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Joined September 2016

Introvert, coffee and tea drinker, mom, dog lover, cat lover. Love to be a wanderer and have adventures through books.
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Thanks for the tag @dabbe ! Have seen 34, but my favorites are
1. Jaws
2. Independence Day
3 Armegeddon

#TLT #ThreeListThursday

dabbe Fabulous choices! Thanks for sharing and playing! 💙🇺🇸❤️ 3w
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I haven‘t been this excited about a book in quite a while. I love a good disaster movie. The more over the top it is the more I love it! And this book looks like a disaster movie waiting to happen. And who wouldn‘t love a book started by Michael Crichton and finished by James Patterson?! I only hope I am not over-hyping it to myself! I‘ll let you know😉

#LitsyLove #disasters

TEArificbooks If you like disaster movies you will love this book. I know I loved it. I really want it to be made into a movie 3w
Deblovestoread Look forward to your thoughts! 3w
Bklover @TEArificbooks I read your review which made me SO excited!! I agree on the movie. 🤞 🤞 3w
Bklover @Deblovestoread I‘m hoping they‘re happy thoughts! 3w
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1. Had some amazing avocado toast, and I made it!
2. Got a wordle in two guesses
3. Bought a reading chair and ottoman on marketplace for $30.
4. I got a Nespresso that I have been wanting; used it one day and gave it to my youngest daughter. (Not hot enough)
5. Donated blood 🩸

Consider yourself tagged!

kspenmoll What a week of joy! A new reading chair, new coffee maker, home made avocado toast, gave blood! And wordle. (edited) 1mo
Jari-chan Donating blood 💪👏 1mo
Lesliereadsalot I love Wordle! Are you playing Connections and Strands too? 1mo
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AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 1mo
robinb Love the reading chair! 💙 1mo
MrsMalaprop Snap I donated plasma this week 💛🙌 1mo
Bklover @kspenmoll It was! The avocado toast is the true miracle though. I almost never get an avocado at just the right time! 1mo
Bklover @Lesliereadsalot I do play Connections but I haven‘t played Strands. I‘ll have to check it out! 1mo
Bklover @robinb Thanks! It‘s a bit dated but I really just wanted it to be comfy, which it is! 1mo
Bklover @MrsMalaprop That‘s wonderful! My veins are teeny tiny little things that can‘t handle anything more than a pint of blood. I‘ve tried several times but they won‘t cooperate!😊😉 1mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 I fully support 🥑🍞 as a joy bringer & Wordle in two guesses is awesome! 😎 Thanks for sharing & soreading the joy! 🤗 4w
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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Well. So far this is my least favorite. I have trouble enough keeping track of all of the characters without all the new ones added in this book. I‘m really looking forward to the next book, where all my favorites come back! Still a pick though- I did enjoy it overall. Izzy says hi!

5feet.of.fury We all seem to be in agreement with this one! Hi Izzy 👋 1mo
dabbe #illuminatingizzy 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Amor4Libros This is the one I‘ve never been able to finish! I just got so bored with it…I plan to try reading the whole series this year…again! 🤣 1mo
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AnnCrystal 😘💕🐶💝. 1mo
ShelleyBooksie OMG - Izzy is ADORABLE ♡♡♡ 1mo
KathyWheeler This was the book that bored me to tears and felt like a tangent to the rest of the story. 1mo
Bklover @Amor4Libros @KathyWheeler I couldn‘t agree more! (edited) 1mo
Bklover @ShelleyBooksie Izzy says thank you! She‘s a sweet girl! 1mo
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Well, I was in my 20‘s in the 80‘s and appears all I did was watch movies! (Had a couple kids too). I‘ve seen 95 of the movies. Back then it was the height of the video stores era. Anyway, favorites include-
1. ET (I believe ET was the first low priced vhs tape. It kind of changed everything. After that you could actually own the movies!)
2. Poltergeist. Scared the crap out of me.
3. Terms of Endearment 😭😭😭

SpellboundReader 95 movies! Wow!!! 2mo
dabbe Wowza! You kicked my butt! The days of the VHS machines and Blockbuster videos. Thanks for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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Oh my goodness!!! What a beautiful package- thank you so much Misty! I feel so undeserving, but I love it nonetheless. I‘ve wanted to read this for the longest time. I‘ve checked the ebook out twice but I keep returning it because I want to read a hard copy! Your thoughtfulness is simply beautiful. Thank you for all the goodies, as well as your patience with me, my friend. 🩷

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!! I‘m happy you haven‘t read it yet! I wanted you to have a surprise happy! Sending you much love and hugs 🤗 ❤️ 2mo
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I only got 26! I thought I‘d do way better than that, but now I‘m in a indie catergory so I don‘t hear a lot from f these. (Think Alice Phoebe Lou and Babe Rainbow). Thanks for the tag @dabbe
#tlt #threelistthursday
If you haven‘t played here is the link. I think!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I only got 23 😂 2mo
dabbe @Bklover @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I think a lot of our favorites didn't make the list! 🤩😂😀 2mo
Bklover @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe I think you‘re right! (edited) 2mo
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Murder Road | Simone St. James
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I really enjoyed this; but then, I usually do enjoy all of her books. It wasn‘t my favorite though- a bit too much going on. Definitely would recommend.

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Onward with #GOT #chapteraday and enjoying The Poppy War.

5feet.of.fury Ooooh I‘ve heard good things about The Poppy War series! 3mo
Bklover @5feet.of.fury So far it‘s really good! 3mo
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This book is different from my usual. It‘s about a hospice nurse, and each chapter is about a different patient who she has helped as they are dying. She talks a lot about the things that happen during this time, such as dead family members appearing to the dying patient. It‘s a fascinating look at a difficult job. Being there for the family, making sure there‘s no pain, and being a source of info and comfort for family. ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️

Bklover Btw, this is not a religious book. 3mo
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I love the spring showers this time of year!!!❤️❤️❤️

Gissy 📚🌧☕️🙌 3mo
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I know I‘m in trouble when I read the first chapter and I already don‘t like one of the main characters. This was just a meh for me. Twist wasn‘t too hard to figure out. Blah blah blah.

SilversReviews So good!! 2mo
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Expiration Dates | Rebecca Serle
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If this were the first Rebecca Serle book I‘d read I‘d say it was wonderful. I love the magical realism in her books, and this is a good one to pull you out of a slump. However I read One Italian Summer first and I loved it so much that this book paled a bit in comparison. While I would read them both again, if you haven‘t read any of her books I adored One Italian Summer.

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The Silence of the Lambs

The Princess Bride

#ThreeListThursday. Fun question, Denise! There is a movie I saw within the last year that I remember thinking was way better than the movie but I can remember what movie it was!

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚🩷💚 4mo
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Starting this one for #authoramonth for April! Thanks Soubhi, for hosting this each year. I haven‘t been doing well on any of my challenges this year so far, but hoping to pick that back up. #AAM

Soubhiville I hope you‘ll enjoy this one. 🙂 4mo
Suet624 Such a good book. I hope you like it too. 4mo
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The Mist, by Stephen King. Not the movie. Hated the movie.

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King

The Body by Stephen King

What can I say?! For a guy who writes some really long books he is amazing with his short stories and novellas!
#ThreeListThursday #TLT

peaKnit Ah our posts look similar! Stephen King is the best! 4mo
Ruthiella I‘m sensing a theme here…😆 4mo
TheBookgeekFrau I agree! I'm not a fan of short stories because I always feel like I'm left hanging. I've never felt that way after reading an SK short story. 4mo
Bklover @peaKnit @Ruthiella @TheBookgeekFrau SK is the best! @peaKnit I‘m going to go check out your post. 😊😘❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
dabbe I need some more King in my life! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
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Catcher in the Rye | J D Salinger
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1. Tagged it. I loved it! I know a lot of people don‘t, but way back when it was my favorite.
2. The Little House Books. I couldn‘t wait to get to the next one.
3. The Goldfinch

Thanks again @dabbe ❤️❤️❤️
There‘s still time to participate if you haven‘t already!

annahenke The little house books is a great one! 🫶 4mo
jewright What do you like about The Catcher in the Rye? I love these other two, but I loathe The Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield is just so whiny. 4mo
dabbe I loved teaching CATCHER, and it was a fave when I was in high school. @jewright ... I tried to tell the kids (who usually thought Holden was whiny) to see how fragile he is and that he hates that the world has moved on whereas he hasn't because he can't get over the loss of Allie. That's a reason he lashes out at everything and everybody. My humble opinion of course. 😍 4mo
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dabbe I'm making a list, checking it twice, and I'll make it available to all whether naughty or nice! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
Bklover @jewright Well, it‘s been over 40 years (I‘m 64) since I read it, but I somehow related to Holden. Probably an indication that I‘m whiny! 😏😁 4mo
Bklover @dabbe Well I may just have to read it again!💜💙 4mo
dabbe @Bklover 🤩😍😃 4mo
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This was on sale for kindle today and since I don‘t have nearly enough to read on my kindle (😳😁) I got it and read it today. Romancy historical fun. Liked the story about a strong woman although I did feel that the romance was a little hollow. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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1. On Writing
2. The Soul of an Octopus
3. Devil in the White City

Play if you haven‘t already!

dabbe We share #3 in common! 1 and 2 are on the TBR! I've missed seeing you on Litsy! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 5mo
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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Received Yellowface from @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - thank you so much for the book and the goodies! I‘m looking forward to reading this in March with the #litsylove bunch!
Max invited himself into this pic at the last moment. I ywas getting ready to take the photo and he plunked down and posed. He says hey!
Oh, and trying to finished up Groff for #authoramonth !

AnnCrystal 👏😍😘💕🐶💝. (edited) 5mo
BookwormAHN So cute 🩵❤️🩵 5mo
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 5mo
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Soubhiville Hi Max! 5mo
CoffeeNBooks Adorable! 🐶 5mo
Bklover @AnnCrystal @BookwormAHN @Ruthiella @Soubhiville @CoffeeNBooks Max says thanks!🐾🐾❤️❤️🐾🐾 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww hey Max 🐾💙 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
ShelleyBooksie Want to steal your adorable doggo ♡♡♡ 5mo
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A Storm of Swords | George R. R. Martin
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This. Just this. I seem to have lost my reading mojo. But this I can read!!❤️

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Hopefully this link works- lots of free cozies today on multiple platforms.


ReadingOver50 Ooo thank you 6mo
Bklover @ReadingOver50 ❤️💙🩷 6mo
kspenmoll Thanks!!!! 6mo
Bklover @kspenmoll 🩷🩷🩷 6mo
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Immortal in Death | J. D. Robb
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This is the third book in this series, and the last one available at the library, so I‘m going to have to stop here for a while. It‘s been so many years since I read this series that it‘s like new! I had forgotten that it starts off in the year 2058, so that adds a fun twist as well. The three I‘ve read have helped me enormously this month, as I‘ve had a hard time concentrating the last couple weeks. Great series, which I‘ll definitely continue.

Glory in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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Checked out the first three In Death mysteries and have had the most fun revisiting them. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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1. It‘s a toss-up between contemporary and 19th century fiction.
2. Mad Honey ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3. Either The Count of Monte Cristo or The Stand.

How about you?! Please feel welcome to play!

Eggs Thanks for playing and sharing 🥳👏🏻🙏🏻 6mo
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Naked in Death | Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb
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I saw that a group here was reading this series. I read these, maybe the first 15 or so, years ago, back in the 90‘s and loved them. Thought I‘d reread the first one so I listened to this today. I love a mystery series, and this one is wonderful - takes place in the future and has a bit of romance as well as a great mystery. I may have to continue this series!

StayCurious You‘re more than welcome to join in on our discussions! 6mo
Bklover @StayCurious Thanks Renee! I may do that. Reading the second one now. Kind of depends how many of them I can get hold of! 6mo
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I absolutely must have a beverage in the carefully chosen mug or glass. I don‘t necessarily drink it, because I forget it‘s there, but must have it.

Just finished A Clash of Kings, which can be read with either a hot or cold drink. (Wintery books require a hot drink).

Want to play @BarkingMadRead @dabbe @5feet.of.fury @BethM ?!

TheSpineView Thanks for playing ❤️☕️📖 7mo
5feet.of.fury I start my day with Clash of Kings & hot coffee every day! 7mo
Bklover @5feet.of.fury. Excellent way to start the day! 7mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 7mo
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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Starting this today for #authoramonth with @Soubhiville and the rest of the #aam -ers Kind of excited as I haven‘t read this one 😊

Read4life I‘m starting it this week and it‘s a first time read for me too. #AuthorAMonth 7mo
Bklover @Read4life 😊❤️ (edited) 7mo
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Not very often do I read a chunkster like this and then want to immediately follow it up with another one. This was wonderful! I am really enjoying this buddyread @5feet.of.fury Thank you so much!❤️

5feet.of.fury He left so many people on the road, but Catelyn had the biggest cliffhanger! I‘m excited for book 3! (edited) 7mo
Bklover @5feet.of.fury Me too! 7mo
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Mad Honey | Jodi Picoult, Jennifer Finney Boylan
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First book of 2024 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

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My new second copy of #thebros has arrived. It‘s a mass market paperback but I liked the cover. As usual though, I will most likely read it on kindle 🤷‍♀️. Looking forward to it @BarkingMadRead 💙💙
#hashtagbrigade is the only way I will ever get through it!

Cuilin I love that cheery cover. Something tells me it will be the only cheer with this novel. Lol. 7mo
Bklover Exactly why I got it. 😊😊 Plus this translation seemed easier to read. Maybe. Hopefully. (Also why it isn‘t considered the best translation - MacAndrew) @Cuilin (edited) 7mo
KAO Looking forward to reading with you again, @BkLover ! I hope I can keep up! 7mo
Bklover @KAO I‘m so glad! This is the only way I can get through these chunksters. @BarkingMadRead has gotten me through several fat classics. You‘ll be able to keep up. I like it when we do only one chapter at a time. Makes it easier to catch up! (edited) 7mo
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1. To ride my bike more. I enjoy sitting waaaay too much!
2. Write more Litsylove letters. I have arthritis in my hands and I have let it keep me from writing, but I could do one a day!
3. Continue journaling- only positive stuff😊😊😊

If you haven‘t yet, join in and play!

dabbe Love these! The letter writing is hard on the hands, isn't it? I've resorted to typing a newsletter sometimes just to give my crampy hands a break! 💙❄️💙 7mo
Bklover @dabbe Yes!! But in January I am going to try one letter every day or every other day. Surely I can do that!!💙💙💙 (edited) 7mo
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Goals | Tracy
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Is it cheating? Heck yeah! Do I care? A little bit. Here are some free short books on kindle that have helped me get to my goodreads goal. They were all fun horror novellas/short stories.

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#TLT. #10ListThursday #ThisorThat

This was a fun one! If you haven‘t already, join in!

dabbe We share quite a few! 💙❄️💙 7mo
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Dead of Winter | Darcy Coates
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This book checks all my favorite boxes. A thriller. Snow. Lots of snow. A group of people trapped in snow far from anywhere. Victims, blood, fear. How could it get any better? It‘s like it was written for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AshleyHoss820 Sounds like my jam too! Stacked! Thank you! ☺️ 7mo
DGRachel I LOVED this one! Isolated settings, storms, and a high body count? Sign. Me. Up. 😂 7mo
MaleficentBookDragon I‘m think I‘ll get this from Santa (okay, me) this year. 7mo
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1. Canada
2. Switzerland
3. Iceland
To be honest though, there‘s no place like home!🎄🎅🤶

If you haven‘t played, play!! ❤️❤️

dabbe I‘ve missed your posts! And you‘re so right. As Dorothy would say, right? 💙❄️🩶 7mo
KAO Ah, Switzerland!🇨🇭❤️ 7mo
Bklover @dabbe No one has ever noticed when I was absent before! Thank you for missing me- I just had several busy days and I‘m having a hard time actually finishing anything! Been working on Christmas cards too- HAVE to get them finished. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7mo
dabbe @Bklover 💙❄️💙 7mo
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Christmas Presents | Lisa Unger
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I love Christmas mysteries. I saw this on hoopla last night and listened to it today. (It‘s only 260 pages). If you‘re looking for a good Christmas thriller this is it. It‘s really a mystery/thriller that takes place in the five days before Christmas. A tragedy from the past is stirred up when a true crime podcaster takes a look at a crime that occurred ten years ago. I loved it!!
#Christmasthriller #cloakanddaggerchristmas

Kimzey I like Christmas mysteries too! Thanks for the recommendation. 📚 8mo
Ruthiella Sounds like a good one! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 8mo
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The Remains of the Day | Kazuo Ishiguro
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I read this for #authoramonth for November. I had previously read Never Let Me Go and I absolutely LOVED it. This one I had a little trouble starting- I knew it was wonderful and I was enjoying it in a peaceful kind of way. And then I found out it was Anthony Hopkins in the movie and suddenly I was emotionally invested. So I loved it, but I needed Anthony to make me love it! #AAM #November

erzascarletbookgasm I loved Never Let Me Go too, one of those books I wished I could read again for the first time. 8mo
vlwelser If only he was the audiobook narrator! 8mo
dabbe You‘ve inspired me to finish! 🤩 8mo
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Bklover @erzascarletbookgasm oh, I do too! It was wonderful!!🧡 8mo
Bklover @vlwelser Oh wouldn‘t that be great?!!🧡 8mo
Bklover @dabbe Just keep Anthony H in the back of your mind!🧡 8mo
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The Long Winter | Laura Ingalls Wilder
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There‘s a group in Litsy reading the whole set of these books, and it got me thinking about this one. It‘s one of my favorites, and I wanted something wintery, and it did not disappoint. I hadn‘t read it in years and years and I enjoyed myself immensely!

perfectsinner Such a great, classic feel-good series for me. This series and Anne of Green Gables series always warm my heart and make me think of my childhood. 8mo
Bklover Exactly! It‘s wonderful to go back to childhood now and then! @perfectsinner 8mo
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This was my first Barbara Pym book, and I must say I enjoyed it. If you asked me what it was about, however, I‘d have to say it‘s not about much of anything. It is the story of Wilmet, a married woman in the 50‘s who has become bored with her husband and with her very undemanding life. We see her daily life unfold (I‘d be bored too) and her search for her own “glass of blessings”. Looking forward to more Pym treasures.

BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you liked it! Barbara Pym is a great palate cleanser! 8mo
dabbe Love how you tied in the title at the end! 🧡🖤💜 8mo
Bklover @dabbe 💜💜 8mo
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My friend @Ruthiella is hosting a #CloakandDaggerChristmas - not a huge commitment, and I think this sounds fun! Tag @Ruthiella if you post a list or read one of the prompts- feel free to join in!

Ruthiella Thanks for the support! 🙏 8mo
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Playing Nice | JP Delaney
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I read this in one sitting. Honestly didn‘t think I‘d enjoy a book about a custody battle and there were points where it was frustrating, but this one really drew me in. And I didn‘t see the ending coming, but it was a good one!

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1. Jigsaw puzzles
2. Dutch Blitz (card game)
3. Word puzzles, Wordle, Scrabble

wanderinglynn Jigsaw puzzles 🧩💚🙌🏻 8mo
Bklover @wanderinglynn And such a fun way to listen to audiobooks!💙 8mo
wanderinglynn Yes! Totally agree. 8mo
dabbe I've never heard of Dutch Blitz. I'll have to check that out! Thanks for sharing! 🧡🖤💜 8mo
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Thanks for the tag @dabbe !
1. My 2 daughters and my son ❤️
2. Dogs. All dogs My dogs ❤️
3. Books. Reading. Litsy❤️
There‘s still a couple hours left (here) so if you haven‘t played, now is the time!

Eggs Life is Good 😊 👍🏼 📚 8mo
dabbe 🧡🖤💜 8mo
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Signups are open until 11/25 for this year‘s #jolabokaflodswap hosted by the wonderful @MaleficentBookDragon

Make sure to join in. For more info go to @MaleficentBookDragon ‘s original post.

BarkingMadRead Yesssssss 9mo
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Busy, Busy! | Eileen Spinelli
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Me. Every day.

Deblovestoread Me, too! 😻 9mo
Suet624 That‘s me today. 9mo
AmyG Me always. 9mo
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dabbe Yes! 🧡🖤💜 9mo
Ruthiella ❤️👍👍👍 9mo
AmandaBlaze Sounds about right. 9mo
Bookwomble 😄 9mo
merelybookish Relatable! 9mo
Bklover @Deblovestoread @Suet624 @AmyG @dabbe @Ruthiella @AmandaBlaze @Bookwomble @merelybookish Many kindred spirits! And that‘s why we all love Litsy. 🩷🤎🩷🤎 (edited) 9mo
tpixie 😂 love this! 9mo
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The Egg | Andy Weir
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Thanks again @dabbe ! This is a fascinating short story by my beloved Andy Weir. Definitely worth reading!

2. Scrambled eggs with cheese and sautéed mushrooms. Mushrooms just sautéed in butter. No garlic!!!

3. Old eggs float.

dabbe 🧡🖤💜 9mo
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10 things! Hmmmmm…
Parallel parking, mashed potatoes, providing comfort, handling abrupt changes, coloring, sugar cookies, keeping perspective, meditation, directions, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Whew. Not necessarily in that order. 😉
@BarkingMadRead @BethM @IMASLOWREADER @Cuilin @5feet.of.fury @TheAromaofBooks

Texreader Love this! 9mo
Bklover @Texreader It definitely took a while to come up with ten! ❤️❤️ 9mo
Texreader @Bklover Yea! I was just thinking, I‘ve got one. I‘m good at collecting Halloween funnies. 9mo
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BethM If you‘re with me you‘re walking 6 blocks bc I can‘t parallel park 😂 9mo
Eggs You are truly blessed 😇 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Thank you for the tag!!! 9mo
Bklover @Eggs Yes I am. ❤️❤️ I wanted to tell you I had to start your letter over which is why you don‘t have it yet. A very dear friend of mine was in the hospital very suddenly and things were pretty dire for a while. Finally yesterday she started to improve, so now I can get back to my life again! 9mo
Bklover @Texreader Yes you are, and I enjoyed them all!🧡🤎🧡🤎 9mo
Bklover @BethM I will drive then- I have to show off- I think it may be my best talent!❤️❤️ 9mo
Bklover @TheAromaofBooks ❤️❤️❤️ 9mo
Eggs @Bklover oh no - I‘m grateful she has improved. I‘m excited for snail mail too 💕 9mo
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The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
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I started this book over and over for the last couple years. Finally read it this month for #authoramonth and finished it with mere hours left in October. (I really wish October was a longer month, it‘s such a good one!) I‘m reading The Haunting of Maddy Clare as well, but won‘t get it finished today. Oh and they are both good! I love the atmosphere in her books!

gossamerchild I really liked this one. It surprised me, as I don't really like “thrillers“. 9mo
Bklover @gossamerchild I was surprised I liked it too. I kept bailing on it in the past, but got right through it this time and loved it 😊 9mo
Soubhiville Aw, your pups are cuties. They made me smile this morning. 😁 9mo
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dabbe Hello there, adorable fuzzies! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 9mo
Bklover @Soubhiville @dabbe They weren‘t happy that I was reading in that pic! They were both wanting me to “put the damn book down and rub my belly!” ❤️❤️ 9mo
dabbe @Bklover 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
Bklover @dabbe🤎🧡 9mo
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Well, this was interesting. I didn‘t really relate to the characters, but enjoyed the story. I know this was set in the 90‘s, but the way the women were treated seemed more 60‘s to me. Very gory, which I find oddly fascinating. Will probably read more of Grady Hendrix.
#TBRDeckofcards. #CastTheDie

IMASLOWREADER same for me kinda like true blood vibes 9mo
Bklover @IMASLOWREADER loved it except for the fact that those were not 90‘s women. ❤️❤️❤️ 9mo
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