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Joined July 2016

RN who loves books, dogs, baking, gut bacteria, and puzzles 📚🐾🍪🔬🤓 https://www.goodreads.com/catiewithac
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State of Paradise by Laura van den Berg
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Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel
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Moonbound: A Novel by Robin Sloan
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The Way of Zen by Alan W. Watts
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Poems of the Night: A Dual-language Edition with Parallel Text by Jorge Luis Borges, Efran Kristal, Suzanne Jill Levine
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Pros: 1) short chapters 2) excellent primary sources 3) varied personal accounts and perspectives. Cons: 1) way too long; needed better editing 2) unnecessarily extended section about Lincoln‘s train journey to D.C. 3) for all the protraction, the ending felt rushed. #BOTM (Background: insanely difficult puzzle of Paul Klee painting) 🔥 💣 ⚔️

AmyG Nice puzzle but yes, looks very hard. 3w
dabbe I think sometimes Larson gets caught up too much in his research! 😂 And wow! What a puzzle! 💙🇺🇸❤️ 3w
UwannaPublishme Wow! Beautiful puzzle! ❤️ 7h
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EVERYTHING anyone could want to know about “Who‘s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” The play, the movie, the actors, directors, producers. More interestingly it examines changing mores in the 1960s with regard to marriage and relationships.

TheKidUpstairs Ooh, yes please! Stacked! 3w
UwannaPublishme I remember that wild movie! 3w
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I listened to this audiobook because it put me to sleep. I enjoyed hearing about different aspects of medieval travel. The author covers a variety of destinations and reasons for travel (i.e. pilgrimage, trade, exploration).

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It wasn‘t a great play when it first premiered and it didn‘t age well. Vonnegut‘s problematic misogyny and homophobia really sticks out here. A necessary read for Vonnegut completists but everyone else may skip.

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Do yourself a favor and read this book. 🍄

slategreyskies I‘ve never heard of this one. I‘m definitely gonna check it out. Thanks for the rec! 🍄 1mo
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Complete your graphic novel bingo with this book about Percy Bysshe Shelley‘s famous Peterloo poem that doubles as a mini biography of women‘s labor activist Pauline Newman. 🔥

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I liked this story about Cherry‘s time as a flight nurse in England. Maybe it was the British countryside but this book didn‘t feature the same derogatory language about Asian cultures. There‘s even a mention of African American troops and how they play the best swing music. My favorite detail is that preparations for evacuation flight nursing involves having hot coffee ready to drink! ☕️

Sace I‘m in love with the puzzle! (edited) 2mo
kspenmoll Cherry!🍒 2mo
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I took my time reading this amazing book because I loved it so much! Zen perspective on the 6 paramitas.

UwannaPublishme Oh, this books looks like a must-read! Cool puzzle too 🙌🏻 2mo
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The storms in Oklahoma delayed the arrival of this book. Once I started reading it I couldn‘t stop! It‘s a must-read for anyone interested in medicine, human subject research, and whistleblowing. Excellent read!!

UwannaPublishme Powerful cover! 2mo
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The Novices of Lerna | ngel Bonomini
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I love when the right book appears at the perfect time! This beauty surprised me in the mailbox last week (I subscribe to Transit Books, but their publishing schedule is irregular). Bonomini is an out-of-print, forgotten Argentine writer, and Jordan Landsman translation brings his unusual style back to life. I adored these little stories and eponymous novella! 🇦🇷 #TransitBooks

Anna40 This is so awesome! I know the translator. We were in a lit translation workshop together. It took him 6 years to find a publisher. So happy for him and the book. I‘m waiting for my copy, ordered it last week! 2mo
catiewithac @Anna40 Your friend did an amazing job with the translation! 2mo
UwannaPublishme Love your puzzles with all the dogs. Theo must be on at least one of them! 😄 2mo
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1 - I consulted the star signs so many times the spine split completely in two
2 - Isak Dinesen was a favorite author from early adulthood. I particularly loved Seven Gothic Tales and Anecdotes of Destiny
3 - Christian Kracht‘s Imperium: a Fiction of the South Seas


dabbe 💙🩵💙 2mo
Eggs Interesting-sounding books👏🏻👏🏻 2mo
iread2much 1) I‘ve actually read a few books so many times that they fell apart, it‘s why I switched to buying hard copies from my favorite authors. The first book I ever bought, Arrows for the Queen is very much taped, glued, and held together by love and stubbornness. 2mo
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iread2much 2) Mercedes Lackey has been a favorite author of mine since I first bought Arrows for the Queen when I was about 13. I still enjoy her books. 2mo
iread2much 3) I actually don‘t enjoy reading books the first time, I find it stressful if it‘s a really good book to not know what‘s going to happen. I like to read loved books over and over again and for really good ones, I get something new each time I read it. But if I had to choose, We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. It would be great to read it fresh with more adult experiences in my life 2mo
iread2much Thanks for the tag @catiewithac and @Eggs 2mo
catiewithac @iread2much I love your answers! 😍 2mo
Eggs @iread2much An honest clarification 👏🏻 2mo
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Man and His Symbols | Carl Gustav Jung
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This is an interesting work of psychology. It‘s a collection of essays inspired by Jungian theories of the collective unconscious and dream symbolism. Of course, Jung‘s essay is the stand-out of the bunch. I listened to this but got the paperback to reference images and interpretations of art. Very interesting book!

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It really hit me that there‘s real danger in these stories. Nancy and her gal pals get way too close to a house explosion. These books also make me nostalgic for a time when roadside motels served meals and weren‘t scary dens of drug use and desperation.

Bookwormjillk I like how authority figures listen to Nancy when she tells them something bad has happened. 2mo
Librarybelle Totally agree! 2mo
dabbe 💙🩵💙 your puzzle! 2mo
catiewithac @dabbe There were no GSDs on it! 😮 2mo
dabbe @catiewithac Definitely 😱! 2mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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“Throw Down Your Arms” Sinead O‘Connor‘s reggae album
“NFR” by Lana Del Rey IYKYK
“Chopin Nocturnes” by Arthur Rubinstein(perfection)
#TLT #ThreeListThursday

dabbe I'm listening to the Chopin one in bed tonight! 🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for sharing. 2mo
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It took me longer than I expected to finish this book. I blame the narrow margins and dense text. This book will make you think and send your mind wandering in a good way. I looked at most of the 100 pages of footnotes. It‘s a very rewarding read! @JamieArc I didn‘t plan to finish this book at the same time as this puzzle (both from you) but life is serendipitous in that way! 🤩

UwannaPublishme Cool puzzle! 3mo
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The Order of Time | Carlo Rovelli
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Carlo Rovelli is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. He has a knack for explaining complex quantum physics with ease, but he‘s also poetic and philosophical about life. His prose is beautiful and a joy to read! 5-star book! ⭐️

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It still surprises me when I‘m the first to review a book on Litsy that I feel should be more popular. I read this to learn more about CBT practices to help me be a better psych nurse. If you are familiar with Thich Nhat Hanh‘s mindful Buddhism and Viktor Frankl‘s logotherapy, this book is in the same vein. I found it very motivating and insightful. #CBT

ElizaMarie I‘ve read other CBT books. But… you can never learn too much. I‘m stacking this one ☝️ 3mo
Ddzmini I‘ve read books of this type all the time as I‘m a psychologist and cat is a great method but there are so many great psychological books and I love the Red/black books by C. G. Jung … then there are books by Rollo May and others I‘ll post a picture collage of my psych books 🙌🏽📚 3mo
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Cherry is Chief Nurse of an evacuation hospital on an island in the South Pacific. These early novels actively implore girls to study nursing so they can join the war effort. Cherry and her troop of nurses get bombed and treat soldiers close to the combat zone. It‘s a reminder how fierce and tenuous the war was with Japan. Unforgivable: the derogatory language about Japan. I can‘t wait until Cherry has adventures in civilian nursing. 🌴

TheBookHippie Just finished today 😬😳🤯 I‘m ready to move on to the next one whew.. 3mo
catiewithac @TheBookHippie I struggled with how Cherry “took care of” the monkey. 🙈 🙉 🙊 3mo
TheBookHippie @catiewithac between this and the snake in Nancy Drew 😬😵‍💫😳 I‘m like KIDS READ THESE?! 😝 3mo
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TheBookHippie Wait. This came out before WWII ended or no? 3mo
catiewithac @TheBookHippie yes this was published in 1944. She‘s a flight nurse next and then a veterans nurse. So the end of the war is coming up! 3mo
TheBookHippie @catiewithac I‘m looking forward to more. I‘m prepared now!!! 🤭😳 (edited) 3mo
Amiable Such nostalgia! My sister loved these books when we were kids and found a box of them in our grandma‘s attic. 3mo
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It‘s an almost unbelievable true story about one man‘s fight with DuPont about water pollution with forever chemicals. I read this book several weeks ago, but Biden‘s EPA just now set limits of known carcinogens PFOAs in public drinking water. There‘s a great documentary based on this book as well as a movie. 💦

kspenmoll Sounds good! Love your puzzle in the background. 3mo
catiewithac @kspenmoll this puzzle was hard! 3mo
UwannaPublishme 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 3mo
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Were you looking for a history of early modern Italian beauty culture? Look no further! There‘s everything from hair lightening, skin creams, hair removal, and poisons! The author also shares some (arsenic-free) recipes so readers can experience authentic renaissance beauty! 🪞 👄

iread2much This looks great! I love the cover and it sounds interesting as well 3mo
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This was a swift audio history of the world through the lens of infectious disease. I never considered how the Palatine and Ciprian plagues likely influenced the rise of Christianity. The book starts slowly with Prehistoric and Neolithic plagues but the pace picks up when people formed settlements and began growing crops. 🦠

AmyG Sounds fascinating. I just put a hold on the audiobook. 3mo
JamieArc I saw this book recently and meant to put it on my “books for Catie” list 😂. I take great pride when I see you review a book I would have chosen for you! 3mo
catiewithac @JamieArc excellent taste!!! 3mo
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This is the first biography I‘ve read about Lord Byron. I liked how the author organized the book around letters so one can hear Byron‘s voice. He lived quite a wild life!!!

Librarybelle Oh! I‘m stacking this! 3mo
dabbe He was “mad, bad, and dangerous to know!“ 🤩 Beautiful puzzle, too! 💙🩵💙 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I haven't read about him specifically but he creeps into so much about that time (especially things about Mary Shelly) and he sounds absolutely wild. How interesting! 3mo
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Nancy‘s back on her home turf but she‘s still hanging with her cousins George and Bess from the previous adventure. The criminals in these books are terrible! I did like the snake bite first aid. 🐍 Also Nancy learns how to decode cyphers in one evening. Either she‘s a genius or everyone is really dumb…

Librarybelle Let‘s go with super genius on decoding cyphers! 4mo
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Charlemagne | Johannes Fried
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My penpals know my struggle with this audiobook. It is likely the most boring book I‘ve ever finished. However, it was great at one important thing: putting me to sleep! The author would have benefited from a more skillful editor to reduce repetition. I felt like I was in an eternal circle of hell hearing the same anecdotes about Charlemagne for 30 hours. Read at your own peril! 👑

Suet624 Oh my! 4mo
dabbe When I first quickly glanced at who read it from your pic, I just saw JAMES CAMERON. I then thought to myself, “Isn't that the TERMINATOR/TITANIC director? Wow! He was boring!“ Then I saw the name STEWART. #doh You also deserve the #perseverenceaward 💚💙💚 4mo
Ruthiella At least you got your beauty sleep 😴😄 4mo
UwannaPublishme Another cure for insomnia. Good to know! 😉😬🥱 4mo
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I liked the idea of this book. But my frustration with the lack of references, footnotes, endnotes ultimately outweighed my interest. TBH I like long footnotes! #freethesources

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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I made about 80 pages into this true crime tale before my interest fizzled. The author is too much of a fraternity bro himself. Sorry, next! 🍻

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Did This Hand Kill? | Cezary Lazarewicz
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Open Letter Press consistently publishes the most amazing international works in translation. This book brings an infamous murder case from Poland‘s interwar era to life. The story of how the trial materials survived WWII alone is worth reading about. I love historical true crime books!

Kitta I love reading books in translation! Will check out Open Letter Press! I read a lot by New Vessel Press for works in translation if you‘re interested: https://newvesselpress.com 4mo
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Annie Bot | Sierra Greer
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This book is getting buzz in science magazines because it‘s about a sentient sex robot. It‘s a quick read that leads one to consider patriarchy, capitalism, and freedom. #BOTM

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I‘m in agreement with other readers that this isn‘t Nancy‘s strongest mystery. I found the dangers of dehydration and riding horses on mountain trails really scary though! The treatment of native peoples and culture is problematic now but probably considered progressive in the 1930s. Hopefully, the next book is better. Happy reading!

Librarybelle Let‘s hope it is better! 4mo
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Sorry for being MIA on Litsy. I‘ve been busy with work and reading. Cherry joins the army in book 3 of the series. She survives basic training and gets deployed to Central America. She blindly trusts the “miracles” of science and medicine which probably led to toxic chemicals being used to combat malaria. If only public health work were that simple…

TheBookHippie I got book 3 for the weekend read! 🤣😵‍💫😳🙃😱 4mo
ElizaMarie I've never read these books before! I think I'm gonna give it a try :) 4mo
BethM Wait! Are we doing a cherry read along?! 4mo
catiewithac @BethM it‘s just me 💊 4mo
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This was a reread for me in my quest to read the entire Cherry Ames series in order. It surprised me how much I forgot! I only remembered the exciting stolen penicillin plot, but the heart of the novel is Cherry‘s love of all things nursing. She gets a taste of ward management, OR, L&D, and PACU. 💊

dabbe I'll have to find a way to fit her in after Nancy Drew! 🤩😍😘 5mo
iread2much Those look like a lot of fun! 5mo
kwmg40 I remember enjoying reading these when I was young! 5mo
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First 5⭐️ read of the year! I hate cancer more than anything. And I hate that people and families feel like it is a personal, private struggle. The primary blame belongs to corporations that pollute and fail (repeatedly) to protect workers. My hometown has a PCB superfund site. Does yours?

CaliforniaCay Oooh this sounds interesting. Cool puzzle! 5mo
UwannaPublishme I grew up in NJ, the state with the most sites. Oh my! 5mo
SamAnne I grew up in the Oregon coast forests in the 70s where Weyerhaeuser regularly dumped herbicides on us. An herbicide in the same family as Agent Orange. Caused one of my elementary school classmates to be hospitalized. Less than 2 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer (currently in remission). I have one male friend who had breast cancer—and other ailments. He flew Agent Orange missions in Vietnam. We both suspect a connection. 5mo
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You 💯% need to read this book. Happily I went the audio route because this is narrated by the author who hosts the acclaimed podcast theGrio. It is an exceptional look back at American history that is personal and powerful. 🇺🇸

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Camp Zero | Michelle Min Sterling
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I was surprised how easy it was to fall into this novel. There are multiple narrators/perspectives including a secretive women‘s collective. The last 100 pages are a bit tedious and I didn‘t find the ending particularly surprising. I was surprised by the excessive alcohol consumption! Trigger warning for sex work and violence. ⚠️ #BOTM

UwannaPublishme Cool puzzle! 5mo
iread2much I‘m so on the fence about reading this! It sounds cool, but it also seems like it would just be depressing 5mo
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This book is well worth the effort. I recommend it for fans of Romantic poetry, 18th century mysticism, philosophy, and psychology. After the first two chapters one can easily skip around and read chapters as isolated essays inspired by Blake‘s art and poetry. Higgs really helped me grasp Blake‘s unique personal mythological characters (hello Urizen). 🧭

UwannaPublishme Very intriguing cover! 5mo
batsy Sounds really good! 5mo
Bookwomble Ah! I meant to get this book! The author published a shorter work on Blake a year or so before this one, in which he said he was working in it. Added to the mushrooming TBR, thanks😊 👍🏼🍄📚🍄 5mo
catiewithac @Bookwomble I liked this book a lot. The ideas will stay with you! 5mo
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This is a straightforward commentary on Shantideva‘s classic text on the way of the Bodhisattva. If you enjoy books by Pema Chodron, I welcome you to dig deeper into Buddhist wisdom with this text. Norman Fischer‘s zen interpretation of this work is also excellent. ☸️ I would have preferred a print edition, but I am rich in Audible credits, so audio had to do.

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I impulse bought this from Daedalus (why are the books so cheap?) because it was less than $5. This paperback edition has a handful of copy errors but those don‘t distract from the grisly tale of Victorian era murder. It‘s an unbelievable true gothic mystery: a lady‘s decomposed body is found in a family cellar. The author nicely contextualizes the rapid social, technological, political and economic changes of late 19th century England. 🦴

dabbe #stacked ❤️💜🩷 5mo
Crazeedi Oooo I might have to read!! 5mo
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Tomb Sweeping: Stories | Alexandra Chang
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I kind of savored this story collection. I knew it was special after just the first story. I didn‘t love them all but the ones I did I will never forget! #BOTM 🌸 ⚱️

Megabooks I enjoyed it, too! 5mo
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This was an impulse buy that I read from start to finish one night at work (I was on the psych unit where most patients sleep). Part one is a cultural history of onions. Part two is where the fun happens: so many historical recipes for onions! Soup, creamed, fried, baked, stuffed, etc. But my favorite has to be onion bread and bagels! I‘m a true Polish girl in my love of onion bread! 🥯 🧅 #onions

Texreader I ❤️ 🧅 6mo
Bookwormjillk Onion bread sounds amazing 🤩 6mo
Librarybelle Stacking! 6mo
AmyG Is that Larry Bird? 6mo
catiewithac @AmyG it‘s an Indiana puzzle! 🏀 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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This is my favorite Nancy Drew mystery so far. There‘s real danger and a complicated plot. Nancy is an experienced scuba diver! If she were solving crimes today she‘d be covered in tiny tattoos and an adrenaline junkie! 👩‍🎤

mcipher Ooh I love that puzzle!! 6mo
TheBookHippie Just started it!! 6mo
LoverOfLearning So fun!!! 6mo
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Librarybelle Fun review! And, I love the puzzle as the background! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks I was honestly cracking up when she admitted to being a scuba diver. How has she fit all these skill sets into her 18 years?! 😂 No wonder she was such an inspiration to me growing up! 6mo
catiewithac @TheAromaofBooks Nancy‘s also getting decked out in bling! 💍 She‘s going to end up with more diamonds than the Patriot‘s Super Bowl rings! 🤣💎🚣‍♀️🤿 6mo
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Reading maritime history = peak middle-aged! This is a fast-paced book about a deadly naval controversy. The author brings this narrative to life with quotes from newspaper articles, society diaries, and legal documents. I dare you to check out the author‘s bio pic (definition of a historian)! 😂🤣⚓️

Cuilin 🙌 same and for me it‘s quickly followed by horticultural history. Finished the Wager and now on the Brother Gardeners. 🚢 🌊 to 🪴 🌳 😆 6mo
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I received this book from a dear friend for my birthday. There‘s nothing like galpals and Loretta Lynn shares her legendary friendship with Patsy Cline. Such a lovely, fun book!

kspenmoll Love both but Patsy‘s voice is extraordinary 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool pic 🧩 ❤️ 6mo
dabbe Love them both! 🖤🩶🖤 6mo
UwannaPublishme Galpals are the best! 🤗🤗🤗 6mo
Tamra I‘m not a country music fan, but Patsy‘s voice is awesome! 6mo
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It‘s nice to be reminded that humans have always searched for peace at heart. Saigyo‘s poems resonate with the same emotional force as they did nearly a millennium ago. 🌖

JamieArc But did you find who the fraud was at the fortune teller convention? 😊 (edited) 6mo
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I liked Emily Austin‘s debut novel a little more, but this one shares the same tone and emotional arc. Her characters are quirky but have surprising depth. Occasionally she writes something so sharp that it cuts deep. ☀️ 🌙 🌎 #BOTM

dabbe Cute puzzle! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
UwannaPublishme That looks like Theo in your puzzle ❤️ 6mo
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State of Paradise | Laura van den Berg
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Laura van den Berg, Julian Barnes, Christian Kracht (when one of his books gets translated into English). These writers always deliver beautiful prose and surprising plots/characters. #SundayFunday

BookmarkTavern How fun! Thanks for sharing! 6mo
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State of Paradise | Laura van den Berg
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So excited for this book! 🐊

Birthday Gifts | Anastasia Suen
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Wow!!! Thank you for thinking of me on my birthday! I had a great day at home with Abby and Theo after working last night. Thanks for making my birthday extra special!!! #LitsyLove

catiewithac @AmyG Abby and I love the dog coaster! 🤣 I‘m really looking forward to Rachel Maddow‘s new book! Thank you 😊 🥰 6mo
catiewithac @Mitch Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday!!! I‘ve been considering rereading Agatha Christie and this book is the trigger I needed. 🥰 6mo
catiewithac @TheLudicReader Thanks for the gifts!! 🥳 6mo
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catiewithac @dabbe I‘m very excited to get my first read about Shakespeare in for the year! This book looks great! Thank you! 🤓 6mo
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 6mo
catiewithac @iread2much Everything from Japan is so dainty and delicate. 🌸 I hope I can figure out how to fold the stationary. I also need help translating my fortune! Thanks for thinking of me especially when you had so much going on. Love you tons! 😍 6mo
TheLudicReader Happy birthday! 😘 6mo
catiewithac @CoffeeNBooks This book light is amazing! Thank you for the book, too! Theo helped me open the box; he must have known there was a toy for him 🤣 🦆 🫶🏻 6mo
catiewithac @TheBookHippie Your gifts made it through the blizzard 🥶 I needed the hygge puzzle and candle to help me stay warm. Thank you!! 🕯️ 6mo
TheKidUpstairs That book light is so awesome! 6mo
AmyG Happiest of birthday wishes, my friend!!! 🎂🎉😘 6mo
TheBookHippie @catiewithac ♥️ the little golden book made me smile! Longest Amazon buy to delivery to date!!!! Phewwwwww, Ha! 6mo
Bookwormjillk Happy birthday Catie! 6mo
catiewithac @UwannaPublishme Donna, this box weighed a ton 🤣 You definitely spoiled me rotten with all the snacks and gifts! I‘m really excited to read Loretta‘s book and bake some rage out of my heart (hospital admins make me so angry). Thanks for sending Abby and I mementos from your wedding 🥰 Theo loved the gravy train treats!!! He would eat them all at once if he could! Thank you! Love you!! 🫶🏻 6mo
catiewithac @JamieArc Well, I really love exchanging mushroom themed gifts 🎁 🍄 I can‘t wait to read the book you sent! I was reading an article by the author last night and underlined so many passages. I‘m going to love it! Thank you so much!!! 🥰 P.S. I hope your first week at your new job goes well! You‘re so brave! 😘 6mo
kspenmoll Happy Birthday!!!! 6mo
CoffeeNBooks Happiest of birthdays, my friend!! 🎉🎂🎉 6mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Happy Birthday fellow Capricorn!!!! Enjoy🥰 6mo
Bookpearl Happy Birthday!! 6mo
JamieArc @catiewithac I‘m so glad you‘ve been showered with so much Litsy Birthday love! You deserve it. I forgot to explain the puzzle - Ryan (spouse) got it for me and I did it on my birthday. It was a fun one so wanted to pass it along. 6mo
LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! ❤️📚❤️📚 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy birthday 🎊🎈🎂🎉🎁 6mo
MaureenMc Happy birthday! 6mo
maich Happy birthday❤️🎂 6mo
CaliforniaCay What an awesome haul! Hope you had a good birthday! 🎉💛🎉💜🎂🩷🎈🧡🎈 6mo
Mitch What a beautiful photo - happy birthday 6mo
UwannaPublishme Yay! Glad to see you so happy and basking in all this LitsyLove! Gotta blame the heavy box on the Chocolate Moose. He wouldn‘t squeeze into the smaller one! 😉 Keep celebrating and having fun, my friend! Hugs all around! 😘😘😘 6mo
iread2much I hope it was a wonderful day! 6mo
Bookwomble A belated Happy Birthday 🎂😊 6mo
kspenmoll Happy belated birthday! 6mo
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The Book of Tea | Kakuzo Okakura
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This is an important book for understanding Japanese culture and aestheticism. The writing feels dated but I really enjoyed the translator‘s foreword and afterward. 🍵 🇯🇵

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I‘m super excited to get older next week! Thanks for all the #LitsyLove 🥳🤩😍

UwannaPublishme Happy almost Birthday! 🥳🎉❤️ 7mo
Mitch Yeah 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 7mo
Soubhiville Yay! Litsy friends are the best. Happy early birthday! 7mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉🎊🎈 7mo
ElizaMarie Happy early birthday! 7mo
BarbaraBB Wow, you‘re being spoiled 🤍 (edited) 7mo
AmyG Ha! Enjoy the anticipation!!!! 7mo
catiewithac @UwannaPublishme a very heavy box arrived from you today! 7mo
iread2much ☺️ 7mo
UwannaPublishme Surprise!!! 🤭🎉🎂 7mo
TheBookHippie Card & Gift are seperate from me and hopefully will survive blizzard 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6mo
catiewithac @TheBookHippie Stay safe and warm! ❄️ 6mo
CoffeeNBooks I didn't plan well, again, so your gift will be coming directly from Amazon! 😁 6mo
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Kissinger hails from a large German-Irish Catholic family full of secrets. Her parents lived with alcoholism, depression, and bipolar in an “era of silence.” Kissinger became a journalist whose beat was mental health. She investigates her own family‘s struggles with humor and candor. She also graduated from my alma mater: DePauw University. Go Tigers! #BOTM

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