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All of the props and stars and points times a million for this one! I might have enjoyed this more than the first, which is pretty tough to beat. Hoping wishing praying there will be a third! #readyourkindle #aam #authoramonth @Soubhiville @GingerAntics

Aims42 I hope there‘s a third too! I‘m not ready to say goodbye to these amazing characters yet 😭 3w
CBee @Aims42 same, total book hangover over here 🥹🥹 3w
GingerAntics Same! I seriously want to visit Marsyas Island again! 3w
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CBee @GingerAntics let‘s go live there! Like immediately. 😍😍😍 3w
GingerAntics @CBee I‘m packed and ready to go. I am so over all the crazy. I need a beach vacation that never ends. Let‘s go! 3w
CBee @GingerAntics same!! Let‘s do it ♥️♥️ 3w
GingerAntics @CBee I bet Marsyas has one hell of a bookstore, too! 3w
CBee @GingerAntics hell yes! 3w
GingerAntics @CBee I have got to check out the record store, too! It would be so awesome! I want to get chased by a yeti, and high five the anti-Christ! 3w
CBee @GingerAntics and help Talia in her garden, and give all the buttons to Theodore ♥️♥️ 3w
GingerAntics @CBee OHMYGOD WE HAVE TO STOP AT A FEW CRAFT STORES!!! I want to bring Theodore the biggest collection of buttons I can find! 🧡🧡🧡 3w
CBee @GingerAntics *sigh* I swear, no book I‘ve started since I finished this is capturing my attention. It was just that good ♥️♥️ 3w
67 likes12 comments
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#AAM I needed a distraction today and couldn‘t settle on anything, so in the end I decided I‘d revisit this before picking up the sequel. I found reading it a second time around a less all consuming experience that I got swept up in, and a more analytical one that had me noticing new details. But it was just as funny, charming, and heartwarming as I remember it. @Soubhiville

BkClubCare Nice 1mo
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I found out some truly distressing/heartbreaking news this week (I'm fine, my family's fine), so I binge read this book to soothe my heart. I have been extremely fortunate in my life to not have experienced much deep loss in my life, but this book healed my bruised heart in ways it's hard to explain. I can't overstate how much the descriptions of death made me feel better. Highly recommended.

#authoramonth #aam @soubhiville

marleed I‘m glad you could sink into a book 🫂🥰 1mo
Karisa TJ Klune is just magical! 🫂 (edited) 1mo
gossamerchild @marleed Me, too! 1mo
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gossamerchild @Karisa he really is. Re-reading this, I just want to hug the dude. He's so lovely. 1mo
Soubhiville Sending long distance hugs. And Klune is always a good choice for these times. 1mo
gossamerchild @Soubhiville thank you 🫂🫂 1mo
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#AAM At 36% there‘s nothing I dis-like about it but nothing I particularly like either. I also bailed on The Extraordinaries after just 1 ch. I‘m surprised because I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea & Under the Whispering Door. I have a hold on Somewhere Beyond the Sea but that‘s months out. Hoopla has tons of other options & they all sound really different, but I‘m not exactly drawn to the blurbs so I‘m wondering if it‘s worth trying one more?

Melismatic I loved Cerulean and hated this one, if it helps. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
IndoorDame @Melismatic Thanks, it does help! All his books just seem so different. Maybe it was the story I loved, not the author, and I‘ll just stop combing through his catalog. 1mo
BookmarkTavern I was disappointed in this one too, but I adored Under the Whispering Door. (edited) 1mo
Larkken @Melismatic same. Maybe the sequel will be in the same vein? I‘m trying Wolfsong rn and hoping for something more like CS since my hold for the sequel is way out into next year. 1mo
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Like some of y‘all have mentioned, this was even better the second time around ♥️♥️ Thanks for joining me, whether it was your first or second (or fifth 😂) time reading it! On to the next, and I cannot WAIT 😊😊

GingerAntics Friday, I was absolutely convinced it was Monday, so I kept thinking “tomorrow! One more sleep!” But no. 1mo
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CBee @GingerAntics I knowwwww 😩😩 Almost!!! 1mo
GingerAntics @CBee at least it‘s Sunday now! 2 more days! 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics almost Monday!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 1mo
GingerAntics @CBee ONE MORE DAY!!! My preorders on Apple Books tend to become available late the day before… so fingers crossed that happens again with this one! 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 1mo
GingerAntics @CBee for some reason, my Amazon preorder won‘t be here until Wednesday. 1mo
CBee @GingerAntics really? That stinks 😩 I preordered the Kindle version so it should download tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻 1mo
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My Favorite Authors | Thomas Costley
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It‘s the last week with Sarah Waters #authoramonth readers. I hope you‘re enjoying your books.

September brings us TJ Klune. Place your library hold or orders or find him on your shelves.

(How is it almost September?!)

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Bookwormjillk I had no idea TJ Klune wrote so many books. Looks like a fun month! 2mo
AmyG I‘m .off to MI on Thursday and am bringing his book - In the Lives of Puppets. I think you gifted this one to me. 😘 2mo
CBee @Soubhiville I‘m doing a Cerulean Sea reread starting Monday if any #aam folks want to join! Will probably read the sequel soon after as well. #readtheceruleansea 2mo
BarkingMadRead I never got to my book for this month! I will try and read it after the weekend! I‘ll be reading the Cerulean Sea next month. I‘ve had it forever, I‘m so excited to finally crack it open! 2mo
DHill I‘ll be reading 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin Indeed, how is it almost September?!? I haven‘t even started reading this month‘s book and I‘m not sure I will. But, I‘m not giving up yet!😅 And I have Cerulean Sea ready for next month. 👍🏽 2mo
Eyelit Thanks for the reminder!!! 2mo
Yenya1954 I just finished In The Lives of Puppets. I‘ve put Under the Whispering Door on the hold list at my library. 2mo
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Tipping The Velvet | Sarah Waters
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#AAM This was perfect! I loved getting a glimpse into late 19th century queer London, and finally reading one of our first proper lesbian romances. These characters and their story struck me as sweet, but not in a sugar-spun, wholesome way. I‘m not sure what the quintessential queer romance story is, but it‘s not waltzing with Prince Charming and some chipmunks in the forest. 👇🏼

IndoorDame Most everyone I know from the queer community in my generation is a little dark and messy, and we all have a past, so this story is relatable, and as close to that ideal as anything else. 2mo
AmyG I loved the ending. 2mo
IndoorDame @AmyG the ending was very cinemagraphic and super satisfying, but I really fell in love with the mini resolution leading up to it a chapter or two before where they both laid their ghosts to rest and found a way to be comfortable in their imperfect relationship 2mo
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AmyG Agree. It was really a great read. 2mo
Cuilin This was a great novel. Such a fabulous writer. 2mo
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian One of my favourite books of all time! The BBC adaptation is also great! 2mo
IndoorDame @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian looking forward to watching it now that I‘m finished reading! 2mo
Soubhiville I love this book! Glad you liked it. 2mo
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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BethM Love this! 3mo
Soubhiville What a fun puzzle! 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it 🧩 ❤️ 3mo
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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One print book, one audiobook (#AuthorAMonth #AAM), and one ebook (#CampNetGalley #NetGalley #ARC)! I think I'm officially back to reading, after six months of barely reading at all. 😊📚

#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain

Yellowface | R F Kuang
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This is a GREAT beach read, fast-paced and easy to read. I hated the entitled, self-centered unreliable narrator and enjoyed rooting for her downfall. The critiques of the racist, toxic publishing industry and online book world (Twitter, etc.) added something deeper to the book, although part of me wishes the book were far more complex - maybe with multiple versions of the narrative like Hernan Diaz's Trust. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #AuthorAMonth #AAM @Soubhiville