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Joined December 2017

email LitsyHappenings at gmail; form https://goo.gl/forms/Atr6TAeggz7228Nq1. Run by: @MrBook
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Europe | Mike Graf
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From the marvelous @melissajayne :

Just a reminder that I am hosting #readingeurope2021 starting Friday. I hope that you are able to join me. Sign up sheet is below. #litsyhappenings


thewallflower0707 What a nice idea, I will look into it! 4y
JazzFeathers Ooooh! So it is continuing! So happy, since l fall off the road last year, and l really care about this challenge. 4y
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Raffles | E. W. Hornung
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From the iconic @BookishMarginalia :

Did you finish the 2020 #LitsyAtoZ #ReadingChallenge?

Make sure you update your entry by using the link in your original registration email OR just register again and input all your read titles!

Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSex7AJyjI7PptZofazZtUX2T7L_FddNrEBx...

On New Years Day I‘ll raffle off a $25 Amazon gc to a lucky finisher.

2021 version link coming soon!

TheBookAddict Didn‘t quite finish 2020, but I‘m looking forward to the 2021 challenge. 🙂👍🏽 4y
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From the superb @BookNAround :

What is going to be your last book of 2020 and what‘s your first of 2021? This can be two different books or the same book. #lastfirst

Tell me your book(s), repost this, and tag me between now and January 5 and I‘ll choose one person to receive a book off of their wish list to celebrate the New Year.

Untitled | Anonymous
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The awesome @Chrissyreadit has a helpful post still going strong:

Hi friends! Comments on @TheAromaofBooks page made me realize how many activities have helped people join our community- I know joining my first swap changed litsy for me. Hashtag comments can lead to activities for people to see how amazing this community is- and much more than book reviews. I may miss some- feel free to add to it with any info!
#litsylist #litsywelcomewagon

TheAromaofBooks Yes!! The challenges & hashtags are a huge part of what make this community so special - it's so fun to get to know other people as we work together to check off a reading challenge!! 4y
Liz_M Hello friends! It seems as if LitsyHappenings is on hiatus -- I get it, we're all busy and there is really too much happening for any one person to be the town square. So I've been thinking. What if LitsyHappenings was divvied up into four accounts, each manned by two or three people, cover an aspect of Litsy. For example: Litsy-Swaps, Litsy-Readalongs, Litsy-Challenges, and then a catch-all (Litsy-RandomFun? Keep LitsyHappenings?)

(edited) 3y
See All 52 Comments
sprainedbrain @Liz_M I think that‘s a great idea. Happy to help in any way I can as well! 3y
Chrissyreadit I love that idea! I think that would help significantly! If there are 2 people at least for each group they could alternate. 3y
Andrew65 Sounds a great idea. 3y
Liz_M @sprainedbrain please start by sharing this post? 😁 3y
sprainedbrain @Liz_M Do you mean tag people in the comments or actually share the old post about LitsyHappenings? 3y
Liz_M @sprainedbrain Both? You should be able to share a link to this specific post/discussion, I think. 3y
MoonWitch94 @Liz_M What a fantastic idea! So great! I‘ll share! 3y
SamanthaMarie That's a great idea!!! 3y
CBee @Liz_M fantastic idea! I‘ll share on my page. 3y
squirrelbrain Great idea! I‘m already a #birthdayfairy on LitsyBirthdays so won‘t volunteer to host one of the accounts, but happy to help by sharing etc - just let me know! 3y
Soubhiville I definitely think this could be helpful, for new folks especially. I have my hands full with the things I organize already, but I‘m happy to share posts when I see them. 😊 3y
Lcsmcat I‘m willing to help, but need to understand what‘s involved. Would a host of one of these sites, say readalongs, create a separate account? Would that require a different email address, or can you have multiple accounts attached to one email? And what is expected. Reposting events as the host informs you? Or searching them out? Trying to gauge the time commitment. 3y
MatchlessMarie I‘m glad this conversation is happening. A few months ago I thought about making some TikTok videos about Litsy because I‘m always trying to convert people but then I realized that LitsyHappenings hadn‘t been active and it used to be a really great way to stay on top of giveaways, photo challenges, swaps, et cetera. I would love to have one central place for events like a Litsy Newsletter of sorts 3y
rsteve388 I would be willing to help with LitsySwaps as long as it isn't just me. I think this is a great idea and I am glad we can find a solution to ensuring the community stays engaged while ensuring we are taking care of ourselves and not doing all the work. 3y
Librarybelle @Liz_M I think it‘s a good idea - a lot of work, for sure, but you‘re right in that there is so much happening and not one specific place where everyone can go to find it. That‘s what made LitsyHappenings so helpful! 3y
Q84 @Liz_M I would be willing to help out with this. 3y
Chrissyreadit @Liz_M I think if the pages are set up and have a host, the responsibility for tagging the appropriate page would be on the activity, then the host of the page would create a post? 3y
wanderinglynn @Liz_M I think this is a great idea! And I agree with @rsteve388 that it will probably work better if there‘s at least 2 people assigned to each subcategory. I‘m thinking a group of 4 would probably be ideal for each subcategory. You want enough people that no one is overwhelmed with keeping up but not so many that there‘s too many cooks so to speak. 3y
Butterfinger I will do whatever is asked. I love Litsy and am so grateful to its members. 3y
robinb Fabulous idea! Even though I'm not a big joiner on lots of things, I do like to keep up and see other's posts! And the plus side of dividing it up into categories is that each Litten can go to whichever category they're interested in and not have to wade through to find something of interest...if that makes sense! 😂 I'll re-post this! 3y
coffees Really like this idea and would be up to helping :) 3y
LibrarianRyan @MatchlessMarie I can make a few TikTok a too. I talk about it seminfrequently on there. 3y
LibrarianRyan I‘m down for it. Who ever does swaps can totally use the primer I made. Between #bbrc, swaps, and #litsyawards I‘m a little jammed but am always happy to help promote. Just take me and I‘ll share. 3y
Crazeedi @Liz_M this is a great idea, I am a fairy and part of #litsylove right now, but I can spread the word and help as I can 3y
Crazeedi I shared the post 3y
Catsandbooks Such a great idea! There's so many things happening that's it's hard to keep track of everything! I'm able to help with whatever is needed! 3y
julesG Great idea! I'm happy to share. 3y
Nute Great idea! Happy to help. Sharing this post. Volunteering service. I really like this special place!🤗 3y
Liz_M @Lcsmcat I think, as someone posted further down, that once the new accounts are up and running, it would mostly be reposting events. I am hoping that by having multiple people for each account and a couple of reservists, the time commitment would be reasonable - 10 minutes a day, an hour a week, whatever works. 3y
Liz_M @Chrissyreadit This makes sense -- So, for example SprainedBrain would tag Litsy.swaps on her initial Basic Witch Swap post and the volunteer(s) manning the Litsy.Swap account would repost it. 3y
Liz_M @robinb Yes, I also thought some people might only be interested in reading challenges and others really only want to do the photo challenges... 😄 3y
Liz_M @Nute @Catsandbooks @coffees @Butterfinger @Q84 @rsteve388 @Lcsmcat @sprainedbrain Thanks for offering to help! I think there should be a minimum of 10 people for this to work, but perhaps we have enough to start.

I've set up a slack team (group? channel? help? 😅) as a place to continue brainstorming and coordinating. Anyone interested in volunteering, please email Litsy dot readalong at gmail dot com and I'll invite you to slack.

Liz_M @coffeewithbooks see comment above. 😊 3y
sprainedbrain @Liz_M email sent! 3y
Butterfinger @Liz_M I don't know anything about slack, but I am emailing and then looking for slack. ☺️ 3y
coffeewithbooks @Liz_M okay thank you . I will email now . 3y
Nute Email sent! 3y
coffees @Liz_M just sent the email 📨 3y
Catsandbooks @Liz_M sent an email! 3y
Liz_M @squirrelbrain @Crazeedi How do birthday fairies work -- how do you coordinate and divvy up tasks? Can you email a quick explanation at Litsy dot readalong at gmail dot com? Thanks so much! 3y
squirrelbrain Of course @Liz_M I‘ll do that now. @Crazeedi - just letting you know so you don‘t respond too, although of course you‘re more than welcome to if you wish! 3y
Crazeedi @squirrelbrain thank you Helen!! 3y
Crazeedi @Liz_M let me know if you need any more from me!! 3y
LitsyEvents @catsandbooks, @nute, @coffeewithbooks, @butterfinger, @sprainedbrain @Q84 Please check back into slack -- I need help with a name. profile pic, and dividing up duties. :) 3y
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Happy anniversary! | Robin Kring
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If you didn‘t know, @HappyLitsyversary let‘s you know when another year has passed for you as a welcome and loved member of our #LitsyFamily!!! Congrats to everyone as your next milestone is reached!!! (LitsyHappenings‘s 3rd was December 14th!) 🥳🥳🥳

UwannaPublishme Happy Litsyversary @Sleepswithbooks ! It‘s been 3 years of many laughs, great reads and daily holidays. 😁❤️🎉🍾 4y
Sleepswithbooks @UwannaPublishme Thank you my friend 👯‍♀️ We have to celebrate all the holidays!!! 📚💚🍪🍪🍪🍪 4y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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From the impeccable @Chelleo :

#BlitsySwap signup closed December 19th: https://bit.ly/blitsyswap

This swap celebrates Black History Month (U.S.). Packages include 2 books by a Black author (anywhere in the diaspora) and 2 gift items (cultural items or reading/bookish gifts). The swap is open internationally to all Littens.

#LitsyHappenings @LitsyHappenings #LitsySwaps #Swaps #Blitsy #BlackLitsy #BlitsyHistoryMonth #BlitsySwap #BHMS

Untitled | Unknown
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From the incredible @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks :

Well, it‘s nearly year‘s end. Let‘s wave goodbye to nasty, evil 2020 & look forward to a sparkling January 2021!

All these lovely Littens celebrating in January, the Birthday Fairies look forward to spreading loads of #birthdaylove along with our sparkly glitter!

If you‘d like to be added to the list, email litsybirthdays@gmail.com w/ your Litsy handle & birthday. You can only nominate yourself.

A Collection of Quotable Quotes | Cameron House, Bookwise International
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From the fantabulous @TK-421 :
I missed you, Litsy! After a much needed break, I‘m feeling a lot better. My husband‘s recovering nicely from his injury, my own health (mental & physical) is improving, and I‘m feeling hopeful about the future for the first time in a very long while. I‘m ready to get back to Quotsy in the new year & will be posting the #QuotsyJan21 list tomorrow! I‘ll include info about the challenge... #QuotsyHos

TK-421 Thanks for reposting! 4y
TK-421 January‘s list is posted! https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2111646 4y
Crazeedi So glad things are going better for you, it's been a rough year for so many. Glad to say goodbye to 2020 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Repost from the spectacular @TK-421 :

Here‘s the list for #QuotsyNov20! If you haven't played before, the idea is to use an image to display a quote. Your quote doesn't have to contain the daily word but should relate to it in some way. To learn more, check out the QuotsyInfo hashtag or search a previous month‘s hashtags for examples. I loved seeing all your creative posts in October & hope you‘ll join in the fun for November! #QuotsyHost

TK-421 Thanks for reposting! 😊 4y
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Already underway, but repost anyway from the most marvelous @howjessreads :

Anyone interested in a no-pressure, read-what-you-can readathon?? Join me!! #votedearlyreadathon

The Book of Two Ways | Jodi Picoult
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Repost from the wonderful birthday lady @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and always amazing @TheBookHippie :

This is our choice for November!!! We hope that you all can join us!! Drop your name below if you think you can 📚📚📚


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you 💙 4y
LitsyHappenings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks , most welcome!!! 🤗 4y
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Repost from the fantastically wonderful @OriginalCyn620 and outstanding birthday lady @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🥳:

It‘s almost November! Where does the time go? Join us for #ForeverNovember...we love seeing your posts!

OriginalCyn620 Thanks for reposting! 😊🍁 4y
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Repost from the highly respected @Eggs :

Almost November 🥳😊🤗. I can‘t wait to see the creative posts for #thankfulthoughts ! @Eggs
Many of these are actual designated “days” and the rest are prompts related to a gratitude theme. Thanks to everyone who played my #fallfinds October challenge 💕💕
Please feel free to repost!

Eggs Thank you! 4y
LitsyHappenings @Eggs , you‘re most welcome! 🤗 4y
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Repost from the absolutely incredible @TheSpineView :

Come join in the fun in November with #poetrymatters. If you have not participated before it's simple, just choose a poem you feel suits the prompt and post it. Be sure to use the hashtag #poetrymatters and tag me @TheSpineView so I can respond.

I love seeing the poems and reading new poets! You guys find amazing poetry! Have fun and as always Happy Reading! Stay Safe!😘💙📚

TheSpineView Thanks! 😊 4y
LitsyHappenings @TheSpineView , but of course! 🤗 4y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Repost for the marvelous @Clwojick :

We‘re happy to announce that we will be hosting the 2nd annual Non Fiction November Readathon! Things are a bit different this year, so head on over to the sign up form to get the details!


Please share to spread the word! #NFN2020 @rsteve388 @Clwojick

rsteve388 Thanks for posting!! 4y
LitsyHappenings @rsteve388 , with absolute pleasure. Anything for you two! 🙂 4y
ElizaMarie ooo this sounds super great!I mean I am a huge podcast and documentary person (mostly true crime). 4y
Clwojick Thanks!!!!! ♥️🖤😊 4y
LitsyHappenings @Clwojick , but of course! 🙂 4y
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Reposting from the extraordinary @Avanders ‘s reshare:

Whoa guys, whoa.
Have you seen these? Things to look forward to in the coming months 🤗🤩💙💚❤️ See the hosts‘ pages for links and sign-ups!

Note, the Crafts and Cozies swap sign-ups end Monday!

#wintergames2020 #craftsandcozies
#litsyswaps #litsyswap #litsyhappenings

Avanders Thank you!! 🤗🤗 4y
LitsyHappenings @Avanders , you‘re most welcome! 🤗 4y
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Reading Asia: New Research in Asian Studies | Frans Husken Huskin, Dick van der Meij
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Repost from the impeccable @BarbaraBB :

We‘re leaving Europe to take a trip through Asia in 2021! Join @Librarybelle and me on a year long challenge to read books set in every Asian country or by an Asian author. Track your reading by signing up for the challenge using the link below. Post throughout the year with #ReadingAsia2021 and remember to tag us!


Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 4y
LitsyHappenings @Librarybelle , of course! Anything for you two! 🙂 4y
BarbaraBB Thank you so much - again, @MrBook 💕 4y
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LitsyHappenings @BarbaraBB , with pleasure. 🤗 4y
Cinfhen More Info @andreadmw (edited) 4y
andreadmw Thank you for these @Cinfhen !! 4y
Cinfhen Sure @andreadmw ❤️ 4y
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Repost from the most excellent @teebe :

Surprise! CreepyChristmas 2020 is a go💀🎄This is a yearly horror-themed Christmas gift swap that celebrates all things spooky during the holidays. Since COVID is delaying mail in many places, I‘ve moved the open date to December 30 this year. Matches will be sent Friday the 13th👻 Please share or tag anyone you think would be interested #CreepyChristmas


Untitled | Anonymous
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Repost from the magnificent @Andrew65 :

Looking at reading plans for November? Wanting to make progress in some of your series? Then why not take part in #ProgressItNovember with the aim to progress some of your series (or you could use it to progress books by an author).

Very low key, informal and fun, and giving us something to look forward to in those dark cold nights, unless it is Spring for you! 🤣

Please share!

Andrew65 Thanks for reposting 🥰 4y
LitsyHappenings @Andrew65 , anything for you, my good friend! 🤗 4y
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October, October | Katya Balen
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From the superb @Andrew65 :

It‘s that time of month again, time for the 9 day monthly reading spectacular where you get the chance to take part in a #Readathon of your own chosen goals. Great chance to take a part in a flexible laidback Readathon where you can tailor it to your own reading. This month it‘s called #OutstandingOctober.

This is also perfect for #TeamSlaughter or #TeamHarkness for #Scarathlon2020

Let us know if you are joining.

Happy Birthday! | Mamoru Suzuki
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Repost from @LitsyBirthdays : (So many aMAZing Littens here!!! 🥰)

The Birthday Fairies are looking forward to sprinkling fairy dust over all these wonderful Littens' birthdays!

Happy Birthday!



If you'd like to get some fairy dust sprinkled over your birthday cake then send us your birthday and Litsy handle at litsybirthdays@gmail.com.

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From the great @KVanRead :

As I munched on this post-breakfast fortune cookie (😂), it struck me as kinda literary. I was suddenly inspired and thus #LitFortuneCookie was born! A game in which you tag the book this fortune cookie brings to mind and tag some friends( and me too!)

The first one to pop into my head was Dr. Faustus cuz, well the whole deal with the Devil thing, but I want to know what you think!

Repost or tag a book in comments.

KVanRead Thank you!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
LitsyHappenings @KVanRead , but of course! 🤗 4y
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Repost from @Litsy :

We're looking for an employee to handle social media for LibraryThing and Litsy and other projects. Send this to all your bookish friends? https://blog.librarything.com/main/2020/10/project-specialist/

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Repost from @OriginalCyn620 and @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks :

So, I goofed up the graphic...I‘m still suffering from a pretty severe case of quarantine brain and was under the impression that October only had 30 days! 😂

Please forgive my faux pas and join us anyway for #WordsOfOctober! 📚🍂

OriginalCyn620 Thanks for reposting! 😊 4y
LitsyHappenings @OriginalCyn620 , anything for you. 🤗 4y
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The Group: A Novel | Mary McCarthy
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Repost from @BarbaraBB :

#GalsAndPals #Bestbuddyread

It was a close call but we have a winner! We will discuss The Group during our very special Litsy #Galentine weekend, from 5-7 February. Join @Cinfhen and me for a weekend of fun, friendship, photos and music of course!!! 💃

Everyone is invited! Please let us know if you are interested, so we can tag you next time too. To be continued 📚 📚

BarbaraBB Thank you for reposting @MrBook and for reviving @LitsyHappenings 💕 4y
Cinfhen Hooray @LitsyHappenings is back 💖💖💖 4y
LitsyHappenings @BarbaraBB , anything for you 🤗. @Cinfhen 🤗. 4y
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Repost from @annamatopoetry and @silentrequiem

The Booktober challenge! You absolutely do not need to be tagged to play, but I'm tagging @silentrequiem because I wanna. Please come play and yes! #booktober

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Repost @merelybookish :
Okay, #shakespearereadalong folx, next up is Henry V! We can do it! Kenneth Branagh believes in us!
Discussion of Act 1 kicks off October 11. You know the drill!
👑If you want to join us for some Shakespearean history, comment & I‘ll add you to the group tag.
👑 If you want a break, comment and I‘ll remove your name.
(And if you think I'm going to use this play as an excuse to post pics of young KB, you‘d be right. 😛)

Grand Reopening, Save the Date! | California State Library
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Your Town Square is reopen!!! 😁👏🏻

Sorry this was “closed up” for a bit 🙈. Back open and ready to be the #LitsyFamily‘s community announcement-board again. Just tag LH & @MrBook !

For those unfamiliar, this is something of a central hub to learn about Litsy: swaps, buddyreads, giveaways, clubs, regional meet-ups, monthly promptings, virtual events and meet-ups (like Zoom), etc.

Please share this post as extensively as possible. 🤗

LibrarianRyan Oh, I missed this. So very happy for it!!! 4y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽yay! 4y
Copwithabook Glad you are back! I accidentally missed all the seasonal swaps. Hoping to sign up for a few come Christmas time 4y
LoveToReadLiveToRead Oh yay, you‘re back! 🥂 4y
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White Rabbit | Caleb Roehrig
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Repost for @LibrarianRyan :

Hey everyone,

I was in the mood for a swap and the only other one getting going is the Harry Potter one. I love HP, but am a little burnt out.

So I‘m hosting a #WhiteRabbitSwap.

Take that any way you want, Fairy tales, Easter, animals, etc.

Open day will be Easter. You have

LibrarianRyan Thank you 4y
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Repost for @Eggs :

Thank you so so much ❤️💗❤️ for playing my challenges each month-it‘s inspiring reading your creative responses 🤗👏🏻🌹

Up next: #MarchMadness! March is an exciting month! Birthdays, spring break, pi day, St. Patrick‘s, Spring Equinox and more! Begins on Sunday March 1


Eggs Thank you !! 4y
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Repost for @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks :

I can‘t believe February is almost over!! We hope you all can join us for #MagnificentMarch 💚💚 We love seeing your posts!!

Please share and repost!!

OriginalCyn620 Thanks for reposting! 😊 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you!! 💚 4y
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Giveaway | Carolyn Finlay
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Repost for @TheSpineView :

Happy Tuesday Littens! Here is something different. Instead of two questions, I am giving away 2 Barnes and Noble gift cards. Two lucky Littens will each receive a $25 gift card and some other bookish item. To enter repost, tag me @TheSpineView & use the #Two4TuesdayGiveaway. This giveaway will be open until Monday at midnight. Next Tuesday I will announce the winners. Good luck and thanks for playing #Two4Tuesday!

The Secret Keeper | Kate Morton
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Repost for @Librarybelle :

Announcing the March #LiteraryCrew #Buddyread ...Kate Morton‘s The Secret Keeper! Family secrets. Murder. English countryside.

Anyone is welcome to join! Comment below, so I can tag you in future posts about the book. Read the book throughout March, and I‘ll post periodically to check in with everyone. Discussion at the end of the month.

LazyOwl I loved this book, great read 4y
Librarybelle Thank you! 4y
KristiAhlers I‘d love to join y‘all with this read 4y
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My Mortal Enemy | Willa Cather
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Repost for @Graywacke :


Just a reminder, especially in case you need to get a copy. 85 page novella, so just one discussion.

(We‘re a small group, but anyone is welcome to join)

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Repost for @Lizpixie :

Due to unforeseen circumstances, bad health, hospital visits & other boring stuff, I‘m extending the competition till the 8th March 2020. Not only does it give me time to recover, it gives more Littens the opportunity to enter. I‘ve also decided that THERE WILL BE MAX 3 ENTRIES PER PERSON. So if you only have one entry, what are you waiting for?
Thank you for your patience while I recover & Good Luck!


The Chelsea Girls | Fiona Davis
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Repost for @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks :

Our lineup for the year!! We hope you can join us! Discussion every Sunday at 1 pm cst!! 📚🙌🏻📚🙌🏻


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you!! 💛 4y
Sargar114 I am so excited seeing some books I have on this list!!! Will definitely be joining in May and September! Yay! I‘ve been missing the buddy reads! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @TheBookHippie 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Sargar114 awesome!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Repost for @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks :

Thank you all for joining me in #PotterADay!!! It's been better than I even imagined to reread my favorite series with friends. You make every day happier and brighter. Thank you so much! ✨

Here's the schedule for Prisoner of Azkaban; we start Monday! I'm also doing a rewatch over the weekend of Chamber of Secrets if you're interested. Same deal as last time: watch Saturday, discuss Sunday. Thanks again!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wrong context, but correct schedule!! Thank you! 4y
Butterfinger These are two separate posts. 4y
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Harry Potter | JK Rowling
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Somewhat delayed Repost for @Linsy :

Thank you all for joining me in #PotterADay!!! It's been better than I even imagined to reread my favorite series with friends. You make every day happier and brighter. Thank you so much! ✨

Here's the schedule for Prisoner of Azkaban; we start Monday! I'm also doing a rewatch over the weekend of Chamber of Secrets if you're interested. Same deal as last time: watch Saturday, discuss Sunday. Thanks again!

Linsy Thanks!! 4y
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Free Lunch | Rex Ogle
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Repost for @megnews :

It‘s fast approaching. There‘re 2 ways to join the #OverBookedClub in celebrating the stories that start a lifelong reading journey.
Grab a copy of Free Lunch & join our monthly readalong.
Or grab a stack of middle grade books tbr during Mar. So many great ones to choose from.
Join 1 or both activities. Share favorite quotes, blurbs, & reviews all month.
Tag @sblbooks & I with the #OverBookedClub #MiddleGradeMarch tag.

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There‘re still a few spots left! See @suvata for more info:

Are y‘all ready for Round 8 of #LMPBC? It starts on March 1st. So, it‘s time to start thinking of a book you would like to share with tour group. Reserve your spot now! In the past, it has filled up pretty quickly.

Details and sign up:

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Repost for @Andrew65 :

A reminder that the Feb #MaeveBinchyBuddyRead will be A Few of the Girls, which is the first of her short story books that we will be reading.

The start date for the Read will be Wed 19th Feb and everyone is welcome to join us. We will read the book over the last two weeks in February with discussion questions being posted every couple of days.

If you are going to join us please leave a post below so that I can tag you.

Andrew65 Thanks for reposting 🥰 4y
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Presidents | James Barber
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Repost for @maleahrae :
I've been looking for a #bookswap but haven't found one, so I've been toying with the idea of starting one myself. With President's Day and the primaries going on, I thought it might be fun to do a Presidential Bookswap and trade books by or about presidents, real or fictional. If you are interested comment below and if there's enough interest, I'll set it up! #swap #litsyswap #bookmail

LitsyHappenings @maleahrae oh... no we didn‘t. 😬 sorry, long week... 4y
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House of Leaves | Mark Z. Danielewski
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Repost for @SumisBooks :

Okay so I'm posting this one more time because I forgot the chapter breakdowns for those who may be following along with a digital copy or with a copy that is different than the one pictured here. This book is really funky but here is how I have it broken down...
Feb: Ch. I - X
Mar: Ch. XI - XX
Apr: Ch. XXI - to Index


BeansPage Thank you so much for the repost hun 😘❤️ 4y
ju.ca.no Enjoy your read!! I read it a while back and even though I had to skip or skim through some pages I ended up loving it very much!! Such an interesting read! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Eggs Thanks @LitsyHappenings 😊👏🏻 4y
OriginalCyn620 Thank you! 😊 4y
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The Golden Hour: A Novel | Beatriz Williams
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Repost for @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks :

This is our #BotmBuddyRead schedule for the rest of the year! We are so excited! We have such awesome discussions even when past books haven‘t been that great!

I‘ll be on the lookout for extras of these books when I‘m out and about!

Please join us! Everyone welcome!📚🙌🏻 Thanks for being a part of our group for the past 2 1/2 years! It has been awesome and will only get better!

44 likes1 comment
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Repost for @litsybookclub :

New month, new book. We hope that you will join us in reading this month‘s book. #litsybookclub

charl08 Such a great book! Wishing the club a good reading month. 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @charl08 Thank you! Happy reading to you too! 4y
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Free Lunch | Rex Ogle
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Repost for @megnews :

Do you enjoy #MiddleGrade novels? In addition to reading & discussing the tagged book with us in March, everyone is welcome to join @sblbooks & I in reading a stack of #MiddleGrade novels of your choosing. Just read the books of your choosing, post quotes, blurbs, & reviews as you go & check out everyone else‘s #MIddleGradeMarch posts. We had a great time with this last year & found a lot of great books!

Free Lunch | Rex Ogle
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Repost for @sblbooks :

The #OverBookedClub selection for March is free lunch. If you enjoy #middlegrade books please join us. You have a month to get your copy. We will be reading middle grade all March, more info later. I'll tag some I know like middle grade, but everyone is welcome! Let me know if you're interested, and I will tag you in posts. #MGBuddyread .

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Repost for @Nessavamusic :

So I have reached 50k Litfluence and closing in on 2k followers so I thought it was time for a giveaway. As it coincides with Valentine‘s Day coming up I‘m giving away 4 diverse love stories and one anti-love story. To win you must repost the picture with #50kLoveLitsyGiveaway or #50kLLG and tag me @Nessavamusic
I will randomly select a winner next Sunday Feb 9 so I can mail out this fun Valentines prize!

Love Story: A Novel | Karen Kingsbury
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Repost for @maich :

February already started and it is time for A LOVE STORY. I already reading The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks but have to others on my tbr too.
Will you read with me?
#readingchallenge #readingchallenge2020 #alovestory #litsyfun

maich ❤❤❤ 4y
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