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The Friend Zone | Abby Jimenez
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⭐️⭐️💫 Meh. I liked Jimenez‘s latest book so I‘m trying her earlier stuff. This was her first and my least favorite. MC is immature and deceitful (for reasons, but still), love interest is nice but also has some toxic touches “bitches be crazy” attitudes early on, and the middle 2/3 was basically manipulative relationship sabotage because MC can‘t have an adult conversation. But I did get through it in a couple of days. 🤷‍♀️

The Deadline: Essays | Jill Lepore
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Collection of Lepore‘s New Yorker essays. Unsurprisingly, they were all really well written. I‘m amazed at her mastery of so many different topics related to law, politics, and history. My favorites were the couple of more personal essays at the beginning of. The only downside is that since the topics covered are so broad, they can wander into territory the reader (listener) may not have picked (e.g., waterboarding). Overall great.

Suet624 Waterboarding… 😳😩 3w
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Trespasses | Louise Kennedy
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 24-year old Cushla is a Catholic teacher who lives with her mother and works in the family pub near Belfast during the troubles. The book weaves her affair with an older, married, Protestant barrister, and also her relationships with the troubled family of a young student. The affair was really predatory, and the story took awhile to get into, but I ended up liking it. Bit of a slow burn for me. Soft pick.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I liked most of this well enough but the last couple of chapters had me rolling my eyes so hard. These were mostly likeable characters that just seemed so immature and dopey (particularly January) toward the end. Why have an actual conversation about this emotional issue that‘s bugging you when you could assume the worst and end up in unnecessary turmoil?? It was a soft pick but the last couple of chapters took it to a so-so.

Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Probably would never have picked this one up if it wasn‘t for #CampLitsy, but it was a pick! Even right before the end I wasn‘t sure what was going to happen.

Suet624 You‘re right - I kept thinking I knew what was going to happen but was wrong. 2mo
BarbaraBB Me too! 2mo
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⭐️⭐️💫 Frustrating. Background on the development of Semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) was fine, but he seemed to use his experience of being overweight (eating so much KFC employees gave him a card for being their best customer) to paint every overweight person with the same brush. Never attempted to disentangle what health effects were from behaviors that also lead to weight gain from the excess weight itself. Seemed like a big miss.

fredthemoose Also leaned hard on placing all blame for obesity and related health effects on the food system (where undoubtedly plenty of blame should go) but also seemed to do absolutely nothing to protect his own health until taking the drugs, despite plenty of resources. If you‘re worried about heart disease, take a walk, eat a vegetable, see if there are reasonable ways to lower sodium… you don‘t have to be perfect, but you‘re also not powerless. (edited) 2mo
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Hotel Nantucket | Elin Hilderbrand
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great, light palate cleanser after some harder books. Follows the stories of the staff of a newly renovated hotel over their first summer season as they attempt to get an elusive “5 key” review from an anonymous online travel blogger. The characters had more depth than I expected from a beachy read. Definitely enjoyed.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Important, well-researched, and well-written book weaving together the history, sociology, and politics of the crack epidemic with the stories of several people caught up in it.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoyed this. I tend to agree with her critiques of marriage and the expectations it places specifically on women‘s labor. Her marriage and ex husband both sound awful, (so much so that I actually thanked my partner for not being a condescending tool while reading it). I totally support finding fulfillment on one‘s own, but it is also possible to find a fulfilling partnership with someone who is not an entitled jerk.

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Trite self-satisfied self-help word salad. Did you know that the way to start is to start? I bailed when it got to “do or do not, there is no try.” I just can‘t.

5feet.of.fury Lol the Yoda quote 3mo
fredthemoose @5feet.of.fury 😂 I was already underwhelmed but that was the point where I stopped the audiobook and returned the loan. 3mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Part dissertation on the intersection of crosswords and feminism, including profiles of several women and LGBTQ+ folk; part memoir of a young woman crossword constructor who worked as an assistant to Will Shorts, including her recovery from anorexia. Parts are thought provoking, but there are a lot of different and not obviously connected threads that sometimes weave together more effectively than others.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really interesting look at the politics and sociology of the Nixon era. In previous biographies and Watergate books I‘ve read there‘s some sympathy for him as an awkward outsider. Not here. Perlstein goes all in on the vicious tactics he used to get and keep political power (like prolonging the Vietnam war to help his election 🙃). Looking forward to more Perlstein, but this was a #chunkster at 881 pgs, so maybe after a break…

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Oof—this guy (Dalio) come off as a psychopath in this book. I read his book Principles a few years ago and remember finding it interesting, although I couldn‘t tell you what any of the principles were. This portrayal is rough. In addition to him being an abusive boss, the lack of any validation or testing of the tools he touts as the keys to everything is just 🤯. Worth a read if you like investigative journalism, esp. around business!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 I‘ve read a few of Newport‘s books, and this is the one I found to be the most realistic and actionable, by far. I‘ve been trying to rethink the way I approach work for the last few months, and a lot of that is in line with the advice here about doing fewer things, working at a reasonable pace, and focusing on quality. I‘m hopeful that as I get better at that, work will feel both more manageable and more fulfilling.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Cute, gay, enemies to lovers romance

CarolynM ❤️ 4mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 I love biographies as a way of learning more about history and culture. This was a good, and provided some of that, but it really read like an authorized biography and leaned toward hagiography, especially about Tupac‘s mother, Afeni. That detracted from it for me, but worth checking out if you‘re otherwise interested.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thoughts, musings, experiences, loves, fights, and infatuations of Boy George. It was fun hearing him laugh at his own stories and observations on audio, but the storytelling part was sort of all over the place. I wasn‘t always sure who some of the people were or what their history was when he was telling stories or talking about falling out with someone. A soft pick—If this looks interesting to you, it‘s worth a shot.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When I see my retired aunt and uncle I ask what their book club is reading to get ideas, and this was one of those books. ☺️ I enjoyed this one—I find stories of people building something from nothing and hearing what went well and what was a struggle to be really interesting. Everyone wants to present themselves in the best light, but I felt like this had a decent amount of humility and didn‘t sugar coat the struggle.

Suet624 Phil knight had the same ghost writer for his book as Prince Harry and Andre Agassi. Sadly, I don‘t think Phil gave much credit to the writer. 4mo
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Lovesick Blossoms | Julia Watts
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Story of forbidden love between two women married to men who are faculty in the same department in a college in the South in 1953. Months liked and rooted for the characters but found the carelessness/cluelessness of one exasperating. Mostly left so thankful to not have been born 60 years earlier, because the treatment of women generally and gay women in particular was garbage. #LitsyToB24

Idlewild | James Frankie Thomas
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Coming of age/friendship story of queer friends at a Quaker school in NYC in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. I was initially a little put off by the obnoxiousness of the MCs, but grew more sympathetic to what they were dealing with in terms of friendship and identity, especially 20+ years ago. #LitsyToB24

squirrelbrain Weren‘t we all that obnoxious at that age?! 🤣 5mo
LiteraryinLawrence I‘m reading this now and I totally get what you mean! 5mo
Ruthiella @squirrelbrain I was so reminded of how awful I must have been as a teenager when I read this book! I was so disdainful of others who didn‘t share my worldview and so sure I was right…except for when I was totally insecure. 😂 5mo
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⭐️⭐️ I can get down with Royal and Royal-adjacent books. I understand the Queen‘s life was different from anyone else‘s, but a photo shoot with rain clouds above is not actual suspense I care about. It was interesting hearing about some of the clothes but this was just so silly.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
fredthemoose @dabbe 😂 Why thank you! 5mo
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The Five-Star Weekend | Elin Hilderbrand
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A recently widowed woman invites 4 close friends from different parts of her life to join her on Nantucket for a “five-star weekend”. Current and past individual and interpersonal drama unfold. A fun, beachy read with enough next to make it interesting.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I haven‘t been on the Peloton in a bit (SO happy to be back in the in person gym!), but Cody was always my go-to when I wasn‘t in the mood. He always made it fun, affirming, and entertaining, and the book is like several hours of that, but without the sweat. He also goes more into his story, which was way more difficult than I realized. Loved it—recommend for anyone in need of a “fix your wig” fix!

DaNae.Gr I always enjoy his rides! 5mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think there‘s a really good and clever book in here, but I also feel like I only followed about 20% of it and probably missed a lot. I think I needed some Cliffs Notes or an explainer of some sort to keep everything straight (or to have a better grasp on Korean history to be able to pick up the alternate history in here). #LitsyToB24

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PSA—Kindle version of All the Sinners Bleed is $2.99 today… #LitsyToB24


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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fun, quick novel told from the POV of a mountain lion living in the hills above LA, his inner thoughts, drives, and interactions with humans.

Reggie I‘m so happy that they went to Disneyland! 5mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was excellent . I expected it to be sort of “rah rah—if we all get out the vote it will all be fine” but instead it was a history of our uniquely American history and flirtations with and reactions to facism. I was familiar with a lot of the discrete bits of history but she connected things in ways I hadn‘t before. Highly recommend.

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Starting this one tonight. Thoughts and prayers, please. 🙏 #LitsyToB24

Ruthiella Godspeed! 😂 5mo
Chelsea.Poole 😂 5mo
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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Coming of age/young adulthood story of an Irish woman and, her gay roommate/BFF and and a unique set of circumstances they (mis)manage leading to the “incident”. I‘ve seen this compared to Sally Rooney‘s books, but I found these characters more sympathetic and the situations more interesting and morally ambiguous. I enjoyed it! #LitsyToB24

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoyed this novel about a family reacting to the father going missing and what‘s uncovered while searching for him. I found the middle 70% or so the strongest—it was a little slow to grab me and then meandered toward the end, but overall I liked it and appreciated some of the things it left me thinking about related to disability and language. I probably wouldn‘t have picked it up if not for #LitsyToB24, but I‘m glad I did!

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Let Us Descend | Jesmyn Ward
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I don‘t know how to review this. The writing was beautiful. The subject matter was hard. I didn‘t particularly enjoy it, but enjoyment was not the point. I wasn‘t sure what the rules of engagement were for the magical realism part. The ending felt unsettled, like more of a brief pause for the MC, but I hope things work out for her. #LitsyToB24

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Novel written as the memoir of a middle aged woman caring for her best friend as she‘s in hospice dying of cancer. Overall really enjoyed it. Got exasperated with the MC 2/3 through but her dying friend telling her that yes, she WAS judging the MC for some of her questionable behavior helped.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really enjoyed most of this book about the discoveries and scientists behind CRISPR gene editing technology. The author uses Dr. Doudna as a way into the story but it really wasn‘t about her. It got bogged down a bit in repeating the ethical arguments for and against using the technology and in what cases it‘s appropriate, but overall it was really interesting.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ There were things I liked about this, but I think there were just too many subplots and side characters. I found myself half paying attention to a lot of it like “okay, okay, just get to the part that moves the plot forward”. I did love Dodo and Monkeypants. ❤️ #LitsyToB24

fredthemoose Just realized this was my #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 6mo
Chelsea.Poole I felt the same. 6mo
fredthemoose @Chelsea.Poole Yeah… It wasn‘t bad, there was just too much there. And with so many minor characters there wasn‘t a deep relationship with any specific character to root for. 6mo
Megabooks His books are definitely big on the side plots, sub plots and ancillary characters!! 6mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoy a certain amount therapy voyeurism, and this has some of that for couples. If that‘s your thing, give it a shot. Some of the insights were interesting others I sort of skimmed over. His narration wasn‘t great—to soft and not clear. Soft pick/so-so.

JenReadsAlot I'm a therapist 😂 6mo
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February | June Makle
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Here‘s #Bookspin Bingo list for February. I‘m coming for you, #LitsyToB24!! @TheAromaofBooks

Megabooks Awesome! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Late to the party, but here is my January BookSpin Bingo board. Finished 9 books, mostly for #LitsyToB24 and some #AuldLangSpine recs from @JenReadsAlot Got my #doublespin but not my #bookspin. Going to keep working on both ALS and ToB, with some more of my old friend nonfiction thrown in for February. @monalyisha @TheAromaofBooks

JenReadsAlot It was a great reading month with you! I actually want to read The Change this month. 6mo
fredthemoose @JenReadsAlot It was great reading with you! My Jan list didn‘t include one or two I snuck in in December. ☺️ Looking forward to getting to more of your list! 6mo
JenReadsAlot Same - I plan on a few more the rest of the year! 6mo
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monalyisha Love this! Thanks for being such enthusiastic participants! @fredthemoose @JenReadsAlot 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 6mo
JenReadsAlot @monalyisha Fantastic match!! 6mo
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Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life | Arnold Schwarzenegger
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Not sure where I found this in my book wanderings, but it was fine. Sort of a self-helpy, motivational, “stop making excuses and put in the work” kind of message. He‘s pretty satisfied with himself, but he‘s also incredibly accomplished, so fair enough. Sort of like Jordan Peterson with more street cred and without the toxic masculinity.

Hamnet | Maggie O'Farrell
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Another great #AuldLangSpine pick from @JenReadsAlot ! I don‘t know what I expected, but this was not it! Totally different from what I usually read, but it was very well done. I loved the characters, especially Agnes and the tie-ins to actual people and events was so clever.

JenReadsAlot Yay! This was a surprise for me as well! 6mo
AmyG I loved this one. 6mo
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Trust the Plan | Will Sommer
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enjoyed this bonus, nonfiction #AuldLangSpine pick from @JenReadsAlot about. Interesting and 😬 reporting from an author who was raised in a conservative home and media environment and who became fascinated by the cult-like dynamics of QAnon and the serious consequences for individuals and society. @monalyisha

JenReadsAlot I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! 6mo
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Wellness | Nathan Hill
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ There were things I liked about this. I ended up liking and rooting for Jack and Elizabeth, and some of the psychological and relational insights they came to were deeper than in most fiction. But getting there was so tedious. There were so many overdone tangents that mostly just felt like the author showing off. He spent so long “showing” and then ended up “telling” eventually anyhow. Would have been great 30% shorter. #LitsyToB24

AmyG Agreed. I think my favorite was Jack‘s childhood….and his sister. 6mo
BarbaraBB I agree too. I loved the part about the Facebook algorithms 6mo
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Wellness | Nathan Hill
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WHY IS THERE SO MUCH EXCRUTIATING DETAIL OF THE MOST TEDIOUS PARTS OF PARENTING SMALL CHILDREN??!! I mean, I get it‘s moving part of the story forward, but just like I don‘t want to actually fight with a toddler about eating something other than mac and cheese, I also don‘t want to listen to pages and pages of someone else doing it. #LitsyToB24

AmyG I liked this book but yes, it was tedious at times. 6mo
Suet624 Did you read Nix? I really liked that book but he did the same thing in that one. 6mo
fredthemoose @Suet624 I didn‘t—I saw some good reviews and then I‘d see someone pan it right as I was about to pick it up and then it would slide down the list again… 6mo
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fredthemoose @AmyG I‘m trying to figure out what‘s bugging me so much about these characters and this book and I think it‘s that they almost never talk to each other. I think that‘s bugging me and as a result I‘m just extra short tempered about other things. 6mo
DaNae.Gr Whoa! Didn‘t know Nathan Hill had another book other than The Nix 6mo
AmyG I get it. I almost bailed at one point. But I found the last 200 pages wonderful. There were parts I loved….their childhoods mainly. But, yes, I found the child rearing stuff a bit insufferable. They had a very odd parenting style. (edited) 6mo
BkClubCare Thank you. That scene was . . . So difficult. I can‘t say I enjoyed this but I recognize and appreciate it. Just wasn‘t the novel I needed this January. 6mo
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Biography of X: A Novel | Catherine Lacey
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I liked this more than expected, but I expected to LOATHE it, so not a high bar. Woman (Pulitzer winning journalist, actually) goes on a quest to set things right after an unauthorized biography is published about her iconoclastic artist late wife and gets more than she bargained for/comes to terms with ways her wife was a jerk. Setting is in an alternate reality US. Very creative and great narration but too long. Read for #LitsyToB24

squirrelbrain Well, I‘m glad you didn‘t loathe it! 🤣 6mo
Suet624 I like most of her books but I wasn't thrilled with this one. 6mo
batsy I've been kinda afraid of trying this. I also feel like I might dislike it, although I do find the idea intriguing at the same time. 6mo
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fredthemoose @batsy I think I‘m predisposed to dislike a character who refers to herself as X. It helped that the story was told from the POV of her wife who was taking in puzzling and unflattering info and who also didn‘t like her all the time. It was impressively creative. It was between a soft pick and a so-so, but apparently I was feeling fussy. 6mo
fredthemoose @squirrelbrain I totally went in predisposed to be a brat to this book! 😂 There was a lot about it that was good, but it just wasn‘t quite my thing. Glad I read it, but if not for #LitsyToB24 I probably wouldn‘t have started or finished. 6mo
fredthemoose @Suet624 This was my first from her. She‘s a great writer. This was done well, it just wasn‘t really to my taste. 6mo
Megabooks I loved this, but I definitely seem to be in the minority. I did appreciate how all X‘s actions were based on the actions of real artists and musicians. 6mo
fredthemoose @Megabooks oooh, I didn‘t put that together… very interesting. 6mo
fredthemoose @Megabooks I think I may be getting a little fiction fatigue. I‘m usually about 2:1 or 3:1 nonfiction:fiction. I feel like I have to work harder to follow and understand fiction, and know less about where it‘s going and what characters will do, and I think I‘m getting a little fussy as a result. 6mo
Megabooks In the print version, there‘s an index that notes the pieces or interviews she took inspiration from. I think that made it more interesting to me. Usually I‘m about 60/40 fiction/NF, but I‘m having trouble following fiction as well, especially on audio, right now, so it‘s reversed so far in 2024. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I‘m just rolling with it! 😂 (edited) 6mo
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Rouge | Mona Awad
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⭐️⭐️ This one just wasn‘t for me. It ended up kind of getting somewhere related to issues of vanity, jealousy, and mother/daughter relationships, but the destination wasn‘t worth the journey. I have a hard time connecting with descent into madness POVs, and even at her best I found the MC dopey. This would have been a bail if not for #LitsyToB24

BookLineNSinker It wasn't a pick for me either. I'm fact, I couldn't get through it. I #hailthebail'd 7mo
Chelsea.Poole Oh no. I worry this won‘t work for me either. 7mo
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Rouge | Mona Awad
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This #LitsyToB24 book is driving me batty. Listening to it is like being the only sober person out with a group of drunk friends who aren‘t making sense and can‘t keep up with what people are saying. Half of the dialogue is the main character repeating what someone else just said but in the form of a question. “The debts have been paid off.” “Paid off?” “I was under a different impression.” “Different impression?” 🤦‍♀️

BarbaraBB I didn‘t even notice that but that must me so annoying. Annoying? 😀 7mo
squirrelbrain LOL @BarbaraBB ! 🤣 I hadn‘t noticed the repetitiveness either, but I completely get what you say about feeling like the only sober person at a party! 🤷‍♀️ 7mo
fredthemoose @BarbaraBB 🤣🤣🤣 7mo
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fredthemoose @squirrelbrain and like being the only sober person out with people who‘ve been drinking, there is a very limited time before it‘s just no fun. 7mo
Megabooks lol!! I didn‘t notice it either!! 🤣🤣 7mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB 🤣🤣🤣 7mo
Megabooks Excellent description too. Awad can feel very trippy. Bunny definitely felt like a bit of an acid trip. 7mo
Billypar I'm reading this now too - I was noticing a related thing: she does like to end sentences with a question in general, doesn't she? And that same phrase from All's Well appears here too, am I right? It doesn't bother me though - I'm about halfway through and loving the insanity. We all go a little mad sometime, don't we? 😄 7mo
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I had a really strong December and I‘m going with a 3-way tie between Helmet For My Pillow (WWII memoir), All the Sinners Bleed, and Hello Beautiful to round out my #12Booksof2023.

Andrew65 All The Sinners Bleed and Hello Beautiful have been popular choices. Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 7mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Perfectly enjoyable and not challenging romance novel that kept me company while I was not feeling well and lying low for the last couple of days.

LiteraryinLawrence Hope you feel better! I loved this book too. 7mo
TheBookgeekFrau Hope you're feeling better! 7mo
fredthemoose @LiteraryinLawrence @TheBookgeekFrau thanks! Definitely on the mend, but I think I‘m going to be stuck with a rough cough for awhile 7mo
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November‘s pick was Discipline is Destiny. I wasn‘t sure about it at first, but ultimately a lot of what he wrote resonated with me, so much that as soon as I finished I re-listened to it. But, November was a good month—strong honorable mentions to Stay True by Hua Hsu and Reagan by Bob Spitz.

The Change: A Novel | Kirsten Miller
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ There were things about this fantastical feminist revenge novel that I liked, but about 2/3 through it sort of jumped the shark for me. Bodies kept piling up and it went from fantastical to sort of ridiculous and got a little too heavy handed in making its points. Somewhere between a soft Pick and a So-So.

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Red, White & Royal Blue | Casey McQuiston
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Looks like October was not my strongest reading month. Red, White & Royal Blue was a totally fine and enjoyable gay romance, but probably wouldn‘t make a unified list of my best books of 2023.