwent continues to do his best to channel Gene Hunt.
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1mo
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Librarybelle I do need to read Casey‘s books! 1mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4w
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