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Agatha Christie: Five Complete Murder Mysteries | Agatha Christie
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Hey #GroupN. What do we think about these?

If none of them work for you, let me know. I own all of her books and planned to buy a clean copy for #lmpbc, so as long as an edition is still readily available, I will pick whatever you want to read, although I would prefer to avoid another Poirot.

katy4peas I have the last seance but haven‘t read it yet. I‘m willing to donate that one to the group as a pick if we want! Otherwise, I‘m good with any of these! 😁 3y
DGRachel @katy4peas Seance is the only one I wouldn‘t have to buy another copy of! I‘d love to pick that one if everyone else is okay with it. 3y
katy4peas Sounds good to me! 3y
ads0123 Seance works for me! 3y
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Here are my choices for #lmpbc
Let me know which sounds best. #groupn
@ads0123 @katy4peas @DGRachel

DGRachel I‘ve read Vicarage and Blue Train. I wouldn‘t mind rereading Vicarage, but I did not enjoy Blue Train. 3y
katy4peas I read paddington a long time ago and possibly vicarage. I would reread both though and am up for any of these! 😁 3y
ads0123 These all look good, but I think I‘ll choose Destination Unknown! 3y
Jerdencon Ok - let‘s go with destination unknown! Will order it now! @ads0123 @DGRachel @katy4peas 3y
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And here's the upcoming schedule! Again, I really apologize for dropping the ball so badly. I love my #agathachristieclubR2 friends!

@TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle @Linsy @AnneCecilie @Laughterhp @Lizpixie @hes7 @Charityann @rubyslippersreads @janeycanuck

Librarybelle No worries! 😁 3y
TheAromaofBooks Also, I totally meant to say in the other post that obviously real-life family stuff is way more important than discussing Agatha Christie on Litsy!!! So no worries on that, but I am excited to see the group revived because I really do enjoy the discussions a lot!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Second side note - the Wikipedia list of Christie's works has a nice chart showing the alternate titles - I know my collection seems to be half UK titles and half US titles so I get easily confused!!! - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agatha_Christie_bibliography 3y
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Laughterhp No worries. Family stuff is definitely more important than Litsy (like @TheAromaofBooks said). It looks like I didn‘t mess up the order too badly. I thought Murder at the Orient Express was next, but wasn‘t sure. 3y
janeycanuck It‘s a lot to post discussion questions every month even without family stuff going on. Great to hear things are doing better for you. 3y
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UGH friends, I totally screwed up. I had a family emergency at the end of September that lasted a while (I had to go help out my sister's family for a few weeks after major surgery - she's all good now!), and I just forgot about #agathachristieclubR2. I remembered after the holidays and have had it on my list of things to get done ever since. Here's the schedule of books that we missed, and I'll be posting questions over the next few days. ⬇️

ferskner QUESTION: There are a couple of books I've skipped on the official list on agathachristie.com because they're not available in the US. I know that not all of us are based here (most are, I think?), so how do you feel about that? The same stories show up in later in collections that aren't available in the UK. Thoughts? 3y
Librarybelle I just looked over the list, and I think you‘re fine. I noticed some of the UK publications also have a “published in the US as —“ after the title. I‘m so far behind on reading these! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks I'm fine with whatever you think - I actually have been reading these because I love Christie so much & one book a month of hers is about perfect, although I think I missed The Thirteen Problems. It looks like some of the titles on that list that you skipped are short story collections that include stories by other authors, so I think it's totally fine to give them a miss. It does get complicated when there are differences in US/UK titles. 3y
Laughterhp I think I‘ve messed up the order I‘ve been reading them. I found The Thirteen Problems (which I skipped but just requested from my library), but I can‘t find Hound of Death, but it says Not US, so I‘m assuming that‘s why. 3y
janeycanuck I‘m not in the US so have had no problems getting all the titles so far. Those months could just be a month break if someone can‘t find a title? A break now and then never hurts! 3y
ferskner @Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp @janeycanuck everyone loves a break! Okay, we'll keep the schedule as I've posted it this time since I can't get the UK titles without ordering them, but in the future I'll let everyone know that they can read that if they have access, but I won't post questions unless it's available in the US. I need to make an overly-complicated spreadsheet for myself so I can make sure I get everything read. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp - This wiki page actually does a great job explaining what's US/UK/short story collections/etc - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agatha_Christie_bibliography - So it looks like the short stories from The Hound of Death & The Listerdale Mystery were published The Golden Ball & Other Stories and The Witness for the Prosecution & Other Stories... but all jumbled up! I had no idea haha 3y
TheAromaofBooks @ferskner - I'm so here for spreadsheets!! One of my favorite xkcd comics has a girl sitting at her desk saying, “I started the day with lots of problems, but now, after hours and hours of work, I have lots of problems in a SPREADSHEET.“ And it basically summarizes my life 😂 3y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks LOL you totally understand!!!! 3y
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I told myself I was NOT going to sign up for #LMPBC again, I have to much to do(read). But, who am I kidding, I LOVE book clubs. I started a #GroupM for anyone interested in doing Agatha Christie novels. Anyone want to me?
Sign up over on @suvata's page.

suvata I am with you. I just signed up. Who couldn‘t use a little Agatha? 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @suvata Wow, you're fast. YAY!!!!! I'm leaning towards one I've never read before 4y
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suvata @MaleficentBookDragon Sounds great. I‘ve never read that one either. 4y
MaleficentBookDragon @suvata That one sounds good. I have not read it. 4y
Avanders 🤭😆 Of course you did 😘 4y
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THE most awesome find for a writer!! 🧡🖤 #lovehalloween


Agatha Christie fans: my husband and I are thinking of doing a buddy read. We love suspense and neither of us have ever read Agatha Christie. Looking for suggestions on which of her books to start with? Thanks

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I unfortunately turned the big 40 today. Not the biggest birthday fan but check out the Christie themed cards my bestie and family gave me 😍

MicheleinPhilly Happy Birthday! Also the 40s aren‘t bad at all. I‘m 2.5 years in and with the exception of events outside of my control, they‘re fabulous. Plus now you get to say “I‘m in my 40s, I‘m too old for this shit!” 4y
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#AcrossApril Spine 'poetry'
I read most of #ReadingMM as ebooks so it's cover 'poetry' 😊 😄

Her story titles certainly present numerous possibilities

BiblioLitten Quite clever! 😍 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Haha! 👍 4y
Tanisha_A So good 😁 4y
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Susanita 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
BookishMe @Susanita thank you😍 4y
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"Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend."

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A great quote found on a wonderful Facebook group.

802Librarian Wonderful! 4y
Texreader I love this! 4y
Tamra Awesome pic & quote! 4y
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Nute Wonderful post! 4y
kspenmoll ❤️❤️ 4y
Jeg Love that quote. 4y
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Agatha Christie inspired cheekie matinee. I‘ve heard good things... fingers crossed!

LMJenkins I really want to see this! Rotten Tomatoes rated it 100%. 5y
Kaylamburson I saw it last night, and I thought it was so fun! Funny and surprising. 5y
Mdargusch This looks amazing! I had not heard about it. 5y
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blank Let us know how it is! I think I'm going to go see it Friday 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve watched this. Enjoyed it very much. 5y
Eyelit I saw it a couple weeks ago and LOVED it. Hope you enjoy! 5y
Mitch It was slick and funny and mad and weird and very enjoyable! 👍🏼 5y
BookwormM Looking forward to seeing this 5y
Sharpeipup I really enjoyed! 5y
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Found this on Netflix - 1 point for #teamslaughter #scarathlon 🕵🏻‍♀️🎃😈 #agathachristie @Clwojick

Linsy I liked this one! What‘d you think?? 5y
Charityann @Linsy I liked it too! Now I want to read more about the days Agatha Christie was missing. 😊 5y
Linsy I know, right? It‘s fascinating 5y
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Especially now 😳💁🏼‍♀️🙌🏽

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Saw this on @Librarybelle ‘s page and couldn‘t resist sharing! I‘ve been reading the Poirot books randomly as I come across them, and lately have been building up a collection of the series. @ferskner - I‘ll be joining in to #AgathaChristieClubR2 if it‘s not too late!

Lady_Tigana_20 I‘ve read all the Miss Marples. ❤️ 5y
laur89 @Lady_Tigana_20 I‘ve only read some of the Poirot series, but I figure this‘ll encourage me to explore the Marple and Tommy & Tuppence series too! 5y
Librarybelle Yay! 5y
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Repost for @ferskner :
2 yrs ago, @Bambolina_81 had the fantastic idea for the #agathachristieclub, where Littens could read Dame Agatha's books in publication order, 1/month. It's been a while since the club was active, but we're starting it up again! & starting over. Join us in Sept w/ The Mysterious Affair at Styles, w/ a discussion at the end of the month. Find the complete list at https://www.agathachristie.com/stories #agathachristieclubR2

TheBookStacker I am so in! 5y
audraelizabeth Im in. Ive never read her. 5y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Great that it's starting up again! 5y
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BookishTrish Will do! 5y
Dragonfairykats I've never read her, sounds like a good way to do so! 5y
Dragonfairykats @ferskner forgot this was a repost! 😳 5y
Millesent I will give it a try! I have not read Agatha Christie either. But finished a book called Mayham at the Orient express, which is really cute, and it was based on this book, and listened to a podcast the other day from 2015 that reviewed murder on the Orient express. I am meant to do something with Agatha! 5y
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Do you love Agatha Christie? Or, maybe you‘ve been dying (haha) to try one of her books? A couple years ago, there was a group of Littens who planned to read Christie‘s works in publication order. @ferskner is reviving the group! Starting in September, we‘ll begin at the beginning, with The Mysterious Affair at Styles. One book per month, with discussion at the end. Head to @ferskner ‘s original post for more info. #agathachristieclubr2

ferskner Thanks for reposting! 5y
KarouBlue Okie dokie! 5y
KT1432 I think I might have to do this!! I've been buying all her ebooks whenever they're on sale lol. 5y
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Two years ago, @Bambolina_81 had the fantastic idea for the #agathachristieclub, where Littens could read Dame Agatha's books in publication order, one a month. It's been a while since the club was active, but we're starting it up again! And starting over. Join us in September with The Mysterious Affair at Styles, with a discussion at the end of the month. Find the complete list at https://www.agathachristie.com/stories #agathachristieclubR2

DGRachel I think I got through the first 10 or so, and I probably won‘t reread most of them, but I absolutely want to join in when you get to where I left off!! 5y
ferskner @DGRachel I'm not starting over either, but I'm going to participate in the discussions and maybe reread some favorites. I'll be using the All About Agatha podcast to remind me of plot points. I'm looking forward to the break to catch up on some other series! 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm Same, I‘m not starting all over either. I‘ll join where I left off. Let‘s use a different hashtag. 5y
SassyBookworm Sounds interesting I just placed book 1 on hold on my Libby app! 5y
RainyDayReading I‘d love to join in on this! I‘ve only read a handful of her books and they definitely haven‘t been in order ^^‘ but I‘ve been meaning to make my way through them all. 5y
zezeki This sounds interesting, I might join! 5y
Librarybelle So happy this is starting again! 5y
IndoorDame Fun! I‘d love to read more of her books! 5y
TheAromaofBooks Yay! Thank you for setting this up! I'm excited to revisit these. 5y
Laughterhp Oh sounds good! I‘m in and would love an excuse to read all my Agatha Christie books! 5y
Lisaw13 Me too! 5y
tdrosebud I love Agatha Christie and have read most of them, but it has been awhile. I'd love to join in and do a reread. 5y
batsy Thank you for spearheading the #agathachristieclub revival! 💜 5y
BarkingMadRead Awesome! I‘m in! 5y
rubyslippersreads I‘d love to get back to Agatha! 😊 5y
Karen3 I‘m in!!! 5y
hes7 Ooh, fun! I‘m in. 5y
Lizpixie Count me in!🙋🏻‍♀️ 5y
LapReader I‘ll join in when I own the book you guys are reading. 5y
janeycanuck Oh, I‘d love to join in! 5y
quietjenn I'm have to revisit since Christie! 5y
TheBookStacker I am in! 5y
Scochrane26 I just checked out the 2nd Poirot book tonight because I was in an Agatha mood. Will join in when I can, I‘ve only read a few of hers. 5y
Marmie7 I've read quite a few but will join in with the ones I haven't. Love reading Christie! 5y
NeedsMoreBooks I‘m in. Would movie to read her books again. How do I participate? 5y
StayCurious I'm definitely interested - dare I admit that I've never read one of her books 😬. This will be a great chance to catch up with most of the rest of the world. 5y
Lady_Tigana_20 I‘m interested. I completed the Miss Marple challenge a few months ago and definitely want to read more Christie. 5y
k.reads I‘m in! FYI this month‘s book is available free in the @SerialReader app! 5y
kspenmoll Would live to join in; Read this book in past but may refresh myself with a reread. 5y
Linsy I‘m so in!!! I‘ve always meant to read more Christie ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
ferskner @NeedsMoreBooks You'll just read the book each month and then comment on the discussion posts, if you'd like. I'll tag everything with #agathachristieclubR2 so you'll know how to find them. 5y
swatreads Count me in! 5y
Readswithcoffee I want to give this a try. 5y
Nute Is it too late to join this book club? 5y
ferskner @Nute never! We're happy to have you! 5y
Nute Thank you. I‘m happy to be included! I‘ll check out the list.🤗 5y
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If you love Agatha Christie, you may want to check out this episode of the Read or Dead podcast! @bookriot

Susanita Is this the episode with @Liberty as a guest? I loved that one! 5y
Julsmarshall Yes! And @Liberty is awesome! I was late to this pod and have been going back and catching up 😄 5y
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Had to share these vintage volumes I unearthed at my local clearance market. Someone‘s a murderino for sure!

laceyannea Gorgeous 😍 5y
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I have a confession. I‘ve never read Agatha Christie. This picture was taken by a friend of my bookmark. What book should I start with? There‘s so many I don‘t know where to start.
Bookmark available at www.bookartbookmarks.com

Rachbb3 And Then There Were None definitely. 5y
Bookartbookmarks @Rachbb3 thank you!! I will grab it. 5y
cathysaid Yup. I second that vote. 5y
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Bookartbookmarks @cathysaid ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
writerlibrarian Third And then they were none. Or orient express. Which is a really good introduction to Poirot. 5y
Jaimelire And Then There Were None 5y
Sarah83 And then there were none or mousetrap 😍 5y
Bookartbookmarks @Sarah83 I‘m getter a lot of Then There were none. Ordering! 5y
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Wow impressive

Velvetfur That's amazing! 6y
IndoorDame Thanks! I love learning little bits of literary history like that 6y
Rachbb3 Wow! ❤ 6y
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robinb That‘s so neat! 6y
Ruthiella Amazing and yet another upside to reading! It saves lives! 6y
jenreads7 That‘s cool. I love her books! 6y
Q84 That's amazing! Thanks for sharing! 6y
Landslide Wow! That's amazing! So cool... 6y
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Question for all the #AgathaChristie fans out there. I've always been interesting in her and her books, but there are SO many of them it's hard to know where to start. I don't know if there is an order they're supposed to go in or if you can just jump in wherever. Any suggestions would be awesome. #suggestions #wheretostart #guidanceneeded #booksuggestions

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Good question! 6y
Faibka I would say, just jump in! I think I started with “Murder on the Orient Express” and went on from there in no particular order. However you feel like it should be good :) (edited) 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka okay just so I know there isn't a specific order they're supposed to go in. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa have you read any of them or are you kind of in the same position as I am? 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GingerAntics Nope, I‘ve never read any either. I was thinking of jumping in with the one nominated for the Great American Read, figuring that must be her best if it was nominated and therefore if I was going to like her writing that would be a great barometer. 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa oh I hadn't thought of that approach. That makes a lot of sense. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa “And Then...” is definitely one of her best. “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” would be me my second favorite but you don‘t get to understand her brilliance until the very end of it and then your jaw drops. I‘ve seen some readers approach her work chronologically but I‘ve decided I have such little time and she wrote so much that I rather tackle her best work. That‘s just personal preference. Good luck and enjoy! 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka it's funny you mention that. I was thinking of taking it chronology since that's how I usually approach things, but then I looked at the sheer volume of her works that thought that might not be the best course of action. I'm not sure anyone could get to it all. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics yes, and to be honest not all of them are great (not that I claim to have read all of course) and might deter someone from enjoying the best ones. The other advantage of “And then...” is that it‘s a standalone. If reading her detective Poirot series it might be better to start with the first book that introduces the character 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka I've seen a few of those, that's what made me wonder if there were several series or if most are stand alone. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics I should say first I‘m in no way a Christie expert, but yes, I would say her most famous ones are from her series featuring Poirot and then the series featuring Ms. Marple 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka I'm actually finding several of her most famous ones for free on Apple Books, so I don't see why I can't explore her. With her large body of work, I can imagine it would be hard to be a Christie expert. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics I agree, that would require a lot of time and devotion! It‘s great that you can find them for free, and yes it‘s very much worth while. “And then...” is hauntingly atmospheric and can give you a good feel for her work with the only drawback that reading her best might downgrade the rest but there are many other good ones. You can also start with the first books on her series and then jump to the better ones. 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka that is a thought. If they series don't require a complete adherence to the order after a certain point that opens the door to picking and choosing to make the most of the time available. 6y
Faibka @GingerAntics that‘s kind of my philosophy since I‘m not planning on reading the entirety of her work and I have so many other reads. Of the Poirot ones I‘ve read I didn‘t feel impaired but not having read the previous ones, only maybe in a mention of a character here or there, if I remember right. You can later check out the BBC TV adaptation starting David Suchet as Poirot, brilliantly done! 6y
GingerAntics @Faibka oh I've heard the BBC adaptation is just brilliant. That's part of why I want to read some of her work. 6y
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After wrapping some gifts for @LeahBergen and @miralunasbooknook (I will go to the post office tomorrow) I opened my gifts for #achristieswapisannounced . Thank you @BurghBookAddict for sending me these books. 😏 Did you already open your parcel? Thank you @Sophoclessweetheart for organising this. 😘

LeahBergen Gifts for me! 😍😍😍 6y
Sarah83 @LeahBergen Just as promised 😊 don't open it before your birthday. It was too heavy, so I couldn't wrap the gifts 😭🤷 6y
LeahBergen 😮😮 Now I‘m even more excited! 😆 6y
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Sarah83 @LeahBergen 😍😍😍 in Germany you can pass a parcel which is below two kilos as a letter, over two kilos it is a parcel. A parcel costs two times the amount of a letter... 🙄 6y
laurieluna Awww! 😍 thank you. Gives me something to look forward to next week! 😊 x 6y
Sarah83 @miralunasbooknook normally it should arrive at the end of the week 😊 hope you like everything 😍 6y
LeahBergen That‘s annoying. 😠 6y
Sarah83 @LeahBergen yes indeed. If you have much more than 2 kilo, it is okay, but only 10 gramms more is annoying. 6y
Sophoclessweetheart So cute! Lovely gifts! 6y
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#achristieswapisannounced opening day is FINALLY HERE!! I‘m so excited to see what everyone has got! Unfortunately my package hasn‘t arrived yet so I‘ll be enjoying Christie goodness through you all for today. Hope you all have enjoyed this Swap!

DGRachel Thank you for hosting! I hope your box arrives soon! 6y
mabell I also have not received word of a package. 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @DGRachel Thank you sweet. Xx 6y
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Sophoclessweetheart @mabell Nor has @Deangirl , I think there seems to be a lot of missing boxes this time around. I‘m throughly disappointed by it. Not one person had emailed me to say there is a problem yet a few people now have said they‘ve got nothing... 😰 6y
mabell @Sophoclessweetheart C'est la vie! 🤷‍♀️Everything always works out in the end. ❤️ 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @mabell Fingers crossed 🤞 6y
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6 hours 15 minutes. I‘m so ready. 😂


LeahBergen 😂😂😂 Go gently with that cutter! 😂 6y
DGRachel @LeahBergen I will be very careful in 4 hours and 23 minutes. 😂 6y
DGRachel Not that I‘m watching the clock... 6y
LeahBergen 5 hours and 12 minutes here. 😆 6y
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@jenniferw88 Your #achristieswapisannounced package is swhizzing it‘s way to you now. Hope you love everything! 🖤🙏


I‘m so so so excited to see everyone‘s packages showing up for #achristieswapisannounced 🙊🖤 I‘m so excited about this swap! Hurry up September 30th! 😹
If you have any problems please don‘t hesitate to contact me and I‘ll do all I can resolve the issue.


On a side note, sorry I‘ve been so MIA on Litsy, it‘s been so busy these last few weeks with uni preparation and getting my daughter settled in her new nursery.

LeahBergen I‘m excited, too! 👏🏻 6y
DGRachel Soooooooo long to wait...😭😭 (I *might* be a *little* excited 😆) 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @jenniferw88 Your AC swap package is going out Friday and I‘ll send it via first class recorded so it will arrive early next week! Xx 6y
jenniferw88 @Sophoclessweetheart yours will be sent late this week or early next week too! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @jenniferw88 That‘s okay Dear. Just wanted to keep you in the loop x 6y
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Burghbookaddict Yay! That got there much faster than I expected. 6y
Sophoclessweetheart 👌🏻🖤 6y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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SQUEE!!!! It‘s here, it‘s here! Oh, Leah! Just by looking at the customs form I can tell you went overboard. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can‘t wait until opening day and I‘m so glad it arrived before the hurricane. I was so worried it would get dropped off while I was at work tomorrow and be drenched in my porch, but HOORAY! IT‘S HERE!

LeahBergen Haha! I was just writing a comment to you on a different post! 😂😂 (edited) 6y
DGRachel @LeahBergen Perfect timing! I‘m watching the news now to see when we are going to start feeling the effects from Florence. Earlier today I heard 5-10” of rain for where I live with the worst coming starting on Saturday. 😔 6y
LeahBergen I‘m so glad it arrived before the hurricane! I was checking the tracking to see if it would be held at a post office or not. And hey! No peeking at the customs form! 😂😂😂 6y
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LeahBergen @DGRachel Oh, yikes! Stay safe and dry!! 6y
DGRachel @LeahBergen I‘m very glad it arrived before the rain. And hey-you said I couldn‘t open the box. I had to find someway to cheat and peek. 🤣🤣 6y
LeahBergen True...true. 😂😂 6y
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One happy girlie as she's just picked up the last of her #AChristieSwapIsAnnounced goodies at Greenway! Will be sending next week at some point @Sophoclessweetheart

JenlovesJT47 Dang I missed this swap! 😭 6y
Sophoclessweetheart 🖤🖤🖤 6y
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Just a heads up @ferskner that your parcel for #achristieswapisannounced is on its way! Should be with you in about a week.

ferskner Yayyyyy! Yours will go out later this week. 6y
OutsmartYourShelf @ferskner Did you receive the parcel I sent a couple of weeks ago for the AC swap? 6y
ferskner Yes! I tagged you in a post. 6y
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OutsmartYourShelf @ferskner Glad you received it 🙂 No notification I was tagged in a post though, which is strange. 6y
ferskner That happened to me on another swap! I can't figure it out. 6y
OutsmartYourShelf @ferskner Beginning to panic a little now as 4 days to go and nothing has arrived 😱 Is it trackable? 6y
ferskner Gah! I'll double check. It was sent on 9/14 in the afternoon, so maybe it didn't go out until Saturday? There were also hurricanes in the US that weekend so maybe that slowed things down. I'll check to see what info I have for tracking. 6y
OutsmartYourShelf @ferskner Of course! Sorry, I didn‘t factor in the weather issues. 6y
ferskner I don't live near the coast anymore so I wouldn't have thought that it would make a difference, but it's definitely possible that there's a general slowdown going that direction. :) Also I sent them via the mailroom at my office, so maybe that also means they weren't picked up until Monday? I sure hope that's the case. 6y
ferskner I can't find any tracking info. :( My office isn't great about providing that, and I'm sure I forgot to ask. 6y
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@BurghBookAddict second part... Do you like to have second hand editions aswell? If they are in good condition?

Burghbookaddict Yup, 2nd hand is fine with me! Are there any books of hers that you would like in particular? 6y
Sarah83 @BurghBookAddict I need to look up. In Germany some books aren't published within the last years, but there are also several about Agatha Christie which I don't own. 😊 6y
Burghbookaddict @Sarah83 Ok 😊 I just don't want to send you books you've already got 6y
Sarah83 @BurghBookAddict I did a little research and on my tbr here you find all the books about Agatha Christie I don't own. If you find anything like Sophie Hannah (I own one of her books) I would be interested in it aswell. Besides you can look at the classic crime editions of the British library. You saw the posts about the ones I own? 😊 6y
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@BurghBookAddict First part of my collection. As you see, I already own many of her books...

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One has to pay the rent, but being a writer isn‘t about sales, or the tiring climb of branding. It‘s a determined, loving labor. #writing #writers #vocation #writerslife

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I was not going to do another swap. I own all of Dame Agatha‘s books (well, technically @dsfisher owns them, but they‘re in my house and I‘m the sole heir, so...🤣🤣), but @LeahBergen tagged me and I cannot resist a direct appeal. 😳

rubyslippersreads I couldn‘t resist this one either. 😊 6y
Cinfhen The power of @LeahBergen 🙌🏻 6y
alisiakae Ooohhh...tempting! 6y
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LeahBergen @4thhouseontheleft Oh, look. Here‘s the link to the form... 😂😂😂 https://goo.gl/forms/Xt2fbLJU5JMusqdE2 6y
LeahBergen @DGRachel I kind of love that you caved so quickly. 😂🤣😂🤣 6y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen Hah! 😂 6y
rubyslippersreads @Cinfhen The power of @LeahBergen is what makes me buy so many books! 🤣 6y
alisiakae @LeahBergen so thoughtful of you! 😂😂 6y
LeslieO @LeahBergen is a force! 6y
LeahBergen @DGRachel @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @LeslieO @rubyslippersreads 😂😂😂 😂 Well, I‘m just going to have to screenshot this conversation and show the husband. It will prove that SOME people hold me in high regard. 😉 6y
mabell @LeahBergen Was there any doubt!?! 😱😂 6y
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I‘m very, very tempted by this swap!

Head over to @Sorceryandswords for more details.


Sarah83 Don't tell me so 😉😍 6y
Heideschrampf Yaaaas! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Thank you for sharing Leah! 🖤🖤 6y
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rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen @Sarah83 I'm tempted by this one too. 😉 6y
quietjenn Same! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Yes, tempting! Sigh.. 6y
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#AChristieSwapIsAnnounced is finally here!!

You‘ve all been waiting so patiently since I decided to host the #TolkieniteSwap first and as that is all going smoothly I‘ve decided to start sign ups for the Agatha Christie swap! Please sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/Xt2fbLJU5JMusqdE2

Sign ups will close July 30th and opening day is September 30th. Everyone will be matched to someone from their own country to save people money on postage.

LeahBergen Oh, I may have to do this one! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @LeahBergen Thank you dear. I‘d love you to join me. 🖤😹 6y
jenniferw88 Signed up - can't wait! Forgot to put on my form that I also have 'Little Grey Cells' which is a quotable Poirot book! 6y
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Sophoclessweetheart @jenniferw88 Oh yes! I have that one too. Cute book. Thank you 😊 6y
LeahBergen I signed up! Although I didn‘t receive a confirmation email when I submitted the form? 🤔 Did you receive it? 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @LeahBergen A confirmation email? I didn‘t know google forms did that. Sorry. I‘ll take a check. I‘ve got everyone else‘s okay so I‘m sure it‘s fine sweetie xx 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @LeahBergen Yes dear. It‘s all there and okay. X 6y
LeahBergen @Sorceryandswords Great! I just wanted to check as I‘ve received an email copy of my responses for other swaps. Thanks! 😘 6y
Sophoclessweetheart I need ONE or THREE MORE sign ups in order for everyone to have a match so I‘m tagging you incase you might be interested. Please don‘t feel obliged, if I can‘t make the numbers I will either cancel the swap or not take part myself so the numbers work. @literarywisdom @BookishBrooklyn @Sarah83 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @Sarah83 Thank you so much Sarah! 🙊🖤 6y
rubyslippersreads @Sarah83 So glad we talked you into it. 😊 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @rubyslippersreads Yes dear, I have yours x 6y
LeahBergen @Sarah83 Yay! 😂😂 We‘re bad influences. 😄 6y
LitsyHappenings Eeps! Looks like sign ups closed yesterday. If you extended .. let us know! You may also want to tag Mr Book, Book Babe, or Avanders to make sure we get to it right away! 😘😘 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @LitsyHappenings It‘s okay! Thank you anyway! 🖤🖤 6y
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Repost for @Sorceryandswords :
#achristieswapisannounced is my first ever Litsy swap and I hope you‘re all as excited as I am. Sign ups start next Friday (**tomorrow**) and I‘m super excited about it! Tag your Christie loving friends and family to let them know! Who wants to play? #agathachristie #crime

LitsySwaps Heads up this has been postponed!!! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart This is now accepting sign ups. Sorry for the confusion and delay! X 6y
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The bit about marriage is definitely me - the rest not so much!

Eyelit What‘s this from? 6y
Eyelit Thanks! I got Agatha, too (and o thought I might) 🙂 6y
eeclayton I got Agatha, too! 6y
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One of #thegreatest , in my opinion, is Agatha Christie. It saddens me I‘m so far behind on the #agathachristieclub at the moment, but definitely plan to continue reading the books in order. I‘ll catch up! #getmovin

I‘ve slowly started to collect Christie‘s books. Here is my shelf that has most of what I currently own. The plan is to get a Book case devoted to her and have it in my bedroom...I‘m running out of shelves in my library!

Kaye How many are there in total and how close are you to having them all ? 6y
eanderson Wow! 😊 6y
Librarybelle @Kaye Good question! Between novels and short story collections, she wrote over 100. She also wrote biographies, plays and other types of writings. I‘m focusing on all her mystery writings, which still puts the number to around 100 (she also wrote romances). As to what I own...I‘m not sure. I have most out of what I own out of boxes, though there are a few floating around. I think I have roughly 50, though I have multiple editions of some. 6y
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Librarybelle @eanderson 😊 Thanks to Book Outlet for having, at one point, dozens of them for only a couple dollars! 6y
tammysue Love it! 😁 6y
keys_on_fire I‘ve never read her, but I‘ve picked up a couple in my recent thrift store funds. I‘m excited to try her out! 6y
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Hello all Agatha Christie fans out there especially all members of the #agathachristieclub I hope you are all happy and well!

I'm sorry I fell of the radar for a while but life intervened, grrr. Anyway, I'm back and posting so please still tag me as you read along with the current monthly read. More updated info coming up later today so please keep a look out!

Sophoclessweetheart Welcome back x 6y
tammysue 🤗🤗🤗 6y
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So, I‘m really enjoying doing the #JaneAustenSwap that @mabell and @sprainedbrain are hosting. It‘s been fun and JA is one of my top three favourite authors. I thought it would be fun to do swaps for my other top three authors - Agatha Christie and The Brontë sisters. Very early planning stages and I‘ve never hosted a swap before but what do you think? Anyone up for it? #agathachristie #bronte #brontesisters #litsyswaps

Sarah83 Sounds great 😍🤗 6y
Sarah83 If you want to start one, I would like to help you organising this. 🤗 6y
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litmuggle1 I would join either. 6y
batsy Thank for the tag. Sounds very tempting! But will have to think about it as having just joined one I am also a little broke 😂 @Sarah83 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @Sarah83 Oh! That‘s lovely. Thank you Sarah. Xx 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @batsy I won‘t be doing it soon because I‘ve just done the Jane Austen Swap. But it‘s something I‘d like to plan for a few months time x 6y
batsy Oh, that's great! Then I'll definitely keep an eye out ❤️ 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @batsy 😁😁💛💛 6y
mabell Dame Agatha ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @mabell A wonderful woman. 💛💛 6y
sprainedbrain I would definitely join a Brontë swap, and probably a Christie swap, too. I‘ve only read one of Agatha‘s so far, but intend to read more. As long as they aren‘t all at the same time... I‘m currently shopping for two swaps! ? 6y
sprainedbrain Oh and I‘m no expert on organizing but would be happy to help if needed. 😃 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @sprainedbrain Thank you Jenni! I‘m just seeing right now if enough people would want to take part. If there‘s enough then I‘m planning to start taking sign ups maybe June/July time for one and July/August for the other. But we shall see. I only can afford to one swap at a time with being a mum and a uni student. Lol. I‘ll let you know x 6y
rubyslippersreads Thanks for the tag, @sarah83. I'd participate in both, especially the Brontë sisters. 6y
LeahBergen Arghhhh! What are you doing to me?? 😂😂 I would be interested in both if (like you said) they are a couple of months from now and spaced out. 😄 @sarah83 6y
Sarah83 @LeahBergen sorry not sorry? 😂😍😘 6y
Sarah83 @rubyslippersreads thought you might like it. How do you feel today? 6y
rubyslippersreads @Sarah83 I'm actually starting to feel better. Thanks for asking. 😊 6y
rubyslippersreads I agree with @LeahBergen that it would be better to space them out. 6y
Sarah83 @rubyslippersreads Sounds great 😍😘 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen They will definitely be in a couple of months and definitely apart because I myself can‘t afford to do more than one every so many months. 😁💛 They won‘t be until after the JAS is over either as I‘m currently doing that one. So I‘m thinking June/July or July/August time 👌🏻💋 6y
LeahBergen I think quite a few of us commenting here are doing the #JaneAustenSwap (and will want to do these other swaps, too 😂😂). I think there must be some “literary love” correlation between these authors! 😄 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @LeahBergen Definitely 😹😹 All three are my favourites. 6y
BookishMe Just saw this!! OMG omg... Definitely YAY for Agatha Christie swap! And why leave the Bronté sisters out?? Lol 6y
BookishMe @Wanderingwithwords timeline sounds good... Spread my spending ;D 6y
kspenmoll I would be interested too! 6y
Sophoclessweetheart @BookishMe @kspenmoll Thank you! I‘ll be preparing sign ups soon x 6y
BookishMe 👍🏽 👍🏽 Thanks for your efforts! 💗💗 6y
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IT‘S FINALLY COMPLETE!! Hey guys, this is my Agatha Christie Trade PB William Morrow edition collection! 😁 @WilliamMorrowBooks

Andrew65 Wow! 😮😍😍😍 6y
tjwill Wow! That is impressive! I love Agatha Christie! 😍 6y
Ms_T Amazing! 😍 6y
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Mdargusch That is amazing!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
DiruVamp Amazing collection! 👏🏻🤓 6y
mkinney10 Beautiful collection! Have you read them all? Favorite title to recommend? 6y
JDMagnus @mkinney10 Not yet. Only 15 so far. My favorite would be The ABC Murders, for sure. You so have to read that! 😁 6y
BethM Lovely! 6y
MamaGina That‘s awesome!🤓 6y
AmyG Wow! 6y
Dr.Who_number10 DANGGGGGG!!!!! That‘s soooo many books!! 6y
quietjenn Oooooo! 😍😍😍 6y
TK-421 Wow! 6y
WilliamMorrowBooks THIS IS EPIC!!!!!!!! 6y
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@The.Book.Drunkard gave away this beautiful book! I‘m so excited, thanks!!

BookaholicNatty It‘s beautiful!!!!❤️📚 6y
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Kind of like "Taxi Cab Confessions" but without the improbable sex stories or taxis.

#LitsyConfessions #IKnowICouldGoogleItButIdRatherAskAllOfYou

bobregina Murder on the Orient Express is a classic, but And then there were none is still my all time favorite! 7y
dariazeoli I‘m with you - yet to read Christie! 😬 7y
TricksyTails Same! I was thinking of just starting from her very first book. 7y
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KarenUK I agree with @bobregina ... my other favorites are Death on the Nile and The murder of Roger Ackroyd 👍💕 7y
bobregina @KarenUK they are so good either! It‘s hard to pick just one or two, they‘re all pretty great 7y
emtobiasz Ooh how exciting! I don't think she's one you need to read in order-- any of the ones recommended would be great entries! (Most of these are Hercule Poirot, although she has other series too, and And Then There Were None is a standalone!) 7y
Sarah83 At #agathachristieclub hosted by @Bambolina_81 we read all her books in order of appearance. I personally love Miss Marple more than Monsieur Poirot, so I would start with this one 7y
Libby1 @cathysaid and @dariazeoli - what you treat you have in store for you! 7y
Betty Read this decades ago and still remember who did it. 7y
DGRachel I have to vote for ATTWN. It‘s my favorite of hers and I‘ve read it multiple times. 7y
DGRachel I have to vote for ATTWN. It‘s my favorite of hers and I‘ve read it multiple times. 7y
cathysaid You guys rock! @bobregina @KarenUK @rubyslippersreads @emtobiasz @Sarah83 @Libby1 @Betty @DGRachel thank you so much for the input - so much better than Google. I'm excited to get started! 7y
cathysaid @dariazeoli @TricksyTails How did we make it this far? 😳😜 7y
TricksyTails I even picked up the first book at the library. Just never got around to it! Have you decided which to start with? 7y
cathysaid @TricksyTails I'm not sure yet. Maybe what they have available at the library. I did find this list on agathachristie.com http://agatha-christie-cms-production.s3.amazonaws.com/archive/pdfs/christie-rea... 7y
TricksyTails That's the one I plan to follow! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @KarenUK those two are among my top five AC ! 🙌 7y
Jaimelire Agree with other posts...Murder on the Orient Express or And Then There Were None (edited) 7y
Bambolina_81 @cathysaid This is the list we follow for the Agatha Christie club! It would be great to hear your thoughts. To see what we've thought so far just click on #agathachristieclub 7y
cathysaid @erzascarletbookgasm @Jaimelire Thanks! As it turns out, the only eBook my library had available is And Then There Were None so I'm starting there. Fate decided 😁 7y
cathysaid @Bambolina_81 Thank you! I'll check it out! 7y
MaryT465 And Then There Were None is on my all time favorite books list, genre aside 7y
cathysaid @MaryT465 It was quite good and easy to see how she's regarded as a master. 7y
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Here's my name: the Agatha Christie edition. 😁

R- Regatta Mystery
A- Appointment With Death
C- Curtain
H- Hickory Dickory Dock
E- Endless Night
L- Lord Edgeware Dies


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Even if I didn't buy a book today, I bought this gorgeous film editions. 😍 Guess which is my favourite cover? 😍

jpmcwisemorgan Beautiful! 7y
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