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I‘m in a slump…of sorts. I tried to read 8-10 different books in the past month and couldn‘t get past the first chapter in any. I think I‘m so overloaded that nothing new sinks in. Fortunately, I‘ve been able to enjoy my ongoing series. I read the above 6 books in quick succession. Echoes in Death is book #44…and still going strong! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ it‘s been just 3 years in Eve and Roarke time. Yay. Hope that means another 44 books. 😜

TheSpineView So glad you are in enjoying the series. ❤️📚 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here‘s my April list for Bookspin Bingo!
Don‘t look too close—it‘s nearly the same list as last month. 🙄
Hoping April is more successful!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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March was a bit of a bust.
Not much time for reading & even less time for Litsying.
Did not get to join any group reads and achieved nothing off BookspinBingo.
I hope to do some catch up in the next few days and see what you all have been reading.

Favorite book of the month: The Women
Including the Follett book even though I‘m not done-i‘ve listened to 30 of the 40 hours, so I say it counts!
It‘s amazing! Looking forward to finishing it soon.

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It took time to get drawn into the book, but glad I stuck with it. Set in ‘New Salem‘ in 1893, where there is no such things as witches. Fairy tales are woven into this tale of 3 estranged sisters finding each other again as they learn their history and fight for women‘s and witches rights. The audio version definitely helped keep my interest. Some bits were slow, but the reader was wonderful and the music interspersed throughout was charming.

Hooked_on_books Good choice for this prompt! I really liked this one. 5mo
Itchyfeetreader This book has been sitting on my nightstand since October - you have inspired me to maybe pick this up next ! 4mo
Librarybelle On my to read list! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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Love this book!
Heartbreaking, horrifying, appalling, frustrating.
Such a range of emotions!
It‘s a wonderful tribute to the Women of Vietnam!
I had no idea of the unique struggles they faced on returning from service! How could even the VA deny they were ‘true veterans!‘ 😡

So well researched and written! She makes you feel like you were there—for better or worse! A difficult book to read for those who lived through it.

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I‘m still in a busy time and not getting onto Litsy as much as I‘d like.
However I was still able to read several books via audio while on the road. Yay!
I got one Bingo and read both the Bookspin and Doublespin books.
Favorite of the month was Blood Lines. It‘s the best of the series…so far.
Runner up: The Running Grave. Love Cormoran Strike! I hope I don‘t have to wait too long for the next one.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 5mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My March #bookspinbingo list.
I have a few chunksters in the mix, so unless I have the luck of the Irish it‘s unlikely I‘ll get a bingo. 😜

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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The Essex Serpent | Sarah Perry
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Soooooo. I tried reading this book a year ago, but I couldn‘t get into it and set it aside. Love the cover, love everything about the book blurb, and enjoy the writing. This book totally seems my cuppa! I picked it up again for #literarycrew read, but after 25% I‘m giving up. #hailthebail. It‘s just not working for me. 🙈

Texreader I really didn‘t like this book. Not at all like what I thought it would be 5mo
Librarybelle Good try, but nothing wrong with no longer reading a book. #somanybookssolittletime 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve seen lots of similar reviews 🫤 it‘s on my shelf and I‘m in no hurry! 5mo
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tpixie @Bluebird I‘m sadly not enjoying this so far either. I‘ve restarted it 3 times today. I fell in love with the cover and wanted to do the #literarycrew #buddyread but I may bail also. I‘m not good at bailing, though. We will see 🐍💚📗 @Librarybelle 5mo
Hooked_on_books It is an excellent cover! I have this one, but after mixed reviews early on I‘m a bit hesitant to try it. I may go the same way you went! 5mo
tpixie I wish he were the audiobook narrator! https://youtu.be/Hrz43MGvF9M?si=77bwc68AhB7WL2Eb 5mo
tpixie Also he says, “Bear in mind, if you are a good reader, you will discard a book mercilessly if after the first 40 pages or so you haven‘t gotten into it” 5mo
Bluebird @Texreader glad I‘m not alone! 5mo
Bluebird @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Hooked_on_books yes, no need to rush to it, plenty of other books out there! (edited) 5mo
Bluebird @tpixie thanks for the link! He‘s so enthusiastic! The book he describes sounds fabulous—but not what I experienced. I agree with you! I‘d have loved to try it with him as the reader. 5mo
Bluebird @tpixie @Librarybelle i‘m not great at bailing either. I think it‘s because I‘ve read some gems that were slow to start. However I‘m getting better and now consider bailing at about 20% read. Most of my books are long, so 40 pages seems too few. Guess I‘m not ‘a good reader‘ 😂 5mo
tpixie @Bluebird 😂 I did decide to bail this am. I‘m trying not to feel bad about it 💔 5mo
CatLass007 @tpixie You gave it a fair shot. That‘s all anyone can do. You have to know your own mind to be able to bail. 5mo
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34 hours, 960 pages in print. This definitely qualifies as a chunkster for #chunksterchallenge2024. Book 7 in the Cormoran Strike series—my favorite to date. Disturbing book with Robyn going undercover in a cult ?? stressful! But absolutely loved the pacing. Great character development in this one too: Strike and his ½ siblings, Pat and her fam, Robyn and her fam. The tension btwn Robyn and Strike. Love it! Where‘s the next one! #serieslove2024

Librarybelle I have all of the books but need to get back to the series. It‘s been so long - I may have to start back at the beginning. Cormoran Strike is one of my favorite characters ever! 5mo
BarbaraBB Seems a great series. 5mo
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julesG @Librarybelle Same here. I liked the series but stopped reading it because of the hullabaloo around JKR. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
TheSpineView This was my favorite book in the series also. The ending had my jaw on the floor. So excited for the next book. 5mo
Read4life This is on my TBR & I still need ‘published by Hachette‘ for #52BookClub2024 Thanks! 5mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle and I think each book gives enough backstory that you won‘t feel lost if you read the next one. 5mo
Librarybelle Good to know! I think I‘m just looking for an excuse to read the first one all over again. 😂 5mo
Bluebird @julesG an author‘s politics and personal opinions can destroy what was otherwise good reading. I try to ignore all but their written books, but I know that sometimes it‘s too hard to separate the artist from the art. 😞 5mo
julesG I agree. I might come back to Strike one day. 5mo
Crazeedi I might have to look for this series! 5mo
Bluebird @librarybelle😂😂😂 don‘t let my comment stop you—love this series from the start.. 5mo
Bluebird @Crazeedi it‘s a great one. Wonderful writing, excellent characters and always interesting mysteries to solve. 5mo
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It‘s definitely me. I enjoyed some of the stories, but there were two major barriers that killed it for me. 1. After reading 40 books in the In Death series narrated by Susan Ericksen, it just felt wrong listening to her read something else. I kept waiting for Eve to appear. 2. I‘m not a big fan of short stories and in the audiobook they all ran together. No definite break to give an indication a new story was starting. I found it disconcerting!

Hooked_on_books Short stories on audio are tough. I‘ve found some that work, but typically print is better. 5mo
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Librarybelle I struggle with short stories 5mo
Deblovestoread I struggle with short stories, too, and can‘t imagine them as audio books. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks No indication of story breaks would be quite disconcerting! 5mo
Bluebird @Hooked_on_books @Librarybelle @Deblovestoread nice to know it‘s not just me. If I try another, I‘ll definitely go for print version instead. 5mo
Bluebird @TheAromaofBooks it was so strange. I can‘t believe the publishers didn‘t think of it. Even a few extra seconds of silence would have worked. It felt like a long run-on sentence—with a topic change in the middle.🤯 5mo
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No Room at the Morgue | Jean-Patrick Manchette
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I was curious to read this author and excited that he‘s finally been translated into English, however it wasn‘t for me.
I like the detective, Eugene Tarpon—an interesting character I wouldn‘t mind getting to know better. However the style didn‘t work for me. Too much slapstick type action for me.

#52bookclub24 a revenge story

Librarybelle At least it covered a prompt! 6mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s too bad. The title is very compelling. 6mo
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BarbaraBB Title and artwork and the fact that NYRB published it. Too bad indeed 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 6mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks yes! Nice to complete a prompt! 😀 6mo
Bluebird @Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB I was disappointed. I really thought I‘d like it. I may be in the minority though. Seems many liked it. Perhaps French Noir just isn‘t my thing….. 6mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My February list….just in the nick of time.
I‘m being overly ambitious with all the Litsy buddy reads, especially since a few of my library holds may not come in time.
Wish me luck!
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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The last ½ of January totally got away from me and I had no time to be here.
I will try to backtrack to some of my buddy reads in the next few days.
I liked all my January reads. Got one Bingo for #bookspinbingo. @TheAromaofBooks
Favorites for the month were The Frozen River & the Follett book.
Really Enjoyed Remarkably Bright Creatures and The Spectacular!
Cooking for Picasso and Ultra Processed People were flawed, but soft picks for me.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 6mo
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I‘m a fan of historical fiction/historical mystery. Set in Colonial Maine & based on the diary of midwife Martha Ballard. I‘d read about her years ago and was excited when I realized this book was based on her. While the subject of rape may be triggering for some, I loved this book. The steady pacing of the tale built up the tension so I didn‘t want to set it down until finished. While only January, I suspect this will be in my top reads of 2024.

Librarybelle I‘m excited to read this one! 6mo
Deblovestoread So many great reviews for this book. I‘m excited to read this one, too! 6mo
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Hooked_on_books I love Lawhon‘s books and this one was no exception. My favorite of hers is Code Name Helene, so if you haven‘t read that one, definitely pick it up! 6mo
BarbaraBB I haven‘t heard of this one but it sounds great. Stacking! 6mo
lynneamch Love everything Lawhon! Can't wait. ❄️ 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 6mo
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My 2nd book by this author. I love how she chooses historical landmarks and weaves her story around true events. While I preferred The Masterpiece more than this one, I enjoyed the Radio City setting with an insider look at the Rockettes of the 1950‘s + a good mystery. Looking forward to #LiteraryCrew discussion at the end of the month!

Librarybelle I really like how she uses landmarks too! 6mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 Love her books, but not read this one. 6mo
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Crazeedi This was good 6mo
Hooked_on_books I‘ve never tried her books. I should do so! 6mo
BarbaraBB Like @Hooked_on_books I haven‘t either and must change that. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
Crazeedi @BarbaraBB I've liked every book I've read by her so far 6mo
BarbaraBB @Crazeedi That is good to know and a recommendation for sure! 6mo
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Posting a bit late, but here are my plans for #joyousjanuary! @Andrew65
6 of these books are monthly buddy reads and the other 3 are books checked out from the library that are due by the 21st.
I am hoping to finish at least 3 books and make progress on all the rest.
I‘m currently in the middle of reading 6 books! Never had so many going at once!

Andrew65 Hope it‘s going well. 😁 6mo
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I love the Kingsbridge series! This one is set during Viking times and gives the ‘backstory‘ to the creation of the town and bridge. While it‘s been years since I read Pillars of the Earth, I felt the themes were almost too similar. The brilliant and ‘jack of all trades‘ main character, the pious and smart Monk, the evil Bishop, unrequited love…. Nevertheless, I was caught up in the story, rooted for Edgar and Aldred and was completely satisfied.

Librarybelle It‘s been years since I tackled a book by Follett! I have Pillars of the Earth on my to read list! 7mo
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TheSpineView Totally agree! A great series!😍📚 7mo
Amiable Yay! Great job! 7mo
Andrew65 All the books have similar themes but with Ken Follett‘s brilliance he makes it work every time. 7mo
Andrew65 @Librarybelle It‘s a big commitment but we‘ll worth it. 7mo
Cuilin Fabulous, 🎉 7mo
Librarybelle @Andrew65 A commitment indeed! One of these days… 7mo
Bluebird @Andrew65 agree about Follett! I was so glad I finally jumped back to him. I am definitely going to re-read books 1 and 2. Looking forward to seeing Kingsbridge develop through the ages. Love his characters! 7mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle i am reading these by audio. The time flies—i didn‘t want to set it aside! I hope you enjoy Pillars as much as I did (whenever you get a chance to read it)! 7mo
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Square of Sevens | Laura Shepherd-Robinson
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Atmospheric, historical fiction, mystery, fortune telling. I‘m still thinking about this one!

And it‘s a wrap! Looking forward to some more great reading in 2024

Andrew65 Brilliant. Thanks for playing along and I look forward to seeing you on Christmas Day for #12Booksof2024 Happy Reading! 7mo
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AvidReader25 I can‘t wait to read this one! 7mo
Andrew65 Sounds a perfect read! 7mo
Bluebird @AvidReader25 and @Andrew65 I hope you enjoy it! I learned a lot. It was fascinating to learn what these women had to go through in order to become astronauts. Real trailblazers! 7mo
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Loved this book!
A new author for me.
I plan to read more!


Andrew65 Looks a good read to me, but not aware of the author. 7mo
Bluebird @Andrew65 i‘d heard good things about an earlier book ‘The Flight Girls‘, but went for this one because I was fulfilling a ‘roaring 20‘s‘ prompt and this seemed like something I‘d enjoy. The audio was wonderful. 7mo
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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society | Annie Barrows, Mary Ann Shaffer
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It was a tough decision between this one and Tom Lake. Both excellent reads

Andrew65 A wonderful book. 7mo
AvidReader25 Both books are wonderful! 7mo
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2023 was a great reading year for me. I initially hope to read at least 55 books. I far surpassed that 😀
Read lots of books I would have otherwise missed if not for my Litsy friends, challenges and group reads.
While my series stats for 2023 were quite good, I am hoping for better in 2024.
I nearly met my goal of not starting any new series until I complete one already in progress.

Andrew65 That‘s a brilliant year, well done. 👏👏👏 7mo
TheSpineView Fabulous!! Great job! 7mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I got 4 Bingos for December and read the Doublespin book!
I‘m hoping to continue the success in #2024

For January, I‘m leaving things a bit open-ended, hoping to focus mostly on challenges and my TBR list, and less on the shiny new books that call out to me….

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Final tally for #teamreindeergamers! @LiseWorks thanks for leading the team!
I read 16 books in 71 hours (highest number of books in a single month this year)
Completed 3 Bingos each for Rushathon and littenlistens. 4 for Bookspin Bingo.
Most points came from the word searches—they added up quickly!

LiseWorks You did awesome, thanks for playing. 😍 7mo
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Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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Yes, I bought into the hype and read it as soon as I could get a library loan!
It actually exceeded my expectations! I loved the world building and the characters.

Andrew65 An excellent book, and on the library hold list for the second book. 7mo
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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I was ambivalent about starting this book. After reading the description, I didn‘t think a satire about racial diversity in publishing was right for me. So wrong! Good reminder to keep trying books outside my comfort zone!

I‘m really liking this author!
I read Babel earlier in the year and loved it!
Both quite different from one another…but I didn‘t want to set either down and was kept reading late into the night!

Andrew65 This has been one of the books of the year. 7mo
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I ended 2023 by completing the Tradd Street series by reading these last 2 books. 🥳
I love the setting of the historic homes in Charleston South Carolina & the paranormal elements to these cozy mysteries.
The Christmas Spirits book was disappointing. It dragged for me and one of the mysteries was left open-to be resolved in the next book 🤮

Fortunately, the final book was much better: the mysteries were interesting & all was nicely tied up.

TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 7mo
CoffeeNBooks I just got the first in this series from the library- it looks great! I love when mystery and the paranormal are combined! 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 7mo
Bluebird @CoffeeNBooks i hope you enjoy it! The first 2 in the series are my favorites 7mo
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The 12 Days of Christmas | Xist Publishing
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June was another great reading month for me…I couldn‘t narrow it down to just one book.
Also really liked Weyward by Emilia Hart!

The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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My favorite Cotton Malone book to date!

May was a good reading month for me.
Other high points for the month were:
The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis
Notorious RBG : The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Andrew65 Snap! I also loved The Masterpiece. 7mo
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#12booksof2023. However, I could not pick just one!

Rupert Holmes: Great storyteller. Absolutely wonderful premise: a school to teach one how to ‘delete‘ a hated boss. Unique, creative and fun! I must read more by him!

The other fav is quite different. A beautiful memoir about a guard at the Met. Lovely insights into the art, the visitors and his personal journey dealing with the grief of losing a loved one. This went straight to my heart!

Andrew65 Look wonderful books. 7mo
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Black Cake | Charmaine Wilkerson
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Loved the audiobook!

Andrew65 Need to explore this one. 7mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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#12booksof2023 @Andrew65

My favorite read of the year. Highly recommend the audio version.

Andrew65 This is on the horizon for me next year. (edited) 7mo
Bluebird @Andrew65 yay! Enjoy! 7mo
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Starting a day late for #12booksof2023.
I read so many good books in 2023 that it is hard to narrow the list down…but this one is in my top 3 reads for the year (2nd or 3rd place).

Runner up for January: Babel by R. F. Kuang. This one would have made the top 12 list if read in a different month. Lol


emz711 Tried the audio but gave up at part 2 7mo
Bluebird @Emz sorry it wasn‘t for you. Good job on the bail—I sometimes read on longer than I should. 7mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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It‘s a wrap! With a few tweaks (and assuming Dracula fits for “featuring mythology,”) this book by Octavia Butler completes the final prompt needed for #52bookclub2023” 🥳. A great way to finish—Loved this book! Another one that had languished on my TBR pile for too long!

#rushathon #littenlistens

BarbaraBB Wow! And what a timing! Congratulations 🎉 (edited) 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
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Librarybelle Congratulations!! 7mo
squirrelbrain Hooray! 🎉🎉🎉 7mo
ravenlee Congratulations! 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 7mo
Deblovestoread Well done 🙌🏼🎉 7mo
LeeRHarry Congrats! 🎉 7mo
rmaclean4 Congrats! I fell several short on this challenge but read some wonderful books along the way. 7mo
Bluebird @BarbaraBB @DieAReader @Librarybelle @squirrelbrain @ravenlee @Andrew65 @Deblovestoread @LeeRHarry @rmaclean4 thanks all! I surprised myself by finishing! My goals were just to whittle down my TBR list and read a bit outside my comfort zone. I accomplished both (though fewer from my TBR than I hoped). I read some wonderful books this year that I would have otherwise missed! Looking forward to joining again in 2024. 7mo
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Woot woot! Met my goal for #dashingdecember! Read all the above books!

Andrew65 Brilliant, well done 🎄🎄🎄🙌🍾🥂🥳 Thanks for playing along. 7mo
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Homecoming | Kate Morton
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One of my favorite authors. Usually I get swept into her books from the outset. However this was a slow start for me. Once I got past page 100 it picked up and I raced through the last ¼ of the book. Mystery, history, dual timelines, family secrets, great setting, wonderful writing. So much to love, but not her strongest book. #52bookclub2023 set in Australia #rushathon #littenlistens #cloakanddagger#dashingdecember #wintergames #authoramonth

Ruthiella I‘ve read a couple Kate Morton books in the past. My favorite was 7mo
Librarybelle I love her books! I‘ve yet to read this one. 7mo
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Andrew65 Well done 🎄🎄🎄 I‘d agree this isn‘t as strong as some of her others. 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
squirrelbrain 🎉🎉🎉 7mo
Bluebird @Ruthiella The distant hours is one of my favorites too! 7mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle and @Andrew65 she‘s one of my auto-read authors! Even though this was not among her best, it was still a good one. Love her writing style with great settings, atmosphere, interconnected characters and family secrets. 😍 7mo
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It‘s me, not you.
I enjoy some of the holiday rom-com movies so thought to give a ‘rom-com‘ book a try. I just couldn‘t get into it. I found the typical misunderstandings and rom-com foolery I like in a movie were just annoying and silly in a book. I came close to bailing. The 2nd half of the book was better, so ultimately was glad I finished. On the bright side: there were good explanations of Jewish/Hanukkah traditions—and Bubbe was a delight!.

Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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10 books read, more than 100 hours (several chunksters), 9 holiday movies, and misc. others. However most points came from the week one challenge and the word searches. Hopefully the 2nd half will be better. Haven‘t added in the bingo cards yet…will wait til the end of the month


JessClark78 Great job! 7mo
Andrew65 Fantastic, well done 🎄🎅🏼🎄 7mo
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Christmas Classics | Adam Adolphe, Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation (CRT)
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I did lots of holiday reading last week. I loved Tim Curry‘s audio version of A Christmas Carol. This is my new favorite version—and suspect it will be hard to beat! It‘s my Victorian read for December‘s #bookedintime read.
Hercule Poirot‘s Christmas is a bit of a misnomer—it really had very little ‘christmas‘ to it, but was a good locked mystery story.
#wintergames #teamreindeergamers #LittenListens #cloakanddagger #RushAThon #DashingDecember

Ruthiella Great work! I need to check out the Tim Curry audio of A Christmas Carol. I‘ve only read it once and I am a huge Dickens fan. 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Bluebird @Ruthiella i hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I think listening to this audio will become an annual tradition. 7mo
Cuilin ✅🎉 I did an audio version too. 7mo
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High tension, excellent plotting and bonus of tandem storyline about the main investigator‘s family. I was loving this one til near the end-the resolution was a bit of a let down. Nevertheless a solid 4 ⭐️ read. Though not exactly set in Dublin I am using it for #52bookclub2023 prompt ‘set in Dublin‘ since it‘s a Dublin Murder Squad mystery. #RushAThon #LittenListens #cloakanddagger #serieslove2023

Ruthiella This is my absolute favorite of the series. It gutted me at the end. 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 7mo
Librarybelle Yet another author I need to read! 7mo
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jlhammar @Ruthiella My favorite of the series too! 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 7mo
Bluebird @Ruthiella it was a tearjerker! 7mo
Bluebird @ruthiella and @jlhammar it‘s my favorite too. It was so well written! 7mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle it‘s a great series—however each book stands alone. I love the audio—i‘m a sucker for the Irish accent 😀 (edited) 7mo
Librarybelle @Bluebird I bet the audio is delightful for the Irish accent! 😁 7mo
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Joining #DashingDecember readathon.
My goal is to read all 4 of the above books + a few holidays reads.

Andrew65 Best of luck 😁 7mo
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Librarybelle Such a good book! 7mo
LaraReads Awesome! Yes, it‘s such a good book! I remember reading it with my daughter just before the movie came out. Must have been almost 10 years ago! 7mo
BarbaraBB I‘ve never even heard of it but it‘s always such a pleasant surprise to have an unexpected gem on your shelves 🤍 7mo
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Read4life I love this one! 7mo
Bluebird @LaraReads I didn‘t realize it was made into a movie! I‘ll check it out 7mo
Bluebird @BarbaraBB absolutely! I wonder how many more are sitting on my shelves! 7mo
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Fabulous book! I‘m not much of a cook, but this author makes me want to pull out my apron and spend more time in the kitchen! Highly recommend the audio—the author‘s enthusiasm is infectious! I had to go out and buy the print book. It‘s a wonderful reference!

Ladygodiva7 I bought the ebook couple weeks ago and I‘m not much of a cook either, now I wanna read it! 7mo
Bluebird @Ladygodiva7 i hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 7mo
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Then She Was Gone | Lisa Jewell
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15 year old Ellie Mack disappears on her way to the library. 10 years later her fractured family is still looking for answers. The book alternates between the present and the time leading up to the disappearance. Told from multiple viewpoints, but mostly Mom‘s. Despite figuring out fairly early what happened, the tension was palpable throughout my read. Very Creepy!
#52bookclub2023 Author with my name.
#RushAThon #LittenListens #cloakanddagger

Ruthiella Looks great. I‘ve never read any Lisa Jewell books but they all sound tempting! 😃 7mo
Librarybelle I have so many of her books, but have yet to read any! 7mo
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 7mo
BarbaraBB I read this too. A decent thriller! 7mo
Bluebird @Ruthiella @Librarybelle she‘s a fairly new author for me too. This is the second book of her‘s that I‘ve read. Also enjoyed 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Week one of Wintergames is over.
I watched 5 holiday movies-a few new ones and a few classics
Watched the original and the remake of Miracle on 34th St. both were good, but I still prefer the classic.
@LiseWorks @annahenke @JessClark78 @Karons1 @TorieStorieS @MatchlessMarie @aperfectmjk

LiseWorks Nice 8mo
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Square of Sevens | Laura Shepherd-Robinson
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This was a long book that seemed to drag a bit in the middle. I started to think more editing was needed. As I read further I realized I was wrong. Everything was important, lol. So many twists and turns to the plot that my head was spinning—in a good way! Excellent historical mystery set in Georgian England. The setting and atmosphere of the book were spot on and the fortune telling aspect was unique. Don‘t skip the historical note at the end!

The Art Thief | Michael Finkel
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Stendhal syndrome: a clinical phenomenon in which the presence of a beautiful artwork causes intense physical/mental symptoms. Stephane Breitwieser thinks he has it. 🤔 He stole more than 300 artworks in 10 yrs, estimated to be worth over one billion dollars. He kept them crammed in his tiny attic room for his own pleasure. He stole from museums, castles & churches…during their open hours with no advance planning! Incredible! Fascinating account!

Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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Exceeded my expectations! Book 2 of the series was nearly 28 hours of nonstop action and excitement! I thought it was going to feel too long, but I didn‘t want it to end. Now the year long wait for the next installment. Sigh.

I made my goal of 20 hours reading for #20in24
#serieslove2023. I vowed not to start new series this year, but this one was well worth breaking my promise to myself!
#RushAThon #LittenListen

TheSpineView Those long waits! 8mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
Andrew65 These are big books, so a very well done🎄🎄🎄 I hate those long waits for the next book.
Well done on the 20 hours 👏👏👏🎊🎉🍾🥂🎄
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here‘s my December tbr list. Several of these are to finish #52bookclub23 challenge before years end 🤞.
#wintergames #teamreindeergamers #bookspinbingo
@TheAromaofBooks @LiseWorks

LiseWorks Interesting choices 🙂 8mo
JessClark78 Nice selection. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 8mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I had a great November, got one Bingo and finished both the Bookspin and Doublespin books!
Several good reads for me, but my favorites were The Six and Lost City of the Monkey God.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 8mo
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