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Joined October 2016

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Kairos: Roman | Jenny Erpenbeck

Almost every sentence in this book seemed like it carried a double meaning that I didn't catch because I don't know enough about East German history/politics. And without that subtext it just becomes an increasingly weird romance between a student and a married man 39y older that goes: insta-love - unhealthy codependency - completely toxic and abusive. I enjoyed the glimpses into culture and daily life, but the main story just had me bewildered.

All Fours | Miranda July
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Wth?! I'm five pages into this book the narrator seems almost manically weird. And that's saying something considering I'm also 500 pages into the ditzy word association game that is Ducks, Newburyport.

AmyG Oh she is weird. 1w
BarbaraJean Sentences I have never used (and never anticipate needing to use): “I sent naked selfies to all my New York friends“ and “It didn't used to be this difficult to get a decent naked selfie.“ 😂 😂 1w
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BarbaraBB I just read an article that sending naked selfies is booming in the Netherlands. To friends indeed. I was as surprised as when I read those sentences. 1w
julesG Thank F! I don't have friends in New York. 😂😂😂 In all honesty, WTF? Is this the new normal? 1w
Laughterhp I started this book yesterday and was very surprised by that sentence as well! 1w
Leniverse @BarbaraBB @julesG The character reads like a total caricature to me. I'm concerned and dismayed that naked friend selfies seem to actually be a thing! At least in the Netherlands 😅 1w
Leniverse @Laughterhp It's not like it got any less surprising in the next paragraph 🤨 😂 1w
Leniverse @AmyG 😂 So far this book is just one wtf moment after another 1w
BarbaraBB It seems really ridiculous to me, the naked selfies 1w
GatheringBooks How does ducks newburyport compare? I have it sitting in my shelf for the longest time 7d
Leniverse @GatheringBooks Well, All Fours reads *a lot* quicker. Ducks I can only read 10-25 pages at a time before I lose focus. At the same time the MC in All Fours is making the Ducks MC seem well adjusted and likeable, so there's that 😂 7d
Caroline2 Naked selfies to her friends! 😂 who does that?!? 😂 🤦‍♀️ so weird 6d
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Kairos: Roman | Jenny Erpenbeck
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A lot of people rave about this book, but I've also heard some things that make me hesitant. About to find out for myself.


squirrelbrain I started it, but just wasn‘t feeling it so bailed… (me, bail?! Surely not….) 3w
Leniverse @squirrelbrain 😬 That's not very promising! 😅 3w
RowReads1 It‘s on my list. Some seem to have a problem with the age difference of the romance partners. 3w
squirrelbrain I just had too many other, better, books going on…. 3w
BarbaraBB It was okay for me! I hope you‘ll like it better. 3w
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Soft pick. Not really SK at his best. Most of the short stories were enjoyable enough, but not memorable. The line editors and/or researchers could have done their jobs better, because there are some glaring mistakes in several stories. That said, the two novellas were solid. One of them (featuring a character from Cujo) really creeped me out. And there were a couple of other stories that might linger for a while.

Summer Selections | Spanierman Gallery
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I haven't actually updated my #ReadYourKindle list since February. It doesn't matter much because while I have read Kindle books only 2 of them have been from the list 🤦🏻‍♀️ This month's numbers are looking good though. I hope to manage at least two of these, probably starting with The Sword of Kaigen.


CBee No worries! Any Kindle books count 😊😊 3w
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Orlando | Virginia Woolf

'"The sky is blue,' he said, 'the grass is green.' Looking up, he saw that, on the contrary, the sky is like the veils which a thousand Madonnas have let fall from their hair; and the grass fleets and darkens like a flight of girls fleeing the embraces of hairy satyrs from enchanted woods."

(Orlando tries, and fails, to purge himself of metaphor ?)

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Orlando | Virginia Woolf

'But worse was to come. For once the disease of reading has laid hold upon the system it weakens it so that it falls an easy prey to that other scourge which dwells in the inkpot and festers in the quill. The wretch takes to writing.'

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Every Heart a Doorway | Seanan McGuire

This was surprisingly fun and surprisingly grisly. First in a series but works as a standalone. Has both trans and ace rep. And a mad scientist apprentice who is skilled at body disposal and making hot chocolate. Great book for when you want to read a whole story in one go.

ErikasMindfulShelf Love this series. Great on audio as well 1mo
BookmarkTavern This whole series is marvelous! 💕 1mo
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Every Heart a Doorway | Seanan McGuire
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Taking a break from my Big Books to find out if this much shorter book is a "one sitting" kind of read. Somehow it is due back to the library in two or three days. How did almost three weeks pass already? What even is time? Almost half the year gone! How?! Where did it go?

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Three pages of just listing types of sandwiches, desserts, cocktails, and artificial additives. Whyyyyy? 😩


RaeLovesToRead I KNOW RIGHT 1mo
RaeLovesToRead But the lists are not as bad as HoL 1mo
RaeLovesToRead And at least they aren't upside for NO REASON 1mo
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Leniverse @RaeLovesToRead The lists were definitely not my favourite part of HoL. But I wouldn't mind a bit of upside down at this point. Might as well. Might relieve the monotony. 😆 1mo
MicheleinPhilly *sits in the corner smiling smugly* Glad I got out as soon as I could! 1mo
Leniverse @MicheleinPhilly 😂 Yes, you did the wise thing by taking one look and bailing. After 200 pages I feel invested. Trying not to think about how that leaves 800 pages to go 😵 1mo
MicheleinPhilly If I had a physical copy I‘d probably try harder but as it‘s on my Kindle and cost a buck or two it‘s “Outta sight, outta mind!” 1mo
RaeLovesToRead Don't miss out on the Creek-listing action later on 1mo
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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the fact that, by my calculations, if you removed every instance of the phrase "the fact that" from Ducks, Newburyport the book would be 109 pages shorter


Sace This book sounds like something I would like, but the fact (🤭) that it 1000 pages and stream of consciousness makes me hesitate. 2mo
Sace PS I read a non-fiction that overused “and yet”. It drove me bonkers. 2mo
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Caroline2 It‘s driving me insane 🤪 why keep repeating the same phrase through 1000 pages?! It feels v gimmicky 2mo
slategreyskies Okay, that made me laugh! 😂 2mo
Leniverse @Sace You are welcome to join the buddy read, or just keep an eye on the hashtag and see how many of us bail 😅 2mo
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My current #audio
Really interesting and a lot more accessible than I expected.


squirrelbrain I really liked this and agree with you - I didn‘t expect it to be so accessible. 2mo
youneverarrived I‘m finishing up How to say Babylon on audio then this will be my next listen - glad to hear it‘s an accessible read 👍 2mo
Leniverse @youneverarrived I was worried it would be dry and technical, but it is very much about the people 2mo
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Overly long and slow buildup and even when it accelerates towards what looks to be (metaphorically) a four lane pile up with a train hurtling through the crash site, it still manages to give us more flashbacks. Still, it pulled me in and it would have been a pick if not for the ending which is an affront to the reader.

squirrelbrain Ha! Glad you agree with me about the ending! 2mo
Leniverse @squirrelbrain I was hopping mad! 😂 2mo
Hooked_on_books Totally agree about the ending! I read it a few months ago and I‘m still mad! 2mo
ErikasMindfulShelf I threw the book when I read the ending! I was so mad. 2mo
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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Everett addresses every thought, objection, and want I had when I read Huckleberry Finn. And then some. I wasn't a fan of every choice Everett made, but that just gives me more to talk about in #CampLitsy24 And yes, you can read this without having read Huck Finn first, although I did enjoy seeing the differences in PoV. But the book takes a sharp turn in the second half, a choice I fully endorse!, and becomes its own story.

squirrelbrain Great review! Looking forward to our #camplitsy24 discussions. 2mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I didn‘t like the original but am very much looking forward to Everett‘s take on the story! (edited) 2mo
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Let Us Descend | Jesmyn Ward
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Soft pick. Had to ponder my feelings about this one for a while. The writing is gorgeous, but so lyrical and mesmerising that I felt removed from the characters. Which might be a blessing due to the trauma and misery inflicted upon them. I liked the whole spirit angle, but this is another book where I'm not sure about the magical realism label because it could all be in her head. The ending left a lot of loose ends, but didn't feel abrupt.

Caroline2 Hmm, I still need to get to this one. 👍 2mo
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Let Us Descend | Jesmyn Ward
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The Spouse asked me if we have any plans for the long weekend.
The pic is my plan 😅
All three of these are due back in seven days and can't be renewed. 😬 So I'll be reading James in advance of #CampLitsy

Caroline2 Oh I have Let us descend, Can‘t wait to hear what you think of it. My loan came in so I‘ll be reading The Alternatives early for camp too. 👍 3mo
squirrelbrain Hope you like James! Take lots of notes…. 😃 3mo
Leniverse @squirrelbrain Just need to finish up the last few hours of the Huck Finn audio, then I'll dive in. Taking notes is a good idea. 3mo
Leniverse @Caroline2 I've heard mixed things so I'm not sure what to expect. But I haven't read anything else by her, so at least I won't be constantly comparing it to previous faves or anything. 3mo
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Charity shop find. I love these old dust jackets. This one appears to be from 1948.
And inside I found tucked a page from a letter dated 1959 and a black & white photo of a man in old timey khaki uniform with floppy beret and a woman holding a bouquet of flowers. Since I'm nosy as hell I had to buy the book 🤣

tpixie Great cover & great treasures inside!!! - Lorna Doone- now I will be craving shortbread cookies all day! 3mo
Leniverse @tpixie I guess I should by some shortbread to have on hand when I am reading the book 😂 3mo
tpixie @Leniverse 😂 yes!!! 🍪 🍪 3mo
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LeahBergen What a cover!! 😍 3mo
BekaReid I love those kind of finds! 3mo
Caroline2 Oh I love these old books too. Great find. 👍 🧡 3mo
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Had to google this painting as it isn't printed in the book, and the description fascinated me. Memorial portrait made by siblings Gerard and Gesina Ter Borch after the death of their youngest brother, Moses who fell in battle against the English. Look at that hair! The pose! The pieces of his armour! The time pieces! The snake! The random skull and puppy and huge conch shell. ❤️💔

tpixie Amazing. I love to google as I read- even though it slows me down!!! 3mo
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My top six #WomensPrize2024 fiction books (in random order because I have trouble choosing between them). I think maybe The Wren The Wren will get shortlisted, but the question is will we get a triple Irish? I think no, and went with the other two.


BarbaraBB Great choices. I haven‘t finished And Then yet so haven‘t added that to my shortlist. Instead of it I have River. The others are the same! 3mo
Leniverse @BarbaraBB That's one of the two I haven't read yet. Your picks are the same as @squirrelbrain then! 3mo
BarbaraBB Yes! Such a coincidence or probability not 😀 3mo
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In Defence of the Act | Effie Black

Surprisingly funny and entertaining for a book that's also pretty sad. Also very life-affirming for a story that deals with suicide, eating disorders, domestic abuse, depression, generational trauma and more in a completely non-moralising way.

#WomensPrize2024 #WomensPrize

BarbaraBB Great review. My favorite from the longlist 3mo
Leniverse @BarbaraBB Not my favourite, but in my personal shortlist I think. Maybe top 3 even. But I also have a couple of books left 😅 3mo
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This book stressed me out so much I had to take breaks to calm down. I teared up towards the end, and there were times throughout that scared me more than any other book outside the horror/thriller genre. Absolutely superb. Highly recommend.
A book about grief, identity, mental health, addiction, family, motherhood, indigenous heritage, racism, storytelling, choices, and so much more.
#WomensPrize #WomensPrize2024

TrishB It‘s on the pile to get to. Great review Leni 👍🏻 3mo
batsy If I didn't already have it stacked I would have after this review! 3mo
BarbaraBB Wow what a review. I am about to start it. 3mo
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Summer Camp Adventure | Marsha Hubler
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BarbaraBB Thanks for nominating. Yay for James and Irene seems great too! 3mo
squirrelbrain Great picks! Irena Rey is on my radar after the Women‘s Prize suggestions, as is Remember and I even have that one as an ARC. 3mo
jenniferw88 Stacking Remember, remember! 3mo
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Caroline2 Ohhh I‘m really interested in Remember. Thanks for nominating. 👍 3mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB agree with you about Irene! Great choices! 3mo
Chelsea.Poole Irena is so intriguing! 3mo
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Family buddy read. Finally the series is complete. We've waited years!

#24HourReadathon #Deweys #readathon

Hangman: A Novel | Maya Binyam
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This must be the weirdest book on the #WomensPrize longlist. It reads like a Kafkaesque fever dream. When you finally understand what's going on it hits hard, but the way there feels really long for such a short (just shy of 200 pages) book. The humour and the side eye given to everything from missionaries to news stories would have carried the book if the journey hadn't been so confusing and exhausting to both the reader and the MC.

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Ice | Anna Kavan
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The greyscale miniature edition 😂
I didn't actually realise when I ordered them that White Nights was such a slim volume or that I was colour coordinating my purchases 😆

TheBookHippie Brilliant. 3mo
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Gorgeously written.
I was worried about the subject matter of this book, dead child & child killer, but it wasn't at all what I feared. No trauma porn. Quite the opposite.
"Us Vs Them", gossip and finger pointing, unscrupulous tabloid reporters, and a very human family making bad decisions. Definitely shortlist material.
#WomensPrize2024 #womensprize

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These holds came in at the same time 😱 I read non-fiction at a snails pace, and now I have to read two(!) in three weeks? 😵 (In addition to 7 more fiction longlist books in two weeks 😅)
Well, I hope these read faster than Doppelganger at least. 😂

julesG 🤞🏻 4mo
squirrelbrain Both ‘easier‘ reads than Doppelgänger, for sure. 4mo
Hooked_on_books I just finished Thunderclap and it‘s a pretty quick read. I read the other on audio, so I can‘t tell you how fast the print is, but it‘s good! (Both are.) 4mo
Leniverse @Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain I've just started Thunderclap because it's shortlisted so I figure I'm less likely to be able to renew it. And I realised it's shorter than it first appears. The pages are thicker than usual and there's lots of empty space and pictures of the paintings. It's a gorgeous book! 4mo
squirrelbrain Yes, I just got this on BorrowBox as I listened to it on audio. I‘m not re-reading it all but flicking through to look at the pictures and reading the relevant parts. 4mo
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Only marginally a standalone. Readers who haven't read the first two books will struggle to orient themselves or feel invested. Lots of characters from previous books, allusions to events and people that are only relevant if you know the backstory. I read these back to back and I still found it messy. Soft pick for me but fully understand if others bail in confusion.
#WomensPrize2024 #WomensPrize

squirrelbrain Thanks for the (retrospective) permission to bail! 🤣 4mo
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The Galaxy Game | Karen Lord
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Coming-of-age story in time of political upheaval, centered on the nephew of the MC of The Best of All Worlds. More planets, a wider scope, but once again character focused. Features a competitive team sport that's similar to parkour but with gravity that changes direction and strength. Ends with some loose ends that makes me think that the book longlisted for the #WomensPrize2024 is not really a standalone. Soft pick, hint of middle book syndrome

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The 3. book in this series is on the #WomensPrize2024 longlist, and while it is allegedly a standalone I've heard that a lot of the world building takes place in the first 2 books. Book 1 introduces the reader to the different types of humanity in the galaxy through a diplomatic/humanitarian hail mary on a homesteading planet that is a melting pot of cultures. Expect telepaths, empaths, diplomacy bordering on mannerpunk, and a slow burn romance.

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This is the only book I've read from the #WomensPrize non-fiction shortlist, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wins. Important book that attempts to explain the right shift/turn to conspiracy theory that has happened in the Western world. Slow going in parts, because there is a lot to take in. Difficult to summarise.

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The Maiden | Kate Foster
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Inspired by a real murder case.
A man who had it coming.
Two female suspects.
A supporting cast of bawds, bigots, and shocked relatives.
I found the first half a bit dull, (because you know what's coming and just get on with it already and what a shame the local Reverend didn't bite the dust too) but it then had twists and turns and a solid, if drawn out, ending.

#WomensPrize24 #EasterCrime #WomensPrize

BarbaraBB Great review. I am about to finish this one too. 4mo
Caroline2 Agreed! Defo needed editing more. 4mo
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Soldier Sailor | Claire Kilroy

An only very slightly exaggerated portrayal of life with an infant. (Her husband was almost unbelievably useless, and she was definitely enabling his behaviour in the worst way.) Emotionally intense, funny in places. Entirely accurate about the equal parts love and terror involved in having a child.

#WomensPrize #WomensPrize2024

BarbaraBB That husband drove me mad!! 4mo
Leniverse @BarbaraBB Right?! I would have either divorced or throttled that guy within the first month 😤 4mo
BarbaraBB Her enabling his behavior was annoying too indeed 😳 4mo
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Eight Detectives | Alex Pavesi
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Starting my Easter crime reading with this book. Join me this Easter, be an honorary Norwegian, do crime (reading)! Tag me in your crime reading and use the #EasterCrime 😄🐣🐇
For info on this Norwegian tradition watch my video here:


RaeLovesToRead 💃💃💃💃 4mo
julesG 🥳🥳 Or better: 🔎🕵️🔍 4mo
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Compelling story in a messy format with a superfluous framing device. In parts horrendously brutal with terrible things done to girls and women in war time, but fortunately the book moves on too quickly to linger on graphic detail. While I'm sure some version of everything in this book happened to people, there's no way they all happened to one person. The MC is one badass survivor though.

#WomensPrize2024 #WomensPrize

MicheleinPhilly I‘m going to skip this one for sure (she says like she‘s actually reading the longlist 😇.) 4mo
Leniverse @MicheleinPhilly That's how I think about the non-fiction list and the international booker 😂 4mo
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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch

I disliked almost everything about this book. I disliked the writing style, the narrative choices, the audio narration, and most especially the main character.
I should have bailed.


Ruthiella I haven‘t even attempted this book because I think I‘d feel the same way. 4mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Caroline2 Is the one that won the Booker? I can never remember which Paul won. 😂 4mo
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Leniverse @Caroline2 Yes, that's the one. 😂 I've read one of the other Pauls and wasn't a huge fan there either, but at least I didn't hate it. Waiting for the third Paul from the library so I can make a proper comparison 😆 4mo
Caroline2 Gotta compare all the Paul‘s eh. 😏 👍 4mo
Leniverse @Caroline2 I mean, the judges went to great lengths to ensure we read Irishmen named Paul, seems only right to check if the best Paul won. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
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Nightbloom | Peace Adzo Medie
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There are (at least) two sides to every story.
The first narrative in this book was entertaining but felt a bit lightweight. The second narrative elevated the story to a critique of sexism and women's standing in the family and in society in Ghana. This book reads super fast, but be aware that Bad Things happen. However, every female character in this book is a powerhouse (for good and for bad).

#WomensPrize2024 #WomensPrize #longlist

squirrelbrain Great review! I have this as a library book and on audio - I‘ll start it soonish I think. 4mo
Leniverse @squirrelbrain Audio would be cool! There are words in Ewe and some names that it would be good to hear spoken. 4mo
squirrelbrain Oh, good to know! I‘m listening to A Flat Place now, from the NF list, but it‘s quite short and I have a fair bit of driving coming up this week. 4mo
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Ruthiella I really liked her debut and have this on hold at the library. 4mo
Leniverse @Ruthiella I haven't read her first novel. Think I probably will once I get this longlist behind me 😅 4mo
Reggie Great review! 4mo
Kristy_K Just stacked. Great review! 4mo
charl08 Brilliant review- totally agree! 4mo
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Brotherless Night: A Novel | V. V. Ganeshananthan
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The first unequivocal pick for me from the #WomensPrize2024 #longlist
Read it and weep.
About the Sri Lankan civil war, but with a focus on family and moral dilemmas. The opening draws you in immediately, but then there is a long, slow build-up. It's worth it. The second half I could barely put the book down.
My favourite so far (but plenty to go).

BarbaraBB Great review! Looking forward to it 4mo
squirrelbrain My favourite so far too. 4mo
charl08 Just picked this up - looking forward to ir. 4mo
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Restless Dolly Maunder | Kate Grenville
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Fictionalised account of the life of the author's grandmother. Dolly is an unyielding and not very likeable character, but she was a product of her time and circumstances. Made me very happy I wasn't born a century earlier and in rural Australia. A quick read. Plain story and plain prose, but interesting. Lacked that 'little extra' for me, even though it says something universal about being a woman.

#womensprize #longlist #womensprize2024

charl08 I'm hoping to get to this one soon: Library request allowing! 5mo
Leniverse @charl08 Hopefully it won't take too long! My library has been pretty good, although it doesn't have all of them and only one copy of the Nolan book 😒 My hold is number 8. Might have to cave and just buy that one. 5mo
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Generational trauma, daddy issues, unsafe kink exploration and abuse, poetry, birds, flowers, mother-daughter POVs, gorgeous prose, slow, not the most accessible read. Soft pick.

#womensprize #longlist #womensprize2024

squirrelbrain Hmmm, I was going to take this one on holiday but it doesn‘t sound that interesting. I may read it next and save some others for our trip away. 5mo
Leniverse @squirrelbrain It's not a holiday read. It requires a lot of attention. I did like it. I think. It's the kind of book I need to look back on after a month and check if it has grown or shrunk in my mind. 5mo
Hooked_on_books I usually prefer the UK covers to the US ones, but not for this one. I think that cover is dreadful! 5mo
Leniverse @Hooked_on_books Haha, yes, but I think it fits the book better than the one that's just a room with a view and a table or whatever (I don't actually recall the details of that cover, it's so dull). But I like the cover that has just a bird (presumably a wren). 5mo
Hooked_on_books Yes, it‘s the green cover with just the bird on it that I‘ve seen here. Simple but very pretty colors. I‘ve seen the room/table one and I think it‘s a nice image but frustrating that it doesn‘t really fit the book. 5mo
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Bali was ahead. Nell would not ring today. She was lying in the future darkness, sleeping through a night that was moving slowly towards Dublin, that was yet to arrive. Nell had been overtaken by the planet's turning, and Carmel wanted to reach through time itself, to pull her daughter home.

What I Loved: A Novel | Siri Hustvedt

The recollections of an older man are different from those of a young man. What seemed vital at forty may lose its significance at seventy. We manufacture stories, after all, from the fleeting sensory material that bombards us at every instant, a fragmented series of pictures, conversations, doors, and the touch of things and people. We delete most of it to live with some semblance of order, and the reshuffling of memory goes on until we die.

BarbaraBB This book 🩷🩷🩷 5mo
Leniverse @BarbaraBB It will for sure be on my 2024 favourites list. I wasn't ready for the shock of Part 2 😢 This book hits hard! 5mo
BarbaraBB I‘ll never forget that, so unexpected. Also I love the artworks her characters create! 5mo
Leniverse @BarbaraBB Yes! And they're so well described, I can really visualise the exhibitions. 5mo
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This was exactly as good as I thought it would be.
Grief. Guilt. Wasted opportunities. Redemption through personal growth and vengeance. Great one liners.

Ok, it was a bit over the top with the action movie villains, but whatever, I loved it. I even got really emotional at the end.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one! 5mo
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The Stand is an on and on-going read. 😅
Razor Blade Tears is due back to the library on Monday ⏳
The ridiculous Ilona Andrews title is a fun sized reprieve from the heaviness of the other two. 😄 🧹


The Trees: A Novel | Percival Everett
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I'm sure I haven't caught half the name jokes in this book, but that one's kinda on the nose. It seems... a bit weird, for a book where the theme is racial (in)justice. 🤨

Ruthiella Oh, the pun is intentional for sure. Just like Agent Hind whose first name can be shortened to Herbie. (edited) 5mo
Leniverse @Ruthiella Yes, everybody stares at her when she says her name is Herbie, but I don't get what the joke is. 😂 It's like when the two MBI agents come across Hot Mama Yeller and they give each other a WTF look. I'm like that with every name in the book. 😆 I mean, Helvetica Quip?!? Ho Chi Minh is the only one I get so far. 😅 5mo
Ruthiella Agent Hind‘s name could be understood as “her behind. 5mo
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Leniverse @Ruthiella Oh, DOH! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Can't believe that didn't click for me 😂 5mo
Leniverse @Ruthiella Or rather, I know why. I read her last name as rhyming with rind, not with find, so I didn't put it together. Thanks. 5mo
Ruthiella I didn‘t get it right away either! 😅 5mo
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Identity, sexuality, family secrets, activism, representation, culture, language. So much is packed into this (mostly) queer coming of age story following 3 gen. of American-Iranian men. We move between LA and Tehran in 1939, 1978, and 2019. I felt like some of the side-characters were a bit 2D stereotypes, but all the MCs are well done and I found all three narratives gripping. Classic YA tropes were deftly turned into something else. Recommended

Reggie Sounds fantastic. 6mo
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Geneva | Richard Armitage

I absolutely adore Richard Armitage, and I respect his refusal to use a ghost writer, so it is with a heavy heart that I say that maybe he should have taken on a writing partner. This was... not great. I would have bailed but I needed a book set in a landlocked country. Plus RA's voice. Even when he's talking rubbish 😆 It could make an ok-ish mindless entertainment B-movie, I guess, so maybe he should have tried script writing instead.

julesG Just what I thought. 😁 6mo
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Getting a late start on my new SK project this year (due to taking January to finish off last year's project). I still hope to average one a month and get through the 24 books on my extended Dark Tower list by the end of 2025. However, this utter brick of a book will take as long as it takes! I'll catch up later.

Ruthiella Good luck! 👍 6mo
merelybookish Sounds ambitious! Good luck! 6mo
julesG What a doorstopper! Best of luck! 6mo
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sarahbarnes I really loved this book when I read it. 6mo
Reggie Good Luck and if you‘re interested they have the 90s original 6hr miniseries on YouTube of this book. It‘s sooo good. 6mo
Leniverse @Reggie Oh, cool! SK adaptations can be hit or miss. I'll give that a try then, when I finish the book. 6mo
Leniverse @julesG Even the abridged version is a thousand pages. 🤣 At 1400 this seems like it should be a series. But if it made sense to split it up into two or more books, then I guess they would have, instead of cutting 400 pages to keep printing costs down. 6mo
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The short story collection that gave us Brokeback Mountain. And what a bleak bunch it is. Although some of the stories have a bit of humour to them, they're basically showing how many ways you can die by disaster or misadventure in Wyoming. Makes for great reading, but it is definitely not selling Wyoming as a place I'd want to live, or visit, or even pass through 😆

julesG 🤣🤣🤣 6mo
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Numbers | Scholastic
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My #ReadYourKindle selection. Looking forward to @CBee drawing the numbers for February. 😁

CBee 20 was my fave of 2023!! 6mo
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