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Tuesday ch 46: Bhaer is getting ready to go west #averywetproposal #happilyeveraftereventually #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

mcctrish Nobody ever wants to actually say what they are thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2w
Bookwormjillk I love the Jo/Behr thing this time around 2w
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Clare-Dragonfly “Not empty now” 🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭 2w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I knowwwwwwww 2w
willaful @Clare-Dragonfly 😍😍😍 2w
julieclair I thought this chapter was absolutely perfect! 🤩😍 1w
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ch 45: Daisy and Demi get their own chapter? #iprotest #bringonthebhaer #bidinghistime #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

peanutnine It killed me how they go on and on about how well behaved the children are, after detailing how very spoiled and a menace Demi was as a toddler 😂 2w
mcctrish @peanutnine Demi is an absolute menace 😆 2w
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mcctrish Daisy is all sweetness pretending to make house and Demi is lording over all of them #boywillbeboys #hardpass 2w
Bookwormjillk Their baby talk drove me nuts 2w
TheAromaofBooks I generally enjoy small children in real life, but they never seem to work in books, even coming from one of my favorite authors 😂 This is pretty much my least favorite chapter, partially because it doesn't really add anything to the story. 2w
julieclair This chapter felt like a “commercial break” from the real story. 😂 1w
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Amy and Laurie want to help Jo and Bhaer #itskindofsweet #ilikethemtogether #staytuned #hashtagbrigade

Clare-Dragonfly She really does call him “my lord” 😂 2w
peanutnine I wasn't sure at first but I do like these two together. They seem better suited for each other than him and Jo 2w
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mcctrish I think I‘m caught up, I like Amy and Laurie together- she puts him in his place although their names for each other are cringe 2w
julieclair They‘re starting to grow on me as a couple. 😉 2w
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish haha yes I like them together but I wouldn‘t necessarily be able to stay in the same room as them with that cutesy name calling. 2w
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peanutnine This chapter was real cute, but what a weird coincidence that Laurie and Bhaer both show up in the span of two days lol 2w
Bookwormjillk I somehow forgot about this chapter. It was a good one. 2w
julieclair I‘m rooting for Bhaer. 2w
mcctrish So much of this I forgot but I am so glad Bhaer arrived 2w
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Bookwormjillk Glad to see one of the guys getting yelled at for a change! I thought Amy was really sweet when he told her about Jo though. 3w
Clare-Dragonfly I love how Amy bosses Laurie around. 2w
julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly I do, too! She treats him just like an older brother. 2w
mcctrish Amy is a bossy boots 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2w
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Bookwormjillk What happened to Fred? 3w
mcctrish Here we go 3w
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BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk he went home because his brother was sick and we haven‘t heard from him since 3w
Clare-Dragonfly I loooove this chapter! 😍 Except for all the weird national stereotypes and the antisemitism… 😥 3w
mcctrish @Clare-Dragonfly 😂😂 I‘m laughing at your comment not the racism #uglyrussians #meekjews LMA ain‘t mincing words 3w
julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly 💯 3w
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Ch 30: laughing about this pic because the aunts do not look good in the background 🤣 #anyway #morepettygirlsatthefair #amyisabettergirlthanme #laurieandcompanysavedtheday #andnowamyisofftoeuropewiththeaunts #allbecausejoisjo 🤷🏻‍♀️ #staytuned

Librarybelle 😂 4w
julieclair I totally loved how Laurie and his friends came in and rallied around Amy! And now she‘s off to Europe. Jo lost out because yes, #joisjo. 🙃 4w
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TheAromaofBooks I really enjoyed how these chapters have showcased how much Amy has matured, and how intentional she is about working to be a better person. Also love the mental image of Laurie walking around with May's vases 😂 4w
Clare-Dragonfly I forgot that it‘s Aunt Carroll—who has barely been in the book up until now—and not Aunt March who takes Amy to Europe! 4w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I know! In both new movies, it‘s Aunt March 4w
mcctrish I feel for Jo. My aunt took my younger sister to Scotland back in the day because she thought she‘d be more amiable than me, who was a teenager at the time. My sister and I are 5 years apart so I think she was 10 - I‘m not sure what my aunt thought I‘d get up to on my own or even with them. 4w
Bookwormjillk I feel for Jo but also think she‘ll be better off figuring out how to go on her own terms. I can‘t imagine she‘d enjoy having to behave for Aunt Carroll. 4w
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julieclair Poor Amy. I imagine she regrets forcing Jo to go with her. 😳🥴😂 4w
TheAromaofBooks Jo taking Amy's instructions literally at every stop just cracks me up every time 😂 4w
Clare-Dragonfly I love that they‘re so different and drive each other crazy but have respect for each other in the end. 4w
mcctrish Oh Jo 🤦🏻‍♀️ #wereapwhatwesow poor Amy 4w
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