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Love among the Bookshelves
Love among the Bookshelves | Ruskin Bond
50 posts | 6 read | 1 reading | 8 to read
Many readers have grown up with Ruskin Bonds stories. Now in an utterly delightful anthology, he introduces you to the stories he grew up with. Part memoir, part anthology, Love among the Bookshelves is a glimpse into Ruskins life through the books he has loved and an introduction to some forgotten classics.
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Any Ruskin bond lovers? He is one of my favourite authors.

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Some books are pure feels and then you can't express them in words. I have always loved anything and everything written by Mr Ruskin Bond . It's warm, cozy and personal. Also expands a reader's/booklovers repertoire by all the beautiful personal recommendations given by the author.

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Yes, by genre, then author or sometimes book height.

My collection is in the basement, where there‘s room!

I buy all of the above!

Tagging @TheRiehlDeal @mabell @mrp27

mabell Thanks for the tag @CrowCAH ! 👋❤️ 2y
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It's been a very busy few months, but now that I can take time to post again, I'll start with my new bookshelves! Finally filled and organized! I love them! 😍😍

TheKidUpstairs They look great! 3y
HeatherBlue Gorgeous!!! 💜 3y
ju.ca.no Looks great😍 3y
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There is nothing more satisfying than buying a new bookcase with lots of room for more books!

JacqMac Very nice! 💕 3y
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Eggs Full of life📚👍🏼📚 3y
DinoMom This is a great look bookshelf! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! 📚❤️ 3y
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After 3 months of being in our house, I finally have (organized) books on my shelves. I know my fellow Littens understand how happy my heart is now 🤩🤓…and there‘s Nathan 🐩😍

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻💙 3y
Bookzombie 😍 3y
Ruthiella Beautiful! 😍 3y
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Tamra Love the color! 3y
Allyneedsbooks Love 💕 3y
Nute Lovely! 3y
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#BuzzwordBookathon update
alas, haven't completed any of the #buzzword titled books

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squirrelbrain Interesting! 👍😁 4y
ulyssesartmiller I mean, I liked having all of it pointed out, but “remove thirty percent of them and add a bobblehead“? Really? 😜 4y
Amiable @ulyssesartmiller Right? And a 10 to Jenna Hager just because she has 6 books on her mantel? But only 8 to Prince Charles who has wall-to-wall classics? This whole article made me snort. 🤨 4y
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MicheleinPhilly 10/10 eyerolls. 🙄 4y
Scochrane26 This was interesting. 4y
Amandajoy I have found myself distracted by people‘s bookshelves on the news. My husband rolls his eyes when I spy one I have or want to read. Also, Andy Cohen didn‘t need to remove 30%, he needed to add more books! 4y
UwannaPublishme This is hilarious! My nose always wants to know what‘s sitting on those bookshelves. 😁📚 4y
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⚀ Irene Pollock from the 44 Scotland St Series - truly annoying and overbearing mother. The titles where she was absent, were certainly more enjoyable! 😁😁

⚁ Geranium, and any citrusy scent

⚂ Toggling among the various titles - #PemberLittens
Plus couple of other 'distractions' 😉😉

MoonWitch94 I love how you included it all in this collage! ❣️📚☺️ 4y
BookishMe @MoonWitch94 🤗🤗 I was pretty certain characters won't be sufficient for the various titles 😉 hehehe. All that pictures > words ;p 4y
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Bond's earliest discovery of literary treasures were these gems after avoiding excursions to the jungle.
Prior to these, his reading included abridged versions of Robinson Crusoe & Gulliver's Travels, Lamb's Tales of Shakespeare7 (retold), The Coral Island by
R M Ballantyne.
PGW was forefront of his discovery & this chapter included excerpt from #buzzword 😆 'Love among Chickens'

Titles & series, new to me and
to discover!

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#BuzzwordBookathon with the tagged
❤️ #buzzword and the other titles for #MonthofMemoirs (a little late to start) for #overbookedClub

Bond's mention of familiar and new (to me) #books keeps me grinning and squealing with joy! Tagged is also part of #BookSpin

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1) if sleep doesn't overpower, I am happy to stay up late ;p bodyclock wakes me up at dawn, so I get to read before my day begins.
nowadays I am happy to just finish a book, so it doesn't matter when.

2) Among Friends 😍😍

3) no particular order at the moment 🤷🏽‍♀️😉
When I get to it, it'll be by authors / series and sections according to topics ;))

Eggs Among Friends 💗💗 Thanks for joining in 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
BookmarkTavern That‘s a great name for a bookstore! 4y
BookishMe @Eggs @ozma.of.oz 🤩😍🤩 4y
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I am loving how this is turning out and we made the decision was made to add a 4th shelf so while the reading room isn‘t done yet it is close!

Nute That looks awesome! 5y
Ddzmini 😍😍😍 5y
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The new bookshelves are on the wall but I am too tired to put the books back on... a job for tomorrow or maybe Sunday!

valeriegeary Oooo! Nice! 🙌 5y
TheAromaofBooks Love your brackets!! 5y
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My bookshelves that I have been wanting forever are finally coming to reality!!! Here are the boards mid-stain and they will be going up Friday night!!! I cannot wait!

Branwen Can't wait to see how great they look all set up and filled with books! 😍 5y
Texreader So exciting!!! 5y
Nute It‘s cool to see this as it happens with you!😍 5y
Crazeedi Yay! Bookshelves are so exciting!! 5y
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I find #inspiration in books. When I walk into my library at home, there is such a presence of knowledge and stories waiting to be told. These books inspire me to learn more. #SelfImprovementSept

emilyhaldi 😍😍😍 5y
BarbaraBB Great place 😍 5y
OriginalCyn620 Great shelves! 😊📚 5y
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Avanders 🥰🥰🤩 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it!! 📚💗 5y
Crazeedi Wow you have a great library!! 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled LoveLoveLoveLove 5y
Gissy Big library😱❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Happy Monday! I‘m counting down the days til I‘m back to school aka work. We start August 19th. Hoping to nap later like my Calli girl is in this picture. The left bookcase is my graphic novels and the right are books on my TBR. #dogsoflitsy
How is your week going so far?

IhoardBOOKS Do I see Fables at the bottom shelf? 😍😍 love that series so much 5y
Bookgoil @IhoardBOOKS yes! One of my faves!!! 5y
IhoardBOOKS I just want to browse your bookshelves and skritch your sweet looking pupper. 🤣 5y
Bookgoil @IhoardBOOKS she would love the attention lol 5y
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Happy Monday! Today I decided to dust and go through my shelves in the dining room and look how pretty they look now! Still have a lot of junk to sort through lol. #shelfie #bookshelves #bookdragon #harrypotter #beautyandthebeast #dragons #funkopop

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We have so, so many #shelves of books, all of which take us to beautiful#ImaginaryPlaces! Here's a little glimpse. #30JuneBooks #WanderingJune

@howjessreads @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB They look gorgeous! And you‘re right of course 💕 5y
Cinfhen Great photo and sooo true ❤️ 5y
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#rumorhasit that one of your monthly hosts this didn't even make it on litsy to post yesterday 🤭 whoops!

Well I'm back with a photo of my favorite #wonderwall in our new house 🤗 ...Books!!! Built-in shelves were first on my list when we moved in and I love looking at them every day 😍


Chrissyreadit ❤️😍❤️ 5y
diovival ♥️ 5y
Rachel.Rencher Beautiful 😍 5y
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saresmoore Gorgeous! And I love your white brick! 😍 5y
Reviewsbylola Well considering you couldn‘t even open your eyes, we understand. 5y
Redwritinghood I‘m so jealous! They‘re gorgeous. 5y
TheLibrarian Beautiful! 5y
swishandflick 😍😍😍 5y
vumblereads Love the #shelfie! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Haha! Love your shelf and your space there! 😍 5y
LeahBergen Your place looks gorgeous! 😍😍 5y
Kalalalatja Built in shelves are the dream! 😍😍😍😍 looks great! 5y
Cinfhen Cabinetry looks fierce ❤️love the Black & White 5y
Sarah83 They look so gorgeous 😍 5y
Mdargusch Beautiful! 😘😘😘 5y
batsy 😍😍 5y
Mtroiano ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB They look gorgeous and you‘ve got so many Persephones 😍😍 5y
tammysue ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
JaclynW That is a beautiful shelf! Done just right! Built ins are amazing! I miss mine. 5y
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We can find here few biographical aspects of Ruskin Bond's childhood and youth and interspersed between these are his favorite books and authors. It's like having the writer take you down his memory lane. Can certainly take book recommendations from him.
4th book finished #24in48
I have clocked in around 11 hrs of reading time till now.

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So 5hrs plus 3 more. 8 hours of reading done. #24in48
Recently started Ruskin Bond's Love Among the Bookshelves, 2 chapters in. It's quite unlike other books of his.
Need some rest for now. Probably gonna sleep.

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My supervisor at work gave me two bookshelves today since he and his family are getting new ones. I desperately needed these since my books were just ending up getting stacked up on the floor. I'm so happy for more space!

Reviewsbylola Great score!! 6y
thebookishtype15 For real! He even brought them over to our apartment. 6y
Crazeedi Lucky you! 6y
Nute It‘s one of the nicest gifts from reader to reader! 6y
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My #bookshelves are a mess. #31bookpics

DivineDiana But so nice not to have stacks on the floor! 🙂📚👏🏻 6y
Sleepswithbooks I love them. 6y
Gissy I only see a beautiful place full of books! 📚📚📚📚📚😍❤️How objective I am👌 6y
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Congrats to @MicheleinPhilly on your amazing milestone and thank you for the giveaway!

I am away for 10 days...but here is my friend‘s bookshelf (we are staying at her house for a few days). I have actually read a few of these.

BookishMe What a lovely sight! 😍😍 6y
MicheleinPhilly Whenever I go into someone‘s house for the first time I have to play it cool and not immediately run to peruse their bookshelves. Thanks for entering! 6y
AmyG @MicheleinPhilly Exactly!!! I am so nosy when it comes to books.🤣 6y
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#hour42challenge #24in48 a view of my “bookshelves on wheels” that I keep a lot of my professional books on

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It‘s difficult to get them all in one collage without the scale being wonky, but this is almost all of my bookshelves. There is one with children‘s books and one that‘s genealogy books mixed with notebooks that I didn‘t picture. #shelfieSunday #julyinbooks18 @bookisglee

sprainedbrain 😍😍😍 6y
Melissa_J Lovely 😊 😍 6y
Cathythoughts Amazing 😍 6y
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Slajaunie Love them! 6y
llwheeler Love this! 6y
Susannizo Wow 6y
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I put some stuff in boxes and managed to (nearly) get my collection back into my favorite bookshelf.

I‘m out of books I‘m willing to store. :|

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Anyone else feel a little overwhelmed when you have a new empty bookcase? I‘m excited because they were needed, but I can‘t decide which books I want to move around!

Leftcoastzen In that process , going a little bit crazy . 6y
Ash.on.the.line @Leftcoastzen I get that! I have not started yet because I don‘t know where to start. Hopefully we both get through it! 6y
LauraBrook My favorite thing to do (aside from reading, obviously) is rearrange books! Color me envious - and have fun!!! 6y
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GypsyKat Yes! So relatable! 😂 6y
Ash.on.the.line @LauraBrook thank you! I am excited just don‘t know where to start! 😁 6y
Ash.on.the.line @GypsyKat 😂 The life of a book hoarder is tough! 6y
Daisey I completely understand! 6y
Ash.on.the.line @Daisey I knew some Littens would! 😄 6y
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We‘ve waited so long for this sun spell - the cats are savouring every last bit and following the evening sun around the floor! #catsoflitsy

TheBookKeepers 😱❤️ 6y
MinDea Awww. So cute! My Shadow does that too! Goes around the house to find the sun. 😻😻😻 6y
Mitch She does it so brilliantly, stretching and bending to any shape the sun leaves! @MinDea 6y
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Congrats on the milestone. Since joining Litsy I‘ve discovered different genres. I‘m now slightly obsessed with fantasy fiction (from being a die hard Literary fiction gal!) and instead of my books in piles on the floor they‘re mostly up on shelves ( looking at others #shelfies inspired me to sort the pile problem!)

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 📚💕 6y
Mitch They were all in the same space before @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks but on the floor! Which made choosing a book from the bottom of the pile almost impossible! So Santa / Hubbie bought me shelves for Christmas! #happywife (edited) 6y
Jabberwocky Gorgeous 6y
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parttimedomestic Beautiful shelves! Thanks for entering! 6y
Nute This is lovely. And look...there‘s room for growth of your collection. Yay! 6y
Mitch Haha! That photo was taken about 8 weeks ago @Nute and scarily quite a few of those spaces now don‘t exist! 6y
Redwritinghood That‘s a great little set up. I notice you still have lots of room on your shelf for more books, too. 😉😉 6y
LeahBergen This looks wonderful! ❤️❤️ 6y
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This was my FB post from last year and I remembered it when I saw today's prompt, An Author I Love

#litsyapocalypse is over! 🎇

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Littens, you are the #observer of my personal library work in progress. The cropper unfortunately cuts so much out, but this is around my entire wall. #nuyear

LeahBergen Wonderful 😍 7y
Librariana Let's all collectively fall in love with your shelves and all this bookish beauty in progress 😍 Please don't stop sharing! 7y
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Librarybelle @Librariana Thank you so much! I have so many more boxes to unpack...this has been a nearly three year project so far! But, it‘s finally coming together. ❤️❤️ 7y
Coco 😍😍😍😍😍. Where did you get ur shelving from?! 7y
RebelReader I thought I had a lot of books, but my personal library is a baby compared to yours! So jealous! 7y
Nikki15 That looks so good!!! 7y
Librarybelle @Coco My father put everything together, going to the local home improvement store and buying wood and hanging apparatuses. He also painted the wood white for me. I‘m so happy he could do this for me, his version of a housewarming gift when I moved into this house. 7y
Librarybelle @RebelReader I spend my extra money on books...can‘t help myself!! ❤️ 7y
DivineDiana Fabulous! Great Dad! (edited) 7y
Librarybelle Thank you, @Nikki15 ! 7y
TheBookAddict Beautiful! I just showed my husband and told him that when we get our own house (because we‘re renting right now) that I want those kinds of shelves in our library. 😁😍💕 7y
Librarybelle Thanks, @DivineDiana ! Maybe whenever this gets finished, I should invite the #PhillyCrew over! 7y
DivineDiana @Librarybelle That would be so nice! 👍🏻 7y
Librarybelle @TheBookAddict It‘s a nice, sturdy way to keep shelves, and you really don‘t have to worry about weight too much if you make sure to look for studs. It helps too that my dad loves to do wood working! 7y
Librarybelle @DivineDiana It‘ll be some time before everything is put away. I have twenty boxes in the library, plus more books at my parents‘ house! I‘m a true book hoarder. 😊 7y
DivineDiana @Librarybelle I applaud you! You‘re a collector! 7y
ElishaLovesBooks Wow! Love it!😍 7y
Zelma It looks great. Look forward to more progress pictures. 😍👍 7y
Librarybelle Thank you, @Zelma ! 7y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ 7y
Librarybelle Thank you, @TrishB ! 7y
ValerieAndBooks Awesome!! 7y
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Well! It‘s together! And OMG! It is huge.

SilversReviews LOVE it. 7y
cathysaid Time to SHOP! 📚 7y
Mdargusch That will be filled in no time flat! 7y
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LiteraryinLawrence Exciting! 7y
Reecaspieces @Mdargusch @cathysaid sad to say this is for the books I already own....I do not need any more books...famous last words...as I head to Barnes and Noble 😂 7y
Reecaspieces @SilversReviews me too!!! Thanks! 7y
SilversReviews @Reecaspieces ♥️♥️♥️ 7y
RebelReader We have the same bookshelf! I need another one! 😜😜 7y
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Here are my new bookshelves so far—now mostly filled with books.

merelybookish They are beautiful!! 7y
LauraBeth 😍😍 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Wowza! Really. Wowza! 7y
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Julsmarshall Beautiful! 7y
DivineDiana You are a lucky lady! 7y
Scurvygirl 😻Gorgeous!! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sooo awesome!!!! 😍😍😍 7y
lauren.lerner Looks wonderful!! Well done 📚📚📚 7y
dariazeoli Looking good! How to you organize your books? 7y
rubyslippersreads Absolutely gorgeous! 7y
drokka Gorgeous barrister cases. 😍😍 7y
JoeStalksBeck Beautiful! 7y
CareBear Wow! 😍 7y
LeahBergen So beautiful!! ❤️ 7y
Eggs Barristers? So lovely! I'm jelly 7y
Mdargusch Looking good!!! 7y
tjwill @Eggs Yes, they are! We are so lucky to have them! 7y
tjwill @dariazeoli Thank you! I have collections of special books on that left side, like series and favorite authors and some signed books, plus poetry and some assorted nonfiction. On the right side, I put narrative nonfiction, with biographies and memoirs first, then all of the rest of the fiction (alphabetical by author). 7y
mrp27 😍😍😍😍 7y
Sarah83 Looking so gorgeous. So happy you got them. 😍❣️ 7y
Kalalalatja 😍😍 7y
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Close-ups of our new bookshelves

PerksOfBeingABookworm Gorgeous 😍 7y
tjwill @PerksOfBeingABookworm Thanks! We love them! 7y
Rachel.Rencher Soo jealous of those! 😍 Did you find them at an estate sale? 7y
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tjwill @Rachel.Rencher My father-in-law has worked for our former congressman Rick Boucher for many years, and he is finally selling his father‘s old law office, so he wanted to clear out as much of the stuff as he could. We didn‘t even take half of the bookshelves, and he gave us a huge deal on those! He said to call it the friends and family discount. So nice! 7y
OrangeMooseReads Those are absolutely beautiful! My grandmother has a few of these type bookcases. 7y
Owlizabeth Those are fantastic!! 7y
Sarah83 Really awesome shelves. How many did you take? 7y
tjwill @OrangeMooseReads @Owlizabeth @Sarah83 Thanks! We got 24 of the shelves and put them in 4 stacks of 6 each with 4 bases and tops. It‘s amazing that they are in such good shape for being over 100 years old. (edited) 7y
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We are so lucky to have been given a huge deal on these antique bookcases. They are called “barrister‘s bookcases” because they were made originally for lawyers so the shelves come apart to transport many books at once. I spent the entire day cleaning them yesterday, because they had been in a room that had a wood-burning fireplace and probably hadn‘t been cleaned in over 35 years. I can‘t wait to start filling them with books!

DGRachel Beautiful! 7y
tjwill @DGRachel Thank you! We love them! 7y
monalyisha Whoa! I scored *one* of these babies this year... I love it, but yours are so pretty! The wood‘s lighter (or maybe just cleaner? 😅) 7y
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quietlycuriouskate Gorgeous! 7y
LeahBergen Gorgeous!! These are my favourite bookcases. 😍 7y
tjwill @River_Voice @LeahBergen Thanks! We think so too! 7y
tjwill @monalyisha I love them too! The person we got them from had a few darker ones too, but we went with the lighter because we wanted so many, and wanted them to all match. I did a LOT of cleaning, and I still don‘t think they are totally clean yet. 7y
Godmotherx5 You‘re cleaning was worth the effort. They are gorgeous. 7y
tjwill @Godmotherx5 Thank you! 7y
RiotMom Omg beautiful!! 7y
Mdargusch Beautiful! 7y
Zelma Wow, this are absolutely gorgeous! 😍 Swoon! 7y
OrangeMooseReads 😍😍 so envious those are gorgeous 7y
emilyhaldi Amazing 😍 7y
Redwritinghood Those are beautiful! 7y
Amandajoy Those are gorgeous! I love old furniture 7y
Kalalalatja They look amazing 😍😍 7y
Melkyl Those are lovely! 7y
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I‘m moving in two weeks but I just couldn‘t resist purchasing two 6‘ bookcases! I can‘t wait to get them set up in my new home!

But I already have cases, soooo I guess I‘ll be book shopping as well 🤷🏻‍♀️😈

LeahBergen Awesome! 👍🏻 7y
Little_Reader You can never have too many bookshelves! 7y
cajunsyd Love it! I am in the process of purchasing more bookcases also!! Books in every room! 7y
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LitLogophile They‘ll run us out of our homes eventually! 🤷🏻‍♀️📖 @cajunsyd 7y
LitLogophile My thoughts exactly 😎 @Little_Reader 7y
cajunsyd @LitLogophile they can try!!! 7y
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Raise your hand 🙋if you love new storage solutions! Here's my new yarn/book shelf and the second one is going up in my library room and will be books/yarn. The books to yarn ratio will be fluid depending on the time of year. ☺️📚🐑

FlowerFairy Omgeeeee. This is Heaven. 7y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage @FlowerFairy ❤️👼🏼Yes, yes it is ☺️ 7y
Bookcation74 😍 7y
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Recycling a photo of part of my personal library. #greenwithenvy #awesomeautumnbooks

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled So pretty 😍 7y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
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These are two old pieces that my mom had that I'm planning on repurposing into bookcases 😀 On the left is a very large and very old armoire (it was my great-grandmother's) and on the right is a run-of-the-mill china cabinet with some promise (the shelf just moved in transit and is still good and it is double the size seen in the pic).

If anyone has any makeover ideas - please share! Nothing is off the table. 😀

Balibee146 So much potential. Maybe search pinterest for repurposed cabinet ideas? Can't wait to see! 7y
LauraBeth @Balibee146 I'm kinda scared of the rabbit hole that is Pinterest ??I will lose days there - abandon Litsy - and one day a few months from now - someone will wonder - "whatever happened to that lady @laurabeth?" 7y
Balibee146 Lol @laurabeth I love pinterest :-) 7y
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Hollie I wish I was crafty and had suggestions, but instead I'll just say that I can't wait to see the finished products! 7y
Tamra I'd be tempted to leave as is for books. Unless the china cabinet isn't interesting or have any emotional significance. (edited) 7y
RealBooks4ever Have you had the armoire appraised? I'm concerned about it losing value if its changed. 7y
litmuggle I'm not crafty but I can't wait to see the outcome 7y
MicheleinPhilly I should send my wife down. She is obsessed with projects like this. 7y
rubyslippersreads I repurposed my grandma's vintage china cabinet for books and knickknacks, though I didn't refinish it. The reason it's not all books is that my brother didn't think the shelves were strong enough to hold a lot of books, so keep that in mind. At some point, I might see if they can be reinforced to hold more books. Both of your pieces are lovely. 😍 7y
LauraJ Try apartmenttherapy.com Lots of ideas there 7y
Nute Eagerly awaiting the outcome. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️❤️ 7y
minkyb Great idea! 7y
Reggie Every time I see one of these armoires l, I wonder if they hold the door to Narnia. Lol 7y
Hooked_on_books I love houzz.com (and they have an app). You can search it with very specific terms and get great decorating/reno ideas. 7y
LauraBeth @Hollie I think everyone in my family got the crafty gene except me 😀 7y
LauraBeth @Tamra the China cabinet definitely isn't interesting nor does it have emotional significance - but I see the potential in it! I was on the fence with keeping it. 7y
LauraBeth @RealBooks4ever I haven't - should I? 7y
LauraBeth @litmuggle 😊👍 7y
LauraBeth @MicheleinPhilly I wish she could because I don't have the eye for it! 7y
LauraBeth @rubyslippersreads thanks 😊 that's good to know about the shelves - I need to keep that in mind! 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @LauraJ - I haven't been to that site in a while - I'll take a look 7y
LauraBeth @nute 😊👍 (edited) 7y
LauraBeth @minkyb I'm great with ideas. Not so great with follow thru and execution! 😂 7y
LauraBeth @Reggie 😂😂🤔 7y
LauraBeth Thanks @Hooked_on_books 😀I'll check it out! 7y
RealBooks4ever Hard to tell by the pic, but it wouldn't hurt to get it appraised if its old & in good shape! 😸 7y
Jinjer Ahhhhhhhh lucky!!!! 7y
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And a quick partial shelfie sans me for the hour 6 challenge #24in48.

Laura317 Wow!! That is impressive. 7y
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TrishB Lovely 💜 7y
Sace 😍❤️ 7y
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Rachellynnwright Wow!! That's impressive!! 👍 7y
Hooked_on_books That just makes me smile 🙂 7y
DivineDiana Glorious! 📚 7y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great article, and only a thousand to qualify as a book hoarder? I've never felt more like counting up all my books before. 7y
OrangeMooseReads I'm at least halfway there! If I count the boy's books I'm sure we could be called hoarders lol 7y
drokka My insurance company told me that less than 1000 books can't be considered a collection; therefore cannot be included in a codicil. I have no idea what they consider a hoarder, as they had no problem with my 2500 book list. (It's grown since) 7y
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Rachbb3 I drooled all over George Lucas's library! 😛 7y
Reecaspieces @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I know!! But if you count my nook and my kindle...I am there. If you just count physical books, I am half way there!! 7y
Reecaspieces @Rachbb3 I know right!! 7y
Reecaspieces @drokka I have a few signed copies I need to insure.....but not the whole collection...yet! 7y
Reecaspieces @OrangeMooseReads oh I am hoarding and love it!! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Rachbb3 I agree, his is my favorite too! 7y
93 likes9 comments
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It's here!!! Book expo book haul!! 66 books, 5 audible books, various bags and book marks. Now where to put it all!!!!

Books_Wine_Repeat 😍😍😍 7y
Sarah83 WOW 😍 how did you bring them home? 😉 7y
Reecaspieces @Sarah83 fed ex was my friend!! 7y
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LeahBergen Wow!!! 7y
Nat_Reads I'm quite impressed! 7y
DivineDiana Yikes! In a good way! 😉📚👏🏻 7y
Sarah83 Sounds like this. 😉 7y
Kalalalatja That's bonkers and wonderful 😍😍 7y
DogMomIrene Whoa...that pile is a gorgeous thing! 7y
Soubhiville Oh my! 7y
Andrew65 Fed Ex must love you, you came home with a library! 😊 7y
rabbitprincess Ooh, Alan Alda's new book! 😄 7y
eanderson Holy crap!!! That's awesome! 7y
JPeterson 😍😍😍 7y
Captivatedbybooks The good daughter IS SOO GOOD 7y
Suet624 Wowowowowow 7y
Reecaspieces @Captivatedbybooks I love Karin slaughter!! Cannot wait to read it!! 7y
mjdowens Holy Moly you did a great job there👍 7y
LauraBeth Awesome haul! 😍😍😘 7y
TNbookworm Wow!! 7y
MamaGina 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
Reecaspieces @rabbitprincess oh I shook his hand!! I about died!! And I am the least star struck person ever...he has been my idol since high school! 7y
ReadingRover Whoa! Nice haul! I didn't get any audios!!!😲 7y
rabbitprincess @Reecaspieces 😱😱♥️♥️‼️‼️ AMAZING! 7y
Megabooks Wow!! 😳😳😳😳😳 7y
Lmstraubie Wow!!! 🤤😁 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!!!!😊😊 7y
minkyb Very impressive! 7y
Gissy You are so lucky!! 👌🏼 7y
My_novel_obsession 👏👏👏👏👏 7y
Dragon That's a mega haul! Looks like you have some great books 😀 7y
Simona Wow❣️ 7y
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He's watching over my books #catsoflitsy #sheldon

Tanzy13 🐱 7y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
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I leave town for a few days and suddenly my husband decides to be concerned about my influx of book mail 😜

Betty Normal? All of us Littens would scream in unison "YES" 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂😂 7y
Megabooks 😂😂😂 If I had a husband, he'd probably feel this way. I got 23 books in the mail in 10 days. #sorrynotsorry 7y
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Cinfhen Hate when hubby gets the mail before I do 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
TheBookAddict 🤣🤣 @Betty you are so right! 7y
Robothugs 🙈😭 7y
JacqMac I'm waiting for the mail now. Hubby just got home. I'm full of anxiety. 😂 7y
Reviewsbylola Hahahahaha he is such an exaggerator. 😂 7y
RadicalReader @emilyhaldi I would not be opposed to a bookcase like that yay expanding the collection!!!! 7y
RadicalReader @JacqMac the most exciting part of the day is checking the mail 7y
RadicalReader @Cinfhen totally ruins the suspense and surprise feelings of expecting the unexpected 7y
Lwiesman 😂 7y
Lmstraubie 😅😅😅 7y
minkyb 😂😂😂 7y
Meredith3 😹😹😹 7y
Suet624 That's a riot! 7y
emilyhaldi @Cinfhen I'm usually so good about catching the mail before him! And try to time my packages better 😂 but there is no avoiding #botm! 7y
emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola soooo dramatic 🙄 7y
emilyhaldi @JacqMac lol! I can totally relate 😂 7y
emilyhaldi @betty yes thank goodness I have all of you to back me up! 7y
emilyhaldi @Booksandcooks enjoy the stress-free joy of receiving packages without scrutiny!! 😂 7y
readinginthedark Oh yeah, I get the passive aggressive texts when I'm out of town: "You got ANOTHER package today. I didn't open it." ? 7y
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My little corner of heaven. #rockinmay #heaven

LeahBergen So lovely! 7y
Cinfhen I agree💚💙it's dreamy😍 7y
LauraBeth Looks like Heaven! 7y
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kspenmoll Nice! 📚💙 7y
LiteraryinLawrence What a pretty corner! 7y
Moray_Reads Gorgeous 😍 7y
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I have 3 main bookshelves in my home. One houses my professional books, one my fiction books & one my non-fiction. That's as organized as I get 😆
#shelfie #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading

DivineDiana I like your methodology! 📚 7y
Reviewsbylola That's more organized than me! 7y
Andrew65 Not got a photograph, but also have my books separated on three different bookshelves around the house - top of the stairs, bottom of the stairs and spare bedroom. One for historical fiction, one for mystery, suspense and thrillers, one for chick lit / romance / general fiction. Also got three boxes of books in the study that haven't made it to the shelves yet and a couple of piles in the bedroom that are due to be read! 7y
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Lmstraubie @DivineDiana Thanks! ☺ 7y
Lmstraubie @Andrew65 I left out all my piles around the house lol You have a mini library in your home! 7y
Andrew65 @Lmstraubie I think we have about a 1000 books, not to mention the 300 ebooks and 50 audiobooks! Given this why do I then come home from the library with 10 or more books. Would be even worse but we pass on a lot of our read books to the thrift/charity shops! (edited) 7y
Lmstraubie @andrew65 You are supporting the Circle of Life. Book life that is 😉 7y
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