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On Writing
On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft | Stephen King
Long live the King hailed Entertainment Weekly upon publication of Stephen Kings On Writing. Part memoir, part master class by one of the bestselling authors of all time, this superb volume is a revealing and practical view of the writers craft, comprising the basic tools of the trade every writer must have. Kings advice is grounded in his vivid memories from childhood through his emergence as a writer, from his struggling early career to his widely reported, near-fatal accident in 1999and how the inextricable link between writing and living spurred his recovery. Brilliantly structured, friendly and inspiring, On Writing will empower and entertain everyone who reads itfans, writers, and anyone who loves a great story well told.
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We‘re enjoying the writers‘ retreat. People like my book idea and texts. I‘m a bit overwhelmed actually, but in a very good way. Tonight‘s prompt is to come up with a killer beginning, yet here I am on Litsy 🤣🤷🏼🥰👍🏽😆

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds fun! 1mo
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This is an exchange book I just got from the closest Little Free Library to my house. In brand new condition, too! I have two other LFLs in easy walking distance from my house. The other two, though, tend to have less interesting books.

CindyMyLifeIsLit Have you read this before? 4mo
Texreader @CindyMyLifeIsLit I‘ve read Danse Macabre, when I was in high school. I‘ve read quotes from the tagged book and the books seem very similar. 4mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit It‘s considered by many writing teachers as an excellent writing guide. Fascinating memoir, as well! 4mo
Hooked_on_books What a great find! It‘s a terrific book. 4mo
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From the time I was a young kid, I found myself drawn to Stephen King's uncanny ability to blend the ordinary with the extraordinarily eerie. Whether it was a possessed pet cemetery or a malevolent presence lurking in a hotel, King's novels has a masterful grasp of mingling the believable with the supernatural that made me devour King's memoir.


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I‘m not a big nonfiction reader, but here goes:
1. I‘m a big SK fan, so his life story woven around tips from his writing experience is a win for me.
2. Hyperbole and a Half is one of the funniest memoirs ever!
3. The Glass Castle left me flabbergasted—I couldn‘t believe those events actually happened.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday

monalyisha Gosh, reading Allie Brosh‘s blog was so formative for me. I remember the emotional highs and lows of her posting, disappearing, reappearing (and sharing her struggles with depression) so keenly! I also had a print of her ALOT in my office when I worked as a professional writing tutor. Great pick! 💖 5mo
KathyWheeler I have read many books on writing — King‘s is one of the best both in terms of practical advice and in terms of readability. I‘ve read it multiple times and listened to it. 5mo
dabbe Some great ones to explore! Thanks for sharing! 💚💙💚 5mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit @monalyisha My daughter, who struggles with depression, said Brosh‘s description of it is the best she‘s ever read. 5mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit @KathyWheeler Yes, even people who are not fans of his novels enjoy this book. Like him or not, the man has a LOT of experience! 😁 5mo
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Advice needed: Is leaving honest reviews (2-5 stars) of novels written by other writers who are non competitors “unsupportive?”
I consider myself a reader first. Reviewing for other readers. Some think it‘s not appropriate to leave reviews of fewer than 5 stars for ANY book if one is a professional writer. Could use input on this! Thoughts, avid readers?

NatalieR The key word is honest. I understand it can be uncomfortable to leave a less than favorable review; however, every reader is entitled to their opinion about a book. Readers should not feel guilty for their opinions. 5mo
Bookwomble I agree with @NatalieR 5mo
marleed I notice on GR that Taylor Jenkins Reid marks books as read with written thoughts but doesn‘t leave any stars ⭐️. I get that. She acknowledges she read a book but doesn‘t mess with the repercussions that could come with assigning stars as a fellow author. 5mo
SomedayAlmost Thanks, y‘all! Only assigning ⭐️ if it‘s 5 is one middle path I hadn‘t considered. 5mo
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Librarybelle That prompt is a very interesting choice for this year 6mo
brittanyreads What a creative way to use the prompt. Love it. I would have never thought of that. 👍 I do want to read this book though! 6mo
BarbaraBB Great use of the prompt!! 6mo
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Hooked_on_books I read this one a few years ago—it‘s terrific! 6mo
KarenUK That‘s a great one for the prompt… I‘m kinda stumped on this one… 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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I‘m probably never writing that Great American Novel I talked about in my 20s. But King wonders aloud that perhaps I could. This book reads as if he‘s conversing with me directly, sharing his secrets. Getting that glimpse of the “behind the scenes” was a treat. May I never write passively - even on Litsy.

marleed And never use an adverb! 7mo
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A favorite #BookishQuote from a master of the craft.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this one 🌟 11mo
Eggs 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 11mo
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I‘ve owned a copy of “On Writing” for a while but never had time to read it, or so I tell myself as I read other books. I saw the audiobook available through the NYPL and grabbed it. I enjoyed it so much that I snagged this $4 copy so I could make notes.

KathyWheeler I love this book so much that I‘ve read it twice and listened to it twice. 😊 11mo
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My lovely wife said to get out of the house and do something for myself tonight—so I went to the used bookstore and picked up a few things.

wanderinglynn Great haul! 11mo
Awk_Word_Smith @wanderinglynn Three for homework: my writing, and one because I have no idea what happened to my copy of “Maus” in the move from NYC to the South. I already own a first edition of King‘s “On Writing” so this $4 copy from the used bookstore I can annotate. 11mo
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I wasn‘t really expecting the “memoir” part of the title to be an actual memoir, but I learned some interesting details of King‘s life. I have since moved on the portion of the book that greatly interests me in my quest to overcome my case of Imposter Syndrome.

KathyWheeler Neil Gaiman is great on imposter syndrome as well. 11mo
Awk_Word_Smith @KathyWheeler I love his story about talking to Neil Armstrong!!! 11mo
KathyWheeler @Awk_Word_Smith Yes! Me too. 11mo
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As a writer myself, every once in a while I think about hanging it up and doing something else. Then I run across a book or essay that inspires beyond belief. "On Writing" by Stephen King did exactly that and more. 4/5 Stars

marleed I say this almost every time I get to see this book on my newsfeed. I‘m not a writer, but this book truly changed how I read and what I should expect/ or not expect from particular authors. …And then, adverbs! 11mo
SamAnne This has been on my TBR for so long! 11mo
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I‘ve read this a dozen times or more. I return to it often. The quintessential book on writing.

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I really enjoyed this book. It‘s part memoir and part tips for writers written in an exceptionally engaging way.
I mean, it‘s Stephen King. Of course it was going to be great.

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Regarding its usefulness as a primer on the art of writing, I don't know as I'm particularly qualified to weigh in. Taken solely on the consideration of being an entertaining read, On Writing absolutely delivers. This is a much more enjoyable read than Danse Macabre, filled with entertaining anecdotes, admonitions, advice, and aphorisms. 5/5

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…every story and novel is collapsible to some degree. If you can‘t get out ten per cent of it while retaining the basic story and flavour, you‘re not trying very hard. (267)


Boredom can be a very good thing for someone in a creative jam. (241)

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If you can do it (writing) for joy; you can do it forever. #reread #booklove #king #writing #bookworm

KathyWheeler This is one of my favorite books about writing. 1y
quanners Mine too! This was my second reading 1y
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Third book finished for #NovelNovember. @Andrew65

I loved this memoir by Stephen King. The tips on writing are useful, but I liked even more his comments on his most well known books and his honest thoughts about his fight with alcoholism and his recovery from a near-fatal accident.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #2000 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I didn‘t realize he got so personal in the book! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
kwmg40 @Librarybelle I'd read this book in print but also borrowed the audiobook from my library, as it includes interviews with his sons. These give even more insights into his personal life. 2y
kwmg40 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the encouragement! 2y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 2y
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.5/5⭐ For a book that claims to avoid bullshit, it sure seems full of it. What a bloated and roundabout way to pretend to talk about writing. What tiny sections about writing actually exist are full of contradictions and, in my opinion, just plain bad or useless assertions. #roll100

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One of the new books got delivered today:)!

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Happy Birthday to Sai King, without whom I cannot imagine my reading journey! ❤️🎈🧛🏻👻

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Thanks to Stephen King‘s humor and self-deprecation, this writing “how-to manual” is much more engaging than one might expect. While I appreciated King‘s guidance and advice, I thoroughly enjoyed his reflections about his own journey to his successful career and the lessons he learned along the way. And how much credit (read: all of it) that he gives to his wife, the novelist Tabitha King.

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A practical guide for writers, as well as a beautiful memoir about the role of writing in King‘s life and how it helped him to heal after a terrible accident. #alphabetgame #letterO @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

marleed I often explain this book changed how I read and forevermore notice adverbs used to describe conversations between characters 2y
Louise @marleed Ah, yes, the great adverb debate! 😆 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 📚 2y
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We are writers, and we never ask one another where we get our ideas; we know we don‘t know.

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1: if I think about it, the terms are really synonymous even though I think about them differently in my mind.
2: I have published some academic articles. So I guess that makes me an author even though I don‘t really think of myself as one.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 2y
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1. Interesting question. 🤔 Google suggests that an author is someone whose writing has been published, while a writer is anyone who engages in the writing process regardless of recognition or compensation.
2. When I was a kid I wanted to be a writer, but these days I mostly stick to journal entries and the occasional newsy email. #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 2y
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Day 237.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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How can you go wrong with a book about writing from one of the most prolific, best-selling authors in America? OK, I suspect there are all kinds of ways, but never mind that. This is a great read for readers, writers, & wannabe writers.

Books about writing, King says, “are filled with bu(($&^it”. So, he takes the approach of telling us how 𝘩𝘦 became a writer, & about how 𝘩𝘦 writes. Excellent book.

Full review: https://tinyurl.com/29z7am4j

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Just started reading this yesterday. Really good so far.

Julsmarshall The Rock Bottom Remainders used to play in Sun Valley from time to time when I lived there and we saw them a few times. They were a lot of fun and what they lacked i musical prowess, they made up for with enthusiasm 🤗 2y
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Motivating & insightful. King is humble, funny, human & engaging. It‘s all about the story baby. This is no writers retreat or 10 step program, it‘s not a social media gimmick, just advice and truths from one of the masters. Highly recommend if you have any creative pursuit, while I don‘t write a lot I found it very applicable to my music work.

Filing next to ‘Deep Work‘ and ‘The War of Art‘. What it all comes down to is doing the work.

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I enjoyed this, but I am not an aspiring author, so I didn't love all of it because I wasn't always the right audience for it. I enjoyed his life parts and the insights on his novels. It did serve to remind me I really need to read more King novels! I am glad I read it.

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Latest #bookhaul - the top five are used books, but the bottom two are new, and acquired thanks to social media posts and reviews from other readers. I have a lot on my TBR for the new year!

marleed I loved On Writing. I read differently for having read it. 3y
stevesbookstuf1 I am really looking forward to reading it! Have you read George Saunders' A Swim in a Pond in the Rain? I read it earlier this year and it definitely changed how I read. 3y
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“The #trick is to teach yourself to read in small sips as well as long swallows.” #QuotsyOct21

Cathythoughts Good point 👍🏻❤️ 3y
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Happy Birthday to the King! 🥳🎉 #boleybooks #happybirthday #stephenking

AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie... look who's birthday it is today, ur favorite author! 3y
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Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #OnWriting!

Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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DGRachel It has been my privilege to be your Ghost Host for these past couple of years. @Mynameisacolour and @BarkingMadRun have graciously agreed to take over so Litsy‘s Losers Club doesn‘t die. Please be on the lookout for future posts from them. 🖤 3y
Karkar Thank you @DGRachel ! I really enjoyed this book. I had never read it before because I am not a writer. But it was vey entertaining. 3y
marleed I love, love, love the tagged book. It actually changed the way I read. Adverbs describing how a character speaks generally now drive me crazy, and I agree the conversation was not set up right to begin with if all those adverbs are necessary in the telling. Also, that was advice given before so many books started being narrated on audio. Those adverbs are redundant on audio! 3y
BarkingMadRead @marleed I totally found myself judging every book I‘ve read since by that section! This was my first time reading this book, I‘ve had it on my shelf but never read it! Crazy! 3y
marleed @BarkingMadRun Oh, I‘m so happy to know there is someone else that can never again read adverbs the same way ;) 3y
Bklover I love this book. Love it! What‘s the next book! Thanks so much @DGRachel for hosting all this time! ❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 3y
lvssunflowers I just finished on writing, and I nearly cried at the end reading about all he went through with his accident. I have always loved Stephen King and I didn't know about this book, but it seemed like the natural book to pick up for me to go back to my writing dreams now that I'm an empty-nester. Did anyone else do the exercise and send it to StephenKing.com ? The prompt he gave was amazing it worked! Before I knew it I had 3000 words. 3y
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#LosersClub Discussion starts NOW! It‘s my final post as #ghosthost, so it has to be two days late, right? ??‍♀️

Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #OnWriting & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you. See you there!

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“And, instead of pelting these babbling idiots with their own freshly toasted marshmallows, everyone else sitting around the fire is often nodding and smiling and looking solemny thoughtful.” #marshmallow #QuotsyAug21

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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Hey #LosersClub. A quick reminder that this month‘s book is On Writing. Official discussion will be on or around the 18th of September. After that date, I will no longer be facilitating the Stephen King buddy reads.

If anyone would like to take over, let me know. I can email image templates and the member list. Thanks for understanding. 🖤

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HeathHof @DGRachel I'd be willing to co-host if anyone is interested. 3y
BarkingMadRead I‘ll co host with @Mynameisacolour 3y
DGRachel @Mynameisacolour @BarkingMadRun Send me an email and I‘ll send you both the list of people to tag and the templates I have for the posts. My email is ucfdg97 at gmail dot com. 3y
BarkingMadRead Email sent 3y
HeathHof @barkingmadrun thank you! My email is Heathergray903 @ Yahoo If youd like to shoot me a msg and email sent @DGRachel 3y
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Starting this today for #losersclub #stephenking #losersclub2021

Caroline2 Cute Pop figures. Who‘s the guy in glasses….? 🤔 3y
OrangeMooseReads He comes with a “thing of evil”!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Readergrrl Such a great book!!! I love reading King‘s fiction and his nonfiction! 3y
bio_chem06 I think he‘s writing a memoir calling it, On Myself. 3y
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Just a reminder that August‘s#LosersClub read is #OnWriting! Put your library holds in now, search your shelves, or buy a new copy, and check back on or about August 19th when we begin reading this one. DISCUSSION WILL BE IN SEPTEMBER 2021. #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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At 70%, I‘m calling it quits with this one. I just can‘t get into the style of writing where there is almost an endless amount of paragraphs but not a lot of dialogue. I respect that one of the most famous authors in the world is writing a book on how to write, but if you‘re not planning on being an author, then this will kind of be a waste of time.


Finished reading on 11 June 2021.

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My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:



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jpj7474 How is this? I've been meaning to read. 3y
Howard_L It was good, probably even more so to a real Stephen King fan. I‘m late to the game but enjoyed the several of his I‘ve read recently. 3y
SolaRaynor Super good book with writing advice a writer can easily use. 3y
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