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Joined June 2017

North East, UK. Mother, Reader, Crafter, Gamer, Witch. Whovian. Disney Devotee. Farseer Heart. Ravenclaw House.
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So close to finishing and I've already picked the second one up I've enjoyed it that much!

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She and Her Cat: Stories | Makoto Shinkai, Naruki Nagakawa
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Really enjoying this novel version of She and Her Cat! Half way through now and it flips between the human and feline characters perspectives. Super cute 💜🐈‍⬛️

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(Not the tagged book, can't find this listed)
This is a short story collection based on the manga and anime series Demon Slayer and I absolutely adored it! I love these characters so much. A definite pick for me, as it explored the relationships between the characters.

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Hup was one of my favourite characters in the recent series Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance on Netflix, so when I saw this I had to get it. I absolutely loved it! Essentially Hups origin story, it shows the beginning of his journey to becoming a paladin, spoon in hand. 5/5.

Waking the Witch | Rachel Burge
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A fun read, giving a bit of twist on the tale of Merlin and Avalon. A young woman called Ivy is called upon by her witch sisters to save them all, but can she do it?
5/5 🌟 from me!

laurieluna Lucinda Riley in the pic as that's my next read! 1y
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Magic of the Unicorn | Deborah Lerme Goodman
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Actually finished this a few weeks ago. It was a really fun adventure as far as these books are concerned. Well written, lots of twists, turns and ending options. A pick if you're wanting a fun, quick, nostalgic read.

Ariadne | Jennifer Saint
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I stumbled into The Works and accidently left with 6 books. 🤦🏻‍♀️👀

ravenlee Oh, look what followed you home! 1y
laurieluna @ravenlee it's dreadful, I many complain. Maybe they'll offer me some free ones 👀 1y
squirrelbrain Such a shame when that happens! 1y
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New book! Looking forward to getting some new ideas on how to create ritual spaces in my home 💜

Witches of Lychford | Paul Cornell
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A great little read! Easy to follow, gripping story line. I just feel like it could have been fleshed out some more, especially with backstory for the 3 main characters. For that reason it gets a 3.5/5 from me!

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Candide and Other Stories | Roger Pearson, Voltaire,
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I love finding things in second hand books, even if they are just notes about types of printers!

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Getting my Firefly fix any way I can! #firefly

Witches of Lychford | Paul Cornell
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My friend mistakenly bought 2 copies of this so she passed one to me and we're now doing an impromptu read along! Really enjoying it so far!

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My online coven are doing a read along of this for August! It only just arrived today so I need to catch up but it looks so good. 💜

Chrissyreadit @StaceGhost @wanderinglynn @inthegreensandblues @BookwormAHN @sprainedbrain @jenniferw88 I know there are a lot more to tag but my brain is fried. Maybe could be a fun buddy read? 2y
BookwormAHN @Chrissyreadit I like the idea 😺 2y
StaceGhost I love it! Requesting a copy now 🧙🏻‍♀️ 2y
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wanderinglynn Sounds fantastic! Thanks @Chrissyreadit (edited) 2y
laurieluna @Chrissyreadit oh do it! I've started it and it's pretty good so far! 😊 2y
Chrissyreadit @laurieluna I‘m going to! @wanderinglynn already bought a copy! We need all the combined energy available these days! 2y
BookwormAHN @Chrissyreadit I just ordered a copy 😺 2y
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Women of Troy | Pat Barker
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I'm having to start my kindle collection from scratch, as I no longer have access to the account all my previous purchases were on. Can anyone recommend any reads on offer? I already grabbed Women of Troy from the daily deals today. These are all I have so far. Thank you 💜

Dragon Loved The Red Tent 👍💚🐉 2y
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The Book of Three | Lloyd Alexander
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I've read The Black Cauldron and love the Disney adaptation, so I thought I'd go back to the beginning of the series. Downloaded this on my kindle and it's one of my weekend plans. 🙌🏻

Nutmegnc Lloyd Alexander is so talented!! 2y
Chrissyreadit These are one of my favorite series of all times 2y
laurieluna @Chrissyreadit it's such an easy read, love his writing style! 2y
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1. Regal, from Robin Hobbs Farseer books. Honestly hate him with a passion.

2. I have never cried as hard as I did at the death of a character in the tagged book. I don't want to spoiler it for anyone though. But it's stayed with me.

3. I used to live there so let's go for Terry Deary from Sunderland!


rockpools Hey! Nice to see you 😊. How‘s things? 2y
laurieluna @rockpools hello! I know it's been a while! Life has been super busy but things are settling 😊 how are you?? 2y
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Started a read through of The Sandman comics in prep for the Netflix show! I love Neils other work but I've never read these. Also...hello again!

DivineDiana Hello! Glad you are back! ❤️ 2y
laurieluna @DivineDiana hello! Good to be back, missed this place. I'm reading more again so I feel like I have more to contribute 😂 💜 2y
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Pan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun | Cornelia Funke, Guillermo Del Toro
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I did that thing where I disappear for a while again. It's me, Lauren, with a name change. Still getting through everything that's happening right now. Lots of life changes. Things are looking up.
This is my current read, really enjoying it. I loved the film too.
Hope everyone is well. I'll try to pop on more. 🤞🏻

Gissy Welcome back🤗 3y
squirrelbrain Nice to see you back! 😁 3y
laurieluna Thank you @Gissy and @squirrelbrain 😁 shall try and post more and catch up with people! 💜 3y
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The Lost Spells | Robert Macfarlane
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The Lost Spells (which is a follow up to The Lost Words) is a beautiful and mesmerising book about nature. Filled with stunning artwork by Jackie Morris and tongue twistingly good poems by Robert Macfarlane, I recommend this book to anyone looking to escape for a short while into the undergrowth and tree tops of our natural world.

charl08 Sold! 4y
laurieluna @charl08 it's beautiful, truly. I could spend hours looking at all the artwork, and it is packed with it. It arrived yesterday, actual publication day is today. I read all the poems before I went to bed last night and again today. I recommend The Lost Words too, and pretty much anything by Robert MacFarlane. He's one of my go to authors for escapism and word play. 4y
charl08 I love MacFarlane but haven't splurged on The Lost Words yet. Maybe Xmas! 4y
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squirrelbrain Ooh I just saw this in the window of Waterstones and wondered about it.... sounds gorgeous! And hi, how are you doing? 👋😘 4y
arlenefinnigan Mine arrived yesterday too. Can't wait to read it. 4y
laurieluna @squirrelbrain hello! I'm doing alright, trying to get through all this covid nonsense with the boys with my sanity intact 😅 how are you? Xx 4y
squirrelbrain Yes, I can‘t imagine trying to wrangle two little boys as well as everything else! 🤣 I‘m fine thank you - just started a new job after being out of work for most of the summer... no time for reading any more! 4y
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Another cracking Lucinda Riley. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Current read. Only finished 2 other books so far this year, Goodnight Mister Tom, and another Lucinda Riley called The Butterfly Room. Started this yesterday and already 100 pages in. I think Lucinda is my author of choice at the moment!

Velvetfur Oohh I've got this on my Kindle app, but the cover of yours is more gorgeous than mine, haha! Is it good so far? 😊 4y
laurieluna @Velvetfur yes! Very good. I like how there's always a mystery running through her books and she's already set this one up. Characters are fab, setting is magical. Just the escapism needed right now tbh! Already planning on getting my hands on the rest in the series. X 4y
Velvetfur @laurenbescoby I'd never even heard of her, or the series, until I got this ebook, so I'm glad to hear it's so good - thank you 😁 4y
Crazeedi Oh this series is awesome!!!! I'm up to The Sun Sister, it's sitting here waiting for me. I loved every one 4y
laurieluna @Crazeedi I'm already starting to see the different personalities of the sisters, and putting them with the other book titles in the series! X 4y
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Various crafts that have occupied my time recently. Gotten right back in to cross stitch, and it's helping me pass the hours in lockdown. I have the tagged book of patterns, it's a great starter book!

Moray_Reads I've just taken up cross stitch. It's hard to concentrate on reading but stitching and listening to audiobooks are helping to keep me occupied 4y
laurieluna @Moray_Reads I'm currently watching Gilmore girls as I stitch, I've never watched it before. It's great to have on in the background and I'm enjoying it loads! I've stitch since I was 10 but put it down for a few years when the boys happened and just got back to it. Made quite a few gifts this year! X 4y
Crazeedi Beautiful work! I should get mine out again 4y
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Goodnight Mister Tom | Michelle Magorian
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Just as good as I remember. Love it when I revisit books I read as a kid and love them still. ❤️

TrishB Hi Lauren 👋 hope all is good with you. 4y
laurieluna @TrishB Hi Trish! Getting by. Everything is all a bit intense so taking each day as it comes. Reading and crafting is helping. Hope you and yours are well! X 4y
TrishB Holding up! Strange times for all of us. 😘 4y
youneverarrived This book brings back so many memories 💛 Did you watch the TV adaptation too? 4y
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Some firefly blackwork, just to show I'm still here! Taking a bit of a reading hiatus (only finished 2 or 3 so far this year) to revisit cross stitch and blackwork. I used variegated threads for this. ❤️

ravenlee That‘s gorgeous! 4y
wanderinglynn That‘s really pretty! Love the colors. 4y
rockpools Hi Lauren! That‘s lovely 😊 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm Gorgeous! 4y
Meaw_catlady Wow! This is so shiny!! 🖤 4y
readordierachel Fabulous! 4y
quietlycuriouskate That is gorgeous! And it's good to see you here again. 4y
Owlizabeth I looooove this!! 4y
Aimeesue Shiny! 4y
rabbitprincess Amazing! 4y
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Ness | Robert Macfarlane, Stanley Donwood
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A quick, intense read, in MacFarlane's usual, hypnotic style. A modern prose-poem for our time.

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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Christmas #bookhaul from my partner. ❤🎄

TrishB Cool 👍🏻 5y
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The World of Poo | Terry Pratchett
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My 4 year olds 'big boy books' book shelf. He's zooming through the reading set him at school, so I now regularly sit with him and encourage him to read a page or 2 of these books. World of poo was a particular favourite of his!

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Mini #bookhaul after a wonderful day out in Sunderland for pride today. The 4 year old is getting interested in recycling and activism so picked up A planet full of plastic for him, a simple book introducing the concept of 'reduce, reuse, recycle' to kids. I have an ever growing Lucinda Riley TBR because I loved The Love Letter, so picked The Butterfly Room up. Robin Hobb has a short story in the anthology, and a Peppa Pig book for the youngest!🤗

Cathythoughts Sounds like a great day 👍🏻✨ 5y
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Was tagged by @RachelO 😊
7 covers, 7 days, no explanation needed!
Tagging @Birdsong28 if you want to join in and haven't already!

Birdsong28 Thanks for the tag but I have just finished doing my #7covers7days . Hope you are well 😘📚📖 5y
laurieluna @Birdsong28 just gone back over your feed and seen! So out of the loop! Life has been busy, but in a good way. Hope you're doing ok! Xx 5y
Birdsong28 Yes I am fine thanks. That is just how life goes sometimes but if it is for the good then I am sure it will be worth it. @laurenbescoby 5y
rockpools That looks like fun! (I totally just went to see if my library had it 😉) 5y
laurieluna @RachelO currently reading it! Loads of twists and turns, one of the best Doctor Who novels I've read! X 5y
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A quick, chilling read. Definitely want to read more of Susan Hills work so any recommendations welcome!

Martta I loved The Woman in black as well! I read couple of months ago another book from her: The Travelling bag. Really liked that one as well. It was a collection of short stories. 😊 5y
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Eragon; Eldest | Christopher Paolini, Christopher
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Another casualty of my youngest. 😭 that's signed editions that have had water spilled on them, a copy of mice and men for which I can't get the cover of anymore and it was my favourite one, crumpled up dust covers, pages with sticky fingers all over and now a ripped first edition of Eragon. I love him but I wish he would leave my books alone! 😰

Elizabeth2 Ugh! So sorry. My husband and I say this all the time: “Kids ruin everything.” But they‘re worth it. (Most of the time.) 😉 5y
BookishMarginalia For us it‘s a cat who likes to gnaw on books 😱#ChipmunkCat 5y
Crazeedi Remember to show him when he grows up! 5y
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bullbunny Have you searched every where? Including Abe books?? 5y
laurieluna @bullbunny I've attempted to order certain covers from abe books before and been stung. Either wrong cover or terrible quality. 5y
Jas16 Oh no! 5y
JacqMac Eventually, you‘ll just come to accept that you can‘t have nice things anymore. But hopefully he will take care of you when you‘re old. 😂 5y
TheBookDream Can you have a locked cabinet for your special books? We have a bookshelf that has cabinet doors. Wouldn‘t be hard to padlock it 5y
laurieluna @TheBookDream don't really have the money to replace all the book cases 😬 just trying to ride out the storm and hopefully he'll learn 🙈 5y
BiblioLitten I have mixed feelings whenever my son picks up my books. 😍😖 5y
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Witchling | Yasmine Galenorn
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There's 4, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Robin Hobb and Yasmine Galenorn. All fantasy/magic based authors so definitely demonstrates my need for escapism when nothing else is hitting the spot!
2. I've read all of Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings books, inc the short story collection, but still a few left of my other faves to read.
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView I love Hobb too! Thanks for playing! 😊 5y
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UK littens, A Great Read have an awesome flash sale on atm, some hardbacks from only £3 each. And free UK delivery. I have ordered from them before and although it took over a week to arrive it was worth it!

Libby1 Ooh! I bought 4 books from them just now. #BlameItOnLitsy ! 5y
laurieluna @Libby1 such good prices. I would have loads if I had the funds! Too many bargains. Xx 5y
Birdsong28 Thanks will have a look!! 😘📚📖 5y
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Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating | Jane Goodall, Gary McAvoy, Gail Hudson
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Switching back to a vegan diet, and have borrowed this off the fab @toric
Having recently watched Dominion to fully understand and embrace the reason why I'm doing this (it is free for all to watch online), I am reading up on the subject too.
The dedication had me in tears, so we'll see how this goes...

Chelsea.Poole I love Jane Goodall. ♥️ 5y
laurieluna @Chelsea.Poole I've known of her work for a while but this is the first book I've read 😊 5y
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Unintentionally matching charity shop book haul. Around £10 for the lot. Top one is for my gran (I read it last year and loved it) and second one down is a caboodle win which arrived today.
I've also gotten into a habit of misplacing my keys, so I'm hoping Basil can help me. Boom boom.

Birdsong28 You should also read the top one!!! It's a such a good book!! I have also met the author she was really nice. Also has your gran read the tagged book as the book you bought is a sort of sequel @laurenbescoby 5y
laurieluna @Birdsong28 I have! Which is why I got it for my gran. I loved it ❤ 5y
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Stitch Head | Bass, Guy
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Yey! Looking forward to reading this with the 4 year old. Another book of the authors tagged as I can't find this listed yet.

charl08 Looks like a lot of fun! 5y
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Normal People | Sally Rooney
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This book was equal parts engaging and infuriating. A perfect example of people unable to communicate their needs and wants when faced with the terrifying prospect of unconditional love for someone, and in turn being afraid it won't be reciprocated. Thank you @Caroline2 for this tremendous read!

Caroline2 I know what you mean! I loved and hated the main characters! 😆 5y
laurieluna @Caroline2 I wanted to throw the book a couple of times in my frustration with them! 😂 possibly also because it reminded me a little of myself in those awkward teenager days. Thank you so much for this, one of the books that's helped me get out of a slump 😊x 5y
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Received the first newsletter from Marc Burrows about the Terry Pratchett biography he is writing, including an excerpt. Having read it I'm even more excited about it! If you're wanting to know more and keep track of Marc's progress here's a link to subscribe to his newsletter. Marc is a journalist and musician and this is his first foray into writing a full book. #ookbookclub #terrypratchett


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The accompanying book to Amanda Palmers latest album. I became a patreon member to get the hardback of this. Stayed because she's an amazing woman and I should have joined sooner. Been reading this over the past couple of days and it's refreshing how open she is about what she's gone through. It's also tremendously sad. We go through so much as humans, yet we still seem at war with each other. Remember: 'It's just a ride'.

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 5y
erzascarletbookgasm And what a cover! 5y
Billypar Didn't know there was a new album- exciting! Still need to read her book. 5y
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laurieluna @erzascarletbookgasm ah yes! I debated about whether to share it with the full frontal nudity, but it's only a body! I've had it stood up on my bookcase since I got it. My mum always comments on it. Shes a bit of a prude 😂 5y
laurieluna @Billypar it's hard listening, but worth it. It's more art than album! 5y
KathyWheeler I keep meaning to get this book and the album. 5y
TK421 My wife and I got that book at her Nashville show a couple months ago. Amanda Palmer really is a wonderful person. 5y
laurieluna @TK421 she's a rarity and a true inspiration for me. Same goes for her husband. I don't think there is another celebrity couple out there that I hold in higher regard than them. 5y
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Charity shop book haul for the boys. 10 books for £5. Most completely unused. Trying to be better with what we buy, including going second hand where possible. #sustainable #charityshop

Roar | Cecelia Ahern
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Makes me wish I had my own private room to roar in. A great collection of very relatable short stories, each centred around a different woman. I felt it had a good level of representation, and pushed at the stereotypes we and society set for us.

TheHungryBookworms This is on my wish list. I was planning on buying it but need it to know what others thought about it before I did. 5y
laurieluna @TheHungryBookworms well I really enjoyed it. Some of the stories read like parables, and she avoids naming any of the main female characters which is a perfect touch. Makes them all the more relatable when they don't have a name I think. 5y
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Tales of Beedle the Bard | J.K. Rowling
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Only just recently discovered I can listen to audiobooks on YouTube! 🤦🏻‍♀️ why didn't I think of this sooner? Listened to this one today, loved the bits with Albus Dumbledores commentary on each story!

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Roar | Cecelia Ahern
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Last few stories to go. I've really enjoyed this collection, lots to mull over and relate to.

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For the last 4 weeks, on a Friday night, I've managed to escape the kids and do this. Really impressed with myself and I'm stacking the tagged book!

tjwill That‘s awesome! I would love to try that! 5y
eraderneely I‘ve always wanted to try that! 5y
laurieluna @tjwill @eraderneely do it! Look up classes near you. It is easier than it looks. Definitely a work out, but loads of fun at the same time. Better than running on a treadmill for half an hour! 5y
Gissy Great! I really will like to do that! 5y
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A wonderful #northernpride parade, 50 years since the Stonewall riots. #bibesties

TrishB Lovely pic ❤️ 5y
squirrelbrain Lovely! 💕 5y
Velvetfur Great pic! 😊 5y
BookwormAHN Fantastic 🏳️‍🌈 5y
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Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield
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Wonderful birthday gifts from @Cathythoughts @Caroline2 and @squirrelbrain thank you so much.
The errrr, the chocolates may have ummm. Been eaten. 😂

erzascarletbookgasm Happy birthday! 🥳 5y
Cathythoughts Happy Birthday recently married Litten !! The books look good. 👍🏻 Enjoy your day 🎉 5y
suvata How nice!!!! 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Birthday 🎊🎈🎁🎉🎂 5y
Caroline2 Happy birthday! 🎂 oh The snow child is really good! 👍🏻 5y
squirrelbrain I loved Once Upon a River! Hope you‘ve had a lovely day... 😘 5y
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Sorrow: State of Sorrow | Melinda Salisbury
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Ended on a cliff hanger! Damn it!
A great YA about politics, power play and family.

Allotment Month by Month | Alan Buckingham
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A while back I posted about my foray into growing veg. Needless to say it's been a success. Todays harvest for tea. Even got a funny carrot! 😂🥕

Velvetfur That's so cool! 5y
Mitch Amazing. We‘re growing for the first time too - but our harvest isn‘t as bountiful as yours. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Cathythoughts Nice work 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
squirrelbrain Yay! How healthy are you?! ❤️👍 5y
laurieluna @Mitch it took a lot of hard work and pure luck 😂 we use a general purpose plant feed too called Growmore. Can use it with everything ☺️ 5y
laurieluna @squirrelbrain we'll just ignore the ice cream I had afterwards... 5y
squirrelbrain As long as it was turnip flavoured, that‘s just fine! 🤣 5y
laurieluna @squirrelbrain does strawberry count? 🍓 5y
Tamra Love it! 5y
squirrelbrain Of course, one of your 5 a day! 😁 5y
eraderneely 😍so impressed! 5y
DivineDiana Wonderful! A vegetable garden is a dream of mine! This year, I do have lettuce and herbs in pots on the deck! 5y
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Sorrow: State of Sorrow | Melinda Salisbury
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Every night now I try and have some time to myself. Having a G&T and trying to finish my first book since March (I think). Sneaky appearance from Thunderbird 2 who was hiding behind a cushion.

squirrelbrain 😁👍 Good idea to have ‘me‘ time, also known as ‘book time‘! 5y
Velvetfur I must say, I love the colours on that cover 😊 5y
laurieluna @squirrelbrain me time is always book time! 😁 5y
laurieluna @Velvetfur it's not a bad read either! Typical YA story line, but the characters are good and it's keeping me engaged. 5y
Cathythoughts Lovely post 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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The Birthdays | Heidi Pitlor
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Thank you @squirrelbrain ☺️ shall keep it until my birthday. Such a lovely surprise! #jbuk x

Cathythoughts 👍🏻😍😍😍 5y
rockpools 😋 5y
squirrelbrain Sorry only just seen this Lauren! I sent it early as I‘m on my hols.... 😘 5y
laurieluna @squirrelbrain ah lovely! No problem, thank you so much again! X 5y
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