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Joined May 2018

Retired English teacher • Lover of dogs (liker of cats) • Sherlock Holmes Fanatic • Reading is Life
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Finally finished, #hashtagbrigade. Having not read this since I was in my 20s, I was surprised to find I did not love it now as much as I did then. I still adored the sisters, Marmee, and Laurie, but I grew weary of the sanctimonious speeches of the narrator on how to be a loving wife and mother in 1800s New England. I guess as a 59-year-motherless-old lady, I didn't want or need to hear them, and there were too many. Still 💜'ed the stories.

TheBookHippie LOL I reread it every December with my Grandmas snarky comments in my head. We had so much fun reading this book together. Probs not what you‘re suppose to do with the story 😵‍💫😭🤣 7h
dabbe @TheBookHippie Now, that's a fabulous idea! I'll picture a Mrs. Grundy reading those parts. 🤩😂🤪 6h
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Read4life 💙💙💙 3h
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I can't believe it's already the last week of July. Only 58 days until the 1st day of autumn! Signed, hotter-than-hell crabbyabbe in Phoenix! 🤩

Share your joys? @Deblovestoread @poque @ jenniferw88

AnnCrystal 🙏🐕‍🦺💝💝💝💝💝. 7h
Leftcoastzen 🥵nice post . I wish your doggie well, scary. 7h
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! Give the pups a pet for me. 7h
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kspenmoll So sorry about the seizures. ❤️💙🩵 7h
dabbe @AnnCrystal 🩵💙🩵 6h
dabbe @Leftcoastzen 🩵💙🩵 6h
dabbe @Deblovestoread 🩵💙🩵 6h
dabbe @kspenmoll 🩵💙🩵 6h
ShelleyBooksie Sorry to hear about Pippa. Glad she only had 2 and they were short. You can come teach here in NB - we are in great need ♡ 6h
Cupcake12 Sending love to Pippa 🐾🐶 4h
Mimi28 Sorry to hear about Pippa- adding her to my pet prayer list 🙏🏽🫶🏽🩷 3h
Jari-chan Sending love and cuddles to Pippa and to Kate for being such a great sister ❤️ 2h
dabbe @ShelleyBooksie Moving to NB? Now that's tempting! Thanks. 🩵💙🩵 1h
dabbe @Cupcake12 🩵💙🩵 1h
dabbe @Mimi28 🩵💙🩵 1h
dabbe @Jari-chan 🩵💙🩵 1h
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Van Halen | Van Halen (Musical group), Alex Van Halen
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IndoorDame Imagine trying to get that album art approved by marketing today 🤣😅🤣 9h
dabbe @IndoorDame And I don't know how that makes me feel! It's like when I see bars all around schools these days when ours were wide open. What does that say about society today in general? 😱 8h
IndoorDame @dabbe the schools are a particularly hard one to see! 7h
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Eggs Wow I‘ve never seen this image 7h
dabbe @IndoorDame Definitely! 6h
dabbe @Eggs Kinda creepy, huh? 😱 6h
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Complete Sonnets | William Shakespeare
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IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️ 9h
dabbe @IndoorDame 🩵💙🩵 8h
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Eggs Perfect💜✨💜 1d
dabbe @Eggs Doesn't this cover just SCREAM 80s? 😂🤩🤗 1d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved them! 🎵 🐺 15h
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IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️ 1d
CaitlinR I have always loved Longfellow‘s language! Thank you for this. 1d
dabbe @IndoorDame 🩵💙🩵 1d
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dabbe @CaitlinR #metoo! His poems have such a powerful lilting quality; they're like music. 🤗 1d
dabbe @CaitlinR #metoo! His poems have such a powerful lilting quality; they're like music. 🤗 1d
TheSpineView 💜💜💜 1d
dabbe @TheSpineView 🩵💙🩵 1d
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#TLC @dabbe

9 more points than last week. I'm the worst at song titles, so the Spotify list helped. Three faves from high school/college:
1. “Every Breath You Take“: We thought then, “Sting, follow me no matter when or where.“ Until we figured out it was a stalking song.
2. “Sweet Dreams“: Not a girl in my group didn't think that Annie Lennox was sexy. #doublenegativeintended
3. “I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For“: I'm right here, Bono!

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#TLT @dabbe
This week's songs are #s 400-301 (even though the list will say 1-100).
1. Take the survey at https://bit.ly/4ff1T6T
2. Share your results (if you wanna). 😊
3. Share three favorites from the list or three you hate (just to be different). 😀
4. Tag 3 people, and yer done! 🤩
Link to Spotify Playlist for these songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MabJCLMyvcBHHT0zSUHdJ

Tagging who played last week; I'll post my answers, too!

Eggs I‘m in 👂🏻 2d
TrishB 77 ❤️ will try and remember to do post later! 2d
Read4life 🎵🎶🎵 2d
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wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 2d
thebacklistbook 37/100 some I wanted to click because I know the group but that wasn't the right song for me to know. 2d
kspenmoll 44/100- seems to be my score often! 2d
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag!💛🏷 2d
CBee 72 😊 Major favorite that stood out is “Visions of Johanna” by Dylan ♥️♥️ 2d
dabbe @Eggs 🤩 2d
dabbe @TrishB Ya beat my butt! Thanks for sharing and playing! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
dabbe @Read4life 🖤🎵🖤 2d
dabbe @thebacklistbook I would have clicked! If you know the group, that's more than enough! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
dabbe @kspenmoll That's better than the average! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2d
dabbe @CBee Ya beat my butt! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 #dylan 🖤 2d
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Not only did I forget “whodunnit“, but I forgot a LOT in this novel! My rereading is in honor of C.J. Sansom, the brilliant creator of this series, who passed away recently from cancer. Matthew Shardlake is not only our brilliant “detective,“ but he is a gloriously flawed man whose Reformation beliefs bring him to his knees in this compelling Tudor-time mystery. I did remember how much I love these books!

Fr3NcHtOaSt Might have to give this series a go. Reading the Matthew Corbett series by McCammon now and this seems like it‘d be up my alley based on these books. 2d
dabbe @Fr3NcHtOaSt I can add you to our list if you'd like! The series is a fantastic one. 🤩🤩🤩 2d
Fr3NcHtOaSt @dabbe thank you that would be great, although I won‘t be reading it right away if that is ok though? 2d
dabbe @Fr3NcHtOaSt No worries whatsoever. We're totally low-key. We take 2 months to read on book. You can read however you want; when you want to see a discussion, just go to #ShardlakeSeriesBR. 🤩😀🤗 2d
Fr3NcHtOaSt @dabbe thank you so much 1d
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So, is anyone beeking today? Not me. I'm AC'ing it as it's currently 108ºF with 33% humidity. 🔥

Texreader Oh yikes!! 2d
Texreader I‘m in quite cool London for another day. I am very sympathetic though. I feel it all the way here. 2d
AmyG No 2d
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dabbe @Texreader 🩵💙🩵 2d
dabbe @AmyG No to beeking or no to my weather? 😂😂😂 2d
lil1inblue I'll do some beeking for you. It's only 65 F here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula! If I don't beek, it's actually a little chilly! 😂 😉 2d
AmyG Ha! No to both! 2d
TheSpineView I am beeking today! It is only 90 here today. However, the humidity is around 70%. You leave the AC and the humidity just clings to you like a second skin. 🥵 2d
Cuilin With those conditions you‘re beeking without your consent. 🥵 2d
kspenmoll No beeking here! Just clouds! 2d
TEArificbooks My beeking only happens after the sun goes down. As long as the sun isn‘t bearing down the heat feels good for about 5 minutes, warms the bones. Temps dropped about 10-15 degrees this week because it has been cloudy. We aren‘t getting wet, the rain is staying on the mountains but I like the temp drop. 108 feels good after 115+ for weeks. Still getting heat sick every time we leave the house. 2d
dabbe @lil1inblue Thanks! I'll be beeking more in the late fall/winter. 🤩😂😀 2d
dabbe @AmyG Gotcha! 🤩😂😘 2d
dabbe @TheSpineView What a perfect description--I can feel the sweat sliding down my back! 🥵 2d
dabbe @Cuilin Well said! #bwmc (beeking without my consent) 😂😂😂 2d
dabbe @kspenmoll 🤩😂😀 2d
dabbe @TEArificbooks Same here. Are you in Phoenix, too? And why don't I know that? 🤔 2d
TEArificbooks No, An hour outside of Death Valley as a crow flies. 2d
dabbe @TEArificbooks Did I know that? If so, my brain has officially melted by #bwmc (beeking without my consent). You win the prize for hottest place on the planet. #thepainisreal🔥 2d
CBee If I beeked here I‘d possibly melt. The temps have been cooler as it‘s been raining every day, but the humidity ain‘t playin 😳😳😳 2d
dabbe @CBee Looks like we'll both be beeking in autumn! 🤩😂🤗 2d
Bookwormjillk Too humid here to beek much, but I‘m dreaming of September. 2d
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Thanks for the tags, @Eggs and @The_Penniless_Author! 🤩🤩🤩

1. I called myself CrabbyAbbe as a high school English teacher (my students LOVED it), so I almost named myself that, but Matt wanted me to get away from any negative talk about myself (even if in jest), so it's just dabbe for Denise Abbe. 🤷‍♀️
2. I've tried audiobooks, but I just can pay attention.
3. Book: DISSOLUTION by C.J. Sansom. 💙'ed it the 2nd time around, too!

kspenmoll CrabbyAbbe ! I can see why Hs students loved this! (edited) 2d
dabbe @kspenmoll I used it a LOT like this: “You need to edit your essays because you don't want CrabbyAbbe to go gangsta-style on your papers with her red-not-purple pen!“ 🤩😂😀 2d
Eggs Reminds me of Mrs Crabapple (Cra bopple) on the Simpsons🤣 2d
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Eggs Thanks for joining in 🥳🥳 2d
dabbe @Eggs 🤩😂🤗 2d
dabbe @Eggs For you? #always 🩵💙🩵 2d
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Thanks for the tag, @peaKnit! 😘
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4Llife @TieDyeDude

My older sister and her husband moved away from hotter-than-hell Phoenix to breezy Beaverton, Oregon, to be close to their two grandkids. The picture shows a welcome card to them made by said grandkids + a little plant. I'll miss her bunches, but I'm thrilled that they'll get to see those kids grow up. 💙🩵💙

Share? @TheLudicReader @PageShifter

peaKnit Oh that is so special, pulling up stakes to be by the grandkids. My grandma and then my mom were the most special grandparents, that relationship means so much ❤️ (edited) 2d
kspenmoll How wonderful! 2d
dabbe @peaKnit 🩵💙🩵 2d
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dabbe @kspenmoll 🩵💙🩵 2d
Read4life Such a special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. And I‘m sure your wonderful relationship with your sister will stay strong. 💙 2d
dabbe @Read4life Thanks, m'dear. 🩵💙🩵 2d
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Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words | Malka Marom, Joni Mitchell
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“Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair“ ... 💙💙💙

lil1inblue Oh, Joni! How she speaks to my soul. 😍 2d
IndoorDame 💙💙💙 2d
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kspenmoll 💙💙💙 2d
sarahbarnes Love 🩵🩵🩵 2d
Eggs She‘s one of a kind-all great songs on this album. This formed me in college years 1970-74 and beyond💙🩵🦋🫐💙 (edited) 2d
dabbe @sarahbarnes 💙🩵💙 2d
dabbe @Eggs #goosebumps 💙🩵💙 2d
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Terra Firma: Poems | Thomas Centolella
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TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 2d
dabbe @TheSpineView 🩵💙🩵 2d
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@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 😘)

1. The Social Studies teachers always held an NCAA March Madness bracket tournament. I was usually the only “girl“ who joined. P.S. I won more times than the male teachers. 🤩
2. Most YA books by Chris Crutcher concern high school athletes struggling with huge problems. He was a fave with my students.

TheSpineView Girl power for the win!!! Thanks for playing 3d
dabbe @TheSpineView YES!!! 🤩🤩🤩 3d
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Eggs 🩵🫐🩵 3d
dabbe @Eggs #perfection 🩵💙🩵 3d
IndoorDame 🩵🩵🩵 3d
dabbe @IndoorDame 🩵💙🩵 2d
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Dearly: New Poems | Margaret Atwood
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lil1inblue 😍 😍 😍 4d
dabbe @lil1inblue 🩵💙🩵 4d
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The Valley of Fear | Arthur Conan Doyle
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#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin

Hey, Sherlockians~
We're not reading this one for a while, but it is on sale at Amazon. Just thought I'd let you know.

Librarybelle Thanks for sharing! 4d
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 4d
Blueroseis I read this one a while back and enjoyed it a lot. 3d
dabbe @Blueroseis It's been a long time since I've read it, so I'm looking forward to a reread. 🤩 2d
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Walk Two Moons | Sharon Creech
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This story involves the main 13-year-old character Sal, who is on a road trip from Ohio to Idaho with her grandparents to see her mother. A poignant read.

Karisimo Perfect! This has been on my TBR forever 4d
dabbe @Karisimo I 🩵'ed it. 🤗 4d
Daisey Great choice! I completely forgot about this one. 4d
dabbe @Daisey 🩵💙🩵 4d
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes!! 🙌🏻 🎤 🎵 🎸 5d
Eggs Blast from the past 💚🐍🤍 4d
dabbe @Eggs Seems I'm good at that ... sometimes. 🩶🐍🩶 4d
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TheSpineView Perfect! 🤩👍🌞 4d
dabbe @TheSpineView 🩵💙🩵 4d
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jdiehr The song "Joanne" makes me think of my mom 5d
dabbe @jdiehr 🩵💙🩵 5d
Eggs Pretty 🩷👒💚 5d
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dabbe @Eggs Isn't she? 💕 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love her 💗👒 5d
kspenmoll An original! 🩵💙💜 4d
dabbe @kspenmoll 🩵💙🩵 4d
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Overnight | Paul Violi
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TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 5d
dabbe @TheSpineView 💙🩵💙 5d
bthegood 💕 😄 5d
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#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin @LitsyEvents

Hi, Sherlockians~
Interesting discussion today! Next up: “The Crooked Man”; link for more information re: the story is below (with a summary--spoiler alert!). Next discussion will be on 7/27 and will be led by @Cuilin. Have a lovely week! 💚
Link: https://bit.ly/4bR8YHR

Librarybelle Thank you! 6d
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#weeklyfavorites @Read4Life

I'll post my review after our discussion on 7/31. Can't wait, Shardlakians! 🤩 #ShardlakeBR

Librarybelle I‘m almost done! It‘s so good! 6d
dabbe @Librarybelle It was like reading it for the 1st time for me; I totally forgot the ending! 🤩😂😀 6d
Read4life 💙💙💙 6d
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Mollyanna It is so good! I‘m forcing myself to only read a chapter a day to savor it. 6d
dabbe @Read4life 🩵💙🩵 6d
dabbe @Mollyanna Yay! 🩵💙🩵 6d
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Kimzey Great memories! 6d
dabbe @Kimzey 🤩🤗😀 6d
AmyG I loved this album! 6d
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Deblovestoread A classic! 6d
Eggs 🖤🛞💄💋🖤 6d
dabbe @AmyG #metoo! 🤩🤗😀 6d
dabbe @Deblovestoread 🤩🤗😀 6d
dabbe @Eggs smack💋💋💋 6d
Leftcoastzen Just what I needed 😁😉 6d
dabbe @Leftcoastzen 63 days until autumn! 🤩😂🤗 6d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe yes!!!! 🙌🏻 6d
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Spoon River Anthology | Edgar Lee Masters
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Well, I had to look her up. I love when literature makes me do this! 🤩

TheSpineView 👍🤩😍 6d
kspenmoll I love when literature makes me research too! 6d
dabbe @TheSpineView 🩵💙🩵 6d
dabbe @kspenmoll 🩵💙🩵 6d
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Librarybelle That was odd, but perhaps the Inspector was unwilling to arrest such important people in the community. It still does not seem right that it took the Inspector seeing their guilty expressions to realize they were the culprits. Leave it to Holmes to solve a crime while he is convalescing! 7d
IndoorDame I thought it was funny that the inspector was convinced by the looks on their faces not the fact that they were strangling Sherlock 😂. The familial relationship in handwriting confused me. I know handwriting analysis got a lot more weight then, and handwriting itself was more important/strictly taught/distinctive… but I couldn‘t figure out how it would be tied to families since it‘s not like parents were teaching their kids to write 7d
CogsOfEncouragement @IndoorDame Though I have not seen this consistently among families, I used to have a hard time telling the difference between my SIL‘s and MIL‘s handwriting. It is so very similar. After being familiar with their writing after a few years I was able to see the difference at a glance but not in early days. 7d
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dabbe @IndoorDame Exactly! Is handwriting a skill pre-wired in our DNA or is it a learned skill? And even though handwriting analysis was pretty new then, it seems to be not very reliable today. (edited) 7d
IndoorDame @dabbe I always took it as a learned skill. Everyone I know who learned handwriting from nuns at Catholic schools in the 1940s-70s has a certain likeness about their writing… 6d
dabbe @IndoorDame Me, too. Everyone in my family has WAY different handwriting! Some of us can barely chicken scratch! 😂 6d
Cuilin @IndoorDame remembering from my early childhood development classes, reading and writing are both learned and not innate, different from language acquisition, and talking. (edited) 5d
Cuilin @dabbe I do love a mystery that includes notes and handwriting, even though I don‘t think there‘s much science to back it up. 5d
dabbe @Cuilin I do, too! And I especially love ciphers! 5d
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CogsOfEncouragement I took it to mean, that SH was asking if manners would be a bit lax, or would he be expected to do things like dress for dinner, etc. 1w
IndoorDame It was a super unnecessary inclusion since the plot would‘ve advanced the same way if he‘d just agreed to go… I guess I figured something like he didn‘t want to be fussed over as he recovered and treated like he was fragile? 7d
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dabbe I brought this up because there have been quite a few critics who claim that Holmes & Watson had a homosexual relationship in their bachelor days--even though Watson later married. And that would have been a hard-to-handle topic back then. Others thought Holmes had always been so enamored with Irene Adler (“the“ woman) that he never wanted to be tempted by any woman ever again. Lots of other opinions out there, too, but those are two big ones. 7d
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement Excellent point. If he's going to recoup, he'd probably want to hang around in his pj's. 😀 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame And since the case that gave him a mini-breakdown made him famous all over Europe, he probably didn't want any women fawning over him. 7d
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Librarybelle Honestly, my edition (as an ebook) had the clue so tiny I could not see it clearly. I had not realized there is a name on it of a person we learn nothing about in the story. How odd! 7d
IndoorDame It was a glaringly extreme version of the Holmes knows things you don‘t feeling 😂😂😂 It kinda reads like Doyle meant to write one more scene and then decided against it. This is exactly why we invented continuity editors because things like this drive me crazy 😵‍💫 7d
dabbe @Librarybelle Very odd! 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame And at the very end of the story when Holmes is explaining how he solved the handwriting mystery. To throw in someone like that and then forget about it! C'mon, Doyle! This makes me think that this is possibly a pivotal part when Doyle shows that he's tiring of Holmes and is ready to write him off. 7d
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CogsOfEncouragement I think this one was a lot of fun. I caught on that SH was faking a fit to stop the Inspector from so stupidly saying too much to Alec. Watson‘s great concern for his dear friend‘s health clouded his confidence in SH but was best for keeping Alec confident in his perfect crime. 1w
Librarybelle I liked this and agree with @CogsOfEncouragement ..I suspected that Holmes was faking it. Fairly early on I suspected the real culprits too, which is rare for me! Interesting that there are multiple titles for this one. 7d
IndoorDame Do we know if the different titles are all from Doyle, or if they appear later from publishers putting together collections or something? 7d
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Read4life I enjoyed this one and also picked up on SH faking it and the culprits. It was a fun read. 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame My readings showed that the first title was SQUIRE in the 1st pub. in THE STRAND, possibly due to the main culprit, Alec. When published in book form, it was changed to SQUIRES for both Cunningham men. In the US publication in Harper's Weekly, it was changed to PUZZLE because Americans frown on nobility. 🤩 7d
dabbe Love all the comments above. It was a fun read, wasn't it? And of course we knew Sherlock was faking it because, well, he's Sherlock, right? 😂 7d
kelli7990 I liked this one. I didn‘t know there were 3 different titles. 6d
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Bookwormjillk Happy anniversary! 1w
Deblovestoread Happy anniversary 🍾🥂🎉 1w
TheQuietQuill Happy Anniversary! ❤️ 1w
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PurpleyPumpkin Happy anniversary! So much joy. 💜🥰 1w
dabbe @Bookwormjillk 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @Deblovestoread 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @TheQuietQuill 💜💜💜 1w
tpixie What lovely things to be grateful for! Happy Anniversary 🩷💜🩵 1w
kelli7990 Nice list! Happy anniversary! 1w
mcctrish Happy Anniversary 🥂 1w
TheBookHippie Awe!! Lovely!!! 1w
UwannaPublishme Great list! And big kudos for your NYT crossword time. Wow! 1w
kspenmoll What wonderful joys! 💛❤️ 1w
Leftcoastzen All these joys are wonderful! 1w
Mimi28 Happy anniversary!! 😊🩷🫶🏽 1w
dabbe @tpixie 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @kelli7990 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @mcctrish 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @UwannaPublishme 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @kspenmoll 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @Leftcoastzen 💜💜💜 1w
TheBookgeekFrau Happy Anniversary! 🎉🎊💜 1w
Amiable Happy anniversary! And best wishes for many more. 💙💙 1w
Cupcake12 Happy anniversary 🎉 1w
peanutnine Happy belated birthday and happy anniversary!! 🎉❤️ 1w
AnnCrystal 🎂🥳🥂💝💝💝💝💝. 1w
dabbe @TheBookgeekFrau 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @Amiable 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @Cupcake12 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @peanutnine 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @AnnCrystal 💜💜💜 1w
Daisey That‘s a pretty amazing list for this week! 😃 1w
dabbe @Daisey 💜💜💜 1w
Jari-chan Happy belated Birthday and happy Anniversary! What a week! 1w
Lesliereadsalot Such a wonderful week for you! You‘ll always remember it. 7d
bthegood happy anniversary - 🎉 7d
IndoorDame Happy anniversary! And go Pippa 💙💙💙 7d
dabbe @Jari-chan 💜💜💜 7d
dabbe @Lesliereadsalot 💜💜💜 7d
dabbe @bthegood 💜💜💜 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame 🖤🐾🖤 7d
rubyslippersreads Happy belated birthday and anniversary! 🎂🎉 6d
DebinHawaii Aww… what a wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛Happy Anniversary & Birthday! 🎉 Yay to positive pet check ups too! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 5d
dabbe @DebinHawaii 🩵💙🩵 5d
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🪑❤️📚 1w
Eggs Charming 🩶🪑💚 1w
dabbe @Eggs 🩵💙🩵 1w
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TheSpineView 😍😍😍 1w
IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️ 7d
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Look what just arrived, @Cuilin! I adore it! I can't imagine this Holmes and Watson journey without you. Thank you, dear friend. 🤎🖤🤎

Cuilin I‘m so happy it finally arrived. I am loving our Sherlock journey too. 🫶 1w
Read4life I love that!! 💙 1w
dabbe @Cuilin #thegameisafoot! 🖤🤎🖤 1w
dabbe @Read4life 🖤🤎🖤 1w
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More birthday card love. Thank you so much, @cinda.marie, @julieclair, @Catiewithac, and @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks! You made my day so special! 🩵💙🩵

And, Cinda, I can't remember the last time I had a pop-up card! It's spectacular! 🤩🤩🤩

AllDebooks Happy birthday xx 🎂 1w
dabbe @AllDebooks 🩵💙🩵 1w
cinda.marie Yay!! 🥳 1w
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Mimi28 Happy belated birthday 🎂 Sorry I didn‘t send you a card. I haven‘t gotten a chance to get to the post office 😔 1w
curiouserandcurioser @dabbe Happy Birthday🎉🎉💕 1w
vivastory Happy Birthday! 1w
dabbe @Mimi28 Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
dabbe @curiouserandcurioser Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
dabbe @vivastory Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
IuliaC Happy birthday!! 🎂 ⭐ 1w
jamield1911 Happy birthday, lovely lady 💛 1w
Deifio Happy Birthday! 🎉 1w
kspenmoll Happy birthday!!! 1w
julieclair Hope your day was grand! 1w
dabbe @IuliaC Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
dabbe @jamield1911 Thanks, m'dear! 🩵💙🩵 1w
dabbe @Deifio Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
dabbe @kspenmoll Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
dabbe @julieclair It was! Thanks! 🩵💙🩵 1w
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Harold and the Purple Crayon | Crockett Johnson
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I also had to post my favorite pre-chapter-books book. 💜🖍️💜

Eggs Such a favorite with my grands 💜💜💜 1w
dabbe @Eggs 🤩🤗😘 1w
SarahBookInterrupted I forgot about this book. 💕 1w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💜💜💜 1w
IndoorDame I LOVE this!!!! I should post my Hebrew cover for you to see 😁💜📚 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame I would love to see it! 💜💜💜 6d
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Because of course. I wouldn't have made it through college without this album or U2's JOSHUA TREE. 💜💜💜

lil1inblue Joshua Tree 🥰 1w
dabbe @lil1inblue 🤩🤗😀 1w
willaful I was just thinking about how huge this album was in my life when it came out, and wondering when that stopped being a thing that happened to me. *sniff* 1w
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dabbe @willaful #same! *snuffle* 1w
marleed I have distinct memories of the weeks following this album‘s release! 1w
dabbe @marleed 💜💜💜 1w
Eggs 💜❤️💜❤️ 1w
dabbe @Eggs 🤩😘🤗 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes!!! 💜 🕺🏾 1w
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I thought about you when posting! 🤩💜🤩 1w
IndoorDame 💜💜💜 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame 🤩💜🤗 6d
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Oh, can I relate. 😂😂😂

Suet624 Same! 1w
TheSpineView So good and so true! 👍🤩😊 1w
dabbe @Suet624 🤩😂🤗 1w
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dabbe @TheSpineView 🤩😂🤗 1w
IndoorDame 🤩🤩🤩 7d
dabbe @IndoorDame 🤩😂🤗 6d
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#TLT @dabbe

I'm actually amazed I had this many. Three faves:
1. WEST END GIRLS: Pet Shop Boys
2. BAD ROMANCE: Lady Gaga
3. UNDER PRESSURE: Queen and Bowie

All are welcome to play! Here's the survey link:

Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MabJCLMyvcBHHT0zSUHdJ

The_Penniless_Author Love West End Girls. That's an honorable mention for me too. Also have a soft spot for Under Pressure, as my daughter had to play the bass guitar part for school band. 😄🎸 1w
dabbe @The_Penniless_Author Now that would have been cool! Yay for your daughter! 🤩 1w
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#TLT @dabbe

Now, to some music, starting with #s 500-401 (even though the list will say 1-100).
1. Take the survey at https://bit.ly/46e2uSi
2. Share your results (if you wanna). 😊
3. Share three favorites from the list or three you hate (just to be different). 😀
4. Tag 3 people, and yer done! 🤩
Link to Spotify Playlist for these songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MabJCLMyvcBHHT0zSUHdJ

Tagging 3 people below. I'll post my answers, too!

CBee 70 out of 100 👏🏻👏🏻 1w
CBee Also I have a love hate relationship with “Call Me Maybe.” I hate it mostly but I also canNOT get it out of my head once it‘s in there 😂😂😭😭 1w
thebacklistbook 29/100 so far -was that album put out by the KKK? Or was some group using the name. 1w
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TheSpineView Thanks for the tag!😘💛🏷 1w
dabbe @CBee WOWZA! You beat my butt! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
dabbe @CBee #oytothevey for those kind of songs! 😂 1w
dabbe @thebacklistbook Steel Pulse is a black group who recorded “Ku Klux Klan“ in 1978. 🤩 1w
dabbe @TheSpineView 🤩😀😘 1w
thebacklistbook Ahh....that makes more sense. 1w
dabbe @thebacklistbook I had to look it up, too! 😂 1w
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@Read4Life (thanks for the tag! 😘)

After not seeing any rain since March, my sisters and I got to experience a microburst during our weekend getaway in Prescott. The picture is blurry because it's a video, but it was incredible! Temps dropped from 92º to 68ºF in a matter of minutes. We were in heaven. ☔️

ShelleyBooksie No rain since March!! I cannot even imagine. Glad you got to experience some! 1w
Read4life Wow! Sounds very cool. Thanks for sharing! 1w
dabbe @ShelleyBooksie #lifeinthedesert 🌵 That's why I have to make it to Canada some day! 🤩😂😘 1w
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dabbe @Read4life It was. 🩵💙🩵 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This DOES sound like Heaven ☔️ 1w
TEArificbooks I enjoyed my three minutes of sprinkles and 10 degree drop in temp yesterday. Last time I went through Prescott in March it rained liked that too. 1w
dabbe @TEArificbooks That's “almost“ what makes summer monsoons worth it. 😉 1w
Lesliereadsalot Hope you‘re having a blast! 1w
dabbe @Lesliereadsalot We did! It was eye-opening coming back to Phoenix, though! 😂 1w
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I'm feeling pretty otiose after the dog walk today. 104ºF, 37% humidity. 😳

AlaMich Ha! I have that word of the day thing as well. Never heard otiose before, and I feel that I have a decent vocabulary. 1w
dabbe @AlaMich I love them and the cartoons. I had never heard of it either, and I'm a retired English teacher! 😂 1w
ShelleyBooksie New word for me - love it!! @dabbe - the fact that you walked in that weather shows that you are not otiose 1w
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CBee Okay, I could handle the heat without so much humidity - if it were 104° here it would be absolutely like walking in a stew ??? 1w
dabbe @ShelleyBooksie It certainly made me worthless after, though! 😂😂😂 1w
dabbe @CBee We keep hoping for the monsoon to actual bring us rain. 🙏 1w
CBee @dabbe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (edited) 1w
dabbe @CBee 😘🤗😀 1w
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Thanks for the tag, @Eggs! 😘

1. SPOILED. Sometimes I have to jump to the end just to 👀.
2. CHARACTERS. #holmes&watson
3. MYSTERY. I want to go on a case with #holmes&watson
4. HF ... preferably Edwardian England with #holmes&watson
5. LAST BOOK. I rarely make it to the entire end of a series anyway. 😂

Play? @TheLudicReader @TheBookHippie @AmyG

Eggs Nice that #holmesandwatson fit most of the questions 🕵️‍♂️ 🤗 1w
dabbe @Eggs Dontcha know it! 🤩😂😘 1w
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The Rolling Stones | Susan Hill
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TheSpineView 😍😍😍 1w
dabbe @TheSpineView 🩵💙🩵 1w
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Slaughterhouse-Five | Kurt Vonnegut
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@Tkimsal ... look what just arrived! Thank you again! 🤩🤗😀

Tkimsal @dabbe Great! Enjoy! 1w
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#tuesdaytunes @TieDyeDude

Currently listening to this album, my favorite one of ALL TIME. Only 68 days until the real deal. But who's counting? 🤔

#georgewinston #autumn 🧡🍁🤎

curiouserandcurioser @dabbe weelllll, this lady is lol!! ❤ 1w
Kerrbearlib What a beautiful cover! 1w
dabbe @Kerrbearlib Out here in AZ we'd call that our October Sky. 💙🩵💙 1w
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Read4life I loved this one, too. 1w
dabbe @Read4life 🩵💙🩵 1w
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