Ch 25: #letsjustletourkidswalk8milesalone #candlefordvisit #mamaispregnantbutwedonttalkaboutthat #livingtheirbestcandlefordlives #eatingboatingshoppingcharades #boooooooks #cranfordFTW #ilovetheiruncle #hashtagbrigade
Ch 25: #letsjustletourkidswalk8milesalone #candlefordvisit #mamaispregnantbutwedonttalkaboutthat #livingtheirbestcandlefordlives #eatingboatingshoppingcharades #boooooooks #cranfordFTW #ilovetheiruncle #hashtagbrigade
Just a reminder that February‘s #LosersClub read is #nightshift Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about February 1st, when we begin reading this one. Discussion will be at the end of the month! #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion
Ch 24: I‘m digging these shorter chapters #schoolvisitors #teawithteacher #readingallthebooks #politicsinschool 🙄 #notafan #nobodyshouldtellanyonehowtovote #especiallyateacher #anyway #backtothebooks #ilovehowtheyplayact #momhidingthebooks #laurashouldbesewing 🙄 #imwithlaura #sewingishqrd #hashtagbrigade
Ch 23: Laura goes to school #snipesnipelongleggedsnipe #kidscanbesomean #thatethelthough #pieceofwork #poorpolly #andletsendwithaneardrowning 🙄 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21: finally! #wemadeitovertocandleford #snobbyrelations #politicaruinseverything #thefoodsoundedgoodthough 🤷🏻♀️ #lauracantcatchabreakanywhere #thistimeitsherfreckles #imlookingatyouLIW #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: Mrs Herring giving me HO feels 🤣 #lauraisscaredofthecloset #hermomtreatsherlikecrap #notafan #anyway #mrsHcomestocleanitout #mumwonttakegandmedowns #sheplanstopickthegarbageinstead #becausethatsbetter 🤣 #tomorrowwegotocandleford #hashtagbrigade
Ch 19: #gossiptime #rachelthegossip #harrietshappenings 🤣 #iwantagoldenballtoolaura #pattyandyoungamos #larkrisefrownsoncougars #unlessitspatty 🤷🏻♀️ #misshanniganwithouttheattitude #gertieisatrip #shesjustpretty #cameomerton #ilikethenopoliticsthing #bigfan #notafanoftheestablishedrankthough #yikes #sweetoldmaidsandnurses #thiswasafunchapter #hashtagbrigade #oh #iwouldnotwantthesestinkyflowersinmyhouse 🤢
Ch 18: apparently mom tells good stories 🤷🏻♀️ #poorjimmythough #thathadtohurt #chancerymoney #talkaboutatalltale #andthosedarnpigsagain #stillnotincandleford #butwegettohearaboutit #sortof #andpoacherswiveswithlotsofbutter #sososorandom #hashtagbrigade
My son got me this Lego set for Christmas, isn‘t he the cutest?!? #dobbythehouseelf
Ch 17: 230 pages in and NOW we get a storyline? #laurasoriginstory #uglyduckling #peoplearemean #andletsnotforgetpattyandhershotgunwedding #andofcourseweendwiththepig #wheresfernwhenyouneedher #hashtagbrigade
Ch 16: this chapter was all over the place #thebicyclethough #somethingsneverchange #stillinlarkrisethough #maybewewillseemoreofcandlefordtomorrow 🤷🏻♀️ #staytuned #whoamikidding #staytunedforwhat 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 15: holidays #somuchyummyfood #gingerbreadandchocolate #queensjubilee #livingtheirbestlives #untiltheywerent #thatlastline #ripedmund #offtocandleford #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: church, this reminded me of the second episode of LHOTP where the Rev lectures the wives because the husbands stayed home 🤣 #godunderstandsfarmers #somanycustoms #notmuchchanges #poormissellison #ripmarley #hashtagbrigade
Ok #losersclub I watched the miniseries of the Shining with Rebecca DeMornay and Steven Weber and it‘s way more accurate than the original. I still like the original better, but this was really good! #stephenking #kingfromthebeginning #booktomovie
Ch 13: I couldn‘t find any pics on google that showed #mayday with a #creepydoll 🤷🏻♀️ #beautifulchapter #shortchapter #perfectspringday #exceptthatcreepydoll #isaidwhatisaid #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: school testing #someveryinterestingcharacters #iseethatschoolteachersnevergotrespect 🙄 #theconcertattheendthough #everyconcertateveryschooleverywhereforever 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: school #everybodywaskungfufighting #poormisshiggs #lauradidntfaretoowell #savages #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Ugh I hate that I need to read this 🤣
Ch 9: playground games #thiswasfun #untiltheend 🐦 🐰 #icomefromahuntingfamily #thisdidntfeellikehunting #butthegameswerefun #ifnotalittleodd #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: I have so many things to say 🙄🤣 #melodeon #thiswholechapterwasbassackwards #somanyconflictingtheories #hesterprynnewantsherABack #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #readysetgo #hashtagbrigade
Finally seeing this! I didn‘t want to watch it on tv before seeing it live!
Ch 7: callers #tinkerjones #gipsies #thesejobssoundexhausting #thatteaservicethough 😍 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 6: basically a chapter about all the ways you can gossip 🤷🏻♀️ #worksforme #whiledoinglaundry #lookingforthepostman #whatacrank #teaparties #visiting #borrowing #butnotthemethody #shewasjustsweet #swappingflowercuttings #hashtagbrigade
This is such a fun novella! If you haven‘t read any of the coffee loft books, I highly suggest them, if you‘re into sweet romance 😍
My December book for #12booksof2024 was also my fave for the year!
Ch 5: such a sweet chapter! #sallyanddickgivingoffharrietandnelsvibes #notthemoneyaspect #thehenpeckedhubbyaspect #queenieandherbees #twisterwasquitethecharacter #tellingthebeeshedied 😭 #grandpawassosweet #mypopwaslikethat #mynanwaslikethegrandmatoo 🤣 #somanyfunpersonalities #hashtagbrigade
Another great one! November‘s top choice, a great thriller, probably top 5 of the year! #12booksin2024 @Andrew65
We used to watch this every year during the first snow…. And then we moved to SC 🤣 so now we watch it during the first cold snap 🥶 #losersclub #stephenking #borninsincomeonin
Ch 4: this is william Gladstone #ifyouactuallycare 🤣 #meninbars #notmuchchanges 🤷🏻♀️ #drinkingbeerwithallthatsparemoney 🙄 🍻 #drunkenbarsinging #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3: men farming #superexciting #inowknowmorethanieverwantedto #momsgettingtheirsonsoutthedoor #christmasstoryvibes #icantputmyarmsdown #starvingpeopleinchina #staytuned #maybethenextchapterwillhavemoredrama #otherthanthatoneladyhavingakidoutofwedlock #andalgyhavingptsd #hashtagbrigade
Reading at the zoo #wildlights display. These things swing! So much fun!
I love Ashley Poston! This was so fun and frustrating and romantic and annoying 🤣 #12booksof2024 @Andrew65
Ch 2: I have a great pic of a pram with a creepy doll in it, but Litsy won‘t let me add it 🤣 #anyway #thesearesomeseriouslywellasjustedkids #thegrownupsnotsomuch #ihopethisisntboring #thedescriptionsarestunning #thevillagekidsarenightmares #theauntsoundsdelightful #howdidthecupbreakthough #andwhyaretheysopoor #thesearethequestionsihave #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
My #bookspin and #doublebookspin for #bookspinbingo my DBS is also my #readordonate book for January! @TheAromaofBooks @julieclair
Starting this today for #nancydrewbr I thought I had recently read it, but nope 🤣 this is printed in 1972, hence the sassy scarf 🤣
Ch 1: we meet the town #pigs 🐷#outhouses #crops #allthefunstuff #noverdantorverdure #nocryingorfainting #iykyk #winning #hashtagbrigade
@LiseWorks here are my points for the second half of #wintergames24 for the #holidaybookdragons
August, day 8 of #12booksin2024 this one was so crazy, I could not put it down!
My June pick for #12booksof2024 with @Andrew65 I actually listened to the audiobook with a friend. Her class was reading it and she wanted to read it ahead of time. Long car ride from Florida to SC meant we listened to most of it, and I finished it at home. So so good!