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Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
Margaret Mitchell's epic novel of love and war won the Pulitzer Prize and went on to give rise to two authorized sequels and one of the most popular and celebrated movies of all time. Many novels have been written about the Civil War and its aftermath. None take us into the burning fields and cities of the American South as Gone With the Wind does, creating haunting scenes and thrilling portraits of characters so vivid that we remember their words and feel their fear and hunger for the rest of our lives. In the two main characters, the white-shouldered, irresistible Scarlett and the flashy, contemptuous Rhett, Margaret Mitchell not only conveyed a timeless story of survival under the harshest of circumstances, she also created two of the most famous lovers in the English-speaking world since Romeo and Juliet.
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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#SundayFunday with @BookmarkTavern This 1938 printing of Gone with the Wind belonged to my Grandma. In 1946, when my Mama was 6 weeks old, there was a house fire. This book survived but shows some damage. Still, I cherish it.

TheBookHippie I have my grandmas book as well! 3mo
Princess-Kingofkings @TheBookHippie It is the best piece of family and history. 3mo
BookmarkTavern That‘s definitely got some memories with it! Thanks for sharing! 3mo
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This is the second book I have finished for #MarvellousMarchReadathon hosted by @Andrew65 I love this book so much!!! Yes it is problematic book because of the time period. I just love the characters so much except for Ashley and Suellen. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

Andrew65 A real Chunkster. Well done 👏👏👏 4mo
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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I am hoping to get at least halfway done or finished with this book for #MarvellousMarchReadathon hosted by @Andrew65 and work on my yearly goal cause I am 21 books behind and I would like to lower that number.

Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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(Just learning my way around Litsy as a newbie but figured out how to post a picture and make a comment!)
During the 7 hour power outage at my house today (due to a car hitting a utility pole!), I spent part of that time making progress on my book!

AmyG I love this book so much. Enjoy! 10mo
TheBookgeekFrau Power outages can be your friend!! Such a great book to spend time with 💕 10mo
dabbe One of my top five of all time! Can‘t wait to read what you think about it! 🤩 10mo
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Bklover I love that cover! Love the book too❤️ 10mo
Kimzey Welcome to Litsy! 🎉 10mo
KAO Finished yesterday! I honestly enjoyed this more than I expected I would! I can‘t believe I didn‘t read it sooner—like decades ago! 10mo
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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#LoveYourself (Bieber)

After reading the lyrics of this song, I interpreted “Love Yourself“ to be a write-off song to an extremely vain person. Hence my choice. I can even hear good ol' Rhett right now: “Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.“ Irony: Oh, but you do, you really do. 😍

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 👌🏻 14mo
TheBookgeekFrau Ohhh, Good. One! 14mo
Eggs Great interpretation 👌🏼👍🏼 14mo
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I‘m dedicating this month of #foodandlit to one of my ancestors, my most recent immigrant from #Germany and the most courageous, Henry Bertling, about whom I‘d love to write a book. At 10 in 1845, his family immigrated from Hamburg to Galveston & trekked across Texas to a town near where I live. Within the year he became the family‘s sole survivor, the rest died from a flu epidemic and buried in a mass grave that I found in New Braunfels. ⬇️

Texreader As a young man, he fought for the confederacy. I followed his regiment that fought Sherman as the general burned his way south—very much following the narrative in Gone With the Wind. Henry had to walk home from Raleigh, North Carolina after the surrender (think Cold Mountain). ⬇️ (edited) 2y
Texreader Back in Texas I like to think he gained some control over his life although he never learned to read or write. He and Clara had a large family and I‘m descended from his first son, John, pictured here. My research and excerpts can be found here: https://www.familyimmortal.com/page27/page35/hbertling.html (edited) 2y
Gissy So interesting 2y
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Catsandbooks Wow that's great you have such a detailed family history! Thanks for sharing!! 💕🇩🇪 2y
Teresereading Thanks for sharing, I‘m a family history tragic too. 2y
Lcsmcat That‘s wonderful that you‘ve found so much! You should write it down, even if you don‘t publish. Someone down the line will thank you for it! 2y
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Books -> Movie -> Whiskey 😜

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Melanie is getting through #childbirth with her usual #grace and the distraction of a good book.

Meanwhile, Scarlett is fervently wishing for the #breakdown of Melanie and Ashley‘s #marriage.

#multitasking #IndelibleMoments

robinb 🤣🤣🤣 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚🙌🏻 2y
Susanita Nice triple play! 2y
Eggs Well played !👏🏻!👏🏻! 2y
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For Wednesday‘s #bookquote, I‘m sharing this book quote from Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell. This is my favorite quote from the book and the movie. I read this book in 2017 and I really enjoyed it. I would reread it again. After that, I read the sequel from Alexandra Ripley called Scarlett and I still enjoyed the sequel but it wasn‘t as good as Gone With The Wind was. I watched the film adaptation of Gone With The Wind and I enjoyed it.

Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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#OnThisDay in 1936 Margaret Mitchell first published Gone With the Wind. Mitchell began writing the book when, at age 25, she was stuck at home nursing injuries and needed to stave off boredom. When her husband brought her a typewriter, she began writing the tale of Patsy O'Hara. A publisher requested the name change, Mitchell told a friend: "We could call her ‘Garbage O‘Hara‘ for all I care, I just want to finish this damn thing." #HistoryGetsLIT

mabell I love that 😂😂 2y
cmastfalk Love that quote. 😂 2y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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Congratulations, Sarah! Super effort on plugging through for several months to complete this chunkster!


Megabooks Congratulations Sarah!! 🥳🥳 2y
Lindy Well done, Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks 2y
AmyG Congrats! What a wonderful chunkster to read! 🎉 2y
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BookNAround Congratulations Sarah! 2y
slategreyskies Congrats, Sarah!! 🙌✨ 2y
squirrelbrain Congratulations Sarah! @TheAromaofBooks 🎉🎉🎉 2y
Mollyanna Congrats Sarah! Awesome job! 🎉🎉🎉 @TheAromaofBooks 2y
Lcsmcat Congratulations!!! 2y
Ash.on.the.line Awesome! This one is hefty no matter what edition you get 😂 2y
MaureenMc Woot! 🙌 2y
Bookwormjillk Woo hoo 👏👏👏 2y
Kelly326 Nice! One of my favorites! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Well done!! @TheAromaofBooks 👏👏🙂 (edited) 2y
TheAromaofBooks @squirrelbrain @Mollyanna @Nessavamusic @Lcsmcat @Ash.on.the.line @MaureenMc @Bookwormjillk @Kelly326 @CoverToCoverGirl - Thank you so much!!! I've never read a book where I couldn't stand the main character and yet still wanted everything to work out for her! 😂 2y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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Oh my gosh, I can't believe I am FINALLY finished with this one, which I started back in April as my #BookSpin pick for that month. This book gave me SO many mixed feelings and made me feel so many things that I have to give it a Pick even though I'll never read it again and I despised Scarlet. I'm not sure I've ever read a book where the heroine was so thoroughly self-absorbed and self-sabotaging. I did have a (very) reluctant admiration for ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) her grit and determination, but then in the next paragraph she would do something so stunningly stupid that I just wanted to wring her neck. Also, Margaret Mitchell, what the heck was up with killing off those last two people in the last 50 pages?!?! I marked multiple passages/quotes in this story, found the writing to be incredibly compelling, absolutely fell in love with Melanie, heart and soul, and was thoroughly intrigued by this ⬇ 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) perspective of the Civil War and its aftermath. Although I found Scarlet to be brutally unsympathetic as a character, the writing here was so amazing that I stuck it out and finished all 959 pages. Glad to have this one off my list. Even though I definitely didn't love, I do think it thoroughly deserves its place on the Classics list.

#RoadTripUSA2022 - Georgia @megnews
#Fourfoursin22 - Unstoppable @lauredhel
TheAromaofBooks #ChunksterChallenge @Amiable
#BookSpin - April
#BigJuneReadathon @Clwojick
@Cinfhen just because you've been listening to me whine about this one for weeks! 😂
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thereadingpal It's a book I feel the pressure to read but won't read anytime soon 😂 glad you managed to finish it though! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @thereadingpal - Well, it took me a long time to get to it!! I've been trying to read more classics this year. I'm not sure I would have gotten through this one if I hadn't just been reading one chapter a day for most of it. That was about as much Scarlet as I could take! 😂 2y
thereadingpal @TheAromaofBooks 😂 she does seem annoying from your review! But good job. Also, most classics are intimidating but I should get into them too 2y
Chrissyreadit I did love this book 25 years ago- but also do not feel like I need to reread ever. The writing was stunning. 2y
Amiable Hooray! Congratulations for completing it! 2y
rabbitprincess Awesome work! I watched parts of the movie but have not felt tempted to read the book 😂 2y
Ruthiella Congratulations on completing this controversial chunkster! 👏👏👏 2y
Clwojick Congrats! Awesome job! 2y
UwannaPublishme I love your reviews! They crack me up. 🤣 Glad you can finally check this one off your list. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - Thanks!! This one was rough going! 😂 I am really trying to work on reading some classics this year, though. My brain needs some exercise!!! 2y
UwannaPublishme Applause to you for all the classics you‘ve read this year! And I guess the sequel Scarlet is off your list???😱😉🤭😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks @UwannaPublishme - There's a SEQUEL!?!?!? 😵 2y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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I can't express how pleased I am with my personal #BookSpin plan this year! The list on the right is my ongoing list of classics/chunksters that I have been wanting to read, and I've read a chapter a day of each month's book until it's finished, which means I've checked off Ivanhoe, David Copperfield, and Of Mice and Men already this year!! I'm about 1/3 of the way through the tagged book, which was April's pick. I'm excited to see which one is ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) next!!!

The list on the left is my #BookSpinBingo list aka May's TBR. I've got some challenge and buddy reads going on. The blank spaces are going to be for “catch up“ books for the challenge reads from past months that I haven't read yet!!

This year's goals included reading more classics, more nonfiction, and more from my own shelves, and I'm actually doing great with all three of those goals so I'm stoked. Several Litsy challenges ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) are really working for me this year!!

Still plenty of time to post your #BookSpin list(s) for May - the numbers will be drawn on Monday morning!!!

More info here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - or feel free to ask if you have questions!!
5feet.of.fury Great call! & I LOVED Gone With the Wind! 2y
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Read4life Great job with your goals! 🤓 2y
amykuc I want to play! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @5feet.of.fury @Read4life - Thank you!!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @amykuc - Glad to have you along!!! Just post your list of 20 books and tag me when you do. I'll add you to my tag list so you'll get notified with May's numbers when I draw them on Monday morning!! 2y
DivineDiana Great idea! 2y
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1. Yes!! They add spice to a story!
2. The protagonist from one of my favorite books: Scarlett O‘Hara from Gone With the Wind. Also, her sister from another mother, Becky Sharpe from Vanity Fair. And who can leave out my beloved Joe Goldberg from You? 😂❤️❤️

TheSpineView Great characters! Thanks for playing! 2y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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#BookReport - Finished two ebooks and the 2nd book in the Arc of a Scythe trilogy. I'm better than halfway through the final book and it's SO good. My chapter-a-day books are continuing. I started Gone With the Wind as my #BookSpin this month and wow are those chapters WAY too long! It's not a bad book, but Scarlett is just annoying. North & South is going along - I still don't like literally a single person in that book. Everyone is so whiny ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) self-absorbed, and melodramatic. The Other Bennet Sister is really enjoyable, though - I keep wanting to rush to the end of that one!! Tomorrow's picture will reveal that the windowsill hasn't changed much! 😂 @Cinfhen 2y
Cinfhen I remember thinking Scarlet was the most ANNOYING literary character EVER !! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - I thought I might find her obnoxious but thought I could handle her for a chapter a day... but these chapters are SO LONG! She's just mind-boggingly self-centered and even though over a year has gone by since we first met her, she literally hasn't changed at all! 2y
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KristiAhlers Scarlett is who she is. One of the modest memorable unlikable character I‘ve ever read. I guess I need to check out the Scythe series as it‘s been recommended to me twice. 2y
Lyssa131330 I remember absolutely loathing Scarlett at the start of my first read of Gone with the Wind but I loved her by the end (would not want to be friends with her IRL but lol) so hopefully she grows on you as you go 2y
TheAromaofBooks @KristiAhlers @Lyssa131330 - I will say that despite Scarlett driving me crazy, I actually am really engaged in the story itself, so that's good! 2y
KristiAhlers @TheAromaofBooks yay! I read that book years ago on vacation. Margaret Mitchell knew how to tell a story 2y
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Love triumphed as he realized that it was enough for a girl to be sweet and gentle and beautiful, without having an education to hamper her charms…


#currentlyreading #bookblurbs


Why, all we have is cotton and slaves and arrogance.

—Rhett Butler, on the South

#currentlyreading #bookblurbs

BarbaraTheBibliophage Gah … this and the misogyny. But I loved Scarlett so much for pushing back and surviving. She is the epic heart of GWTW. 3y
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Let‘s don‘t be too hot headed and let‘s don‘t have any war. Most of the misery of the world has been caused by wars. And when the wars were over, no one ever knew what they were all about.

#currentlyreading #bookblurbs


The way to get a man interested and to hold his interest was to talk about him, and then gradually lead the conversation around to yourself—and keep it there.

#currentlyreading #bookblurbs

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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell

Men and women, they were beautiful and wild, all a little violent under their pleasant ways and only a little tamed.

#currentlyreading #bookblurbs

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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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My September #bookspin and #doublespin
Looking forward to a great month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Good luck!!! 3y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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Haven't done one of these in forever!

1. JonBenet. I'll always remember it and have been slightly obsessed ever since

2. I probably use the library more lately. I'm trying to somewhat be good 😅

3. Tagged. I was staying at my grandmother's one summer as a kid and this was the only book (other than Archies) she had. I must have reread it a dozen times that year and it spurred an obsession

#wondrouswednesday @eggs

monalyisha Oh, my grandma was OBSESSED with the JonBenet case! And she always had Archie comics for me, too. 😉 3y
Eggs Oh good one:JonBenet! I‘ve been meaning to peruse what books are available on the murder... 3y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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Tagging my current two pound book! 📖

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Hey everyone! I‘m looking for some great #audiobook recommendations and want to know everyone‘s favorites. My two favorite audiobooks are GWTW and Daisy Jones & The Six. I really want to listen to something that will just completely engross me. Happy listening everyone! 🤗


BookInMyHands This whole series is great! 3y
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Megabooks My fav narrators are Bahni Turpin, Therese Plummer, Macleod Andrews, and Dion Graham. They enhance any story! 3y
Tamra My favorite audio production is this, but it‘s definitely a love it or hate it book. 3y
JenlovesJT47 @BookInMyHands thanks for all the great recommendations! I read Guernsey awhile back and loved it. I downloaded The Wee Free Men yesterday and I‘m loving it so far! Thanks! 🤗 3y
JenlovesJT47 @Liatrek @Megabooks @Tamra thanks for all the great recommendations! I‘ve added everything to my TBR 🤗 3y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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Under construction but saw Margaret Mitchell's house in Atlanta.

JenlovesJT47 I‘ve been there! Such a fun place to visit. ❤️ 3y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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Eggs 👏🏻📚💋🤗 3y
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I have been reading this book for about two months. I wanted to take my time with it and absorb it. It is one of my favorite books of all time!!!! Although I still find the I still don't like Ashley at all!!!

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Why do we keep on living, Do we need a reason? I don't think that's a question we are meant to find an answer. We live because we're born into this world. Some days, we need to take a deep breath, rest up, and face the challenges tomorrow.

Three words to describe this book: tragedy, frustration, and courage. What a journey! and no matter what, Scarlett's journey will continue on beyond the book.

Taylor This book is epic. 3y
Anchobi413 @Taylor absolutely😊I don't think I'll ever forget the last sentence of the book 3y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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#MayCharacters @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
Prompt: Maddening

I found the character of Scarlet to be maddening. So strong and brave, yet so self centered. Grrr...😠

Eggs Absolutely agree🤬 3y
LibrarianRyan I like her better in the sequel. Even when I hate her. 3y
TheSpineView @LibrarianRyan I agree. She changed a lot in the sequel and became a better person. Even though I never liked her much, I did appreciate her more in the sequel. 3y
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5feet.of.fury @LibrarianRyan I don‘t even think I knew there was a sequel 🤔 3y
5feet.of.fury Definitely have gone through multiple crises in life and just adopted Scarlet O‘Hara‘s mantra “Oh, I can't think about this now! I'll go crazy if I do! I'll think about it tomorrow” 3y
TheSpineView @5feet.of.fury Yes! 3y
LibrarianRyan @5feet.of.fury it‘s on official sequel where her estate approved the author and the storyline. She goes to Ireland and is no longer the bell of the ball but the pariah. 3y
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She‘s hard to like, but when things are tough, I try to summon up some of Scarlett‘s grit and courage with this quote.

Thanks for the tag @eggs #ThinkPositiveBePositive

If you haven‘t played yet, consider yourself tagged.

Eggs So basic, so timeless👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Cathythoughts Scarlet ❤️ 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 3y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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My best friend has been on me to read this for a while, but I've been hesitant because I've heard there is a lot of racism in it. I'm going into this reminding myself that it takes place in a different time, but I'm not going to force myself to read it if it becomes to much.

LibrarianRyan It does have racism in it, but equivalent to the time period. Warning, the first 200 pages are some of the most boring stuff I have ever read. Once you get over all of Scarlet's parties, and her 17“ waist and get into the meat of the story it is hard to put down. 4y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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(1) I love beading! This is a pendant I made that I'm quite proud of.
(2) I'm thankful for my family's health and my lovely colleagues.
#thankfulthursday @Cosmos_Moon
Would you like to play @EadieB @Ast_Arslan @Kathleenkelly @Curiouser_and_curiouser

EadieB @eeclayton Thanks for the tag! You finally got the chance! I posted but I‘m not able to tag anyone. Don‘t know why! (edited) 4y
eeclayton Yay 🎉 You're very welcome 😊 I had trouble tagging people too, I don't know what's going on 😟 4y
Cosmos_Moon I love the necklace! 4y
eeclayton @Cosmos_Moon Thanks 😊 4y
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My final food blogging #BlendsBash2020 dish using the punnily named Book Blend “Tarragon with the Wind”. I love tarragon, I love Béarnaise Sauce (the child sauce of Hollandaise) & I love eggs & potatoes so we have an artery-defying Tarragon with the Wind Blender Béarnaise Sauce Over Poached Eggs on Hashbrown Cakes. It might kill you with the butter but I promise you‘ll regret nothing!?? Recipe with links to these fun book, TV & song blends ⬇️

Kimberlone Oh wow that looks amazing! I absolutely love eggs Benedict and I order it anytime I go out for brunch. That looks like a great twist on a Benedict! 4y
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DinoMom That sounds and looks amazing 🤩 4y
Prairiegirl_reading Death by butter doesn‘t sound like a bad thing to me!! 🧈🧈🧈 4y
JamieArc A good poached egg is my favorite. This looks delicious! 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess I need to try these spices. I use Penzey now. Are they comparable? 4y
vivastory Amazing 4y
rubyslippersreads Not to mention Scarlett‘s beloved home, “Tarra.” 😂 4y
BookishBelle Yum!! 😋 4y
DebinHawaii @Graciouswarriorprincess Well Penzey‘s is tough competition but I think they are good quality & the blends are very good in terms of flavor combinations. A lot of their draw is the punny names of course, but I feel they back it up with the solid quality. 4y
DebinHawaii @rubyslippersreads I wasn‘t even thinking about Tara! 🤣🤣🤣Too funny! 4y
Megabooks I always love seeing your food pics/stories, even if I don‘t comment often! 4y
Caroline2 Yum 😋 4y
Reign_5.0 That looks scrumptious 4y
TheBookHippie I love your posts!! Love that copy . 4y
DebinHawaii @Megabooks Aww, thank you my friend! 🤗I hope you are hanging in there & doing ok.💜 4y
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Thank you! 🤗I was excited for this copy because it kind of went with my plate! 😉 4y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii it‘s perfect !! 4y
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LeahBergen 😆😆 Nice choice! 4y
DAB A wonderful movie. Never read the book.
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I think Scarlett‘s thought about Melanie could also apply to Olivia de Havilland, perhaps the last legend of the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Cathythoughts Brilliant quote ✨ 4y
LeahBergen Yes! 💕💕 4y
MaureenMc 💗💗 4y
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Bette ❤️ 4y
KarouBlue 104 years old. What a life! 4y
UwannaPublishme Amen to that! ❤️ 4y
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I received this absolutely gorgeous, almost pristine copy of my absolute favorite book from the wonderful @EadieB — you have made my absolute year! This beauty is from 1937. My husband was going to get one of these for me for Christmas but couldn‘t afford it. I honestly don‘t know what I‘d do without my Litsy family. You people get me! And are some of the nicest people I‘ve ever known. Thank you so much, I am so excited!


Princess-Kingofkings This looks like my grandmother's copy dated 1938. It survived a house fire 🔥 in 1947 when my mother was an infant. 4y
EadieB @JenlovesJT47 You're welcome! It looks nice on your shelf with your collection! Enjoy! 4y
AmyG Oh wow! Such an amazing book. What a nice edition to have. How kind of you @EadieB. 4y
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EadieB @AmyG Making people happy makes me happy. I think you get more out of giving than receiving. Feeling blessed! Crazy, I know! 4y
cathysaid Oh wow! All kinds of jealous! 💚 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @EadieB I totally agree ❤️ 4y
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@SumisBooks Here‘s my copy of Gone With The Wind that you requested to see.

Linsy Pretty! 4y
BeansPage Oh isn't that lovely!!!! 😍😍😍 Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ 4y
EadieB @SumisBooks You're welcome! 4y
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EadieB @Linsy Thanks! 4y
Oryx Cool 4y
wanderinglynn 😍😍😍 4y
tracey38 Wow, nice! 4y
EadieB @tracey38 Thanks! 4y
Caroline2 Awesome 😍 4y
JenlovesJT47 What year?? 😍😍😍 4y
EadieB @JenlovesJT47 Published in 1937 and the movie came out in 1939. 4y
JenlovesJT47 Awesome! This is my favorite book and one of my top 3 favorite movies. Any time I see a copy of it in the used bookstore I have to buy it. Would love to get an older one like that! ❤️ 4y
EadieB @JenlovesJT47 I think I‘ll give you my copy for your collection. Send me your address to my email eadieburke@comcast.net Hopefully you are in the US. 4y
JenlovesJT47 Oh you don‘t have to do that! I‘m sure that thing is worth some money! ❤️ So sweet of you to offer. 🤗 4y
EadieB @JenlovesJT47 If you want it, you can have it because my kids don‘t want it and after I‘m gone they will just pack up my books and give them to the thrift store and it will be gone so I‘d rather give it to someone who will appreciate it. (edited) 4y
EadieB @JenlovesJT47 Your book is out for delivery today! 4y
JenlovesJT47 Awesome, I‘m so excited! We moved a couple of months ago but my mail is still going to my parents‘ house (about 30 minutes away), can‘t wait to pick it up this weekend! Thank you again so much! 🤗 4y
EadieB @JenlovesJT47 You‘re welcome! Enjoy! 4y
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The burning of Atlanta.

#Flames #MagicalMay @Eggs

Eggs 👏🏻💕📚🤗 4y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
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1. Scarlett
2. When the history or real people places or things are portrayed incorrectly ...I just can‘t do it!
3. Jane Eyre but Judy Blume would be fun💜


Eggs Agreed #2. Thanks so much for joining in Christine! 4y
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#BiblioMAYnia #Home

Since many of Scarlett‘s most desperate actions were driven by her desire to keep and protect her home, I can‘t think of a better book for this prompt!

rubyslippersreads 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
OriginalCyn620 Good choice! 4y
BookishMe 😍😍 4y
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#7days7books Day 4: books that left an indelible impression

Want to share your 7?
@Mishu94 @aroc @Crazeedi @marleed

Chab256 This was one of my picks as well... 4y
Eggs 🙌🏻 @Chab256 4y
Crazeedi Thanks Sherri! I'll try to do! Have a good day my friend!❤ 4y
Mishu94 Thank you so much! ❤️❤️ 4y
Eggs You‘re most welcome @Crazeedi @mishu94 🙏🏻😉❤️ 4y
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#7Days7Books Day One

We present here 7 books that will remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us.
This book introduced me to the imperfect, even unlikable, protagonist. Quite a revelation!

Want to share your seven books, @claudiuo ?

JenlovesJT47 My favorite book! And I totally agree! 🤗 4y
AmyG This is one of my books, too. 💕 4y
claudiuo Never thought about sharing in this group but I'll try. Thanks for the tag! 4y
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Books that left a lasting impression on me.

Day 3:
I used to check this book out from the library every summer as a teenager. It reminds me of the sites and smells of summer...the warmth of summer days and nights. I never actually finished reading the book any of those summers until I read it as an adult. Rhett has always been a literary crush of mine. Scarlett infuriates me. How can someone so fierce and strong be so blind?

JenlovesJT47 My favorite book!! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
jillannjohn I read this every summer in high school. ❤️ 4y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell

Well that‘s a day and 15 hours I‘m never getting back.

Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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I began reading this classic pre-quarantine but hadn‘t gotten very far. I have decided to listen to the Libby audio while reading my personal copy. It may take awhile to get through but I am enjoying it thus far.

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Finished! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thank you @Amiable and the #chunksterchallenge2020 for making me finally read this. Loved every page!

BookishMe 👏🏽👏🏽😍😍 4y
Amiable I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And that you completed the challenge! 4y
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I finally finished it. I know it‘s a classic I did love the characters in the book but man some of the side bars about military movements and politics made me want to cry I was so bored. #chunksterchallenge2020

Amiable It‘s a feeling of accomplishment to finish it, isn‘t it ? Great job! 4y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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I finished it!! All 1448 pages of it!! 🙌🏻💪🏻

I have far too many thoughts to try to put them here on Litsy. Mostly: WOW WOW WOW what a reading experience.


kspenmoll 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Woo hoo! Such a great book. 4y
Chab256 Did Scarlett piss you off as much as she did me?! 4y
bookaholic1 Good job..the size didn't bother me, cause the story kept me reading 4y
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More bookmail!!!!!


My dear, I don't give a damn.

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