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Really enjoyed this one! Good decision to buy in York @TrishB @squirrelbrain

squirrelbrain I listened to it recently and loved it! 8h
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Really great read. I loved the characters, and a really strong story.

It's very rare I get a Kindle book that's not on 99p offer. No regrets on spending full price on this one.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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This Is How You Remember It | Catherine Prasifka
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I'm very glad the internet wasn't available and social media didn't exist when I was at school. This is horrifying, and feels very real. I really like her writing style though, and flew through it.

squirrelbrain Stacking! 4w
sarahbarnes Wow, sounds good. Stacking. 4w
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Our Share of Night | Mariana Enriquez
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After we talked about this @TrishB I had a look online and found a signed copy for the price of a regular hardback. Can go into the 'my treasures ' section of my bookshelves 💜

julesG 😍 1mo
squirrelbrain Lucky you! 1mo
TrishB Oh brilliant ♥️ 1mo
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This Is How You Remember It | Catherine Prasifka
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squirrelbrain Love those socks! 🧦 1mo
Ruthiella Nice haul! 👍 1mo
TrishB Fabulous! And the socks are great! 1mo
Bookwomble Did you go to Soctopus? I got three pairs from there the other day 🧦🧦🧦😄 1mo
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Ditched the book I came with (kindle) to start this on the train home #blameitonsquirrelbrain @squirrelbrain @TrishB @youneverarrived

squirrelbrain If it‘s as good as the documentary it‘ll be fab! Looking forward to it myself, if hubby doesn‘t snaffle it first! 1mo
LeeRHarry Ooh the documentary was fascinating! Enjoy! 1mo
LeahBergen I was a bit obsessed with this case! 1mo
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squirrelbrain @LeeRHarry -@leahbergen - I bought it too. I wasn‘t sure whether I needed it, having watched the doc, but the assistant said she thought the book was better! 1mo
LeahBergen @squirrelbrain I held off buying it because I thought I‘d heard everything there was to hear about the case. Well, it looks like I‘ll have to buy a copy now, too! 😆 1mo
squirrelbrain @LeahBergen - apparently it goes more into how they made their money, and the lengths they went to in order to keep their place in society. 1mo
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The Litten Path | JAMES. CLARKE
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You can't see it, but the book pictured is "The Litten Path" .

@youneverarrived @TrishB @squirrelbrain

Soubhiville 🥰 1mo
Crazeedi That's totally cool!! 1mo
squirrelbrain Such a great day! ❤️ 1mo
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Ruthiella Perfect title and great picture! 👏👏👏 1mo
Deblovestoread Lovely photo! 💜 1mo
sarahbarnes Another great pic! 1mo
Leftcoastzen WooHoo! 1mo
LeahBergen I wish I was there, too! 1mo
vivastory Looks like a blast! Loved seeing the pics 4w
60 likes9 comments
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Would so much prefer this to still be a book stall. Why do you taunt me Manchester Victoria train station? @TrishB @squirrelbrain

squirrelbrain Gah - that‘s not very fair! 🤣 1mo
TrishB That‘s mean! 1mo
Bookwormjillk That‘s so wrong! 1mo
Soubhiville Boo! 1mo
julesG I remember thinking something similar about a year ago. 😉 1mo
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Double Love | Francine Pascal
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I'm having the time of my life listening to the podcast Double Love on my walks, where they are rereading and recapping the Sweet Valley High series. With much sarcasm and snark - it makes me so happy.

RaeLovesToRead Daisy looks unimpressed though 🤣🤣 1mo
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead standard 1mo
dabbe #delightfuldaisy 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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squirrelbrain Hi Daisy 👋- looks like the sun is shining there! 1mo
BookmarkTavern That looks perfect! 1mo
TrishB Lovely ❤️ 1mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Libby1 I started this book today! ❤️ 1mo
Hooked_on_books Ah, hot dog breath on your foot! I know it well! 🐶❤️ 1mo
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'Salem's Lot | Stephen King
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I needed something light after All Fours...

Joining in the buddy reread with @Leniverse @scripturient @Caroline2 @MicheleinPhilly @RaeLovesToRead @TrishB (did I it get everyone right?)

Leniverse All Fours was that heavy? 😬 2mo
Oryx @Leniverse It was a journey 2mo
TrishB I haven‘t got to it yet! (If I do…) 2mo
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Caroline2 I‘m starting tonight too. Gonna save All fours I think. Too many heavy books lately 😂 2mo
Leniverse All Fours can wait until whenever it is that we are reading it for Camp Litsy. July? But it's nice to know I might have to brace for it. 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Popular Dog Library Set | M William Schopell, Vikki Ellmann, Pierre Dib, Teri Soy, Elizabeth Downing
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All Fours | Miranda July
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She stole the only sunny spot.
Getting a head start on this for #camplitsy24 but also because I'm going to see her speak next week with @RaeLovesToRead

RaeLovesToRead I should probably do this too!!! 😄 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Hi Daisy! 👋🏻💕 2mo
kspenmoll Oh enjoy your author talk! 2mo
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Oryx @RaeLovesToRead it's an uh.... interesting... read so far. Should be a fascinating talk based on this. Really interested to see the discussion at #camplitsy24 too and what people make of this. Read it, I want to know what you think 😁 2mo
BarbaraBB How cool you‘re going to meet her. I have heard good things about it but I was shocked by the naked selfies @RaeLovesToRead mentioned 😂 2mo
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB Apparently the event has now been cancelled 😔 2mo
Oryx @BarbaraBB Brace yourself - naked selfies are the tip of the iceberg 2mo
dabbe #darlingdaisy 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
squirrelbrain Not sure if I‘m looking forward to this now or not…. 2mo
Oryx @squirrelbrain I'm so so interested to see what everyone thinks of it at camp. It definitely has lots to discuss. 2mo
BarbaraBB @Oryx 😂😂 Intriguing! 2mo
Caroline2 Ohhhh interesting 🧐 can‘t wait to read and discuss further…. 2mo
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Love the book stamp you can get put in your books in Libreria London

squirrelbrain Both books look great! ❤️ 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Is this... non fiction? A story?? 2mo
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead the bear one? Non fiction about hacking. Sounds really interesting, but also had a bear on it, so sold. 2mo
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RaeLovesToRead It was the fancy bear that made me think it might be a story 2mo
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead I know, it sounds like some magical realism. Apparently it's a Russian cyber espionage group 🤷 who knew? 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I feel someone needs to write "The Adventures of Fancy Bear" and it not be about that 2mo
julesG Recently watched a documentary about the bears. Scary stuff. 2mo
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Libreria | London, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Back to the fabulous Libreria as recommended to me by @squirrelbrain . I love it here - I love the categories they use for the books. No alphabetical order in here.

squirrelbrain Oooh, I‘m jealous! 💛 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Omg 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕 2mo
Ruthiella Looks amazing! 🤩 2mo
LeeRHarry Wow fantastic! 😍 2mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Starting #camplitsy24 on the train to London.

BarbaraBB Yay! 2mo
TrishB Enjoy 😁 and have a good day! 2mo
julesG Have a good day! 2mo
squirrelbrain Have a fab day! 😘 2mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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Making a head start on this, because it's looooong. #camplitsy24

squirrelbrain Ooh are you going or coming home?! 2mo
Oryx @squirrelbrain Going to NI 😊 2mo
squirrelbrain Hooray- enjoy! 2mo
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TrishB Have fun ♥️ 2mo
BarbaraBB Enjoy 💕🏕️ 2mo
Megabooks Yay! 🏕️🙌🏻 2mo
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Bookmail makes everything better

Bookwomble Truth! 🎯 3mo
Ruthiella Indeed! 👍 3mo
squirrelbrain Great stack! I‘ve read the Montell ❤️, have the ARC of Enlightenment and Sociopath is due from BorrowBox by the end of the month. 3mo
Caroline2 Oh I‘d be interested in hearing what you think of Enlightenment! 😃 👍 3mo
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The Dog Stars | Peter Heller
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Finally it's reading in the garden weather. Or napping in the garden weather

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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Hay Castle Bookshop | Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Dog yoga at the Castle bookshop. Advanced level.

Sace ♥️ 3mo
julesG ❤️ 3mo
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 3mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
TrishB 🐶❤️ 3mo
LeahBergen She seems to prefer the outdoor bookshops! 😆 3mo
squirrelbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
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Richard Booth's Bookshop | Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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More Hay spam 🐕📚

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
TrishB It‘s good spam though. 3mo
Soubhiville Please keep it coming! 🙂📚🐕 3mo
BookwormAHN So cute 🤍 3mo
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Richard Booth's Bookshop | Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Hay everybody! Hay-on-wye that is 📚

LeeRHarry Definitely on my bucket list! Hope you have a fabulous day! 😊 3mo
Susanita Happy birthday! 3mo
kspenmoll Enjoy!!! 3mo
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Cathythoughts Lovely photo. ♥️ 3mo
dabbe 💙🩵💙 3mo
LeahBergen I love that town!! Have a ton of fun! 3mo
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The Arctic Fury | Greer Macallister
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Thank you for the thoughtful gifts @Caroline2 and @jenniferw88 - Marmee sounds so good, and I'm really looking forward to reading it. And I'm slightly obsessed with the Franklin expedition and the Arctic, so The Arctic Fury is perfect for me.

kspenmoll I am reading Marmee now- it‘s written in journal form- wonderful to read” her” perspective. Makes me want to go to the Alcott House, Wayside Inn, etc. I biked to Walden Pond from Boston in my athletic youth! (edited) 3mo
jenniferw88 You're welcome! 3mo
Caroline2 You‘re welcome. 😉 3mo
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Prima Facie | Suzie Miller
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Thank you so much for the gifts @TrishB and @squirrelbrain . I was good and saved them ❤️

TrishB Had a panic this morning and thought I didn‘t send anything to Emma! Then remembered, but couldn‘t for the life of me remember what! Enjoy ♥️ have a fab day in Hay. 3mo
Oryx @TrishB 😂. Had a conversation with my sister this morning and neither of us can remember if she bought me anything - so one of us the bad sister 😁 3mo
TrishB lol! My 2 do that regularly! 3mo
squirrelbrain Lol @trishb! 🤪 Hope you‘ve had a lovely day Emma! 3mo
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It's not a great picture, but here is the poem dispensary. Each jar is filled with capsules, which are each filled with a few lines of poetry. You can choose your prescription, like love, comfort, carpe diem, be original, boredom, etc.

MaGoose I'd live to visit there. 3mo
Meshell1313 Awesome concept! 3mo
TrishB Sounds very cool. 3mo
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IndoorDame Awesome!!!!! 3mo
LeahBergen Love it! 3mo
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! ❤️ 3mo
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More pictures from the heaven that is The Poetry Pharmacy in Shropshire, England

TrishB Fabulous ❤️ and Daisy. 3mo
tpixie That is heaven 📚🐶😍 3mo
Cupcake12 That looks like my type of place! 3mo
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Leftcoastzen Wow! 3mo
Itchyfeetreader You this is lovely@ 3mo
julesG Daisy gets to visit all the cool places. I'm going to be a reader's pampered dog in my next life. 😉 3mo
Oryx @julesG I think you would appreciate them more than she does 3mo
LeahBergen The long-suffering “here we are at a bookshop again” face. 😆 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Oryx @LeahBergen you nailed it. That's exactly what she's thinking 😁 3mo
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The perfect bookshop? The Poetry Pharmacy, where as well as selling books, coffee, and cakes, they also dispense poetry for what ails you.

Leniverse That's an amazing concept! 3mo
wanderinglynn I love that! ❤️ 3mo
63 likes2 comments
My Favourite Mistake | Marian Keyes
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I'm 15 pages in and already I feel so seen 😁

squirrelbrain I need to read this! 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Hooked_on_books I‘ve always liked her 3mo
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The Body Snatchers | Jack Finney
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A few minutes reading in the sun outside the British Library.

I'm obsessed with these new SF masterworks covers. I may have bought 2 and coveted several more.

squirrelbrain Lovely! ❤️ 3mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Snacks before Percival Everett.

@TrishB @squirrelbrain

LeahBergen Eee! Look at you lovelies!! ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
Megabooks Yay!! 🤩🤩 4mo
AmyG Oh wow! Enjoy!!!!! 🤚🏻 4mo
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Bookwomble Bundobust! 🤤😋 Hope you have a great evening 😊 4mo
Cathythoughts Have a lovely evening ♥️♥️♥️ 4mo
youneverarrived Have a great time ♥️ 4mo
LeeRHarry Enjoy! 😊 4mo
Ruthiella Have a fantastic time! 😃 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
BarbaraBB So cool! Enjoy!! 4mo
Reggie Love this! 💕 4mo
CarolynM How lovely to see you all💕 3mo
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My Favourite Mistake | Marian Keyes
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Book mail! Look at these lovelies.

And looking forward to seeing Everett tonight with @trishb and @squirrelbrain ❤️

TheSpineView 👍🤩❤️📖 4mo
squirrelbrain Now you definitely need to read James sooner rather than later! 4mo
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Wellness | Nathan Hill
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I guess I need to take somebody for a walk.

I'm liking this book - I loved The Nix a lot, and glad this one is proving equally addictive.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww 🐾❤️ 4mo
squirrelbrain They just don‘t care that the weather is rubbish, or that you‘re reading a great book, do they?! 4mo
Suet624 I‘m so glad to hear you‘re enjoying Wellness. I can‘t wait to get to it. 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
Megabooks Glad you're enjoying it even with the cute interruption! 4mo
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Quarry Bank | National Trust
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If you woke up today thinking "I'd like to see a dog looking disdainful in a bookshop", then you're welcome.

RaeLovesToRead Looks like you're being judged. Are you holding an enormous stack of books? 😄 4mo
julesG 😂😂😂 Side-eye 4mo
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead I think I was being judged for taking too long. I mean, she's right, I was taking too long. 4mo
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Oryx @julesG she's queen of the side eye 4mo
julesG You can't rush decisions in a bookshop. 4mo
Kappadeemom 😂😂😂😂😂 4mo
squirrelbrain Another bookshop, Mum, really?! We might be taking Henry to an NT bookshop tomorrow….! 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
Ruthiella Thank you! ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 4mo
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 4mo
ShelleyBooksie So disdainful! Amazing ♡ 4mo
tpixie 🩶🖤 🐾 🖤🩶 4mo
tpixie @Oryx it‘s a great side eye! 4mo
Aimeesue 🤣🤣🤣 4mo
Cupcake12 I love this 🐾🐶 4mo
Caroline2 😂 4mo
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My last mini book haul in Denver. Going to start one of these on the flight home.

TrishB Great choices 😁 bet you can‘t wait to get home! 5mo
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Mother Country: A Novel | Jacinda Townsend
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More book therapy today

squirrelbrain The book sounds great - and I ❤️the bookmark! 5mo
TrishB This sounds really good! Onboard for the therapy. 5mo
Oryx @squirrelbrain she gave me two, because she couldn't decide which one matched the book better, so I'll bring one for you when I see you 5mo
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Oryx @TrishB I think one more session should do it. I have free time today, and there's a book shop about 45 mins walk away that looks good (plus I need the exercise). I've had my Sephora therapy too. 5mo
squirrelbrain Aw thank you! 😘 5mo
TrishB It‘s called self care ❤️ 5mo
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North Woods | Daniel Mason
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Me: ok, so I can only buy one book, because they are very expensive in the US
Also me: ⬆️

squirrelbrain Of course! ❤️ 5mo
Hooked_on_books They‘re both really good, so you chose wisely! 5mo
julesG It's just one small bag of books. 5mo
Oryx @julesG I know. But it's opened the floodgates - you know I'll go back. 5mo
Oryx @Hooked_on_books that's what I needed to hear! 5mo
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That's supposed to be MY reading chair Daisy! That's yours on the floor.

Soubhiville What a cute happy colored chair! Daisy is just keeping it warm for you. 🩵 5mo
Oryx @Soubhiville it was quite toasty actually 😊 (I've evicted her) 5mo
Bookwormjillk I love that color! 5mo
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RaeLovesToRead But she's so comfy! The floor is your home now 😅 5mo
Birdsong28 I think it's the other way round now! 😂😂😂📚📖 5mo
Traci1 Oh my goodness, she is adorable. I'd just have to be sitting on the floor. 😍 5mo
Leftcoastzen So cute! 5mo
Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣🐶❤️ 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
squirrelbrain There‘s room for two, surely?! 5mo
LeahBergen 😆😆 5mo
Gissy Too comfy to leave it☺️ 5mo
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Another good read. This year has been off to a good start in terms of reading for me. This is another New Zealand author. I thought this was really interesting. It's got a dysfunctional family, and dissects the effects of privilege and generational accumulation of wealth, as well as looking at aspects of modern life for women. Lots to dig into and think about, while being very readable. Lots of good authors coming out of NZ at the moment.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐾 🤍 🐶 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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Brainwyrms | Alison Rumfitt
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You know that thing that happens when you are buying a present, and you accidentally buy yourself a present too? It happened to me recently. Be careful out there.

tpixie So cute! ? A bookworm necklace? 6mo
RaeLovesToRead Haha. This is so cute. And yet also a worm. I am very confused about my feelings haha. 😋 6mo
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead I know - I was going to tag you but was worried about worm trauma. But so cute. 6mo
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RaeLovesToRead I actually had to turn Ceebeebies off the other day because they were having a worm episode. I coped through all the closeups, but then they started handling CLUMPS of worms. Clumps, Emma!!!!!! This one is adorbs though 🥰🥰 6mo
LeahBergen It happens to me ALL the time. I don‘t know why. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6mo
julesG 🤣🤣 6mo
Gissy 🙋🏽‍♀️Guilty too 6mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s so cute! How could you not get it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6mo
Centique That is gorgeous! 5mo
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Daisy judges you.

This book is so good so far

Cupcake12 Love this photo x 6mo
JenReadsAlot Omg that face! 😍 6mo
Gissy I want to read that one🙋🏽‍♀️ 6mo
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RaeLovesToRead I swear, Daisy, I don't know why books keep showing up at the house! Someone must keep ordering them!!! I'm INNOCENT 😇 6mo
Ruthiella @RaeLovesToRead That‘s not what Pickles is telling me ! 😂 6mo
Leniverse I keep meaning to read that one! I need to... idk clone myself so I can read more books simultaneously 😆 6mo
squirrelbrain Love it, Daisy! 6mo
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella 😅😅😅 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
LeahBergen 😂😂 6mo
Hooked_on_books Daisy serves excellent side eye! 6mo
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Our Share of Night | Mariana Enriquez
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Wow. This was properly epic. Genuinely horrifying in parts, but so compelling. Real life events mixed with supernatural elements. I've not read anything quite like this before.

Oryx @RaeLovesToRead how are you getting on with it? The eyelids get a couple more name checks before the end... 6mo
RaeLovesToRead I'm still just over halfway through... I tend to get through Kindle books slower 😅 STOP WITH THE EYELIDS ALREADY!!!!!! Haha 6mo
Oryx @RaeLovesToRead same with me and Kindle normally - but because I was travelling it was my only book source. 6mo
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TrishB I loved this. Best old school horror I‘ve read for ages!! 6mo
TrishB The arm!!!! Brilliant twist. 6mo
Reggie Yayyyyy so glad you like it! 6mo
julesG @TrishB If you liked it, I should maybe read it. 🤔 6mo
TrishB @julesG I smile when I pass it on the book case! Really loved it. 6mo
Oryx @julesG go for it. It's excellent in so many ways. 6mo
Oryx @Reggie @trishb I've just listened to a really good podcast interview with Mariana Enriquez - Talking Scared Episode 130. It was really interesting to hear her discuss this book, folklore, and horror writing. 6mo
Reggie I‘ve listened to it and fell in love with her even more after. 6mo
TrishB I shall give it a go! 6mo
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Last week me must have known that today me would have a rubbish day at work, so she arranged for some book mail to arrive today. Isn't she clever? I also love how these books look together - very soothing shades.

charl08 Nicely done, last week Helen... 🤜 6mo
MicheleinPhilly OK, that‘s eerie. Last night I was patting 3 weeks ago me on the back for ordering something that made yesterday slightly less miserable. Very smart, these psychic selves. 6mo
TrishB Smart thinking. 6mo
squirrelbrain Meh, always rubbish back at work after a break. 6mo
Birdsong28 She was a very smart woman 😂 📚📖 6mo
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Our Share of Night | Mariana Enriquez
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When you tell your family you'll meet them at the beach down the road and you won't be long. Spoiler - I took a little longer 😉

JamieArc As you should 😁 6mo
Gissy 😍 6mo
squirrelbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
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Reggie I love this book sooooo much. Hope you like it! 6mo
Oryx @Reggie I'm really loving it - but it's also probably the most horrifying book I've read! It's insane and addictive. 6mo
Reggie 🖤😁🖤My favorite section is the coming of age. The parts with Adela. 6mo
Oryx @Reggie yes, I'm just through that section. It was excellent - poor Adela. I hope we see her again, but... (I'm 60% through now). I'm traumatized by the mudslide girl, which I found out really happened. 6mo
72 likes7 comments
Our Share of Night | Mariana Enriquez
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My reading view for the next few days.

Texreader Nice! 6mo
BarbaraBB 😍😍 6mo
julesG Would love to join you. 6mo
squirrelbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
Oryx @julesG come, I'll put the kettle on 6mo
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Greta and Valdin | Rebecca Reilly
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I loved this one. It's about a Maori-Russian-Catalan extended family in Auckland, and I just loved all the characters and how they interacted with each other with love. This needs to a TV show so I can have more. I'll also accept a sequel.

Oryx And I agree with @squirrelbrain , I think you'll like this one @TrishB 6mo
TrishB I‘m convinced (because, to be honest, it doesn‘t take much!) - it‘s on pre-order 😁 6mo
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Greta and Valdin | Rebecca Reilly
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I'm only allowing myself one book purchase* in NZ because they are so blooming expensive. But this NZ book sounds great, and looks like it has some lovely reviews on Litsy.

(*Unless I really really want another one)

LeeRHarry After seeing that it was @CarolynM ‘s best book of 2022 I have put this one on hold at my library. Not sure how I missed it before, sounds excellent. 😊 6mo
CarolynM I adored it! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. @LeeRHarry It was a gift from @Centique and we all know what good taste she has. 6mo
LeeRHarry @CarolynM indeed! 😊 6mo
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squirrelbrain I‘m just reading the ARC of this now - it‘s great so far. (Out in Feb in the UK so you‘re ahead of the curve!) 6mo
Oryx @squirrelbrain what a coincidence. Cool! I'm gonna read it after my current book I think. 6mo
Oryx @CarolynM I was very happy to see lots of good reviews, because I picked it up without knowing anything about it, and took a chance (and had no internet to do the usual pre-buy Litsy check 😁). @LeeRHarry 6mo
Oryx @squirrelbrain You're on a kiwi kick this month too 6mo
squirrelbrain It wasn‘t intentional. Well, Bookshop was, for #readingoceania. But Greta and Valdin was just next on my ARC list, as I‘m trying to read in publication date order. I didn‘t know it was set in NZ, otherwise I didn‘t need to have read Bookshop! 🤦‍♀️ 6mo
Centique @CarolynM oh thats a lovely compliment! 😘 6mo
TrishB Sounds like a plan! Enjoy. 6mo
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Apparently it was a 'buying a food-related memoir' kind of a day

Ruthiella Were you hungry while shopping? 😆 7mo
Oryx @Ruthiella always! 😁 6mo
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Hello Beautiful | Ann Napolitano
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Wave of Nostalgia, Haworth | Haworth, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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My mini book haul from the fabulous feminist bookshop in Haworth.

squirrelbrain Fabulous! ❤️ 7mo
LeahBergen Nice! 😍 7mo
Caroline2 Oh I just bought Vaster too. Such a lovely cover isn‘t it. Sounds like a great story too, I‘m looking forward to it. 👍 7mo
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Getting soaked in Bronte country today. It was very pretty, and very wet.

Soubhiville It looks wonderful, so quaint! 7mo
Oryx @Soubhiville it's a beautiful village. The Bronte family home is there, now run as a museum. And there's even a steam train. It's so cute. 7mo
Soubhiville How cool! Sounds like a perfect day, even with rain. 🤍 7mo
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AmyG Still beautiful. 7mo
squirrelbrain Love Haworth - my Dad lived there for a few years. (In the old school on the left as you walk from the village down to the steam train) 7mo
dabbe 💙❄️💙 7mo
LeahBergen Gorgeous! I‘ve only been once and I‘m dying to visit again. 7mo
Gissy Beautiful😍 7mo
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