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Joined September 2017

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The Devils of D-Day by Graham Masterton
Garlic and the Vampire | Bree Paulsen

Such a wonderful and fun books.

Matilda / Matilda | Roald Dahl
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🌸 I read most days

🌼 It‘s something I enjoy so making time isn‘t an issue

🌺 My two favorite genres are nonfiction and horror

Thanks for the tag @jimfields3

Eggs Thanks for playing 🤗📚👏🏻 2y
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Matilda / Matilda | Roald Dahl
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Bewitched and Betrothed | Juliet Blackwell
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#22booksin22 #readmyroom

This is such a fun series! Lily comes through again. She really is such a likable character and she‘s gaining confidence.

Another owned book off my list! I forgot to make my #bookspin list for July and also the #BFC2022 challenge. I‘ve fallen off and crashed the wagon. But next month my plan is to get back at it. This year has had its challenges so I‘m going to make the best of the rest of 2022. 💜😊 📚

DieAReader Totally agree with 2022 @jb72 I think my wagon caught🔥at midnight🤦🏻‍♀️🤪 Everything is out of sorts here & not looking much better for the remainder of the year🤦🏻‍♀️🔥 2y
jb72 @DieAReader I fully understand! I‘m determined to make the best of the rest of the year. At the top of the list is to get back to reading more regularly. I really enjoy reading or audio crafting so I want to make it a priority. Also I‘m here to help you if you need anything. 😉 2y
wanderinglynn It has been a challenging year! And it‘s always good to reset once in while. 🙌🏻 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and reorganize priorities a little!! 2y
bthegood A reset is always good - and the beauty is that there is no limit on the number of resets you can use in a day/week/month/year - 🤗 2y
jb72 @bthegood It‘s a good thing our resets are unlimited. Every day is a new day to begin again! 2y
bthegood @jb72 👍 2y
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This is a wonderful book about how music finds those who need it and crave it. The artwork is so bright and cheerful!

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Cute book - art work was good

Pet Sematary | Stephen King
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#readmyroom #22booksin2022 #22booksin22

Finally decided to get this one finished. I do own a copy of this book, and I did purchase the audiobook too. Michael C. Hall was the narrator (excellent). My favorite character was Judd. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

ElizaMarie ooo I love that you finally got to this one! Its one of my favorites :) 2y
Crazeedi Thank you for the postcard! I'm still here, trying to get back in the swing. I will write soon, spent last week putting in my garden 2y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I really enjoyed the story. I‘d say it‘s one of my favorites now too next to IT. Judd was such a good character and it was so sad when Norma died. 2y
jb72 @Crazeedi No worries! I hope your garden is doing good. 2y
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo

My list for #bookspin - my reading has been dismal lately. Only one or two books a month. Let‘s try to turn things around.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Every month is a fresh start!! 2y
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Interesting and informative book. Definitely brought attention to finding ways to make money or at the beginning learning financial goals. The author is a bit abrupt, but sometimes we need that to open our eyes to finding a new and better way (in money and other areas of our lives).

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#BFC2022 No March update as I‘ve been in a funk.

April Goals:
1. Eat better - less sugar
2. Exercise 3 times a week
3. Camp NaNoWriMo - write/edit/study 3 times a week
4. Read 10 books
5. Finish current WIP - cross stitch project

wanderinglynn Great goals! You got this! 🎉 And Camp NaNo! 🙌🏻 I‘m traveling in April so I‘m not participating this time around but I‘ll cheer you on. 2y
wanderinglynn (And no update/admitting to being in a funk is an update, so I gave you credit for Mar 😉). 2y
jb72 @wanderinglynn Thanks 😊 I‘m going to need the cheering. I did spend 30 minutes yesterday reading my story and making some notes. 2y
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#bookspin #readmyroom

Here is my bookspin list. My plan is to have a better reading month in April.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A cute and cool graphic novel. There were a few panels I had a hard time following, but they all came together in the end. Thanks @ElizaMarie

ElizaMarie I am glad you liked it. It was just cutesy nothing heavy which sometimes is where it is at! 2y
jb72 @ElizaMarie Exactly that! Something fun to read. I love nonfiction but sometimes I want to read fun and fluffy. 2y
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The Strangest Secret | Earl Nightingale
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#audiocrafting #crossstitch

Cross stitch while listening to an audiobook. This book was super short but packed full of information and challenges.

julesG This is going to turn out great. 2y
jb72 @julesG Thanks! I have a couple of stitches to redo but overall it‘s going pretty easy. 2y
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#artmagick #mollyroberts

I preordered the first book for 2022. I was so excited when Molly announced her first book release that I went to Amazon and preordered it. She is one of my favorite YouTubers/Patreon makers.

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My reading tastes are sometimes not really in line with mainstream.

Some I do recommend are:

Annie Freeman‘s Fabulous Traveling Funeral
A Walk In The Woods
Ex Libris
I Hate Fairyland
The Snowy Day
What‘s Eating Gilbert Grape
The Gargoyle
To Kill A Mockingbird

Nonfiction and horror are my two favorite genres. I‘ve really come to enjoy horror graphic novels.

ElizaMarie Oooo some great ones there! I think its time for me to re-read I Hate FairyLand. I loved that one so much! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good ones! Thank you for playing!! 📚🙌🏻 3y
Blueberry I enjoyed listening to A Walk in the Woods with each of my sons in the car. 3y
jb72 @Blueberry I listened to it at work a few years ago and laughed out loud a few times. 3y
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Chair Yoga | Kristin McGee
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Book goal - 4 books
Fitness goal - chair yoga one time per week and meditation one time per week

I never get sick, but this past December I got pneumonia and covid - hospitalized for 5 days. I‘ve had pneumonia twice before so I know how hard the recovery can be. This January is all about recovery for me. Gaining back my strength and then some. Resting. Putting myself first when it comes to good health.

jb72 Jan 7 - one chair yoga completed - one breathing exercise completed - two graphic novels read 3y
wanderinglynn Great goals! 🙌🏻 and excellent progress! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Julsmarshall Sending healing vibes-way to work towards those goals! 3y
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jb72 @Julsmarshall and @wanderinglynn Thanks 😊 I‘ve found the older I get, the more I should be focusing on my health and well being. 3y
rockpools That sounds brutal - wishing you a strong, healthy new year! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh no! I hope you feel better soon ❤️‍🩹 3y
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1. I am NOT a snow lover at all. I absolutely hate winter weather. We did get snow this week. My plan is to stay inside for the next few weeks.

2. If it‘s cold outside, I want to stay inside. While snow can be lovely to look at through the window, I have no desire to be out in it.

TheSpineView Agree with on snow! Thanks for playing! 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo

I‘m sticking with my original list for my bookspin this month. These are books I‘d like to focus on this coming year. The free spaces give me a bit of wiggle room for mood reading.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Issue 17 - another good grunge art read. This is the beginning of Erica‘s journey.

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First quick book for the new year. This series is really starting to grow on me. Issue 16 - great grunge artwork.

AkashaVampie It sounds spooky!!! 3y
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84, Charing Cross Road | Helene Hanff
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1. Well I read 64 books. My greatest challenge was (is) recovering from pneumonia and covid at the moment.

2. Tagged book along with Something Is Killing the Children and I Hate Fairyland.

3. A lot more reading - making the time to sit and read. Work on a reading journal. Creativity.

ElizaMarie Ooo i loved I hate Fairyland!!! I still need to try the other one again. Also… speedy recovery to you! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie it took me a bit to get into the other one but I‘m glad I stuck to it. 3y
marleed I hope you feel better soon. 3y
jb72 @marleed Thanks! 😊 3y
Eggs Thanks for playing 👏🏻📚🎈 3y
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#audiobook #audiostitching #crossstitch

Working on a Christmas present while listening to an audiobook for library book club tomorrow.

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Winter Love | Norah Hess
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My package went in the mail today! @babyruth2510 - my package did arrive all safe and sound from you. I‘m super excited to open it.

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#readmyroom #22booksin22

In 2022, I‘m going to challenge myself to read books I own. @AkashaVampie created the #readmyroom challenge which I‘m combining with my #22booksin22 challenge. The free spaces must be books I own as well, but I wanted to give myself room for mood reading. Please feel free to join along. Tag me in your lists and reading your owned books. If you want to be tagged in my updates, let me know.

AkashaVampie @LitsyEvents check out this other challenge for next yr. 3y
Bookworm54 Sounds good! 3y
Texreader I‘d love to give this a try! 3y
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jb72 @Bookworm54 Maybe it‘ll get some of the books I own actually read! If you make a list, make sure you tag me. 3y
jb72 @Texreader Awesome! I can‘t wait to see your list! 3y
ElizaMarie Great list! (of course, I want to be tagged). I was thinking of doing the same, but... not sure if I have an official list yet. But maybe just try to do 22 books I own. It's a bit rough to plan so well. Anyway... please keep taking me! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I know you‘ve said we could buddy read PS. Would you still like to do that? Maybe around March? 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 sounds great! 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie So we should discuss Pet Semetary. I ended up really enjoying the book. And it was one of his better endings. Have you seen both movies? 2y
ElizaMarie @jb72 omg it‘s my favorite of the Stephen King Books!!!! And yeah I saw both movies they are great! 2y
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1. Having hot cocoa puts me in a Christmas mood.

2. I‘m looking forward to reading the library book club selection: The City Baker‘s Guide To Country Living.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Enjoy your holiday season! ❤🎄💚 3y
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#audiostitching #crossstitch

This was a detailed and very well researched book (especially for it‘s time). While there are a couple of contradictions and a one or two points I disagree with, it‘s definitely a pick. I learned a lot and am glad to have expanded my knowledge.

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1. Yikes 😳 - Kris Radish, Mike Rowe, Juliet Blackwell are three that come to mind.
2. Gilbert Grape
3. Daily Magic

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍽🍁

Eggs Thanks for playing 🙏🏻 3y
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I stumbled across this after buying The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. The cover is amazing. The premise is interesting. This #0 is super short so not much to go on yet, but intriguing.

AkashaVampie This author is on my list to read... I've heard good things 3y
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Happy Thanksgiving, Snoopy! | Charles M. Schulz
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1. IF I get my hoarding desk under control tomorrow, my plan is to just read as much as I can. Thankfully I‘ll be alone with my pets for some nice quiet time.

2. Mashed potatoes 🥔 🤤

TheSpineView Quiet time sounds so nice. Happy Thanksgiving 3y
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Dogs on Instagram | @Dogsofinstagram
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Scout really misses me when I am gone for the day. It‘s rough protecting the home by himself. #litsydogs
He‘s super special and I feel lucky to have him.

wanderinglynn So sweet! ❤️🐶 3y
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1. My was 52 and so far I‘ve read 60.
2. I‘d like to read the tagged book by the end of the year. (And maybe a few others)

TheSpineView Doing great on goals! Thanks for playing! 3y
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Malaprop's Bookstore & Cafe | Asheville, NC (Bookstore)
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1. I‘ll visit any bookstore anytime! I especially loved Mr. Kay‘s and Malaprops in Asheville.

2. Before my smart phone I used to keep a list of books I‘d need when I went to my local dollar used bookstore in Florida.

TheSpineView I love Mr. Ks and Malaprops also!💙📘 3y
jb72 @TheSpineView They are both so much fun. I could spend way too much time browsing used books. 3y
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I haven‘t been able to participate in these the past few months, but I am ready this month. My goal will be to catch up on my library books. I have a couple of graphic novels and cookbooks to read through. Hosted by @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great to have you back with us again. Life can get very busy. 3y
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Music of the 1980s | Thomas Harrison
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😵‍💫 👀

wanderinglynn That‘s right. Because that means I‘m sliding towards 50 😳 But I swear 1999 was just a couple of years ago! 😆 3y
Crazeedi Omg, I can't even😏 3y
Crazeedi @wanderinglynn you are a youngster!! 3y
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jb72 @wanderinglynn @Crazeedi 50 is coming way too fast! 3y
wanderinglynn @Crazeedi yes, but I feel like I should be about 20 years younger than I am! 😆 3y
wanderinglynn @jb72 Right?!? Too darn fast. 3y
Crazeedi @wanderinglynn I know, I do too, that never changes, 😏😉 3y
Crazeedi @jb72 it only goes faster from there!!! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Braiding Sweetgrass | Robin Wall Kimmerer
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No, but I have plans to start a journal.
It‘s been okay. I‘ve finished 5 books so far.
Grateful: my children, good weather, great pets, good books

Eggs You are Blessed💙 3y
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It‘s been a minutes since I‘ve sent out some #litsylove. I‘ve been battling some migraines for two months. I‘m trying to get back into sending some letters. I do apologize for the lack of letter writing.

Also consider the dog fur a bonus 🤪😏 🐶 🐱

Crazeedi I hear you, I've been MIA on my writing too, but I'm planning on getting a bunch written tomorrow!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you are feeling better!! 3y
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#bookspinbingo #bookspin #cross-stitch

This is a fantastic and fun spooky cross stitch book. There are quite a few creepy cute patterns. The author has a short poem for each one along with a few sentences to describe her ideas behind the pattern.

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#bookspinbingo #bookspin

This is one of the best organizing books I have read. She goes into what kind of clutter bug you are and what is the best way to contain your stuff. My office is a hoarder‘s mess and my goal is to start making it work for me. I‘ve already ordered some supplies. I‘ll be sorting the piles of paper once my stuff arrives.

ElizaMarie Super excited that you enjoyed that book. I am happy we can talk about this journey together!!! #NewYearNewYou 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie Me too! My plan is to find 21 things today to donate or throw away. I‘m also going to try out a morning/evening routine list. I‘m not sure yet what to put on it. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Ooooo I will definitely check this one out!! 3y
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ElizaMarie @jb72 I struggle so much with routines! I would be interested to know what yours consisted of. I think I am gonna try to clean/organize 15 min when I get home today. Also plan on cleaning out my work bag (which is a bottomless pit of everything and nothing!) 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I also struggle with routine as well. I‘ve never been one to have this set routine. It‘s always been “go with whatever” works in the moment. Work bags have always been a collection of everything for me (same with my purse). 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie This is a work in progress. Evening routine: straighten living room (normally if just me it doesn‘t get overly messy), make sure all dishes are done. Morning routine: (maybe) make bed, vacuum living room rug, do one load of laundry. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I love all these! Great job! 3y
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Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo

This was a library book club selection (discussion takes place tomorrow. I was surprised by how much I ended up enjoying this book.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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#bookspinbingo #bookspin

This was an okay book. There was some useful and good information in it, but the few grammatical errors detracted from the quality. Overall a generally informational read.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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Sea Witch | Sarah Henning
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#PLC #mermaids

I never discount legend type cryptids. Maybe they were real at some point. Maybe they still are today and stay hidden. I‘ve seen a few weird videos which could be mermaids. Plus manatees are mermaids! Have you ever seen the mermaids of Weeki Wachee? So much fun!

jb72 Yes I would befriend a mermaid 🧜‍♀️ 3y
ElizaMarie Awe manatees!!!! 3y
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#bookspinbingo #bookspin

I really enjoyed the comic style book about women pioneers.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo

This series is getting better with each volume. I am looking forward to volume 4 in January!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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#bookspinbingo #bookspin

Bingo card ready to go. I have a few extra free spaces because I finished a couple of books on the last days of September.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!! 3y
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1. Read from my #bookspin TBR
2. Chair yoga 3x a week
3. Tarot spread 1x a week
4. Limit sugary foods (maybe one treat per week)

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A funny book…short and to the point too!

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Banned Book Club | Kim Hyun Sook
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As relevant today as it was over 30 years ago.

Another October #bookspin off the list to be replaced with a free spot.

Cat Person | Seo Kim
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The cat comics were cute and made me smile. The rest of the book was okay but not great. The artwork wasn‘t what I expected, not good, but each artist has her own style.

This will come off my next month #bookspin and be replaced with a free space.

And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
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#bookspin #bookspinbingo #octoberTBR

I haven‘t been prepared these past couple of months for #bookspin. I decided to make my list a few days early for October. If I‘m able to finish any of these books in September then I‘ll just add a free spot for something scary.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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