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Joined November 2016

I love books and poetry, tea and tarot, the moon and the stars. I love snow and mittens, love owls and magpies, love bonfires and rain.
Poems 1962-2012 | Louise Gluck
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For those of you who could use a boost, here‘s an interesting tidbit: Louise Glück‘s first book of poems was rejected 28 times before being published. She later went on to win the Nobel Prize. Don‘t let anyone not seeing your worth get to you. Keep doing your best and being exactly who are. You‘ve got this. #ThinkPositiveBePositive #WritersOfLitsy #PoetsOfLitsy #poetry

The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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This one was fun. I needed something lighthearted, and I love when NYC is a setting in a book. Not a lot of angst. I enjoyed the characters, both the main ones and also the supporting ones. Recommended. #romantsy

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The Paris Novel | Ruth Reichl
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A strong pick. I really loved this novel. I almost gave up at the beginning, because I wasn‘t expecting the childhood sexual abuse. That part is tough to read. It‘s not overly graphic, but it could be triggering for some readers, so use your best judgement. That said, those parts are mostly at the beginning of the book with the MC having flashbacks/triggers once or twice later in the book. FYI. Some of the meals are difficult to read about. ⬇️

slategreyskies (Cont.) I exclaimed out loud several times over some of the things she ate. I was expecting snails and caviar and foie gras and the like, but it did go a bit further than that, which was tough for me to read once or twice. Still, the passion in this book is really something. I loved the characters and the setting. This book was a delicious read. Try it. You‘ll love it! 🥐🍷 1w
TheBookHippie I have it and am psyching myself up to read it. Lots of skimming maybe. 1w
slategreyskies @TheBookHippie It could have been left out. The author uses it as part of the reason for why the MC is afraid to enjoy life & afraid of being close to people as an adult. I didn‘t feel like it should have been written that way. It shocked me, because I didn‘t expect it to be in the book. Skimming would work fine. Knowing it‘s in her past is all you need. The bulk of the book is without mention of it. It‘s at the front & in 2-3 Paris flashbacks. 1w
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slategreyskies @TheBookHippie the chapter to skip would be Chapter 2: New York, 1957. On my Kindle, it‘s 5 pages long. I just checked it, and you could easily skip the entire chapter. If you want one sentence that sums it up without detail, let me know and I‘ll give you a summary. 1w
Kitta Thanks for the heads up! This is in my tbr. 1w
TheBookHippie @slategreyskies thanks so very much I‘ll just skip it. 😘 I hate it when it‘s unnecessary in a book. 1w
slategreyskies @TheBookHippie no problem, and I agree. 🤍 1w
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It‘s early going for me in this book, and I‘m glad I‘ve got my English hubby to help me with the terminology and various UK-specific terms. After years of being married to him, I thought I was pretty well versed in it, but when I stumbled over Habitat anglepoise today, I was glad I had him nearby to ask. I‘m loving the book so far! Hoping to catch up to the rest of the group soon. :) #byattbuddyread

Graywacke Like the Pixar icon? I‘m so happy you‘re enjoying this! 2w
The_Book_Ninja Yeah, Habitat is a bougie furniture shop in The West End of London 2w
slategreyskies @Graywacke yes, exactly! I‘d never heard that term for it before. 2w
slategreyskies @The_Book_Ninja Yeah, my partner said that it used to be a chain store when he lived there. He remembers seeing them lots of places. The first time he saw one was when he was in university in Manchester in the late 70s. I don‘t know if they‘re still a thing in the UK now though or not. 2w
kspenmoll Thanks for the info !!! I have about 54 pages left to catch up.i am enjoying this! 2w
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I really needed something lighthearted and fun. You have to kinda suspend your sense of disbelief and not question why or how things happen. Just read it for fun and enjoy the ride. If you can do that, you‘ll love it. It really was a blast. Also, crawfish or crawdads or something similar featured several times in the book— hence, the background. 🤣

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Up next! #romantsy 🥰

Crewgurl Love this series! 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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This was a warm hug of a book, and I loved it. I really needed a book like this, about finding a home and a family. All the stars. ✨

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Up next! 📚💕✨

Kerrbearlib Love the title! 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Do not read this book if you struggle with depression or anxiety or similar mental health issues. It will not be a safe read for you. Against my better judgement, I picked this book up again after bailing on it 4 years ago. I made it page 750 this time before realizing that the reason I‘m struggling to get through the day and am feeling an overwhelming sense of despair is because I‘ve been reading this book. It‘s not that it‘s a hard book to read.

slategreyskies I don‘t mind the length or the structure of it or the stream of consciousness style. I enjoy all of that. What I mind is that the author‘s underlying point seems to be that tragedy is always just around the corner, that life is a meaningless barrage of anxiety & input that you have no control over & that, eventually you or someone you love or certainly someone else in the world will be a victim of trauma, & there‘s nothing you can do about it. 1mo
slategreyskies It‘s not a hard book to read, but it does have a terrible message, a message that I don‘t think is accurate. I don‘t think it‘s a safe message to be spreading to your readers. Does this author really believe that life is meaningless & that there‘s no escaping tragedy? There were pages & pages that focused on rape, abuse, genocide, genital mutilation, school shootings, etc. & yes, those things exist in the world, & yes, they should be taught. ⬇️ 1mo
slategreyskies But this book‘s format is not how you teach people. This book does not send a message of hope or of growth and progress and moving toward a better future together. It is instead relentless negativity and despair, and quite frankly, I hate this book and what the author is telling people about life today. I‘m so angry over it, over the irresponsibility of this author to write the book in this way. 1mo
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slategreyskies Do not read this book unless you‘re really strong in your beliefs of the good in this world and are capable of filtering out negativity, because if you struggle with that, this book will rip your soul out and leave you struggling to make it through the day. It is THAT bad. This book doesn‘t get even one star. NO STARS this book. #DucksBuddyRead. 1mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I can‘t do anymore, Rae! But if you keep going with it, I‘ll keep reading your hate posts! 🤣 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 1mo
Bookwomble I hope you can introduce some positive energy into the rest of your day 😌💖 1mo
slategreyskies @Bookwomble thank you for that. The best choice I‘ve made so far today is bailing on this book and then deleting it from my Kindle library, so I can‘t pick it up again unless I repurchase it. Sending good vibes your way! ☮️✨ 1mo
MicheleinPhilly I‘m feeling very justified in my decision to bail after 20 pages. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Well done for making the right decision for you. Delete it from your life and sweat out its poison. I actually don't find this book triggering in the same way that you did (despite having an extensive background of problems myself). I think this is because of the unconvincing narrative style / delivery and lack of emotional depth. I agree with you on the overall message of the book. I've not got much longer left with it now 🫂🫂 1mo
Kitta Oof this is not for me then. 1mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Ruthiella 😂😂😂 (edited) 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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There‘s a reason I‘m glad I can‘t read minds. I don‘t want to know what‘s going on in someone else‘s mind. Other people‘s inner monologues aren‘t interesting. They just aren‘t. This book is proving that over and over again for a thousand pages.

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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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In this excerpt, the main character claims they found a spit ball in her ear that had been stuck inside her ear for 35 years. To add to that, she claims they unraveled the spit ball, and it said “I ❤️ U” on it. I actually went back and reread, because I was sure that this must‘ve been another one of her dream sequences, but nope. This character actually claims she had a spit ball stuck in her ear for 35 years. WTF. 😳🤣 #DucksBuddyRead

slategreyskies I‘m trying really hard to stick with this book, but it‘s so incredibly bad. It‘s like the author made a game out of writing the worst book she could possibly write, laughing at her readers all the while she kept adding page after page after page of drivel. I don‘t remember any other book that I‘ve hated this much. 1mo
Tamra Bail before you are angry with yourself for reading it. Been there done that with The Goldfinch & Gone Girl. 1mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead Are you still reading this? Are you going to finish or bail? I‘m almost to page 700, but it‘s a slog. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead I'm past the 700 mark and I SHALL FINISH WHAT I STARTED 1mo
Kitta I find it hard to bail! But some books deserve it 😆 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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There are two types of people in the world: those who are bored by the aurora borealis and those who aren‘t. Who‘s bored by that? How could anyone be bored by that? This woman makes no sense to me. #DucksBuddyRead

Clare-Dragonfly Are there those two types of people in the world? Are there REALLY? 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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At this point, I‘m quite thoroughly hate reading this book. I‘d like to point out two good things about this page: it‘s just a list, so it‘s very quick to read, and there are no “the fact thats” to be seen anywhere.

Seriously, though. Why am I reading this? It‘s so incredibly bad. :/

shortsarahrose I honestly don‘t know why you‘re reading it, but I‘m really enjoying reading your snarky commentary! 😆 1mo
LiteraryinLawrence I agree completely with @shortsarahrose and I think you should feel empowered to stop. You have given it more than a good college try! 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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“the fact that I hate that I forget all my dreams” !!?? Did she honestly think that she could sneak that in and we wouldn‘t notice? We‘ve only read a hundred pages of dream sequences! Seriously. How many dreams does she think she has? 🤣 #DucksBuddyRead

Kristy_K You weren‘t kidding about how many times she says “the fact that…” There‘s so many on this page alone! 1mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I finally convinced my partner to let me read part of the book out loud to him. He told me that I had 2 minutes, & he timed me while I read out loud. At the end of the 2 minutes, he said that there were 19 “the fact thats”, & he said that the writing is disgracefully bad & that, when the author sent out the manuscript, it should‘ve been returned to her with a post-it note that said “try again when you‘ve learned how to write.”🤣 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Ba ha haha. I remember her publisher actually wrote a salty open letter to the Booker people when Ducks didn't win. It was weird because they were really angry that TWO authors shared the prize because they thought Ducks should've won..... but what difference does it make how many winners there were.... Ducks wouldn't have won either way! 1mo
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You are My Sunshine | Sophie Golding
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Today is the five year anniversary of my sister‘s death. In honor of her, I‘m remembering how much her smile was like sunshine, how she lit up a room just by walking into it, how she gave her all to everyone she loved.

I‘ve been looking for inspiration for my next painting and am thinking of doing my own version of this painting that I found on Pinterest.

Now, I‘m going to sip this strawberry lime hard cider and relax and be at peace. ☮️ 🕊️

Bookwormjillk What a beautiful tribute 1mo
kspenmoll Such a loving heart felt tribute to your sister. I cannot imagine such loss. Love to you on this day. Please share your painting when you have completed it. 1mo
Captivatedbybooks Please share your version i would love to see it! ❣️ may your sister rest in paradise 1mo
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Ruthiella What a lovely way to honor your sister. ❤️ 1mo
AmyG This sounds beautiful. Yes, please share. And may your sister RIP and in your heart. 1mo
TheBookHippie 🤍 what a beautiful thing to do. Sending love & light. 1mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
Tamra 🌞 For your sister 1mo
bookandbedandtea ❤️ 1mo
dabbe What a lovely tribute both in words and art. Sending you 💚💙💚. 1mo
Mollyanna ❤️☀️❤️ 1mo
marleed Beautiful tribute! 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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This is not in the database.

Good things first: this had short sections which were easy to pay attention to & digest. The author was really positive & encouraging. I was inspired to clean & clutter clear several times while reading this. There‘s definitely some good info.

Now, for the bad: this was chaotically organized & poorly edited. Sometimes the info repeated. It wasn‘t logically thought out. The author asked for an Amazon review TWICE ⬇️

slategreyskies (Cont.) during the course of the book. Once, ADHD was misspelled as ADHS. Overall, I can‘t recommend this book unless you are fine with reading what seems like someone‘s first draft. I mean, yes, there are some nuggets of info in here that I‘ll take away with me & use, but this isn‘t so much a finished book as it is a work in progress. (edited) 1mo
dabbe I just added it to the database. 💚💙💚 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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The fathers could also be switched out for mothers. Sending love and support to anyone who needs it. #healing #breakthecycle #support 🤍

dabbe 💚💙💚 1mo
JenniferEgnor I spent the night with my father last night, who has Alzheimer‘s. It was a long night. I‘ve had complex emotions. Thanks for this. 1mo
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I bought these based on their covers. #CoverCrush

TheBookHippie OMG GORGEOUS. 1mo
IndoorDame ♥️❤️🧡🩷 1mo
marleed Great covers! 1mo
Deblovestoread Love 💜 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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“the fact that I certainly try not to poison anybody at least,”

Well, that sets the bar high! 🤣 #truth #facts #cooking


RaeLovesToRead 🤣🤣🤣 1mo
RaeLovesToRead It's this kind of thing that makes me like Ducks sometimes. The dark casual humour asides 1mo
ImperfectCJ The time counter to the end of the chapter on this one just seems mean. (I liked moments of this one, but I couldn't quite bring myself to stick with it.) 1mo
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slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I laughed out loud at the tampons are like dams section too, but didn‘t want to go so far as to make a post on it! 🤣 1mo
slategreyskies @ImperfectCJ I get that. I bailed on it four years ago, but I‘m giving it another try. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead I think you may be ahead of me 1mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead something to look forward to then! Haha 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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1. Beauty and the Beast
2. Sleepless in Seattle
3. Runaway Bride

(I tried to remember which one was my third choice, but I blanked by the time I‘d typed in the first 2, so that last one may not have been on the list.)

I scored a 69/100. I missed out on all the James Bond movies, which made my score lower.

dabbe I haven't seen any of those Bond movies either! Both our scores would have been way better! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Love Is Love | Phil Jimenez
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My brother made an anti-Pride post online this week. I just saw it last night. Long story short, it wasn‘t a mistakenly made post that he made out of ignorance. He said that he made it intentionally. The casual hatred in his post broke my heart. Tag me today in all the happy things, all the Pride posts, all the cute pet pics, all the uplifting quotes. I could really use some love. 🌈💕✨ #Pride #LoveIsLove

Kerrbearlib That‘s terrible that he made that post. Sending you support. ❤️ Will tag you in some upcoming posts. 🏳️‍🌈 1mo
M.V That is sad to hear. I hope someday he will be embarassed. Happy pride to you 💕 1mo
Graywacke Family. 😞 I imagine we all support pride here. 🏳️‍🌈 You‘re in a safe space. Hugs 1mo
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IndoorDame I‘m so sorry 😞 Sometimes the only thing you can do is learn into found family because there really is lots of love and support out there in the world. I hope you feel that here, Happy Pride! ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 1mo
Deblovestoread I‘m so sorry! It is hard when the ugly comes from those we expect to love us unconditionally. You did the right thing posting on Litsy and letting us support and lift you up in solidarity and love. Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈 1mo
TieDyeDude 🏳‍🌈 ❤ 1mo
Nutmegnc Happy Pride! I‘m sorry for your hurt and disappointment. Be who you are!! 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨🏳️‍⚧️ 1mo
Leftcoastzen Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈❤️sending hugs ! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Sending all the rainbows! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💕 1mo
Jas16 Oh I am so sorry. Sending you lots of love and support. 🏳️‍🌈 1mo
CBee Sending love - I understand this feeling all too well. It‘s awful 😢 🏳️‍🌈 ♥️ 1mo
dabbe #pridewithoutprejudice You are not alone and are very loved here. Sending you 💚🏳️‍🌈💙. 1mo
TrishB So sorry to hear this ❤️ 1mo
brittanyreads Sending so much hope and love your way 🌈💐 1mo
Centique Oh that sucks! I am so sorry this happened. Sometimes family members can just behave the worst. Love is love - and there is such a huge vibrant wonderful community full of people who know this to be true. 💕🌈💕 1mo
LiteraryinLawrence I‘m so sorry you‘re dealing with this! That‘s so upsetting. You‘re among friends here! 🏳️‍🌈💗 1mo
Libby1 (((Hugs))) 1mo
Kitta Sending love. My boss and I are our own department and we‘re both queer! It makes work easier. My family tries but it‘s always nice to have other queer people around you (including online!) who get it. 1mo
CarolynM ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 1mo
slategreyskies @Kerrbearlib @M.V @Graywacke thank you! The outpouring of support here since I made this post has meant the world to me. 🌈 1mo
slategreyskies @IndoorDame I‘m definitely leaning into you all & into my found family. Thank you for the support! 🌈 1mo
slategreyskies @Deblovestoread most of the hate I‘ve experienced in my life has come from my family. So thankful for the found family I have in my friends and in all of you! 🌈 1mo
slategreyskies @Nutmegnc thank you! That means a lot to me! 🌈 1mo
slategreyskies @CBee it‘s heartbreaking, but after he unfriended and blocked me this morning, I felt so free. So, there is that. 🌈 1mo
slategreyskies @Centique yes, it was pretty brutal, but it‘s over now, and he‘s left my life. Ends up he didn‘t want any Pride anywhere near his life, and I feel safer without him around. 🫂 🌈 1mo
slategreyskies @LiteraryinLawrence thank you! 🌈💕 1mo
slategreyskies @Libby1 hugs! 🫂 🌈 1mo
CBee @slategreyskies sometimes those closest to us are the ones we need to stay away from - for our own sanity and wellbeing! I admire you for standing up for your beliefs 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈♥️♥️ 1mo
slategreyskies @Kitta agreed! I work for a LGBTQIA+ friendly company that is owned by an awesome gay woman who‘s become one of my safe places (both her and also the workplace), so I get it. 🌈💕 1mo
slategreyskies @CarolynM ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜!! 1mo
slategreyskies @CBee thank you, my friend. It was a long time coming. For years, I just hid myself away to stay safe, but I finally feel like I have a strong enough support network to be myself. 1mo
CBee @slategreyskies that‘s amazing!! I‘m so glad something positive came from something so difficult. The clouds part to reveal the sunshine ☀️ 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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- Pride and Pomegranates
- The Scarlet Lettuce
- Of Marmalade and Men
- Anna Carrot Cake
- Olives with a Twist
- The Ketchup on the Rye
- War and Peanuts

Want to play? Consider yourself tagged! ☮️🤍📚

Texreader This is great!! 2mo
dabbe 100 Years of Salad, Dude 2mo
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SayersLover Love this idea! 2mo
julesG @dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
Captivatedbybooks The scarlet lettuce was a good one 🤣 1mo
TieDyeDude Edible Flowers for Algernon
Lard of the Rings
The Princess Brie
CBee The Rhubarb Incident, The Once and Future Watermelons, The Island of Missing Taters 😂😂😂 1mo
CBee @dabbe this is awesome 😂😂😂 1mo
TheBookHippie @TieDyeDude EDIBLE FLOWERS 🤣😵‍💫🏆 1mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1mo
Bookwomble @dabbe 👌🏻😂 1mo
slategreyskies @dabbe haha! So good! You nailed it! 🥗 🤣 1mo
slategreyskies @TieDyeDude Lard of the Rings! 🤣 1mo
slategreyskies @CBee these answers are cracking me up! 🤣 1mo
dabbe @slategreyskies You picked an incredibly fun game! You could change it up and do one weekly! 🤩😀🤗 1mo
vivastory 😂 😂 This is great! 1mo
43 likes17 comments
Untitled | Anonymous
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- The Grapes of Annoyance

- The Slightly Slumped Man of Notre Dame

- Les Mildly Uncomfortable

Add yours in the comments! ⬇️

peaKnit No Expectations ☺️ 2mo
DaveGreen7777 And Then There Were Some 2mo
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Ruthiella 😅😅😅 2mo
TieDyeDude The Peckish Games 1mo
The_Book_Ninja Fiddlesticks Alley 1mo
willaful The Minor Skirmish of the Worlds 1mo
Meshell1313 🤣 I absolutely love these! (edited) 1mo
Meshell1313 The Just Okay Gatsby 1mo
Meshell1313 To Tone Down a Mockingbird 1mo
38 likes10 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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This book isn‘t in the Litsy database yet, so I‘m posting it here instead. This is actually just a post with commentary about something stupid that the author did at the 43% mark in the Kindle edition. He quite literally stopped what he was writing about and finished the chapter by asking his readers to leave a review for his book on Amazon. I thought, “Well, this must be the end of the book.” Then I turned the page, and it continued. ⬇️

slategreyskies (Cont.) how could anyone think it‘s okay to ask readers for a review smack dab in the middle of a book!? WTF! 🤯 😳 👎 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s odd!! 2mo
ShananigansReads That must have been an interesting discussion with his editor. 2mo
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slategreyskies @ShananigansReads I wouldn‘t be surprised if it was self-edited. There have been several errors throughout the book, including one instance where almost exactly the same sentence was in the book two times in a row with only one word of difference between the two. 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly Amazon lists it as independently published. He‘s giving indie publishers a bad name 🙄 2mo
marleed That‘s just weird! 2mo
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I‘ve had these books on my wish list for years! I‘m so excited that these were two of the birthday gifts my partner gave me! Score!! 📚🥰🧁✨

Leftcoastzen Wonderful! 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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TheBookHippie Yaaaaas!!! 2mo
dabbe 😂😂😂 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😂😂😂 2mo
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As I‘m currently reading Ducks, Newburyport, I thought tagging this book was only fitting for today. 🤣

Thanks so much for the birthday cards! They made me so happy! It‘s been a great birthday so far. My partner‘s making dinner for us later tonight, and I‘m going to make GF cupcakes later on as well. While I haven‘t opened my gifts yet, I know that two of them are books, so that‘s exciting as well.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday! 🌻 #LitsyLove

Read4life Happy birthday! 🎉🧁 2mo
LiseWorks Glad you received it on time. I love the presentation. 2mo
Librarybelle Happy Birthday! 2mo
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Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
dabbe HB! 💚💙💚 2mo
TheBookHippie HBD 💛💛💛 2mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 2mo
quietlycuriouskate Happy birthday! 🎂🎁📚 2mo
Leftcoastzen Happy Birthday!🎈🎂🎉 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 2mo
Gissy Happy Birthday🥳🎂🎉📚🎊 2mo
UwannaPublishme Glad you‘re enjoying your birthday! 🥳🎉🎂 2mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I couldn‘t sleep tonight, so I dug through all the posts about this book to find my DNF review from 4 years ago. Now I remember that it actually was all the violence in this book that made me put it down the first time around. That said, I‘m still going to push onward with it for a little while, because I really enjoy the stream of consciousness format and what the author‘s trying to do with this. I‘ll just skip the violent parts.


Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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The only way that I will be able to complete this book is by skimming/skipping the very graphic descriptions of violence. I don‘t understand why more people don‘t comment on that side of the book. Maybe I‘m just extra sensitive to graphic violence, but it‘s intense. My main takeaway so far is that, if anyone‘s inner thoughts are that overtaken by a stream of consciousness that‘s extremely violent, they could benefit from some mental health help.

slategreyskies It‘s not okay to be that fixated on violence. It‘s not healthy, and I really feel for her having what seems like a barrage of thoughts that she doesn‘t seem to be able to stop. It‘s hard to read. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Is the violence describing real things that have happened in the world or fictional? I'm only about 100 pages in so haven't got to it yet 2mo
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slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead The sections I read were all graphic and in-depth thoughts on real world events either in history or in the not so distant past. The MC is or was, as far as I remember, a history teacher, so she knows a lot about traumatic events in history and, unfortunately, doesn‘t seem to be able to keep her knowledge about those events from intruding into her everyday thoughts. In my spoiler alert post is a detailed rundown of them, FYI. 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I've got to the parts you mean now. Heartbreaking, but so important to remember the horrors of years gone by - especially when looking at the violence still going on in the world and the peoples still oppressed. If this is the message of the book though, it's buried under a LOT of pointless waffle. I hope you're OK. I think 3 out of 6 of the OG buddyreaders have bailed, but I'm determined to finish. 1mo
RaeLovesToRead I looked up the letters of Silas Soule that the MC said she made her students read. They also have a discordant mix of the mundane and the horrifying as he goes from catching up with his family to describing events. Very harrowing. 1mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I know what you mean about it being important to remember the horrors of years gone by. If it‘s honest writing, it can often be so hard to read. So much pain. So much brutality, and for what? Anyway, I‘m still working my way through this too. I haven‘t bailed yet. I‘m almost to page 400, and I‘m hoping to hit 500 by the end of the weekend. I‘m off this weekend, so I should be able to get a chunk of reading in. 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 1mo
RaeLovesToRead She doesn't seem to have any insightful commentary on any of it, mind. Just... here are some awful things... awful amirite? I'm on page 400 now. Caught you up! 😋 1mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead agreed! Also, as far as you catching me up goes: challenge accepted! 🤣 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Just in case anyone was wondering how many times “the fact that” was used in this book, my Kindle search feature found that phrase in the book 19,233 times. 😳🫣

#DucksBuddyRead @RaeLovesToRead

dabbe Yowza! 😳🤩😂 2mo
merelybookish Interesting. And I love that book regardless. 2mo
Hooked_on_books Oh my goodness, that would drive me crazy! 2mo
BkClubCare @merelybookish - Me, too! 🥰 Loved it. 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I‘d forgotten how violent this book is. I can‘t remember why I stopped reading it months ago, but it may have been the violence. In the past few pages, trigger warnings for police brutality, animal cruelty, school shootings and death of a parent.

#DucksBuddyRead @RaeLovesToRead I don‘t remember who else to tag. If you‘re reading this comment as well as this book, consider yourself tagged! 🦆🦆🦆

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This one is the one that looks closest to how I actually look, but I‘m finding it a bit unsettling to see my face on someone else‘s body! 😳🫣 @CrowCAH

Deblovestoread But it‘s gorgeous. 💜 2mo
TheBookHippie So pretty!!! 2mo
CrowCAH Very striking! Think of it as imagining yourself as the main character, inhibiting their world, but not. 2mo
slategreyskies @Deblovestoread @TheBookHippie awww, thanks, you two! 🥰💕 2mo
slategreyskies @CrowCAH ah, that‘s a good way to look at it. Thanks! 😊 💕 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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1️⃣ my new lunch bag and bento box combination. Who knew packing lunch could be so much fun?

2️⃣ the rainbow votive/tea light holder that a friend of mine commissioned from a local artist for me for my birthday.

3️⃣ watermelon splash body spray! 🍉

4️⃣ getting my currently reading pile down to 🔟 books. Progress!

5️⃣ As simple as it is, a bottle of glittery nail polish that looks like the night sky. 🌌



slategreyskies @DebinHawaii thank you so much for starting this! This tag is my favorite part of every Friday now. 🥰 2mo
JenniferEgnor 1. Korean corn dogs! 2. A fun condom fashion show during Pride. 3. Funny AI pictures. 4. Queer Prom tomorrow night! 5. Helping a friend with final disposition for a loved one. 2mo
slategreyskies @JenniferEgnor I love your list! I‘m trying to imagine what exactly a condom fashion show would be like, but I‘m coming up short! It sounds like it has potential to be hilarious, though! Hope you have fun at Queer Prom tonight! 🌈 💕✨ 2mo
DebinHawaii I am so glad you are enjoying the tag! It‘s so fun to read everyone‘s lists! 💛💛💛I love your joy list—bento boxes make lunch fun & that votive holder is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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I‘ve been reading only from the list of 17 books that were in my currently reading book graveyard. Most of them have been on my CR for over a year. As of this evening, I‘ve gotten that total down to 10, and I‘m quite thrilled by that. Progress! 😊📚💕

Bookwomble Excellent work! 👏🏻🏆 2mo
slategreyskies @Bookwomble thanks! It feels good to pare it down a bit. I have several that I want to start, but I‘ve been restraining myself. 🤣 2mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s great progress! I‘ve read Eighth Life and it‘s so good, but ginormous! I can see why it might languish (also for the bleak content). 2mo
Chelsea.Poole Great job! Ducks is in my currently reading too. For soooo long. So long. 2mo
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I started this book 3 years ago, and I only just finished it tonight. I‘ve been going through and tying up loose ends, completing books that I‘d abandoned in my own personal book graveyard. My favorite part of this book was the chapter on writing. I underlined a lot in that one. There were some parts I felt like I needed to skip: mostly the sections on family and pretty much all the Bible/Jesus stuff. The parts that were enjoyable were great. ⬇️

slategreyskies (Cont.) but I didn‘t feel like I could give it a pick since I had to skip or skim through several sections. Overall, recommended with reservations. ⭐️⭐️⭐️!! 2mo
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This is the first book I‘ve read on pendulums. The first half of the book introduces the reader to pendulums, offering information on how to select a pendulum, how to begin working with one, that sort of thing. The author suggests using charts to help with answering questions, and the second half of the book is a series of charts for almost any question you can think of. While I haven‘t worked through the exercises yet, this looks solid. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!

slategreyskies To add to the above, I‘m impressed with the wide selection of charts included in the book as well as the info on how to use them. Chart topics include: working with animal spirit guides (how to choose which animal to work with), working with crystals, astrology charts, etc. 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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#LitsyHumor 🤣 📚💕

tpixie 😂 2mo
Bookwormjillk The horrors 😱 2mo
dabbe 😂😂😂 2mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 2mo
dabbe Loverly. 💙🩵💙 2mo
TheBookHippie So pretty!!!! I love it! 2mo
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I realized this morning that I‘ve purchased 12 ebooks in the past week and 2 paperbacks. 14 books. In one week. The 3 books pictured were from this morning. They‘re all on sale on Kindle today. I have to admit that I #blameitonlitsy! 🤣

#mountTBR #readerproblems #bookhaul

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I was very impressed with this book. If you‘re looking for something to help shape your outlook on life, to motivate you and give you a framework for being the best version of yourself, this could be that book. I found it really inspiring, and I fully intend to reread it. I may also purchase a copy of it, since I checked this one out from the library. I‘d been feeling stagnant and unmotivated, but this book helped with that. Highly recommended!

AllDebooks This sounds great 👍 2mo
AmyG Stacked! 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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I finally finished the commission I received. #LitsyCrafters 💜🪷

Texreader Beautiful!! 2mo
ElizaMarie I love the colors! 2mo
AmyG Oh wow…that is so lovely! 2mo
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zezeki Beautiful! 2mo
Hooked_on_books Wow, that‘s fantastic! 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
MaleficentBookDragon Beautiful!😻 2mo
Catsandbooks So pretty! Wonderful job! ❤️ 2mo
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I really enjoyed this one. It was a nice break from ACOTAR. I checked it out from the library and stayed up late tonight to finish it. The only thing that annoyed me a bit was how several of the characters called each other “baby”… that‘s just a me thing, though. I‘ve never really been all that keen on that particular term of endearment. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!!

CaliforniaCay The "baby" thing is one of my pet peeves! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one annoyed by that because it is so common to hear these days ? 2mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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1– when I worked at a children‘s shelter, one of the teens I was supervising got into the medication box before my shift started. The shifts switched, & I came on duty only to find that he‘d overdosed. I drove him to the hospital. It‘s been 25 years, & I still think about him and hope he‘s okay.

2– working from home, with the confidence & drive to support myself creatively.

3– No, but I did that career for a while & decided it wasn‘t for me.

Smrloomis That would be super scary 💕 Hope he‘s a middle-aged adult now… 2mo
slategreyskies @Smrloomis I know he survived that particular attempt, but I lost contact with him not long after that. I think he will likely be someone I remember my entire life. 2mo
Eggs That‘s awesome 👏🏻 2mo
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KadaGul 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
CBee Vim and vigor 😁😁 2mo
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For #HyggeHour and #LitSolace, here are pics of the 2 tables next to me. I took the daytime pic earlier today. It‘s dim there after dark, so you get a well lit pic instead. The other pic is of my poetry gargoyle. He reads and writes with me. Something about his stare motivates me. I‘m not sure why. I had mint gluten free Oreos as a snack along with a can of seltzer water. Happy Sunday everyone! 📚🌙🤍✨

Chrissyreadit 💛☀️💛 2mo
AllDebooks Love this x 2mo
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This book casts a pretty wide net. As such, it offers bite-sized pieces of ideas rather than going in depth into any of them. I suppose this could be used to help you brainstorm a path forward or maybe help you figure out where to focus further, but I don‘t think it‘s a good standalone book. It is fairly easy to follow. It‘s set up as a series of short chapters. Each chapter is a different self care idea. The short chapters are loosely grouped ⬇️

slategreyskies (Cont.) into larger chunks of similarly themed areas (like one chunk on mental health and one on physical health, that sort of thing). I‘m glad I read it, but it feels like it was just a taster book, and I feel like there must be so much more information out there than what‘s included here. ⭐️⭐️⭐️!! 2mo
slategreyskies @CoffeeK8 Here‘s my review of that book! 📚♥️ 2mo
CoffeeK8 Thank you! This is really helpful! 2mo
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Clare-Dragonfly Does it make you feel better about how many books you‘re reading at once? 😄 2mo
slategreyskies @Clare-Dragonfly okay, that made me laugh! Yeah, it kinda does! 🤣 2mo
Kerrbearlib I just started this. Enjoying it so far! 2w
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The Mapmaker's Daughter | Clare Marchant
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@kspenmoll I‘d never heard of this book or this author before, but your review made it look so good that I looked it up to see what the Kindle price is. Ends up that it‘s on sale today. I just picked up my copy. Thanks for your review! ♥️📚

Untitled | Anonymous
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For those of you who were curious, here is a grid of the 16 books that I‘m part of the way through right now. 3 of them are over 1,000 pages, so there‘s no way I can bang these out in a few weeks, but maybe if I focus on them, I could get through them by the end of the year. If this was your currently reading list, how would you tackle it? Shorter ones first to get them out of the way? Which of these have you read and really loved? #MountTBR

RaeLovesToRead None. BUT! I've got the Eighth something on my TBR and Acotar too. I am sat here in an Acotar jumper, but in my defence it is comfy and purple. People often tell me they love my jumper and it makes me feel like a fraud. Must. Read. Acotar. 2mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I know what you mean. I started ACOTAR last year or the year before but only made it through the first book. Then, I read the Crescent City trilogy this year, loved it & decided I‘d finally read ACOTAR. I reread the 1st book, because I couldn‘t remember anything about it & decided I‘d plow through them all in 1 ACOTAR marathon of sorts. That‘s cool about the jumper. Comfy & purple would be good enough for me too! 💜📚✨ 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I mean... I also have a blue one 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ just assuming I'm gonna love it lol 2mo
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Clare-Dragonfly If it were my list, I‘d probably finish the ADHD book first in hopes of it making me feel better about having so many books on the go at once 😂 2mo
slategreyskies @RaeLovesToRead I think you probably will. The main complaint I‘ve heard about it is that some people are bothered by the sex scenes. They didn‘t bother me, but they are open door. lol 2mo
slategreyskies @Clare-Dragonfly ah, that‘s a good approach! I just may do that. Someone here on Litsy asked me for my opinion of that one, but I haven‘t replied yet, since I wanted to finish the book first. Maybe I‘ll tackle it today. Thanks! 📚♥️ 2mo
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