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Joined September 2016

Just a girl in love with books 📚
Premeditated Myrtle | Elizabeth C. Bunce
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Saved my #hyggehourrradathon for todays family beach day. All my summertime favorites, the ocean, reading in the sun, pizza, an ice cold beer and spending time with family. A proud picture of my nieces beach bag. I trained her right, she brought a couple of books.

TheBookHippie 💙🌊 3w
kspenmoll #hyggereadathon at the beach! Wonderful! 3w
UwannaPublishme Sounds like the perfect day! 🏖️📚 1w
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Fifteen | Beverly Cleary
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I don‘t remember exactly how old I was but one Christmas in grade school I received from my mom a box of books. The box contained Fifteen, Jean and Johnny, The Luckiest Girl & many other titles. To this day that has been my most favorite gift ever received. I loved & devoured each book in that box. My first copy of Fifteen looked like the copy to the left. Recently I purchased a new copy and it‘s the one on the right.

tpixie What a great present and great memories!! I‘m enjoying the book so far. 🥛 🍨🩷 3w
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June #serieslove2024 wrap up. Tackled three books in ongoing series I‘m currently reading.

TheSpineView Great job! 3w
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Fatal First Edition | Jenn McKinlay
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Book #14 in the Library Lover‘s Mystery series and I‘m all caught up. This time around Lindsey attends a library conference and on the train ride home, surprise! She‘s stumbles into a murder mystery. Cozy, comfortable, predictable but always enjoying to read.

TheSpineView Fantastic! Being caught up feels so good! 3w
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The Cuckoo Clock | Mrs. Molesworth
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Two more pictures….

UwannaPublishme Stunning! 3w
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The Cuckoo Clock | Mrs. Molesworth
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The lighting in my brother‘s house is horrible and my photography is not the greatest but here is my grandpas cuckoo clock from Germany. This one is not operational and needs to be professionally repaired.

TheBookHippie Oh I love it!!! 3w
UwannaPublishme Wow! Gorgeous! The woodwork is amazing! Is that a rabbit I see? Thanks for sharing! 😍 3w
mrp27 @UwannaPublishme Welcome, and I think that is a rabbit! 3w
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June #wrapup

It was a good reading month. Some humorous books, some series love books and 1 DNF, South of Broad. Favorites of the month was Paper Hearts and The Ghosts of Rose Hill.

Bklover I loved Trixie Belden as a kid! 3w
mrp27 @Bklover Me too! So fun to reread. 3w
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July #bookspin pick

So glad this is my July #bookspin pick. This is another title that I‘ve had on my physical tbr pile for at least 10 years now.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! I love that cover!! 3w
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The Edge of Lost | Kristina Mcmorris
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July #bookspin

Whew, barely made it in before the drawing!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
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Feels like ages since I‘ve had a free Sunday evening to participate in #hyggehourreadathon so I‘m extending it into my afternoon with a reading nest under the air conditioning. Trying to finish tagged book for tomorrow‘s book club.

TheBookHippie 🎉🎉🎉🎉💚💚💚💚 1mo
AllDebooks 💚 1mo
Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 1mo
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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June #bookspin

This was a cute read. A young Jewish girl and her family wish to vacation at The Inn at Lake Devine in Vermont in the 60‘s but the proprietor does not allow Jews. Young Natalie decides to take matters into her own hands and sneaks in with a friends family. This begins a lifelong obsession with seeking revenge on the Inn. Romantic entanglements ensue. Enjoyable and glad it‘s off my tbr shelf.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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#NancyDrewBR #SeriesLove2024

Not one of my favorite Nancy titles as this was just too convoluted. I did enjoy reading how Nancy and her friends participated in college life with Ned and their dates.

Librarybelle Yay for more Ned! 1mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖 1mo
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May #wrapup

A crazy and exhausting month led to very little reading. Barely managed to keep up with buddy reads, bookspin and book club books but the few books I did read were all good. Least favorite was That Part Was True.

Crazeedi Some great looking books! 2mo
mrp27 @Crazeedi Thanks, there was some good ones this month! 2mo
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May #SeriesLove2024 wrap up. Not a lot read but a couple in my ongoing series reads.

TheSpineView Any progress is a good thing. 👍🤩😊 2mo
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The Inn at Lake Devine | Elinor Lipman
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June #bookspin pick. I used to read a lot of Eleanor Lipman titles but this one has been languishing on my tbr pile for years. Glad it was picked, hope to get it read!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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Summer Reading | Hilma Wolitzer
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June #bookspin

How is it summer already?! High hopes to get June bookspin pick read.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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First some skin care and then hopping into bed to finish up The Women for book club tomorrow. So much to discuss and a great story, but I could do without the romantic elements.

Chrissyreadit I love the skin care as part of hyggereadinghour ❤️ 2mo
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That Part Was True | Deborah McKinlay
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May #bookspin

Yay! I finally finished a book spin pick. Too bad it was just meh but glad to have this book off my shelves. A British woman struggling with anxiety writes a fan letter to a popular American author and the two strike up a friendship and bond through their mutual love of cooking.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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I‘ve read many cozies over the years but Jenn Mckinlay was the first cozy author that I ever read and her two series, Book Lovers and Cupcake series are the only 2 series I keep up with. I‘ve been reading these for years so they are always warm, comforting, and the characters feel like old friends. In this book it‘s Halloween time and librarian Lindsey discovers the skeletal remains of a woman from a 30 year old cold case.

TheSpineView Fabulous! 2mo
DGRachel I struggle to find cozies I like enough to invest time in an entire series but I will definitely check out this author with that review. :) 2mo
mrp27 @DGRachel Aw.. I hope you enjoy. It helped with the cupcake series that I read the first book when it came out in 2011 so I‘ve been able to read each book in the series as they came out. It became something to look forward to. Also helps when my library carries all books in the series. 2mo
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Slowly working my way through this stack of books this evening while admiring the cute mug my niece and nephew gave me for Mother‘s Day. Their sweet words on the card made me laugh and cry. Hope everyone‘s day was filled with peace and love.

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#NancyDrewBR #SeriesLove24

Another fun adventure for Nancy and her besties. This time there is a mysterious fire and a crooked business man that is stealing the ideas of others. Happy to finally have Ned in this one and looking forward to seeing more of him.

Librarybelle Yay for Ned! 3mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3mo
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Had an impromptu family get together yesterday so I missed out on hygge hour but made up for it today. Tried out Uncle Fluffy Japanese cheesecakes for lunch today. I know. Cheesecake for lunch is not ideal but that is the beauty of being a grown up, I can do what I want. Overall, I enjoyed it. Very light and fluffy but the cheesecake flavor was very mild.

eskoch28 Cheesecake for lunch is absolutely ideal. Don't let anyone tell you different 3mo
Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛 3mo
Ruthiella It‘s made of cheese. That‘s a food group! 🧀 3mo
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mrp27 @Ruthiella Right?! Cheese is a protein after all. 😜 3mo
mrp27 @eskoch28 And this is why I love my Litsy friends! 3mo
TheBookHippie Oh yummmmm💛💛💛💛💛 3mo
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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Call me intrigued. I‘ve never read Dracula before so I‘m going to give this a whirl. Hope I can keep up with it. So far I‘m enjoying the emails.

tpixie It was fun reading the emails last year. I also listened to podcast that read it!! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/re-dracula/id1679833472 3mo
UwannaPublishme I didn‘t get any emails yet. I must check on it. Thanks for the reminder! 3mo
BookmarkTavern Yay! Hope you‘re enjoying it! 3mo
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mrp27 @tpixie I‘m curious about the podcast too, thanks for the link! 3mo
mrp27 @UwannaPublishme Glad to be of service! Hope your email comes. 3mo
mrp27 @BookmarkTavern So far I am! 3mo
tpixie @mrp27 yes!! Enjoy!! Someday now I went to read it the way it was written. I cannot imagine reading it out of order though! 3mo
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That Part Was True | Deborah McKinlay
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I read a chapter this morning and now I‘m ahead of the game by actually starting my May #bookspin pick. Now fingers crossed I finish it!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Love this cover!!! 3mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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April #wrapup

Some great books this month. I did a first read of Rebecca and I absolutely loved it. Why did I take so long to read it? Trejos Tacos was a delight. Some great stories and the recipes looked delicious. I highly recommend Mexikid if you like graphic novels and Book Girl was the worst of the month. Very repetitive in formation and repetitive with books and authors the author chose to highlight.

The Secret of the Mansion | Julie Campbell
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April #SeriesLove2024 wrap up

Doing great with my middle grade series thus far but need to pick up more adult series.

TheSpineView Well done! 3mo
Andrew65 Well done on progressing the middle grade series 👏👏👏 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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May #BookSpin

I‘ve been failing miserably at bookspin this year. Let‘s hope that May is a good month and that I actually complete this months pick!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
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The Secret of the Mansion | Julie Campbell
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Growing up I was a Trixie Belden girl & not a Nancy Drew girl. So for the first time as an adult I‘m reading Nancy Drew with the buddy read & I did my first adult reread of Trixie. I enjoyed it very much and I can now positively confirm that I‘m still a Trixie girl as I liked this so much better. I felt the characters & plot were more detailed & fleshed out. I still enjoy Nancy, she is a great mc but Trixie definitely has better storytelling.

Cellar Door Books | Riverside, CA (Bookstore)
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I did actually participate in Independent book store day on Saturday and not just on Sunday. I went to my neighborhood indie and picked up these two titles and one sticker book. Never Whistle at Night was highly recommended by Linda the wonderful proprietor of this store. Can‘t wait to dig into these titles!

Verona Comics | Jennifer Dugan
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My loot from ABC. Art‘s Delicatessen was a couple stores over where I had lunch and of course I ordered an egg cream.

UwannaPublishme It‘s been ages since I‘ve had an egg cream! 3mo
mrp27 @UwannaPublishme I get one every chance I get which is rare. I‘m on a roll this year, so far I‘ve had two! 3mo
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Lily and the Octopus | Steven Rowley
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I tried tagging Annabelles Bookclub LA but the store wasn‘t listed in the database. Anyway, an unexpected work trip brought me out to the valley yesterday and it put me in proximity to Annabells so I had to pop in. Cute store, very well curated and if you didn‘t know, Annabell opened her store at the age of 17. I spent my hygge hour last night photographing my loot.

TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
LiteraryinLawrence Her story and the store itself are so cool! 3mo
mrp27 @LiteraryinLawrence Agreed! I was surprised to see her in the store working and we had a nice little chat about the book I bought, Verona Comics. 3mo
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Rebecca | Daphne Dame Du Maurier
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Reading and flipping between the Dodgers and the Rangers games this afternoon with a favorite little treat. Having an early #hyggehourreadathon as I‘ll be driving home later this evening from a weekend of pup sitting.

Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛💛 3mo
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This zany red head was a childhood favorite and she stands the test of time of time. Still a fun read. Now I have a hankering to watch the movies. Pippi on the run is my favorite.

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#NancyDrewBR #SeriesLove2024

Another fun installment of Nancy Drew. This time she encounters a cult and a crime syndicate. I missed having Hannah in this one but we had more Carson Drew. Glad to have George and Bess around but annoyed we had no mention of Ned.

Librarybelle Hooray! Another fun installment indeed! 3mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3mo
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Flowers for Mrs Harris | Paul Gallico
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After a long day yesterday I was too tired for #hyggehourreadathon but made up for it today by taking an extended walk and stopping to smell the flowers. Sadie enjoyed the springtime flowers as well.

TheBookHippie How wonderful!!! Looks beautiful! 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 3mo
Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛💛💛 3mo
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Crumbs | Danie Stirling
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I had my hygge hour this afternoon as I puppy sat my aunts new dog. I enjoyed reading Crumbs and Pippi with gorgeous views of the ocean before my drive home this evening.

TheBookHippie ♥️🐾♥️ 4mo
Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛💛 4mo
UwannaPublishme Gorgeous views and puppy! 😍🐾 3mo
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Pippi Longstocking | Astrid Lindgren
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Rereading a childhood favorite. On the left was what my original copy of Pippi looked like. I wish it had survived childhood. On the right is the replacement copy I purchased in the late 90‘s.

TheBookHippie ♥️ 4mo
tpixie The audiobook that I‘m listening to looks like the book on the right! 3mo
mrp27 @tpixie How is the audiobook? 3mo
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tpixie @mrp27 it was well done!!! But I‘m thinking about going to the library and looking at the book for the illustrations! 3mo
mrp27 @tpixie Good to know! Maybe I‘ll try it one day. Illustrations in my copy are cute. 3mo
tpixie @mrp27 🐵 🐴 3mo
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Heidi | Johanna Spyri.
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March #bookspin #childrensclassicread2024

Hard to believe I went this long in life without reading this gem. Such beautiful descriptions of nature, and a heartwarming tale that made me miss my grandparents. So glad I read it and so glad I purchased the book.

TheBookHippie ♥️ 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I LOVE this story so much!! 4mo
UwannaPublishme Yay! This one will stay with me too. 🙌🏻 4mo
tpixie This was a sweet book 2mo
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Summer Reading | Jenn McKinlay
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April #bookspin pick! Looks like a perfect book to start gearing up for summer.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! This one is on my TBR!! 4mo
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Break | Kayla Miller
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Only got four books in for #MiddleGradeMarch and I didn‘t even get to my Jason Reynolds book but as always it was a joy to participate. Heidi was my favorite.

sblbooks I absolutely loved Heidi, last year. Thanks for joining in. 4mo
mrp27 @sblbooks Welcome, and thanks for hosting! 4mo
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The Swans of Fifth Avenue | Melanie Benjamin
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March #wrapup

A good reading month. Graphic novels have been a big help in getting me out of a little slump. Stand outs of the month are Heidi and Swans of Fifth Avenue. Now for next month, hoping to read more novels.

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Happy Easter! 🐇🐣🐰 An old but cute picture.

LeahBergen Aww! 🐰 4mo
UwannaPublishme So cute! 4mo
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Heidi | Johanna Spyri
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Finishing up Heidi in my peaceful hotel room in LA. Just finished a delicious room service breakfast. Happy to not be cooking or hosting today. Heading to a Dodger game this afternoon with family for Easter. ⚾️🐣 Go Blue!

Chrissyreadit oh fun!!! 4mo
TheBookHippie How fun!!! 4mo
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Land of the Cranes | Aida Salazar
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I knew the subject matter going in but really wasn‘t expecting this to be so heartbreaking and tough to read. This novel in verse tells the story of Betita and her family‘s experience as cranes, people who migrate, for various reasons. Her family is torn apart due to cruel immigration policies in the US. I‘ll never understand how people can treat other people so inhumanly. Our systems are so broken.

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The Hand on the Wall | Maureen Johnson
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March #serieslove2024 wrap up

No more books in a series will be read by Sunday so posting my monthly wrap up. I completed the truly devious trilogy, I‘m keeping current on the Click and Heartstopper series, and I‘m continuing on with the Nancy Drew series.

TheSpineView Great job! 4mo
Andrew65 That‘s brilliant, well done 👏👏👏 4mo
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April #bookspin

Proud of myself for not waiting until the last minute!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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This is for all you Litsy crafters and letter writers. Found this cute washi book tape with quotes from Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, and The Secret Garden at Barbes & Noble. They had another style of washi tape of banned book quotes.

Traci1 Hahaha! I love that. 😆 4mo
Deblovestoread 😍😍😍 4mo
UwannaPublishme Cool! 4mo
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Break | Kayla Miller
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#serieslove2024 #middlegrademarch

In this installment we see Olive reluctantly spend spring break with her father, whom she hasn‘t seeing in a long time, and learn the balance between social media and living in the moment. Book 6 in the fun mg graphic novel Click series.

TheSpineView Awesome!❤️📖 4mo
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The First Ladies | Marie Benedict, Victoria Christopher Murray
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Wearing my warm cozy wrap and catching up on Heidi, which I‘m loving, and my book club book which is dragging. I did some baking today and made a carrot cake from scratch with homemade cream cheese frosting.

TheBookHippie Heidi is a hug in book form! 4mo
Chrissyreadit yummm!! i love carrot cake- vegan style. 4mo
AllDebooks Carrot cake is the best 👌 4mo
mrp27 @TheBookHippie It really is! 4mo
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The Swans of Fifth Avenue | Melanie Benjamin
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Totally forgot to post a pic from last night! I‘ve really been enjoying hygge hour as it‘s helping me get through my current stack of books. Just finished watching Feud, Capote and the Swans so I had to dive in further and find out more. Even though this is a fiction title it follows the show pretty closely.

AllDebooks 💚 4mo
TheBookHippie I loved this book! I have to figure out how to watch the show! 4mo
marleed This book began my Babe Paley obsession! And how did any of these people make it to 50 without dying of lung cancer!? 4mo
mrp27 @TheBookHippie I‘m really enjoying the book, just so fascinating and of course I‘ve gone down many a rabbit hole googling all the Swans. 4mo
mrp27 @marleed Right?! I also can‘t imagine smoking in a home that displayed fine art and antiques. I certainly feel an obsession brewing…… 4mo
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