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Joined September 2016

“I cannot live without books!”
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1) HOPE! Kamala!
2) Quilts are back from the quilter, soon on their way to my grand nephews in Texas. The stars added a much needed element to the rocket quilt.
3) nice visit with a friend
4) Chicken picatta
5) Progress made on my current quilt project

Tagging anyone who hasn‘t played yet


kspenmoll HOPE! 23m
TheBookHippie 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 14m
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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Simone St. James has grown on me. I don‘t typically read ghost stories because I‘m a wimp but she uses a light touch with the paranormal and I only read in the daytime. Eddie and April take an unexpected detour on the way to their honeymoon location and become in broiled in a murder investigation. Looking forward to Sunday‘s discussion #SundayBuddyRead

Possession | A. S. Byatt
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This 1990 Booker winner was told through two time periods with the help of some poetry, fairy tales, and letters. A romance with a bit of a mystery and some academic competition. I loved the ending! 4.5 🌟

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All Fours | Miranda July
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Looking forward to the discussion tomorrow. I would have DNF‘d this but it was so outrageous to me that I was able to suspend belief and just go along with the train wreck that was the MC. 3 🌟. #CampLitsy

Untitled | Anonymous
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday

So many good songs on the list this week it was hard to choose 3 faves. These 3 songs were certainly on repeat when I fell in love with them.

Want to play @peanutnine @bthegood @Kar2b


dabbe Awesome choices! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1d
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1) Good question as I‘m thinking of changing it again 😂 I started out using our very first combined email handle kdgordon88. Then switched it to my current one but shortly realized I copied @RaeLovesToRead so am thinking I should change to DebLovesBooks. 🤷🏻‍♀️

2) Sew, stitch, chores, drive, puzzles, legos, drown out the tv

3) The Museum of Lost Quilts on audio. Murder Road and All Fours print.

Play along every one.


RedxoHearts I love puzzles too. I got a cute dog one I've been wanting to put together soon. One day I want to try one of those wooden puzzles with the interesting shapes. I need to get my sewing stuff back out one day too. Too many crafty hobbies lowl 2d
Eggs That‘s so funny - I often wondered what happened to kdgordon88😂😂 2d
Eggs I love that title about Lost Quilts! Sounds good 👌🏼 2d
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Eggs @Deblovestoread @RedxoHearts I love puzzles too, especially Charles Wysockie art 2d
kspenmoll @Eggs Me too! 2d
Deblovestoread @Eggs I love the look of those puzzles. Thanks for the tip. The book is the 25th in a series starting with The Quilter‘s Apprentice. I‘ve enjoyed them all. 2d
RaeLovesToRead We are both allowed to love to read 😊💕 2d
Eggs @Deblovestoread I did not realize how many quilty books she wrote! I downloaded some free ones on Audible and I was gifted another. Mt. TBR is the tallest place on earth #blameitonlitsy (edited) 2d
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I feel like I‘ve read a bunch this week but they have been sections of ongoing buddy reads. I ended up finishing Perils last night instead of finishing out at a chapter a day. My other finished book was Bluebird, Bluebird by Atticus Locke. #WeeklyForecast will be finishing Possession, Murder Road and All Fours.


Read4life Thanks for sharing! 💙💚💙 6d
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1) Back to the north Oregon coast for the weekend and dad visit
2) Loving new NYT games, esp. Connections = brain health 🤞🏼
3) Lots of quilting hours and starting to put the blocks together
4) Dental cleaning - love my hygienist - always lots to talk about
5) Clean bill of health on my physical

Tagging everyone to share your joys!


TheBookHippie Yay!!! What a wonderful list!! 1w
julieclair Beautiful quilt block. I love blue and white! And I agree about NYT games. 😀 1w
dabbe #lovelylist 🤩🤩🤩 1w
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LiteraryinLawrence Connections is a favorite of mine too! 1w
AnnCrystal 👏💝💝💝💝💝. 1w
Lesliereadsalot Have you tried their new game Strands? It‘s fun too! 7d
Deblovestoread @Lesliereadsalot Not yet. Will try today. 7d
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 I love the Oregon Coast so much & yay for games & especially Connections! 🎉 Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 5d
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Lots of these titles took me back…way back. Pictured are some faves but there are many more.

Want to play? @bthegood @Lesliereadsalot @mcctrish


dabbe I love how the list covers a LOT of eras! I chose “Under Pressure“ too. Seems to be prevalent more than ever today, too. Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Lesliereadsalot Thanx for including me! How does this work? 1w
Deblovestoread @Lesliereadsalot go to @dabbe and find her original post. It has the link to the survey. Then you can reposts your favorites from the list, tc. 1w
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Swapsies | Fiona Roberton
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#LitsyLoveSummerSwap matches have been sent.

Please check your email for LLSS in the subject line. Please double check that you have the attachment with your recipient‘s info and that the attachment matches the name in the body of the email. Please let me know asap you received it and if I made an error or if you have questions. Have fun shopping!

@Bookgoil @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Lynnsoprano I just checked my email, and it‘s not there 🥲 1w
Lynnsoprano Just double-checked; it went to junk folder. I‘ve got it now! 1w
See All 14 Comments
Princess-Kingofkings Got it ~ thank you! Went to junk first 😞 1w
julieclair Yay! I found it in my spam folder. I‘m excited to start shopping! 😀 1w
jdiehr Got it! 1w
dabbe Got it, and I have a question. What if the person's book list is on Goodreads but she didn't give her handle, and the Litsy one doesn't work? 😀

P.S. Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together for all of us. 💙🩵💙
ShelleyBooksie Yay!!! Got mine 1w
BookwormAHN Got it 😺 1w
Cupcake12 Just opened my email x 1w
TheLudicReader All good. Thanks! 1w
Pageturner1 got it 😀 1w
MaGoose I didn't get the email 1d
Deblovestoread @magoose A bunch landed in spam folders. I‘ve resent it. Please let me know if you don‘t find it. 1d
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I like this better than Fine which is what I usually use. When googling this to make sure it was real I also found an album title by this name. I listened to a bit of it and it brought to mind the music Ross made on Friends.

Thanks for the tag, @CBee

Ruthiella Ross on the keyboard or Ross on the bagpipes? 🤣 🎶 Celebrate good times, come on! 🎵 1w
Deblovestoread @Ruthiella The keyboard 😂 the bagpipes always come with a side of Phoebe singing along 🎶 1w
dabbe @Deblovestoread And Jennifer Aniston hiding her face because she was laughing so hard. 😂😂😂 1w
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CBee Love it 👏🏻 1w
ShelleyBooksie I cannot wait to use this word! 1w
UwannaPublishme Just added to my vocab! 😁 1w
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💜 Spoiled
💜💜 Author
💜💜💜 Mystery
💜💜💜💜 HF
💜💜💜💜💜 Depends on the genre: mystery first book, fantasy last book

Want to play @Aimeesue @TieDyeDude @peanutnine


peanutnine Thanks for the tag! 🤗 1w
Aimeesue Thanks for tagging me! 1w
Eggs Thx for joining in🦋💙 1w
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1) Several: Up next reading lists, big household project list, chore list, hobby project list, etc. Although I rarely complete things in list order. 🤷🏻‍♀️

2) Jodi Taylor‘s character Max manages other‘s time travel.

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Reading lists are the best! 💜📖 1w
Texreader Yes! Max! Good one! 1w
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1) Last of my lilies
2) Project in progress
3) Truth be told I hate AC but when the temp gets above 90 I am grateful
4) Yummy ice cream
5) Day with my daughter


Kitta My AC is broken and I‘m definitely consuming a lot of ice-cream. It‘s so hot here 🥵 2w
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 2w
Deblovestoread @Kitta I‘d share mine if I could! Instead I‘m wearing socks and a sweater. No happy medium😂 (edited) 2w
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Lemon bar ice cream 🍋🍦sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing & for spreading the joy! 🤗 2w
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The Great Believers | Rebecca Makkai
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Some I loved, some I liked, a few were meh, and I hated The Corrections.

I have some of the rest on my shelves.

ManyWordsLater I‘ve read 26! 2w
dabbe #yahooyou! 👏👏👏 2w
CatMS The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai is wonderful. I continue to recommend it to everyone. 2w
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Hey #LitsyLove members! Your summer swap is here. Short and sweet!

Signups open thru Monday
Matches by Wednesday
Mail by the 30th
Open August 11

Have fun!

@Bookgoil @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Bookwormjillk Yay! I haven't done a swap in forever but this one's close to my birthday so I talked myself into it! 2w
dabbe Yay! Just joined. Thank you! 🤗🤗🤗 2w
Princess-Kingofkings Thank you! 2w
TieDyeDude Excellent! I'm in 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎊🎉🎊🎉 2w
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Against the backdrop of the events that set WWI in motion two brothers work to solve two different mysteries and also a conspiracy that may further ignite the possibility of war. This is the first in a series of 5 books and a light pick for me. I do plan to continue the series.

@Cuilin @dabbe

Cuilin ✅🎉 I do like a mystery, how was the writing? 2w
dabbe On the list! 🤩 2w
Deblovestoread @Cuilin The writing is fine…not great literature by any means but not bad. (edited) 2w
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This was an enjoyable lightweight read. I liked getting to know the village and nuns as they worked together to improve their lot all told through letters.


jlhammar Glad to hear you enjoyed it! It‘s in my stack for this weekend. I could use something lightweight right now. 2w
Aimeesue Looking forward to starting this one! 2w
Deblovestoread @jlhammar Me too. And the letters are short so easy to dip in and out. 2w
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The Inheritance Games | Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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1) The Princess Bride, The Holiday, Brigadoon
Currently Ted Lasso, Friends, TBBT

2) Monopoly, Life, Cribbage, Up and Down the River and outside loved a scavenger hunt

3) Tagged for scavenger hunt like


Eggs Wonderful! Thanks for joining in🥳 2w
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I very much enjoyed this murder mystery set during one of my favorite historical periods. Glad to be reading with the Shardlakians and look forward to our discussion at the end of the month. 4🌟


Freespirit Loved this series❤️ 2w
dabbe Yay! I'm almost done. Can't wait to discuss, too. 🤩🤗😀
#ShardlakeBR #Shardlakians
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Rewatching Ted Lasso and appreciating how great the soundtrack is. Spotify has playlists for all three seasons. Lots of gems.


PaperbackPirate Love that show! 💙 2w
TieDyeDude That's a show we haven't gotten to yet. Fun soundtrack, though! 2w
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Was glad to have #CampLitsy discussion yesterday so I could finish James. I only had broad stroke memory of Huck Finn which I don‘t think mattered. Looking forward to next Saturday‘s discussion so won‘t say more than Percival Everett has become a favorite author. 4.5 🌟


Suet624 He‘s a favorite author of mine,for sure. 3w
ChaoticMissAdventures I have started to wonder if I read Huck at all and if I was thinking of Tom S. Either way I think you don't need to have read. 3w
Read4life I loved this one, too! I listened to the audiobook and thought it was fantastic! 3w
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#ChallengeUpdate #HalfwayPoint

#BirthandBeyond ended June 30. I made it a smidge over halfway. @LibrarianRyan

#BookChain24 ✅ now working on the bonus prompts @TheAromaofBooks

#192025 40 to go before the challenge ends June 30, 2025.

Share your challenge progress.

willaful I'm up to prompt 52 of #BookChain24 and also have 40 left for #19025 ! 3w
Librarybelle Terrific progress for #192025 ! I have on my to do list to reconcile my tally and make sure my Storygraph count is up to date! 3w
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looking great!! I'm doing really well with #192025 because I read a lot of older books - only 14 slots left to fill!! 3w
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At the halfway point I have 11 to go.

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
brittanyreads Amazing progress!! Well done!! 3w
Librarybelle Yay!!!! 3w
IndoorDame Awesome!!!! 3w
BarbaraBB Wow 3w
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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“The July night seemed full of possibility, with the empty highway stretching out before us.”

Starting Murder Road today for #SundayBuddyRead


kspenmoll 😀 3w
dabbe Excuse the pun, but you're in for a ride! 😂🚙🤗 3w
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Time, sleep and energy have all been in my side this week.

1j Back into #LitsyLove letters
2) My next quilt is cut and ready for sewing
3) Did my nails
4) BOTM shopping
5) Changed my wall display

Thanks for the tag, Deb! @DebinHawaii

I invite you all to spread your joy 🥰

Texreader I‘m getting back to my #litsylove letters too! And quilting! That always impresses me! 3w
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 3w
Lesliereadsalot Cool nails! 3w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty nail polish 💅 3w
peanutnine Love the colors of your quilt! Any tips for a beginning quilter? I'm thinking of starting one later this year 3w
DebinHawaii A wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Love that polish color!🪻💜 & yay to getting back to letters! 💌 Thanks for sharing & spreading joy! 🤗 3w
Deblovestoread @peanutnine Measure twice, cut once. And check the 1/4” on your machine. It often isn‘t accurate. But most of all, have fun! 3w
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Here‘s my plan for the upcoming periods. I‘ve started the tagged and so far it‘s good.

Glad to have Independence on my BOTM shelf. And September‘s will be an audiobook.


kspenmoll These all look good! 3w
Cuilin These look really good. I may use your template to show mine. Such a lovely idea. 3w
Deblovestoread @Cuilin Please do! 💜 3w
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1) Not until you really get to know me.
2) Helpful, caring, funny
3) @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks such a caring, positive human being


Eggs Thanks for playing💙💙 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww thank you so much 🫶🏻❤️ 3w
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Body in the Bookstore | Ellie Alexander
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#ReadYourKindle is really helping me tackle my backlog of 800+ titles. The tagged is a new series by a favorite cozy author. A Vow is the end of a trilogy, both the Woodbury and the Bradley are next up in ongoing series.

Hope to cross all 4 off the list this month.


CBee Is the Alan Bradley series good? I keep thinking I‘d like it 😊 3w
Deblovestoread @cbee. I like it but the three I‘ve read have been more like stand alones rather the series because I‘ve read them to far apart and forget everything in between. 3w
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1) Hazel after my grandmother
2) Tagged book has Hazel


TheSpineView Thanks for playing 3w
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June Wrap Up. 16 total read: 8 audio, 3 print, 5 kindle 2 DNF #Hailthebail

Thanks to everyone who posted yesterday about Storygraph‘s newest feature. I love it!

BarbaraBB I can‘t find that feature… do you need a Plus account? 3w
Deblovestoread @BarbaraBB I have plus but am unsure if it is available otherwise. If you do your stats for the month the prompt should be at the very bottom of the page. 3w
bthegood @Deblovestoread thanks for letting me know about this feature - I did not find it on the desktop version, only on the app version (if that helps you find it @BarbaraBB ) - 🙂 3w
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Read 5 books off my #ReadYourKindle list and DNF‘d one which included all 4 June spins. I haven‘t been buying as many so hopefully I‘m actually making a dent in the backlog. Looking forward to July.


CBee Yay 😀 4w
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I had put my BOTM subscription on hold in May but when I saw Bear as an add on I changed my mind and thanks to some great reviews I have a full box. Very excited for all these titles.

ChaoticMissAdventures I loved Margo! Such a fun, and thought provoking book. 4w
marleed I wished I had 2 accounts this month. From last month and this there were easily 10 books I‘d like to own. 4w
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Sometimes a review is so good that you set aside other books and dive in. @Librarybelle ‘s review of this book was the motivation I needed to not leave it languishing on my kindle. It is a rollicking ride with a dash of romance. I loved the author‘s note because my love of the regency era began with Georgette Heyer, too. Hoping there will be a sequel.

Librarybelle Yay! So glad you liked this one, and thank you for the compliment! 4w
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The Red-Headed Pilgrim | Kevin Maloney
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#Roll100 I think the universe is trying to tell me something with #66 showing up two months in a row. Think I will start it tomorrow.


PuddleJumper 😂😂 4w
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#LitsyLove. I knew I was way behind and was super happy to get 13 letters ready for the mail today. Made the mistake of counting how many more replies I owe….22. How lucky am I to have that many people in my pen pal life. Thank you all for your patience 💜 Giving the wrist a rest tonight and will write some more tomorrow.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s a good problem to have!! Love penpals! 🩷🩷 4w
Bookishlie I know right! I need to get caught up too!! 4w
TieDyeDude I'm comfortably about 3 months behind with replies :) I was doing good, but I don't think I wrote anyone in June... 4w
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Brotherless Night: A Novel | V. V. Ganeshananthan
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Halfway through 2024. Fiction favorite is still the tagged although I loved all the books pictured. Nonfiction favorite is still the Winterson memoir. Wonder if anything in the second half will knock these off their thrones? Do not be surprised if you see a lot of these titles on my #AuldLangSpine list. Yes, i am thinking that far ahead because time is moving that rapidly.

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Best of the month: Red Side Story


Read4life Fantastic books. I‘ve stacked Red Side Story. 🤓 4w
RamsFan1963 Me too!! Red Side Story was definitely worth the wait. My favorite book of 2024 (so far) 4w
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Late to the party!

I did a bit better than I thought I would. Older favorites are The Hunger Games, Guardians of the Galaxy (that soundtrack was definitely a time in my life) The Martian.

Newer releases: Killers of the Flower Moon, The Holdovers and American Fiction


dabbe Great choices; I've added GUARDIANS to my TBW list! And you definitely smoked my sorry 🫏! Thanks for sharing and playing. 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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I didn‘t take any pictures this week. During my visit with my dad we enjoyed the last of the season strawberries with carb smart ice cream and he is fantastic at bbqing salmon. We talked books and watched 3 movies: Boys in the Boat, American Fiction and Encanto. And yesterday I got all the necessaries done so the next 3 days are open with possibility.

Tagging everyone to share your joys!


Lesliereadsalot Really liked American Fiction! Just saw it recently. 1mo
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 1mo
robinb Time with dad 💙 1mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 I bought 🍒 & 🍓this week although I‘m sure they aren‘t as good as fresh ones in Oregon. Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy. 🤗 4w
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The Road to Dalton | Shannon Bowring
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Another great read from Europa. In the beginning it feels like you‘re going spend your time in an idyllic small town but as you get to know its residents the layers peel back and you learn the things that are hidden and the things that can‘t be. Looking forward to the sequel.

#EuropaCollective @jlhammar

jlhammar So am I! Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. 1mo
tpixie Yes, it reminds me of other great books looking into at first glance simple, but complex people in small towns like Beartown , or Wendall Berry books like 3w
Deblovestoread @tpixie Thanks for the recs! 3w
tpixie @Deblovestoread 🩵💙🩵 3w
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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And just like that we are halfway through the year. TBH I thought time would slow down a bit in retirement but it doesn‘t seem to make a difference. Keeping it loose in July.

@TheAromaofBooks #Bookspin #DoubleSpin #BookspinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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I love learning new about new phobias … I did not know this was a thing and had to double check Anatidaephobia was real not just a made up one for the meme.



ChaoticMissAdventures 😂😂😂 1mo
dabbe #thatfearisreal 🦆😱😂 1mo
peanutnine 😂😂 1mo
Bookwomble Look at it's creepy smile! 🦆🤡 1mo
CBee This is AMAZING 😂😂😂 1mo
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Game of Thrones | George R R Martin
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The quote is by the tagged author and is a favorite.


Ruthiella 👏👏👏 1mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 1mo
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How fun! The tagged book is one I‘m very interested in reading but any book from my Litsy TBR would be lovely.

Thanks for hosting a giveaway. 💜

See Lisa‘s original post for entry info. @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Good luck 🤞 1mo
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A Scatter of Light | Malinda Lo
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I only finished 2 books this last week although I started several. Aria is shipped off to her grandmother‘s for the summer after an embarrassing situation. It becomes a time of awakening for her. 3.5 🌟


Read4life I enjoyed this one, too. 1mo
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1) Buchart Gardens: flowers, plants, beauty
2) UBC Anthropology Museum: Fabulous collection mostly First Nations history and artifacts
3) Vancouver BC Zoo: Impressive enclosures geared toward the physical and mental health of the animals and it showed. I‘ve never seen such playful animals in a zoo.
4) Coming home after a trip.
5) Last night stitching and listening to our first #Shardlakians book. It is so good!

Join in!

TheBookHippie 😍😍😍😍 I love a good zoo. 1mo
dabbe Yay to all, especially #5! 🤩🤗😀 1mo
Sace That museum looks so interesting! 1mo
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Mimi28 Yay!! Happy animals!! 🩷🩷😍😍 1mo
kspenmoll 🩷❤️ 1mo
DebinHawaii What a lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 The gardens & zoo photos 📷 are wonderful! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday

Favorites on the list: HP, LOTR, Mamma Mia, Pirates of the Caribbean

Favorites not on the list: Serenity, Once and The Bourne Idenity


dabbe Ooh, THE BOURNE movies; those were spectacular! Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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The Emma Project | Sonali Dev
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A spicy finish to Sonali Dev‘s Jane Austen inspired series. The Rajas and their extended family all have dreams that they work hard to make reality without leaving much time for love and romance. 3.25🌟

#TBRTarot #FloweronCover
#ReadYourKindle #2of4 #June
#SeriesLove2024 #37

@CBee @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Great job!💙📖📘 1mo
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Playing catch up while also putting off chores 😂

1) I know enough to get by and try my hardest to figure it out before calling in the troops (my kids) to avoid eye rolls and teasing. I know my phone can do way more than I use it for 🤷🏻‍♀️

2) The Martian and Project Hail Mary come to mind.


TheSpineView Ugh chores! Thanks for playing 1mo
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