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Joined July 2021

She/Her | Tired Grad Student | Mood & Seasonal Reader | Addicted to Fairy Tales | 🏳️‍🌈| Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/madelinemccrae
Redline | Emma Barlowe
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🏎️ Towards the end of our second semester, some of my cohort started making sports bets (stress? Depression?) They would ask me for my opinion on where drivers would place in F1. I never bet personally, but my friends made some money lol.

🏁 Redline by Barlowe or Pole Position by Caffrey!
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView I'm not a gambler either. Thanks for playing 3d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Littens, I‘ve gotten myself into a reading rut where I have too many books I‘ve started or committed to reading with someone and it‘s become overwhelming. I haven‘t picked up any of the books I‘m supposed to read and instead have fallen into a reading slump. What do you do when you find yourself in this situation? I‘m curious to hear your thoughts.

Prairiegirl_reading Honestly, read what makes you want to read. Watch a movie or binge a show and decide what that is. Just one book, maybe none of the books you are currently reading. Even if you‘ve committed. Readerly friends will understand and if they don‘t that tells you something about them. When I get overwhelmed I find focusing on and finishing one book helps me. 5d
UwannaPublishme I‘d say: Pick the book you‘re most passionate about and read that one first. I usually start with my favorites, which might mean missing a buddy read once in a while.🤷🏻‍♀️ 5d
zezeki For me, rereading an old favourite usually helps, or finding a quick, short read that will give me a sense of an accomplishment. 😅 But sometimes, brain just needs a little break, even from books. 5d
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CaitlinR When I‘m in a reading slump, or feeling overextended, I seek a palate cleaning read it might be a cozy mystery, or an old favorite, or a couple of short stories. Something that reminds me that reading is about one page at a time. It‘s also perfectly acceptable to tell a reading group or book club that you need to bow out for a time, believe me, there will be people that have felt the same way! 5d
tournevis Start with a comfort read, then go by feel from there. As someone coming out of a reading-for-fun slump that's lasten literal years, that's what I suggest. Do not put pressure on yourself. 5d
Leftcoastzen I go with a comfort read or reread something I love. I have had to quit buddy reads because of life issues, I think most folks understand that . Sometimes I‘ve abandoned all the books I‘ve been reading , like a hard reset. 5d
bthegood When I get overwhelmed from too many reads to the point that I am not picking up any book I DNF or put back on my TBR shelf the books in my current pile and start fresh - I have found that gets me back on track. 🙂 5d
RosePressedPages @Prairiegirl_reading @UwannaPublishme @zezeki @CaitlinR @tournevis @Leftcoastzen @bthegood Thank you everyone for your kind words of wisdom! I was feeling overwhelmed but now I have plenty of options in my toolbox! ♥️ (edited) 4d
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The Long Game | Rachel Reid
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This was so so good 🥹 I couldn‘t put it down! Ilya and Shane went through so much together, and you could see a lot of growth in their relationship. Ilya is sick of hiding, and he feels isolated with no one to talk to about being in a secret relationship with his rival. To make things worse, Shane doesn‘t seem to get it. What will matter more, them or hockey? I loved how many more side characters were in this one from the series ♥️🏒

CarolynM ❤️ 1w
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Untitled | Unknown
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🌼 I like to rewatch Over the Garden Wall, The Owl House, and Bluey. I just find them so comforting when I‘m stressed.

🪻Ghost in the Graveyard! 👻🪦

🌹 Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts by Kate Racculia

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Love this 💚 👻 🖤 2w
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Wheelspin | Emma Barlowe
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Such an amazing conclusion to the Redline trilogy! It was so nice to get David‘s perspective. The way Barlowe wrote the relationships with Caroline, David‘s family, and the teams felt so realistically messy. The issues Barlowe explored within the racing world were crucial and well done, even if there was less actual racing. I couldn‘t resist finishing this in one sitting and sobbing at the end. This was one of the better romance series I‘ve read.

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This was such an emotional and heartwarming read. Albert‘s story really hit close to home, and I found myself tearing up throughout most of the book. I loved Albert‘s relationship with Nicole, his coworkers, Edith, and the people he meets along the way on his quest to find George. The narrator was phenomenal and I agree this is a good book for Backman fans, even if it was a bit sappy and a bit too long. I‘m sad it took me so long to start!

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Redline | Emma Barlowe
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Another F1 romance by an Indie author. It was so good!!! Noah and David‘s romance went through a lot of ups and downs in a believable way. Noah went through a lot of growth and I was so proud of him. I found myself crying for Noah and Finlay as they grieved for Robbie. The plot twist was so out of left field in Short Shift but I‘m staying optimistic and I‘m so excited for David‘s perspective in Wheelspin.
Redline: 5 🌟‘s
Short Shift: 4.5 🌟‘s

Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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While waiting for my copy of Pole Position to arrive from the UK, I was looking for a rivals to lovers queer romance with a slow burn. This is exactly what I was looking for, and I loved it. 5 🌟‘s! I‘m reluctant to read the sequel in case it sours Shane and Ilya‘s story.

xicanti I loved the sequel just as much, except in a relationship-maintenance way instead of a relationship-inception way. 1mo
CarolynM ❤️❤️❤️ Have no fear, The Long Game is just as good. But I recommend you read Role Model first because Ilya is in it a lot and the time frames overlap so you will have more detail about some of the goings on. 1mo
RosePressedPages @xicanti Thank you! Hearing your thoughts, I‘ll have to pick it up now :) 1mo
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RosePressedPages @CarolynM Thank you!! This helps a lot. I‘ll have to read both. How can I be resist reading two more queer hockey romances? 😊 1mo
CarolynM It occurred to me today that I should refer you to Rachel Reid‘s website where you will find some essential extras. Enjoy! 1mo
RosePressedPages @CarolynM omg thank you for the info!! I'm heading to her website now 😂 1mo
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Thanks to Netgalley for the advanced copy! I was so ecstatic to see a holiday special of Ernest Cunningham. I will say the beginning felt a little rushed. I was a little confused about how Erin (who is back!) met her boyfriend Lyle, they seemed like such a random couple. But those are pretty minor gripes. I liked the way the book was set up with christmas-y clues for each chapter and the new cast of characters! (Full review on Goodreads).

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Untitled | Unknown
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🌹 I‘ve had a couple of friends tell me to read The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O‘Farrell, saying I‘ll love it. Nothing about this book appeals to me…I just don‘t want to read it.
🌼 Anything Sara J Maas and The Red Queen by Aveyard. Nearly all of my dear friends love this book/author and I dnf‘d them. I also feel bad about this.
🌺 Percy Jackson!
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs Thanks to @Meshell1313 and @SpellboundReader for the tags!! ♥️

bthegood I started the COTAR series by Maas - DNF'd after second book - I get it! 1mo
Eggs Thank you for playing 🩵🙏🏻💙 1mo
RosePressedPages @bthegood That‘s the same book I dnf‘d! Everyone kept saying it was the best one but I couldn‘t do it anymore 1mo
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Pole Position | Rebecca J. Caffery
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I‘m a HUGE fan of Formula 1 (Team Papaya!🧡🏎️) and recently I‘ve been wanting to read an F1 book to tide me over while I wait for Race Sundays.

I‘ve never been interested in sports romances. Turns out the solution was to make it queer lol. I loved this book, and I‘ve read it twice now. I wasn‘t a fan of it being 1st person, and it was super cheesy, but it was easy to look past those. I have a few more queer sports romances to review soon 🏳️‍🌈

Jari-chan It was the same with me - I never was one for romance, until I discovered queer romance books 🏳️‍🌈🤭 1mo
RosePressedPages @Jari-chan I am falling in love with the queer romance genre, I just wish there was more of it! 🌈♥️ 1mo
Jari-chan @RosePressedPages Happily, there are more and more being published. About 20 years ago (when I really would've needed such books) there was nothing to be found... 1mo
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I couldn‘t resist when I saw @CrowCAH post about AI generating a Bridgerton portrait of yourself. This one looks the most like me, but keep in mind I‘m in my early 20s 😭 looking forward to the second part of season 3!

CrowCAH Lookin‘ beautiful 😍 2mo
Karisimo That‘s funny, it made me much younger than I am irl! 2mo
RosePressedPages @CrowCAH Thank you! ♥️ I‘m having a lot of fun seeing so many Littens casted in Bridgerton :) 2mo
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RosePressedPages @Karisimo I tried to regenerate and it made me even older! 😂 it was a good laugh 2mo
julesG They should hire all of us as extras. We're rocking this. 2mo
RosePressedPages @julesG I couldn‘t agree more! We‘d all make great extras 2mo
CrowCAH @RosePressedPages same! We‘re our own cast of characters! 2mo
charl08 🤣🤣🤣 1mo
RosePressedPages @charl08 My exact reaction when I got my Bridgerton persona! 😂 1mo
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#TwoforTuesday @TheSpineView

1. I‘ll always be impressed with how weird and creative Vassa in the Night was by Sarah Porter. I wish all fairytale retellings were that creative.

1. Vassa in the Night is the only one I‘ve read, but I hope to read more or that she writes more like it. 🦢

TheSpineView Great choice! Thanks for playing 2mo
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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. I am a big fan of Van Gogh, and I was delighted to see a graphic biography about him. I enjoyed Van Gogh‘s life being narrated by his sister-in-law Johanna since she became the steward of his legacy. I was a little let down by the art. It felt a little more aimed toward younger audiences despite the biography itself being meant for adults. I wanted more inclusions and nods toward Van Gogh‘s unique style.

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Contagion was a 3 🌟 read for me. I wanted more space horror after finishing Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes, and this one was recommended to me on the app Likewise. I disliked almost all of the characters, and I didn‘t care much if they made it to the end of the book or not. I started warming up to Thea and Coen toward the end, but I can‘t say I‘m motivated to pick up the next book Immunity. I will continue my quest to find some good space horror.

Violin of Hope | Ella Schwartz
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I read this as an ARC on Netgalley. This was a beautiful and sad story about a Jewish family during the holocaust and their violin. There were a lot of new words in this book I wasn‘t familiar with. While there are plenty of context clues to help children follow along, I think a little explanation toward the beginning would give children an excellent cultural lesson on Jewish faith and practices. Overall, a poignant story and gorgeous pictures.

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Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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I think Ghost Station was a solid 3 🌟‘s. It took a long time to get to the horror, and it wasn‘t what I was hoping for. I prefer the psychological horror and having a bit more unknown that just scares the hell out of you. Once I got the explanation, my interest just dropped off. It also felt like she copied and pasted the same character archetypes from the last book.

I will say I am loving space horror and would love any recs people have!

RosePressedPages @Hooked_on_books I am adding this to my tbr!! Thanks! 2mo
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
🔹 hmm, nothing stands out. But I love going to the library!
🔹 Library + bookstore + digital downloads. I found out I have 117+ unread books at home and 300+ downloaded on my phone. I think I might have an addiction 🙋🏻‍♀️
🔹 I‘ve started getting into sci-fi/space horror, so currently reading Contagion by Bowman

Eggs As far as book-addiction goes, you‘re in good company on Litsy-kindred spirits!! 2mo
RosePressedPages @Eggs I‘m so glad 🥰 my friends were not as understanding 😂 2mo
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#ThisorThat #ReaderEdition
My toxic trait is I will often not use a bookmark and just expect that I will remember exactly what page I was on. I will actually just close my book and hope for the best. I‘ve never dog-earred a book before. I also have never tried annotating besides for school, and I‘m not even sure what I would write if I did try it. I love some ambience music in the background 🎶

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Ghastly ⭐️ (😉) I loved this one even more than the first! I decided to try the audiobook this time around, and it made the experience even better. I love the humor and the style of these books, and I enjoyed the mystery even if I didn‘t guess any of the plot twists. When the epilogue started, I actually went sheet white and gasped out loud 😱 but by the time it was finished I was giggling 🤭 I adore this series and can‘t wait for the next book!

LiteraryinLawrence That‘s quite the endorsement! 3mo
BarbaraJean My IRL book club is reading the first in this series for our discussion this month, and I‘m SO looking forward to it! 3mo
CarolynM I‘ve just read the first one for my IRL book group this month too @BarbaraJean 🙂 I‘ll definitely read this one too. (edited) 3mo
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⭐️ 🚞 🔪 📝 (tagged book, which is hilarious and so so good!)
⭐️⭐️ I‘m very excited to start Where the Dark Stands Still by A. B. Poranek
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I frequently recommend Fredrik Backman :)

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

CatLass007 I just finished Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone. I loved it and can‘t wait to get my library hold on this one. 4mo
Eggs Oh yeah Backman 🙌🏻🙌🏻 4mo
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The House with Chicken Legs | Sophie Anderson
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I received this book from @Ericalambbrown for the Jolabokaflod swap a while back, and finally found time to read it. I switched between audio and my print copy. Anderson is so very imaginative and wove a unique and touching tale. I found myself tearing up quite a bit. There‘s nothing I love more than a fairy tale with Baba Yaga. It was the pick me up I needed, and I look forward to trying Anderson‘s other books!

Kenyazero Have you read Thistlefoot? 2mo
RosePressedPages @Kenyazero I have not, but it‘s been on my radar as a possible Baba Yaga retelling to read. Have you read it/did you like it? 2mo
Kenyazero @RosePressedPages I read and loved it. It‘s a really interesting take on a Baba Yaga story. (edited) 2mo
RosePressedPages @Kenyazero I will definitely have to check it out soon then! :) 2mo
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Eggs 🩷💜🩷 4mo
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#ThreeListThursday #TLT @dabbe
1. From Below by Darcy Coates ~ One of my all time favorites!
2. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien ~ It took two attempts to actually remember what I‘d read with this one. Massive respect to Tolkien, but his writing style is just not for me
3. The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith ~ I had plans as a kid to reread this book every year for some reason, but quickly got distracted by reading new books

dabbe #'s 1 and 3: new to the TBR. #2: YES! 🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
🐣 Fredrik Backman, Yangsze Choo, and Katherine Arden!
🐣 My favorite genre is magical realism and retellings, so Vassa in the Night by Sara Porter is my favorite.
🐣 This is tough! I‘m not one for series…but I think I‘ll go with Katherine Arden. I liked her Winternight and Small Spaces series. I read a lot of series as a kid but as an adult I prefer standalones.

Eggs I enjoyed Arden‘s Small Spaces books too 💀 4mo
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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC! This time we are with the characters from Pride & Prejudice. I enjoyed how Gray expands on the lives and motivations of background characters like Anne de Bourgh or Charlotte while staying true to Austen‘s work. I wasn't as invested in the mystery in this one and the series is very slowburn but it was a solid 3.75 🌟‘s and I look forward to the next in the series.

Purpleness Ooo, I‘m looking forward to this one! 4mo
RosePressedPages @Purpleness I don't think you'll be disappointed! This series has become an auto-buy for me :) (edited) 4mo
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Three Novellas | Samuel Beckett
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#TLT @dabbe Thanks @Eggs for the tag!
My 3 fav short stories/novellas are:
🌼 Morrighan by Mary E. Pearson
🌼 How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holly Black
🌼 A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers

Eggs You‘re welcome 🥰 4mo
dabbe You've given me 3 more for the TBR! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
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Wednesday | Mary Lindeen
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🩵 My favorite holiday to spend with my family is Halloween. My dad and I will watch Halloween 1978 every year and comment on how much we love the houses in the background.
🩵 My dad!
🩵 My cousins, sisters, and I were really big on clue. We‘d play it everytime we got together and at one point made our own board that included a velociraptor as a murder weapon and the Rock as a suspect.
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Love # 3👏🏻🫶🏻👌🏼 4mo
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My friend picked The Midnight Library for our book club. I was very familiar with the book but skeptical about the concept, thinking it would be a tearjerker and make me feel like a trainwreck. Instead, I found it to be hopeful and reflective. I ended up binging it in a day and am glad my friend made me give it a try. A little bit cheesy towards the end but a solid 4 🌟‘s.

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By the Sea | Abdulrazak Gurnah
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🏫 I‘ve learned how to work effectively in a team, and that I really enjoy it.
🏫 I‘m currently a PhD student and teaching assistant.
🏫 In another life, I‘d be a marine archaeologist. I want to be by the ocean and near ships.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs #WondrousWednesday

Eggs Wonderful! Thanks for playing 🥳 4mo
AlaMich Marine archaeologist sounds amazing! 4mo
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Bullet Train | Kotaro Isaka
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I found the movie on Netflix and decided to play it on whim, and it ended up becoming my new favorite movie. I was excited to find out it was a book and quickly bought a copy. The book is very different from the movie, such as The Prince is far darker and more unlikeable. However, I appreciate both as separate medias. I loved Lemon and Tangerine just as much as I did in the movie. Looking forward to trying out more of Isaka‘s work! 4 🌟‘s

Lunakay There is a prequel! :) Not as original as bullet train, but still a very good thriller/mystery 4mo
RosePressedPages @Lunakay I‘m very excited to give Three Assassins a try! Thank you! 4mo
Jari-chan I've had the very same experience. The Prince in the book is so much creepier... I'm planning to read Three Assassins in April/May. 4mo
RosePressedPages @Jari-chan I just picked up my copy from Barnes and Noble! 4mo
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I‘m a diehard GBBO fan, and I‘ve recently been reading more whodonits, so I had high expectations for this one. I think it fell short for me in terms of characters and how the plot played out. It‘s hard to explain, but I just felt disappointed in the reveal, how the competition happened, and how things ended. I will say I‘m a little suspicious there are more nefarious things going on behind the scenes of baking shows in general now lol.

This or That? | Brandon T Snider
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Kiss Her Once for Me | Alison Cochrun
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This was a nice cozy romance to start my new year. While it was a nice light read, the plot wasn‘t really there for me. I have to agree with a lot of the criticism this book got. I‘m demisexual, and I didn‘t think the representation was really there with Ellie‘s character. I also hated how all of the other characters, but especially Jack, treated her. I felt like Jack owed Ellie a big apology, not the other way around.

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I recently watched Bullet Train (2022) and it quickly became my favorite movie (anyone else love Tangerine and Lemon?). I was really craving a thriller/murder mystery with comedy kind of like Bullet Train in terms of genre and found this book at the library. I couldn‘t put it down! It had great humor and a killer that shocked me. I can‘t say I cared for any of the characters but looking forward to the sequel.

Jari-chan Those two are awesome! Talking about Thomas the Tank Engine 😂 6mo
batsy Tangerine and Lemon were great 😆 I still want to read the book it was based on. 6mo
RosePressedPages @batsy I found the book at B&N, and I was happy to find out Tangerine and Lemon are also characters in the book! 6mo
RosePressedPages @Jari-chan I was really thrown at first when Lemon started talking about Thomas the Tank Engine 😂 too good 6mo
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Thank you @Ericalambbrown for the amazing Jolabokaflod gift! I apologize for the late post, I had to go out of state for a family situation and put my mail on hold. Everything is getting better now, and it was lovely to come back home to this fun swap! #Jolabokaflodswap #Jolabokaflod @MaleficentBookDragon

Ericalambbrown You are so welcome! I‘m so glad it was there for you when you returned 💕📚🎁 7mo
RosePressedPages @Ericalambbrown The chocolates and caramels are delicious!😊 7mo
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I got my package sent out today! It should reach its destination by Friday. I forgot to include the card in the package so it‘ll be arriving separately ❄️☃️🎄🛷 #Jolabokaflodswap23 #Jolabokaflod @MaleficentBookDragon

MidnightBookGirl I got the card today! Thank you! I can‘t wait to open my package! 7mo
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Don't Call the Wolf | Aleksandra Ross
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Don‘t Call the Wolf is a retelling of the Glass Mountain, and I thought it was a very imaginative retelling. I adored the writing style, the two main characters, the romance, the mythological monsters, and the side characters. The only thing I didn‘t love was where Ross decided Ren ended up in the epilogue. I didn‘t think it matched her character super well. Otherwise, 5 ⭐️‘s and a new favorite!

Death and the Penguin | Andrey Kurkov
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I think I prefer Grey Bees by Kurkov. I wasn‘t wow‘d at the ending like I was hoping. I think the comedy of this book went over my head, because I was mainly annoyed and bored with Viktor. I preferred side characters like Sergey and Sonya and didn‘t find myself caring what happened to the MC. I‘m not sure I‘ll pick up Penguin Lost. I usually enjoy deadpan dark comedies but I didn‘t find myself laughing at any part of this one.

Haunted Hollow | Mark Stanislaus Gross
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Thank you @AmyG for the lovely swap!!! I can‘t wait to dig into the candy and crack open a book tomorrow 🎃👻💀🖤🧡#HHS23 #HauntedHollowSwap

AmyG You are so welcome. Happy Halloween! 🎃 9mo
dabbe When I quickly first read this, I thought it said “I can't wait to dig into the candy and crack!“ And then I thought, wow, @AmyG! Way to go! 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
AmyG @dabbe Hahahaha! 9mo
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wanderinglynn Awesome! 🎃🖤👻🧡 9mo
RosePressedPages @dabbe I spit my coffee out when I read that😂😂 Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 9mo
dabbe @wanderinglynn 🤩🤣🤗 9mo
dabbe @RosePressedPages 🤣🤣🤗 9mo
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The Girls Are Never Gone | Sarah Glenn Marsh
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This was a soft pick. It‘s very easy to scare me, so this book left me feeling very unsettled. I enjoyed the haunted house and the details of the past residents of the Arrington state. I thought the addition of the podcast, and representation with a bi main character who also has type 1 diabetes was great. I didn‘t like the ending very much. The “resolution” didn‘t make sense to me, and I was upset with how Holly‘s story ended.

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1. F*ck
2. Uffda
3. Bag (but with a Minnesotan accent lol. I get ragged on a lot by coworkers)
@dabbe #TLT

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 9mo
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Reading has been incredibly slow this month, but I received these adorable Halloween themed cookies as a gift. It was the pick me up I needed after a rough midterm. Hoping to make some progress on Death and The Penguin and The Girls are Never Gone.

Ruthiella Hope your reading picks up! I really liked Death and the Penguin. 9mo
humouress 😋 9mo
BkClubCare Cute cookies! 9mo
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Autumn's Books | Bland, Virginia (Bookstore)
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I‘m saving:
🔥 Bonfire night
🎃 Halloween
🧶 Knitted Sweaters (the majority of my winter wardrobe lol)


BkClubCare Soup, knitted jumpers, candles 9mo
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Haunted Hollow | Mark Stanislaus Gross
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I got my #HHS shipped out today! It should take around 4 days to arrive. 🎃👻💀🐈‍⬛🦇🧡 #HHS23

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎃👻🧡 9mo
CSeydel It arrived today! Thank you 😊 👻 9mo
RosePressedPages @CSeydel so glad it made it!! 9mo
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Pumpkins | Jacqueline Farmer
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🎃 I love Pumpkin Spice cake! Especially with cream cheese frosting.
🎃I prefer a good ghost story. I‘ve never been able to really get into mysteries.

No Such Thing as a Bad Day | Hamilton Jordan
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I‘m a little late with this, but last week I received #athingaday from @DinoMom and it made my day! I put the coffee pins up at my cubicle in my grad office 😊🍂☕️💛

Haunted Hollow | Mark Stanislaus Gross
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I received my #HHS package! Super excited 🎃👻🦇🧡🖤 #HauntedHollowSwap I‘m just waiting on a few more items to arrive and I‘ll be shipping my swap out 😊

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎃👻🧡 10mo
AmyG Wonderful! 10mo
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I love it!! Thanks for the lovely swap @Kshakal 🍂🎃 #FFF #FallingForFall @Chrissyreadit @Avanders

Kshakal So glad you liked it!! Happy fall! 🍁 10mo
Avanders ♥️🍁🧡🍂💛🍎 10mo
Chrissyreadit 💛💛🧡🧡💛💛 10mo
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I love middle grade fiction! I find middle grade novels to be so wholesome. I don‘t have to worry about a middle grade novel going too far and I often find them way more creative than adult fiction. I‘ve started leaning away from YA because I get tired of the tropes, but I find YA to have way more diversity than adult fiction. I get a good mix of middle grade and adult fiction with some YA once in a while.

#SundayFunday @BookmarkTavern

sherrisilvera There was no YA when I was a kid😁 10mo
BookmarkTavern I do like that, about not worrying that a middle grade would go too far. Thanks for posting! 10mo
RosePressedPages @BookmarkTavern Besides maybe Where the Red Fern Grows, I haven‘t been traumatized by a middle grade novel yet😂 10mo
BookmarkTavern Oh that unlocked some deep memories! 😂😂😂 10mo
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