Thanks for the tag @dabbe 🩷
I scored 24/110 22% and out of that 24 the majority were pans and bails 😅
3 favorites:
To Kill A Mockingbird
A Separate Peace
Romeo and Juliet
#ThreeListThursday #TLT
Thanks for the tag @dabbe 🩷
I scored 24/110 22% and out of that 24 the majority were pans and bails 😅
3 favorites:
To Kill A Mockingbird
A Separate Peace
Romeo and Juliet
#ThreeListThursday #TLT
#TLT #ThreeListThursday Thanks for the tag @dabbe
1.A Room Of Ones Own/ To The Lighthouse are both faves love Woolf
2.Slaughterhouse Five
3.The Sun Also Rises
4.White Noise
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
1. Survey link: https://www.listchallenges.com/litsy-ap-literature-free-response-titles-list-4
2. My score was 15 out of 110
3. My favorites were When The Emperor Was Divine, Sense and Sensibility, and Their Eyes Were Watching God
4. I think everyone I would tag has already been tagged, lol!
I only got 15 percent
1. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. The Crawdads Sing
3. The Scarlett Letter
#TLT #Threelistthursday @dabbe
#ThreeListThursday #tlt
Finally, a score I can (sort of) live with. I definitely need to up my classics game!
Three favorites include:
1. THE SECRET GARDEN. A favorite since childhood.
2. TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES. Read this with #hashtagbrigade, and it was my favorite book of 2023!
3. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Since I was required to read it in high school. A favorite to have taught as well.
1. Romeo & Juliet - I liked this one. I listened to this on an app called Librivox back in 2018 that has only classics but I prefer to use Libby or Audible to listen to classics now.
2. The Secret Garden - I liked this book when I read it.
3. Where The Crawdads Sing - I read this book in a real life neighborhood book club I used to be in before the pandemic happened. This book was okay but I didn‘t really like it that much.
I did better on this one than I expected to! I would like to thank my Romantic Literature professor, whose name I do not remember but without whom I would never have read and completely forgotten all details about The Rape of the Lock.
Faves from this list:
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Trial
The Remains of the Day
I can't believe this is the last list!
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
I think this one was my list! My favorites to teach (at the college level) are:
1) The White Tiger
2) A Raisin in the Sun
3) Trifles
#ThreeListThursday @dabbe