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The Bandit Queens
The Bandit Queens: A Novel | Parini Shroff
188 posts | 127 read | 2 reading | 70 to read
A young Indian woman finds the false rumors that she killed her husband surprisingly usefuluntil other women in the village start asking for her help getting rid of their own husbandsin this razor-sharp debut. Shroff captures the complexity of female friendship with acuity, wit, and a certain kind of magic irreverence. . . . The Bandit Queens is tender, unpredictable, and brimming with laugh-out-loud moments.Ta Obreht, New York Times bestselling author of The Tigers Wife Five years ago, Geeta lost her no-good husband. As in, she actually lost himhe walked out on her and she has no idea where he is. But in her remote village in India, rumor has it that Geeta killed him. And its a rumor that just wont die. It turns out that being known as a self-made widow comes with some perks. No one messes with her, harasses her, or tries to control (ahem, marry) her. Its even been good for business; no one dares to not buy her jewelry. Freedom must look good on Geeta, because now other women are asking for her expertise, making her an unwitting consultant for husband disposal. And not all of them are asking nicely. With Geetas dangerous reputation becoming a double-edged sword, she has to find a way to protect the life shes builtbut even the best-laid plans of would-be widows tend to go awry. What happens next sets in motion a chain of events that will change everything, not just for Geeta, but for all the women in their village. Filled with clever criminals, second chances, and wry and witty women, Parini Shroffs The Bandit Queens is a razor-sharp debut of humor and heart that readers wont soon forget.
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Excessively sweet or sentimental!!!

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Word of the fay : DÉTENTE
The easing of hostility or strained relations!!!

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This made me laugh so hard!!!

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Word of the day:-

Dry and uninteresting
Naive, simplistic and superficial

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Word of the day:
Having a ready insight into and understanding of things

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Totally worth the hype! Funny, raw, and compelling, this snarky feminist gem was fantastic! I enjoyed it on #audio as well. #BookspinBingo


His was not a mouth that it taken long hiatus from kissing

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I loved everything about this book: The setting, the frenemies, the suspense, the humor. I did not expect to be cackling like I was! And the last two chapters are perfect. In a recent author chat I attended, Shroff hinted there may be a sequel. Crossing my fingers for that!

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Reading this for the March fiction Feminist Book Club pick. Enjoying it so far.

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That was fun!

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This story is flat out soul-satisfying! Greta, like many of the women in her small Indian village, is abused by her husband. She finds some freedom when he disappears. Some think she killed him and want her to help them get rid of their equally horrible spouses. Mahem ensues. Lots of humor amongst the very real pain. By the end, after getting her vengeance, she tells her returned wastrel, “You‘re wrong, I‘m right, and I‘m definitely not sorry.”

CaitlinR Photo of the author by Devin Spratt. 5mo
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I thoroughly enjoyed this story of women in an Indian village finding a way out from under negative circumstances. Yes, a few husbands got killed, but they needed killing. 😂 Kidding, sort of. They were pretty horrible men. This was a lively read that moved along quickly. I just loved the way the bad guys tripped themselves up with their own inflated egos. Sweet justice.

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It‘s so good! I‘m visiting my mom, and bought this for her, but she‘s going to have to wait until I‘m finished with it 😂 I read half of it in one night, so I don‘t think she‘ll be waiting long!

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This book is fantastic. Just the right amount of wry humour mixed with a brilliantly engaging narrative, and I got to learn some more small bits and pieces about Indian culture.

julieclair I loved this book! 6mo
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The Bandit Queens tells of Geeta who has been ostracized in her village due to the disappearance of her husband five years previous. Many of the villagers, including several friends in a women's business loan group believe the rumor that she might have murdered him as it was known that he was abusive towards Geeta. At the start of the novel, one of the women in the group Farah approaches Geeta pleading for her help as she is in a similar (CONT)

vivastory situation. Shroff uses this clever concept of what is an actual rumor to spin out into a series of planned murders with unintended consequences. This one had some really great twists in it, but not in the derived manner that a lot of thrillers have, I loved the use of colloquialisms throughout the book, esp. Geeta's creative profanity. I do have mixed feelings on the ending, but I overall enjoyed the book & Geeta is one of my favorite (CONT) 6mo
vivastory characters I have encountered so far this year.
This will be the final #AuldLangSpine selection that I read this month but I will def be reading from the list throughout the rest of the year. I read 4 off of the list, enjoyed all of them & one will def be a book of the year (Chain-Gang All-Stars) Thanks for the wonderful list @larkken Thanks for putting this together @monalyisha
Larkken Glad you had fun with it,maybe despite the slapstick? :) Ill be reading The Art Thief next month off your list, and after the great experience with Friday Black I'm eyeballing Cathedral to continue rolling with short stories! Thanks for the list, and thanks to @monalyisha from my side as well 🙂💛 6mo
monalyisha You‘re welcome to both of you ( @vivastory @Larkken)! Congrats on a great month of reading! 🥳 (edited) 6mo
vivastory @Larkken I will have to sit with some of the slapstick elements of the book for a bit to see what I think about it, but I really enjoyed how distinct all of the characters in the village were! Looking forward to your thoughts on Art Thief. I listened to it & was really mesmerized, 6mo
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“Poor Bandit was ill prepared for the tempest incarnate stomping around her house as she cursed Saloni with verboten invectives even she'd never dared utter before...Only when she ran out of lizard parts did she collapse onto her mattress, spent. “
#AuldLangSpine @larkken @monalyisha

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 6mo
AmyG Ha! 6mo
Hooked_on_books Loved this one! 6mo
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Aimeesue 😂🤬😂 6mo
Reggie Lol 6mo
LeahBergen 😂😂 6mo
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After 3 months on hold, I finally got this from my local library. I have high hopes after the long wait but so far, I love the narrators voice so let‘s see where it goes!

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Indie bookstore haul!

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June's fiction and nonfiction choices #12booksof2023 @Andrew65

I wouldn't be surprised if this nonfiction wins in its category for the reading brackets for 2023!

Andrew65 Good choices. 7mo
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I love books that bring to light powerful, change-bringing women that I did not previously know (Phoolan Devi). In this way this book reminds me of In The Time of Butterflies, and is one that will stick with me for years to come.

I loved the multi-layed look at Geeta's life, the community loan she is in, the other women of the loan, and how each treat the other. At it's core this is about community and not being a victim.

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#12Booksof2023 April

A book that surprised me in the best possible way from the Woman‘s Prize for Fiction Longlist this year.

About a group of women in an Indian village trying to control their lives

Andrew65 Sounds a good choice. 7mo
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My #top23of23 is actually 15 5 star books. Each of these i really enjoyed reading at the time and am still thinking about much later.
Im enjoying seeing everyone‘s lists and i know there will be some great ones waiting tight till NYE!
Happy holidays to all and wishing peace and love to our friend @Cinfhen

BarbaraBB I loved the whole of your upper row too 🩷🩷 7mo
batsy What a great list! Middlemarch 🙌🏽 7mo
Reggie Heyyy, The Revelator made it! 7mo
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squirrelbrain Great picks! ❤️ 7mo
TrishB Screenshot 👍🏻♥️ 7mo
LeahBergen Great list! 👏👏 7mo
Centique @batsy Middlemarch is The Best 😍 7mo
Centique @Reggie i loved that book so hard! Also its seared in my mind now 😂😂 7mo
Chelsea.Poole LOVE Klara ♥️ and I really need to get to Shuggie Bain. 7mo
CarolynM Shuggie Bain and Run were on my best of lists in the years I read them. Both wonderful books. Hope you've had a lovely Christmas Day, Paula💕 7mo
Centique @CarolynM its been so nice thank you C! Hope your day has been a lovely one too 💕 7mo
Megabooks Very nice list! Interested in this since it was on both yours and @Cinfhen ‘s! 7mo
Centique @Megabooks that book just came along at the right time for me in terms of the content. It was a very emotional read for me! 7mo
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I am really in the minority on this one. Although I can appreciate dark humor, it didn‘t work for me here. I thought the light-hearted treatment of the serious subject matter crossed the line into silliness.

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It‘s eggnog season!

ShananigansReads I‘m already on my second quart. 🤶🏾 8mo
Sharpeipup @shananigansreads nicely done! 👏🏻 8mo
tpixie Yay!! My daughter & son in law just bought me Evan Williams eggnog ( egg nog with bourbon, brandy, and whiskey) for my birthday 🎂 (edited) 8mo
Sharpeipup @tpixie never heard of that brand but it sounds potent. 🍻 8mo
tpixie @Sharpeipup I hadn‘t either. It‘s pretty good but not as creamy as straight egg nog. ( the alcohol content is the same as wine- apparently not tons of whiskey 🥃) 8mo
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This book ended up being so good! The first 75 pages or so were a bit slow for me, but I ended up really liking most of it…Geeta was an incredibly HUMAN character, who doesn‘t fit nicely into just one box. Such a fun, interesting read!
⭐️: 3.75/5

lynneamch Same. I started it 3 times and finally got into it on the 3rd. Well worth reading. 9mo
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Ever since I saw the first reviews about this book, I wanted to read it. And since my friend from India agreed to do a Buddy Read we had some great discussions about modern day India and the topics in this novel.

And I came to love Geeta more and more (the dog!) and I loved how she evolved and scrutinized her own thoughts and actions. How she started to make friends again, how she started to refused to be a victim. Dark humor, which I love.

squirrelbrain How great that you could discuss with your friend! 10mo
Jari-chan @squirrelbrain Indeed! I was very happy that she answered all my questions and I got deeper insight into what's going on in the book and in real life India as well. 10mo
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Entertaining #audiolisten full of intrigue and blackmail. I liked how the backstory was slowly unveiled explaining the tensions between the characters and how perception and reality were different for each one. Seeing the caste system and cultural references in action were interesting as well.

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First September bookspin bingo read done ✔️ the premise of this book is a good one I enjoyed the beginning and the end but started to get alittle bored 😑 mid way a so so read for me, sometimes a certain book just doesn‘t fit with your current mood. Funny how our reading moods shift. Happy Friday folks and happy 😃 weekend reading

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It‘s September and we‘re closing up #CampLitsy23 by announcing our winner. It was a VERY close call but this year‘s #CampChamp is The Bandit Queens!

Thanks to nominations by @Eraderneely @Megpiegem @Jenniferw88 @CSeydel @ImperfectCJ and @Read4Life the book was shortlisted for #CampLitsy23. With 15 votes it was our number 3 on the shortlist (behind Birnam Wood with 16 and Yellowface with 21 votes).
Continued below ⬇️

BarbaraBB So Yellowface was our favorite contender (thanks for the stats, Helen!) yet The Bandit Queens turned out to be our winner! No doubt reading and discussing it among Campers added to the book and that‘s why we love Camp so much! Meg, Helen and I and want to thank you all for joining us! We see you next year at #CampLitsy24! 11mo
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Ruthiella That so much to the counselors @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain 👏👏👏 You did an awesome job organizing. 11mo
Magpiegem Thank you camp counsellors!! And I think The Bandit Queens is a very worthy winner… I loved it, although it was the only camp book I managed to finish on time! Xxx 11mo
TrishB Thanks @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain I think this was probably the least polarising of the books! Loved all the discussions and look forward to next year ❤️ 11mo
DebinHawaii So much thanks to our counselors! I hate a great time & loved that I probably would not have read some of these books without camp. It was such a close vote (at least the last time I looked) & I would have been just as happy if Yellowface won even though Bandits was my ultimate pick. 11mo
Cinfhen Yay!!! Even though it wasn‘t my top pick I loved this book and im so glad it was so beloved!! Thanks again #CampLitsy23 for a great summer 😁 sign me up for next year @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain you three make a great team 😘😘😘 11mo
squirrelbrain Hooray for Bandit Queens! It was such a close-run vote though, and Yellowface would have also been a great winner! Looking forward to #camplitsy24 already…. 😃 11mo
CatLass007 Thanks to our marvelous counselors. You and all of our #CroneGirls made this so much fun!!! 11mo
Jess Thanks everyone. This was so fun. Looking forward to next year! 11mo
Caroline2 Ha! I think it was my least favourite overall 😆 So crazy how we all have different reactions to different books! Thank you all so much for hosting! It has been a fab summer and I‘ve thoroughly enjoyed reading all the books together and the discussions have been so fascinating!! I can‘t wait for next year!! 😁 11mo
Suet624 Thank you so much for this year‘s selection of books and all the work involved in keeping camplitsy going. Greatly appreciated. 11mo
batsy How surprising! I didn't expect this to win but I'm very glad it did. Birnam Wood was tops for me but this was probably my 2nd fave 💜 11mo
Bookwormjillk Thanks so much counselors. I had so much fun, and I‘m going to miss it! Can‘t wait for next year. I didn‘t mesh with Bandit Queens, but June was a stressful month for me. I‘ll have to give it another try. 11mo
Chelsea.Poole I‘m glad I read The Bandit Queens with you all! I learned so much more through our discussions. Thanks for compiling results! Thanks to you three for hosting! @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB !! I‘m already looking forward to camp next summer. 🏕️ 11mo
CBee Can‘t wait for camp next year, this has been a blast! Thanks ladies 😊 11mo
TheBookHippie Thanks for all your hard work! 🏕️ 11mo
AmyG Thank you so much for Camp Litsy!!! It was so fun. 11mo
JenReadsAlot Thanks @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain I enjoyed books I probably never would have read! Looking forward to next year! 11mo
Meshell1313 🙌 So fun! Thank you so much for hosting! Those were 6 great books that I‘m glad to have read and discussed with everyone! Can‘t wait to see what next year‘s camp brings! 11mo
Larkken Thanks for hosting and facilitating the discussions! So much fun! 11mo
merelybookish I will have to read it! It's one of the books I missed. Thanks again for all your hard work making #camplitsy rock! @Megabooks @squirrelbrain 11mo
julieclair Hooray for the Bandit Queens! And 3 big cheers for our awesome Camp Counselors! 👏🙌👏Looking forward to #CampLitsy24! 🏕️ (edited) 11mo
JamieArc A big thanks to our camp counselors for hosting! A few of these will be on my top of the year list, and I‘m sure I wouldn‘t have read most of them (this soon) if not for Camp Litsy! 11mo
Bklover I loved that book!! 11mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Yay!!! I froze and then forgot to vote when I couldn't decide between this and Yellowface 😂 I liked them both so much! 11mo
GatheringBooks Thank you for being such awesome hosts! This is the one book I did not manage to read - but got myself a copy - will be sure to read it soonest! 🙏🏼💕📚 11mo
peaKnit Thank you for a wonderful camp! 11mo
Hooked_on_books No way! I was so sure Yellowface would win. I liked both, but am delighted to see this win! Thanks to you, Helen and Meg for another fun year at camp! @squirrelbrain @Megabooks 11mo
dabbe Thanks for being such excellent hosts, @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain
BkClubCare Yay for books and yippee for book friends!! Thanks again to our counselors and everyone! 🌟 11mo
Megabooks This book definitely had the best and, as @TrishB put it, least polarizing discussion, and, like Barbara, it really gave me a new appreciation for the book. We read some really great books this summer, and I adore my co-counselors Barbara and @squirrelbrain ! Only 9 months until #CampLitsy24!! 🏕️😎 (edited) 11mo
yourfavouritemixtape Thank you so much to all of you for hosting this! It has been my first year and I read so many books I would have never picked up without Camplitsy! 11mo
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This was good! Light hearted mixed with serious themes. The power of the women working together is inspiring, and the insight into rural India is interesting

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story that had far more depth than it appeared at first blush. The fact that I already knew the story of Phoolan Devi definitely added to the reading experience. Full review at https://booknaround.blogspot.com/2023/07/review-bandit-queens-by-parini-shroff.h...

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This book really grew on me by the end! A combination of tasteful and sophisticated prose combined with sitcom-like friendship antics made this a great story. Female friendships, caste systems and a colourful cultural setting make this a unique read.

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I went into this book thinking I was going to love it from the start and in reality it took me most of the novel to become invested. In the end, I loved the power of female friendships and the empowerment it spoke of, I just wish I felt that right from the beginning.

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I put this on hold at the library as the WPrize longlist was announced & only just got it! But it was perfect timing for me to lose myself in Geeta‘s life and to RAIL against her awful husband. You could say some of the twists in this book are foreseeable but Shroff does such a great job of character, its so rich in personality and foibles, that who really cares! Oh i just wanted to blow some people up and this was cathartic for me! Loved it 💕

batsy Great review! I really enjoyed it too and yes, cathartic on some level. 12mo
BarbaraBB Fab review 💕 12mo
squirrelbrain Glad you loved it! ❤️ 12mo
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Ruthiella “I just wanted to blow some people up.” 😂😂😂 Great review and awesome background with the book in the picture. Works perfectly. 12mo
CarolynM Hope you‘re feeling calmer now you‘ve had some vicarious revenge😆 Great review💕 12mo
Rissreads 💣💥🤣♥️ 11mo
Suet624 Really unique in how much info she got into the telling of the story. 11mo
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I went in knowing that I really wanted to read this. I picked it for my IRL book club. Assigning it to August had more to do with library availability than anything else. And then it ended up on the longlist for the Women's prize. So I was hopeful. And I wasn't disappointed. I loved it.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
Megabooks Yes, hopeful, funny, and smart! 12mo
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My book club meets later today to discuss this one, so I finished in the nick of time! Geeta‘s story, set in a very small village in northern India, makes for a fast & genuinely engaging read. Five years earlier, her husband vanished & town gossip lays the blame on Geeta as his murderer. When another wife looks to become a widow to stop her alcoholic husband‘s fists, she turns to Geeta for her expertise. The humor balances the violence throughout.

Singout On my to-read list! 12mo
TorieStorieS @Singout I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 😊 12mo
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Read in June😳so late in reviews. In general I liked this novel and the story, which could be absurd sometimes but that I loved that sarcastic humor and there funny scenes. It was so terrible how women were treated and the life of the real “bandit queen” was harder. So interesting about different religious beliefs and cultural traditions. This novel is a debut, so let see what else the author writes in the future. 3.5/3.75⭐️

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Super loved this one, and laughed out loud more than a few times. Something about dark, twisted humor…. Anyway, this is the story of how a small group of women in a rural Indian village come together (tho not easily) to rise up & actually kill their abusive, alcoholic husbands (one of whom was also known to molest children). There‘s a lot packed in, and I thought it was a wild ride. #bookspinbingo #bookspin #bbrc:once bitten

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
LibrarianRyan Looks interesting 12mo
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Forgot to post a review. A soft pick for me. I enjoyed parts of it but the first half didn‘t keep my attention and it took forever for me to finish. Not entirely sure why. Perhaps I couldn‘t get invested in some of the characters. But glad to read it with the #camplitsy crew.

Tamra Didn‘t hold mine either and I bailed. Can‘t quite put my finger on why. 12mo
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fourteenth book of summer.

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Madcap yet oddly relatable.

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1 tough decision - I tagged one of the best
2 Jodi Taylor: The Good, The Bad and The History
3 Juno Dawson: The Shadow Cabinet
4 Travis Baldree: Bookshops&Bonedust
5 Martha Wells: Witch King
6 Wesley Chu: The Art of Prophecy
7 Shannon Chakraborty
8 Tress of the Emerald Sea
9 ⬆️
10 ⬆️
11 Laura Shepherd-Robinson: The Square of Sevens
12 all on #MountARC?


Thanks for the tag, @Klou

Want to join in? You're tagged. 😁

willaful Heheh. Great hashtag. 13mo
Klou Love that the book that made you cry and made you happy is the same 😂 13mo
julesG @Klou It packs quite a punch for a YA Fantasy. 13mo
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Klou @julesG is that the new Brandon Sanderson one? 13mo
julesG @Klou Yes, it was the first secret project book. Published in January 13mo
Laughterhp Oh no to #5!! I plan to read that this month. 13mo
Klou @julesG is it connected to his other books? I have no idea where to start with his novels. Any tips? 13mo
julesG @Klou I've only read a few of his novels so far. I've been told, by keen Sanderson fans that the avid reader of his fantasy novels will recognise a few minor characters, they have cameo roles. But it is a standalone and can be read without prior knowledge of the Sanderson book-multiverse. In short: it's a very good starting place if you want to try his writing/books 13mo
Klou @julesG oooh I didn't know that. I've held off putting it on my tbr because I wasn't sure if it was vital to read his other books first. Going to add it now though! Thanks! 13mo
julesG @Klou You're welcome! I had the same hesitations. But am glad I gave it a try. 13mo
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This was a fun read. Geeta's husband disappeared 5 years ago, and her village believes she killed him. Other women in the village start going to her to have her get rid of their husbands too.

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I had good intentions of participating in #CampLitsy2023 but things didn't work out as I'd planned. However, I did manage to finish this book which I loved! The characters were wonderful, and I enjoyed both the humour and the exploration of ethical questions that are not so easy to answer.

@BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain

Megabooks So glad you loved it!! 13mo
BarbaraBB You should check out the #CampLitsy23 discussion about the book. It‘s so good and adds a lot to the book for me 13mo
kwmg40 @Megabooks Thanks! 13mo
kwmg40 @BarbaraBB I did, and I really enjoyed reading all the comments! 13mo
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34/23 I am so wildly behind on #camplitsy 😂 because… life. I finished The Bandit Queens last week and am only a little way through Birnam Wood BUT I absolutely loved The Bandit Queens. I found it refreshing, funny, enlightening, and a page turner. It was interesting to read just after Invisible Women as a lot of the story is directly linked to the gender imbalance of the books focus. I loved reading the discussing afterwards too - thanks campers!

squirrelbrain The discussions were so good weren‘t they? They added so much to the book. 13mo
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