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These are my results for #BFC21. I‘ll be participating in #BFC2022 as well but haven‘t settled on goals yet. I will post those later. I‘m pretty proud of myself for these results — especially given how crazy and difficult my last few months have been.

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
wanderinglynn Awesome! Way to go! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉 3y
Reggie Wow! Great job, Kathy! And Happy New Year! 3y
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Reggie Also, here‘s to more unlikable characters while you listen while you walk. 😜 3y
bnp Congratulations Kathy!🥳🎉 3y
KathyWheeler @Reggie 😄 Happy New Year to you too! 3y
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Holly and Ivy | Fern Michaels
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Done! As I said before, not a cheery Christmas story, but definitely worth reading! When it started, I wasn‘t sure how it was going to go, but it was a three-tissue tear-jerker in the end. I will be thinking on it for quite a while. #162 #DS #BookSpinBingo #BFC21 #NewYearSpecial #20in4 #CSReadathon #RIF #ChristmasMyWay #Wintercosy #AVeryMerryReadathon #WG2021 #MistletoeManiacs

DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 3y
TheSpineView Great job! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Welcome to #BFC2022!

For a little extra 2022 motivation, there'll be a mid-year & an end-of-year drawing!

To earn entries:
* Post monthly goals (1 post per month)
* Post end-of-month update (1 post per month)
There *may* be other ways to earn entries during each month. 😉
And be sure to use #BFC2022 + tag me to earn your entry.

Tagging everyone from #BFC21. Please comment if you want to be tagged for #BFC2022

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IndoorDame Yes. Please tag me! 3y
wanderinglynn @IndoorDame 👍🏻🙌🏻 3y
MatchlessMarie Tag me. Kind of fell off the wagon but I want to try again. 3y
wanderinglynn @MatchlessMarie 👍🏻🙌🏻 3y
Jennifer3 Please tag me! I would love to do this. ❤️ 3y
Chrissyreadit 🙌👍👋😘 3y
tdrosebud Yes, please tag me. I also fell off the wagon pretty early on and I really need the motivation. Thanks for hosting this! 3y
KathyWheeler I‘ll be doing this again. It helps me so much with motivation! 3y
katy4peas Please tag me! I want to keep trying! 💕 3y
Read4life Yes. I‘m in. Please tag me. 💙🤓 3y
mcipher I‘m in! I really need some motivation! 3y
ChasingOm Yay! I‘m in!! 3y
AsYouWish I am in!!! 3y
BookishBelle Life happened a lot this past year. I‘d like to try again in 2022. I‘m in! 3y
TK-421 I‘d like to try again! Count me in! 3y
Airykah13 I‘m in! 3y
Roary47 I‘d like to focus in again. Update for this month I am catching up. 🥰 3y
eanderson I‘m in! 3y
Susanita Yes please 3y
Allydanielle88 I'd love to do this 3y
BarkingMadRead Yes! I‘m in for 2022! 3y
fredthemoose I‘d like to be tagged! 3y
rockpools Oh, I am glad you‘re running this again. Please can you tag me? Thanks 😊 3y
wanderinglynn @rockpools 👍🏻🙌🏻 3y
julesG Yes, please tag me. 3y
wanderinglynn @julesG I got you on the list! 👍🏻 3y
PageShifter I am in! 3y
Bookwormjillk I‘m in! I haven‘t fully figured out my goals yet, but I will eventually! 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Hoping to do better with this challenge this year. ❤️ Definitely still tag me. 3y
Hestapleton No tag for me this year. Pregnancy is kicking my butt and I‘m expecting postpartum will be the same. :/ 3y
Jerdencon Yes! I have been participating but will try to be better about posting this year! 3y
Crazeedi Lynn I really need to commit to this in 2022. Thank you for hosting and for encouraging 3y
Moonprismpower Tag me too. I may complete it all but I will be trying. 😄 3y
Charityann Yes, tag me, please! I‘m recommitting to my fitness and health goals.😄 3y
Bookwormjillk @Hestapleton congratulations 🎉 3y
Andrew65 Thanks, think I need this. 🤣 COvID has led to a more sedentary lifestyle. 3y
Sresendez12 I‘m in! I reached my fitness goals last year and am attempting better eating this year so the more motivation the better! 3y
AbigailJaneBlog Yes definitely want to continue - it helps keep my goals in mind 🥰🎉 3y
NovelGirl82 Yay!! I‘m excited for this year. Grad school is done and I‘ll have more time to focus on my health goals. Looking forward to this year with you all!! Will our slack channel still be active this year? 3y
OriginalCyn620 Yes, please keep tagging me! I want to recommit to my fitness and self care goals in the new year! 😊 3y
RedxoHearts Thanks for hosting this again I've already got my goals in mind for January 3y
ATB Thank you for the 2022 tag! Working on my goals today. 3y
wanderinglynn @Hestapleton totally understand. Sending you many {hugs} and lots of love 💜 3y
Larkken Thanks for the tag! I did not keep up with this challenge last year, but I‘d love to take the opportunity to try, try again! 3y
wanderinglynn @Larkken 🙌🏻👍🏻 3y
Chrissyreadit Happy New Year! 3y
wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit Happy New Year my friend! 😘 3y
bthegood I'm in - thanks for hosting. ⭐ 3y
MoMogrl I'm in.... Hopefully I'll be better about posting this year 3y
Blackink_WhitePaper Wish you a happy new year 🥳 I m trying to continue this for 22 as well . Count me in 🙌💐 3y
jmtrivera In! 3y
Bookgoil Time for me to join in ❤️ 3y
MoonWitch94 Is it too late to join in? I think this could be a fun way to set some new goals. @wanderinglynn (edited) 3y
niftytiffd Please include me 🙋🏼‍♀️ 3y
wanderinglynn @Bookgoil @MoonWitch94 @niftytiffd Welcome! It‘s never too late to join. 🙌🏻 3y
niftytiffd @wanderinglynn Yay! Thank you!!! 3y
DogMomIrene Im thinking thIs challenge may be the very thing to help me stay on track with my reading and personal goals this year. Count me in. Need to think about my January goals🤔 3y
wanderinglynn @DogMomIrene welcome! 👍🏻🙌🏻 3y
CoffeeNBooks I'm going to try this again this year- hopefully I'll do better than I did last year. 😄 3y
wanderinglynn @CoffeeNBooks 👍🏻🙌🏻 3y
Jadams89 I think I‘ll join in this year! 3y
wanderinglynn @Jadams1776 yay! Welcome! 🙌🏻 3y
MoonWitch94 Wahoo! 🥳🎉 Thank you! 3y
Chelseabillups30 Read my first three books towards a total goal of 10 that apply to my local library‘s winter reading challenge and do something physically active for a minimum of 20 minutes, 22 seconds a day!! 3y
wanderinglynn @Chelseabillups30 great goals! 🙌🏻👏🏻 3y
j9brown Mind adding me to the tag list, too? I got winded just rummaging around in a closet the other day, I desperately need to move more! 😝 3y
wanderinglynn @j9brown absolutely! Welcome! 👍🏻🙌🏻 3y
MelAnn Oh I‘m gonna do this - working on my posts / goals now! 2y
wanderinglynn @MelAnn happy to have you join us! 🙌🏻💜 2y
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Finished this one yesterday. That gives me a BINGO on #BookSpinBingo! It was a really sweet story and said a lot about Santa and the spirit of Christmas that I remember telling my children when they got to an age that they had questions. Really good book loaded with Christmas words and lots of generosity, Holiday magic, and reindeer! #BookSpinBingo #BFC21 #CSReadathon #RIF #WINTERCOSY #AVeryMerryReadathon #ChristmasMyWay

DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 3y
TheSpineView Love the cover! ❤ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I've read a couple of Admans's books and really enjoyed them. 3y
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Oh, this was good! Some of the stories were stronger than others (I particularly liked the swamp beast one) but they were all creepy and looked great!



night_shift Impulse read (10pts) 🎄 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (space 2 - library hold) 🎄 #WinterCosy @PuddleJumper (9/20) 🎄 #AVeryMerryBingo @Jadams1776 (It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year) 🎄 #BFC21 @wanderinglynn (8/20 overall) 🎄 #HolidayHorrors @Patchshank (2/10) 🎄 1hr/6 readathons +1 for post 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Jadams89 👍🏻🎉🎄 3y
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The Mushroom Fan Club | Elise Gravel
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I really want to add this cute mushroom picture book to my bookcase. I am member of the mushroom fan club! They're fascinating and weird and I love keeping my eyes peeled for them while hiking/camping. 🍄🍄



night_shift Impulse read (10pts) 🎄 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (space 22 free) 🎄 #WinterCosy @PuddleJumper (8/20) 🎄 #AVeryMerryBingo @Jadams1776 (Jingle Bells - bingo!) 🎄 #BFC21 @wanderinglynn (7/20 overall) 🎄 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
Jadams89 🎉🎄🎄 3y
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Garlic and the Vampire | Bree Paulsen
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This was too cute! Garlic was very relatable, but Carrot was freaking adorable 😍 very sweet story about humanoid veggies and a vampire, not judging people before you know them, and being brave. Really loved the art in here, too!

#MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021 @Clwojick



night_shift Impulse read (10pts) 🎄 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks (space 17 library hold) 🎄 #WinterCosy @PuddleJumper (7/20) 🎄 #AVeryMerryBingo @Jadams1776 (This Christmas) 🎄 #BFC21 @wanderinglynn (6/20 overall) 🎄 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Jadams89 🎉👍🏻🎄🎁 3y
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This was a great Christmas book. Great characters, lots of Christmas activities and words AND a happy ending (sorry if that‘s a spoiler for you - but it is a Christmas novel so…) #155 #BookspinBingo #11 #BFC21 #CSReadathon #RIF #ChristmasMyWay #AVeryMerryBingo #Wintercosy #LittenListenAudioathon #AVeryMerryReadathon

Jadams89 🎄🎉👍🏻🎁 3y
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3y
TheAromaofBooks I read this one this month and really enjoyed it also!! 3y
DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 3y
Clwojick I love this authors Xmas books! 3y
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Elf: A Short Story of a Tall Tale | Buddy Hobbs, David Berenbaum
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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#currentlisten #BFC21 Trying to finish this 25 hour #audiobook before the end of the year. Halfway there, will take a lot of walking! #chunkster

SRWCF 25 hour?!?! 3y
CuriousG That is a huge book and I love it, but don't know if I could have done it on audio. Good for you! 3y
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