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Our Wives Under the Sea | Julia Armfield
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Whoa. This book is beautiful and strange.
A metaphor for grief - how do you cope when your wife has returned when you thought she was dead, but she‘s no longer the same person you loved?
Powerful writing - gothic, romantic, and full of despair.
Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy.

Cathythoughts Sounds great ! Great cover too 3y
vivastory I agree with @Cathythoughts 📚 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Cathythoughts @vivastory That cover is what grabbed me! Great book. 3y
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LeahBergen I‘m intrigued! 3y
merelybookish Enjoyed your bite-sized chat with @shawnmooney about this book! 2y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! I‘ve been missing you on here. ❤️❤️ 2y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen Hey, Leah! Thanks!! I‘ll be back on! 2y
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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My new mug (from Etsy). So dark-academia-delicious.

Megabooks Nice! 3y
TrishB Hope all is ok with you, haven‘t seen you post fur a while! 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @TrishB Hey there!! Sorry - been AWOL for absolutely no reason 😆 Thanks for checking on me!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
TrishB No worries 😘 look forward to seeing your posts again! 3y
44 likes4 comments
Jane Steele | Lyndsay Faye
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TFW you get so many books on a roadtrip that you have to use the panoramic option ❤️❤️
Bookstores visited:
The Booklegger, Huntsville, AL
McKays, Chattanooga, TN
Mr K‘s, Asheville, NC
Unclaimed Baggage - Scottboro, AL (not a bookstore per se, but major book haul acquired)

LeahBergen Wow!! What an amazing haul. I initially thought you were making a book tree when I saw this post. 😆 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen oh! That‘s almost embarrassing 😳. Almost! 😆 3y
DrexEdit Wow! Terrific book haul! 😊 👍 3y
See All 15 Comments
vivastory Amazing haul! I've heard great things about McKay's! 3y
AmyG Wow! 🙌🏻 3y
Megabooks Cool! I‘ve always wanted to go to Unclaimed Baggage! 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @vivastory Definitely worth a visit if you‘re ever in Chattanooga! The prices were good and it‘s a huge place. 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Megabooks Unclaimed is SO MUCH FUN. I got so much stuff. The family actually burned out and ended up just waiting for me in the car 🤦‍♀️ I regret nothing! 3y
Megabooks Awesome!!! 😁😁😁 3y
merelybookish It's looks like you had a great time!! 3y
Shae_Purcell Oh goodness, McKay's is my absolute favorite. When I lived near Chattanooga, I went nearly every weekend. I would spend hours in there. It's probably what I miss most about living in Tennessee! 3y
batsy Nice! 😍 3y
LeahBergen Happy happy birthday!! ❤️📚❤️📚 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen Thank you, my lovely friend! ❤️ 3y
Viji 😍 all the 📚! 3y
73 likes15 comments
Collodion | Greg Morgan
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Unusual cast of characters during the Civil War: a postmortem photographer and a female embalmer. Engaging historical fiction fit for all audiences. Educational and endearing.
Thanks to Netgalley!

LeahBergen What a great photo! 3y
40 likes1 comment
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I think I‘m really going to love this book.

Tamra I gifted this to my husband for Xmas and he still hasn‘t cracked it open. It does sound really good. 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @tamra I‘m listening to the audiobook but borrowed a physical copy from the library for the illustrations. Tell him it‘s good! 😆 3y
45 likes2 comments
Milk Fed: A Novel | Melissa Broder
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Not for everyone, but I found this book insightful. It‘s difficult with regard to subject matter, and sometimes painful to read. The author is candid. My heart broke a lot reading this, but I was receptive to the pain of the main character, even though it was outside my own experience.
⚠️ Eating disorders, explicit sex

Rabbits | Terry Miles
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Pick, mostly
Young gamer, known only as “K”, has the ability to recognize patterns in seemingly random coincidences. Because of this skill, K quickly becomes immersed in a dangerous underground game, Rabbits.
The clues and plot are not always easy to follow, but navigating the adventure along with K was a fun ride.
Thanks to Netgalley

We Run the Tides | Vendela Vida
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I really appreciated the angst of being a young teenager in the mid-80s since I was one, and Vida captured some spot-on anguish from that time of my life.
However, Eulabee alternated from being too naive to too sophisticated, and the end of the book went off the rails, so I had to give this one a so-so.

Lampedusa: A Novel | Steven Price
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Stunningly beautiful, melancholic, nostalgic

You don‘t have to have read The Leopard, but it may give more depth to your experience if you have.

Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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Help, Littens!
I have never read Barbara Pym! (How did I miss her?)

Which one should I start with?

LeslieO Oh I love them all! Excellent Women would be a good start I think. 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeslieO Thank you! I‘ll start there! 3y
Cathythoughts I‘ve read 2 ... I think Excellent Women too ❤️ 3y
LeahBergen Excellent Women and then Some Tame Gazelle. 👍🏻 3y
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Collodion | Greg Morgan
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Just got the ARC from Netgalley
1850s - A postmortem photographer and Union Army embalmer (a woman disguised as a man), both on the spectrum, fall in love. To preserve their relationship they have to go on the lam . . . Sounds original and engrossing to me!

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Daaaaamn!!!!! All the stars for this book.
1897 - the Belgica leaves for a jaunt to Antarctica and ends up unexpectedly overwintering in the pack ice. Scurvy, insanity, and despair plagues the crew (except maybe for Amundsen, since he was such a bad ass).

The usual review cliches: jaw-dropping, compelling, riveting. Well-researched, never tedious.
Can‘t recommend it highly enough.

LeahBergen Well, you‘ve certainly got MY attention. Stacked! 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen YEEESSSS!! 👍😆 3y
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BIG TIP: you can skip to 43% in and not miss a thing.

Fascinating true story of a WWII soldier surviving being torpedoed and stranded alone on an enemy-filled Pacific island. He single-handedly takes out numerous enemies while dealing with severe injury and trying to evade discovery.
Seriously, though - skip the first 43%. It‘s filler.

Reggie 43% is a lot though, right? Lol 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Reggie Yeah! But the actual “torpedoed and stranded on an island infested with the enemy” starts there. 🤷‍♀️ It‘s a really compelling story. I was juuuust about to bail when it started getting interesting! 3y
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Gothic haunted house story (love it!). Jane marries Augustine in a chaste business arrangement, and soon learns why he insists on sleeping alone at his family‘s manor house. Ghosts, blood, gore, scares. All good there!
I appreciated the concept of mathematics intertwining with the metaphysical.
Got a little too Twin-Peaksy for my taste in that it stopped making sense.
Great cover though, huh?
*ARC from Netgalley

Jas16 It really is a great cover. 3y
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Dark Horses: A Novel | Susan Mihalic
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It was good. Not great, but still worth reading.
I learned a lot about event riding, and the plot never lagged; however, the author allowed the usual convenience of having teenagers behave like wise adults, which interrupted my suspension of disbelief.
⚠️ sexual abuse

In the Quick: A Novel | Kate Hope Day
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Heard about this on the Get Booked podcast and had to read right away!
June is the niece of a famous scientist who developed fuel cells to enable extended space travel. The first astronauts using the new technology were assumed lost, but June knows they‘re still out there.

Migrations: A Novel | Charlotte McConaghy
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Loved this
A beautiful, melancholy story from a tormented narrator. Set in the near future with a dystopian outlook. I loved the story, the writing, the non-linear organization. One of the best I‘ve read in some time.

CBee One of my absolute favorite books from last year ♥️ 3y
Well-ReadNeck I adored this novel. Agree with @CBee one of my favorites of the past year. 3y
CBee @Well-ReadNeck two others who loved this like we do, @AmyG and @Chelsea.Poole ♥️😁 3y
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Chelsea.Poole @CBee thanks for the tag! I never miss an opportunity to gush about this book ♥️ I still think about it all the time. 3y
AmyG Loved this book so much. Aaaaaannnnnddddd......the fan club‘s all here. 🙌🏻❤️ 3y
CBee @AmyG I had to tag the rest of the fan club! 😁♥️ @Chelsea.Poole I still think about it too! I‘m so excited for her next one. 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @CBee @Well-ReadNeck @Chelsea.Poole @AmyG Fan club!! Yes! Im excited about the movie (Benedict Cumberbatch!), though I don‘t see how they can capture the beauty of this book on film. 3y
CBee @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I would watch Benedict Cumberbatch read the phone book 😂 But, I do see what you mean - I‘ll be interested to see what they do with it! 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Chelsea.Poole @AmyG @Well-ReadNeck @CBee Also - I wanted the ending a little sooner, when Franny wades out in the Antarctic water and watches the terns through the water‘s surface. Would have been a bleak ending, but I would have preferred that it ended there rather than Franny ending up with her absent dad fleeing to Scotland 3y
CBee @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I kind of agree with you. I felt like her in the ocean was a perfect ending and it didn‘t need anything else. (edited) 3y
AmyG I am very leery of the movie. And yes, I agree with you both about her in the ocean. I sometimes like things a bit open-ended. 3y
CBee @AmyG but, it‘s Benedict!! 😂😂 3y
AmyG @CBee Ha! I loved the book so much I don‘t want to be disappointed. But at least they have an amazing actor-that should help right? 😬 3y
CBee @AmyG I totally get that. I‘m so curious though but determined that it won‘t ruin how I feel about the book! 3y
Chelsea.Poole @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled yes!! I totally agree about the ending. Maybe that‘s what we‘ll get in the film! 🤔🤞 3y
Chelsea.Poole @AmyG @CBee I like Benedict too, but I just worry they won‘t be able to capture the feeling of the book. 3y
CBee @Chelsea.Poole agree! I guess we‘ll see 🤞🏻 3y
69 likes17 comments
Kassandra and the Wolf | Margarita Karapanou, N. C. Germanacos
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Saw this on a list of “best underrated horror novels”. I was duped.
The book is told from 6-year-old Kassandra‘s POV. She‘s abused, has extreme violent tendencies, and is grossly precociously sexual.
Also, because K is so far removed from reality and understanding of what‘s happening around her, the book doesn‘t make any sense. It‘s like watching David Lynch murder a kitten.
⚠️ animal abuse
⚠️ child abuse
⚠️ sexual assault

TheKidUpstairs Ugh. That sounds awful. 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @TheKidUpstairs So many positive reviews on Goodreads too. I think maybe if someone could explain it to me I‘d be better with it? Im not squeamish or prudish but I just couldn‘t deal with all the sexual abuse and animal harm. Ick. 3y
Palimpsest Nice to see an honest and clear review. I‘ll definitely stay away from this one. 3y
41 likes3 comments
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Is there a word for the heart-fluttering giddy delight you feel when you dive into a new book that you know you‘re going to love?

Aims42 There should be!! I know that feeling exactly 😍 3y
59 likes1 comment
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Had to get some faves while reading this . . .
Super enjoyable, nostalgia-filled read, especially for Gen-Xers, like me!

wanderinglynn Love John Hughes‘s movies! 🙌🏻 3y
Reggie ❤️John Candy. When he makes them that huge flapjack. 3y
LeahBergen John Hughes! ❤️❤️ 3y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @wanderinglynn @Reggie @LeahBergen I can‘t wait to make my kids binge-watch with me! 3y
63 likes4 comments
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Wow. 5-stars for this one.
I was blown away by the raw and powerful writing of this debut. An honest and empowering story.
Wetmore is definitely a writer to keep my eye on.
Thanks again, @AmyG for sending this to me!

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It‘s full of philosophy and longing and friendship and self-discovery. So many ideas resonated with me. I highlighted so many passages. And that ending . . . 🥺
Thanks so much for renewing my interest in this one @UnabridgedPod - I would have missed out on this 5-star read otherwise.

squirrelbrain I loved this one too! And you‘re so right about the ending.... 4y
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Just what you want from good historical fiction.
1940s Italy: Nico, a young farmer recently in seminary, agrees to take Nina, a Jew, to his family‘s farm and hide her in plain sight as his new bride. Both families are torn apart.
Not maudlin or sentimental, this is well-researched and based on the author‘s husband‘s family history.
Really enjoyed this one!

Under the Glacier | Halldor Laxness
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Our family is weird. When we put presents under the tree, we always put fictional or famous people in the “from” space.

It was my fault that we listened to Under the Glacier on a road trip this year, so I thought this was a good choice.

KVanRead Love this 👏😂 4y
LeahBergen 😂😂 4y
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Christmas book haul! Very excited about all of these!
Husband got me the memoir of Greg Page, the yellow Wiggle, 💛💛 as we have always been huge fans.

EH2018 Nice!! Happy Reading! 4y
TrishB Cool pile 👍🏻 4y
Palimpsest Nice! I‘ve read Wakenhyrst and loved it and Bunny, which was like nothing else I‘ve read. Obama‘s book is on my tbr pile as well. Enjoy! 4y
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LeahBergen Great haul! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
ValerieAndBooks Omg when my kids were little I probably loved watching the Wiggles more than they did 😂. I remember Greg in the yellow shirt. What a fantastic smile!! 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @ValerieAndBooks We saw them in concert 4 times 🤦‍♀️ My husband still keeps the songs on his phone - says it‘s good “lawn mowing music” when he‘s doing yard work 😂 4y
ValerieAndBooks @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 4 times?! That is so awesome 😄 ! 4y
56 likes7 comments
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Thank you, @AmyG !! So very happy! I‘ve been so looking forward to this book. And thanks too for the yummy chocolate and cute notebook & bookmark! You‘re the best! I know how I‘m spending my evening after everyone goes to bed!

Thanks for organizing this @MaleficentBookDragon - you‘ve made a lot of Littens very happy! #jolabokaflod

AmyG When I saw this book on your list, I had to get it for you. It is just wonderful. Merry Christmas!!!🎄 4y
BookishTrish Merry Christmas 🎄 4y
52 likes2 comments
The Eleventh Man | Ivan Doig
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WWII: 11 members of an all-star college football team enlist and are dispersed throughout the world. The 11th man, a war correspondent, covers their stories as a piece of propaganda to boost public morale. I especially appreciated the incorporation of the role of the WASPs. Great read.

Luster: A Novel | Raven Leilani
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I fell prey to the hype.
I‘m glad I read it, and Leilani‘s writing style is unusual (in a good way), but I just kept waiting for something to push the story along.

Untitled | Unknown
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It‘s here! It‘s here! YAY! 🎄📖📚🍫 🎄

AmyG Wonderful!!! 4y
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Arcadia: A novel | Iain Pears
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The book has an app?!?! I am SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS.

Readergrrl Ummmm, you may have just given me my next book to read!! ❤️ 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Readergrrl YES! Let me know if/when you start it! 4y
LeahBergen Ooo! 👏🏻 4y
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The Gifted School | Bruce Holsinger
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A tight-knit group of friends is torn apart when their wealthy Colorado community opens a school for highly gifted children who must pass rigorous testing for admission. The author hit on many parental insecurities and the stress of the children who bear their parents‘ expectations.
(I especially related to Emma Q. Did Holsinger see straight into my head?!)

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Fish in Exile | Vi Nao
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There‘s a fine line between artful, poetic prose and contrived obfuscation. This is on the wrong side of the line.

Tomorrow: A Novel | Damian Dibben
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An immortal dog spends a century searching for his beloved master and their nemesis who separated them. Faces adventures, love, and war in his quest.
Has a slow start but quickly becomes engrossing and endearing.

batsy Aww. That cover! 4y
Cathythoughts OMG what a look in the eyes ❤️ 4y
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Trash | Andy Mulligan
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Three “trash boys” living in poverty in a third world country find something amazing. The police and influential politicians all want to get their hands on it. The boys keep the secret of their mysterious treasure and stealthily attempt to figure out what it leads to.
Written as middle grade, but adults will enjoy it too.

Andrew65 Our children at school enjoyed this one. 4y
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Childhood's End | Arthur Charles Clarke
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Excellent, classic sci-fi. Earth is being observed/governed by alien overlords who never descend. They stay in airships in the sky and keep watch over everyone‘s actions. All evil is corrected, despotism eliminated. But there‘s a lot more to their intentions.
I flew through this one. It was written in the 50s, but is still relevant and has aged well. Definitely a must-read.

RamsFan1963 I guess I should re-read this. I seem to be the only person who didn't like it the first time around. 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @RamsFan1963 Hmm. I wouldn‘t force it. Too many good books out there, right? 😁 4y
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The Folding Star: A Novel | Alan Hollinghurst
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First library sale of 2020!!
So many good finds . . . What do I start first, Littens? 😯

LeahBergen Lucky you! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen - It was an outside open-air tent sale with limited capacity, and it was the first library sale we‘ve had in the area since the pandemic. I was so happy! I was starved for a book sale 😆 4y
Soubhiville Wow, great score! I miss library sales so much! 4y
Megabooks I liked Normal People and Less. So glad you could enjoy this sale! 4y
51 likes4 comments
Hamnet | Maggie O'Farrell
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Truly remarkable. Her writing just carries you away, wrenches your heart with the anguish of love. Highly recommend.

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Holy crap - I cannot put this book down!
It‘s so disturbing and I can‘t stop reading. Wow.

LeahBergen Well, you‘ve sold me. 😆 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen It‘s cringy 😬 but also compelling 4y
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Wow - her writing is exquisite. I am savoring this book.

LeahBergen Oh, good to hear! 👏🏻 4y
Cathythoughts I still havnt got to this one .... but I loved the one I did read by her , maybe you‘ve read it 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Cathythoughts I haven‘t read that one! I‘ll definitely seek it out. I love her writing. 4y
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I hate to disparage any book . . . But aside from the unusual setting exploring the Ashininaabe culture, this book doesn‘t have anything else going for it 😬

Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I am completely stunned.

I am entralled with this book. I can‘t stop thinking about it. Susanna Clarke did it again. Fulfilled my expectations and hopes for her first novel in 14 years.

Palimpsest Thanks for this review. It makes me even more excited to read it! 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Palimpsest Let me know what you think when you get to it! It‘s extremely weird, but so original and imaginative. 4y
Palimpsest ErickaS_Flyeaffunfurled I absolutely love this book. It isn‘t like anything, but slightly reminiscent of Borges, but it‘s starkness reminds me of Samuel Beckett. I love Piranesi; his innocence and naivety. I love the descriptions of statues and reasonings. It is so brilliant. I stayed up until 1:30 this morning to finish it! It‘s one I‘ll be reading again and recommending. 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Palimpsest Yes! The weirdness of the House completely captivated me. It was like a fever dream. So imaginative and wondrous. I loved it. 4y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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So so happy to be reading this. Im practically giddy.

Also pictured: our new kitten, Cinder. So named because I was looking for a cinderblock behind a gas station (to help hold up the car to change a flat tire). I found Cinder instead.

ValerieAndBooks Aww 😻 4y
wanderinglynn So cute! Welcome to #catsoflitsy Cinder! ❤️🐱 4y
Suet624 Awww.... so sweet. 4y
See All 8 Comments
Lcsmcat She‘s beautiful! 4y
AlaMich She certainly looks like she‘s settling in well! 😻 4y
KVanRead Lucky Cinder! So sweet 🐱❤️ 4y
LeahBergen Cinder! You‘re so cute!! ❤️❤️ 4y
Bookzombie That‘s so sweet and she is so cute! 💕🐈 4y
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FantasticLand: A Novel | Mike Bockoven
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An amusement park turns into a horror scene after a group of kids are stranded and isolated there for 5 weeks after a hurricane. The teens form rival groups and end up murdering one another.
There‘s a 6 Flags in New Orleans (not far from where I live) that was abandoned after Hurricane Katrina, so this book is especially creepy to me!

LibrarianRyan Sounds interesting. Like a modern Lord of the Flies. 4y
Reagan I bought this for my kobo and knew nothing but I keep hearing great things! 4y
TrishB This sounds like something you‘d like @Reggie 👍🏻 4y
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Reggie Hmmm, I don‘t know. Last summer, Erica, DGRachel, and Batsy introduced to me to some translation of a French story where all these kids die on a camping trip and it DESTROYED me. So much, it put me in a reading slump. Lol, @TrishB but you‘re right, stacked. Actually I already had it stacked. Lol (edited) 4y
TrishB @Reggie it‘s all their fault 😁 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Reggie OMG - I read that one too! That book was MESSED UP! 4y
Bookzombie @Reggie I read that one one because of you! Lol It was horrifying and I still think about it. I already have this one stacked too. 😊 4y
AudiobookingWithLeah The Audio is fantastic! 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @AUDIOBOOKINGWITHLEAH Yes! I switched between reading and listening. The audio was very well done! 4y
64 likes2 stack adds9 comments
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Amazing survival story! A 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read
In 2012, Alvarenga, a Mexican fisherman, is swept into the Pacific in his small boat and is tossed across the ocean for over a year.
The author also creates a riveting story by describing Alvarenga‘s life both before and after his ordeal.
Highly recommended!

The Overstory | Richard Powers
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I have about 20% left.
I don‘t know if I can do it.
Insufferable boredom. Gasping for plot.
Trudging through dense prose.
Must . . . Keep . . . Going . . . Will is failing . . . I‘m dyyyying

KVanRead I almost never bail but I did recently and felt so much better for stopping the self-torture 😂 no regrets!! 4y
Lissa00 The last half of this one is really slow. I so enjoyed the first part, though, so I did finish it. 4y
rachelm My mom never bails on books and she even bailed on this one... 4y
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lynneamch I loved it! I stopped trying to keep track of every character and read each chapter as a short story. 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @KVanRead It will be such a relief! 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Lissa00 I definitely liked the first half much better. This second part is a slog. I think I can do it, though. I hate to bail this close to the end. 4y
TracyReadsBooks I really liked the first half of the book but by the end, I was definitely done. I found the characters to be insufferable. 4y
BarbaraBB I feel you! 🥱 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @rachelm @TracyReadsBooks @BarbaraBB So glad I‘m not alone! My friend recommended it to me because she loved it and I have no idea what Im going to say if she asks me about it 😬 4y
Nute This is why I am reluctant to read this book because of so many similar remarks.😬 4y
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Took me almost 100 pages to figure this out, so here is your heads up:
The main character lives his life many times throughout history, beginning at 1 AD. The characters are the same, but have variations of names depending on time and place. The plot moves forward, as time moves forward.
Interesting book - quite original. Fascinating settings and good pace. Can‘t go wrong with John Boyne.

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Pew | Catherine Lacey
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My dear friend sent me a gift card to Jenny Lawson‘s Nowhere Books! All my spoils arrived today! Is there a word for wanting to read every book at once?

LeahBergen “Gluttonbooken”? That almost sounds German. 😂😂 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely choices. 👌 Don‘t know the book in the centre, though. 4y
S3V3N Nice! 4y
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Annabel | Kathleen Winter
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Much better than Middlesex.
Interesting. Not a perfect book, but still worth reading.

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John Boyne is my favorite! Finally, some good news!

Suzze Nice! 4y
Erinreadsthebooks That‘s exciting!! 4y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Flaneurette Yay! 4y
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The Exiles: A Novel | Christina Baker Kline
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I love a book that makes me look up, dazed, after an hour has gone by, surprised to see that I‘m on my sofa and not on a prison ship bound for Tasmania.
Thanks for the ARC, LibraryThing!

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