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Joined December 2019

Happy Wifey. Mama of 2 girls and my baby boy. Pet mom to 2🐓, 15 🐣, 5 🦆, 4 🐶, and 3 🐈‍⬛. Teacher to teenagers. Reading is my peace!
The Infinite Sea | Rick Yancey
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2✨ Okay… ummm. Second book in the series and it took me a day and checked on other peoples spoiled reviews so I could figure out what the heck I just read. I‘m not sure what was actually happening and not sure who actually died. The alien downloaded race I still don‘t quite understand, and my emotions were pulled all over the place. I think the point was the aliens are messing with people so they either turn on each other or give info away. 🤷‍♀️

TheSpineView Fantastic! 10h
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 9h
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3✨ I have to say that I liked this second book better than the first one. We follow Harrison and the newly widowed Katelyn. They were in the first book as the drummer and friends of the love birds in the first book. Mason and Josie are in this story too. It‘s all about finding new love when loss overwhelms you, and deception kept your walls up for several years. #SeriesLove Read the first one in #LittensLoveRomanace

TheSpineView Fantastic! 1d
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Got a cute background from a Google search of Istanbul, Turkey to show off our version of a Turkish flatbread pizza (that our young kids will eat). 🇹🇷🤣😍💛 #FoodandLit

All Fours | Miranda July
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I got halfway through this thanks to buddy reading, but I just don‘t want to read these inner thoughts anymore. The main character is likely going through menopause, but is not being true to herself. She for whatever reason does not talk about it with her husband and some of the moments are so out there it‘s uncomfortable. I appreciate what I think the author is trying to portray with a woman‘s changing body as she gets older, and an inner voice.

Roary47 Sorry guys I tried but really can‘t read anymore about Davey and anatomy with a character I can‘t seem to like. 🤷‍♀️ 4d
squirrelbrain At least you tried! 😜 4d
TheBookHippie Cannot do it either. Also this is a hugely flawed woman. Not this is menopause as it‘s advertised. Just no. I get it‘s a metaphor too. It‘s just a horrific one and paints women in an awful light. This and how being queer is described made me bail ! #allhailthebail 4d
Megabooks Sorry you didn‘t like it! I felt she was true to herself by the end, but she wasn‘t someone I‘d be friends with. Jordi was more patient than I! 4d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4d
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Nothing like a classic and way too much sugar after dinner. 🤤😅🥰💛

dabbe Oh, how I love this chunkster! 🩵💙🩵 1w
Roary47 @dabbe Yes! I‘m really enjoying it. The only reason I know about it is my scratcher card of 100 books bucket list. 7d
LitStephanie I didn't like this book, but that bowl of sweets looks wonderful! 6d
Roary47 @LitStephanie It was. 🤤 6d
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When in Tucson I always go to Bookman‘s because of their extremely affordable used books. 🤩 Plus with young readers we can get them some cute reads. I got some Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, A copy of Jane Eyre, some Stephen King for #LosersClub, and some reads I‘m really excited for. 🥰 Yay #BookHaul

TheBookHippie So fun. 1w
julieclair Great book haul! 1w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
IndoorDame I remember Bookman‘s from when I was a kid! I‘m psyched to hear it‘s still there, it was the best!!! 7d
Roary47 @IndoorDame They closed the older store to move to a new location, but there is still two in different locations. 🥰 6d
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Sanctum | Madeleine Roux
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3✨ As most seconds books, I didn‘t like this as much as the first one. It still was pretty creepy involving a hypnotist causing the campers to do horror things. It ended on a sadish note too. 😭 #SeriesLove @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Disappointing 😞 1w
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Half a King | Joe Abercrombie
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4✨ This was really good! Yarvi just wants to take his ministers test when his father and brother suddenly die. Feeling like half a man because of his weak hand he comes to the throne. I suspected the first betrayal, but there was a few reveals that I did not expect. I loved the adventure and the unlikely friends. There were sad moments, shocking moments, and it all tied nicely together. #FableBR

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4✨ I remember this one more than some of the other books in the series. Maybe not the plot, but when I saw the cover. Nancy, Bess, and George find themselves on two sides of this mystery because Mr. Drew is helping and old man Asa Sidney rewrite his will. When the results of what the will now says comes out they are shocked. This was a really fun mystery to read. #NancyBR @Librarybelle

Librarybelle What a good way to describe what happens between Nancy and Bess and George! 2w
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White Nights | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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3 ✨ This book is sad… we have a lonely man who meets and helps a lonely lady one night. She has a lover already, but they are companions over a few nights. When one night her lover comes back our narrator is forgotten. 😭💔

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2✨ While I technically bailed on this one it was a collection of short stories. The problem is as mysteries it was not satisfying to try to solve the mystery because there was not a lot of information provided. Poirot being as amazing as he is can solve mysteries without much, but I would have at least like to have a chance. 😅 #FableBR

dabbe I also find that as a problem sometimes with detective stories. 😀 2w
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5✨ I got this one from #OUABC and like many of the books from them it‘s one of the most beautiful books I‘ve read. We follow Edie in 2018 as an elderly woman who we discover has trouble with her memory. Certain moments spark her memory of 1951 and her friend Lucy that disappeared. She is more determined than ever to find out what happened to her before it‘s too late. My heart broke for Edie as I rediscovered her past as well as her future.

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3✨ The story was really good, but since it was so short it continued to jump forward in time. The female POV was married at the beginning which I‘m not a fan of, but understand why the author did it to build anticipation. Other situations were put in here that because it was so short didn‘t completely get resolved, like the owl. So not bad, but maybe too much side plot for how short it was. #ReadYourKindle @CBee

James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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3✨ I enjoyed reading this reimagining of Huckleberry Finn in the POV of Jim. It was interesting to see his perspective during this timeframe. #CampLitsy24 @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB @Megabooks

BarbaraBB Glad you liked it. On to All Fours? 2w
Roary47 @BarbaraBB Yes, already finished the first chapter! 🎉 I might try to do the discussions later. 😅 (edited) 2w
squirrelbrain 👍😄 2w
Megabooks Glad you‘ll be joining us for the next one, too! 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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Well, I read two. 🤣😅

julesG I read 5 and I don't feel any FOMO 2w
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4✨This is a reread for me so I already knew I would completely enjoy this read. Still not all in for the Tamlin and Feyre match, but love this story line. Ready to reread the rest of the series. #CatsofLitsy “Catrat”

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤 🐾 🤍 3w
dabbe #cutiecatrat 🖤🐾🖤 3w
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 3w
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Better late than never. I‘m going to try to read these somehow. 🫣 #ReadYourKindle @CBee

CBee You can do it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3w
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HEX | Thomas Olde Heuvelt
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4✨ This book was really tense. The descriptions use to detail the ghost witch are very detailed and disturbing. There is a lot of scary situations, but I think I was just expecting more chills. There was a point in the book that I was just sad, and the scary parts of the book were just not as scary because of the depression. #FableBR @Littlewolf1

LibrarianRyan I still have this one to try, but I recently tried to read Echo by the same author. And yeah, just sad and depression, Ughhh. I DNFed. 3w
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Midnight's Children | Salman Rushdie
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I listened and followed along for 2 hours. Sadly going to DNF. I can‘t figure out what‘s going on. I know this is a challenging and great book, but I just can‘t get into it. 😢 I‘m not going to review since I‘ll try again some other time.

Ruthiella I read this with a guide to explain all the things I was not getting. Definitely a challenging book. 3w
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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Tangled Up in You | Christina Lauren
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Book Haul! 🤩 My husband is aware that I don‘t read everything I buy right away. This is why husbands should t come to book club. 🤣

Snail Crossing | Corey R. Tabor
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5✨I need to do more book reviews for my kids library books. This is the latest sweet read that I would recommend it was so cute! Snail sees cabbage on the other side of the road and is cabbage bound. Snail has obstacles in his way, but he is not going to stop until he gets his cabbage.

This book expresses the golden rule: do something nice and nice things will come to you. Be charitable and the grateful will help you when you need help.

Animorphs #2: The Visitor | K. A. Applegate
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3✨ I think this gives a bit more background on how they morph, and who they are up against. The flea was a fun touch. #SeriesLove @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Well done! 3w
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4✨ I was really little when I watched this movie. It was a favorite of mine so when I read this I thought it would spark some good memories. The writing, and imagination of this world is amazing! It didn‘t captivate me as much as it did my young self, but I still loved the journey. Plus it‘s a series?! More to look forward to later. 🥰

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Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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4✨ This second book did not have the series curse. It was a solid continuation of the story with danger, dragons, and overcoming odds. There was many intense moments and another cliff hanger! I found myself exclaiming out loud No, no, NO!!! Oh man can‘t wait for January to continue the series. #SeriesLove

persephone1408 The best series I‘ve read in a while 3w
TheSpineView Great job! 3w
Roary47 @persephone1408 Same! So good. 😍 3w
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Mother Dear: A Thriller | Nova Lee Maier
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4✨ This Kindle book was taking me too long so I bought the audio with it to speed up my reading. It follows two POVs Helen and Ralf. Set in the Netherland community Helen works at a hospital, and Ralf spends his time with not great people. Through events leading to someone‘s death there is a cover up, and on the other side a quest for answers. It was a non stop heart pumping thriller that had me wondering who I was rooting for. #ReadyourKindle

CBee I love a good thriller! 3w
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As a teacher and Mom I try to get all our doctor‘s visits done in the summer. Today my oldest and I tackled a few. Sadly, we will have to go back to the dentist tomorrow because she has a small cavity. 😱😭 At least I will have my kindle and she can watch a movie. Make sure you floss! I failed to help her 6 year old self with that. 😭😭😭💔

dabbe Boy I wish when we were kids we could have watched movies! That would have made a visit to the dentist not so terror-inducing! 😱😂😀 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🩷🩷🩷 my girls loved going to the dentist! 3w
Roary47 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks she was very brave today. I hope she can be brave for the shot tomorrow. She is not a fan. 3w
Roary47 @dabbe Right?! I had a lot of dental work done at like 3-9 years old because my baby formula eroded my teeth and my caps would frequently come off. They gave me banana juice and an etch a scetch. 😅 3w
dabbe @Roary47 I would have batted the dentist's hands away to play with an Etch & Sketch! 🤩😂🤗 3w
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Yay! It should be a great diverse #roll100 for the month of July. I was able to read all my rolls for June so I am optimistic @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Yay! That's great! 3w
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The Infinite Sea | Rick Yancey
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Yay! I have a #CampLitsy and #SeriesLove for my #BookSpinBingo pulls for the month of July. Yay!

TheSpineView Fantastic!❤️📖📚 3w
Megabooks Awesome! 3w
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 3w
squirrelbrain Perfect! ❤️ 3w
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Fairy Tale | Stephen King
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I found my copy at our local club (warehouse store for mostly bulk items with discounts). Excited to dig in the near future! #LosersClub @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead Ohhh this is a cool cover! 3w
peanutnine Ooo I've never seen this cover version!! 3w
Roary47 @BarkingMadRead @peanutnine I was so excited. I‘ve never seen this cover either so I had to read the back to make sure I was getting the right one. 😅 3w
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Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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Baby E wants to hear about dragons too! 🐉🥰💛

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4w
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Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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“Dragons do not answer to the whims of men.” I want to make a poster of this for my son‘s room. I call him my baby dragon. 🐉🥰- Side note: I‘m so glad my library hold finally came in for this. Completely hooked! 🤩

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The Phantom Tollbooth | Norton Juster
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With three 5✨ reads I had to really think about my June pick. The Teacher had a lot of moral issues for me, but that ending! The Jane Eyre is a classic for a reason, but it was also a reread. So I needed to give The Phantom Tollbooth the win! 😍

Goliath | Tochi Onyebuchi
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June was really hard to pick a book I didn‘t like. I only selected Goliath because it has so much going on. It was quickly bypassed by Forever my Girl. No wild card at the moment to challenge it.

kspenmoll Love your emojis! 4w
Roary47 @kspenmoll I got this from someone, but can‘t remember who to tag. I don‘t want to take credit for their work, but I agree the emojis are very fitting. 🤭 4w
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Untitled | Unknown
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Wow! 20 books read in June! Not a bad turn out. Plus no DNFs. 🥰

First Lie Wins: A Novel | Ashley Elston
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4✨This was a book club pick not on my radar, but so glad it was picked. We have our main character who pretends to be a bunch of different people under an alias for her boss Mr. Smith. When a lady that looks very similar to her using her actual name she sees major red flags! The chapters are well titled so you know when and who she is in each chapter. That is a struggle point for me with all the alias‘ and time jumping. Necessary for the story.

Roary47 Note I finished this yesterday (when you see it in my June rap up) 😅 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My book spin bingo for July is ready to go! I‘m hoping to bringing down the huge queue TBR from this years unread books. 😬🙊… it just keeps growing because I want to read sooo much. 😅

Hex | Thomas Olde Heuvelt
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July is just around the corner and we our excited about our two fable book clubs, both starting July 1 If you‘re interested in horror or fantasy, @Littlewolf1 & I would love for you to join us. For horror, follow this link https://fable.co/club/roaringwolf-fright-night-with-roary47-202125311454 for those thrills and chills. For fantasy choose this link https://fable.co/club/the-wyvern-scrolls-with-crystal-pilcher-178259080199. Happy Reading 😊📚😊

Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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3✨ I really enjoyed the food descriptions that made me crave the amazing food described. I‘m not sure the book needed to be as long as it was it started to drag at the end for me. However, our main character grew a lot through the story. I wasn‘t too excited for the murder aspect, but it added depth. #camplitsy

Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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This book is making me really hungry. Namely, this chapter on Ramen 🍜 🤤 #CampLitsy @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks I‘m trying to catch up for tomorrow‘s discussion. I have a mild summer cold so it‘s not hard to lay around today. 😅

squirrelbrain Ugh - hope you feel better soon! 4w
Roary47 @squirrelbrain Thank you! The hazards of having littles is catching everything. 😅 4w
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One Dark Window | Rachel Gillig
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3✨I struggled with this one because of all the cards and magic associated with it, but I really enjoyed this. I found it interesting that the “nightmare” protected, but was also slowly killing her through the book. I‘m interested to see what happens in the next book. #HTBookClub

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3✨Not a favorite, but a good mystery just the same. Nancy gets a mysterious letter from Britain to find she is not the only Nancy Drew. The other Nancy just inherited a fortune, and it‘s up to our Nancy to find her. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Librarybelle That blanket looks very cozy! 1mo
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4✨ This author is one of my new favorites. This new book did not disappoint! The historical event was of the Galveston hurricane, and it also touched on traveling medicine shows. I love that the author brings her knowledge as a registered nurse to her stories. I also like that the main character has flaws that she tries to work through.

Hamlet | William Shakespeare
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3✨One of my high school reads I wanted to try again. I understand so much more reading it this time around. While it might be remembering discussions with my high school peers. I want to say it‘s my maturity in reading. Read for #Roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Cute puppers! ❤️❤️ 1mo
dabbe #myeyes! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 1mo
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Half a King | Joe Abercrombie
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“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory” J. R. R. Tolkien.

@Littlewolf1 and myself figured if you‘re going to do one Fable Bookclub, you might as well do two. Welcome to The Wyvern Scrolls, where we are taking on some epic fantasy series. We will be starting with the Shattered Sea trilogy. July 1 will start with the first book, Half a King.

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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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5✨ The re-read just hit me so much better. Jane goes through a lot of heartache starting at a young age. When something is going right it will quickly turn and not work out. While things finally go her way in the end there is still many challenges to overcome. I feel like this is a true romance where things fall apart sometimes and you just have to move on and try to be stronger as time goes on.

Ruthiella This is a book I have read in my 30s, 40s and 50s and each time I get something different from it. A true classic. 1mo
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4✨ There is quite a few characters, but only two POVs that we follow. We also start at present day and go back in time. This helps you ask the question: “What the heck happened?” It is really fast paced and even though it jumps from time and characters it‘s pretty easy to follow and helps to uncover the mysteries as it goes. Pretty dark and twisty on a few things, there is one mystery uncovered that is really messed up. #FableBR

Goliath | Tochi Onyebuchi
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3✨I didn‘t love it, but in its defense it has a lot going on. There were several POVs, some I liked, and some I didn‘t. Many times I really didn‘t know what was going on because of how many characters there were. It was set in a futuristic world when people are left behind basically on a dying planet. It was very tense in its expression of racism. It was also raw in its expression of hopelessness. Probably read slowly. Read for #LitsySciFiBookClub

TheSpineView Great review! Totally agree with you on this book. 1mo
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HEX | Thomas Olde Heuvelt
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Night creatures, you are being summoned! If midnight is your waking hour, you enjoy the sounds of screams, if you search for creatures creeping, and every day is Halloween. If thrills and chills are what you seek, and the hounds of hell make you weak… then we have the Fable book club for you. Join the RoaringWolf Fright Night bookclub as we seek, and read the books that will truly leave us terrified. Link below ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Oooh! I don‘t know how often I‘ll be able to participate, but I‘m definitely joining! 🖤 1mo
Roary47 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Yay! 🥰💛🧟‍♀️👻 1mo
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The Guncle Abroad | Steven Rowley
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3✨ There is a lot of heartwarming moments as the adults and kids navigate their feelings. Changes are really good at bringing up old hurt. As they go abroad and travel as a family they work through their thoughts and feelings. It does also have humor like the first one, but it‘s hard to beat an original.

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5✨ How have I not read this one yet!? It was so funny and I‘m definitely going to read this one again As a kid I would have missed a lot of the word play jokes. My favorite part was the character who lives in context, but constantly is out of it. Plus the watchdog. Very clever! Read for #roll100 @PuddleJumper Gandalf approved 👍🏻 #catsoflitsy

Ruthiella I also somehow never read this as a kid. 😂 Luckily it‘s also entertaining for adults! 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
PuddleJumper 😻😻 1mo
Amiable This is one of my favorite books! Read it to my boys when they were young and they loved it, too. It‘s one of those books that you can enjoy on multiple levels —as a child and again as an adult. 1mo
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