Second book I‘ve read by the author with no success. He is probably just not for me, but I don‘t really think this book is worthy of it‘s place on the #1001books list. 2⭐️
Second book I‘ve read by the author with no success. He is probably just not for me, but I don‘t really think this book is worthy of it‘s place on the #1001books list. 2⭐️
#UnpopularOpinion. Decided to finally listen to this after hearing so much love for this author. Sadly, I wasn‘t engrossed, found it repetitive and too long. The romance not believable, and not necessary. Just ok. 3⭐️ max.
#Audio || #Audible
Two letters today, and a whole month to the next one! That will be a long wait, as I feel we haven‘t really started the story yet. Big chance I have forgotten everything until Feb 20, so might need to read all the initial letters once more come February.
Enjoyed today‘s read with this fantastic view outside, the Northern lights were strong this evening ✨✨
Not off to a good start with my #TBR1001 book for the month, seems it will be many pages packed with fluff/morality. For those of you who have read it, worth prevailing or should I bail?
Today we learned the answer to the will from #Clarissa ‘s grandfather - interesting indeed 🧐 And which is worst, Mr Lovelace or her brother?
Here we go, fingers crossed the gossip will be entertaining as this book will keep me company for a looong time 🤞🏻Intriguing start, I must say.
PS: I cheated and read the next letter as well;)
Look at this beautiful crafting that my sister-in-law made for me for Christmas ✨✨ I now feel the need to follow up with a #chunkster, and will try to join in on the year-long read of #Clarissa. Good fit since it‘s also the annual read in #Reading1001, and the calendar for 2023 aligns - so it must be a sign. Might try to do this on #serialreader, with a mix on my #kindle as I‘m not so fond of reading om my phone. Check out @Lcsmcat for more info.
Not the best reading year I have had, but there were some really good ones in there. My favourite was A Fine Balance, suberp storytelling. Happy New Year ✨✨ #2022WrapUp
My last vacation day was spend in the sun at sea, and I finally started this book ☀️ First chapter is promising, think this will be an interesting read.
*Pic from Drøbak, Norway.
I have been spending more time watching the Olympics than reading the last couple of days - and the race this morning was so exciting! 🥳 Really impressing race by Karsten, bringing the gold home to #Norway.🥇🎖🇳🇴 #NotBookRelated
#Summervacay means I had the time to make these tasty banana pancakes this morning, and spend an lazy hour almost finishing my current read. Still one, tiny chapter to go for tonight though.
#Summertime ☀️
Today it‘s raining outside, so it was more tempting to stay indoors and bake bread for the weekend. It smells divine in the kitchen right now 😋
I have been reading the tagged book all month, and it‘s so sloooow going. Interesting in parts, but also very boring in parts. Hope to finish it soon, but can‘t seem to manage more than a chapter at the time before getting sleepy 😴
Yay - it‘s #worldbookday again, and as usual Amazon celebrates with 10 books around the world for free on #kindle. Just downloaded a bunch, which made me happy 🥳
Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/article/read-the-world-2021/
Friday evening, and I am so ready for our naive, little heroine to get rid of those **siblings, and take us to Northanger Abbey. Enjoying the ride very much 😍
Time for relaxation and chapter two for the #chapteraday with the #PemberLittens. Mondays are always hard, and today was no exception. So thought I should end it on a high ✨
I am setting up a #weeklyforecast for the first time in a long time. I am closing in on The Girl who Takes an Eye for an Eye on audio, so I‘m confident I‘ll finish it soon.
Started Northanger Abbey today as a readalong with the #PemberLittens, looking forward to reading a chapter a day for this one ❤️
My #1001books pick for the month I‘m not so sure of. It was for my TBR challenge for October 🙈, but I keep putting it down, so we‘ll see.
Almost forgot to post my Q3 reads for #Booked2020, but here they are, all over the place as usual ?
? #BottomofTBR: Contact
? #Armchairtravel: The one & only Harry Potter ❤️
? #Aboutgenocide: Tvillingenes dagbok/The Notebook ❤️❤️❤️
? #Bluetypeoncover: Frøya
? #Gothichorror: The Vampyre
? #Hatcoveringoncover: The Guernsey Literary.. ❤️
Many good ones, my absolute favourite was; Tvillingens dagbok/The Notebook. Clever writing indeed!
I am in my final vacation week, and it‘s been really nice escaping work and the busy city life for a while. The weather has been great - even here this far north (North of Norway) - the midnight sun has been shining every night☀️
The book was a bit more on the darker side though, like every book I‘ve read by Morrison, and I found it a rather difficult, but good read. The character portraits were excellent. 3.5⭐️
Another successful quarter for #Booked2020 with me jumping all over the seasons 👌🏻
📗 Lady Chatterley‘s lover: #BannedBook
📗 S&S: #WineOrWhine with the #Pemberlittens
🎧 Educated: #Parentandchildmemoir
📗 Normal People: #MillennialAuthor
🎧 A Deep Hole: #TartanNoir
🎧 To All the Boys..: #YAbyPOC
For those that can‘t get enough of challenges, Pop Sugar just released a 2020 Summer Reading Challenge. The full list is here: https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/summer-reading-challenge-2020-47538152/am...
I am starting this one today for #Booked2020, and I‘m really excited about it as I absolutely loved the show. I know, I should have read the book before watching the show, but I don‘t mind - I am just looking forward to spending more time with these characters 💛
#AtY2020 - GR Choice Award
My plan for the rest of the evening! It‘s been a while since I was able to sit down to read with no interruptions, tonight is the night:) I just came home from a bike ride, and are now planted on the balcony enjoying the warm summer weather that we have 🤩
My country has slowly started opening up again, and I took the opportunity to flee the city for the weekend. Felt really great, the last three days flew by and was spent outside hiking and enjoying the nature ☀️It was a bit weird flying again, but they practiced social distancing on the flight with every seat in the middle empty.
This was incredibly hard, so I decided to just go with my top 3 reads so far in 2020 😉 Thanks for the tag @batsy 😘
1. The Notebook Trilogy by Agota Kristof
2. The Handmaid‘s Tale by Margaret Atwood
3. The one and only Harry Potter (started a reread during this pandemic)
Thanks for the tag @JaclynW ! :)
1. As soon as I could read:) Well, actually before that as my parents read for me. I was a frequent visitor at the library when I was young.
2. Tagged. Such a talented author, I love all her books, but this really made an impact on me the first time I read it as a child. And she has the gift of conveying one message to the young ones, and another to the adults, making it a beautiful read for both.
My bike ride today ended with my first cafe visit in *whoknowshowlong*. It was nice, I got a good lunch in the company of Jane Austen and my #chapteraday. I am enjoying the book and the comments of the other #PemberLittens.
My #weeklyforecast. I am joining the #Pemberlittens and reading a #chapteraday of S&S 😍
I started ‘The Handmaid‘s Tale‘ yesterday for my May TBR pick for #Reading1001. I thought I already knew all about it having watched the show, but it‘s amazing! I can‘t put it down.
I also came over an (for me) undiscovered author last week; Agota Kristof. Her trilogy from the late 80‘s have just been translated again here, and it‘s really, really good!
Excited to start this and doing #chapteraday with the #PemberLittens 🤩 Since I don‘t own it, and the libraries are closed, I grabbed the free edition on #kindle. Serious book envy on all the beautiful editions you all have 😍 Let‘s do this 🙌🏻
And that‘s a wrap up for #DeweysReadathon. I spend most of it outside on the balcony and on walks in the neighbourhood, and managed to finish two books (both started before the RAT). I had a nice and relaxing day, it was great fun :) Got a lot of bingo‘s, just a few away from getting a full blackout. Hope you all enjoyed the event as well!
#Readathon #DeweyApril
Joining in on #Deweysreadathon this weekend to try to get my reading mojo back :) Going for at least one #bingo, and the first hours have been great. I‘m reading outside in the sun right now, and was able to stack up on some snacks at the store this morning. Happy reading!
#DeweyApril #24HourReadathon #Readathon
Thanks for the tag @NeedsMoreBooks :)
1. Tagged (4.5⭐️ rounded up to 5⭐️)
2. I rarely bail, usually suffer through. Really should be better on that 🤷♀️ But, I have become quite good in picking up books I most likely will enjoy, and giving away the ones on my shelves that doesn‘t interest me
3. Elena Ferrante, I absolutely loved the Neapolitan quartet which I finally read last year.
Play along if you‘d like 😊
Cute and charming, which was perfect for my current reading mood. Not really my cup of tea, but it got me out of my reading funk 🙌🏻 I actually think Hollywood did it better though!
#Booked2020 || #YAbyPOC
It‘s #WorldBookDay again, and Amazon is celebrating with 9 books from around the world for free on #kindle 📚Some of them looks interesting 🤩
Here‘s the link: https://www.amazon.com/article/read-the-world-2020?ref=apubna_pr_gr_10036_hr_1_1...
The first Vampyre tale ever told (or so I‘ve heard at least). First published in 1819, as a product of the competition that produced Frankenstein. I found the story itself intriguing. But to my surprise, very little blood gore as is normal in a vampire tale. But the writing was so-so, and the pace slow with little action. Classic ending though!
#Booked2020 || #GothicHorror
#7Days7Books Day 7
I wouldn‘t say these were life changing, but they sure were entertaining. Very much enjoyed being in the world that Siri Pettersen created with this exciting trilogy 🦅
#7Days7Books Day 6
A quiet and beautiful book with an unsetteling backstory. I was so pleasantly surprised by this little gem of a book, I knew very little about it before diving in and it quickly became a new favourite.
#7Days7Books Day 5
I finally read the Neapolitan series last year, and absolutely loved it ♥️ Now I am watching the brilliant HBO adaption (season 2).
#7Days7Books Day 4
This is just the sweetest bildungsroman.
7 books that left a deep impact on me. Join in if you‘d like :)
#7Days7Books Day 3
This book was an absolute treasure, read it if you haven‘t already ♥️ Will make an excellent choice for #France for those of you doing the #ReadingEurope2020 challenge.
@Tanisha_A & @sprainedbrain Join in if you‘d like:)
Beautiful #audiowalk today in the sun ☀️ The book isn‘t *as boring* as I imagined it to be, but it‘s not a feast either 🙈
Really enjoyed a day off from the home office, it was much needed.
#7Days7Books Day 2
One of my all time favourites. A silent, beautiful book. I think it‘s time for a reread soon ♥️
Feel free to join in if you haven‘t already.
7 books that made a deep impression on me.
Thanks for the tag @Texreader :)
1. Lovely outside today, the sun is shining and spring is slowly coming ☀️☀️ About 10C here in Oslo, Norway.
2. All of them, I love flowers 🌸🌷
3. Tagged
#wondrouswednesday (well, Thursday really)
#7days7books Day 1
Thanks for the tag @HannaPolkadots - this is so much fun 😍
I read this book the first time in my teens, and found it utterly boring. But then I read it again some years ago, and loved everything about it ♥️ So rich in it‘s descriptions, it‘s just suberp. (Even though the man himself perhaps wasn‘t that great, he sure could write).
Join in if you‘d like @BookwormM & @Kristelh & @Texreader 😊
Somewhere between a pick and a so-so. Had I not picked this up just at the same time as the Covid-19 outbreak, I am positive I would have enjoyed it more and rated it higher. But my mind was elsewhere, and I had trouble focusing on all the details, which there were a lot of. Anyhow, a good book, no doubt - Sagan did a good job explaining all the science behind.
3.5 ⭐️
#Ispy with my little eye for @Texreader some pink covers on my shelf 🌸🌷🌺
I would love to see some yellow covers to get that Easter feeling @Marina_h & @Kalalalatja 🐣
Like @BarbaraTheBibliophage I was all over the place for my Q1 reads for #Booked2020, quite the #rebelreader.
📚 Kniv/(Knife): #EccentricMC
🎧 The Martian: #MadeMeLol
🎧 Interview with the Robot: #NewIn2020
📚 Troubling Love: #ThinkPink
🎧 The Dispossessed: #BookClubWorthy
📚 En shopoholiker i Hollywood: #SetInHollywood
Inspired by @BarbaraBB - here is a video of the empty streets of Oslo made two weeks ago when the lockdown became effective due to COVID-19. Beautiful, but sad 💔
I haven‘t really been able to focus on reading for the last couple of weeks, so I‘m only one chapter in the book that I started three weeks ago. Today we spent many hours outside in the sun, it was nice indeed ☀️ Now I‘m all settled on the sofa - let‘s see if I can get one hour of reading in 🤞🏻