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Joined May 2016

🖤archivist⚡️doctoral / PhD student⚡️environmental science researcher⚡️knitter⚡️plant lover⚡️mamma🖤
Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Enjoying some porch reading and bird song before the oppressive heat of the day kicks in. #dobby #pitbullsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies

“in the midst of all the ecclesiastical drama of the past few years, they had still somehow, in spite of the busyness and anxiety of the past few months, managed to live in the eye of it, at some sort of slower center of it all, on a different planet of their own”

Greta and Valdin | Rebecca Reilly
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Such a fantastic read about siblings navigating family dynamics, relationships, life‘s purpose, and mental health. Both full of humor and poignant sensitivity. Highly recommended on audio.

CarolynM My favourite book of 2022. 🥰 3mo
daena @CarolynM totally get that! 3mo
BiblioLitten Perfectly said! 3mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Grips you and doesn‘t let go from the first paragraph to the very last line. An absolute masterpiece.

Tamra Can‘t wait! 4mo
Cathythoughts I better stack it 😁❤️ 4mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett

"At that moment the power of reading made itself clear and real to me. If I could see the words, then no one could control them or what I got from them. They couldn't even know if I was merely seeing them or reading them, sounding them out or comprehending them. It was a completely private affair and completely free and, therefore, completely subversive.”

Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier

“We have both known fear, and loneliness, and very great distress. I suppose sooner or later in the life of everyone comes a moment of trial. We all of us have our particular devil who rides us and torments us, and we must give battle in the end”. #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Rebecca | Daphne Du Maurier
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Let‘s do this #hashtagbrigade Hoping this well loved copy makes it through the month. The pages feel like tissue paper at this point. Needless to say I‘ve read the old girl quite a few times. Always good each time! #pemberlittens

Clare-Dragonfly What are you knitting? 🧶 3mo
daena @Clare-Dragonfly I‘ve got a cardigan that I‘m desperately trying to finish the last sleeve on and a lace design shawl. Always too many projects at once! 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly Hahaha, I understand that! 😄 3mo
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Other honorable mentions picked up today from the library.

James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Library hold is here!

tpixie Yay! I just finished it! Enjoy! 4mo
Erinreadsthebooks I loved this one so much ❤️ 4mo
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“As their saltwater tears combined with the sea, Lewis finally understood the log line of their love story: He was an aimless kite in search of a string to ground him to the world, but instead, he‘d found Wren, a great, strong wind who supported his exploration of the sky.”

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This is a complete #blameitonlitsy grab from the library. And quite honestly I cannot put it down. Both equally heartbreaking and funny.

BethM I need that mug for my aunt! 4mo
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My Phantoms | Gwendoline Riley
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A little spontaneous book haul today from a new to me indie shop 🖤

Tamra What a nice treat! Stacking the tagged title. 4mo
LeahBergen I love that bookshop! 4mo
sarahbarnes Both good picks! 4mo
BarbaraBB Nice! 4mo
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Grief Is for People | Sloane Crosley

“There‘s a translucent membrane around everything, a bubble that moves with every step. Russell is so close, right on the other side. Like the ring trapped inside my pinkie. I have the strongest sensation that if I only knew where to push, I could reach through and pull him back. The bubble hardens with each passing day. By living, I am by default, leaving him.”

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All right, I‘m hooked and all in. The perfect level of escapism and relaxation. On to the next book in the series 🖤

Captivatedbybooks I need to start this series 5mo
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The White Witch of Rosehall | Herbert George De Lisser
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Nice little used book haul from today 🖤

LeahBergen Nice! 👏 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Gutcheon
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Adding to the sentiment that has been expressed before, it was rough and unsettling to read. Susan‘s point of view and raw emotion most definitely kept me hooked. I appreciated the study of how relationships around a person during a time of crisis and trauma morph into something unfamiliar and unexpected. #PersephoneClub

Tamra Great review! 5mo
LeahBergen Yes! I thought it was so interesting how her relationship with her friends changed especially. 5mo
willaful @LeahBergen Interesting and tragic. How are either of them going to come back from all this? 5mo
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jlhammar Great point about the relationships. That was really well done. 5mo
daena @willaful @LeahBergen especially Jocelyn. Who appeared to be quite toxic before it all began. 5mo
Tamra @willaful @LeahBergen I wondered afterwards whether they was or could be a sequel about the aftermath. The end felt a bit abrupt, as if she might have more to say. Talk about PTSD! I don‘t think I‘d ever let my kids ever do anything alone again and that would be terrible. 5mo
daena @Tamra agreed! 5mo
Caryl Yes, the relationships! I was especially interested Jocelyn, and Susan's downstairs neighbor, Margaret, intrigued me as well. The last two scenes with Susan and those characters were so well done. 5mo
LeahBergen @daena Jocelyn very quickly showed her true colours, didn‘t she? 😬 5mo
LeahBergen @Tamra All I could think about is “HOW is this kid gonna come out of this??” 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky

“Kiss the earth and untiringly, insatiably, love, love all creatures, love all things, seek this ecstasy and this frenzy. Moisten the earth with the tears of your joy and love those tears of yours” #thebros #pemberlittens #fromthediscoursesoftheelderzosima

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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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I‘m starting this one on audio today (because Meryl Streep) and realized the only Patchett I‘ve read has been The Dutch House, which I loved. Looking forward to diving in!

Bklover This was good!! Loved Meryl Streep! (edited) 7mo
tpixie She seems to be starting to have actors and actresses read her audiobooks now, instead of audiobook narrators. Interesting 🤔 7mo
Megabooks It‘s fantastic! 7mo
Reggie This book is lovely. 7mo
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North Woods | Daniel Mason

“Sometimes, overwhelmed she retreats into the forests of the past. She has come to think of them as her private Archive, herself as Archivist, and she has found that the only way to understand the world as something other than a tale of loss is to see it as a tale of change.”

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North Woods | Daniel Mason
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North Woods is fantastic and I have purposefully slowed myself down to savor it just a bit more. My other love besides books is knitting. I‘m hoping to finished this ribbing and move on to the sleeves before the year‘s end. #knittersoflitsy #litsycrafters

julesG Lovely yarn 7mo
Tamra That looks luxurious! 7mo
Suet624 That‘s beautiful! 6mo
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Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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Ahhhhh….this story. I‘m not sure I can say anything that has not already been said on its behalf. Brilliant writing, moving message 💙

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Juliette | Camille Jourdy
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Wonderful graphic novel so far about family, inner struggles, and done beautifully in watercolor.

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Wellness | Nathan Hill
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Grabbed this while placing a hold on another book at the library today. I loved The Nix, so looking forward to diving into this one. #pitbullsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #dobby

Suet624 I can‘t wait to get this from the library. 8mo
LittlePixels I loved The Nix too, and just finished reading Wellness. I think it was even better. 🥰 Enjoy! 8mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Jumping in on the audio version bandwagon with this one. Great listen so far 🖤

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While my brain feels like it‘s running in a million directions, this book cements itself right in there and I can‘t put it down.

Soubhiville I‘m so excited for this! He‘s speaking at a local indie in a couple weeks so I‘ll be getting mine then. I hope you love it! 12mo
Tamra I am anxiously awaiting my library audio hold! 12mo
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Kids swim lessons = uninterrupted reading time #naturalitsy

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The Guest: A Novel | Emma Cline
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Semester completed. Officially done with all required classes for my DDes and PhD. Now it‘s just research and writing. Going to enjoy this a bit with a book unrelated to anything I‘m doing. I‘m about 74 pages in and hooked. I‘m already rooting for Alex, a testament to Cline‘s writing. Her ability to have us mesmerized by the incredibly flawed characters she creates.

Tamra Enjoy! 😊 1y
merelybookish Congrats and good luck! 1y
currentlyreadinginCO Just started & also immersed in the writing! 1y
coffeenebula Congrats (a bit late)!!!! 10mo
daena Thank you @coffeenebula 10mo
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Excited to start this one. I spotted it on a library run the other day and realized it was already on my TBR list. Extra bonus that Roxane Gay recommended it and it is mentioned for fans of Station Eleven.

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Middlemarch | George Eliot

“When a conversation has taken a wrong turn for us, we only get farther and farther into the swamp of awkwardness”. #relatable #pemberlittens

TheBookHippie 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👀. 2y
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The Likeness: A Novel | Tana French
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Finished book 1 and now immediately diving into the next book!

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Middlemarch | George Eliot
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Morning cuddles and Middlemarch #pemberlittens #pitbullsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

Aimeesue Pibble!❤️❤️❤️ 2y
AlaMich Wow, you have an old school Kindle! I‘m impressed that it‘s still chugging along (as my dad would say)😁 2y
daena @Aimeesue 🐶💕 2y
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daena @AlaMich I am amazed every time it successfully powers on! 2y
rubyslippersreads ❤️ your Kindle stand. 🐶 2y
daena @rubyslippersreads perks of a big dog for sure 2y
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Bubble | Sarah Morgan, Jordan Morris
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This book has me cracking up the whole way through. Apparently the graphic novel is based on a podcast, which I‘ll now undoubtedly check out. Not bad for a random grab at the library!

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Winter Love | Suyin Han
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Next up. 2 slim reads from the library to round out this years reading goals.

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Treated myself to a nice stack from Barnes and Nobles 50% off sale

Liatrek Very nice haul 📚📚📚 2y
Liz_M Nice! I also got one of those gorgeous penguin books. And your post just made me realize I should have looked for the seasons quarter by Smith 🫤 2y
wanderinglynn Great haul! 2y
Reggie Nice! 2y
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In the Woods | Tana French
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Another semester in the books. Time for some much needed self care 🖤

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Once There Were Wolves | Charlotte McConaghy
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In between semesters, read Migrations (5⭐️), and immediately started this one. I may have found another favorite author to add to my list 🖤

BarbaraBB Both are so good! 2y
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Thirsty Mermaids | Kat Leyh
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Getting those last minute year end reading goals in 🖤🧜‍♀️

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Olga | Bernhard Schlink
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It‘s been a minute since I‘ve been able to engage in any sort of pleasure reading due to classes, research, and work. This novel is providing the perfect escape while I catch my breath between semesters. I remember reading The Reader many years ago, and I‘m reminded again how beautiful Schlink‘s writing is. It‘s also so refreshing to catch up on Litsy again. I‘ve missed it here 🖤

LeahBergen Hello, again! 👋🏻 3y
BarbaraBB Good to have you back! 3y
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“But here is something I know now, something I did not have the words for back then: straight is a myth. Any seemingly curveless length of graphite or ink will, upon closer inspection, reveal itself to be uneven…Draw a line between the events of your life. Look at any of these up close, and you‘ll see what I mean. On earth, a line is just a bunch of bumps. There‘s no such thing as straight.”

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Early morning pleasure read 🖤

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The Go-Between | L.P. Hartley
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Saturday night drink and a book. About 127 pages in and I‘m totally hooked. #nyrbbookclub

vivastory The part where he's rooting for it to get to 100 degrees 😬 3y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory I can‘t believe anyone would root for that says the unhappy Desert dweller ! Tho we have monsoon rain so it‘s been in the 80s for a high for 2 days !😄 3y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen That's a nice break for you! It was over 100 here today & I don't think it's going to be much cooler over the next week. 3y
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Leftcoastzen @vivastory OMG! You‘re in KC right ? The humidity! I spent summers on grandparents farm in Mo. we took siesta midday cuz it‘s plenty hot just regular temperatures. 3y
daena @vivastory we hit 110 with the heat index today, absolutely brutal. 3y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen Yeah, I'm in KC. The weather can definitely be draining for sure 3y
vivastory @daena I can't wait for fall! 3y
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Malibu Rising | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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After embarking on a massive move across multiple states with 4 kids and a dog in order to pursue my doctorate, I‘m spent. I want to read before classes begin, but I‘m finding it hard to focus on anything that doesn‘t involve unpacking endless boxes. Hoping this book will serve to distract me and allow me to unwind 🖤

Suet624 Good Lord! That‘s a lot! You MUST be tired. (edited) 3y
sprainedbrain Oh that‘s so much. Hang in there! ❤️ 3y
Jensol77 Try audio. 3y
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Book mail! 🖤

BarbaraBB Looking forward to this one! 3y
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Mary Jane | Jessica Anya Blau
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Library hold is in! Really excited for this one, as I am in need of a light escape. #dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy #dobby

CaffeineAndCandy ❤️ the bookmark 3y
Nute Nice bookmark! 3y
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Plantopedia: The Definitive Guide to Houseplants | Lauren Camilleri, Sophia Kaplan
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Along with my love of collecting books, vinyl, yarn, and tarot decks...plants are my jam. This book is the raddest and is absolutely gorgeous. It feeds all the weaknesses I have to fill my entire house with plants and build my own personal jungle hideaway.🖤🪴

Soubhiville That‘s a gorgeous looking book! 3y
mklong Oooh 😍 3y
Nute I could be down with a personal jungle hideaway!😃 Your plants look happy and healthy! 3y
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How to Order the Universe | Mara Jos Ferrada
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Library book haul 🖤

Liz_M Nice rainbow stack! 3y
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The Divines | Ellie Eaton
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T-minus 3 more days of virtual school with 4 kids....I can do this! Some quality outdoor time now with my latest library book and my boy. #dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy #dobby

Bookwormjillk Oh man, 4 kids. You are a saint. 3y
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“Well, I never will understand what all the fuss is about anyway,” Aunt Rachel says. “Seems to me anybody that can read can cook.” 🤣😂 #nyrbbookclub

Tamra I just said the same to my family the other day. 😄 3y
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The libraries are back and open for browsing!!!!! One of the selections from the huge stack I came home with.

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A nice cuppa and book to de stress from virtual schooling the kiddos. We‘re almost done....at the homestretch!! #nyrbbookclub

vivastory I can't imagine how much extra stress this is. Good vibes your way! 3y
Leftcoastzen I need to get started on this one ! 3y
BarbaraBB I just started it too. 3y
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