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The Grand Sophy
The Grand Sophy: A hysterical and charming clean Regency romance | Georgette Heyer
A New York Times Bestseller!"Sophy grabs you and takes you on a ride you don't want to end. With fabulous characters, zany laugh-out-loud moments, and the need to see just what she will come up with next."-Nelaine, Amazon.com Reviewer When Sir Horace Stanton-Lacy is ordered to South America on Diplomatic Business he parks his only daughter, Sophy, with his sister in Berkeley Square. Forward, bold, and out-spoken, Sophy sweeps in and immediately takes ton by storm. Upon her arrival, Sophy can see that her cousins are in a sad tangle: Ceclia is in love with a poet, Charles is engaged to a dour bluestocking, her uncle is of no use at all, and the younger children are in desperate need of some fun and freedom. They all need her help and it's providential that Sophy arrives when she does. Utterly hilarious and completely endearing, The Grand Sophy is a fan favorite from The Queen of Regency Romance. Fans of Jane Austen, Julia Quinn, and Eloisa James will be delighted by Sophy, the outrageous lengths she goes to solve everyone else's problems, and the surprises in store for everyone! Other Regency Romances from Georgette Heyer: Frederica a woman seeking security for her family finds love where, and when, she least expected it Sylvester-She meets none of his requirements for a wife. He is the chief villain in her novel. Cotillion- A sham betrothal isn't the only thing that gets Kitty and Freddy into trouble, but it's definitely the beginning. What readers are saying about The Grand Sophy "This is one of the funniest, most historically accurate and endearing Regency romances I have ever read!" "I grinned and giggled many times at the antics of these characters, loving even those bumbling fools at which we are meant to scoff." "This book was a madcap delight." What reviewers are saying about The Grand Sophy "The Grand Sophy was an exciting, charming read. The characters grab you and don't let go." Anna's Book Blog "Fun, engaging and hilarious, I cannot recommend it more highly. Sophy is a devilishly fine girl." AustenProse "The Grand Sophy is a very entertaining Regency romance with wonderfully eccentric characters and a very humorous plot."-Once Upon a Romance What everyone has to say about the Queen of Regency Romance Georgette Heyer "Reading Georgette Heyer is the next best thing to reading Jane Austen." Publishers Weekly "Georgette Heyer was one of the great protagonists of the historical novel in the post-war golden age of the form. Her regency romances are delightful light reading..." Philippa Gregory "[Heyer's] characters are witty and beyond charming, her prose is flawless and lighthearted, and her historical detail is immaculate."-Read All Over Reviews "Georgette Heyer is unbeatable." -Sunday Telegraph
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Another belated review! This was my #BookSpin for June & my 1950 pick for #192025.

This was my first Heyer outside of a couple of her mystery novels, and it was so much fun to read! Sophy swoops into her cousins‘ home, takes stock of everyone‘s lives, and happily meddles in everything to hilarious effect. The witty dialogue and Sophy‘s deft machinations were a delight. And then the ending went a bit off the rails, but I loved it anyway!

BarbaraJean Of the books pictured above, I've only read Sophy, The Unfinished Clue, and Behold, Here's Poison. Looking forward to the rest! 2w
Librarybelle I need to read more Heyer! 2w
BarbaraJean @Librarybelle I need to check the publishing dates of these against my #192025 list! 😁 2w
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Librarybelle Yes! 2w
BarbaraJean @Librarybelle I have two winners! The Nonesuch (1962) and Black Sheep (1966) both fill years I have yet to complete. 2w
Librarybelle Hooray!! 2w
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I quite love this one. Black Sheep is another favorite. I enjoyed The Nonesuch but not quite as much, although it's been a long while since I read it. I absolutely love Fredrica - it's one of my favorites of hers. She has a whole passel of siblings under her care and I just love the way the hero ends up falling in love with the whole family haha 2w
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks I was going to read Frederica for #192025, but then The Velvet Room snuck in there for the same year! 😆 But that doesn‘t mean I won‘t read Frederica… 😁 2w
Leftcoastzen I‘ve always heard this is a good one ! 2w
CarolynM I‘ve read most of the mysteries (loved them) but I‘m only just getting started on the romances. I read The Nonesuch recently and enjoyed it but my favourite so far is 2w
BarbaraJean @CarolynM I will add that one to my list! 2w
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1. Attending the diocese-wide EfM graduation, seeing our group‘s graduates be recognized for all their hard work
2. Taking pictures of one of our graduates after said graduation with a statue that for some reason was sitting in the parking garage
3. Attending a play with a longtime friend, in a gorgeous outdoor venue
4. Finishing this Bibliophile puzzle—a (very) late birthday gift
5. Reading the tagged book—so much hilarity and joy!

KadaGul @BarbaraJean Looks 👀like you had an amazingly refreshing 😌and fun 🤩 -filled week. 😌😊❤️ 1mo
DebinHawaii What a lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Congrats on your graduates! 🎉 Thanks for joining in & sharing the joy! 🤗 1mo
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“I shall be much obliged to you, Cousin, if you will refrain from telling my sisters that she has a face like a horse!”
“But, Charles, no blame attaches to Miss Wraxton! She cannot help it, and that, I *assure* you, I have always pointed out to your sisters!”
“I consider Miss Wraxton‘s countenance particularly well bred!”
“Yes, indeed, but you have quite misunderstood the matter! I *meant* a particularly well-bred horse!”

Aimeesue 😂😂😂 1mo
mabell 😂😂 This one is coming up as my next Heyer! 1mo
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Grand Sophy | Georgette Heyer
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Ok, stop the press everyone! I got my hands on my first Georgette Heyer. A little after dinner wander lead me into an Elizabeth‘s 2nd hand bookshop, and here she is. Let‘s see how I go. #newtomeauthor #currentlyreading

CarolynM Looking forward to your reaction. I wonder whether the Heyer aficionados think this is a good one? @LeahBergen @mabell 4mo
mabell @CarolynM Grand Sophy is still waiting for me on my shelf, but I‘ve heard it‘s a fun one! (Unsurprisingly!) Enjoy @MrsMalaprop ! 4mo
LeahBergen Yay!! This is the first Heyer that I read, too. I hope you like it! 🤞 4mo
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MrsMalaprop @CarolynM @LeahBergen @mabell Thank you. I am meeting tomorrow with the colleague who initially piqued my interest to see what she thinks of this one as a starting point. She kind of said I could start with any. Although I think she specifically mentioned (edited) 4mo
Rissreads I‘m intrigued to see if it‘s to your liking! If you like it chances are I will! 4mo
Jeg I‘ll be very very interested to hear what you think. Those sort of books have never appealed to me. Mind you I have never tried one of hers. 4mo
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Is anyone as relaxing to read as Heyer?? I hadn't read this one in over 10 years, so I couldn't at all remember what happened. It was fun from page one forward, with the usual delightful pile of characters and shenanigans. Sophy was a *little* high-handed for my tastes, but this one was still great fun.

This one will be heading back to you either today or tomorrow @inthegreensandblues - great pick!!

#LMPBC @deblovestoread @maggie4483

TheAromaofBooks @maggie4483 - Also, I received The Runaways yesterday!! So glad you enjoyed it - it's genuinely just the sweetest book!!! 13mo
CoffeeK8 Heyer is such a comfort read for me! 13mo
CoverToCoverGirl Believe it or not, I only just recently discovered this wonderful author. 13mo
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Well, the #WeeklyForecast shows a very full windowsill!! I didn't put ALL of my July challenge books up, just the minimum (i.e., just one of my #Roll100 books, etc). We're going out of town later this month and I'm not sure how many challenge books will actually be read - I tend to enjoy taking old favorites with me on trips!! I actually finished Happy Place last night and started the tagged book this morning. The Island Villa is a new release ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) that the library wants back, and A Forgery of Roses is this week's #14Books14Weeks2023 read. NOS4A2 is my #Roll100 for the month and we will see if I can get through it!! I'm intimidated by its size and also not actually sure if it's going to be a good fit for me - is it very gory?? I don't do gory 😂

I also started a pile of buddy reads on July 1, so not pictured but reading a bit a day: The Pickwick Papers, A Room With a View, ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) The Gift of Wings, Huckleberry Finn, and These Happy Golden Years. July is my last month of freedom before the orchard work starts up again (although the peach crop is a bust 😔). The garden is starting to go crazy and I still have about one million household projects I'd like to complete before my full-time work hours start back up!! So we'll see how many books get checked off the list!!

@Cinfhen @TheHEartlandBookFairy @PuddleJumper
Bookzombie It‘s been a while since I read NOS4A2, so I can‘t remember how gory it was. I read it in print but I have considered rereading on audio because I heard it‘s really good on audio. Also, of the novels I have read by Hill, I feel this one had the most King vibes. 13mo
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Bookzombie There are trigger warnings on StoryGraph if that will help. 13mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookzombie - Oh, thank you for that! I always forget that SG has that option! 13mo
Bookzombie @TheAromaofBooks Also, I‘m not the best to tell you if it‘s gory or not. I read a lot of horror and I‘m not easily grossed out in books. 😂 13mo
Cinfhen You haven‘t mentioned any side projects?? Are You slacking 😘 13mo
mabell Are you reading The Grand Sophy this month? It‘s on my shelf waiting (from @Chrissyreadit 🥰), and it looks so good! 13mo
Chrissyreadit i have The Grand Sophy on my shelf waiting to be read too! @mabell @TheAromaofBooks 13mo
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - I actually am slacking a bit 😂 The next big project is outside painting - fences and such - so I keep putting that off and finding nice, indoors-where-there-is-AC-little-putter-projects instead 😁 13mo
TheAromaofBooks @mabell @Chrissyreadit - The funny part is that I'm reading it for the other #LMPBC group that did happy reads this last round haha It's been a really long time since I read this one and I am really enjoying it!! 13mo
Cinfhen Understandable 😂 13mo
mabell Ah! I had it in my list of possibles for our next round! 😆 13mo
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Hi #GroupL! These are the books I have that I think will fit the bill for more light hearted reads. This group caught my eye because I've long wanted to read Georgette Heyer, but I know Sarah also proposed one, so I will not pick it if you go with that one! I'll tag the others in comments. @TheAromaofBooks @Deblovestoread @Maggie4483 #LMPBC

inthegreensandblues (technically two books but the font is large) 1y
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Maggie4483 These all sound great! My vote would be for Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe or The Secret Book & Scone Society, but I‘d be happy with any of them. ☺️ 1y
Deblovestoread I‘ve read Midnight and Book & Scone but the other two look great. 1y
TheAromaofBooks My vote would be for The Grand Sophy, with second place going to Green Knowe!! 1y
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This was hilarious! By the time the climax hit, I was in stitches -- the ducklings were particularly wonderful. This is my favorite by far of Heyer's.

Reader caveat for antisemitism, a moneylender character set as a minor villain. I appreciate that this edition hadn't experged the orginal text (1950), but I skipped the chapter anyway and thus missed the first time Sophy threatened someone with a pistol.

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Thank you so much for my lovely package, Chrissy!

I‘m so excited to read this!! (I finished Toll-Gate a few weeks ago - review still to come - spoiler alert, I loved it!)

The coasters are perfect! Each one is unique and really sets off each of the flowers. I‘ve never seen anything like them, thank you! 🌺🌸🌼❤️

Chrissyreadit 😘😘😘😘 3y
Gissy Yes! Everything is pretty coordinated!😍 3y
annahenke How exquisite! 3y
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mabell @Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️ Looking forward to your garden updates! 3y
mabell @Gissy @annahenke Such a thoughtful, fabulous gift! 3y
LeahBergen Lovely! 3y
batsy So pretty! 3y
mabell @LeahBergen @batsy It is so perfect! ❤️ 3y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday!! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
mabell @LeahBergen Thank you so much, Leah! 3y
Chrissyreadit Happy Birthday a Day or two late! Some birthday fun should be arriving soon….😘💛💛💛 3y
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What a fun read. It‘s like Mary Poppins shows up in Regency England and saves this family from all their bad decisions and gives them all what they really want at the end. HEAs for all!
*Now, their is antisemitism (think Fagin and Shylock) that knocked me out of the story. So be prepared for that. Due to this nonsense, I gave this book 3.5 stars rather than 4.5.

Loreen After watching Peaky Blinders, that science makes Sophy look a bit stupid and foolish. 3y
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What I‘m reading today for my virtual book club.

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When I was growing up my mother ADORED Georgette Heyer. Her books were all over our house. As I was an avid reader I probably read a few, but I imagine I considered them “mom books”. She loved romances, and I‘m a mystery gal. Seeing so many current reviews of her books, I went to eBay and bought this bunch (cheap!). First they made me cry, because the covers are the same as the ones my mom read. My daughter and I are going to dig in ⬇️

Bklover to these today!! My youngest never got to know my mom, so this will be a fun way to show her a bit of what she loved. I‘m so excited! (edited) 3y
Leftcoastzen omg! So cool on so many levels! Enjoy! 3y
mrp27 So sweet and such lovely copies, 3y
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DrexEdit So cool! Those are terrific vintage covers! :-) 3y
AmyG That‘s so lovely. I hope you and your daughter enjoy these. 3y
Nute What a sweet thing to do with your daughter in memory of your Mom. Have fun! Post the progress though the series.💕 3y
Mollyanna How fun! And a great way to remember and pass on you memories of your mom. ❤️. She does have a few mysteries thrown in with the romances. I‘ve enjoyed a couple of the Country Manor mysteries (I think that‘s what they are called). Happy Reading. 3y
ladym30 That is a very nice collection. You and your daughter enjoy.❤️ 3y
Ruthiella Wonderful way to celebrate your mom! 😀 3y
BethM That sounds lovely! 3y
Hooked_on_books What a cool way to connect family members to one another! I love this. 3y
BiblioLitten Beautiful gesture and what a treasure! 3y
Tamra What a terrific idea! 3y
MaureenMc 🥰 3y
quietjenn That‘s really lovely 💖 3y
Bklover @Leftcoastzen I think we will! Thank you!❤️ (edited) 3y
Bklover @mrp27 @DrexEdit Thanks! They‘re all in fairly good shape- had to tape a couple of them but they smell heavenly. Definitely old library book smell. ❤️ 3y
Bklover @AmyG @Nute I‘ll let you know how it goes!❤️❤️ (edited) 3y
Bklover @Mollyanna I know there‘s at least one mystery in the bunch. A Blunt Instrument is the title- I‘m looking forward to this one!❤️ (edited) 3y
Bklover @ladym30 Thank you!❤️ 3y
Bklover @Ruthiella @Hooked_on_books @Tamra Thanks! The funny thing is it didn‘t occur to me to read it with my daughter until they arrived and reminded me so much of her! ❤️ (edited) 3y
Bklover @BethM Thanks Beth! ❤️ 3y
Bklover @BiblioLitten Thank you! ❤️ 3y
Bklover @quietjenn @MaureenMc Thank you!❤️❤️ 3y
LeahBergen Ohhh, this is lovely! 💞💞 And I‘m a huge Heyer fan. 3y
batsy Those are lovely editions! 😍 3y
Vansa I'm a huge fan of Georgette Heyer! My mum loved them and passed that on to me. I wouldn't recommend The Grand Sophy as a starter book! Maybe These old shades. 3y
Vansa Or on second thought, Fridays Child or my absolute favourite Heyer, Sylvester 3y
Bklover @LeahBergen I used your recommendations that you‘ve made in other posts to pick this particular batch! Thank you!❤️ (edited) 3y
Bklover @batsy Thank you! ❤️ 3y
Bklover @Vansa Thanks for the suggestion. I may start with Sylvester!❤️ 3y
LeahBergen Oh, I‘m glad! 👏🏻 3y
marleed Oh I love this! 3y
KristiAhlers I have yet to read one of her books. Since I‘m an avid romance reader this is dirty and wrong. May need to sort this out. 3y
Bklover @Katbooklover Definitely worth checking out!! 3y
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This is my first Georgette Heyer book and I absolutely loved it! Sophy is such a great character and this book is freaking hilarious. So many great characters and I‘m really looking forward to reading more of her books. 5⭐️ Anybody got any suggestions on which to read next?


JenlovesJT47 @mabell you‘re a GH fan, right? Any suggestions? 3y
LeahBergen I‘ve enjoyed everyone I‘ve read! Try 3y
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JenlovesJT47 @LeahBergen thank you!! 🤗 3y
DinoMom Love the cover 3y
JenlovesJT47 @DinoMom isn‘t it pretty? 😍 This book is so freaking hilarious! Totally not what I was expecting but if most of her books are like this, I can see why she remains so popular. Definitely one of my fave Regency reads! 🤓 3y
CindyMyLifeIsLit Welcome to the world of Heyer! 🤗 The books suggested by Leah are fantastic, and I would add 3y
JenlovesJT47 @CindyMyLifeIsLit thank you so much!! 🤗 3y
mabell Absolutely! I‘ve read and reread her mysteries many times! I love her regency books, as well, though I have quite a few still TBR (like the one you just read!) My favorite regency has to be Cotillion, also recommended by @LeahBergen ❤️ 3y
mabell Another good one is a story of young and “old” love in the country 3y
mabell Have you read any of her mysteries? One of my favorites is 3y
JenlovesJT47 @mabell ooh I love mysteries, thanks for the recommendations! And you will love the tagged book, it‘s hilarious! Hope you‘re doing well! 🤗 3y
mabell I checked my shelves, and I don‘t even have this one! Next up, I reading the Toll Gate - I‘m super excited about it! It sounds like a mashup of a mystery and a regency! 3y
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I haven't read this one by Georgette Heyer, but I feel like I should! What say you, Littens? #grand #YellowCover #InspiredNewYear #JumpIntoJanuary
@Eggs @TheKidUpstairs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Beautiful 💛🖤💛 4y
LeahBergen Read it! It‘s a fun one. 😊 4y
quietjenn I've not read that one either, but it sounds pretty great! 4y
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batsy I haven't read this one, but Heyer is pretty reliable indulgent fun, imo 🙂 4y
TheKidUpstairs That cover is great! Why is there a monkey? 😂 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs I had to really look for the monkey!! 🐒 4y
Eggs It‘s the monkey from Aladdin 🐒🤣 🐵 4y
Christy2318 My fave of the Heyers I‘ve read 4y
Andrea313 @Christy2318 @LeahBergen Thanks for the recommendation! Looks like I've got another to add to my list next month. 📚 4y
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PART 2: 2020 Favorites
- The Grand Sophy
- The Christy & Todd series
- Wylding Hall
- Talking to Strangers
- If Beale Street Could Talk

Runners Up: The Midnight Library, Every Brilliant Thing, So You Want to Talk About Race, The Jane Austen Society, & Lovely War

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I am posting one book per day from my extensive collection. No description. No explanation. Some will be old. Some will be new. Don't judge me. I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.

Original idea of- @StaceyKondla @cortg

Courtesy tags for @Trashcanman @Catherine_Willoughby

AlaMich This one is excellent on audio, if you do audio! 4y
Sace @AlaMich I definitely do audio! I'll see if the library has it and I can listen and read along 😁 4y
AlaMich I should qualify my comment to say that my version was narrated by Sarah Woodward. I think there is another audio version as well. Get the Woodward if you can. 4y
Sace @AlaMich oh thanks for the info! 4y
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For years people have told me to read Heyer. I'm so glad I finally did! The plot might be predictable, but the fiery Sophy defies convention and is so much fun! She's raised by her eccentric father until moving to London to stay with her cousins. They all seem to be tied up in engagements that they are ill-suited to & of course Sophy decides to fix everything. She is strong-willed and so sure of herself. She made the book an incredibly fun read.

LeahBergen I ❤️ Georgette Heyer. 4y
AvidReader25 @LeahBergen What‘s your favorite? I want to read more of her work! 4y
LeahBergen Hmm... offhand I‘d say a few faves are 4y
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LeahBergen But I‘ve enjoyed every one I‘ve read. 😆😆 4y
AvidReader25 Oh yay, thank you!!! 4y
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Very Jane Austen-y. Haven‘t finished yet but already recommend.

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A character was just described as "a pallid young gentleman with a receding chin" and having "a loose wet mouth." ? It may not be subtle but it sure is vivid.
And yes, absolutely delightful.

LeahBergen My kinda guy. 😆 4y
erzascarletbookgasm 😄 “loose wet mouth”...I can‘t.. 4y
merelybookish @LeahBergen Oh Leah, don't fall for the letch. 😛 4y
merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm I know. It's so bad. It's one thing to have a weak chin but a loose wet mouth too! 4y
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“Will you marry me, vile and abominable girl that you are?” 😂 😂 😂 Uproariously hilarious book!! I loved it!

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So much fun!! My first Heyer—- and definitely not my last!!

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“People who are forever recounting their adventures are the most tedious persons imaginable.” 😂

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1. Really almost any Heyer. ❤️
2. Bare feet!
3. 10,000ish feet? I wasn‘t counting exactly. But I lived at 8,000 ft for four years, and did some hiking.
EDIT: I just googled. 12,600 feet is as high as the cable cars go up Mt. Blanc. So there ya go.
4. Turkey. Eww.
5. I‘m hoping to talk my husband into being Ron Swanson, and then I want to go as Leslie Knope!!

Sace Heyer truly is a gem! 5y
LauraJ What man wouldn‘t want to be Ron Swanson?! 5y
slategreyskies I‘ve never heard of Heyer. What book do you recommend as a good starting point or intro to her writing? 5y
TheAromaofBooks Yay Heyer!! Her books always make me so happy. 5y
howjessicareads @slategreyskies - the tagged one is one of my favorites! Or Frederica or Arabella maybe. 🙂 5y
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I loved this book much to my surprise - Regency romance is not my usual reading choice. Loved character of Sophy. Made me think of Jane Austen a lot.

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In the mood for a regency romance and was glad to see The Grand Sophy as part of the Audible‘s Romance Package. #currentlylistening #audiobook #audible

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My library hold came in just in time for Saturday night!

AlaMich I listened to this one. So much fun!! 😊 5y
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I wonder if this is as funny a second time... I'm so tempted to do a reread. Brekkist obviously thinks I should! Now how did he get behind the doors? 🤔 #BunniesofLitsy

(Spoiler: I helped! He's not a book nibbling criminal like Hulk and he so badly wanted to get through the glass...


Another fun #romantsy - yay Hoopla audiobooks

EloisaJames My favorite Heyer!! 6y
Dragon Thanks @EloisaJames Sophie is so vibrant 👍🐉 6y
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A new Hoopla audiobook- I‘m so addicted!

Grand Sophy | Georgette Heyer
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1. Thor. Especially the Hemsworth version. 😍🤪
2. Georgette Heyer
3. A river cruise up the Danube. 🚣🏻
4. Six. And my husband has 3. Lol. Good thing our bed is king-sized.
5. This is cracking me up! Love that the #friyayintro thread looks like it‘s full of Joey Tribianis... heyyyyy. How you doin‘?

Christine That is an impressive number of pillows! 😄 6y
Susanita ITA about Thor. 🇦🇺 6y
Dragon Love ❤️ Georgette Heyer 😀🐉 6y
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howjessicareads Impressive and ridiculous. 😝 @Christine 6y
howjessicareads @Dragon GH forevah! 6y
CatLass007 I sleep with six pillows and four cats. No husband. 6y
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For all the romance readers out there: an uncomfortable and eye-opening essay on the white supremacy that sits at the heart of so much historical romance. #romance


CoffeeK8 Really interesting perspective, thanks for sharing this, she brings up some good points 6y
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Feeling like a reread of this lovely, one of my favorite Heyers!

LeahBergen The Baluchistan hound is on the cover. 😂 6y
rubyslippersreads I need to move this up my TBR list. 6y
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1. My new favorite not too naughty snack
2. The Grand Sophy! Totally a #blameitonlitsy choice which I loved.
3. Yes, so many...
4. Fairly clean, but not obsessively so
5. Ready Player One, was just ok
@MinDea #humpdaypost

CoffeeK8 💖 this book! 6y
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Just started this #classicromance that‘s on #audibleromance I can see what all the fuss is about! #glorytotheguild

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Ah, @leahbergen, this was more like it! What fun and melodrama. Great dialogue, a delightfully silly romp through Regency London

saresmoore Yes, please! 6y
SusanInTiburon Sophy takes charge! 6y
LeahBergen Oh, good!!! I‘m glad that one of her books worked for you (and now you can see the appeal, right?). You‘ve made me want to go to my Heyer shelf now. 😆 6y
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Moray_Reads @LeahBergen Definitely! I could see potential in The Convenient Marriage but this one was so much better. Utter fun. I'm so glad to have a whole host of others for when I need light relief 6y
Andrew65 Definitely a fun read! 6y
AlaMich This was my first GH and I thought it was delightful! 6y
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A couple of my favourite #regency books. It is reported that Friday‘s Child was Georgette‘s favourite of her books. She certainly wrote a lot of Regency romances.

CrowCAH Oh Heyer, I have yet to read her books, but they sound wonderful!!! 6y
Andrew65 @CrowCAH I think you would most probably enjoy them. 😊 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve only read her mystery novels 🙂 6y
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Melissa_J My pick too 😊 6y
batsy I have a couple of her romances. I should read them, they seem so fun! 6y
Andrew65 @batsy I think that sums them up well, fun. 6y
LeahBergen I loved The Grand Sophy and still have Friday‘s Child waiting on my shelf. 💕 6y
LeahBergen @batsy You must! They are such well-written little bits of coziness. 6y
Andrew65 @LeahBergen I need to get back to reading some Georgette Heyer. 6y
batsy @LeahBergen 👍 With a description like that, I'm sold! I read one of her mysteries and enjoyed it! 6y
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Georgette Heyer's books are incredibly witty and #funny. The perfect read for a readathon, too! #30daysofreadathon


LeahBergen I love Heyer. ❤️ 7y
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I have failed (so far) in my quest to read one complete Heyer this year but I couldn't resist picking this one up at bargain price today. I've heard it's one of her best.

Bkwrm7 This one is pretty good, but if I recall has some pretty bad anti-semitism in it. My favorites are Frederica; Sylvester, or the Wicked Uncle; These Old Shades; Devil's Cub; or Arabella. I could keep going, but that kind of defeats the point of favorites! 7y
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I really need something fun to read. Heyer don't let me down! #eBook #KindleApp #RegencyRomance

Christy2318 This is my favorite of hers so far. 7y
BkClubCare @Christy2318 - oh good! I have only read Venetia. I loved it 7y
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In honor of Georgette Heyer's 115th birthday, all of her ebooks are on sale for $2.99 today! I snatched up a few of them, but I wanted more!💕💕💕 #romantsy #regencyforlife

raelaschoenherr Aw, fun!! I didn't know it was her birthday today :) 7y
Dragon Thanks for the heads up. Picked up a couple for reading 😀👍 7y
Leelee08 @Dragon You're very welcome.😀 7y
BkClubCare Whoa - I didn't know this! 7y
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Sophy is Georgette Heyer's Emma - only she's shrewd, worldly, managing, and mad as pants. She's the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl: she manages money, plans excellent parties, is a solid whip, buys her own horses, and if she knew how to fence and box she'd be good that those activities, too. She has everyone's measure right from the start. If we could remove/alter the anti-Semitic portrayal of the moneylender this would be a near perfect book.

balletbookworm I love Heyer's dialogue more than anything - no one writes like that anymore. 7y
Sace @balletbookworm SO TRUE! I've only read a couple Heyer books but the dialog is wonderful. 7y
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Today's audio walk past some sort of ruins in the park. #romantsy

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Listening to this was a true pleasure; why they didn't have this Sarah Woodward person read ALL the books is beyond me. Each character really came to life, even the horrid Miss Wraxton, who has the largest stick up her youknowwhat known to humanity. 😉Everyone ended up with the right person in the end and Sophy is one of my new favorite characters.

Jess_Read_This I haven't read a Heyer book yet.. she seems so iconic in her genre too. I love the covers. 7y
AlaMich @Jess_Read_This When I have checked out "best of" lists for GH, Sophy is usually on them. And I recommend it as a good one to start with. 7y
Jess_Read_This @AlaMich Perfect! I'm hoping to find it on audio too! 7y
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The narrator for this is SO AWESOME!! She does multiple voices very well and she manages to convey the irony and annoying-ness (let's just call this a word, shall we?) of the appropriate characters. I looked it up and I believe this is the only one of Heyer's books she narrates 😟. And I have jess.how to thank for her persuasive blog telling me why I should give Heyer a try 😉

Lreads I have this on audio, too, and it's a very good story narrated extremely well. I listen to it often. 7y
AlaMich @ReadsWithTea Yes!! Sarah Woodward must read all the books! 😊 7y
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Georgette Heyer did have a habit of writing some different and intriguing books. Sophy, from the title, is quite a unique young lady, especially for the times. She manages to turn everyone's life upside down and get away with some quite disgraceful behaviour for the times in which it is set. A very enjoyable piece but could see the ending coming from a long way off.


Have started listening to this book by Georgette Heyer, which was recommended to me as one of her best. As a result have wanted to read it for a while.

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So I don't really make TBR plans because I read slowly and am lucky to finish two books a month. But I decided to be a glass-half-full kind of girl this month. 😊 I downloaded the audio version of The Grand Sophy by #georgetteheyer because @jess.how did such a good job on her blog of convincing me to read my first 👍 #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading

howjessicareads YAYAYAY!! I'm so excited for you, because if you love it there are like 45 more regencies! 🙂 7y
Sace Georgette Heyer is wonderful. Granted, I've only got two under my belt but I love her! (And I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only slow reader.) 7y
LeahBergen I loved The Grand Sophy and The North Water. Hmm... could two books BE any more different? 😂 (edited) 7y
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AlaMich @jess.how I know she's written other books besides the Regencies...do you like them as well? 7y
AlaMich @LeahBergen I look forward to finding out 😉 7y
AlaMich @Sace I think I read much faster when I was younger but now... 🙁 7y
howjessicareads Soooo @AlaMich - did you like it?? 🙂 #betterlatethannever 7y
AlaMich @jesshowbooks oh my gosh, yes!! The audio was totally delightful! I looked at the other audio versions of Heyer‘s books to see if that same narrator read any more and was disappointed to find that Sophy was the only one. But I have downloaded Frederica and a couple more to my Kindle and look forward to them, thanks to you! 😉 7y
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Georgette Heyer's books are usually pretty charming. Save for the gross Jewish stereotype you run into briefly about halfway through, this book is entertaining but I probably wouldn't recommend it.

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I feel like this is Heyer's answer to Jane Austen's Emma. Sophy is the only daughter of a diplomat leaving for South America and so he leaves his daughter in the care of his sister and her family in London. Sophy finds that her cousins are in a "sad tangle" and so sets about putting things to rights in a fashion that is shockingly outrageous! Not to mention she just might find a few surprises herself along the way...

wordslinger42 I just finished False Colours & it was wonderful! I'm listening to Venetia on Audible right now and I just love her books! 7y
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