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Most of this book is great, exploring a dystopia through the eyes of multiple characters, providing fascinating glimpses of a world with echoes of 1984. For me, it falls apart in the final section, which seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the book. I was hoping it would pull everything together, but instead it feels like it‘s a different book entirely. What a waste.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6h
ShelleyBooksie Aww, such a cutie in your pic ♡♡ 3h
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This excellent narrative nonfiction book looks at diseases and disorders in neurology, from genetic processes to protein diseases to vitamin deficiencies. It delves into personal stories of those afflicted then looks at the history of medical research and understanding of the disease. Peskin has a great narrative voice and makes the material accessible.

kspenmoll Sounds interesting- stacked. 2d
TEArificbooks I liked this one too 2d
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1d
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Book banning comes to a southern town, but one local fights back in a clever way. Ultimately those who want things to change for the better gain steam and harness their voices. Plus, there‘s deliciously wicked humor laced through. I loved The Change and loved this and love what Miller is doing.

AmyG Same. I follow her on Threads and she is a rock star. 2d
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia Butler
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I really got into book 1, so I wanted to continue with what a thought was a trilogy but apparently is a duology. I enjoyed this one, though liked book 1 a bit more. I really got invested in these characters. Butler really understands the risks of the far right and shows it here in a frightening way. I‘m glad I read these two books.

Ruthiella I think it was meant to be a multi volume series but unfortunately Butler died before she was able to write more. 3d
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Hooked_on_books @Ruthiella Yes, I think so! I like that she was a savvy enough writer that she wrapped up the story components in each book while also leaving a path open for future volumes. It makes for a more satisfying reading experience than a cliffhanger or no ending at all. 3d
Librarybelle Awesome! I‘ve yet to read Parable of the Sower, so good to know that this is also a pick. 3d
Hooked_on_books @Librarybelle I read them because I heard Parable of the Sower starts in July of 2024 and that sounded fascinating to me. And they both were! 3d
Librarybelle Nice! 3d
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The King's Witches | Kate Foster
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I recently read about a couple books with no US pub date, so I decided to head to the Blackwell‘s website and treat myself. Free shipping to the US! I‘m excited for both of these.

Deblovestoread I look forward to your reviews. Love the Foster cover! 3d
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Annalee Spain returns, with a chance encounter setting her up to investigate a new murder. Aspects of this historical mystery were interesting, but I didn‘t enjoy it quite as much as book 1. It felt a little flat.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3d
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I am SO glad I came across this book on NetGalley because it‘s absolutely wonderful! If you like dogs and are ok with a dog narrator who talks to other animals, this is a must read! It‘s charming and thoughtful and clearly written by someone who knows, loves, and understands dogs. One of my best reads of the year without question.

BarbaraBB Fabulous review! 4d
Librarybelle Wow! Sounds lovely! 4d
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4d
AmyG I‘m in. Stacked! 4d
Deblovestoread Great review! Stacked. 3d
Read4life Stacked! 3d
squirrelbrain Sounds wonderful and, amazingly, it‘s on NG over here too so I‘ve applied for it. Henry sends licks n sniffs to Bindi. 🐾 3d
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain I think you‘ll really like it! And Bindi sends sniffs and play back to Henry (she‘s ridiculously playful). 🐶 3d
squirrelbrain NG gave me the book straight away - now I just need to get round to reading it! 3d
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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I wanted to love this but just didn‘t. Hughes first follows four adult Irish sisters individually, and right as I felt like I could settle into one sister‘s story, she zipped off to the next one. I felt like the topics or storylines she touched on but didn‘t explore were far more interesting than what she ended up with. And I didn‘t like the ending.

squirrelbrain Meh! Sorry you didn‘t love it. 4d
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Yeah, me too. I‘m curious to see what the rest of the campers think. 4d
BarbaraBB I felt more or less the same as you did 4d
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sarahbarnes I was really into this one and then the ending fell way short for me. Still a pick overall, but that was a let down. 3d
Hooked_on_books @sarahbarnes It was just so wtf for me. Was it supposed to represent something else? I don‘t get it. 3d
sarahbarnes Honestly I‘m not sure? Irony? 😆 I thought maybe it was just over my head. 3d
Hooked_on_books @sarahbarnes I‘m hoping as part of camp we discuss the ending. I‘d like to see what everyone has to say about it. @squirrelbrain can I make a special request that we discuss what the ending means (if anything) when we discuss this one? 3d
squirrelbrain I‘ll see what I can do, Holly! 😉 3d
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The first third of this book is the author‘s youth and movement toward coming a veterinarian, and the rest is filled with dog stories both of her own pets and dogs she meets at work. I just loved it. There are sad bits, of course, but it mostly upbeat and happy for those who love dogs. Bindi gives it 2 dew claws up.

dabbe Bindi, you're awake! #handsomeboy 🖤🐾🖤 5d
Leftcoastzen Yay!🐶 5d
Soubhiville (Who is Kevin though?) sounds like a good read. 5d
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville Excellent question! Kevin is the author‘s husband‘s best friend. When their first family dog dies, the kids are 2 and 4, and when she told them the dog went to heaven, the 2 year old thought she said Kevin. Kevin then dies quite young (at 40; we find this out at the beginning of the book), so when the second dog dies, it makes sense for her to go to Kevin. It was very sweet. 4d
Soubhiville Oh my gosh I love that 🩷 4d
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The Midnight Feast | Lucy Foley
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A swanky, snooty, woo resort has its opening weekend and things don‘t go as planned. Multiple characters provide the narrative as we move toward the end and finding out who died and how. Also, the past sneaks in and plays quite a role in the events. Not an omg fabulous read, but definitely enjoyable.

CBee Swanky, snooty, and woo 😂😂😂 6d
TrishB I read rich and privileged in that subtext! 6d
Hooked_on_books @TrishB Some of the characters are, yes, one of whom is purposefully dreadful (and all the much fun as a result), but it‘s well balanced by people without privilege/voices of those who work there. And if privilege drives you crazy, you‘ll really like the outcome. 😉 5d
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Following 4 young people and their families, this book looks at life in Shanghai during the Japanese occupation in WWII then on to the communist takeover of China and thereafter. It‘s a terrific, personalized way to explore history and excellent narrative nonfiction. I can‘t recommend it enough.

TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 sounds fascinating. 7d
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This book details an undercover operation in Florida to expose alligator poachers. That part is engrossing and great narrative nonfiction. Unfortunately, the author also chooses to inject her own meanderings around Glades in a way that isn‘t fleshed out or focused and feels like filler, so a bit of a mixed bag.

Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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I‘ve actually done it! I‘ve started reading Wolf Hall! I‘m finding it more accessible than I had feared (she says confidently after reading a single chapter 😂). I‘ve very proud of starting it even if it ends in a bail, as I‘ve intended to read it for so long.

vivastory I have not yet tackled this one. I don't know if you've read Mantel before, but a few yrs ago I read (& loved) Beyond Black 1w
Deblovestoread Wishing you luck! I tried an unheard of 3 times to read this book. It‘s one I should love and I still can‘t figure out why it doesn‘t work for me. 1w
Shamzi Its a trilogy, the first two books, although long, are great, really enjoyed them but the last one was a drag for me. I read all three with a gap of one year each which helped (edited) 1w
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BarbaraJean I felt the same way after having read the beginning, and then it slowed waaaaaay down 😂 It was worth reading, but I did find it to be a bit of a slog! 1w
BarbaraBB You‘ll finish it, it‘s really readable and a bit of a soap opera. I couldn‘t get into the next though , maybe because I read it much later and had forgotten most of Wolf Hall! 1w
Hooked_on_books @vivastory I remember you saying that! I definitely have it on my radar from your recommendation. I‘ve only read her short stories before. 1w
Hooked_on_books @Deblovestoread You‘ve given it a very serious go! I‘m impressed. But I‘ve run into books that I should like and don‘t, too. Always a bummer. 1w
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraJean I‘m glad you told me this! I will definitely keep it in mind while reading. 1w
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB Thanks for the vote of confidence! If I like this one, I‘ll definitely give the next book a try, but probably on audio. 1w
TrishB I loved the whole trilogy ❤️ 1w
Cuilin @TrishB same 1w
dabbe #bindiball 🖤🐾🖤 1w
CarolynM So good. I still haven‘t conjured up the fortitude to face the inevitable conclusion of the last volume yet😩 7d
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This book has dueling storylines, one starting in 1968, the other in 2018, which I struggled a bit with at first. But after I settled in, I enjoyed this book focusing on activist movements of young people and I liked how the storylines ultimately connected. I also liked the more current storyline occurring in Paris, giving a window into French politics and how it is mirrored in the US.

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After growing up in Libya, Khaled goes to the UK for university. But shortly thereafter, an event occurs exiling him from home and family. What follows is his life in exile and the deep friendships he develops. This is a really beautiful look at the love men can have in friendship to one another. It‘s terrific. #ReadYourEbooks

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I didn‘t initially think I‘d read this, but I‘m so glad I did. Starting with when it was created under Kennedy, the book looks at how each administration has used the situation room and different crises that have been managed there. It‘s absolutely fascinating and focuses on the people who work in the room, which I love.

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While there are some genuinely interesting facts in here (go google the beluga named NOC, you‘ll thank me), overall I found it a bit to navel-gazey and not focused enough on whale facts. I wanted a lot more science in it.

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This book of essays from novelist (and wife of Denis) Ann Leary is a lot of fun and in places quite funny. From dealing with bats to celebrity culture to menopause, she covers a lot of ground. I really enjoyed it.

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Hummingbirds | Bonnie Bader
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I put together my little puzzle while talking to my mom. It‘s so pretty! Penny included for size reference. Thank you, Soubhi!

TheBookHippie Oooo pretty! 2w
Soubhiville Fun mom project! You‘re welcome. ☺️ 2w
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Birthday Gifts | Anastasia Suen
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Thank you so much, Soubhi! I‘m completely delighted. And you had me fooled with the puzzle—I was sure it was candy. 😆 The pieces in it look like cool shapes! And the bookmark is gorgeous. Can‘t wait to dive into these!

TrishB Lovely ❤️ 2w
AmyG If it‘s your birthday…have a happy one! If not-enjoy your lovely gift! 2w
Soubhiville Happy Birthday! I hope you‘ll enjoy the books. These puzzles are cool- some of the pieces are shaped like animals. The salve for Bindi is from the place where I work. We have it specially made. I hope your day has been special. 🎂 2w
Hooked_on_books @AmyG It is my birthday! Thank you! 2w
squirrelbrain Lovely gifts! ❤️❤️ 2w
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The Influencer | Frankie Bow
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In the most recent book in the Professor Molly series, a famous influencer is renting a newly built house from Molly and Donnie and then goes missing. This is such a fun series with great characters and accurate local Hawaii color.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
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This book about the current generations is absolutely fascinating. Driven by data, it looks at the differences between the generations along with side by side comparisons of where they were at specific ages compared to one another. Anything that‘s at all speculative is clearly indicated as such. I loved it!

squirrelbrain Stacking! 2w
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The Wilding: A Novel | Benjamin Percy
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Just before a canyon is to be gutted for a development, Justin and his controlling father go there on a camping trip along with Justin‘s son. A tense weekend becomes more so when outside forces intrude. Both in the woods and at home with Justin‘s wife, Percy explores wildness and savagery within nature and ourselves. CW below under the spoiler tag for dog lovers.

Hooked_on_books The dog doesn‘t survive. It‘s off the page but still pretty upsetting. 2w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
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Green Frog: Stories | Gina Chung
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I‘m so glad I stumbled upon this short story collection, as it turned out to be excellent. It even worked well on audio, as the stories are quite varied and each has a different audio narrator, making the divisions distinct. @Megabooks I think you would like this.

Chelsea.Poole Such an eye catching cover! 2w
Megabooks Thanks for the tag! I‘ll check it out. 2w
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole agree! 2w
TracyReadsBooks Loved this book! 2w
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Partial Eclipse: A Novel | Lesley Glaister
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This story of 2 women in forms of incarceration generations apart took me a bit to get into, but it eventually got its claws into me and I enjoyed it. My one complaint is the occasional use of words like glueily and dirtily. 😱 I could stare at that cover all day, though. #ReadYourEbooks from June

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
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Trust Her: A Novel | Flynn Berry
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Years ago, Tessa‘s sister Marian was IRA turned informer in Belfast. They are now living under new names in Dublin when the past finds them. I loved this. It‘s so well done and builds tension in a way that made me literally stop in my tracks at one point. Highly recommend.

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I‘m so glad this was on the women‘s prize list, because that made sure I read it, and I‘m really glad I did. Murgia looks at the various ways AI is being used or developed, from the good (medical uses) to the bad (so many, but deep fakes especially made me shudder). Of course humans are training the AI, so it not only takes on our prejudices but amplifies them. This is good for all of us to know about.

squirrelbrain I really liked this one too - one that was on my personal WP shortlist. 2w
TrishB AI is as full of the dominant stereotypes as the ‘human‘ world! Trying to teach students this too. 2w
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Liz Prato is a frequent visitor to Hawaii and feels very connected to it. Here she writes about that connection and her family. It‘s a bit of a mixed bag. Her writing about her family is lovely, and while her connection to Hawaii is nice, she fails to recognize her own contradictions and wants to claim the place in a way she really shouldn‘t. (Please, don‘t try using Pidgin.) Pick for parts, so-so for other bits.

squirrelbrain Hmm, bit ironic when the title of the book includes ‘privilege‘. 🤷‍♀️ 2w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Right? It‘s interesting. She‘s never lived in Hawaii, says how important it is to respect the culture and the people (good), talks about how bad the resorts are for the locals (true), then goes on about how much she loves the hotels and turns her nose up at the places where people actually live. It‘s so odd that she doesn‘t see it! 2w
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The Birthdays | Heidi Pitlor
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Soubhi, look what‘s here! I‘m super excited and have tucked everything away in eager anticipation of Saturday. Between this and my jury duty today being painless, it‘s like my birthday came a few days early! 🥳

Soubhiville Oh good! I was worried it wouldn‘t arrive in time. Happy early Birthday! 3w
dabbe HB! From one 🦀 to another! 🤩🤗😀 3w
squirrelbrain Ooh exciting! @Soubhiville always sends you such wonderful gifts! 3w
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Hooked_on_books @dabbe Looks like you‘re the day after me! It‘s our weekend coming up! 🥳🎂 3w
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain I know, she spoils me! And you do, too! 3w
dabbe @Hooked_on_books Yay us! 🤩🤗😀 2w
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Dreadful | Caitlin Rozakis
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Imagine coming to in a strange place with partial amnesia then realizing you‘re a dark lord. Such a great premise, but for much of this I felt like something was missing and it was falling a bit flat. The second half picked up a bit, but by the end I was fairly checked out.

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A dancer dies in a gruesome way in an empty theater, setting off a series of deaths among the cast of a production. It just so happens that the London Blitz is occurring, making for an interesting backdrop to the story. There were aspects of this that I liked, but I found it plodded along a bit and the detectives didn‘t so much investigate as hang around and watch things happen.

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Following the path of the first major US scientific expedition to Alaska, travel writer Mark Adams explores the southern coast then up to Nome. He relates both his own travels and those of the scientists in 1899 with great information and some good humor. I thought this was terrific.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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Thunder Song: Essays | Sasha LaPointe
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I really enjoyed this book of essays from a Coast Salish woman. She‘s such a thoughtful writer and is open-minded in a way many people are not. I‘d love to read more from her.

I Will Ruin You | Linwood Barclay
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In Barclay‘s latest, a teacher intervenes in a dangerous situation, saving lives. Then he is approached and blackmailed, spiraling the story forward. I‘ve found this author to write consistently satisfying thrillers, and this one is no different. Total page-turner!

BarbaraBB I have never read him but am always looking for pageturning thriller authors. Do you have a suggestion which book to start with? 3w
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB I think you could start anywhere with his books. My first read was A Noise Downstairs and it‘s went sent me looking for more of his books. This one‘s very good, too, but brand new and I don‘t know the European pub date. 3w
BarbaraBB I will check them out, thanks! 3w
BarbaraBB This one is already available in Europe so I think I‘ll try it! 3w
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Sam and Elena are struggling 20-something sisters on San Juan island, trying to make ends meet as their mother is dying. Then one day, a bear is sighted when there typically aren‘t any on the island. Each sister has a different reaction to the animal. I liked this but I don‘t think it was as unique or special as her first book. I suspected from early on where it was going, but that didn‘t alter my enjoyment of it.

sarahbarnes I just finished her first book and really liked it. I‘m looking forward to this one. 3w
BarbaraBB So glad it‘s a pick for you. So far I‘ve only read mixed reviews and I want to like it like I did 3w
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB I loved Disappearing Earth. This book is quite different. It‘s good but it isn‘t special in the way that one was. I think you have to approach this as its own thing and not expect DE. This was quite good but suffers in the comparison. 3w
BarbaraBB That‘s good to know, thanks!! 3w
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The very awesome @squirrelbrain gifted me a gift certificate to my local Hawaiiana bookstore for my birthday (which is next week). I had such a lovely time browsing and picking out these lovelies! Thank you so much, Helen—you gave me such a nice day! ☺️

squirrelbrain Hooray - glad you had a lovely time! Love the cover of the middle one! 3w
LeahBergen How nice! 🥰 3w
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain I love that cover, too! It‘s set in Hilo, which is cool! 3w
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Thin Skin: Essays | Jenn Shapland
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I absolutely loved her first book, which makes this so disappointing. In these essays, Shapland repeatedly brings up things she feels are dreadful/unconscionable/etc then goes on about how she freely participates in these things (and they aren‘t life necessities). Someone this lacking in self awareness should not be writing personal essays. I do love the cover, though.

squirrelbrain Bindi looks like she doesn‘t like it either! 3w
Leftcoastzen Awww!🐶 3w
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 #beautifulbindi 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Here are my books for this month‘s #ReadYourEbooks numbers and the book fairies REALLY want me to read Wolf Hall! 😂 I‘m actually glad it was picked again this month, as I really do want to give it a go and hopefully will do so finally this month. I‘ve also been meaning to read The Leavers for years, so hopefully this gives me the push to do so.

Summer Reading: Closing the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap | Anne McGill-Franzen, Richard L. Allington
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I almost forgot to post my list for #ReadYourEbooks! Last month, I read one and started on the second, which I‘ll finish, but not before the numbers are pulled. Plus I read another ebook from my library that wasn‘t on my list. And the answer to the question of whether June was the month I read Wolf Hall was nope! 😂 Ah well, it‘ll happen soon enough.

vivastory Lots of excellent choices! 3w
CBee Welllll, according to the spinner thingy, you‘ll have another chance to get to Wolf Hall this month 😂😂🫢🫢 3w
Hooked_on_books @CBee That‘s great news, actually! Maybe I‘ll actually read it this month. 😇 3w
CBee @Hooked_on_books 🤞🏻🤞🏻😊😊 3w
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I have seen Fanon referenced in several recent books I‘ve read, so I was happy to see this pop up at my library. He covers a lot of ground here, but the focus is on how white supremacy and colonialism shapes internalized racism. I absolutely see his influence on discussions of race we are having now, and this published in 1952.

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In the late summer and fall of 2020, fires raged across Northern California, including very near Manjula Martin‘s home. Here she details her experiences of evacuating and wondering when it‘s safe to go home alongside stories of her chronic pain and info about fires and fire suppression. She meanders but always circles back to these central themes. This really worked for me. Loved it.

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This is a beautiful design book coming in September that shows how to design with and feature books. Many of the pictures are drool-worthy. (I especially want to never leave the room on the top left.) But is anyone else disturbed by the fireplace design? They mention it‘s non-working, but I really don‘t like the message.

TrishB Yeah that‘s not good! 4w
Librarybelle Yikes! 4w
squirrelbrain Nope, definitely don‘t like that fireplace. 🤨 4w
Ruthiella Just practically it doesn‘t work. You can‘t see the spines and what if you need a book that is at the bottom? 🤔 4w
CBee Nope to the fireplace 😳😳😳 (edited) 3w
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All Fours | Miranda July
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This was, in a word, dreadful. Most of the book says that sex is the most important thing in life and that women die at menopause, living as shells for the rest of their lives. What the actual fuck? I came so close to bailing (especially when she said she wanted to genuflect at the apparent size of a man‘s dick), but wanted to keep with it just for the #CampLitsy conversation, which I predict will be rollicking good.

TrishB Great review - how can we not find something to talk about. 4w
Sace I‘ll be lurking in that conversation! This is a book I will avoid. Sounds awful. 4w
CarolynM Great review. I think I want to read it even more now, I almost hope it willl make me as angry as it‘s obviously made you! 4w
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Amiable I haven‘t read the book but now I‘m interested in seeing the discussion comments! 4w
squirrelbrain Blimey! Going to start this one soon…. 🤪 4w
Daisey I‘m a little over halfway and feeling similarly although not as strongly. I hope to listen to the rest today so I can be done. 4w
LeahBergen I won‘t be reading it but damn, I love your review! 😆 4w
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 I don't think I'll even bother with this one now! 😂 4w
Hooked_on_books @CarolynM Hate reading can be fun, so I hope it is for you! 4w
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain I was making all sorts of facial expressions while listening. I‘m sure I would have been entertaining to watch! 😆 4w
jlhammar Blech. I bailed very early on (shortly after the part where she takes a naked selfie and wipes her fingers on her shirt after masturbating). I think I made the right decision! 4w
Hooked_on_books @jlhammar You sure did, because it gets worse! Let‘s just say there‘s urine and then a tampon involved and leave it at that. 4w
CarolynM You are 100% right. It‘s dreadful. The woman is insufferable! 4w
CBee I might read it JUST so I can participate in the discussions - best part IMO 😊 BUT it sounds like I‘ll be making lots of facial expressions too - sounds super gross 😳 3w
TrishB I‘m having fun reading the reviews! 50 pages in and she‘s just annoying me. You did well to finish! 2w
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Lydia is somewhat at loose ends, facing an empty nest and an asshole husband, and gets a job running a senior group at the local community center. When word comes down the center may close, the group works to keep it open. This book has an incredible cast of characters and is hilarious and cheeky. I absolutely loved it.

Aims42 So glad you enjoyed it! 😍😍😍 4w
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I know this is a beloved book and, frankly, I‘m perplexed. I found the depiction of the main character to be wildly inconsistent and far younger than his stated age. Also, everything a teen might struggle with was depicted, but not in any detail, almost like a checklist. I do think the afterword/thinly veiled author‘s note is really worthwhile, which saves this from being a pan. #unpopularopinion

BarbaraBB Some books are better left unread 😀 4w
Ruthiella I also read this as an adult and was disappointed. Maybe it‘s best read as a teen or young adult. 4w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4w
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CarolynM For me, this is a rare example of the film being better than the book. 4w
Hooked_on_books @Ruthiella I was thinking that, too. 4w
Hooked_on_books @CarolynM I completely agree! The only other I can think of is The Silence of the Lambs. Great movie, super weird book. 4w
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Service Model | Adrian Tchaikovsky
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This one was a mixed bag for me. The critique of bureaucracy was quite good and the exploration of human psychology works. But it wanted to be much funnier than it was and I got bored at times. Also, the cover makes it look like it takes place in space whereas it‘s all on earth.

Paradise-1 | David Wellington
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Sasha is sent to a colony planet in a far solar system to “check on” the colony, which she assumes is a punishment for a recent decision. When she and the other crew of her ship arrive, the action starts and doesn‘t let off. I was glued to every page and just loved this, which was great, as I didn‘t have much luck with a previous DW book. I can‘t wait for the next book!

sarahbarnes I see you lost your seat. 😁 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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This book follows a young woman in the 1600s as she becomes a pirate. The book moves very slowly in the first third, but the pacing picks up thereafter and has good swashbuckling fun. The messaging is a bit heavy-handed. Overall, this is a fun read with definite evidence of being a first book. And I think the cover is cool.

ChaoticMissAdventures I just finished this also! Agree on the pacing. 1mo
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In 2011, Anna Akbari met Ethan online and started falling for him as the chatted online and texted. But gradually she started having suspicions and frustrations when they never met up. So she did some sleuthing, found other women involved with him, and discovered the truth. While I found myself wondering how these women had gotten so drawn in, I found this story fascinating and unputdownable. It was basically a one sitting read.

AmyG Good to read. I just picked this up. 1mo
Christine Same re: disbelief that they got so hooked! Settled on it being a different time (emergent tech, catfishing still a newish concept, etc.) and the extraordinary effort put into sustaining the cons. 1mo
Megabooks Yeah!! This was a really good one! 1mo
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squirrelbrain Ooh, stacking! 1mo
Hooked_on_books @Christine I tried to tell myself that about a different time, but the reality is, I tried online dating before the events here and quickly figured out not to spend too much time on the online bit before actually meeting people. And these are smart, successful women! But I‘m trying not to be judgey, since it really was an engrossing story. 1mo
Christine Such a good point (esp. given your firsthand experience!), and I tried not to judge, too. I imagine wanting to believe in the possibilities of the meaningful connection/relationship played into it for them, along with who knows what other psychological factors. I also wonder if there's more to “Ethan“'s manipulation skills than what was discussed here. But yes, it was a great read! 1mo
kspenmoll My nephew got lured into a woman‘s catfishing scheme when he only 18 & it was a nightmare for him & his parents to extricate him from her net so to speak. He would stop, then get caught up again. He got off all social media, & asked all his friends to unfriend him, etc. He spent time in therapy with an expert in catfishing. He finally let it all go when he moved out of state. Biggest nightmare- 1mo
Hooked_on_books @kspenmoll Holy cow, that poor kid! I could easily see that happening at that age. I think so many teens are just trying to fit somewhere and could be so easy to get drawn in. I‘m so glad this stuff didn‘t exist when I was that age. I would not have known better. Few teens would. 1mo
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The Coast Road is a quiet, simmering portrait of a small community in Ireland during the lead up to the divorce vote. It focuses on women and their choices, and how those choices are constrained both by the law and society. Gripping.

Crazeedi Sounds interesting 1mo
TrishB I loved this and the cover ❤️ 1mo
squirrelbrain What @trishb said! 1mo
Hooked_on_books @TrishB @squirrelbrain I could stare at that cover all day! 1mo
kspenmoll Stacked! 1mo
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