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Joined September 2016

She/Her “When I get a little money, I buy books. If any is left, I buy food and clothes.”
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Evenings and Weekends by Oisn McKenna
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Clara Reads Proust by Stephane Carlier
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Flight Portfolio by Julie Orringer
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I read the whole thing in less than 24 hours. Couldn't put it down, I just had to know!

BarbaraBB Sounds great. I brought it with me on vacation so will read it soon! 2d
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB I hope you enjoy! It's a good vacation read - not breaking any molds, but well structured to keep you wanting more! 8h
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Clara Reads Proust | Stephane Carlier
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I love unexpected connections.

Just finished All Fours for #CampLitsy24 and the epigraph of my next read seems like it could be used for the July as well!

BarbaraBB True 😀😀 3d
sarahbarnes 🩵🩵🩵 3d
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Untitled | Untitled
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I feel so SEEN!

AmyG Exactly. 4d
CBee Pretty much 😂😂😂 4d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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I went into this #CampLitsy24 selection thinking I'd hate it and end up bailing. But it drew me in from the very first chapter, and then I couldn't look away. It is a wild and messy ride, coupled with some really beautiful, raw, tender moments (especially with Sam, and one particularly moving "scene" that I'll put under a spoiler in comments).

I wouldn't have read this without camp, but I'm glad to have experienced it.

TheKidUpstairs When she returns to the motel for her meeting with Arkanda, and the screaming and yelling and connection that follows was so incredibly impactful. It was a truly beautiful moment. 4d
AmyG I really liked this, too. Go figure. 4d
BarbaraBB And me too. Somehow I knew you two would be in camp Love too 😀 @AmyG 4d
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ChaoticMissAdventures I just finished and really enjoyed it. So messy, and I love that we can allow a woman to be this messy! 4d
youneverarrived That was a really raw moment. I loved it too. 4d
TheKidUpstairs @ChaoticMissAdventures I LOVE messy stories about messy women 4d
TheKidUpstairs @AmyG @BarbaraBB gotta love a surprise pick, it really shakes things up! 4d
sarahbarnes Glad you liked it! I really did, too. 3d
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Beautifully written, but relentlessly bleak and heart breaking. Desperate people in desperate situations doing desperate things, and each judging each other. But again, the writing was stellar, and the format intriguing. One you read when you're in the mood for a sad book.

Cathythoughts I loved this book. We read it for Bookclub a good few years ago ❤️💔 4d
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The Spinning Heart | Donal Ryan
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Saturday cheers before I make dinner!

All Fours | Miranda July
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“...maybe midlife crises were just poorly marketed, maybe each one was profound and unique and it was only a few silly men in red convertibles who gave them a bad name.“

Beautyland: A Novel | Marie-Helene Bertino
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A lovely, heartfelt read. A coming of age story with a twist - Adina is an alien born on earth to report on the human condition - it is relatable, thoughtful, and a celebration of life in all its joys, heartbreaks, and banality. Bertino has a talent for walking the narrow edge of “quirky“ stories - just the right amount to delight, and always with purpose, but never so much that it reads as twee, cutesy, or weird for the sake of being weird.

Chelsea.Poole Nice review! I‘m not familiar with her others, you‘ve read another from her? 1w
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole I read this one a couple years ago and loved it 1w
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole and I haven't read, but have heard good things about 1w
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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Can't remember the last time I was THIS excited for an adaptation...

Ruthiella I didn‘t realize Pierce Brosnan was so tall! 1w
CBee I am STOKED!!! Ben Kingsley! Helen Mirren! It‘s perfect 🤩 1w
Tamra Wow, what a cast! 1w
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Aimeesue Exciting news! 1w
marleed I. Cannot. Wait! 📽️🎬 1w
Cupcake12 So looking forward to this x 1w
TheKidUpstairs @CBee @Tamra @Ruthiella @dabbe @Aimeesue @marleed @Cupcake12 GUYS!!! I just saw that David Tennant is in the cast as well. I don't know how I missed that. They haven't announced who he is playing, but OH MY GOSH! 3d
Tamra @TheKidUpstairs what?! Holy cow! 3d
TheKidUpstairs @CBee @Tamra @Ruthiella @dabbe @Aimeesue @marleed @Cupcake12 And Jonathan Pryce is playing Stephen, which is just perfect! 3d
CBee @TheKidUpstairs I knew about David Tennant (😍) but not Jonathan Pryce!! This is all just AMAZING news 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3d
TheKidUpstairs @CBee Tennant was announced last month, but somehow I missed it! And with Stephen it's strange, I never had a super clear picture of him in my head when reading (unlike Elizabeth who was always Helen Mirren) but as soon as I saw Pryce was cast I thought "yes! That's him!" Seriously, the casting director deserves an award for how perfectly they've cast this movie! 3d
CBee @TheKidUpstairs also! Richard E. Grant is in it! He‘s fantastic too. I‘m so intrigued to find out who Tennant will play. 3d
CBee @TheKidUpstairs and yes, agreed Pryce is perfect for Stephen (sweet Stephen). 3d
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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My hold came in too late to really participate in the #CampLitsy24 discussions, but I whipped through this book in a couple of days. I've never read Huck Finn, but I found it didn't matter. Everett has imbued James with a rich, engaging voice, and delivers a thoughtful character study, adventure tale, and story of the good and bad in humanity (with a healthy dose of the grey area in between).

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Scugog Memorial Public Library | Port Perry, Ontario, Canada (Library)
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Our chess set was missing a couple of pieces, so we booked some time in the Library's Makerspace to 3D print some replacements!


IndoorDame Very cool! 2w
ReadingRachael Such a great idea!!! 2w
Jess861 So neat!! 2w
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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My hold FINALLY came in yesterday, so I'm reading while my kids play ping pong at the park. I doubt I'll finish it before tomorrow's #CampLitsy24 discussion, but I'll read as much as I can!

JamieArc You may just get to a point where you don‘t want to stop! 2w
TheKidUpstairs @JamieArc I was happily engrossed in my reading, and then a darn bug had to sting one of my kids! So much for relaxing outdoor reading! 2w
JamieArc @TheKidUpstairs Life happens, but the book will always be there 😊 Hope your kid is okay/unphased! 2w
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squirrelbrain Glad it finally came in! Hope the kiddo is OK. 2w
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain @JamieArc Thanks, he bounced back pretty quickly, but took the opportunity to blame everything on it for the rest of the day (“my elbow feels weird, it must be because I got stung on my ankle!“ “I'm tired, but it's just because I got stung, not because it's past my bed time“) 😂 Unfortunately, I didn't get much more reading time in, but I'm loving what I've read so far! 2w
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain @JamieArc Thanks, he bounced back pretty quickly, but took the opportunity to blame everything on it for the rest of the day (“my elbow feels weird, it must be because I got stung on my ankle!“ “I'm tired, but it's just because I got stung, not because it's past my bed time“) 😂 Unfortunately, I didn't get much more reading time in, but I'm loving what I've read so far! 2w
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Beautyland: A Novel | Marie-Helene Bertino
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"In spring, the school theater group announced auditions for the play Our Town."

Who else is counting Our Town references in their yearly reading? Tom Lake, Shark Heart, and now Beautyland. It's a hat trick!

Authenticity | Deirdre Madden
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Skillfully rendered, thorough, thoughtful exploration of artists, art, and the human connections that sustain us. These characters are multi-dimensional and genuinely human, laid bare in their vulnerabilities and strengths, their foibles, failings, and brief shining moments.

If you don't like non-linear storytelling, this may not be for you. It is more about character and ideas rather than plot... cont'd in comments

TheKidUpstairs the narrative jumps around through the characters' timelines to reveal important moments. It worked beautifully for me, but it could be frustrating if it's not your thing. 2w
Madden's writing is exquisite, I can see why she was selected for the Windham Campbell Prize, and I look forward to seeking out more of her work!
kspenmoll Wonderful review! Stacked. 2w
squirrelbrain Sounds interesting - stacked! 2w
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A solid debut, O'Connor writes beautifully and confronts issues with a delicate touch. Wonderfully crafted sentences and imagery give a tactile sense of place, and themes of duty to self vs family and community and the problematic nature of anthropological study and bias are deftly handled. The characters and emotional depth unfortunately don't reach the same standard, but it is still a worthy read and I'm excited to see what O'Connor writes next.

TheKidUpstairs So hard not to compare this to Audrey Magee's The Colony, I think I would have liked this one more had I read it first! Which is not to say I didn't like it, because I quite enjoyed reading it, but I'm glad I borrowed it rather than buying a copy. 3w
squirrelbrain Great review - I concur! 🙂 3w
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Turton knows how to keep you guessing, this one was a total yarn. Such an entertaining read.


BookmarkTavern Sounds fascinating! Thanks for posting! 3w
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"The whale became stranded in the shallows of the island overnight, appearing from the water like a cat slinking under a door."

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Beautyland: A Novel | Marie-Helene Bertino
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"It is impossible to be unhappy on a swing. Even at four, Adina knows this. She wants it to be finished so she can be as happy as she needs to be."

Chelsea.Poole I‘m reading this now too! It‘s really striking a chord with me. 3w
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole I wasn't sure about the style at first, but it pulled me in quickly! It's really quite beautiful. 3w
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Authenticity | Deirdre Madden
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"Any advice he might give would be like a book written by someone late in life. Rich in moral experience and subtly expressed, to someone who came to it too young it would seem merely dull, although in the same book the same reader some twenty years later would be astonished to find the story of their whole life."

Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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I went into this #CampLitsy24 selection with low expectations, it really did not seem like a book I'd pick up, but I was pleasantly surprised! I am a fan of slightly messy books about women trying to live outside of other people's expectations, and this fit right into that vein. I also love reading about food, so I enjoyed Rika's journey of discovery through cooking. It was by no means a perfect read, but it was one that will stay with me. cont'd

TheKidUpstairs Especially after the wonderful discussions led by @BarbaraBB - this was definitely one that benefitted from a group read. So many thoughts and insights from fellow campers that added depth and ensured a memorable reading experience! 4w
BarbaraBB I always think so about our book discussions. They always give new insights thanks to this wonderful group of people. 4w
Hooked_on_books I didn‘t love this one but did enjoy it. I also don‘t know if I would have picked it up if not for camp and I‘m glad I did. 4w
youneverarrived I‘m with you! Great review 🤍 4w
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The Marlow Murder Club | Robert Thorogood
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I needed something fun, engaging, but not too mentally taxing to read last week while I sat for my new tattoo. This for the bill! A fun, cozy mystery investigated by a quartet of delightful women.

Comparisons to Thursday Murder Club do it a disservice. Both are mysteries with an MC who is over the age of 60. That's about it. Enjoy it on its own merits, not as a TMC read-alike!

The Marlow Murder Club | Robert Thorogood
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“...she was done with legends of passive women who pined away from unrequited love for a man. In her experience, the only women who pined at all did so because they were trapped with a man, not because they were liberated from one.“

The Road to Dalton | Shannon Bowring
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A quietly beautiful book, full of melancholy but tinged with hope. Not what I was expecting, but it was deeply engaging and emotional. Thanks to #EuropaCollective for putting this one on my radar.

I'm going to put content warnings in the comments under a spoiler alert.

TheKidUpstairs CW: postpartum depression, suicide 1mo
Chelsea.Poole I agree! And I‘m grateful to #EuropaCollective for putting this on my radar! 1mo
squirrelbrain I also agree! ☺️ 1mo
jlhammar Just finished - great review! I appreciated how she managed to keep it both realistic and hopeful. 1mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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I thought this #CampLitsy24 pick would be my kind of read, and it did not disappoint. A beautiful, quiet story about connection and humanity. In her spare prose, Davies created a richly textured world on this remote windswept island. I can't wait to discuss the second half this weekend with my fellow campers!

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A charming, heartwarming, feel good read.

Red Widow | Alma Katsu
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I wasn't blown away, but I was engaged and entertained. A fun spy hunt tale that's more about the why than the who. A good quick palate cleanser of a read.

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This sounds like it's going to be a really good podcast series! https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7225185

merelybookish Ooh! I'm intrigued! 2mo
BarbaraBB Wow! Sounds great! 2mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Starting this one now for #CampLitsy24 - looking forward to the first round of discussions this weekend!

I've had this one on my shelf since it came out, and this is the first time I've noticed the tea pot on the cover 🤦‍♀️ I've always been so transfixed by the wave!

AmyG Ha! I didn‘t notice that at all. 2mo
BarbaraBB Neither did I 🫖 2mo
Bookwormjillk Ha! I never saw it either. 2mo
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squirrelbrain How funny - never seen that before either! 2mo
Hooked_on_books It took me a while to see the teapot, too. I wish it wasn‘t there, since the wave is just gorgeous and the teapot is…weird. 2mo
kspenmoll @Hooked_on_books At a glance i thought the teapot was a helicopter!!!! Thanks for clearing up that assumption ! 2mo
TheKidUpstairs @kspenmoll I had registered a shape there, but thought it was a boat (maybe because the UK cover has a boat?) It never clicked as a tea pot! 2mo
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Part historical fiction, part satire, and part hallucinatory fever dream/drug trip, this is an interesting, challenging, layered read. It requires deep attention and patience, but is a rewarding experience if you're in the right head space.

vivastory I checked this out from the library the other day. It sounds like quite an experience! 2mo
TheKidUpstairs @vivastory it certainly is! I hope it works for you, it's certainly one that will stick with me. Make sure you're bright eyed and awake to read it, there's a lot of characters to keep straight, and he has no qualms about switching from one POV to the next with no textual delineation (Seriously, sometimes within the same paragraph!). But if you're in the right mind set, it all adds to the disorienting hallucinogenic haze. 2mo
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"The withered fingers of the hands of great warriors sacrificed during the year's festivals swayed pleasingly like the branches of a small tree to the beat of some music he couldn't place, though in a possible future we would have recognized it. It was T.Rex's 'Monolith'"


Landbridge | Y-Dang Troeung
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Best NF of the year (so far) for me.

Troeng tells the story of her family's experiences in Cambodia under Pol Pot, their escape to the refugees camps in Thailand, and emigration to small town Ontario. Interspersed with these stories she examines her own experiences as a scholar studying literature, art, and the refugee experience and she confronts the West's ideas of who and what a refugee should be, and our reactions to genocide. (cont'd)

TheKidUpstairs As the subtitle states, it is told through fragments of memory and ideas. It is an incredibly effective and affecting book, giving the reader a new view of this moment in history, its continuing echoes through to the present day, and really forces you to confront how war, genocide, refugees, etc are portrayed in media, by governments, and how we talk about them and their lives.

TheKidUpstairs Throughout the book Troeng also begins to confront her own mortality, and how her life and death are contained within the wider story of her family and the Cambodian experience, through intergenerational trauma and migration. Troeng was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer during her writing of this story, and she passed away in 2022. Included in the book are the letters she wrote to her young son as she came to terms with the end of her life. 2mo
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I don't listen to much radio, but I used to live listening to Alan Cross' Ongoing History of New Music on Sunday mornings on The Edge. Great storytelling, it was always a treat to listen to in the car!

I haven't listened to it yet in its podcast era, but I really should! https://open.spotify.com/show/2UHz6WqVFz6iZkWgZ5lXDw?si=LqoQTI-kTimgB56nWqdKwA

#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude

TieDyeDude I find it disappointing that radio isn't as relevant as it used to be, but I am glad that a lot of programming has found its way to podcasts so they can continue! 2mo
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Rainy day means driving to pick up the kids rather than walking. Which means I can fit in a few pages waiting for the bell!


Shrines of Gaiety | Kate Atkinson
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I read this one for an IRL book club I host at a local inn and café. I'm really looking forward to this week's discussion.

I loved Atkinson's ability to immerse the reader in the chaotic world of 1920's London and its equally glittery and grimy night life. There are a lot of characters, and some of the deeper character development was sacrificed for a wider vision of a world and a time. But it engaged and entertained me from start to finish.

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Delightful cozy fantasy set at a tea and book store in a small town surrounded by magic (and dragons). Gives just enough resolution while still setting up a series.

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Untitled | Untitled
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I heard this song on CBC Radio over the weekend and have fallen hard for this band! Love new discoveries ❤️ #TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude

Call Me in the Afternoon by Half Moon Run: https://open.spotify.com/track/2p7GIKnvi9AQ3j7SewluqW?si=YuZhIBUxSUC-zyWe3b0RtQ

MsRadioSilence Oh i love that song! The Spotify Sessions version was on the Happy Folk playlist we‘d listen to at summer camp 2mo
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Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent | Judi Dench, Brendan O'Hea
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Absolutely delightful. If you are a Shakespeare fan, a theatre fan, and/or a Judi Dench fan, this is an absolutely marvelous listen/read. Apparently the original conversations spanned 120 hours of footage, and I honestly feel like I could have listened to all of it. Joyful.

peaKnit I love Judi and could listen to her beautiful voice all day🥰 2mo
Graywacke I‘ve been thinking about this one 2mo
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Landbridge | Y-Dang Troeung
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“The Khmer concept of baksbat translates as broken courage or broken form. I prefer the latter, broken form, because it invokes a sense of fragmented surface and impermanence. Breaking of the body is not necessarily the same as broken strength or broken spirit. Also, just because a form breaks does not mean it is broken, nor that it has become something shameful, incomprehensible, a thing to be silenced and forgotten.“

Untitled | Untitled
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1. When 4 year old dress themselves. Mermaid swim suit over clothes, topped with a Wonder Woman crown = ready for school!

2. We had a surprise visit from a wild baby bunny. I told the kids to just sit and watch, but he started hopping all over them!

3. A nice bottle of cold, crisp rose.

4. Our fruit trees were in full blossom 🌸

5. Mothers Day show in the kindie classroom! Songs, poems, and cupcakes!


LeahBergen I like that rosé! 2mo
UwannaPublishme Your 4-yr-old knows how to rock a school outfit! 🙌🏻 2mo
rabbitprincess OMG the baby bunny 🥹 so cuuuute! 2mo
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TheKidUpstairs @LeahBergen sooo good, it's my new favourite. 2mo
TheKidUpstairs @UwannaPublishme she certainly had her very own sense of style! 2mo
TheKidUpstairs @rabbitprincess the cutest. They named him Hoppity Hopscotch 🐇 2mo
DebinHawaii Aww… such a lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 I 💜your child‘s fashion choices! 😆 Baby bunnies are definitely joy bringers! 🐰 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
monalyisha I can‘t believe that bunny! And it‘s too bad your daughter doesn‘t know my niece; they‘d get along swimmingly (pun intended). My niece insists that her full name is Kai Melody Mermaid (only the first name is true to her birth certificate). 😅 2mo
TheKidUpstairs @monalyisha sounds like they'd have too much fun together! She was very upset that we couldn't get her a real mermaid tail for Christmas 🤷‍♀️ 2mo
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The literary world lost a giant yesterday. Thank you, Alice, for enriching the lives of all your readers.

CBC has been republishing some great articles about Munro's life and work today.

92 things to know about Alice Munro:

11 books Alice Munro loves and you will too:

CuriousG I just dug out my giant stack of her collections from my shelves. Now to decide what one to read again. Her style is so beautiful and almost understated. 2mo
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Worst song in the world? Christell - Dubidubidu

IYKYK 🤦‍♀️


#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude

TieDyeDude Argh, I do dislike chipmuck squeak music!

“Thanks“ for playing 😉
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Lost on Me | Veronica Raimo
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Witty, thoughtful, introspective coming of age story set in Italy. Vero is an unreliable narrator, viewing the world around her and the lives of her family, friends, and self with a level of detachment that adds humour and at times heart ache. She freely admits to adjusting reality to fit into a narrative that proves more interesting for herself, and the result is a delightful, quick read where not much happens but it doesn't really matter.

TheKidUpstairs “And that's how I've felt at every moment of my life: Oh whatever. Let's just say this is me.“
#InternationalBooker Longlist
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With a dedication like this, I already love this book!

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Yours Truly | Abby Jimenez
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I loved the start of this book. The set up was excellent and cute and sweet and all the things you could want. But then it fell off for me. It dragged on a bit too long, and got too trope-y for me with some of the miscommunication and problems created that really didn't have to be problems.

Altogether, I felt it was alright but will likely fade from memory quickly.

Lost on Me | Veronica Raimo
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"All I wanted was to get out of that room. Be done with all the other last chances awaiting me. Miss trains, not seize moments, burn bridges and the candle at both ends, wallow in a sea of the irreversible."

(Every time I sit down with this book, I'm scribbling down new quotes.)

ChaoticMissAdventures Love this cover 🥰 3mo
TheKidUpstairs @ChaoticMissAdventures isn't it wonderful?! 3mo
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Trouble is a Friend of Mine | Stephanie Tromly
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...and now I want an omelette!

1. Tag a favourite mystery you've read
Tagged! A fun YA mystery series that is very Veronica Mars-esque (only gender swapped and written from the perspective of the “Wallace“)

2. What is your favourite way to prepare eggs?
Two egg rolled omelette with cheese (especially with kraft singles!)


TieDyeDude Sounds like a fun series! 3mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile ❤🍳thank you for playing! 2mo
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The Husbands | Holly Gramazio
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I enjoyed this, but not as much as I wanted to. I think it's a victim of high expectations. A fun concept, with some delightful moments. But it gets a bit repetitive, and I'm not totally sold on the ending. I wanted more growth, more introspection maybe? A low pick.

ChaoticMissAdventures This seems to be the overwhelming opinion on this one! 3mo
AmyG ☹️ 3mo
BarbaraBB Now I am a bit relieved it didn‘t make Camp Litsy! 3mo
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jlhammar Exactly! 3mo
Hooked_on_books I‘m very disappointed with the ending. Really? You HAVE to be married, so just settle? Barf. I liked earlier in the book where she was going forward with the divorce and just exploring what life was like. That would have been a much better ending, whether she ended up with someone or not. 3mo
TheKidUpstairs @Hooked_on_books completely agree! I kept thinking she was going to find a way back to her single life having learned something from all of it. And if not that, it totally should have ended with the divorce, and her starting over. Again, having learned something. But it doesn't seem like she learned anything at all! 3mo
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Lost on Me | Veronica Raimo
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“She'd been a widow for years, since before I was born, but she clung to her mourning with the tenacity of a die-hard soccer fan. She reserved for all other widows the scorn diehards felt for bandwagon fans.“

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Lost on Me | Veronica Raimo
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“It was the first real goodbye in my life. To be perfectly honest, I'd been building up to that moment in my mind since the day we started going out. In fact, I think that was exactly why I'd started dating him in the first place: so we could leave each other. The thought that he'd be leaving the country soon ensured me a misery I could enjoy without the hassle of having to go out and find one myself.“

TheKidUpstairs I'm loving the narrative voice in this one from the #InternationalBooker Longlist 3mo
Chelsea.Poole Striking cover too! 3mo
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole yes! I was totally grabbed by the cover on hoopla, so simple yet so intriguing. 3mo
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I love the idea of this book, and Henley is an engaging writer and narrator, but I just couldn't get past the very privileged POV. While she talks a lot about financial struggles, she is still in a comfortable enough position with the connections and lack of dependents to step back in this way. It just failed to connect. Maybe later in the book she touches on this disconnect, but after 30% I just didn't want to listen anymore.

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