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The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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Wow. This was a brutal section for me. Vance has sacrificed any sympathy I ever had for him. He‘s not young and impulsive anymore. He‘s selfish and cruel. I wish Halo had better options, but she needs to be shed of V.! Thoughts about either V or H‘s behavior? #whartonbuddyread

Lcsmcat Quotes coming, but I‘ll be out of pocket most of today for my grandson‘s birthday, so talk among yourselves as they used to say on SNL. 😀 13h
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Lcsmcat “But it is almost unbearable to be forgotten. The victim invents a thousand pretexts rather than admit that one fact.” 13h
Lcsmcat “This man whom she could no longer make happy, who needed her so little that he could disappear for weeks without giving her a sign—how much longer was she going to burden him with her unwanted devotion?” 13h
Lcsmcat “Ah, happy artists! No wonder they were careless of other people‘s wounds, when they were born with the power to heal their own so easily…” 13h
Lcsmcat And I won‘t quote it, but the cruel words V used when telling H that F had dumped him but he still wanted her and the way he dismissed H‘s intelligence and contributions to his work make me think Wharton must have had some wrenching scenes with her lover! 13h
Currey @Lcsmcat it was so painful to watch Halo twisting herself into a pretzel 🥨 really appearing to believe that her love for Vance wasn‘t worthy and leaving him would be the best thing she could do for him. Meanwhile I‘m thinking “get out of there Halo, you deserve so much better” 10h
Lcsmcat @Currey If everything else hadn‘t done it, his “do I have to use words of one syllable” dig pushed him past redemption in my eyes. Run, Halo, run! 10h
Currey @Lcsmcat I agree that much of the writing appears to come from personal experience but I suspect her sympathy (as a writer) to Vance is that at some point in her life she had played both parts 10h
Lcsmcat @Currey Yes, she is much more understanding of him than I can be. But how she could write him that clearly and see herself in that behavior- wow. That‘s a tough self-reflection. 10h
Graywacke Happy birthday to your grandson! 10h
Graywacke I wonder what drove this Wharton take on jealousy and unrequited devotion. Vance hurt me most when he called Hale an amateur critic. And she handled all his bitter lines so gracefully. He‘s not worthy 10h
Graywacke Why does Frenside always offer such inadequate advice that never helps anyone? 10h
Lcsmcat @Graywacke Frenside is a puzzle. He seems intelligent and caring, but always at a remove. Like he can‘t quite connect. I wonder if that‘s why his advice doesn‘t quite work? 10h
Graywacke @Lcsmcat he is a puzzle. He‘s so nice, though. 10h
Lcsmcat @Graywacke Yes, he is one of the likable ones in this story. 10h
Lcsmcat @Graywacke As to why these themes now, what makes a 70 year old tackle doomed love. It seems like a subject for a young romantic, doesn‘t it? Was she looking back at her relationship with Walter Berry? Maybe trying to justify to herself why it went the way it did? I‘m not sure. 9h
Graywacke @Lcsmcat i think about Berry a lot. Of course, she‘s the Vance artistically. He‘s the Halo. 4h
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I loved this memoire of growing and raising your own food. I never had any delusions of it being easy (enforced child labor in my mother‘s garden) and I‘m happy for someone to slaughter and butcher the meat I eat, I want to know where my food comes from. I love how generous she was with her food, even after someone stole her one and only watermelon. And the way the neighbors came together, all different cultures and backgrounds bonding over food.

Miss Jane: A Novel | Brad Watson
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I felt like this was a better portrait of Dr. Thomas than Miss Jane, partly because Watson seems better at writing men than women, partly because there was so much focus on his inner life. The peacocks are his (and the cover makes you think Jane Austen will figure into it, while it‘s Jane Eyre. There are beautiful descriptions and contemplative language.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover 💙 6d
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The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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Vance goes off on a wild goose chase sure to get him in trouble. The Delaney‘s, Alders, Mrs. G, and Chris all collide in the south of France. And Wharton is hammering it home that, putting people in different clothes, houses, hotels, etc doesn‘t change who they are. Do you think Halo, back in Forgotten-by-the-Sea (rough translation of Oubli-sur-mer ) knew what she was doing? And if V can‘t write without hurting others, is he a genius or a monster?

Currey @Lcsmcat I keep having the feeling that I am at odds with Wharton herself. That she persists in crowning V genius while leading me to think him a monster. Although at times a spoiled brat, little boy monster. I was surprised to have Floss return in such a sharp form. 1w
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Graywacke @Currey exactly - she‘s not at odds with herself as playing on readers expectations - the ruthless artist. I‘m beginning to think we have a magnificent novel coming out of a catastrophic relationship event. 1w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat Cathartic to read your post. I‘m enjoying the book. It‘s interesting and easy to stay involved with. Chris is an entertaining devil. But Vance is driving me nuts. So selfish. Halo is essentially an emotion he likes to have. That‘s about all he really sees her as. 1w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat regarding your question - Halo has been lying to herself the entire book. I don‘t think she knows what‘s going on. She‘s stumbling through trying to enjoy what she can, and pretend everything is ok. 1w
Graywacke Highlighted quote - a question: Jealousy could outlive love, then, cling to it like a beast of prey to a carcase for which it no longer hungered? 1w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke I highlighted that same quote! Is W working through her own issues here? 1w
Lcsmcat @Currey I can‘t decide if EW thinks Vance is a genius or is portraying him as someone who society thinks is a genius. She‘s clearly showing his dark side. 1w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke I agree that Halo is self-deluded. My big question is why. She seems intelligent about other things but she cannot pick men very well. 😂 1w
Currey @Graywacke @Lcsmcat Halo appears to pick her men based on what he can do for her (keep her parents in funds) or what she can do for him (support and nurture his genius). She does get some self satisfaction from being the intellectual and creative support person but she has yet to pick a man that will elevate her, support her, be a real partner to her…. (edited) 1w
Lcsmcat Some quotes - on society: ‘Vance‘s first thought was: “If they only knew enough not to speak!”‘ 1w
Lcsmcat On writing: “All that rot about not writing—why, nobody can write who doesn‘t set his teeth and dig himself in. Your mistake was ever imagining it was fun. Come along; you‘ll write fast enough when you have to.” 1w
Graywacke @Currey on Halo - exactly. She lives through others. 1w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat love those last quotes. Wharton must be working something of herself out here. I wonder on her expat perspective and how the plays with her outlook 1w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke And her life as the divorced wife of one man and the paramour of another. I am unsure of the dates of her relationships, but she would have written this as an older woman - perhaps looking back on her life, both personal and professional? 1w
CarolynM @Currey @Graywacke I‘ve been wondering all through this book and the last how much of EW‘s reality as a writer is in V & how much she is taking from other writers she knows, how much she is making up, or maybe even satirising. I‘m intrigued by all his works in progress almost beginning with their title. It seems so unlikely. I was also surprised by Floss‘s return, it made me wonder if EW originally intended her to have a bigger role in HRB 1w
Lcsmcat @CarolynM Not knowing for sure where this is going, it feels almost Dickensian with all the characters coming together, doesn‘t it? 1w
Lcsmcat @CarolynM EW is definitely satirizing the publishing world and “modern” literary trends (all those digs at Joyce!) but I‘d have to read a biography to put the pieces together of who she knew and might be sending up. 1w
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Scholarly but very readable. I enjoyed this look at Tudor women, focusing on the wives, yes, but also others of the era. There are a lot of characters to keep straight in Henry VIII‘s court, but it gets easier with each book I read.

Melismatic Reminds me of the musical ‘Six‘! 💜 2w
Lcsmcat @Melismatic I read somewhere that this was the inspiration for that musical. 2w
Melismatic Oh I love that!! 🥳 2w
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The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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Vance goes to extremes, although all his extremes are selfish, even when he thinks he‘s being noble. And the double standard is spotlighted clearly. It‘s ok to “know” a man who‘s living nonmarried, but the woman of the couple must be cut dead. Is there any hope for this pair? Especially with Lewis being so poutily stubborn? (Picture is a detail of a painting by Corot of the forest at Fontainebleau.) #whartonbuddyread

Lcsmcat Also, so many diss at James Joyce! I don‘t think Wharton liked his work. 😂 2w
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Currey @Lcsmcat I am not sure that Wharton liked many other authors. She had a long strong relationship with Henry James evidently and other writers mention Andre Gide and Sinclair Lewis - by the time that this book was published would they have been considered “old school”. I don‘t know enough. 2w
Lcsmcat @Currey I think they would have been, and Wharton may be indulging in the older generation‘s game of “everything is going to pot.” 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2w
Currey @Lcsmcat I was able to take Vance a bit better this round. He was still completely selfish but at least he had some thought of Halo. Halo on the other hand; where is our feisty witty and oh so capable woman gone to? She is just “cut” and bowed it seems. She is now shown as capable at finding a place to live instead of intellectually capable. 2w
Lcsmcat @Currey Yes, Halo has become so domestic. I wish she were willing to confront Vance more, but her position is so precarious that I understand why she doesn‘t. One of the quotes I highlighted: “It seemed to her that she was gazing at herself stripped and exposed, between these two men who were disputing for her possession.” 2w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat that line struck me too. Halo is managing Vance the same way she managed Tarrant - strengthening them at her own expense. I do like the Halo who found Vance ruining any chance of her divorce romantic. It was kind of funny. @Currey 2w
Graywacke I like this section a lot better. It flowed, was more interesting. Halos fears and Vances realities both clash and have parallels. It‘s interesting to me. No Vance isn‘t cheating, but those sandaled feet showed he was susceptible. 2w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat Wharton hated stream of consciousness. Some quotes from a book on Hemingway and Faulkner: Edith Wharton, nearing the end of her career, wrote to a friend in 1934: "What a country! With Faulkner and Hemingway acclaimed as the greatest American novelists, & magazine editors still taking the view they did when I began to write! Brains & culture seem nonexistent from one end of the social scale to the other, & half ? 2w
Graywacke ? the morons yell for filth, & the other half continue to put pants on piano-legs." 2w
Graywacke She also is quoted as complaining that stream of consciousness was sort of an incomplete novel. The writer had to put them together before they become a novel. And these writers just neglected to do this 2w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke I have to agree with Wharton on stream of consciousness. I struggled through Joyce in school but have no desire to read him now! And the whole art scene “between the wars” was full of experiments like that. There was a rejection of form that went along with philosophical nihilists like Sartre. It makes her comment about filth & piano legs true and funny. 2w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke Halo played the scene as romantic, but there‘s the bit when Vance sees her sleeping after he comes back that I‘ll quote below that makes me afraid for her. 2w
Lcsmcat “When he pulled himself out of his brooding, and went to bed, Halo was asleep. He had carried in the lamp from the studio, and stood shading it with his hand while he looked down on her. Usually, when she slept, her features regained their girlish clearness; and she was once more the Halo Spear who had lit up the dark old library at the Willows; 2w
Lcsmcat but now youth and laughter were gone, her face was worn and guarded. “This is the real Halo,” he thought; and he knew it was the effort to hide her anxiety behind a laughing welcome which had left those furrows between her eyes.” 2w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat she‘s sacrificing herself. It‘s hard to watch. He only sort of gets it before he‘s distracted again 2w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat regarding stream of consciousness - I haven‘t read Joyce, but I love when Faulkner uses it. He does it brilliantly. (Also, interesting that Faulkner‘s name was so prominent in 1934. He wasn‘t selling. Although he was better known in France, where Wharton was. than the US.) 2w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke I find Faulkner easier than Joyce, but maybe that‘s because I‘m southern, not Irish. 😀 I just listen to he words as if one of my elder relatives was talking. 2w
Currey @Lcsmcat @Graywacke I am with you. I am not against stream of consciousness if it is effective and with Faulkner it is “voice”. I appreciate Faulkner. I have only read one Joyce and that was the easy one: Portrait of a young man. So I don‘t know about him really. 2w
jewright I like Faulkner much better than Joyce. I‘m not really sure why. 2w
Lcsmcat @jewright That seems to be the consensus here. Do you suppose people who like Cather and Wharton all prefer Faulkner to Joyce? 2w
jewright Vance is a little less annoying in Book 2. At least he finally stands up for Halo at the end by going to demand answers of Lewis. Vance is just so dense that he drives me crazy. 2w
jewright @Lcsmcat Perhaps Faulkner is easier to understand? I feel like there‘s more plot to his works and less just abstract musing. 2w
Lcsmcat @jewright I didn‘t feel like Vance was standing up for Halo when he went to Lewis. It felt disrespectful to go without her knowledge or desire. He just can‘t seem to think about anyone but himself. 2w
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Blue Calhoun | Reynolds Price
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This is a difficult book ton review (and to read.) TW for incest and child abuse, I almost gave up on it early on. But Price‘s prose is strong and he manages to make the protagonist, if not lovable, at least pitiable. You have to get all the way to the end to understand why Price is so relentless with details, yet it still leaves a darkness and ick factor that I didn‘t expect from him. Pick for the prose & voice; pan for the protagonist.

Daisy Darker | Alice Feeney
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Not a good picture, but since it wasn‘t a good book, I don‘t care. Full of sayings that could be embroidered on pillows or painted on old barn wood. The “poetry” doesn‘t scan, the “twist” is a total eye roll and no one behaves in character. It may be an #unpopularopinion but I didn‘t like it. Now there‘s room for another book on my shelf. 😀#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I liked it 🖤🤷🏻‍♀️ 3w
Lcsmcat @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks A lot of people seem to. But it wasn‘t for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I\'ve definitely seen mixed reviews for this one. It\'s still on my TBR 😁 3w
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The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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To quote from the website The Mount “In a rare interview, Wharton listed The Gods Arrive as one of her five favorites. The other four were Hudson River Bracketed, The Custom of the Country, Summer, and The Children.” Are we going to see E. W. more intimately in this? It‘s also the only sequel she ever wrote so she must have loved these characters. But she doesn‘t let us think for long that this will be a rare happy relationship! #whartonbuddyread

Lcsmcat Are you surprised by H‘s tearing up the telegram? By V‘s behavior with his new friend and towards H? And, of course, I‘ve got quotes, because the prose is delicious. (edited) 3w
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Lcsmcat “The clever young writers he had known in New York had read only each other and “Ulysses”;” 3w
Lcsmcat ‘And she recalled a whimsical axiom of George Frenside‘s: “No passion can survive a woman‘s seeing her lover hold his fork in the wrong way.”‘ 3w
Lcsmcat Of Halo‘s mother: “She was a Lorburn of Paul‘s Landing, and people of pre-Revolutionary stock, however emancipated their sympathies, conformed to tradition in their conduct.” 3w
Lcsmcat Forgot to mention, the pic is from a first edition that was for sale online. Not my copy, unfortunately. 😀 3w
Currey @Lcsmcat So delicious to fall back into Wharton‘s prose until Vance‘s friend turns up. At that moment I remembered how much I did not like Vance. Wharton obviously found him intriguing, using him to show the roots and eccentricity of genius. 3w
Lcsmcat @Currey I‘m glad I‘m not the only one. I really don‘t like him. 3w
Graywacke This is one ugly Vance. What a prick he is from this perspective. And all the time conventional passionless American lingo. “I don‘t give a straw” or something similar. He‘s just an irritating cold self centered person. @Currey 3w
Graywacke It‘s an interesting dwelling in this Halo‘s mind. Is she the same, and this is a further evolution? From a shining muse, to a lost wife, to a conventional-minded mistress constantly rationalizing away her problems. It‘s sad to see. I hope she shows us some grit before whatever tragedy we have in store. 3w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat that‘s an interesting list Wharton chose. No Age of Innocence or House of Mirth. Summer doesn‘t surprise me. It‘s both a reader and writer‘s joy. As for naming her last three books - that‘s either just her mood at the time she was close to these, or some 1930‘s style self-marketing. They clearly aren‘t her best work (no matter what the later-Wharton-lover critics say ☺️) 3w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke I wonder if authors are able to judge what posterity will consider their “best” works? It is an odd list. 3w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke re Vance - do you think he is worse in this book? I feel like he‘s being true to character but H is just now seeing this side of him. 3w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat we were so Vance-focused in the last book, it‘s difficult to say if he‘s different. His dialogue is different from this perspective. All 1930-ish American male. Not the innocent we knew. He was terrible in book one, too. 3w
Lcsmcat @Graywacke Do you think the change in Vance‘s dialog is intentional- he‘s trying to fit in with a different set of people - or do you think it‘s because Wharton‘s focus has shifted? 3w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat I don‘t know. It certainly distances him from us, the reader. But i don‘t know what to make of it. 3w
Currey How old would Wharton have been when she wrote this one? Perhaps she was attempting something “modern” in vernacular, and simply missed. 3w
Lcsmcat @Currey She‘d have been around 70, I think. And living abroad might have meant that she picked up slang from movies or magazines and it didn‘t come naturally. 3w
CarolynM I was a bit surprised to find H as V‘s lover in such a short space of time. I‘d have thought she‘d be a bit more circumspect. I was willing to cut V some slack for his self absorption in the the previous book, because of his youth & background, but now that it is manifesting as total disrespect for H I am disgusted with him. I hope H finds a way to get through to him, or ditches him, fast! 3w
CarolynM @Graywacke I would agree with EW about The Custom of the Country (I think that‘s my favourite) and Summer but the other choices are interesting. I wonder if her liking for HRB has anything to do with her poking a bit of fun at the literary and publishing worlds she‘d been living in? 3w
Graywacke @CarolynM maybe she as poking fun. But i think she really liked her later fiction. She was apparently very driven. V is awful. I think Halo needs to chart her own path and leave in Spain. 3w
28 likes22 comments
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I recognize this as an important book, but I can‘t call it an enjoyable one. Very grim with few if any likable characters, and plenty of grisly deaths. The narrator was good, but not the best early-morning exercise listening.

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Not ready to stop reading about the Tudors after The Mirror and the Light, so I‘m hoping these 3, plus the tagged book not pictured, will scratch that itch. #bookhaul

Plenty: Eating Locally on the 100-Mile Diet | Alisa Smith, J B MacKinnon
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I enjoyed this take on local eating that shows how, even in a small apartment in a northern climate, one can eat locally. I loved the personal insights and farmer portraits. And it made me hungry, which is the best thing I can say about a food book. 😂 Picture is part of our haul from this week‘s farmers market. It‘s winter squash season!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎃🧡🎃 4w
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The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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Reminder to grab your Complete Wharton (or a copy of the novel if you can find it) because discussion starts next week. #whartonbuddyread @Graywacke @LitsyEvents

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The Great Divorce | C. S. Lewis
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Narnia for adults, in a way. I love Lewis‘ ability to articulate difficult mysteries in an understandable way yet without robbing them of their ineffable-ness.

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What We Lose | Zinzi Clemmons
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I found this disjointed and unsatisfying. It felt more like an immature collegiate diary than a novel. So many statements put forth as “profound” that were merely trite. Not a fan.

TheLudicReader I also bought this, but I couldn‘t get into at all. Now I feel vindicated. 😀 4w
Lcsmcat @TheLudicReader So there‘s at least two of us. 😀 4w
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Untitled | Untitled
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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The title remains elusive until the last essay (but the bear comes sooner, so 🤷🏻‍♀️) and as many say it‘s not as funny as I Was Told There‘d Be Cake, but I still laughed out loud in some places and generally enjoyed myself. And it‘s number 24 for #24in2024, so I feel like a middle schooler who finished her homework early. 😂 @Jas16

Jas16 I am so impressed! I still have four to go! 1mo
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Shadow Tag: A Novel | Louise Erdrich
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A quick read, but a dark, dark one. Erdrich is a talented writer, but the tape and abuse (physical and emotional) is hard to take. Numerous 23 of #24in2024 @Jas16

Jas16 I love Erdrich but this was not my favorite of hers. 1mo
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Thomas Cranmer | Susan Wabuda
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Neither of these has a comment on Litsy, but if you‘ve read either, or other biographies by either author, I‘d love to know what you think. My library doesn‘t have either (big surprise 🙄) so I‘ll need to buy it ordo inter-library Loan, so I‘d love an idea of which is more readable and more about the man than just his accomplishments. Thanks in advance.

The Mirror and the Light | Hilary Mantel
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I put off reading this final book because Mantel made me love Cromwell and we all know how it ends. So I put it off as if my not reading it could change history. As sad as the end was, it was also redemptive in a way. Cromwell was a fascinating character who lived through incredibly dangerous times. And Mantel makes it all so relatable. Now I want equally well-written books about the other people surrounding him!

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I wasn‘t a fan of Blue Nights, but when this showed up on The NY Times “Best books of the 21st Century so far” I thought I should give her another chance. I don‘t like to be negative about a memoir, especially not a memoir about grief. But Didion is not for me. #unpopularOpinion

Ruthiella Totally fair assessment. I love her, but her style and tone are very particular. I feel that way about Marilyn Robinson. I just don‘t get what other readers get from her writing. 1mo
Tamra Did not get into this one at all. 1mo
Lcsmcat @Tamra Have you read any of her novels? I haven‘t, and I confess that this made me more curious about reading her husband‘s than hers. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1mo
Tamra @Lcsmcat I admit no - I was so put off by this one. 😏 1mo
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The Mirror and the Light | Hilary Mantel
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Enjoying a quiet evening with Thomas Cromwell.

The Mirror and the Light | Hilary Mantel
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“Once the queen‘s head is severed, he walks away.”

#firstLineFridays. @ShyBookOwl

Exit West: A Novel | Mohsin Hamid
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I liked the matter of fact tone, both about war & immigration, and the doors. It made the magical realism work and kept this from being dark fantasy. In the end I found it hopeful. And the narration was excellent.

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#irony with a capital I. 😂

The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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The #whartonbuddyread has spoken, and we‘ll continue with Halo and Vance starting October 5th. I‘m looking forward to seeing how it ends!

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The Summer Book | Tove Jansson, Thomas Teal, Kathryn Davis
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A quick, charming read, whose pint-sized protagonist reminded me of my granddaughter when she‘s cranky. Lovely descriptive writing. A good farewell to summer and my #doublespin for this month.

HeatherBookNerd Charming isn‘t it? 2mo
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The Gods Arrive | Edith Wharton
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Do you want to dive right in to the sequel, or wait until October? Full disclosure, it‘s 5 books, about 440 pages. Vote in the comments below with your preferred start date: September 21 or October 5. #whartonbuddyread

AllDebooks I'm so ready for more Halo and Vance!! I would prefer the October start date, please. 2mo
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Graywacke Oct 5 🙂 thanks for planning! 2mo
Currey Oct 5 please and yes, thank you @Lcsmcat and @Graywacke for organizing 2mo
Currey @Lcsmcat @Graywacke By the way, did we ever read The Bunner Sisters? Did I miss that? 2mo
Graywacke @Currey i had to look it up. We‘ve been using a list from The Mount website that doesn‘t include The Bunner Sisters. So skipped over it. (Published 1916). We will need to add it in. 2mo
Lcsmcat @Graywacke @Currey In my Complete Works of Edith Wharton The Bunner Sisters is listed as a short story. I haven‘t looked at its length so maybe it‘s a novella? 2mo
LitStephanie I would prefer October 5 so I have time to read the first one and catch up with you guys. What is it called? 2mo
CarolynM I‘ve been travelling and reading very little so I still haven‘t started the first book. I‘d like to try to catch up and join you for this one so I‘d prefer the later date. Thanks Linda🙂 2mo
Lcsmcat @LitStephanie The one we just finished is Hudson River Bracketed. 2mo
jewright I‘m up for whatever dates. 2mo
Currey @Lcsmcat Yes, my list has it as a novella. And we can slip it in anytime it works for everyone. I just thought I missed it somehow. 2mo
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Fleishman Is in Trouble: A Novel | Taffy Brodesser-Akner
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I nearly bailed early on, and if the early behavior of Toby is bothersome, I understand but recommend pushing through. What the author does with the relative length of the three sections is brilliant. I‘ll be thinking about this for a long time. #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

Lcsmcat Also number 22 for #24in2024 @Jas16 2mo
Ruthiella Yes! This is subtle. 2mo
Jas16 22! That is fantastic! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Overstory | Richard Powers
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My #BetterWorldBooks order arrived! #bookhaul

Ruthiella Nice haul! 👍 2mo
Liz_M What fabulous choices. I loved Brief History 2mo
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Erasure: A Novel | Percival Everett
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My first by this author, inspired by The NY Times list. But it won‘t be the last one I read of his. I need to explore his back list! While I understand why he included the entire “ghetto novel” (and repeated bits of it!) I wished I could have skimmed it. But the narration was strong and the writing superb. Highly recommended.

SamAnne I recommend Telephone. And Trees and James! All so different. 2mo
Lcsmcat @SamAnne Thanks! I‘ll check them out. 2mo
BkClubCare Oh… Trees 🌳 🌴 🌲 It is so funny and so brutal. Nothing like it. And James, and So Much Blue, and the other one I‘ve read about horses …. Can‘t recall the title! (edited) 2mo
Lcsmcat @BkClubCare Thanks! 2mo
Suet624 You have so much to look forward to! 1w
43 likes5 comments
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My irl book club pick for September, the cover did not give me hope. And it was light - I started and finished it over the long weekend while also cataloging my library. But it was entertaining and will (maybe) give us something to talk about. So a soft pick.

Hudson River Bracketed | Edith Wharton
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Though the title refers to this style of architecture, the book is about much bigger themes - creation, continuity of culture, rampant capitalism, sham spirituality, and, of course, unhappy marriages. (It is Wharton after all.) I thought the ending abrupt, but then learned that there‘s a sequel, so I‘m withholding final judgement until I‘ve read it. Thanks @Graywacke and all the #whartonbuddyread crew. We‘re almost through her novels!

Graywacke So many themes in one book. Great review 2mo
CarolynM Great review. It‘s a pick for me too. Looking forward to getting started the sequel straightaway and catching up with the buddy readers🙂 3w
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The bookshelf still has a little space (yay!) but Amélie is not impressed. ?

PurpleyPumpkin 🤩💜🙌🏽 2mo
Leftcoastzen Cutie! That space will disappear fast I bet ! 2mo
Lcsmcat @Leftcoastzen Probably! I have a problem when it comes to buying books. 😽 2mo
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LiteraryinPA Beautiful! 2mo
dabbe #awesomeamelie 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
Ruthiella Love it! 😍 (edited) 2mo
LeahBergen Wonderful! 2mo
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I‘m putting my husband up for Husband of the Year y‘all. See all the books stacked on the library table? And lying sideways on top of other shelves? I said I needed to weed out some books and instead he drove 3 hours to IKEA and bought another Billy. And these are not the only shelves in our house by a long shot. Our #labordayweekendproject is to fill it! (And update my library catalogue to show where things are shelved.)

TheSpineView That is husband of the century man!! 2mo
Lcsmcat @TheSpineView I think so. ❤️ 2mo
Leftcoastzen Keeper ! Great project! 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Finishing this collection is a great way to start the day. And to remind myself how I want the day to continue. Lovely awareness of the beauty around us, and the joy to be found, if we will only focus on it.

Lincoln in the Bardo | George Saunders
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Loved this book! Totally lives up to the hype, and the full-cast narration was excellent. Do I want a paper copy so I can revisit it? Yes. But the audiobook was an excellent first read through.

Graywacke If you‘re still looking up “opset”, then get a paper copy. 🙂 So glad you listened and enjoyed this. Wonderful thing, wonderful production 2mo
Lcsmcat @Graywacke 😂 I‘ve done enough of that kind of writing, I guess. I knew it was op. cit. But would I like a copy of that bibliography? Absolutely! 2mo
Tamra I‘ve listened twice and am torn about reading the print because the audio is just simply fantastic! 2mo
Lcsmcat @Tamra And I think I will always hear it in those voices! 2mo
Graywacke @Lcsmcat that might be worth a copy 2mo
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#bookspin for September @TheAromaofBooks
I can‘t believe summer is almost over!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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The Lover | Marguerite Duras
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In spite of the sticker, I can‘t imagine this as a successful movie - it‘s too internal. A dark story, and I would like a little more about Elder Brother (her fear of him seems out of proportion) but very poetic and immersive. #24in2024 number 21. @Jas16

Jas16 Well done! I agree that the writing in this book was beautifully poetic. 2mo
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How Democracies Die | Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt
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I‘d like a follow-up, but this is a book everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) should read. It always felt wrong to me, no matter how much Trumpism scares me, to “other” all Republicans. I try to be a “when they go low, we go high” Democrat. But guys, we‘re so close to losing our democracy. Please be kind this election season, trust your election workers, and vote. And try to build bridges, not tear them down. We‘re all in this together. Read this book!

Leftcoastzen I love this book! Very important read ! 2mo
AmyG The most important vote of my lifetime (and I am 65). 2mo
dabbe @AmyG 🎯. 2mo
MonicaLoves2Read Our country has become so crazy bc of politics. I don't know why people with different views can't get along 2mo
Lcsmcat @Monica5 It (frighteningly) reminds me of Ireland, when Catholics couldn‘t shop in Protestant stores or Protestants walk on Catholic streets. 2mo
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This poem SO speaks to me!

BkClubCare 💪 2mo
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I picked this up when we were in Pennsylvania last month. It was written by an insider, so it avoids stereotyping, yet the author doesn‘t shy away from exploring all the divisions and dissensions that have happened over the last 250 years. I loved it. (Picture from our trip.)

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I don‘t usually read celebrity memoirs, but I enjoyed this one. I found it thought provoking and it showed a very different type of introspection than you usually get from these. I admire his dedication to service, and hey I was an oboe major so I know how crazy bassoonists are. 😂 #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Such a fun read! Joan is a very lovable, if flawed, character. The humor is part irony, part slapstick, and 100% not mean-spirited. Loved it! #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheBookHippie I think this one is my favorite! 3mo
Lcsmcat @TheBookHippie It‘s definitely my favorite early Atwood. I‘m not sure I have an overall favorite. 3mo
TheBookHippie @Lcsmcat I‘ve been meaning to tell you I‘ve been reading Kristin Lavransdatter to my friend who is sick and she is enthralled with it. ♥️ (it‘s nice revisiting it.) 3mo
Lcsmcat That‘s great! I‘m glad she‘s enjoying it. It is fun to revisit favorite reads. 3mo
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Lady Oracle | Margaret Atwood
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Loving this early-ish Atwood!
#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Love it when the Spin is a win!! 3mo
Lcsmcat @TheAromaofBooks How can you go wrong with Atwood? 3mo
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Years ago I saw this in an antique store and was interested, but they wanted over $100 for it. I found it for a quarter of that and pounced on it! I love old houses, and these are close enough to drive by and take a look.

Lcsmcat No “Hudson River Bracketed” down here, but there is “Bracketed Cottage” #whartonbuddyread @Graywacke 3mo
Graywacke How cool! 3mo
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Erasure: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I started this on the treadmill this morning and while I like the narrator‘s sonorous bass voice, it‘s sometimes hard to hear over the treadmill noise. I may have to use ear buds on this one!

Tamra Enjoy! Everett pokes all sides of the book publishing & reading world in this one. 😆😄 (edited) 3mo
StaceGhost I‘m reading this too! 3mo
Lcsmcat @StaceGhost I‘m barely in - one chapter - but I think I‘m going to like it. 3mo
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Lcsmcat @Tamra Which is right up my alley! 3mo
Lcsmcat @StaceGhost The “My Pafology” section made me wish I were reading it in print instead of audio! I sped it up, but would totally have skimmed that bit! (Plus all the f-bombs were a bit much at 5 am when I‘m on the treadmill! 😀). How are you reading it? 2mo
StaceGhost @Lcsmcat I‘m reading it in print! I also loved this scene because wow he actually is unpacking a lot lol he thinks he‘s playing a joke but the joke is he really does have unresolved father issues!!! 2mo
Lcsmcat @StaceGhost True that! My library loan got sucked back and I had to go back on the waiting list😣 so who knows when I‘ll get it back! 2mo
StaceGhost @Lcsmcat oh no! That‘s always the worst :( 2mo
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Making tomato sauce to freeze from the half bushel of tomatoes we bought at the market this morning. My whole house smells like an Italian restaurant!

AllDebooks Oooh, I bet it smells amazing! 😋 3mo
Tamra Fabulous! 3mo
Bookwormjillk The best way to spend a weekend in my opinion! 3mo
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dabbe I can smell it from here! ❤️🍅❤️ 3mo
kspenmoll We had fresh tomatoes for the first time tonight with fresh mozzarella and basil- drizzle a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Yum! 3mo
Lcsmcat @kspenmoll Sounds delicious! 3mo
janeycanuck Ooh, lovely! Our tomatoes are just starting to come in, I can‘t wait!! 3mo
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A book that doesn‘t hit you over the head with its ideas about art and money, but leads you there through an atmosphere of beauty, privilege, wealth, and a little light larceny. Recommended.

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My August #bookspin. I can‘t believe how fast this summer is going! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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