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Joined May 2016

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@TheBookAddict wow! Thank you for everything! That book stamp is simply amazing!!! I love all of it! #mfbs

TheBookAddict You‘re welcome, I am glad you liked your gifts. I am 🤞🏽 and hoping that you at least don‘t own one of those books. 6y
Gaylagal2 Hello there. I was wondering if this book swap is still open? If not, are there any other that you know about and how to find them on Litsy? I'm having some trouble finding them. Book clubs would be great too! Thanks so much for any help you can send 🤓 6y
HotMessJess @JoeStalksBeck did Josh Malerman just retweet you on Twitter!? 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Gaylagal2 check out @LitsyHappenings for book swaps! I cohost #BotmBuddyRead if you want to check it out! Also check out @LitsyBuddyRead for read alongs! 6y
Bklover Haven‘t seen you in a while. Hope all is well!💙 6y
Avanders Heh lady .. hope everything is good with you! 💙💙 6y
ReadingVampire Hey girly haven‘t seen you in a while hope all is well! I even tried your Instagram and couldn‘t find it! Miss your pretty posts! 💙💙💙 6y
hermyknee Miss your posts! Thought of you the other day as I finally figured out what your Litsy handle is from! (It‘s from YOU, isn‘t it?!) 6y
ReadingVampire Hope your doing okay... I know your instagram is closed idk what happened! Miss seeing your posts they were amazing! Hope your all right! 5y
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You | Caroline Kepnes
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Email me at Joestalksbeck@gmail.com if you‘re interested and can keep quiet

Bklover Darn! Haven‘t read Providence yet but I am a seriously devoted Joe fan! Good luck! 6y
Alfoster Me, me! Emailing you now!😍😍 6y
TheBookAddict Aww man! I haven‘t read Hidden Bodies nor Providence yet😔. Wishing you the best though! 6y
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The Swap | Antony Moore

@catiewithac I sent your email on July 18th. @JamieLou I sent your email on July 18th.

catiewithac I did not get it I swear ☹️ 6y
JoeStalksBeck @catiewithac it may have went to spam or something. I sent yours and JamieLous the same day 6y
JoeStalksBeck I couldn‘t find Cocoreads so I missed that one but did find yours and. Jamie‘s 6y
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JoeStalksBeck Your match should be deb 6y
catiewithac 👍🏻 6y
JamieLou @JoeStalksBeck I am so sorry, but could you resend me their information to my other email, perezcommajamie@gmail.com? I have searched junk and deleted and it‘s not there. I think it‘s a glitch with outlook but I don‘t know how to fix it. 6y
JoeStalksBeck @JamieLou sure , I‘ll send it tonight:) 6y
Ddzmini Hello I am in big trouble 😖 well not yet but I never received an email with my person for the #myfavoritebookswap swap so I needed that info so I can mail the package out my email is ddzmini@yahoo.com or you could try ddzmini@me.com 6y
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Bookshelf | Lydia Pyne
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@TheBookAddict got my package! Thank you!

TheBookAddict Yay! You‘re welcome. I hope you like your gifts and may you not own them already. 🙂 6y
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The Swap | Antony Moore
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Trunk full of boxed goodies going out today fir the #mfbs!!

JamieLou Hi @JoeStalksBeck. I got a package today for the #mfbs but I don‘t think I signed up for it??? Are you the organizer? (edited) 6y
catiewithac @JoeStalksBeck I never received info for the favorite book swap but someone is sending me something! Tell me who I need to ship to and I will get my swap hustle on!! catiekosinski@gmail.com 6y
JoeStalksBeck @catiewithac I‘ll go through the sign up tonight 6y
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JoeStalksBeck @JamieLou I‘m going through the sign up now 6y
JoeStalksBeck @catiewithac is your email catiekosinski@gmail.com? 6y
JoeStalksBeck @JamieLou what‘s your email? 6y
JamieLou @JoeStalksBeck I usually sign up under jamieperez@live.com but it seems to be filtering messages, so maybe try perezcommajamie@gmail.com 6y
catiewithac @JoeStalksBeck yes that‘s it!! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @jamielou I found your email sent on July 18 your match is Bookandcat 6y
JoeStalksBeck @catiewithac your match was deb 6y
113 likes11 comments
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Finished this last night. It had potential but the story didn‘t go where It needed to. It could have been much darker. It was more like a YA novel. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheBookAddict You sure do like horror, lol. Just wanted to let you know that I saw the email about the My Favorite Book Swap. I kinda forgot I signed up for it, but rest assured that I‘ve got you covered. I immediately did some book shopping on the inter-webs and am excitedly awaiting the arrival of your books. I am also working on other spooky goodies for you. Sorry for my delayed response. 😅 6y
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The Good Daughter: A Novel | Karin Slaughter
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I‘m gonna try to get to Ohio

mcctrish She‘s at The Strand one day before I get to New York #sobbing 6y
TrishB Hoping she comes to UK! 6y
vkois88 😭😭😭 I wanna go to one! Unfortunately, all of these are WAY to far to travel with mini me 6y
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The Variant | Justin M Woodward
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I absolutely love this guy, he‘s very personable and sweet, and his books are amazing! I loved this book! Get it!

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You | Caroline Kepnes
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It‘s a day for researching theories about about my book love , Joe💕. Building a case like Do.Not.F*ck Delilah 🧐

RadicalReader @JoeStalksBeck now all we need is someone to stalk Joe 6y
jayprakash Nice 6y
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Locke and Key: Welcome to Lovecraft #1 | Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriquez (Illustrator)
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Wooo! The only other person to hear it from that would be better than Gabriel is Joe himself

BookaholicNatty Yea!!!! Can you watch it now? (edited) 6y
KathyWheeler I‘m so looking forward to this! 6y
ReadingVampire Hey so I just got an email that this came out today and thought of you! Looking forward to seeing it and hope your doing good! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 4y
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The Shining | Stephen King
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TheDaysGoBy I keep forgetting to watch this even though it‘s a big part of why I didn‘t cancel Hulu with my free trial ending 😂 Though I‘ve been thinking it‘s better to watch in daylight hours anyway 6y
SaraBeagle I started this last night! So good!!! 6y
BooksBikes12 @sarabea im on tge second episode. I love how King and Abrams bring together so many iconic Titles into the series. 6y
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Andrew65 Saints, torture, sadists and psychos in the same book! 😂😂 (edited) 6y
Gina Now that's bizzarly funny 6y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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I adore this book and the audiobook is outstanding!

TorieStorieS Yay!!!! 😊 6y
Guildedearlobe This is one of my all time favorite series. I love his Charlie Parker books as well. 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS thanks for getting me this book! 6y
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TorieStorieS You are so very welcome!!! Connolly is my favorite so I love to share his books- plus I had a feeling this was right up your alley!!! 😃 So thrilled you are loving it!!! 👏👏👏 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS got my husband listening to it ! 6y
TorieStorieS Oh wow!!! My husband isn‘t much of a reader but has been subjected to many sections of Connolly‘s books... and even has helped me track down signed copies!! I hope your hugsband loves this one too!!☺️☺️☺️ 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS I meant to tell you that there are two professors in there that I recognize. Hilbert and Planck. David Hilbert was a physicist who worked in Euclidean space and infinite sets. Look up Hilberts Hotel. Max Plank is a grandfather of quantum mechanics. Won the novel prize for discover quanta better known as photons which make up light :) . Made me love the book more :) 6y
TorieStorieS 🎉🎉👏👏 Connolly is just the best!!! 😊 6y
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Survivor | J F Gonzalez
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Ummmm do not read if you have paranoia, anxiety, night terrors or heart trouble

MoniqueReads305 Stacked 6y
Bklover Me too. Stacked 6y
sherrynuts I appreciate the heads up. Not going on my list until I can have a dog or a roommate. 6y
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Literary_Siren I‘m down! In my opinion, there is nothing scarier than real life! And somehow, scary stories are scarier when read vs watched. (edited) 6y
JoeStalksBeck @MoniqueReads305 @Bklover @Literary_Siren then you would live the Andrew Z Thomas/Luther Kite series by Blake Crouch . I think it‘s the best horror I‘ve ever read 6y
Literary_Siren I‘ll definitely put it on my TBR list! 6y
Bklover I‘ll check it out! Thanks! 6y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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This book is insane! She hates her moms voice when she reads her a bed time story so she thinks to herself “ I want to shove flaming rags of fire in her mouth” 😳😳 love this boom

JoScho I loved this book! 6y
Jess7 Have you finished it? I need to discuss with someone! I have questions about the title. 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Jess7 I‘m almost done 4 chapters left 6y
JoeStalksBeck @jess7 ummm I have no idea what happened at the end. I‘m guessing there will be a sequel. I have no idea why its title is Baby Teeth 6y
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@JoeStalksBeck Jsblitsy@gmail.com #mfbs

JoScho I did not get an email Rita. I checked junk and trash just in case. 6y
JoeStalksBeck Ok let me check 6y
JoeStalksBeck @JoScho darlin I have no idea how I missed your name . I‘m an idiot . I‘m so sorry. Care to be my match again ? 6y
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JoScho @JoeStalksBeck you are so sweet! Honestly I signed up last minute because I was on the fence because I have a lot going on. I am in the middle of moving and my life is chaos right now and I am about to go back to work. I know you already have a partner but thanks for offering to be mine again. I will pass this time because chaos! You are the best! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @JoScho If you‘re sure! I don‘t mind at all 6y
Wife Just curious, are we matched in pairs?🌹Super fine either way. 6y
Wife Thank you🌹 6y
FantasyChick Hey @JoeStalksBeck I just sent you an email about the swap. Nothing bad, I'm not backing out but I do have 2 matches! Just wanted to check in before I started shopping. 😊 6y
JoeStalksBeck @FantasyChick I‘ll check it when I get home 6y
JoeStalksBeck @FantasyChick yours is TheKidUpstairs:) 6y
FantasyChick Ok Thank you!!! 😊 6y
FantasyChick @JoeStalksBeck I just sent you another quick email on this. Just working out a little confusion on my end lol 6y
59 likes13 comments
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I was flipped over this! I did an animation of this book and he loved it! Yay!

UrsulaMonarch COOL!!! 6y
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The Animate! Book: Rethinking Animation | Gary Thomas, Benjamin Cook
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Hey guys! I have a YouTube channel set up with all my book animations! Please go take a look Nd subscribe. Pleeeeeaase🙌😊. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tDDV_E33urstNpV_niTDQ

BookishMe 👍🏽 👍🏽 6y
JoScho Subscribed 😘 6y
JoeStalksBeck @JoScho @BookishMe thanks!❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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KGlibrarian Very cool—I love the Alice in Wonderland one! 6y
LeslieO Done. 6y
tracey38 Done! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @KGlibrarian @LeslieO @tracey38 thank you so much!! 😘😘😘😘 6y
67 likes7 comments
The Swap | Megan Shull
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JoeStalksBeck Ok not Tight but Right 😂😂😂 6y
riversong153 😂😂😂 6y
alisiakae I hope my address wasn‘t accidentally incomplete! If so, I can email you with the info if that makes it any easier. 6y
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The Swap | Megan Shull
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JoScho Take your time. I struggled with the 60 I had to do for the Bottle and Book Swap. I couldn‘t imagine 400! It was way more work than I had ever imagined. Thanks for doing this 🖤 6y
Burghbookaddict Oh my lawd. Take your time! Thats a lot of work. 6y
Judybskt Wow! That‘s a huge amount!! Thanks for doing this! 6y
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Lovesbooks87 Wow! Thanks so much for organizing the swap! I got my information and have already started getting stuff! 😀😀😀 6y
Chrissyreadit That‘s an amazing number! I thought I signed up but can‘t find a google forms confirmation. Either way this looks like an incredible turnout. 6y
Wonderwoman89 I never got my match or google confirmation as well 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Wonderwoman89 I haven‘t sent them all. That‘s why I posted this. I have over 300 to send. You‘re on the list 6y
LapReader Hi @JoeStalksBeck I thought I signed up for this one but I just checked my emails and couldn‘t find anything. Please help me out. Ta. 6y
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Untitled | To Be Announced
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Anyone seen BOOKNAROUND? She signed up for the swap but now neither me or her match can locate her on herZ did she change her name or go private?

BeansPage @BookNAround hope this helps 6y
LeahBergen It‘s probably just this current tagging glitch. 6y
hermyknee It might be Litsy because I‘m having trouble locating certain users, too 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Same here, I couldn‘t tag @jazzfeathers the other day for anything, Litsy just didn‘t have her in there that day. In fact, typing that now, she‘s still missing from the list. What the heck Litsy? 6y
BookNAround I‘m here and should still be public! 6y
BookNAround Adding to say that @TheReadingMermaid tagging me was why I saw this (although I can‘t seem to tag her back at the moment!). 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Litsy is acting up!! Maybe it will be fixed soon! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @booknaround. Yeah we are having a time lol ! Can you get in touch with @Allison_oaks? 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yep, if you can type in the name completely, after you hit send, it will still show up in blue and you can tap on it to link to them, but the drop-down menu of names seems to be missing a lot of people....so forget searching by name. (edited) 6y
JoeStalksBeck @booknaround well fuuu. Hold on now I can‘t find her ! 6y
BookNAround Lol! I just tried to find her and can‘t either. Maybe we wait a day for things to get back to normal? 😜 6y
BookNAround 👍🏻 6y
Eelijah Let me look too! 6y
63 likes15 comments
The Swap | Megan Shull
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Tonight is the last night to sign up for the My Favorite Book Swap! If you haven‘t signed up go here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeArtTlVGq7N0hCbfGSYlufDv_NK0x7KdPKSaDO.... Hope you join in!

JoScho Oh I may have to end up doing this one! 6y
Nessavamusic Signed up! 6y
JoScho Yep I did! Now going to pretend shop until I get my match. Thanks Rita ❤️ 6y
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InBooksILive Ohhh this sounds like such fun! I may have to sign up! 6y
RavenLovelyReads Sounds like fun! Just signed up for my first swap! 6y
Wife 🌹 6y
JoeStalksBeck Closed 6y
Judybskt Should we have received our match by now? I signed up last month. Hoping it went through! @joestalksbeck 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Judybskt I‘m working on . I have 300 to send out and it‘s only been 3 days 6y
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You (Media Tie-In) | Caroline Kepnes
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Yup ...

That-Bookish-Hiker Ugh annoying! On a hike I did there was a group blasting music. 6y
JoScho Peach mode! 😂 6y
tracey38 That is so annoying. 6y
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The Gates | John Connolly
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So we went kayaking today and yes I listenedto an audiobook while the husband swam. I must say that this book is wholly not was I expected.! And the science stuff is epic! I adore it! Well this damn thing won‘t let me tag Toriestories 🤬🤬🤬

Craftylikefox Love that one! I still want to read some more from Connolly 6y
CaitlinR This is a John Connolly that I haven‘t read. Thanks! 6y
TorieStorieS So glad you‘re loving it!! There‘s more to the series too!! 😻😻 6y
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KathyWheeler I loved this book! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @toriestories I do love it! I need the others! 6y
TorieStorieS Yay!!! I‘ll keep my eye out for you!!! 😘 6y
lute Love this author! Check out his Charlie Parker series! 6y
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Sad Face | Diana Parkhouse
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Gif for the book Sad Face which is not the one tagged here lol. https://instagram.com/p/BlLpGgknp1p/

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Gif for Aliens the movie. https://instagram.com/p/BlLPX_xAbCL/

Friday the 13th: A Novel | Thomas William Lawson
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See my gif to celebrate this day of superstition. https://instagram.com/p/BlK_m_vlg_L/

Beckys_Books Totally forgot it's Friday the 13th! 6y
sudi This is mostly considered Bad luck , but since my birthdate is 13th, i keep considering it lucky. I just saw this post and it clicked why my day today was awesome 😄 6y
brittanyreads 😍👍🏻 6y
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The Fifth to Die | J. D. Barker
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Signed! Yes!

Jennick2004 Woo!!! 6y
FantasyChick Soooooo jealous!!!! 6y
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The Good Daughter: A Novel | Karin Slaughter
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Well, Pieces Of Her isn‘t in the directory yet but....shit the pic doesn‘t fit but they are making into a tv series 👏👏👏👏👏

vivastory What great news! 6y
tammysue Yes it is! 😁 6y
mrozzz Awesomeeeeee!! 6y
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The Good Daughter: A Novel | Karin Slaughter
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Well, Pieces Of Her isn‘t in the directory yet but....shit the pic doesn‘t fit but they are making into a tv series 👏👏👏👏👏😂

Favorites | Garret Mathews
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Betty Can‘t wait! 6y
wanderinglynn Did I sign up for this? I want to say I did already, but sometimes I‘ve thought about doing something but fail to actually do it. 6y
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JoeStalksBeck @wanderinglynn yes ma‘am:) 6y
corycatelyn Did I sign up for this too? For some reason I think I did but I'm losing mind these days so its hard to say 🤔😂 6y
JoeStalksBeck @corycatelyn yes ma‘am:) 6y
wanderinglynn Yay! Can‘t wait! 👍🏻😀 6y
LapReader What about me? Did I sign up? 6y
57 likes8 comments
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. Emma is an artist that just had her first big art showing. The art world Emma thinks she‘s a great talent and is making it big with her Forest Series.But hidden deep inside these paintings is a secret, a secret that is enveloped in guilt. Emma will return to the origin of this guilt once more to attempt to reconcile her feelings and find out what really happened on that 4th of July night. My review.https://bookchat758524457.wordpress.com

tracey38 I really want to read this one. Sounds good! 6y
MaleficentBookDragon I just finished it last night. I loved it. 6y
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You | Caroline Kepnes
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CSeydel “Not everyone wants to be followed?” Are ... there people who *do* want to be followed? 🤔 6y
CSeydel Oh. Wait. They mean “followed” in the social media sense, huh. I get it. 6y
tournevis Are we supposed to be enticed by this guys or scared stiff? Because if I saw this guy in life, my alarms would go off. Like right away. 6y
Betty Squeeeeeaaal!!! 6y
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Adjustment Day | Chuck Palahniuk
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Next read!❤️

Bette Nice teeth!? 😬😳😂 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Bette lol thanks 😁 6y
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Just finished this! Did not see that ending coming! 🤯😳. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Lovesbooks87 Me either! So good!💙💙💙💙 6y
NikkiKey94 I can‘t wait to get my copy in my BOTM box! I‘m so excited to read it! 6y
Kappadeemom I really enjoyed this one too! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Lovesbooks87 @NikkiKey94 @Kappadeemom it‘s was so good! You think it‘s over then 😱 6y
398.2 I really enjoyed Final Girls. I am going to have to check this one out too. 6y
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Jar of Hearts | Jennifer Hillier
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MarticaMustRead ☝️Heads up... looks like u might've tagged the wrong book? 6y
JoeStalksBeck @MarticaMustRead lol! Yes I did! Thanks! 6y
90 likes5 stack adds2 comments
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Chapter 10 in this book and I‘m severely intrigued!

Lovesbooks87 Just finished it and it was AMAZING!!!! 💙💙💙💙 (edited) 6y
Geeklet I meant to finish The Anomaly and move on to that today but I sorta just sat around and watched movies all day. 6y
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My stats so far for 2018. Not bad but could be better

DivineDiana Looks good to me! 😀 6y
Andrew65 Figures to be proud of! 👏 6y
Chelsey Nice! Good job 🎉 What app is that? 6y
JoeStalksBeck @DivineDiana @Andrew65 @chelsey thanks! It‘s the app Bookly:) 6y
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Tamer Animals | Justin M. Woodward
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🔥book review 🔥. If you like horror then this young author is the place to go https://bookchat758524457.wordpress.com/.

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You | Caroline Kepnes
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Ha! Love this!

Jar of Hearts | Jennifer Hillier
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So far this book is magnificent!

Lovesbooks87 It is so good! Hope you enjoy it! 6y
JoScho I really liked this one! ❤️ 6y
JoeStalksBeck @joscho me too! It‘s not at all what I expected 6y
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See @Avanders for this awesome swap!

kspenmoll 🙌🏻 6y
tracey38 Very excited for this! 6y
Avanders I didn't see this before 🤔But thanks for reposting!! 😘💖 I'm about to open sign ups ☺️☺️ 6y
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Providence: A Novel | Caroline Kepnes
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Slajaunie Done! 6y
LibrarianRyan Sorry I can't. I'm on the Children of Blood and Bone Bandwagon. But good luck. 6y
73 likes2 comments
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He guys I‘ve got a YouTube channel with all my animated book covers if ya want to see them! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1tDDV_E33urstNpV_niTDQ

vivastory Nice! 6y
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Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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My Harry Potter gif. I love this one! https://instagram.com/p/BkiRH-uFN4F/

BillBlume Oh, that is freaky! 6y
JoeStalksBeck @BillBlume thanks , I think lol! 6y
vkois88 😍😍😍 6y
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Ms_T Beautiful! 6y
vkois88 How do you add stuff to images??? It's insanely cool. 6y
Soubhiville That‘s amazing! 6y
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Within These Walls | Ania Ahlborn
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Got my signed copy of my favorite Ania book but it‘s also signed by RC Bray who narrates the audiobook. Together the make Horror magic! 🖤🖤🖤

Jess_Franzino You just reminded me how badly I need to read this book ♥️ 6y
JoeStalksBeck @Jess_Franzino yes you do! It‘s amazing! The Shuddering is my second favorite. I need to get it signed 6y
hyperashley I love that book!! 6y
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You | Caroline Kepnes
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This bracelet is everything ❤️❤️❤️ #summerslasherswap

JoScho This is amazing!!! Bravo @amyg 6y
Craftylikefox Wow!! 6y
AmyG When I saw it...I knew it was for you. 6y
SilversReviews Love the saying and the bracelet. 6y
tammysue Pretty!!! 6y
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Slasher | Allison Lee Moore
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I‘m blown away with all you did here @AmyG ! Holy shiiii ! All the notes are freaking amazing!! Wow! It‘s all so creative!!! I have to say though , the Joe Goldberg bracelet brought me to tears. I adore it ! That you sooo much! #summerslasherswap

AmyG You are very welcome. Glad you enjoyed everything! (edited) 6y
JoeStalksBeck @AmyG I love all of it you nailed the bracelet! It‘s my favorite thing! 6y
MommyOfTwo Wow!! 6y
See All 6 Comments
RaimeyGallant What a haul! 6y
LoverofLit I neeeeed that tote! 😍😍😍 6y
tammysue 💖💖💖 6y
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Scary Places | Jim Whiting
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Thank you @TorieStorieS I adore all of this! That book sleeve is aaaaamazing! ❤️❤️ #summerslasherswap

TorieStorieS Yay!!! I know you have the blood on white sleeve, but for those black tie affairs that you will be going to now that you are mentioned on talk shows, I figured that blood on black was more appropriate! 😄😄😄👏👏👏 6y
JoeStalksBeck @TorieStorieS I freakin love it! I love all of this! 6y
tammysue 😍 6y
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Providence: A Novel | Caroline Kepnes
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When you nearly end up in the ICU because Caroline Kepnes mentions you in an interview and on Instagram

swishandflick SO COOL!! 6y
Librarybelle Awesome! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow! 👏 6y
See All 22 Comments
RadicalReader @JoeStalksBeck beyond incredibly amazing!!! 6y
JoScho Yay!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
Zelma Bad ass! 👏 6y
TorieStorieS That‘s awesome!!!! Congrats!!! 🎉🍾🎊 6y
squirrelbrain Wow amazing! 👏👏 6y
JacqMac So cool!! 🎉 🙌 6y
GripLitGrl Awesome 😎🎉🙌💕 6y
CindyMyLifeIsLit So awesome!! 🎉🎊🎉👏 6y
Cinfhen Oh WOW!!! That‘s incredible!!!! 6y
Kappadeemom 😍😍 6y
Kaylamburson Omg so cool!!!! 6y
IamIamIam In the interview too???? #superfan 🤩🤩🤩 6y
tracey38 That's awesome! 6y
Ubookquitous Awesome 👏🏻 6y
JHSiess I would need CPR 6y
SconsinBookyBadger That is so cool! 🤩 6y
catsuit_mango @JoeStalksBeck and you are the ultimate reference on her too. Like I was on amazon wanting to buy providence in kindle format but apparently I can't and I thought : I know who will know if and why it's only available in November. Do you? 6y
JoeStalksBeck @catsuit_mango it‘s on kindle for 12.99. 6y
catsuit_mango @JoeStalksBeck... Apparently not if you want the English language epub from France! Wtf! 6y
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