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Joined December 2017

Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them. -Lemony Snickett
Murder by Cheesecake | S.Y. Robins
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Ok, so this is probably going to be just awful, but I will be first in line to buy it. Comes out next April.

"When Dorothy‘s obnoxious date is found dead in a hotel freezer, it not only ruins a gorgeous cheesecake but threatens the elaborate St. Olaf–themed wedding Rose is hosting."

ETA - just realized that I tagged the wrong book. Oops. I don't think it's in the system yet.

lil1inblue Well, they can just take my money now. I know it'll be cheesy as heck, but I must have all things Golden Girls. 😂 1w
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I was really enjoying this one to begin with, but it just stretched on too long. The story was cute, and the audio was well done. But I'd have liked it more if it were shorter.

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I kept thinking all along that this could have been a fabulous book if Crichton had been writing it. Patterson is great at fast-paced thrill rides, but he doesn't have M.C.'s depth. Then that ending. Ugh. It left me as ticked as Andromeda Strain did. If you like b movie like disaster stories, you'll probably enjoy this one. I did enjoy it. But I was supremely disappointed in the end.

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1. Got to spend last Saturday out with my oldest (26) and youngest (9) and see the oldest's new apartment.
2. Part of that visit included a trip to Barnes and Noble.
3. Had a good dr visit with my middle yesterday, and her doc is so kind and understanding.
4. There's a dog in my lap. 😊
5. The coffee has been especially good this week.


TheBookHippie Good doctors are so wonderful!! 1mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Yay to family time & good doctors! 🎉 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
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2 Sisters Detective Agency | James Patterson, Candice Fox
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Not bad but not great. I don't think I'll be continuing with this series.

Book 1 finished for #20in4 readathon.

Overboard | Sara Paretsky
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My plans for this weekend's #20in4 readathon. I am nearly done with both 2 Sisters and Overboard and about 100 pages into AGiM. So my goal is to at least finish those three. Anything after that will be gravy. Happy reading!

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I just pre-ordered my signed copy of this one, and I can only remember one time (20ish years ago) being close to this excited about a book release (the 6th book in a series which I loved but the author has become a big disappointment). But THIS BOOK! I have an Expanse shaped hole in my heart, and I'm hoping Mercy will fill it. August 6th cannot come fast enough.

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My June #botm selections. I've not read the first two books in the top book's series, but they're on KU, so I figure I can catch up before I start Talent.

What's in your #BlueBox?

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Well, the cozy Christmas book wasn't working for me, so I went in a...different direction. It's definitely weird. But at 200 pages, I think I can get through this one and hopefully get my mojo back.

Ruthiella This book is about as far from a cozy Christmas book as you can get! 🤢 3mo
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Snowed In for Christmas | Jaqueline Snowe
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I've been feeling really low the past few weeks, and it's making it difficult to focus on a book. I've started several - physical, ebooks, and audios - and I just can't get through anything. So, I pulled this off my shelf tonight in hopes that a cozy Christmas-y book will get me out of my funk, or at least let me escape into someone else's world for a little while.

Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
Soubhiville Hope you feel more like yourself soon. 🩷 3mo
tpixie 🩵🩷🩵 3mo
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dabbe 💙🩵💙 3mo
Ruthiella Hope this does the trick. ❤️ 3mo
Bookwomble 💗 3mo
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I got this kindle page turner because I read on it in bed, and lazy as it may seem, I hate having to move my arm out from under the blanket every time I want to turn the page. I never use it any other time, but I'm sitting here waiting for my daughter to get off work and I kept knocking it off its perch, and the turner works perfectly. I love this little gadget! This book not so much. It's pretty terrible.

Texreader Oh cool!! How does it work? 3mo
Traci1 @Texreader the turner clips on the right side (mine won't fit unless I take my case off, but thinner cases might). There's a little part - about the size of a tube of lipstick - that has two buttons. Both do the same thing - not sure why there are two, but you push the button and it signals the clip to "tap" the page. It only pages forward, so if you have to go back, you need to it manually, but it's still really cool. 3mo
Traci1 @Texreader I think it would really be useful for like working out. Like on a treadmill, just keep it in your hand and you wouldn't have to reach up. It cost about $30, if I remember correctly. 3mo
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Texreader @Traci1 Oh I‘d like it in bed if I don‘t have to take my arms out from the under cover during winter… very nifty. Thanks for sharing! 3mo
Texreader I‘ve added it to my wish list 3mo
tpixie I just posted about a kindle holder for the bed and the remote! I‘m tempted to get the remote for my nighttime reading! 3mo
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I'm super excited for this month's #botm box. For a good while, the choices were sort of meh for me, but this time I had a hard time limiting myself to three.

Way of Kings | Brandon Sanderson
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I am loving this book. I find myself reading more slowly than I normally do just so I don't miss anything.

bookaholic1 It's a very good read...loved it 4mo
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I really enjoyed the first Aunties book, and I loved Sutanto's Vera Wong book. But this one was disappointing in comparison. It wasn't nearly as charming or funny, and mostly I just wanted to be done with it. The audio narration was fine.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
PuddleJumper That sucks. I enjoyed the first one 4mo
Traci1 @PuddleJumper I really did too. Maybe if I'd read it in print rather than audio, it would have been different but it just felt kind of desperate. I'm not sure if that even makes sense, but it was like being pummeled with "I'm funny! You think I'm funny, right? Cause I'm funny! Really!" There are some good reviews on goodreads, though, so maybe you'll like it more than I did. 4mo
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Way of Kings | Brandon Sanderson
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HELP! This book is 1,252 pages. Actually it's more than that but it's 1,252 pages of actual book text, so closer to 1,300 total pages between the covers. I'm really struggling to open the book enough to read the bits in the crease. I even tried breaking the spine. But there's SO MUCH spine. Ugh. Is there a better way to hold it and access all the text without struggling on each page??

Kimberlone I got this on kindle for that exact reason 🤣 4mo
Traci1 @Kimberlone yeah my husband just rolled his eyes at me and said "you know you're just gonna buy it again on kindle. Might as well do it today." ? I honestly probably would have if I'd realized how big it was. I figured it'd be like 400/500 pages tops when I ordered it. 4mo
TieDyeDude Oh no! Such poor production. I've never seen that, I don't know how it can be addressed 4mo
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Suet624 Yikes! 4mo
Kimberlone @Traci1 the book husbands just know 😂 4mo
RaeLovesToRead I'm having similar problems with my hardback of Ordinary Monsters. Can't hold the darn thing up! 4mo
Bookpearl I don‘t know if this will help but look up thumb page holder (yes it‘s a thing). It‘s a small gadget that you put your thumb through that helps with holding the pages. 4mo
Traci1 @Bookpearl I've seen those. I may have to give it a try. 4mo
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My #botm box selections. I have a small wait since I wanted The Familiar, but I can live with that. I'm super excited for both of these. What's in your box this month?

Snowglobe | Soyoung Park
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I bought this book solely because the cover was so pretty. And I just opened it up, and this end paper... 😍 I didn't look at the blurb, and I haven't read a single word, so I've no idea what this is about, but I'm in love already.

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Roary47 That bookmark! Yes!!! 4mo
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Wrong Leverrrrrrrrr.... 4mo
Traci1 @Roary47 @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego 😄 Kronk and Yzma are my favorite Disney couple. 4mo
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Help me choose. Which should I start next?

Meshell1313 Ooh divine rivals I loved but you gotta read priory! One of my all time favs. 4mo
slategreyskies I‘m gonna go with Priory as well. It‘s one of my favorites! 4mo
Traci1 @Meshell1313 @slategreyskies Priory it is. I bought I for Kindle right when it was released because I just couldn't wait for the paperback to come out and I hate holding humongous hardbacks. And it's still sitting unread more than 5 years later. 🤦‍♀️ Thanks for the help deciding. 😁 4mo
slategreyskies When I read it, I started with a copy from the library, but you‘re right. It‘s a chunkster. I ended up purchasing a Kindle copy too just to save my hands and wrists. 😊 4mo
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I think the first half could have been considerably shorter. You can tell Kuang is a huge etymology nerd, and I think people who have similar interest in language and its history will probably feel that it scratches that itch. For me, it was just too much. The story itself, though, was really good, and the final 1/4 of the book was much faster paced and more interesting to me personally.

I'm glad I stuck with it.

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Trapped in Yosemite | Dana Mentink
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Well, I was desperately in need of a book shop and couldn't get to one, so Walmart had to do. None of these are ones I'd ordinarily gravitate to, but you work with what you're given, right? My daughter picked the fake dating one, and Snow Globe is just gorgeous. I'm most excited to start the tagged one though. I haven't read any others in that series, so hopefully that won't matter. Amazing what buying a few books can do to soothe the soul.

Bookzombie I‘m sort of pleased Wal-Mart had Tender Is The Flesh. 4mo
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I'm really struggling with this one. It's not that it's not good. But it just feels so long. And normally I love long books, but for some reason I keep wanting to put this one down. Ever feel that say? What do you do? Push through? Set it aside for a bit? Ugh. I just kinda want to be done with it.

Leftcoastzen That‘s why I‘m hesitant to start it though some people really loved it! 4mo
dabbe I did feel that, too, but then all hell broke loose at the end! Do what feels right to you, though. There are too many other good books out there that might not do that to you. Life‘s too short as it is. 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Traci1 @dabbe I'm not giving up just yet. And I do feel like there'll be a payoff in the end. I just think what I've read so far could have been cut down by half with no real loss. 🤷‍♀️ 4mo
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Traci1 @Leftcoastzen I think in the end, I'll be happy I read it. But I think it's longer than necessary. 4mo
dabbe @Traci1 Agree 💯!!! 4mo
Suet624 I keep plugging along but I whine the entire time. 4mo
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Got off to a great start for #MarvellousMarch today. I finished Apples Never Fall on Audio, which I enjoyed. It wasn't my favorite Moriarty, but it was good. I also started and finished Holmes, Marple, and Poe, which was entertaining and quick. It's getting late - Poppy has already gone to bed (aka my lap), but I'm gonna get in a little nighttime reading of the tagged book. It's been a minute since I read book 1, so 🤞I am not lost.

Yuki_Onna Your bookmark! 😍 Love capybaras. ❤❤ 4mo
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My goals for #MarvellousMarch are pretty general. I've got a couple going right now that I want to finish (Apples Never Fall on audio by Moriarty and Early Riser on kindle by Fforde). I want to start and finish the tagged book. Other than that, anything I get to will just be a bonus.


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Henry and I were on our way out the door heading to speech therapy, and the mailman pulled up with Henry's pre-ordered Dog Man book. He was so excited he finished before we even got there.

TheKidUpstairs I picked up my son's pre-order today, and he immediately devoured it, too! 4mo
TEArificbooks Mine read his fast in the car too 4mo
Traci1 @TheKidUpstairs @TEArificbooks I'm curious what else your boys like to read. Henry is very picky and will read these and the Cat Kids over and over rather than anything new. We have LOADS of books in the house, and I'll happily buy him whatever ones he's interested in, but he mostly only wants to read graphics (which is fine, but I'd love to find others he might like). 4mo
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TEArificbooks Similar to Dogman, they liked the Investigators series and Agent Moose. My youngest is more into nonfiction. But they both liked The Wild Robot series for chapter books which is being turned into a movie this year, the trailer is out. 4mo
TheKidUpstairs @Traci1 mine is the same way, he mostly rereads his Pilkey collection. He also enjoyed the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but lost interest in book 2. And he loves the Press Start series (they're VERY quick reads, but there's a good number of them, including a Choose Your Own Adventure style one) 4mo
JillR I‘ve lost track of reading ages a little now my two are getting older, but remember the Treehouse Storey series being a hit 4mo
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Hell Bent | Leigh Bardugo
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Every time this guy's name pops up in the story, I read it as Professor Wishy-Washy. 😏

The book is freaking fantastic, by the way. Even better than Ninth House.

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 4mo
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Empire of the Damned | Jay Kristoff
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I bought the audible version of EotD, and I decided to start it tonight. It starts off with the cast of characters and their backstory, I believe. It's been a while since I read EotV, though, and I feel completely lost. Is there somewhere I could find a good summary of vampires or the cast list in print? Any suggestions? I read vampires on my kindle, and now I'm wondering if the audio of this was a mistake if I'm lost already.

TheSpineView Loved the first book. The 2nd is on my TBR list. 4mo
BookWrym I just finished listening to book 1 so I am fully prepared to jump into book 2 check out this site https://empire-of-the-vampire.fandom.com/wiki/Empire_of_the_Vampire_Wiki for character details 4mo
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Heir of Fire | Sarah J Maas
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About 100 pages into this one, and I'm not feeling it. I read Crown of Midnight in just a day and was hoping this one would hit me the same, but idk. It's dragging. Hopefully, it gets better.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
ShelleyBooksie Adorable photo bomber 4mo
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The Will of the Many | James Islington
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Flipping fantastic! Highly recommended.

The Will of the Many | James Islington
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"Wait, I'm not done with that page."

squirrelbrain Such a cutie! ❤️ 5mo
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 5mo
Gissy 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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Book 8/7 finished for #FabulousFebruary and #20in4. I feel like this was a very successful readathon for me. All 8 books were physical owned books, so yay! @Andrew65

I gave this one 4.25 stars. If it had ended in Vietnam I believe it would have been 5, but that wasn't the story she was wanting to tell. All in all, it was an emotional roller coaster of a book that I think I'll remember for a long time.

ReadingisMyPassion I loved this book. Looking forward to my book club discussion on it. 5mo
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Adrift: A Novel | Lisa Brideau
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Book 7/7 finished for #FabulousFebruary and #20in4. @Andrew65

Fun eco thriller. Finished this one in a single day.

Andrew65 Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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Exiles | Jane Harper
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Book 6/7 finished #FabulousFebruary and #20in4. @Andrew65

So, this is probably my least favorite Harper, but it's still a pick. Enjoyable and atmospheric, if a bit slow at times.

Andrew65 Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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Book 5/7 finished for #FabulousFebruary and #20in4. @Andrew65

I wasn't sure I was even going to like this book at about a third of the way into it. And yet, it ended up being my first 5 star book for the year. It's hard to put a finger on why it works, but it does. I went into it fairly blind, and I think that is the best way with this one. It's one I think I'll be ruminating on for a while.

Andrew65 Looks good, well done 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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"... a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus."

How did I never know this?? I'm not sure how I'm feeling about the plot of this book, but the space facts are pretty fascinating.

Clare-Dragonfly I knew that. Because I have a 6-year-old obsessed with space 😆 I think of him every time I see someone post about this book! 5mo
Traci1 @Clare-Dragonfly haha. I have a 9 year old, but his obsession is dinosaurs. Maybe a sequel with interesting dino facts? 😁 5mo
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The Road | Cormac McCarthy
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Book 4 finished for #FabulousFebruary and #20in4 @Andrew65

Oh my heart. 😭 Bleak, heartbreaking, and yet beautiful. I think this one will take a while to recover from.

Andrew65 Excellent, great progress 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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The Mars Room: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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I went to Barnes and Noble with my two youngest kids (9 and 21). I had a list of 8 books I wanted. They had two of them (Mars Room and The Naturals). The other three were impulse buys, and of course I couldn't leave without a new bookmark (or two). I could have spent all day, and a lot more money, but I was trying to show some restraint.


Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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Book 3/7 finished for #FabulousFebruary and #20in4.

This was a solid 4 star until the very end. It was a little too saccharine for me, lowering it just a teeny bit. Still overall I really enjoyed it and read it in less than a day.


Andrew65 Well done 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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Migrations: A Novel | Charlotte McConaghy
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Recent #bookmail.

Infinity Gate | M R Carey
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Book 2 finished for #20in4 and #FabulousFebruary

This one took a bit to get into because of the complexity. I ended up loving it. The characters were full of depth, and I read the last 300 pages in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down.


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I'm going to go all out with my goals this month. So far in 2024 I haven't been all that productive with my reading, but I'm feeling extra motivated at the moment. So my goals for #FabulousFebruary are to finish 7 books in 7 days. I got a good head start as I finished my reread of the tagged book this morning. Hoping to finish Infinity Gate later today. 🤞


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I've just imported my books from goodreads into SG. I have no idea really how to use it. Any tips for a new user? I'm planning on doing the trial month and then paying for the upgraded version if I like it enough. Suggestions on how to get the most out of the app would be appreciated...or if there's a good youtube or tiktok tutorial, I'd go for that as well. Thanks!!

Kimberlone Tracking your progress on your currently reading is pretty similar to Goodreads, so you will pick up on it quickly. IMO the biggest asset of Storygraph is the automatically created graphs and statistics about your reading. If you keep your reading up to date, you can see your changing stats all throughout the year and month to month. I don‘t have the paid sub, but one optional feature I use regularly are tags to track the origin of each book. 5mo
Traci1 @Kimberlone I used GR mostly because I tend to forget if I've read a book or not. But other than that, it's been severely lacking. I'm excited about all the statistics. 5mo
IndoorDame The stats are amazing! So are the ability to track readings challenges! 5mo
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julesG The reading challenges are great, I agree! @IndoorDame Also buddy reads and readalongs. I've been using the free version of StoryGraph for some time now, I don't think I'm missing out on any features. 5mo
Traci1 @IndoorDame @julesG which reading challenges are you doing? I was thinking about doing one of the tackle your tbr ones. 5mo
IndoorDame @Traci1 I have the same screename over there, so you can easily check out all my challenges. I use it to track all my Litsy challenges, and also my monthly poetry reading, and a TBR challenge I picked cause it‘s open ended and I want to read the things that have been on my shelves a while, so I‘m tracking that this year. 5mo
Traci1 @IndoorDame thanks! I like the tbr one you're doing. Prompts are fun, but I need to whittle down my physical library, and they don't always coincide with that particularly well. 5mo
Traci1 @IndoorDame and my user name there is traci1974. 5mo
julesG Same @ on SG, too. I'm doing the #BookChain24 and #52bookclub24 challenges at the moment. 5mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I‘m @ sharnibee on StoryGraph. I‘m on a mission to whittle down my physical library too - I‘ve just discovered the function to create your own challenges - so I‘ve made one to (hopefully) keep me on track to actually finish the Obernewtyn Chronicles this year. Love the pie graphs! 5mo
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I do believe this second book in the series was even more fun than the first. I love Stevenson's humor and style. Highly recommended!

britt_brooke Love this photo! 5mo
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Butcher and Blackbird | Brynne Weaver
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This is one of those books that was a solid pick until I got to the sex scenes. The story was fun, in a ghoulish sort of way. The two MCs were likable enough. And I don't mind sex in books. But the dialogue during sex was so over the top cringey. I skipped an entire chapter just to avoid reading more of it. In a book with cannibalism and eye removal, I was gagging during the sex parts. 🤮

monalyisha 😂 5mo
mcipher 😂 5mo
Texreader Eewww 5mo
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britt_brooke Hahaha … I‘m planning to read this soon. I‘m picky about steamy scenes, so I‘m sure I‘ll feel the same way. 😂 5mo
Traci1 @britt_brooke I'm glad I read it. I love the premise of it. And the writing style wasn't bad. Hopefully you'll like it and maybe won't be as revolted by the spicy stuff as I was. 😄 5mo
DGRachel This may be my favorite review ever. 🤣🤣 5mo
BooksNBowls I felt the same way 🤣🤣 hated the last half of the book honestly lol 5mo
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These are my most recent acquisitions. All bought in the past 3 weeks. None were needed, but all were wanted. 😊

Currently reading the tagged book and Infinity Gate, and both are fantastic.

Texreader I‘ve read Hamnet. I liked it. 5mo
Crazeedi Never too many 📚 ! 5mo
Bookwomble Need Vs Want. It seems Want is always the victor! 💪📚😄 5mo
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"It doesn't matter how many names on how many spines of how many books you have, sometimes your legacy boils down to meat in a black plastic bag."

Loving this book.

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I'm taking my just turned 9 year old to Barnes and Noble today to spend the birthday $ he got from the grands, and as luck would have it my IRS refund hit the bank today. So I need all the recommendations. Prefer mysteries and sci-fi and travel memoirs. I love long series I can really sink my teeth into. Don't care for romance or domestic thrillers, but I'm pretty open to anything else. Hit me up with everything you love!

lil1inblue Random thoughts:
Mystery: The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
Sci-Fi: The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin
Travel: I actually can't think of anything here. But for some reason I keep thinking of Terry Tempest Williams - she writes a lot about nature and does so beautifully!
vivastory Mystery: ABC Murders or Crooked House (Agatha Christie)/
Sci-Fi: Lathe Of Heaven (Ursula K. Le Guin) Wild Seed (Octavia Butler)
I haven't read this one, but I have heard great things about Barry Lopez's travel book “Arctic Dreams“ Not sure if this would classify as travel memoir, but I absolutely loved Douglas Preston's account of trying to find a lost civilization with the help of many others in 2012 “The Lost City of the Monkey God“
Ruthiella I‘m not sure what you have already read, but thinking of long series: Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne or Dresden File by Jim Butcher- both urban fantasy and Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters - mystery, romance, adventure, historical. 5mo
PuddleJumper The Kate Sugak series by Dana Stabenow is a long mystery/crime series set in Alaska. Very easy reading. 5mo
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Infinity Gate | M R Carey
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Whatcha readin' Mama?

Yeah, my tree is still up. 🤦‍♀️

AkashaVampie is that a Westie??? 6mo
wanderinglynn So cute! ❤️🐶 And i have a friend who leaves her tree up year round. She just changes the decorations to match the season. 6mo
slategreyskies Mine‘s still up too. It may go down this week or next week, though, since I have a few days off in a row. 6mo
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Traci1 @AkashaVampie he's a hodgepodge of a bunch of breeds. Mostly Yorkie, poodle, and chihuahua. 6mo
Traci1 @wanderinglynn we did that year before last. Not to decorate all year but just kept not putting it away and at a certain point we just decided it wasn't worth the effort since it was coming round again 6mo
AkashaVampie @Traci1 oh!! I grew up with Westies. I miss having pets/family members. 6mo
maich So cute🥰❤️ 6mo
Traci1 @AkashaVampie we had a Havanese named Willie for 16 years before Gus, and he always looked like a westie to me. We lost Willie a little over a year ago and my husband saw a little one eyed mutt on Facebook who looked a lot like Willie and we just fell in love. He had been a stray before animal control found him, so we don't really know his story, but he's a sweetie. 6mo
AkashaVampie @Traci1 awww I'm sorry sweetie. It's hard when I lose a pet. It's like u are losing a family member. 6mo
azulaco My tree is still up too. I‘ve been out of town a lot, and most stuff doesn‘t get done at my house unless I‘m there to prod them to do it…say amen if you can relate.🙄 #momlife 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
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Iron Flame | Rebecca Yarros
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I was looking at my holds tonight and noticed this one. I don't think I noticed how far down the list I was when I placed this hold. That's like a 3 year wait. 😳

Aims42 Wow! 🤯🤯🤯 7mo
vlwelser That's impressive for a 28 hour audiobook. 7mo
BookmarkTavern Whoa! 😳 7mo
Roary47 Wow! 🤯 7mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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AmandaBlaze Starter Villain 7mo
Traci1 @AmandaBlaze yes! +25 points 😺 7mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Traci1 @PuddleJumper yes! 25 points for you! 7mo
PuddleJumper @Traci1 🥳🥳 7mo
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