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All Fours | Miranda July
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Looking forward to the discussion tomorrow. I would have DNF‘d this but it was so outrageous to me that I was able to suspend belief and just go along with the train wreck that was the MC. 3 🌟. #CampLitsy

All Fours | Miranda July
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This book was strange, thought provoking, frustrating, funny, confusing, and weird all at once. Not my favorite, but I‘m looking forward to discussing it tomorrow for #CampLitsy

JamieArc My thoughts too! 14h
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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After over a week in the hospital (I am on the mend and better every day) this was the first book to hold my attention. Two sisters are barely getting by while taking care of their terminally ill mother when a bear appears in their lives. Each sister reacts differently to the danger in ways that might reveal more than their feelings about nature. I flew through this book but its impact lingers. I think there will be a lot to discuss in #camplitsy.

BarbaraBB What a wonderful review. I am halfway through now and enjoying it too. Wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 4d
kspenmoll I hope you heal soon. Glad you had a good book to get you through. 💛 4d
CBee Omg Jen! I‘m so sorry you‘ve been ill. So glad you‘re on the mend ♥️ 4d
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Bookwormjillk Sorry to hear you‘ve been in the hospital. Hooray for good books! 4d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so sorry 😞 I hope you recover quickly ❤️‍🩹 4d
Anna40 Feel better soon! 3d
Jas16 @BarbaraBB @kspenmoll @CBee @Bookwormjillk @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Anna40 Thank you all so much for the well wishes. Getting stronger every day and finally finding it easier to read! I appreciate you all so much. 2d
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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Last week in NYC and I‘m flying through this #CampLitsy selection for next month. I‘m loving it and looking forward to the discussion!

Cathythoughts Sounds good 👍🏻❤️ 4d
squirrelbrain Glad you‘re enjoying it! 4d
Hooked_on_books That‘s great! I‘m more than halfway through it and not loving it, so I‘m glad it‘s working better for you. 4d
BarbaraBB Glad you‘re loving it! 4d
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I‘ve been going back and forth on how to rate this all day. On one hand the main character was just so much and everyone just seemed to accept that. It didn‘t seem real to me. On the other hand I read this while on vacation in New England with my kids and my parents and that part seemed REAL. In a way it reminded me of the #CampLitsy book All Fours- I‘m ecstatic to see women around my age in books, but yikes do they have to be so over the top?

Lesliereadsalot Thanks for the review! It‘s my next read. 5d
Bookwormjillk @Lesliereadsalot looking forward to hearing what you think! 5d
mcipher Her first book was the same way - I think she herself is over the top and she kind of writes the characters as an even more wild version of herself. I have an ARC of this but I haven‘t had the energy to pick it up 😂 5d
BarbaraBB I read them shortly after one another too and made the comparison as well. I liked All Fours better! 5d
AvidReader25 You nailed it. The kids didn‘t seem real to me, but I think maybe that‘s because they all just went along with her and everyone seems totally fine with it. 2d
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Up way too early… #camplitsy

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James: A Novel | Percival Everett

So sorry 😢 #camplitsy but just not for me , I have a TBR pile taller than me and I‘m 5ft 7” 😂so my golden rule for 2024 reads is if it doesn‘t grab me by 100pages I‘m out . Iv never read Twain never had an inclination to but I have enjoyed previous Everett‘s works , this one sadly just wasn‘t for me

Kitta It took me quite a while to get into this one. Idk if I would have persevered with it if not for #camplitsy. It was worth it in the end for me but if it‘s not grabbing you I support the bail! 6d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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#libraryhaul Got the rest of the #camplitsy books for the summer! They‘re all 2 week loans. My librarian recommended I keep them until I finish because my library doesn‘t do fines 😆😆.

I don‘t think I‘m actually going to like the tagged book, based on what I‘ve seen but I‘ll give it a try.

BarbaraJean I love that your librarian recommended keeping them beyond the loan period!! I've done that a couple of times with books I can't renew, because my library doesn't do fines either! It makes me feel less guilty to hear that a librarian recommended that strategy 😆 1w
squirrelbrain Most people seem to either love or hate the tagged book, although I didn‘t have such strong feelings. I kinda liked it (but hated the MC!) 1w
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I‘m just starting this and late to the game for #camplitsy. However, I‘m not late for the PBS books readers club session with the author later this month.