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Joined October 2016

I love literary fiction!
100 Morning Treats | Sarah Kieffer
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This looks outrageously sweet, but it isn‘t. Instead it‘s more akin to a rich buttery coffee cake. “Oh my god,” was my husband‘s reaction.

Many thumbs up for this treat!


LeahBergen Ooo! 👀 2d
Ruthiella Looks delicious 😋 2d
CSeydel This cake looks so good that I immediately switched over to my Libby tab and checked this book out so I can make it tomorrow! 1d
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Tamra @CSeydel I think you‘ll gobble it up! 1d
Tamra @Ruthiella @LeahBergen it‘s easy too. 😊 1d
mabell Yum! I need to make more hazelnut things! 15h
33 likes6 comments
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Not what I expected - delightfully so. 😄

Martyr!: A novel | Kaveh Akbar
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I‘m going to be thinking about this one because there is a lot to chew on.

Is this a perfect novel? Nope, in fact there are elements I don‘t appreciate and frankly I‘ve read better debut novels. However Kaveh has a very distinctive creative voice that isn‘t forgettable. This won‘t be a spine on the shelf I‘ll wonder whether I‘ve read.

RidgewayGirl I don‘t have quite as many passages marked out by Post-Its, but this is definitely a book I‘m glad to have my own copy of. 2d
Tamra @RidgewayGirl 😄 I tabbed because I read it as part of a group read. 2d
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Just finished a reread of this surprisingly funny novel. I did not recall the humor Collins infuses in the mystery!

Poor poor Ezra Jennings; I‘m a bit cross at Collins for refusing to tell what surely was a tragic backstory. Collins could have given him his own novel!

The 1944 edition with William Sharp‘s illustrations was a delight, despite the very musty odor. Perhaps that contributed to the atmosphere?

BarbaraBB I liked this one too but not as much as 3d
LeahBergen I still need to read this (and I even bought a pretty edition 😆). 3d
Tamra @BarbaraBB me too! 2d
Tamra @LeahBergen 💎💎 2d
mabell I haven‘t read any of Collins‘ yet, but humor in a mystery is a must for me! 14h
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Finally found an audio book I might not bail on! 🤞🏾🤞🏾 I‘ve been on a bailing spree. 😅 So fa I‘m enjoying Eleanor‘s curiosity and perspective on social norms many of us take for granted.

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😃 Tex-Mex, Southwestern, Cal-Mex, Floribbean, Latino-Southern, NYC Latino, Latino Midwestern

Love this collection of contemporary Latin influenced dishes! Fusion cuisine is one of the best aspects of globalization.

Planning to try the Kogi Kimchi Burritos first!

Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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“Mr. Blake idly turned over the books on his bedroom table. I had taken the precaution of looking at them … all classical works; all of course, immediately immeasurably superior to any thing produced in later times; and of present point of view, possessing the one great merit of enchaining nobody‘s interest, and exciting nobody‘s brain.” 🥱😴

Bahahahaha This whole section of the chapter, not just that quote, had me laughing and made my day! 😆

Suet624 😂😂😂 1w
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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Well…..I did listen further. I‘m 80% in and bailing because I have other audio books in the queue that are calling.

Overall this did not connect on a human level & felt pretentious. The the mini lectures, both formal & informal, were boring. 🤷🏾‍♀️

On to the next! 😄

Suet624 I bailed on this too. 1w
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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🤔 Halfway mark and I‘m going to keep listening, but I‘m not feeling a connection with the characters; they aren‘t very relatable to me.

Readerann Ah…relatable. Exactly! 1w
BarbaraBB Felt the same 1w
CarolynM I didn‘t love it, but it had its moments. 1w
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Odd combo, but definitely having a repeat tonight! Pizzawich & Spiced Carrot soup. 😋 #Mtcookbook

For years I‘ve made James Peterson‘s recipe for curried carrot soup, but this one has usurped it.

ShelleyBooksie Yum!!! 1w
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Martyr!: A novel | Kaveh Akbar
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Matchy today! 🙃 Loving this novel, so witty & insightful. Perhaps a bit self indulgent, but forgivable.

Guffawing at the wholly pathological superficial “politeness” of Midwesterners, which apparently is akin to Iranian etiquette, and describing his rich girlfriend as “American Christian, the kind that believed Jesus had just needed a bigger gun.”

Suet624 I‘m so happy to have read this. It might deserve a reread. 2w
Cathythoughts I must try a sample 👍🏻❤️ 2w
quietlycuriouskate I'm enjoying reading this at the moment, too! 😃 2w
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sarahbarnes This one is on my list! Sounds like I might need to bump it up. 2w
Tamra @Suet624 there definitely is enough substance for a reread. 1w
Tamra @Cathythoughts it is very postmodern like in the mashup of new (current pop culture) and old (historical martyrs). 1w
Tamra @quietlycuriouskate it gets better & better! I like Cyrus‘ questioning of his motives & character. 1w
Tamra @sarahbarnes it‘s probably not for everyone, but I‘m liking it and I‘m rather surprised. I didn‘t know much about it before starting. 1w
sarahbarnes I‘ve got myself in line for it at the library - excited to try it! 1w
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The Safekeep | Yael van der Wouden
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Unpopular opinion 😏

I appreciated the unconventional mystery plot device, but the writing style wasn‘t for me. Too many words to the point of repetition & overwrought emotion. At times I was thinking “get on with it already”…..It reinforces my admiration for the power of effective spare writing.

As opposed to The Birthday Party which was MADDENING in thrilling anticipation of the climax, being akin to a movie in slow motion. 😵 👍🏾

sarahbarnes A very fair review! I did like this one a lot but I can see where you‘re coming from. And I loved the Birthday Party! (edited) 2w
Tamra @sarahbarnes wasn‘t The BD Party a crazy ride?! 2w
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Apparently I have a green thing happening today. 💚

LeahBergen Pretty! 2w
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Martyr!: A novel | Kaveh Akbar
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I‘m happy to be sent to my room. 😊

Jeg As a kid I always was too. 2w
Tamra @Jeg 🙌🏾 2w
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Harira soup - I wish there was a scratch & sniff option in Litsy. 😄 Such a lovely combination of spices!

This book has a fantastic variety of chicken soups from around the world.


100 Morning Treats | Sarah Kieffer
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Another winner treat - pumpkin bread! 🎃 Truthfully it tastes like gingerbread. (🤫 It does not need the cream cheese frosting, don‘t tell the fam.)


LeahBergen Yum! 3w
mabell That sounds really good! Interesting it‘s more like gingerbread. 3w
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The Moonstone | Wilkie COLLINS
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Apparently humanity was living in a post fact world as far back as 1859. 😂 😅

Ruthiella The more things change, the more they stay the same…🤨 3w
CSeydel How funny - The book I‘m reading now mentions The Moonstone! 3w
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Recommending this for IRL bookclub - we‘ll see if it gets picked. Highly recommend for Littens! If you are looking for a contemplative seasonal (end of summer) read, this is beautiful.

Ruthiella I loved this novella. 3w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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Leftcoastzen Loved it , great pick. 3w
LeahBergen Loved it! 3w
youneverarrived Love this book 🧡 3w
Cathythoughts I loved this one too. Beautiful ♥️✨ 3w
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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Our selection for bookclub tonight is The Great Gatsby, which I‘ve retitled The Great Mediocrity 😜, but another member said he recently read E of E and wanted to chat. I thumbed though the important bits I tabbed and it brought back a flood of resonance. 💙 It‘s a huggable book.

This person is an evangelical Christian and I‘m not biblically literate so I hope he‘s not expecting a deep dive comparison with Genesis. It is not an exact retelling.

BkClubCare Just had a convo yesterday with someone reading this! And was asked if it was a story of Eve. And… I really had to try and recall! I did say it could definitely be a Cain & Able story but I didn‘t remember if the evil mom was “Eve” (I just recall how awful she was! But that doesn‘t jive with my understanding of “Eve” 🤔) 3w
Tamra @BkClubCare you are correct - she is “Evish” or Eve like in that she is the temptress or a corrupting influence. (edited) 3w
BkClubCare @Tamra - yeah, but I am not on the team of blaming Eve for everything. #fightthepatriarchy 3w
Tamra @BkClubCare that was one of the problems my buddy reading companions and I had with it. 😏 3w
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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Took me a long time to get through this novel because of life.

I enjoyed it but did not absolutely love it. Packed with a lot of feminist themes to think about 👍🏾, it just didn‘t have the drive of Elena Knows. That one is hard to top and it‘s difficult not to make comparisons. Elena is still my favorite of the three I‘ve read so far.

If you like tidy endings, take a pass. 😅 Pineiro might be planning a trilogy or leaving the door open?

BarbaraBB Which three did you read? 3w
Tamra @BarbaraBB the tagged book, Elena Knows, and Little Luck. I probably should read All Yours, which apparently is the first book with the protagonist in Time of the Flies. (edited) 3w
BarbaraBB I just read All Yours and loved it. My favorite though is A Little Luck. You‘ve made me curious about Time of the Flies. 3w
Tamra @BarbaraBB I will have to get my hands on All Yours! 3w
BarbaraBB I think you‘ll love that one too 3w
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I‘ve only just started this collection on audio (2 stories in) and wow, I‘m going to need to get this in print! 😍 The cast of narrators is out of sight!

I‘ve already stacked Six Walks.

Suet624 Loved this book and starting on six walks now. 3w
Tamra @Suet624 I hope it‘s as good! 3w
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Brideshead Revisited | Evelyn Waugh
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Perhaps an odd combination of shopping today. 😄 Injera & a Brit classic.

Habasha food for dinner! 😋

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Not forgettable! I‘m very surprised this held my attention given it revolves around the mermaid myth, but it did. The narration was terrific and I‘m sure made all the difference. 🧜🏾‍♀️

It could have used less sex and more plot so I‘d say it‘s a slight pick. Definitely evocative of the islands & culture.

100 Morning Treats | Sarah Kieffer
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Happy Campers in the house! 😋


JenReadsAlot I'll be right over!! 1mo
Leftcoastzen That looks amazing! 1mo
mabell I bet there are! Yum! 1mo
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Tamra @Leftcoastzen @JenReadsAlot hurry! I could only eat 1 piece, but I can‘t control the others. 😅 (edited) 1mo
Tamra @mabell that mixer makes all the difference in terms of whether I make things like this - cuts down the effort considerably! It‘s a nice sour cream dough. I definitely recommend this book if you like to bake. 😁 (edited) 1mo
TheBookHippie Well YUMMMMMMMMMMM. 1mo
Tamra @TheBookHippie it got the 👍🏾👍🏾 1mo
kspenmoll Yum! 1mo
Ruthiella Looks delicious. 😋 1mo
mabell I‘m definitely going to keep an eye out for it! Everything you‘ve made sounds and looks so good! And her books are so pretty 😍 1mo
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Great Gatsby (Classic) | F Scott Fitzgerald
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A long overdue reread. I can‘t believe this would be on any high school reading list because what would a teen relate to in this novel?

I can‘t say I enjoyed Fitzgerald‘s writing style, but I did enjoy examination of Nick‘s loss of innocence about humanity and the American promise of infinite progress.

Ruthiella I think it works for high schoolers in that the themes are pretty easy to get and write an essay about. 1mo
willaful It\'s one of the few required books I actually enjoyed. The Scarlet Letter, now there was a ridiculous choice.

My kid\'s English curriculum was so much more interesting!
Tamra @Ruthiella yes to the themes, pretty universal. But I‘m thinking the writing style & the fact the MC is 30 wouldn‘t be enjoyable. 1mo
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Tamra @willaful 😆 You never know! I on the other hand loved and still love The Scarlet Letter! 💔🗡️ 1mo
Tamra @willaful fortunately my kids‘ teachers have been much more open about reading selections & choices. Thank goodness! 1mo
willaful @Tamra Truly you never do! 1mo
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Simply Mam Cooks | Angelica F. Jung
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Tamale pie! It was a little softer than I expected, but it got the flavor thumbs up from the fam. 👍🏾


Liars: A Novel | Sarah Manguso
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Audio narration definitely not working on this one. 😒

ErikasMindfulShelf Oh no. I loved this book, but didn‘t listen to it. 1mo
Tamra @ErikasMindfulShelf narration can make or break a book! 1mo
Chelsea.Poole @Tamra it really does! 1mo
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I love this starts with the “mystery” of an arson and then tells the stories of three women navigating complicated, messy relationships in the period leading up to Ireland‘s referendum to make divorce legal. I had no idea this didn‘t happen until the ‘90s and only passed by a hair.

It‘s a well written & entertaining debut novel. Will look out for his next!

Cuilin I voted in that referendum!!! I was 22. Stacked. 1mo
Tamra @Cuilin it is well worth your time if you are okay with emotional domestic drama. Lots of issues explored and not superficial in the “wives of Hollywood” way. 😊 1mo
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Perfect audio book for multitasking and bedtime. I‘ve been having a difficult time finding one that works lately.

Finished up a cowl! @mabell Goes well with my new purple winter coat. ☃️

TheBookHippie Love the color!!! 1mo
TheSpineView Beautiful and my color!💜 1mo
LeahBergen Pretty! 1mo
Cathythoughts Very lovely 🩷 1mo
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Work has slowed down reading considerably. 😭 These two are buddy & bookclub rereads. Fortunately I remember next to nothing about either it was so long ago I first picked them up. Not really caring for Fitzgerald‘s writing style I dare say. 😳

I‘ve also picked up knitting again after I found this lovely Halloweeny combo in a nearby yarn shop. It‘s a lovely texture. This too is competing with reading.

Melismatic That purpleypink is gorgeous! 1mo
mabell Ooooo I love that combo! What is your project? 1mo
Tamra @Melismatic I‘m loving the combo! 1mo
Cathythoughts Gorgeous photo 🩷 fuzzy soft. (edited) 1mo
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100 Morning Treats | Sarah Kieffer
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This is the recipe that “made” me buy the book & stand mixer. 😂 Well worth it!

Should I buy a Bundt pan yet again? I‘ve donated two over the years because they have been a PITA to clean.


Ruthiella Looks delicious. If the Bundt pan is only about the shape, I say leave it. It is the taste that matters. 1mo
Tamra @Ruthiella right, it‘s only the shape it seems because it‘s delicious as a loaf! 1mo
mabell Perfect breakfast! 1mo
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Sharpeipup So pretty! 1mo
Aimeesue If you decide to get a Bundt pan, maybe try a Nordic Ware cast aluminum one. They‘re super heavy, but I‘ve never had a problem cleaning them - they‘re very nonsticky, even the ones with intricate designs. (edited) 1mo
Tamra @Aimeesue good idea! I really like the Nordic bakeware I have currently. 😊 1mo
janeycanuck Looks delicious!! 1mo
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Just not feeling it. 😏 Reading life is short, like summer is in the north.

I‘m sure it‘s me - I rarely enjoy reading teen angst.

squirrelbrain Hmmm, my copy is at home waiting for me to return from hols…. I‘m not sure if I even want to start it. 🤔 1mo
jlhammar That‘s too bad. Good choice though if you‘re not enjoying it. 1mo
Tamra @squirrelbrain definitely give it a try to see for yourself. There are some gems scattered in it, but I got halfway and didn‘t think the vibe was going to change much. 1mo
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Tamra @jlhammar 👍🏾 sometimes that‘s just the way to goes! 1mo
BarbaraBB I know what you mean… 1mo
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Just started! I enjoyed the first chapter. 😊 #Europacollective

jlhammar I‘m a little over halfway and really enjoying it so far! 1mo
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Instant Pot Jambalaya - you see the rating.👍🏾😁 Definitely season to taste, because I will add lots of hot sauce to accommodate my 🔥 preference.

Clarke is reliably delicious. I see I have lots of other recipes already tagged.

mabell Always nice to get that rating! 😂 1mo
BarbaraBB Love this 👍🏽 1mo
LeahBergen I‘d be adding the heat, too! 1mo
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Spam Tomorrow | VERILY. ANDERSON
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Read this on the treadmill, so I don‘t know if my exhaustion is from the exercise or reading about the chaos & tribulations of war?! 😅 Verily‘s experience is not to be envied, though I have the impression because of her privilege others fared much worse. Still, her memoir is a glimpse into the domestic lives of women during the war.

I applaud her marriage for love! ♥️


Ruthiella I‘m about 40% through and I don‘t think it‘s the treadmill! 😅 I know this is memoir/autobiography but it lacks structure, which for me makes it a bit of a slog to read. 1mo
Tamra @Ruthiella whew, good to know! There were some good one liners, but you are right it doesn‘t feel very structured. But that might be apropos to the war experience, the uncertainty. To be fair, I am not much of a memoir reader so I am hard to win over. 1mo
LeahBergen Oh oh! I haven‘t started it yet. 😬 1mo
Tamra @LeahBergen it‘s probably me. 😉 War is chaotic & exhausting and that comes thru. One thing for sure, I can‘t imagine having & protecting babies in the middle of it. 😳 1mo
jlhammar Hope to start soon! 1mo
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Does This Taste Funny?: Recipes Our Family Loves | Stephen Colbert, Evie McGee Colbert
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Ok, I want to check this out just for the title. 🤣

Soubhiville 😆 me too! 2mo
Cathythoughts 👍🏻🤣 2mo
GingerAntics Why do I get the impression, this is going to be awesome? 😂🤣😂 1mo
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In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
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I might the last person who hadn‘t read this true crime narrative. Very well written and the cast of people involved well developed! Reads (listens) like a novel!

Chilling clinical descriptions of psychothopy.

I now need to go down the rabbit hole to learn more about Capote and his relationship with this story, which I understand had a significant impact on him.

IndoorDame Not the last 😂 it is on my list, but true crime really really isn‘t my genre so I never seem to get around to it 2mo
BarbaraBB I loved this one - not sure what that says about me 2mo
dabbe I'm still out there, too! 😂 2mo
Cathythoughts I remember reading this when I was young and found it life changing. I read it again a few years ago… it was different from what I remembered , but I still loved it and found it brilliant. 2mo
Flaneurette I haven‘t read it either bc I‘m a big chicken 🐔 2mo
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100 Morning Treats | Sarah Kieffer
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This will go down as the most expensive book purchase for me ever. I “had” to buy a KA stand mixer to accompany it since it‘s called for in the recipe instructions. 😜 Now I am proper adulting.

Adding a note not to use frozen berries - too juicy. Otherwise as my husband remarked, what doesn‘t two sticks of butter make tasty? 🥹


Prairiegirl_reading Yup, two sticks of butter makes everything tasty. 😋 2mo
mabell Yum! Frozen berries are tricky. Sometimes they work great, but not always. Two sticks of butter! Wow - and I would probably eat them with butter too 🤣 2mo
Tamra @mabell in Keiffer‘s defense, I doubled the batch. But still! 2mo
BkClubCare LOL! My husband swears we do not need a food processor 🥺 2mo
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Saw this in an antique store and couldn‘t leave without it. These are the editions I grew up with; my grandmother gifted them to me one by one. 💕 They were my first chapter books and made me a reader. She was an elementary school teacher in South Dakota (even in a 1 room school house).

By the way, we live in close proximity to Lake Pepin (The Big Woods), the connection with which I don‘t appreciate enough.

Thought of you @LeahBergen 😉

BkClubCare I think I had this set, too 2mo
Tamra @BkClubCare the Garth Williams illustrations are so sweet. 2mo
willaful Me too. I still have a few. 2mo
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Amie My grandma gave me this same set, I think one at a time also. I still have them. My mom would read my older sister's hardcover set to me at bedtime before I got my own. Definitely made me a reader. 2mo
IndoorDame I like finding my childhood editions! 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
ShelleyBooksie This is amazing!!! I only have 3 of the originals and I treasure them. I reread them so many times in my youth. Awesome find ♡ 2mo
DeeLew I have this exact set! It‘s packed away somewhere but I‘ve had it since I was a child. ❤️ 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this ❤️ 2mo
Ruthiella I would have snapped those up too! 😃 2mo
LeahBergen Ohhh, how lovely!! 🥰 I just finished my reread of the whole series. 2mo
sarahbarnes Ah, this was the set we had, too! 2mo
Cathythoughts Looks like a very lucky find ❤️ 2mo
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Hobart-in-the-Catskill Mountains, New York | Citizens' Association (Hobart, N.Y.)
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Bucket list destination! Village of Hobart, NY. https://youtu.be/N5UvrwxO7WE?si=uGghkayOz9ElqnSm

“A home without books is……boring, unless it has a cat.” 😂

kspenmoll Thanks for sharing this & the parting sentence! 2mo
Leftcoastzen This segment was awesome! 2mo
Suet624 Yesterday I put this in my list of places to visit next spring! 2mo
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Amiable A friend just texted me about Hobart — she wants to go, too! She must have heard this segment. 2mo
Tamra @Amiable wouldn‘t it be fun?! 2mo
Amiable @Tamra We only live about 3 hours away, so we may go this fall for a weekend adventure! 2mo
Tamra @Amiable lucky you! I hope you go! 2mo
BkClubCare Yes! I saw this on FB and thought, “now WHO do I know will meet me in Hobart for a fun weekend?!” 😂 2mo
Tamra @BkClubCare I wish I could meet you & others there. That would be soooo fun! 2mo
BkClubCare @Tamra - I would LOVE to figure out a more central US bookish spot to have a girls weekend! Or that place in Wales 🤣 2mo
Tamra @BkClubCare bucket list! 2mo
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100 Morning Treats | Sarah Kieffer
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Did I just click on “Buy Now?”

That‘s a rhetorical question. 😜 The kids and I leafed through this (daughter twice) and it was unanimous. 👍🏾 Even Cricket was expressing appreciation with rubs & bites. (Careful it‘s a library copy.)

It will require me to up my baking game and perhaps put a stand mixer on my Xmas list.

Same baker of 100 Cookies.

rubyslippersreads Does it include recipes for cat treats? 😹 2mo
Ruthiella Hope Santa brings you that mixer! 🤞😃 2mo
Leftcoastzen 😻👏 2mo
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AlaMich I have a KitchenAid mixer already, but every once in a while I see one of their new colors and wish I could buy another one! 😁 2mo
mabell I might have to “accidentally” click buy as well 🤣🤣 2mo
Tamra @AlaMich @mabell I am going to have to get a mixer. I have not been much of a baker (use the bread machine a lot) so I haven‘t felt a knead 😜 to get one. Any recs? Tilt vs lift? 2mo
Tamra @AlaMich wouldn‘t it be fun to have collection to display? Like Fiestaware & LeCreuset? 2mo
AlaMich @Tamra so fun! 2mo
mabell I‘m sure there are pros/cons for each, and I‘m curious what others think. I find it easier to access the bowl (for scraping, etc) with the tilt. 2mo
Tamra @mabell I read the lift version has more power and so does better with thicker doughs like for bread. Does your tilt power thru bread dough without a problem? 2mo
mabell I had a feeling that was case regarding power, but wasn‘t sure on the details. I have a lift, and my mom has a tilt. She doesn‘t knead dough in it, so I can‘t say how it does for that. Practically, I do find mine a little annoying working around the beater. 2mo
Tamra @mabell I wish it had the best of both! I think the smart bet for me bc I am more likely to make bread dough is the lift. But Cuisinart has a 500 watt with a tilt at a fraction of the price. Negative is that many complain the attachments don‘t meet the bottom so there is more manual scraping to mix. 😏 2mo
mabell Exactly - Everything seems to have a trade-off! Looking forward to seeing which one you decide on, and what you make with it! 😄 2mo
janeycanuck Ooh, I love 100 Cookies! I‘ll have to get my hands on this. 2mo
janeycanuck And if I can jump into your mixer debate - if you are going to do dough, make sure you get the most powerful motor you can afford. I‘ve burned out two kitchenaids! For me, I prefer lift and have a hand mixer for smaller jobs. 2mo
Tamra @janeycanuck @mabell I bought a KA Lift! 500 watt so I don‘t have to worry about bread dough. 💪🏾 2mo
Tamra @janeycanuck thank you for the input! I appreciate it. I feel like a right proper adult now. 2mo
janeycanuck @Tamra lovely!! Enjoy!! 2mo
mabell Sounds great! You will have so much fun! 2mo
Tamra @mabell @janeycanuck that was one expensive book! Bahahaha 🤣 2mo
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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My idea of Happy Hour. ☺️

I made a trip to the nursery today. The cashier mentioned mums when I expressed dismay at the nearly empty greenhouse. I hate the word and sight of mums in August - which I humorously explained to her. 😠😢 She got it. It‘s too much of a reminder that summer in the upper Midwest is woefully short.

Amor4Libros This book is so good! Did you read the prequel? 2mo
Tamra @Amor4Libros is there a prequel? What am I missing??? 2mo
Amor4Libros @Tamra Yes! It‘s called “Tuya” (Yours). The time of the flies takes place 15 years after. It gives you the backstory of what happened that landed Inés in prison. Some people say it‘s not necessary to read it, but I feel it gives you a lot of context for this one. And it‘s also a great read! 2mo
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Tamra @Amor4Libros oh my - must get. Thank you! 2mo
Amor4Libros @Tamra Anytime! 🤗 2mo
merelybookish Short summers here too! The mornings and evenings are noticeable cool. 2mo
Tamra @merelybookish 😢 I‘m never ready. 2mo
BarbaraBB How is the book? I am so excited about reading it - soon! 2mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB it‘s great! I‘m taking my time to enjoy. 😁 2mo
BarbaraBB Oooh that is so good to know, thanks 🥰 2mo
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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What does this mean? ‘…‘ Pineiro uses it frequently in this book.

Ruthiella Long pauses of no talking maybe? 🤔 2mo
TEArificbooks Long pause in speech. Probably speaking with their facial expressions. 2mo
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Tamra @Ruthiella @TEArificbooks yes! I thought that or perhaps omission of irrelevant speech/gestures/vocalizations. 2mo
Tamra @Pogue have you seen ellipses used this way before? It‘s new to me. (edited) 2mo
swynn @Tamra It's not common, but not exactly new either. The early 20th century novelist Ronald Firbank used to do this sort of thing, with characters speaking in ellipses and punctuation marks. I'm not sure whether he was the first. 2mo
Tamra @swynn thank you for the insight! 2mo
Pogue @Tamra yes, it is not very common but I have seen this before. 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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The Eternal Daughter - streaming on Amazon.

I wish had watched this in October! Very gothic literary quality, so much so that I had to Google it to see whether it was based on a novel. Nope.

Recommend 👍🏾👍🏾 As always, Swinton is such a good actor!

AmyG Thanks. Always looking for a good show to watch. 2mo
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Salsa Lovers Cook Book | S. K. Bollin
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The best time of the year! Cucumber & tomato salsa. 😋


mabell #hatchchiles !!🌶️ 2mo
Tamra @mabell I love Hatch! I went to a produce stand yesterday, but I forgot to get fresh chiles. 🤪 This book is terrific for salsa inspiration. 2mo
Deblovestoread Love this post esp. because I‘ve some extra peaches I need to use and it inspires me to make peach salsa! 2mo
Tamra @Deblovestoread yes! In this book there is a peach dessert salsa: peaches, sugar, orange juice, white or blush wine, and vanilla. 😄 But a spicy peach salsa would be fabulous too! 2mo
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The Girls | John Bowen
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Okay, this was a strange little novel. Not bad, but also not at all realistic. There was a scene with a dead body that was particularly…..odd. That is a good adjective.

Don‘t mess with women and those they protect. 😅

Jess That cover, though! ❤️ 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I have the same pillows 🐝 2mo
LeahBergen 😆 I bought this recently! 2mo
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Tamra @Jess I know! 😍 2mo
Tamra @LeahBergen it‘s definitely worth reading, quirky as it is sometimes. 😄 2mo
Cathythoughts Sounds good ! 2mo
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Time of the Flies | Claudia Pieiro
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Book mail! 🪰🪰

I‘ll read anything Claudia writes. I ordered this the minute I heard about it.

jlhammar Looking forward to this one! 2mo
Tamra @jlhammar it‘s next in the queue! 🤞🏾🤞🏾 2mo
BarbaraBB A new one? Thanks for sharing, I want to read everything by her too! 2mo
sarahbarnes Yes!! I already have a hold on this one as soon as I heard about it! Looking forward to your thoughts! 2mo
Cathythoughts Must stack 👍🏻❤️ 2mo
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The Girls | John Bowen
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Ummmmmm 🤔 would I be so nonchalant about finding out my same sex partner got pregnant while I was away on a trip to “find myself?”

Likely not. Perhaps I‘m not enlightened enough.

That scene threw me out of the narrative to ponder. I‘ll continue on reading.

IndoorDame Hmmm, I could go either way on that, definitely depends what our arrangement was… 2mo
sarahbarnes This sounds pretty intriguing. 2mo
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I pulled this off the shelf thinking I‘d make this my bedtime chunkster. NOPE. The print is minuscule! 😵‍💫

KathyWheeler I listened to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel because the print was so tiny in my hardback that I just couldn‘t face it in such a huge book! 2mo
Tamra @KathyWheeler good idea - I should look for an audio edition via the library. 2mo
AlaMich I miss the old days when I didn‘t have to pay attention to print size. *sigh* 2mo
Tamra @AlaMich 😆 yes, agreed! However, even when young I didn‘t enjoy micro print. Feels like work. 2mo
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How I‘m feeling about summer. 😢

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