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Joined February 2017

Author of fantasy stories set in the 1920s | History geek | Hopeless Tolkien nerd | slow reader and writer https://theoldshelter.com 󾓩
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Silmarillion by J R R Tolkien
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Tales from the Perilous Realm by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee
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Dracula by Bram Stoker
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The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien by Humphrey Carpenter, Christopher Tolkien
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Foreign Bodies by Martin Edwards
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The Man in the Queue by Josephine Tey
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Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
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Dubliners by Joyce James
Return of the Soldier | Rebecca West
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I really liked it!
I'll admit that the prose was very dense and l had difficulties following it in places, but the story was very involving. Emotions were so strong.
The three women who are at the core of the story are absolutely fantastic... Whether you like them or not. With their actions, they speak loudly of how society tends to handle mental health.

The Phoenix and the Firebird | Alexis Kossiakoff, Scott Forbes Crawford
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This is a children's Tory, actually, but l loved it. Especially in the beginning.

It's set in China at the time when the Russian nobility found refuge from the Revolution there. The protagonists are two girl friends, one Russian and one Chinese... And l loved their friendship.

The story seamlessly merges true history facts with both Russian and Chinese folklore sardo' n a dreamy atmosphere that makes the story more precious.

Loved it!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover! 1mo
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Newsgirl | Liza Ketchum
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I am reading!!!

I know, this shouldn't be news on this app. But it's been so hard to find time to read in the last period.
But I'm making a point to read more often now. I want to get back having conversation about books and authors on this app. I've missed it.

Susanita Welcome back! 1mo
Jari-chan Happy to hear that!! Welcome back! 1mo
Daisey So glad to see your posts and comments today! 1mo
LiteraryinLawrence Yay! Good to see you! 💗 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
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Return of the Soldier | Rebecca West
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What I'm reading now.
I didn't mean to, but l found myself on the train, with my book finished. Emergency!!!
I chose a story for m Serial Reader... And I'm hooked!

Do you know this story or this author?

Daisey I enjoyed this one when I read it, but I can‘t remember the specifics now. 1mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey A WWI shell-shocked soldiers co mes ho me with 15 years erased from his mind. He is in love with his boyhood sweetheart and doesn't remember anything about his wife. It's an amazing premise 🤩 1mo
Jas16 I loved this one. 1mo
Nebklvr Rebecca West is a fantastic writer. I have read nonfiction of hers. I didn‘t realize she had written this. 1mo
JazzFeathers @Nebklvr @Jas16 She's really good. Such deep understanding of the human soul, and incredibly evocative prose. 1mo
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This is the third book l read in this series, and I'm enjoying it.
Khavari is very good with characters. She can put them in very thorny situation and let them show what stuff they are really made of.
The setting is also very good and unique.
This said, the mystery is not as strong. In this book in particular, it was so confused that even now I'm not sure what happened.
Yet, the characters kept me in there 😜

The Murder of Mr. Ma | SJ Rozan, John Shen Yen Nee
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I'll admit that what attracted me was the setting: the Chinese community in 1920s London..Very unusual and l was hooked!
It didn't turn out to be what l 'wanted'. Less of an accurate depiction, more a pastiche of Kung Fu movies and Sherlock Holmes adventures.
It was enjoyable, very easy to read, but it really wasn't for me. Unrealistic fight, super heroes, stretched suspension of disbelief. Not really my thing.
But it was me, not the book 😜

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I haven't found my rhythm yet 😟
I haven't even touched Dracula. I think that, at this point, I'll try to pick up again where l left off last year.

I am slowly getting back to some semblance of reading routine, so l hope that soon I'll be able to read regularly again.

My bujo tells me that this year (so far) I've only finished two books 😶
Reviews follow.

Sace I love your kindle cover! 2mo
Sace Ps I mean Kobo cover lol😂 2mo
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So, l'm.going ti try again.

For anyone who doesn't know, this is a reading of Dracula not in the order of the book, but by the date.
Every day there's action in the book, you receive an email where there's also a podcast reading that day's entry (which is what I'm going to do).

Last year, l fell off halfway through. But it was fun and l want to try again.
Starts today!

Anyone wants to join? 😁

BookmarkTavern I think there‘s a few of us joining in this year! 🦇 3mo
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Bram Stoker's Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Substack tells me they will soon start to read Dracula in chronological order again.

1. It can't be a year already 😳
2. I should try again 😁

So, let's try!

The Murder of Mr. Ma | SJ Rozan, John Shen Yen Nee
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Hi everyone.
I've been swallowed up by the AtoZ Blogging Challenge this month, which is why I've disappeared
I have three books by Tolkien to finish and l mean to, but at the moment l need to read this #NetGallet ARC before il expires.

Enjoyable read, though nothing special.

I"ll try my hardest to be a better Litsy citizen soon. I know l always say that ? but l promise l really want to.

Sace You are a perfect Litizen! I recently took note of this book. I‘m hoping my library has it or will get it. It doesn‘t sound like it‘s worth purchasing. 3mo
JazzFeathers @Sace l will not purché it, honestly. But it's a fun read 😁 3mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

Reading this today.
I've read this story many times, in multiple versions. It's always exceptionally beautiful and moving.

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

Let's face it. If this story was written in today's fantasy language, it would be extremely dark and desperate.

Instead, Tolkien chose to write it focusing on desires and even goals, twisted as they may be. And because of this choice, a story that might have been very dark, with an underline of will-power, it's in fact a story of strong wills and desires with an underline of darkness.

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowdhipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I love the story of the founding of Gondolin. I mean: Ulmo and his prophecy, the secret building, the way Turgon and his people disappear. It's so fairytale-like and yet it makes perfect sense in the narration.
I also love how the Vow starts to work its power. Yet Tolkien was always concerned with showing the Elves as fundamentally fair even when deeply troubled. Thingol's episode shows this perfectly.

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

Tolkien has a way to turn the environment into characters. The rivers and the forests, and the hills, the mountains, the plains and the lakes - all have the quality of characters in this narration.

I think this is why, even if at first glance this may seem like a descriptive chapter, there is still a sense of narration here.

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I'm really quite behind 😟
But I'm trying to catch up and am not as far behind as my posts might suggest.

I'm enjoying this a lot. Truly, The Silmarillion Is Better evrybtime you read it, because names and stories become me familiar and nouances come to the fore.

The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#TolkienReadingDay #TolkienReadingDay

I can't believe I almost missed Tolkien Reading Day! But here I am to raise a toast to our favourite professor!
My friends make fun of me because I often say, “This is one of my favourite Tolkien quotes,“ and they say, “They are all your favourite quotes!“ LOL! I suppose they are right.
But this quote would make any reader's heart sing!

Happy Tolkien Reading Day!

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

This is another action-packed chapter. So many important things happen here.

True to Tolkien's applicability, Feanor's death can be interpreted as his last act of selfishness, but l think, also as his legacy of action to a people that would tend to pause.

The story of Mahedros and Fingon is one of the most endearing in the Silmarillion. They are among Tolkien's best characters. I wish we knew more about them.

Daisey I agree about the story of Fingon & Maedros! Such a great story and an interesting story to compare to Sam finding Frodo after he‘s carried away by the orcs to the tower of Cirith Ungol. 4mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey True. It seems one of those stories Tolkien really wanted to tell, and not knowing whether the Silmarillion would ever been published, 'repurposed' them in the Lord of the Rings. I wish he knew how much we love them. 4mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

It kind of annoys me that we'll never know what Men ran away from. What was that shadow they feared but could not fight. We can imagine, of course, but it's obvious that Tolkien intended it as a mystery that needs to be accepted as such.

History is mysterious. Some things, we will never know. He created his history in the same way.

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

The creation of the Sun and Moon must be one of the loveliest such myths I've ever heard.

And l love that Tolkien adopted the ancient belief that the Sun is feminine and the Moon is masculine. And l love that Arien is the most powerful of the two and that, even as a fire spirit, she was not swayed by Morgoth and didn't become a Balrog. In fact, as the Sun, she was among his mightiest enemies.

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I really love how Tolkien, here, give us a glimpse of what was happening in Middle-earth while the Valar 'were not looking'.

It gives a sense of a more complex tapestry, as well as a sense that important things happen outside what we consider our world.

Significant things might be happening to us, but what happens in the larger world will eventually impact our life.

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So, l finally agree with my boss a different arrangement of my shifts. From today, l should have more time to dedicate to my passions.
I expect this will positively impact my activity on Litsy too 😁

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

It was hard to choose just three pictures!!
This action-packed chapter is, in my opinion, one of the best in the book. Certainly the most epic, with all the vows and the prophesies and the curse. And yet, also so very human, with all those flaws taking over action and decisions.

I love the idea of the Doom of Mandos. Repitedly, it will resurface in the book, almost with its own will. It's an incredible idea.

Daisey I do love this chapter! So epic! (edited) 4mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I've never noticed quite this clearly, but the way Morgoth sways the Noldor is very similar to the way Sauron will sway the Numenoreas.

There are many similarities: the lies believed as truths, the divided people, the rebellion against the Valar, the feeling of displacement. The idea of the exile and the fall seem to be present in both stories, which are therefore subtly connected.

What do you think?

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#Silmarillion new edition

Oh, my goodness! I want it! 😱 I need it! 🤩
Give it to me now!!!!!

Deifio Wow! What a beautiful edition! 5mo
JazzFeathers @Deifio It is 🤩 5mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

Here, in a nutshell, is Tolkien's complex discourse about what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong. And the reason why these concepts often mix and merge and telling one from the other may become very difficult.

It is, in my opinion, a beautiful passage.

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

On first read, it's maybe hard to tell, because at this point, so many things have already happened, but here (in my opinion) is were the story of the Silmarillion truly starts.

Morgoth lusting over the Silmarilli. What a powerful idea.

Melkor is a very 'strange' villain, in my opinion. On the surface, he's very basic: he's pure evil. Yet, the ways his evil works is very very complex.

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I'm fascinated with the relationship between Tolkien and Feanor, which started kind of carelessly (in the first draft of the legendary I'm, Feanor and the Silmarilli were clearly just a storytelling devise) and the evolved throughout the author's life.

Feanor is one of my favourite characters in the Silmarillion. Such a complex, difficult, complicated character.

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

The way Tolkien creates environments and realms always has a magica, poetic quality to it. It seems to me as these places have a personality of their own, as if they too were characters in the story.

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

Once, l heard a discussion among fans about whether it was true love between Thingol and Melian, or she had been sent to Middle-earth specifically to enchant him.

I've always thought it is true love, but l was fascinated by the fact that both things were possible.
(Ps: Tolkien does answer the question in HoME 😜)

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

"Thus it was that the Valar found at last, as it were by chance, those whom they had so long awaited. And Oromë looking upon the Elves was filled with wonder, as though they were beings sudden and marvellous and unforeseen.”

I love this idea that even if the song has already been sung, there remains always a sense of wonder. The concept of Destiny is very complex in Tolkien.

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

So, then. Anyone who's read Tolkien with me in the past knows of my love for the Dwarves. But, l mean, come on! How beautiful is it this origin story? 🤩

I love this chapter also because of the interaction among the Valar. Is it my impression, or - strange as it might sound - there is never much interaction among the Valar? 🤔

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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

For some reason, I've always loved the story of the Lamps of the Valar and l wish Tolkien had written more about them. The idea of these gigantic lamps illuminating the world... I don't know. There's something magical about it. And then their ruin...

But then, the first part of the Silmarillion, where only the Valar are there, is all exceptionally magical and poetic.

BethM I‘m struggling to follow it honestly 5mo
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JazzFeathers Let's talk about it @BethM The group is here to help along 😁 What do you find challenging? 5mo
CatLass007 My print copy of The Silmarillion is due to arrive tomorrow. I‘m hugely excited about starting from the beginning with both the print and audio versions. I know I‘m going to be off schedule but I can refer to your posts as I read/listen. 5mo
BethM I think it‘s bc I don‘t know what‘s happening. I‘m listening on audio. Is this like a creation story for the LotR world? 5mo
JazzFeathers @CatLass007 Yayyy!!! I think it will be easier to follow on paper. 5mo
JazzFeathers @BethM Ahhhh! The Silmarillion is always a bit baffling because there is so much in it. But there is a core story that regards the coursing of the Noldor. I'd suggest, follow that story if this is the first time you read this book. There is so much more in it, but that's for subsequent rereads. If you only focus on the Silmarilli and the course of the Noldor, you'll get a lot more out of the story in this read 😜 5mo
JazzFeathers @BethM Also, l really think audio is not the best way for this. It've very easy to get mixed up. Maybe you should try paper or ebook @Daisey what do you think? 5mo
Daisey @BethM Yes, it starts with a creation story, but I agree the core of the book is the story of the Silmarils. This is a book I finally feel pretty comfortable with after at least three reads. Now I can listen and follow, but on the first read there‘s no way I would have been able to follow with only audio. 5mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

Tolkien put together a fantastic cast of characters here.
I find that every Vala has something special to love, but over time, I've become particularly attached to Manwe, Ulmo and Nienna.

Who are your favourite Valar? 😁

Daisey I don‘t think I have a favorite, but I do appreciate the variety. 5mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

It doesn't matter how many times l read it, the Ainulindele will always touch my heart with his beauty. It is such a poetic origine story. But also, the deeper you get into the lore, the more essential elements in Tolkien's philosophy you can discern here.

I love the idea that the word was born in music. And that music still survives in the sound of the sea.

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CatLass007 I think I‘m a little off schedule. I listened to Ainulindale, The Music of the (Something? Ainu? Ainul? Ainor?) on Sunday and you‘re posting about it today, Wednesday. Am I behind or ahead? Maybe I need to start over again? Actually, I think I will start over again because I find my thoughts wandering and I‘m missing so much. Please just let me know where I need to be at the end of the day today. (edited) 5mo
CatLass007 Would a print copy of The Encyclopedia of Tolkien help me answer questions about this book? Or do you suggest a print copy of The Silmarillion? 5mo
JazzFeathers Hi @CatLass007 😁 @Daisey posted a schedule for the readalong here https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2704917 Today's read is Of the Beginning of Days. 5mo
Born.A.Reader I swore under whichever bookshelf diety you prefer that I owned a copy of this but I can't find the darn thing. I ordered one from Thriftbooks, it's due in shortly. Hoping to catch up when it comes in 5mo
Daisey @CatLass007 I find The Silmarillion hard to follow in audio only. I enjoy listening, but tend to get lost and have better luck with print. I also recommend the Prancing Pony Podcast episodes to go along with The Silmarillion for deeper understanding. (edited) 5mo
Daisey @CatLass007 Also, in reference to the schedule, we are pretty chill about following the schedule and many of us are very busy. Even as a host, I often fall behind during the week, especially this time of year, and play lots of catch up on the weekends. Don‘t be surprised if posts don‘t quite match the schedule. 5mo
CatLass007 @Daisey Thank you. Did you mean the Prancing Pony Podcast? Most of the buddy reads I‘m involved with I usually listen to the book all at once and then I follow along with the posts and discussions. I believe that‘s not the best way for me to listen to this book. It‘s serious and deep and requires more thought. I believe I will get a print copy of the book so that I have more of my senses involved and I‘m better focused. (cont)⬇️ 5mo
CatLass007 @Daisey I‘m glad you have catch-up days built into the schedule.💕 @JazzFeathers 💕Thank you both for hosting this and all the time and energy you put into it. (edited) 5mo
Daisey @CatLass007 Yes, Prancing Pony . . . Long day meant I forgot to check my own comment. The episodes are fairly long (I couldn‘t keep up with reading and podcasts last time), but I appreciated those I listened to. 5mo
CatLass007 @Daisey I often catch myself forgetting to proofread something. I‘m so glad we can edit posts on Litsy. Also, I‘m pretty happy with finally being able to edit on Facebook Messenger and to do something with texts after I hit the send button. I wanted to make sure that I was on the same wavelength as you 5mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I've read this letter so many times, but l always enjoy it.

Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

@Daisey asked to see our editions. This is mine. Nothing spectacular. But l got this years ago from an exchange here on Litsy, and l love it 🤩

This is currently my only English edition of The Silmarillion. Of course l need more!

Daisey I love the simple cover of this edition. 5mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey l really like it too. 5mo
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Silmarillion | J R R Tolkien
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion

I've just seen than my las post was a month ago 😶

So sorry for disappearing. February has been an exceptionally busy and kind of a bothersome month. But l really care for this readaling and this fantastic group of readers and l keep telling me next read will be better

I still want to finish reading what I've left out and catch up with all your posts.
Let's start immediately! 💪😁

TheAromaofBooks Oh man, I gotta go borrow this one from my brother!! 😂 5mo
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BethM You‘ve got this. Just jump in here so it‘s not all overwhelming:) 5mo
JazzFeathers @TheAromaofBooks Did you manage it? 😁 5mo
JazzFeathers @BethM l hope this time I'll make it. The Silmarillion chapters are often in the shorter side so 🤞 5mo
TheAromaofBooks haha yes!!! He is the Tolkien nerd in our family. I enjoy the stories, but haven't really delved into the lore before, so I'm intrigued to read this one! 5mo
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Why Tolkien's books always end on a sad note? 😢

I enjoyed this short collection a lot more than the first time that l read it, years ago. Maybe because now l can place it a little better among the other stories of Middle-earth.

A surprise number of them talk about journeys in a morm or another.
I didn't realise this the first time.

BarbaraJean That's interesting about the journey theme--very true! I read this a few years ago when we continued #LOTRChapteraDay, but I have to confess: I remembered VERY little. I do remember enjoying it more then, and I think part of that was the illustrations! I kind of wish I'd tracked down an audio version, as I think these poems would be better served that way than in print. I need to hear hobbits reciting/singing them at the Prancing Pony! 😉 6mo
JazzFeathers @BarbaraJean l agree. This must be marvelous in audio. 6mo
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Yes, l am late, but l will finish this today!

The New Detective | Peter Steiner
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These two #NetGalley ARCs expired the same day. I planned to read both books because l had time, if l was quick, and started Murder in Mistletoe Lane, because l usually enjoy cosy mysteries.
But l found so hard slogging through the chitchat, the family drama, all the christmassy set up.
So l thought, let's try the other one.
I initially really enjoyed The New Detective. ⬇️

JazzFeathers (continue) Up to about the middle point, l enjoy the way events were depicted before, during and after WWI, even if l couldn't figure out how everything connected. Then, as l started realising just that, the story changed. It moved away from Willi, the protagonist, and into (l suspect) more real history. Only, l don't think the author really crashed the complexity of the history he was handling. The last part of the book totally lost me. 7mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

This may seem a transition chapter, yet - l believe - we find here the core of Tolkien's philosophy.
In the way the friends come together and slowly take stock of what happend and how they were change, with a hint that the change might bring good things.
And in the last debate, where Gandalf guides toward doing the right thing in the time assigned to us, as others will do in their time.
Loved it!

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I love this chapter!
After so many epic events, here we go back to a human/hobbit scale. The characters arc back to how they were at the beginning of the story.
It really feels like going home after the terror of the war.

The dialogue between Strider and Merry always makes me laugh 😂

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Tales from the Perilous Realm | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee
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Here we go 😁

@Daisey l told you l got this because of you 😂

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I did write a short blog to celebrate Tolkien's birthday. I'm late as usual, but here it is 😁


BethM His quote is Greta 7mo
JazzFeathers @BethM It is. The entire passage is so good actually. There are lines that echo what Tolkien write in the dialogue between Sam and Frodo in their pause from the climbing of Cirith Ungol and I fancy Tolkien was writing that part when also writing to Christopher away at war, his art and his life intertwining. 7mo
dabbe 🖤💜🖤 7mo
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I'm already slacking on my new year resolutions. I'm late here, bu l hope to catch ap today.
Thanks so much to @Daisey for putting the schedule together. Maybe the weekly rhythm will suit me better 😜

How is everyone else getting on?

BethM I need the daily requirement 😂 7mo
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Roary47 I haven‘t gotten my book yet. 😭 7mo
BarbaraJean I‘m only 3 poems in—I counted the poems and the days and discovered I had a little wiggle room beyond 2 poems/day. So I took a couple days off to finish other books! 😂 7mo
Daisey @BethM If you want daily guidance, go with 2 poems per day and approx 10 pages in the stories or a chapter a day for the one with chapters. 7mo
JazzFeathers @BethM 😂 😂 😂 I know what you mean! 7mo
JazzFeathers @Roary47 Oh, no!!!! Well, we can be behind together, then 😂 7mo
JazzFeathers @Roary47 Oh, no!!!! Well, we can be behind together, then 😂 7mo
JazzFeathers @BarbaraJean I can't believe I haven't finished Return of the King yet 🙄 I thought I would finish over these holiday, but no joy there. Yet, these shorter works maybe will allow me to find some time for that. 7mo
JazzFeathers @Daisey @BethM I will probably try the same. I want to be a better fellow reader than I was with the LotR reread 😞 7mo
Roary47 @JazzFeathers I didn‘t finish return of the king either. 🫣 7mo
JazzFeathers @Roary47 Noooo! Let's create the sisterhood of the snail rangers. Who else is with us? 😂 But I mean to finish, eh!! 7mo
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The New Detective | Peter Steiner
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Expires in 4 days
I need to get a move on!

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#FellowshipOfTolkien #TolkienChristmas

I'm always so sad to finish the Letters from Father Christmas because it's a melancholy ending. During the war, with Tolkien finally giving up on a tradition he kept for over 20 years.

But this is a wonderful book, full of joy (for the most part) and the obvious love of a dad for his children.
It always warms my heart.

Daisey So true! 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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The New Detective | Peter Steiner
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So, since the 'Murder in Mistletoe Lane' wasn't doing much for me, l decided to start this #NetGalley ARC too. Both ARCS will expire the same day

Well, I've only read three chapters, but I'm hooked 😁

This is a mystery story set in Munich right before and right after WWI.
Totally up my alley 😜

Murder on Mistletoe Lane | Clara McKenna
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Let's see whether l can read this #NetGalkey #ARC before it expires 😜

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On the homebound train. Can't wait for the weekend.
Sorry for the long silent, especially to my fellow #LotRChapterADay readers. It's an hellish period. I hope things will look up and in the new year, though.

I hope to finish Return of the King over Christmas. I'm behind with #TolkienChristmas but l expect to catch up tonight.
I have two #NetGalley ARCs expiring before the year ends, will probably manage to read just one.

Let's keep up! 💪😁

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