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Joined May 2017

I fall in love with words, and hope they fall in love with me as well 🇨🇦 Librarian 📚
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I forgot to post my #BookSpinBingo list yesterday, but here it is! My #Bookspin is the tagged book, and my #DoubleSpin is Sabrina! Happy May, everyone 🌸💐🌷

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Chelsea.Poole Love your choices! Betty 😭 2y
candority @Chelsea.Poole I can‘t wait to read Betty! 💕 2y
80 likes3 comments
The Overstory: A Novel | Richard Powers
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My most recent #BookHaul, all from my favourite thrift store! 😊

BennettBookworm Gorgeous bookend!! 2y
sarahbarnes Wow, those are great finds! 2y
candority @sarahbarnes Right?! I‘m so excited about all of them 😊 2y
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Verity | Colleen Hoover
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Ready to go for April‘s #BookSpinBingo! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Megabooks Loved Rodham and a few others 2y
candority @Megabooks I‘m listening to Rodham right now! Very interesting concept 🤔 2y
Megabooks @candority I didn‘t start enjoying it until it diverged from history in part two. I found it creative and heartwarming in a way. 2y
75 likes4 comments
Every Heart a Doorway | Seanan McGuire
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February went by in a flash! I started not one, but two new jobs and while I still managed to read lots, I didn‘t post at all! This month I‘m going to finally read the Wayward Children series - I had to edit them into this picture as my library holds haven‘t come in yet 😂 #BookSpinBingo

BookmarkTavern I adore the Wayward Children series! I hope you like them! ❤️ 2y
IndoorDame I read the broken girls this month and loved it! I hope you enjoy! 2y
candority @ozma.of.oz They seem loved by so many people! I can‘t wait 😊💕 2y
candority @IndoorDame I started it this morning and so far, so good! 😊 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! New jobs are always exciting! 2y
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Near the Bone | Christina Henry
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Look what arrived! 😍 Thank you @TheAromaofBooks! I can‘t wait to read this one and have added it to my #BookSpinBingo board for the month 😊

Bookzombie I love that cover! 2y
TheAromaofBooks YAY!! I'm so glad it arrived safely!!! And I'll admit that I chose it from your selections because of the cover 😂 2y
88 likes1 stack add2 comments
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Ready for another month of #BookSpinBingo although I haven‘t read my #DoubleSpin pick for January yet 🙈

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
paperwitchs 😍😍 2y
Suet624 Some great reads here. 2y
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Three Perfect Liars | Heidi Perks
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Excited to dive into my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin picks for January!

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Good thing Sarah is posting later than normal today so I can get my #BookSpinBingo list posted! 😂 Looking forward to another year of this challenge.

Amiable I read this book a few years ago and just finished watching the series adaptation on Hulu. It was so good. I‘d recommend if you have Hulu. 3y
candority @Amiable I have bumped it up on my TBR because I saw that the series is on Disney+ now! Looking forward to it 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'm almost caught up on notifications, then I'll finally post the numbers!! 😂 3y
candority @TheAromaofBooks There‘s no rush! 💕 3y
89 likes4 comments
Long Bright River | Liz Moore
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I completed all of my #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin books in 2021! Here they all are!

My favourite, and the only one that received a five star rating, was Long Bright River. In total, I had:

One 1-star book ⭐️
Seven 2-stars books ⭐️⭐️
Seven 3-stars books ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Seven 4-stars books ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
One 5-star book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
One DNF book

I love this challenge as it forces me to read books that I otherwise might ignore! Thank you @TheAromaofBooks 💕

amywithbooks I absolutely loved Long Bright River! 3y
candority Oh, and I got 14 bingos for #BookSpinBingo over the entire year 😂 3y
candority @amywithbooks It‘s fantastic! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic year!!!! 3y
84 likes4 comments
Writers & Lovers | Lily King
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I haven‘t had a chance to sit down and write a real review for this one, but I was a bit underwhelmed by it. It seems to be one of those books that most people love, so I‘m sad that I didn‘t. 3⭐️

This was my #DoubleSpin pick for December. @TheAromaofBooks

Cathythoughts I have this one ....I haven‘t read it yet because I‘m afraid I‘ll be underwhelmed too 🤞😬 it‘s just a feeling I have 3y
candority @Cathythoughts I hope you‘re pleasantly surprised when you do read it! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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My Favorite Things | Maira Kalman
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Happy New Year and happy #Bestof2021Swap opening day! Don‘t forget to tag your match and I in your opening post.

If you haven‘t received your package yet, please let me know. Everyone has sent their packages, but some may still be stuck in transit.

Thank you all for participating! I can‘t wait to see what you received.

@jenniferw88 @Soubhiville @bookwormjillk @avanders @bibliobard @DinoMom @Chrissyreadit @rachelsbrittain

61 likes13 comments
Less: A Novel | Andrew Sean Greer
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This won the Pulitzer? A novel where basically nothing happens and there is absolutely no character growth? I must be missing something, as other reviewers have called this book clever, emotional and beautifully written, while also referring to Arthur Less as loveable and fascinating. I think we must have read different books.

This was my #BookSpin pick for December. @TheAromaofBooks

TrishB I didn‘t even finish it! 3y
candority @TrishB I was very tempted to give up several times! 3y
TheAromaofBooks I've seen so many raving reviews for this one but every time I read the synopsis I just can't imagine myself enjoying it 3y
See All 8 Comments
Scochrane26 I liked it but didn‘t think it was very funny. But a librarian I was in book club with thought it was hilarious. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
sprainedbrain This book has been on my shelf for years and I‘ve finally put it on my 2022 list for a challenge… and I‘m positively dreading it. 😂 3y
KatieB I was so disappointed too. Felt like I was missing something! 3y
Reggie Ummm, Lolol, as usual me and you are total opposites. I just think it was a love letter to literature because he has these hidden and not so hidden homages to other works. Also, we always got the gay man whose life was cut short by HIV. This was one of the firsts where he‘s doing ok in his middle age and floundering in his love life. And he‘s not perfect by any means. @sprainedbrain you‘ll be ok. 3y
youneverarrived I didn‘t mind it but definitely didn‘t get all the hype around it! 3y
77 likes8 comments
You'll Be the Death of Me | Karen M McManus
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Karen M. McManus remains my go-to author for quick, YA thrillers. This one wasn‘t quite as exciting as some of her others, but still enjoyable enough. 3⭐️

Nalbuque Never read her, what would you rec starting with? 3y
candority @Nalbuque I‘ve read her books in publication order. Her first - One of Us Is Lying - is the most popular. I also enjoyed Two Can Keep A Secret (it sounds like it could be a sequel, but it‘s not). They do have a lot of YA thriller tropes, but they‘re fun! 3y
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Hostage | Clare Mackintosh
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It is hard to review Hostage without spoiling it. My full review has spoilers: https://bit.ly/3miTs0p

Generally speaking though, this book lacked the tension that I expected it to have. Mackinstosh tried to tackle too many topics and one of the storylines felt unnecessary. I didn‘t like the motivation behind the hostage situation itself, and while I think Mackintosh had good intentions, the way the story was written sends the wrong message.

My Favorite Things | Maira Kalman
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Friendly reminder to send your #Bestof2021Swap package out as soon as possible!

I am tagging everyone who hasn‘t posted about it yet. If you sent your package, but forgot to post, let me know in the comments approximately when you mailed it!

staci.reads Sorry, I completely forgot to post. Mine was mailed out Monday (2 days ago). 3y
candority @staci.reads No problem, it‘s easy to forget! Thank you 📚💕 3y
sprainedbrain Mine went out today! @BookBosomed1 3y
See All 23 Comments
candority @sprainedbrain Excellent! 😊 3y
bibliobard I had to wait until I was paid — should be able to mail tomorrow! 3y
BethM I posted but couldn‘t remember who I needed to tag other than my match lol! Went out Monday and @Chrissyreadit knows :) 3y
rachelsbrittain I'm planning to get my sent to @staci.reads by the end of the week! Tried to do it today but ran into a bit of a USPS snafu 😅 3y
candority @bibliobard Sounds good, thanks! 3y
candority @BethM Thanks! I see your posts 😊 3y
candority @rachelsbrittain Yikes! Hopefully there‘s no more snafus in your future 😂 3y
guinsgirlreads Mine is heading out tomorrow or Saturday for sure! 3y
Gissy I‘m still waiting for a book that apparently is delayed. But if it doesn‘t arrive tomorrow I will send the package and that book I can send it later. 3y
Chrissyreadit I have sent and received mine. @BethM has received hers too! 3y
bibliobard @candority can you also let me know when mine is sent — I live in an apartment and sometimes packages are delivered to the office and sometimes not (I just want to know when I should start checking) 3y
candority @Gissy Sounds good! 3y
candority @bibliobard Yours was sent out on December 15 3y
staci.reads @rachelsbrittain Your package arrived a couple days ago! It's safely tucked away until opening day 🤗 @candority 3y
candority @staci.reads Thanks for the update! 😊 3y
rachelsbrittain @staci.reads wonderful! I got a notification that it had been delivered so was crossing my fingers you had gotten it! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon I may not have posted but my package was sent and received. 3y
60 likes23 comments
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Forgot to post about my #DoubleSpin for November. I have yet to be blown away by a Lisa Jewell book. This one was just okay. The multiple timelines and points of view made the book a bit repetitive and caused it to drag at times. I thought Sophie‘s chapters were unnecessary and the ending wrapped up too quickly for my tastes. 3⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
70 likes1 comment
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It is hard to review Maid because on one hand I respect Stephanie Land for telling her story, but on the other hand, I just didn‘t love the book. 3⭐️

I did watch the Netflix adaptation though, which I enjoyed more than the book. The adaptation is only very loosely inspired by the book – a lot was changed to make it a more TV-friendly story.

Suet624 I panned the book but loved the series. 3y
candority @Suet624 Yeah, I‘m teetering on the edge of so-so and pan! The series was so much better, but I was shocked at first by how much they changed. 3y
Amandajoy I felt the same. I respected what she did, but there were times in the book she came off as very entitled. 3y
See All 6 Comments
kspenmoll I heard her in person when her book first came out bring interviewed by a journalist- that impacted how I viewed her book. Not a pan for me. Not sure I want to see TV series; maybe seeing her in person makes her life real to me- it also was a small venue; Mark Twain House in Hartford. (edited) 3y
candority @Amandajoy Definitely! And some of her decisions just made me scratch my head. 3y
candority @kspenmoll I can see how hearing her speak about her experiences in person would be impactful. I think the book could have been refined a bit more - she tries to do so many things in the book, so none of them end up being as powerful as they could have been. And the way the book is written seems to have rubbed a lot of readers the wrong way (at least on Goodreads). I‘ll definitely check out some interviews with her! 3y
83 likes6 comments
Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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It isn‘t often that I actively hate a book, but I HATED this one. It is an overwritten mess, with way too much irrelevant filler/backstory and some truly awful metaphors. And there are so many inconsistencies and errors that should have been caught in editing.

It is basically a story about rich people behaving badly (but not in an entertaining way) and there is so much sexism and misogyny.

Full review: https://bit.ly/3EZ7Ke9

BiblioLitten Lovely pic though! 3y
candority @BiblioLitten Thank you! It‘s my indoor jungle 🌱🪴 3y
BiblioLitten I want to start one too and I don‘t know where to start. 🪴🙂 3y
See All 11 Comments
bookaholic1 I agree 3y
candority @bookaholic1 I‘m glad I‘m not alone! I was surprised by how many glowing reviews there are for this book. 3y
candority @BiblioLitten I‘ve had a couple of succulents or cacti for about five years now, but I didn‘t start on my jungle until this year. And honestly, it wasn‘t intentional 😂 My mom gave me a spider plant and I started falling down the house plant rabbit hole, and now I have 27 plants. I found some of the house plant subreddits really helpful when I was first learning about different plants! 3y
BiblioLitten That‘s interesting! I‘m going to start next summer. Growing up these plants were so common because my dad liked growing them and I‘d love that at my place too. 3y
bookaholic1 @candority that's why I'm getting away from reviews, seems like it reviews are good the book sucks, and vice versa UGH 3y
candority @BiblioLitten That‘s lovely! Good luck 😊🌱 3y
candority @bookaholic1 I know what you mean! I have a few people who I tend to agree with on here and Goodreads, so I like to look at their reviews still. But I can‘t trust the people who give 5 stars out to everything! 3y
81 likes11 comments
They Never Learn | Layne Fargo
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I can‘t believe it‘s the last month of #BookSpinBingo for 2021! Where did the year go?! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
EvieBee A lot of goodies! Heft is a favorite of mine. 3y
candority @EvieBee I really enjoyed Long Bright River by the same author, so I‘m looking forward to Heft! 3y
82 likes3 comments
11/22/63: A Novel | Stephen King
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Making my way through this one slowly, but surely. I‘m just past the half way point now and hoping that a nice warm bubble bath will help me read a decent chunk tonight! Happy Saturday everyone 🛁🕯📚

BarkingMadRead Excellent book! 3y
candority @BarkingMadRun I‘m enjoying it so far! 3y
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Honestly, I didn‘t gain anything from reading this book. The arguments were surface level, and Petersen did not engage meaningfully with the legitimate critiques and/or problematic aspects of the women she chose to focus on. I wasn‘t a fan of some of celebrities she decided to write about, but was especially disappointed that the “too queer” chapter was about Caitlyn Jenner.

This was my #BookSpin pick for November @TheAromaofBooks 2⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
KathyWheeler Definitely agree about being disappointed that the lgbtq section was about Jenner. 3y
candority @KathyWheeler Such a strange choice. 3y
KathyWheeler @candority It really was odd. 3y
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I Let You Go | Clare Mackintosh
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This was my #BookSpin pick for October! I didn‘t write a review after reading it, but I enjoyed it for the most part. It was a bit slow at times, but I‘m happy to have finally read it! 4⭐️ @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Forgotten Home Child | Genevieve Graham
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Based on true events, The Forgotten Home Child tells the story of Winny and her friends Mary, Jack, Cecil, and Edward as they are removed from the streets/orphanages of London, England and sent to Canada for what is supposed to be a better life. It is a fascinating and heartbreaking part of Canada‘s history – one that I knew nothing about prior to this novel. 3.5⭐️

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Great cover, great title, great premise, but terrible characters and over-the-top writing/metaphors that ruined the entire thing for me. This could have been so good if the author really leaned into the Japanese folklore and the horror elements. 2⭐️

TheLudicReader I am so disappointed that this book is being universally panned because that title…that cover! 3y
Cathythoughts 😬😳😳 3y
candority @TheLudicReader I know right? It had so much potential 😭 3y
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With the Fire on High | Elizabeth Acevedo
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Emoni is such a great character and this book was fantastic. And this cover is just gorgeous 😍 4⭐️

CoffeeNBooks Great book! I really liked this one! 3y
candority @CoffeeNBooks Me too! All of her books are great, but this one is my favourite so far 😊 3y
107 likes2 comments
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Yikes, this was bad. I really hope people don‘t believe that this is what group therapy is like. Dr. Rosen‘s methods are unethical and it was infuriating to read about their sessions. I‘m also glad that I don‘t have to spend another second reading about Tate‘s sex life. She clearly has no idea what asexuality means and labels herself “borderline asexual” and a “sexual anorexic” whenever she experiences relationship problems. 1⭐️ bit.ly/3FhZPYS

TheRiehlDeal 😳 And Reese picked this for her book club?! So there weren‘t any other books she could have picked? It has a pick rating of 42% on here. To each their own I guess. 🤷‍♂️ 3y
candority @TheRiehlDeal Right?! I‘m baffled by her decision to feature this book 😬 3y
Zoe-h Why use the term “borderline asexual” when that is literally the definition of greysexual. (edited) 3y
See All 8 Comments
Megabooks I wish I had panned this, but apparently I gave it a so-so. I remember hating the same things you did!! 3y
candority @Zoe-h She clearly didn‘t know - or care - what asexuality is, let alone greysexuality. Her whole life (at least how she presents it in the book) revolved around her sex life and finding a long term partner. She only used the term asexual whenever she wasn‘t currently in a sexual relationship with someone 🙄 3y
candority @Megabooks Never too late to change your rating! 3y
Zoe-h @candority It really sucks that there‘s no Ace rep out there. 3y
candority @Zoe-h I hope there will be more soon! 3y
79 likes8 comments
My Favorite Things | Maira Kalman
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Matches for the #Bestof2021Swap have been sent out! Please check your email and respond to it (or to this post) to let me know that you‘ve received your match!

Thank you to everyone who has already responded to the email. Happy stalking and shopping!

candority @BeckyRoy @Amiable I have emailed you both. Please get back to me when you have a chance. 3y
See All 33 Comments
Amiable @candority I just emailed you! 3y
candority @Amiable Got it! Will reply momentarily 😊 3y
AmyG Got my match. Thank you! 3y
candority @AmyG Wonderful! Thanks 😊 3y
DinoMom Yay! 3y
BethM Got it! Always stoked when a match happens to be a Litsy friend! @Chrissyreadit 😘 3y
candority @BethM That‘s wonderful! 🥰 3y
Chrissyreadit 😘🎉🤍🧡🥳 3y
Chrissyreadit @BethM I seriously squealed!!! 3y
Readergrrl Yay!! Received my email!!! 3y
candority @Readergrrl Great! 😊 3y
BennettBookworm So excited!! 3y
BeckyRoy @candority you should have two emails from me😀 3y
candority @BennettBookworm 🤗🤗🤗 3y
candority @BeckyRoy Got them! Just responded to the one. Sorry about the confusion 😊 3y
BethM @Chrissyreadit same ❤️ (edited) 3y
TheBookKeepers Got it! 3y
BookBosomed1 @candority I cannot find the email. Will you send it again please. It should go to lharness0329@gmail.com 3y
BeckyRoy @candority got mine 3y
kellyann28 Got mine 🥰 3y
Texreader Received! 👍🏻😁 3y
Mitch All received. 🥳 3y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Got it 😁 3y
Gissy Yes! I answered the email. Now in the process of match stalking😜 3y
sblbooks Got it!🎉 3y
TheAromaofBooks I got mine!!! Thank you so much!! 3y
MittenGirlPeach I have my match! Soooo excited about this swap. 3y
candority @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Did you get your match email? 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Oh gosh Yes!! Sorry I got excited and must have forgotten to reply. 3y
candority @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Perfect! It‘s no problem at all 😊 3y
69 likes33 comments
My Favorite Things | Maira Kalman
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Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in the #Bestof2021Swap! The sign-up form is ready to go and will remain open until November 14: https://forms.gle/Q7CsPtKBWwS4Sy758

This year, there are no tier levels. Instead, everyone will be responsible for sending TWO books and FOUR gifts. Please check out the form for more details.

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have and please share to spread the word!

MoonWitch94 What a cool swap! 3y
candority Thanks @MoonWitch94! It was a lot of fun last year 😊 3y
See All 29 Comments
Soubhiville Thanks! 3y
staci.reads Signed up! 3y
candority @staci.reads wonderful! 3y
Chrissyreadit I signed up but forgot to ask for notification- so hoping it went through. 3y
BookmarkTavern So excited! This looks amazing! 👍🏻 3y
rachelsbrittain Signed up! Loved this one so much last year. 3y
candority @Chrissyreadit I just checked and it came through! 😊 3y
candority @rachelsbrittain So happy you‘ve signed up! ☺️ (edited) 3y
candority @ozma.of.oz I haven‘t received a form from you yet 🤔 Did you submit one? 3y
sblbooks I just signed up! 3y
BookmarkTavern Not yet! I have very bad reception where I am right now. It‘s already reloaded on me twice. I should be able to fill it out later tonight! 😂😂😂 3y
candority @ozma.of.oz Ahah okay! I wanted to double check just in case there was an error with the form or something! 😊 3y
ncsufoxes This sounds exciting, I just signed up. 3y
candority @ncsufoxes Wonderful! 🤗 3y
DinoMom Yay!! I just signed up … I think. No hurry but when you get a chance can you make sure you got it. My phone is has been acting weird and I am hoping it was submitted properly. Thanks 3y
candority @DinoMom I got it! I‘m happy you signed up again this year. The rocks/crystals you gave me last year live on top of my bookshelf! 💕 3y
Deblovestoread All signed up! Thanks for hosting! 3y
candority @Kdgordon88 Wonderful! I‘m happy to be hosting again! 😊 3y
Bookishgal71 I signed up - thanks for hosting! 3y
candority @Bookishgal71 Awesome! 🥰 3y
HeathHof Yay! All signed up, thanks for hosting! 3y
candority @Mynameisacolour Wonderful! 🥰 3y
DinoMom @candority I was waiting for this one! So glad you are doing it again :) ❤️ 3y
Chrissyreadit Can you email me? Chrissyreadit@gmail.com 3y
candority @Chrissyreadit I just did! 3y
65 likes29 comments
The Swap | Robyn Harding
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Hi friends! Last year I hosted the #Bestof2020Swap. The idea was to reflect on the things that brought you joy throughout the year and share them with someone else, by sending your match some of your favourite books and goodies.

I would love to know how many people would be interested in participating in a #Bestof2021Swap? If there is enough interest, I will post sign ups by the end of this week. Opening day would be January 1, 2022.


Bookwormjillk I love this idea!! 3y
BookmarkTavern Oh this is clever! I‘d totally be interested! 3y
bibliobard That sounds fun! 3y
See All 25 Comments
jenniferw88 Yes! I was wondering if you were going to do it again! 100% behind it lol! 3y
guinsgirlreads Yes! I really enjoyed this swap last year! 3y
staci.reads I would definitely be interested! 3y
HeathHof You can count me In! 3y
Soubhiville I‘d join 😊. 3y
Deblovestoread Sounds like fun. Count me in. 3y
rachelsbrittain I would definitely be interested! 3y
SamanthaMarie Ooo that's very fun!!! 3y
BookNAround I‘m definitely interested. 3y
quietjenn I'm interested. I didn't join last year, because we were moving, but I thought it seemed like just the coolest! 3y
monalyisha Me, obvi. 😉💖 Will repost for you rn! 3y
Bookishgal71 Oh I think so 3y
ncsufoxes Sounds interesting 3y
thewallflower0707 Sounds interesting ☺️. Does anyone know if there are already Christmas book swaps in planing? 3y
candority @thewallflower0707 I know @MaleficentBookDragon is hosting the #JolabokaflodSwap again this year, and @bookish_wookish is hosting the #LittleChristmasSwap. I‘m sure there are others happening, but that‘s all I know of at the moment! 3y
rsteve388 I am interested. 3y
BookmarkTavern Woohoo! 3y
guinsgirlreads @candority Thank you! 😊 3y
sprainedbrain Yes, please! I missed it last year and won‘t do that again. 😉❤️ 3y
68 likes25 comments
11/22/63: A Novel | Stephen King
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My #BookSpinBingo list is ready to go for November 🎉 @TheAromaofBooks

BennettBookworm I ❤️ with the fire on high and authenticity project! 3y
TheLudicReader Some great books here. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
candority @BennettBookworm I‘m a little apprehensive that I won‘t like The Authenticity Project, but I hope I do! 3y
Crazeedi I love your pic, that's just the coolest!! 3y
106 likes5 comments
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I bailed on my #DoubleSpin pick for October. I just wasn‘t feeling it 🤷‍♀️ @TheAromaofBooks

LeafingThroughLife I‘ve started this one a couple times and still haven‘t managed to finish it. 3y
candority @LeafingThroughLife That‘s too bad. Will you give it another go? I put my copy in a Little Free Diverse Library in my neighbourhood. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't the right match!! 3y
74 likes3 comments
The Need | Helen Phillips
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Wow! The Need has one of the most gripping first sections that I have ever read, which turned into a really interesting and weird story. I did not expect to love this as much as I did, but I couldn‘t put it down.

Lots of people have disliked this, but I‘m giving it 5⭐️

98 likes3 stack adds
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Happy October, friends. 🎃🍁🍂Here‘s my #BookSpinBingo list for the month. The mysterious red book is Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood. I bought it at a library sale a couple years ago (remember when those happened?!) and it didn‘t have the dust jacket. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
81 likes1 comment
Stoner | John Williams
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Others have called this the perfect novel, and although I don‘t quite agree, I did find it oddly compelling despite its quiet nature. This was my #BookSpin pick for September. 4⭐️ @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
74 likes2 stack adds1 comment
The Sisters Brothers | Patrick DeWitt
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My friend told me this is one of her favourite books. I have read a couple other books she has recommended and disliked them, and unfortunately, I disliked this one too. I think it‘s time to admit that our reading tastes differ wildly 😂

2 ⭐️ This was my #DoubleSpin pick for August @TheAromaofBooks

Aims42 Ughhhh, I‘ve got a friend like that too 😕 Love her, but not her tastes in books 3y
candority @Aims42 She doesn‘t like some of favourite types of books either (horror, thriller), so at least we‘re even! I‘m always glad to have a fellow book lover as a friend, even if our tastes don‘t align 3y
Cathythoughts We watched the movie recently, my husband loved it … I liked parts of it but would have bailed ( on the movie ) if I was watching alone 3y
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TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!!! 3y
monalyisha Hi @candority! 👋🏻 I know it‘s early but I‘ve started to see some Holiday swap sign-ups get posted. I‘m wondering if you‘re planning to run the #BestOf2020Swap again — or rather, the #Bestof2021Swap? It was so great last year! Hope you‘re doing okay! ✨💞 (edited) 3y
candority @monalyisha Hey there! I‘ll make a post this week to see how many people are interested. If there‘s enough interest, I‘ll host it again 😊 I hope you‘re doing well too! 🥰 3y
monalyisha @candority Nice! I‘ll help share the good word. 💯 3y
candority @monalyisha thanks! I‘ll tag you in the post tomorrow. 3y
86 likes8 comments
Long Bright River | Liz Moore
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This book was fantastic. I was so invested in the characters and thought the story was masterfully crafted. 5⭐️ This was my #BookSpin pick for August @TheAromaofBooks

AmyG Agree. I loved this book. 3y
amywithbooks Loved it!!! 3y
emmaturi Great book 3y
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Cathythoughts I really enjoyed this one too 👍🏻❤️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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I frequently sell my books on Facebook Marketplace, but this is the first time that someone bought ALL of the books I have for sale. Here‘s the entire #unhaul of 49 books. I‘ve read and enjoyed 14 of these, but the rest I have lost interest in. I‘m happy to see them go to a new home.

Also, friendly reminder to my fellow Canadians to go vote! I went to an advance poll this afternoon. It‘ll be interesting to see how this election turns out 🗳🇨🇦

Trashcanman See i try and look up, but my eyes burn. That's a lot to ship. 3y
robinb Nice way to make room for more! 👍 3y
MartinaLove I'm Canadian too. Nice to see other Canadians, here, on Litsy. 3y
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Librariana Did the same person buy ALL of them? Or did I misunderstand and was it that all your books were purchased? Either way, fantastic outcome! 3y
CoverToCoverGirl I voted today too. Hoping for another minority. 🙂 3y
candority @Trashcanman Someone picked them up from my house - no shipping required 😊 3y
candority @robinb It is! Although I could probably do with less overall. It‘s a bit out of control at the moment 🙈 3y
candority @MartinaLove Woohoo! 🇨🇦 There are quite a few of us here 😊 3y
candority @Librariana Yup, the same person bought them all! She and her daughter were interested in most of them and thought it would be easier to take them all. Surprisingly, I had someone else message wanting to buy them all too - they said they just wanted to fill their home library and didn‘t care what books they had, which just seems bizarre to me? 3y
candority @CoverToCoverGirl Yay for voting! 🇨🇦 I think it will probably end up being another minority. We‘ll see though 3y
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Woohoo! I completed my Goodread‘s Reading Challenge today. My new, unofficial goal is 200 but we‘ll see 😊📚

Jas16 🙌🏽 3y
Traci1 Great job! 3y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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OriginalCyn620 That‘s awesome! 🎉🎉🎉 3y
Cortg Congrats! That‘s fantastic 🙌🏼 3y
MallenNC Great job! 3y
Reggie Wow! Great job. 3y
Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎊🎉 📚📖 3y
Gissy Wow! That‘s impressive! 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 3y
Kenyazero Nice work! 3y
96 likes11 comments
The Ballad of Black Tom | Victor LaValle
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My #DoubleSpin pick for September. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I was familiar with H.P. Lovecraft‘s work, but as it was, I thought it was interesting and worth the hour or so it took to read it. @TheAromaofBooks 3⭐️

PatriciaU I‘ve been away from Litsy for a bit so have to ask - what does #doublespin mean? 3y
candority @PatriciaU It‘s a monthly challenge/game that @TheAromaofBooks hosts! Each month, you make a list of 20 books you want to read and she pulls out a #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin number. If you read those books, you‘re entered for a prize at the end of the year. She also does #BookSpinBingo where you make a bingo card with all your books (and 5 free spaces) and try to read as many as possible each month. It‘s fun and a great way to tackle your TBR! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @PatriciaU - Brooke did a great job explaining the challenge. If you're interested in more details, I have a master post here - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/1989556 - I draw each month's numbers on the 2nd of the month, so September's posts drawing the numbers & bingo card are towards the top of my page if you want to look through them & see some more about the challenge. Anyone is welcome to join so just let me know if have questions!! 3y
PatriciaU Thanks for the info @candority and @TheAromaofBooks!
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This Is How It Always Is | Laurie Frankel
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Ready for #BookSpinBingo once again. I still haven‘t got my Litsy mojo back, so I‘m relatively inactive here at the moment 😔 @TheAromaofBooks

Gissy Great selection! 📚📚📚📚🤗 3y
ShelleyBooksie So many fantastic titles! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll be back to reading soon! 3y
Kenyazero I see some excellent reads in this spin grid! 3y
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I don‘t want to give a memoir about love, loss, and grief a 2-star rating, but I can‘t rate it any higher. I have no doubt that Jason and Amy had a happy, love-filled life together, but the way that Jason presented their relationship and their family was just too sugar-coated. Full review: https://bit.ly/3D1OBYo

I didn‘t enjoy the book, but I do very much enjoy this new vase that I purchased from a pottery market 😍

JamieArc Cute vase! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty photo 📷 3y
TheLudicReader That vase is awesome…even if the book wasn‘t. 3y
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Dear Martin | Nic Stone
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I think this is a great book for teens/adults who are just starting to read books about race, but unfortunately, it all seemed very surface level. I expected more hard-hitting, in-depth explorations of issues surrounding race in America, but instead I got a pretty predictable and underwhelming story. I feel as though the author tried to touch on too many issues for a 210 page book – racial profiling, police violence, affirmative action ⬇️

candority dealing with insensitive/racist peers, interracial relationships, gangs, grief, and more – so none of them got the full attention that they deserved. A lot of the racism in the book was very overt, which isn‘t necessarily a bad thing, but I would have liked to see some more subtle/insidious ways that racism impacted Justyce‘s life. I also unfortunately felt that Justyce‘s letters and interest in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was underdeveloped. ⬇️ 3y
candority I borrowed this from the Little Free Diverse Library near my house! These special LFL's focus on sharing books written by Black, Indigenous, and other author's of colour, as well as LGBTQ+ authors. 3y
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I read this book at the start of July and have forgotten most of it, but I will NEVER forget how many bad (and completely unbelievable) decisions Charlie made. I also couldn‘t stand Sagar‘s use of mental illness as a way to make Charlie an unreliable narrator. And that epilogue… insert major eye roll here. This was my #BookSpin pick for July. 2⭐️ @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Oh dear, at least it's off the list!! 3y
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I enjoyed The Underground Railroad, but it wasn‘t quite as unique or emotionally impactful as I expected. I was very intrigued by this alternate history version in which the Underground Railroad is an actual railroad operated through underground tunnels across the United States. But the Underground Railroad played a surprisingly (and disappointingly) small part in this story – for most of the book, it was easy to forget that it even existed. ⬇️

candority The other issue I had was the fact that the story is written in third person, which held me at a distance from the characters. Cora and other characters experience so many traumas and hardships, which are impactful but just not quite as hard-hitting as I had expected.

I think Colson Whitehead is brilliant and I will continue to pick up his books in the future. This was my #DoubleSpin pick for July. 4⭐️ @TheAromaofBooks
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Long Bright River | Liz Moore
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Ready to go for #BookSpinBingo! The tagged book is my #BookSpin pick, while my #DoubleSpin is The Sisters Brothers. @TheAromaofBooks

Grrlbrarian Those are both fantastic reads 🙌🙌 3y
rabbitprincess Yeeaahhh The Sisters Brothers! 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!!! 3y
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Hostage | Clare Mackintosh
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I didn‘t post anything in July, so I‘ll be playing catch up over the next couple of days. But to start, here‘s my #BookSpinBingo list for August. @TheAromaofBooks

rabbitprincess Some great nonfiction there (Seven Fallen Feathers and Invisible Women)! 3y
candority @rabbitprincess I‘m about 1/3 of the way into Seven Fallen Feathers already and it is great! Looking forward to Invisible Women 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Disappearing Earth | Julia Phillips
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#BookHaul from my three favourite secondhand stores. I already own a couple of these, but will be swapping them out for the nicer editions that I found! Not pictured are the books my mom and sister wanted to read 😂

It is so nice to be able to browse in stores again. Ontario is slowly re-opening with limited store capacity. I have my second vaccine appointment this weekend, which is great considering it was originally scheduled for September!

BookishMarginalia That‘s a lovely #bookhaul! And Yey for vaccines! #FullyVaxxed 3y
candority @BookishMarginalia Thank you! Yes, I can‘t wait! 🎉🎉🎉 3y
rabbitprincess Yay moving up the vaccine appointment! My second is on the 24th, better than August, and way better than October! 3y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Great haul! 📚 3y
llcoolnate Great haul! 3y
janeycanuck Good luck with your second dose - you‘ve got lots of good choice if you end up needing to take it easy for a few days! 3y
candority @rabbitprincess I‘m so glad they‘ve all been bumped up! I hope yours goes well! 3y
candority @janeycanuck Thank you! I sure do 😊 So far I‘m feeling fine, but tomorrow might be a different story! 3y
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My #BookSpinBingo card is ready to go. My #BookSpin is the tagged book and my #DoubleSpin is The Underground Railroad, which I am already about 1/3 of the way through! Happy reading everyone! 📚

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks great!! 3y
74 likes1 comment
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Here‘s my #BookSpinBingo list for July 😊 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Liz_M Nice layout and use of actual books! 3y
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LapReader Yay! An Aussie in there. 3y
Reagan This book is top notch! 3y
candority @Liz_M Thank you! I love laying them out like this 😍 3y
candority @MaleficentBookDragon I can‘t wait to read it. I loved 3y
candority @LapReader Oh, which author? 3y
candority @Reagan Looking forward to it! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon @candority I have that one too. Will it make me cry? I open mouth cried during 3y
candority @MaleficentBookDragon It sure will 😭 3y
candority @LapReader Awesome! It sounds fantastic! 3y
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June was a pretty meh reading month for me. I didn‘t read as much as normal and most of what I read was just okay. I also didn‘t get a bingo for #BookSpinBingo as I read a lot of new releases from the library rather than focusing on my TBR 🤷‍♀️ My favourite from the month is the tagged book.