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The Sunlit Night | Rebecca Dinerstein
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I‘ll be in Lofoten next month and I was excited to read a book set there. Sadly I found this disappointing, probably me but I just didn‘t “get” it and struggled to understand quite what was going on or why. Really really sad as I so wanted to like it.

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Bailing as this is definitely not what I was expecting. It is not about running. It is not a memoir. It is a non-fiction introduction to mental health (mainly anxiety) full of a lot of facts and references. Useful if that‘s what you‘re after!

dabbe #allhailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 1d
Mrs_B @dabbe I love your bailing support 🤣 definitely helps with the bail guilt. 1d
dabbe @Mrs_B Too many books out there, too little time = #NOGUILT! 🤩😂🤗 1d
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Two Twisted Crowns | Rachel Gillig
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Overall I was content with the conclusion of this duology and glad I read it. One thing annoyed me but I'll add it as a spoiler in the comments. In general though I was impressed with the magic and world that the author had managed to create.

Mrs_B I was really invested in Elspeth and Ravyn's relationship after book one, and it felt as though with the Nightmare taking over there was very little of Elspeth in this book, but I'm not sure it could have been written any differently! 3d
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One Dark Window | Rachel Gillig
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I really enjoyed this and understand why I‘ve been seeing recommendations for it. I loved the world building, the magic cards are really intriguing. The relationship between Elspeth and Ravyn is just sufficient to call this a fantasy romance.

Available on kindle unlimited too! (And the sequel is out, guess what I‘m reading next…)

Bette I found the cards so interesting. The sequel is good too. 👍🙂 2w
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Remarkably Bright Creatures | Shelby Van Pelt
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Definitely felt appropriate to finish reading this on the beach on holiday. Such a sweet book, I loved Marcellus‘ musings on human life - I would have enjoyed more of these. Tova sounds a formidable lady.

Thank you for the recommendation @Bookbuyingaddict

bookandbedandtea This is such a wonderful book. I love that cover! 🤩 2w
JenReadsAlot Loved this book! 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one 💙🧡 2w
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Mrs_B @bookandbedandtea it‘s very cute! 2w
Bookbuyingaddict Happy 😃 hols hope you had a great 😌 time see ya 👋 soon x x x 2w
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Nothing to See Here | Kevin Wilson
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This is weird but funny and so endearing. An intriguing premise, but the story is about so much more than the kids spontaneously combusting! I found myself really making time to read it.

Lesliereadsalot I read this odd book and liked it! 3w
LiteraryinLawrence I like most of his books. They all have that weird energy. 3w
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Well Traveled | Jen DeLuca
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When work was taking over my life this has provided some much needed respite.
Jen de Luca hasn‘t lost her touch with a magical renaissance faire adventure. I love getting to know the mystics in this one and hope they make a reappearance in future books!

BookKenz This is one of my favorite series! ❤️ 3w
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A comfort re-read (or re-listen) for me. Appropriate for cricket season!
I do just love this series, I love the humour and the twists. It‘s so creative and never fails to make me happy.

CarolynM Keep an eye out for chesterfields on the wicket😆 2mo
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Small Pleasures | Clare Chambers
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I was so drawn in to this story. I thought the author did an excellent job of portraying the minutiae of suburban life in the 1950s, whilst adding all the mystery drama. Very enjoyable read.

LeeRHarry Absolute fave of mine! 😊 2mo
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I am absolutely devastated to finish this series. Every single one of these books has been so different and I feel as if I‘ve learnt something about myself through reading each one. They are abstract but clever and subtle. This one was particularly uplifting and I enjoyed the ending.

Ms Chambers I want more!

ChaoticMissAdventures I love this series too! I could read dozens of them. 2mo
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Golden | Shannon Mayer
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I feel like Romantasy is really running low on ideas with this synopsis! I kinda feel like I need to read it now though…
Quick poll, to read or not to read?

jdiehr 🤣 I say read it. The animal shelter aspect is new (to me anyway) 2mo
RosePressedPages This sounds a little bit like the kdrama My Woofy Poofy Love 😂 2mo
Mrs_B @RosePressedPages oh my word that name! 2mo
BarbaraJean 😂 😂 Read it! Inquiring minds want to know. Take one for the team. 😆 2mo
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Paper Palace | Miranda Cowley Heller
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Read the TW before reading.

This drew me in. The weaving of the story is clever and very well done. I enjoyed the use of nature to add atmosphere and could imagine being there on the pond with the characters.

emmasm08 It‘s a lovely book , I read it a while ago but remember how much I enjoyed it . 2mo
Mrs_B @emmasm08 🩵 2mo
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Library win when you‘re the first to get the book and it‘s still pristine!!!
Not sure what this says about the book though…

The Mercies | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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This is definitely much darker than I had expected based on the cover. Set in 1600 Norway, and based on real events this is about grief and love. I felt like I was on the island with Maren and Ursa, willing them to survive. Intimately and powerfully written.

Mrs_B So much so I had to skip the chapters with the witch burning, I just felt too close to them all. 2mo
Librarybelle I really liked this one! 2mo
bookandbedandtea That is a beautiful cover! 😍 2mo
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Reggie I love this book so much. Just takes a few men to ruin EVERYTHING. 2mo
Velvetfur I really liked this one too, it's so dark ☺️ 2mo
Mrs_B @Librarybelle I think it‘s going to stay with me for a while. 2mo
Mrs_B @Reggie to be fair there are a couple of women who help them along the way. (Then regret it) 2mo
Mrs_B @bookandbedandtea it is so pretty, but for some reason it made me think it was set somewhere warm and sunny. 🤦‍♀️ 2mo
Mrs_B @Velvetfur definitely chilling! 2mo
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The Caves of Steel | Isaac Asimov
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I always enjoy an Asimov book and this was no exception. I love the way Asimov builds a futuristic world, and I thought this was a clever murder mystery story.

Minus points though for only having one very weak female stereotypical “wife” character. I know it was written a long while ago, but still sad.

Bonkers: My Life in Laughs | Jennifer Saunders
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Gosh I enjoyed this - far more than I expected to. The audiobook is “marvellous” (I‘ve found I now say marvellous all the time since listening to this 🫣). Jennifer Saunders is justifiably a comic great, and her stories and anecdotes are laugh out loud funny. Highly recommend the audio to appreciate her expression and comic timing!

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The Duck Race | Roderick Hunt
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This is how a nearby village is advertising its May Day duck race! So cute 🦆 🦆 🦆

julesG Wow! 3mo
UwannaPublishme 😍😍😍 3mo
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A love letter to the Shetlands and Shetland ponies. On the whole a very pleasant diary of a year of life in the Shetlands. Over the year Munro suffers a personal loss and talks of how the islands rhythms and life help her heal. Slow paced and just a nice book.

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This was not the light happy book I was expecting. This is a call to arms. This is an honest, and quite scary at times, account of what it's like to work in a hugely underfunded public library in Scotland. It is a plea to use your public libraries - and that they are so much more than just books. As Morgan says they “level the playing field“. Morgan brings the characters from the library to life, and is very honest in her opinion of management!

Mrs_B Also - great audiobook. Which I borrowed from my library. 3mo
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Chattering: Stories | Louise Stern
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This book is Stern‘s debut from 2010 and is a collection of short stories. The characters are reckless but each story left me wanting to know more. Several of the stories touch on deaf people feeling isolated and struggling to communicate. The writing is good, and I got the impression of a writer feeling their way towards being a great one.

Mrs_B @jenniferw88 would you like me to drop it in the post to you? 3mo
jenniferw88 Would you mind? Yes, please - I need a book by a deaf/hard of hearing author for a reading challenge and struggling to find one! Thank you so much! 3mo
Mrs_B @jenniferw88 of course! I‘ll get it sent out later this week. I can also recommend this one if you need any more! 3mo
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Queen of Shadows | Sarah J Maas
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Absolutely loving reading this series. I got very grumpy with anything which took me away from reading this. Manon is probably one of the highlights of this book - such a great character with amazing development. Need the next one ASAP!

Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Two weeks until Dracula Daily starts!

Last year I kept up for about two months, not sure if I can do better this year…

https://draculadaily.substack.com/about if anyone is interested!

Deblovestoread Thanks for the link! 3mo
peanutnine Ohh thanks! I might try this year 3mo
UwannaPublishme I just signed up for this too! 3mo
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Chattering: Stories | Louise Stern
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When Shaun Bythell in “The diary of a bookseller” mentioned meeting this author and her book I knew it was going on the list. I‘ve been keeping an eye out for books about deaf culture as I learn BSL and was delighted to come across a new one. Although I have to say inside another book wasn‘t how I expected to!

Scarlet | Genevieve Cogman
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I somehow missed this when it was released. I‘m a big fan of cogman‘s invisible library series. Anyway it‘s 99p on kindle at the minute!

julesG The sequel is due soon. 😉 3mo
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Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu
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I have to say we‘re enjoying the Netflix show of this series. I haven‘t read the books, but now I‘m thinking I should! If only as I will want to know what happens after series one.
Although I will be thinking differently about getting on a cruise ship this summer…

vivastory The Panama Canal episode.. incredible. This is one of my favorite SF trilogies of all-time. Definitely recommend checking it out. 3mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I haven't watched the show yet but what I gather it is vastly different because Netflix wanted to take most all of the politics out, and spread the story more globally. The book itself is mostly set in China and is fairly political. I enjoyed it even though it was a complex storyline. 3mo
batsy I just finished the trilogy which I loved. It's dense and very idea-heavy. I'm excited to start the TV show soon! 3mo
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Cosmos_Moon @vivastory @ChaoticMissAdventures @batsy intrigued! So I looked this up and there‘s a 4th book! Going to check these out 🤩 3mo
Mrs_B @vivastory yep, the panama canal episode. I watched it from underneath a blanket. 😩 3mo
Mrs_B @chaoticmissadventures that's really helpful to know - thank you! 3mo
Mrs_B @batsy I hope you enjoy it! 3mo
Mrs_B @cosmos_moon good find! 3mo
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I really enjoyed this, I thought it worked really well as an audiobook. Shaun is grumpy but loveable bookseller, who did make me feel guilty for owning a kindle. And not so guilty about my hoard of books. He paints vivid images of his customers and staff - not always favourable but usually very humorous.

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Heir of Fire | Sarah J Maas
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Absolutely loved it. I gave up waiting for my library request and just bought it. 🤫
I especially enjoyed reading Celaena learn and learn embrace her magic. Super good baddies - lots of evil beings to fight.
Now to go straight on to Queen of Shadows.

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SHUT YOUR MOUTH (new motto)
This was fascinating. It‘s well written - Nestor really gets the balance between research and anecdotes - and packs a powerful punch. I‘m definitely going to incorporate some new habits into my daily life - resolved to only breathe through my nose. Now excuse me while I go tape my mouth shut…

AmyG I tried taping my mouth shut. First night was great. Second night the tape was on my forehead. It didn‘t quite work out for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4mo
TieDyeDude I think the information and the ideas are very important, but he seems to be telling everyone to jump in with both feet, rather than encouraging people to discuss things with their doctors or health professionals. I definitely found some useful things, and I loved the section about how our skulls and faces have developed over time... 4mo
TieDyeDude but I also was read to tape my mouth shut for snoring until my doc told me I should do a sleep study and diagnosed me with sleep apnea and tape would be a very bad idea for me. 4mo
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AmyG @TieDyeDude Absolutely! I don‘t snore so I didn‘t have an issue. 4mo
Chrissyreadit I loved this book- and have gotten much better about nose breathing when i‘m awake and take a weekly breathe work class that i love!!! 4mo
Mrs_B @AmyG I love that image of waking up with tape on your forehead! 😂 4mo
Mrs_B @TieDyeDude that‘s interesting, what did a sleep study involve? 4mo
Mrs_B @Chrissyreadit is it an online class? If so would you mind sharing the details? I‘ve found one for Sunday which I‘m hoping to be able to try. 4mo
Chrissyreadit It‘s not online anymore (it used to be both) but the instructor is breathtide on IG if you want to follow her. 4mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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I was really nervous to read this having seen some mixed reviews, and knowing how much I adore Hazelwood‘s other books. But I absolutely devoured it and could not put it down!!! I loved the humour mixed in with the drama. Considering this was her first book into the fantasy genre I was very impressed. Also so happy that the end looks as though she‘s setting up for a sequel. Yay!

Bookbuyingaddict Bloody loved 🥰 that book 📖😆 4mo
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Geez this was a slow story, I reckon you could cut out at least a third of the book. I very nearly gave up on it several times. Quite a predictable conclusion. At least it‘s off the shelf.

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I went to a used book barn and with over 100 000 books! I came home with quite a haul, but I loved this mills & boons section - shelves absolutely full of them! I was good and only chose one (which I sped through).
Mills & Boon have a special place in my heart. They‘re never going to win awards, but they‘re such a comfort read - guaranteed a happy ending!

Bookbuyingaddict Hey is. This astley book 📖 barn ? If so isn‘t the cafe ☕️ amazing 🤩 not that far from me or you we should meet up for a cuppa ☕️ bookish chat and of course a shop 🛍️ 😆😘 4mo
Mrs_B That‘s the one! Impressed you recognised it!!! Are you in #Litsylove? If so Drop me an email! @Bookbuyingaddict (edited) 4mo
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No Worries If Not! | Lucy Nichol
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I really loved the premise of this book, I loved the feminist stance and I loved how the main character was starting conversations about women‘s bodies and sexism in the workplace. But the story felt a bit contrived and the writing really needed some polishing. Maybe I‘m just too old to be reading about TikTok, Tinder and Instagram!!!

Crown of Midnight | Sarah J. Maas
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Loved this continuation of Throne of Glass, lots of character development and I enjoyed getting to know the main players.
Now to anxiously await my hold to come in at the library for the next in the series…

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Throne of Glass | Sarah J. Maas
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And so my journey through this series begins, I can already tell I‘m going to love it. Sneaky hints of magic, sinister baddies, and of course the romance! It‘s going to be a ride. Sarah J Maas knows how to build a world.

Mrs_B Also libraries are the BEST. I realised my hold came in for the next book 10 minutes before the library shut. I SPRINTED, and made it just as the librarian was locking the door. She was super nice and let me take it away. So grateful for libraries. 4mo
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Frenchman's Creek | Daphne Du Maurier
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This is almost a Robin Hood tale. Dona really grew on me, and I loved her wit, courage and joie de vivre. There was humour in the dialogue that had me chuckling.
I got a bit tired of the “women are only good for having children” attitude, and hoped this would be challenged more but sadly wasn‘t. I don‘t know if it‘s just indicative of the time period, but I did roll my eyes!

Bookbuyingaddict Also on my TBR read Jamaica 🇯🇲 inn last November and loved 🥰 it x 4mo
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Frenchman's Creek | Daphne Du Maurier
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“There was silence between them for a moment, and she wondered if all women, when in love, were torn between two impulses, a longing to throw modesty and reserve to the winds and confess everything, and an equal determination to conceal the love forever, to be cool, aloof, utterly detached, to die rather than admit a thing so personal, so intimate.“

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Thank you so much to @Megabooks for this recommendation.

My journey to learn more about deaf culture continues and this was an excellent addition. I was horrified by the stories of how difficult it was to find early education in an accessible language. I definitely have more insight into the challenges deaf people face and how difficult it is to advocate for access.

If anyone knows of any other books around deaf culture please let me know!

Megabooks So glad you liked it! 4mo
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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I talked my way in to a “fantasy” exhibit at the British Library a few weeks ago and I was delighted to find that they had borrowed Susannah Clarke‘s original drawings of the halls in Piranesi. Absolutely fascinating how she planned it all out!

TrishB I went to this exhibition too- it was amazing! 4mo
Mrs_B I didn‘t realise it was on, I just happened to be passing and saw the sign. It was technically sold out but managed to talk them into squeezing me in. So glad I did!!! @TrishB (edited) 4mo
IuliaC Amazing! 4mo
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Now THAT is a genius idea.

RaeLovesToRead Until a hot day and it melts all over As I Lay Dying 🤣🤣 4mo
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Nothing to See Here | Kevin Wilson
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Thank you so much #jolabokaflod !!!
I am super excited to read this book - it‘s been on my Amazon wish list forEVER! Excellent choice!

And thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for your super organisation, as always.

Soubhiville I love this book! Hope you will too. 7mo
Chrissyreadit Happy Litsyversary!!! 7mo
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Wow what a clever book. An incredible story, very passionately written. And an excellent insight into deaf culture and deaf history. I learnt so much and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wish there were more like it, if anyone has any other recommendations then let me know!

Thank you very much to @Megabooks @fredthemoose and @Bookwormjillk for the recommendation and advice.

Bookwormjillk I‘m glad you liked it! 7mo
Megabooks So glad you enjoyed it! 7mo
BennettBookworm One of my FAVES! 7mo
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My #jolabokaflod is here!!!


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I feel like I‘ve been seeing this book everywhere recently, and so when I wanted a spicy romance I thought I‘d give it a go.
Conclusion: it‘s okay. It did not have that “can‘t put it down” factor for me, which I usually get with this genre! Spoilers in comments of plot things which bothered me.
I suspect that the rest of this series is better as Huang‘s writing improves.

Mrs_B Okay two things in the last few chapters: his stalking of Ana is CREEPY and SINISTER. The way he threatens that he can get away with anything is really not okay, and made me feel very sorry for her. I know that‘s supposed to be part of his bad boy vibe but too far IMO. And the way he sings at HER photograph launch, making it all about him is so not supportive AT ALL. Really bugged me. 7mo
Zuhkeeyah @Mrs_B The attention grab at her debut drove me nuts. I found the dynamic between the two of them very uneven. I heard the second book is better but haven't been interested in continuing the series. 7mo
Mrs_B @Zuhkeeyah so glad it‘s not just me! 7mo
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So good to be back with the gang in Coopers Chase. A bittersweet ending, but as always very well written by Mr Osman. Joyce takes a much more prominent role in this book which was lovely, and it seems the cast is expanding!

CoffeeNBooks I love this series so much! 8mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Definitely the best in the trilogy, although I wanted more of LaLa! Very satisfying ending. I have closure.

Mrs_B Also, yay for libraries borrowing for free rather than expensive Amazon prices!!! 8mo
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I am currently taking a course trying to learn British Sign Language and I would like to learn more about deaf culture and I was wondering if anyone knew of any novels which have this included? I‘d be very grateful! Thank you

Mrs_B @fredthemoose that‘s a great suggestion, thank you! 8mo
Bookwormjillk Second True Biz 8mo
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TieDyeDude I'm not sure about novels. I read a non-fiction book that examined the independent development of a new form of sign language that was really interesting and looked at sign language from a linguistic and social POV. There is also a hearing-impaired contestant on this year's Great British Baking Show, which was cool to see, though her interpreter was not shown too often and she wore a device, so her signing was also minimal. 8mo
Megabooks You may already know this! True Biz features American Sign Language, which because of the influence of French teachers at early American deaf schools, is more similar to LSF than British Sign Language. However, I will recommend this memoir by an American Deaf author. I love how he talked about traveling with other Deaf folks who speak other sign languages. (edited) 8mo
Mrs_B @Bookwormjillk 💜 thank you! 8mo
Mrs_B @TieDyeDude thank you very much, do you have the name of the book? I‘m trying to learn more about deaf culture. 8mo
Mrs_B @Megabooks thank you very much! 8mo
Mrs_B @Megabooks also, fascinating fact!!! 8mo
Mrs_B @TieDyeDude thank you! 8mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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It was the part of herself that loved to hope. She‘d forgotten how Hope could make colours brighter and feelings warmer. How it could shift thoughts from what wasn‘t to what was possible.

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And it‘s on the way! It‘s prettier on the inside I promise, but forgot a photo of that bit… (Recipient please feel free to remove horrible brown packaging and reveal prettier sub Christmas tree appropriate parcel!)
#jolabokaflod #jolabokaflodswap

Check & Mate | Ali Hazelwood
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I thoroughly enjoyed this. I adore all Ali Hazelwood‘s books and this is no exception. She has a talent for taking on sexism issues in typically male-dominated sciences, or chess in this case, in a serious but fun way. Plus a good romance story!

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Check & Mate | Ali Hazelwood
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I went to get Christmas Cards. I did not buy Christmas Cards. But I have no regrets.

Jari-chan Read first. Cards later. 8mo
Mrs_B @Jari-chan I will absolutely take that advice. 😂 8mo
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