Went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday 😁 for my birthday (which is today 💙). Promised myself I would make more time for the things I love this year So that means making time for more Litsy in my life 🧡
Went to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday 😁 for my birthday (which is today 💙). Promised myself I would make more time for the things I love this year So that means making time for more Litsy in my life 🧡
1. Outdoor
2. High Quality H2O
3. Victorian England (but only if I can be wealthy 🙃)
4. Pink
5. Yes!
#FriYayIntro @howjessreads
I got to see Aladdin tonight and I have to say I enjoyed it very much. I was reluctant going in because the original is one of my favorites, but they did a good job. It's kinda like watching a movie adaptation of a book. Keep an open mind and don't compare every second to the original and it's a beautiful and fun story. My favorite though was definitely Jasmine's wardrobe. The pieces were stunning 😍
Trying to get myself together. It may be May but it's never too late to start! And this amazing book has been helping me beat my slump 💙 #bujo #BulletJournal #LibraryCard
#BlameitOnLitsy it keeps popping up on my feed so why not? Trying to break my slump with an audiobook👍
It's been over 6 months since I've been on Litsy! I'm so happy to be back. Enjoyed some rare rainy California weather yesterday with a new flavor from my favorite Cider brand and a good book. Hoping to bust my slump with a series I loved but never got to finish 💙
Found an adorable #LittleFreeLibrary last week for my birthday. I can't wait to go back and leave some of my own picks💙
I finished this beautiful little book the other night and I can't wait to get home and watch the movie. I know I'm a little late on the Ferry to Guernsey but I feel like these characters will be sticking with me for a bit.
Sadly, summer in California means devastating wildfires. Please all my fellow #California #Littens stay safe and be prepared. One fire chief put it very well: if you haven't been told to evacuate but you feel like you should, then leave. Don't wait to be told.
Also, a big thank you to all of the helpers. Firemen and women, paramedics, Red Cross volunteers, and anyone else helping or donating. Your actions are appreciated most deeply.
Playing #CatchUp today for #ManicMonday @JoScho
Beastly Bones
Brashares, Ann
Brooklyn 99
Bread (ALL the bread)
City of Bones (series)
Christopher Paolini
Cheese (again, almost all the cheese)
Started this little beauty last night. I mean who doesn't need a little more happiness in their life? #BlameLitsy
#ManicMonday @JoScho
🔹A Court of Mist and Fury
🔹Aidan, Pamela (I love her Pride and Prejudice retelling)
My Monday felt more like a Sun-Day today! I finally got to start this beauty today. #Guernsey #Kayaking #MotherNature
I am so so so so SO very excited for the final installment in this series! 😍😍😍😍
Anyone else love these books?
#ThroneOfGlass #SarahJMaas #YALove #KingdomOfAsh
I was #audio opening this morning and my candy cart was so aestheticly pleasing I had to document it 😍😍😍 #ListenWhileYouWork
1.4 or 5 times. Not really sure
2. From Utah to California when I was a toddler
3. Somewhere between 6-10
4. Moving. But I either want to stay on the West Coast, or move completely out of the country.
5. Yay. Buy only for the really big stuff going up and down stairs. I'm only 5 feet tall. That does not bode well for maneuvering heavy objects
@JoScho #PackingDistraction
@RealLifeReading I'm in sunny (and hot) California #ThisOrThat
*Pirates (but only if they are the kind from the Caribbean😉) #DrinkUpMeHeartiesYoHo
*Thor 100% ☇☈⛈
*Ramen I guess?
*Sadly Monolingual, but working on it
*Board Games! I just need more people to play with
Next up on the #foodie #MurderMystery reading binge.
What is your go to mood booster book?
Today was an off day for me. So I decided to take control of my health. I had a day off so instead of running around and doing all the things, I stayed in, slept, read, and decided it still wasn't enough. Dowloaded a meditation app so I will be starting and ending my day with a little focus.
Remembering that baby steps still move you forward 😊
Totally enjoying this oddly cozy murder mystery series. I had seen one of the Hallmark movies but didn't know that
A) They were based on books and
B) That there were more movies.
This book was very similar to the previous 2 but still pretty enjoyable.
Anyone else get sunburnt this weekend?
Crazy weekend did involve some much needed rest and reading. Chilled out by the river and read a fun (yes I said fun) murder mystery.
#RestAndReading #CaliforniaLove
I got tagged for #TuesdayTidbits yesterday and didn't see it till today! Oops. @mabell thank you for the tag. And thanks @JenlovesJT47 for the fun post 💙
1. I think the last book I DNFed was Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife. It was bad.
2. Popcorn or Chocolate cover pretzels
3. Hmm I don't read a lot of bios but I like Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
4. I'm a little late to tag some one so I'll tag 2 next week 😉
Happy Late Mother's Day to all the awesome moms (of course Furbabies count too!) of Litsy.
Late post from my weekend hanging with my mommy! We took the whole weekend to just hang out and do fun things together. My mom is my best friend and I'd truly be lost without her. #ILoveMyMommy
@Astroneman I am so blown away by your package!! Thank you so much I love it all! Thank you for hosting such a fun giveaway 😍
Heard that it is almost National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! It makes my #CurrentRead all the better.
I loved the Hallmark Channel movie that was based on this so I decided to give the series a try 😉 #ChocolateChipCookeDay
What is you favorite cookie flavor? I can't say no to Oatmeal Chocolate Chip 💙
When you have awesome employees who take a trip to London and bring you back some of your fave candies ❤❤❤ night = made
Woking at the movie theatre is pretty cool when you get to see movies a few days early with the entire auditorium to yourself. But then you realize that all the movies are going to sell out tonight and you are not mentally prepared to deal with the crowds. Ugh tonight is going to be rough. But we got some cool merchandise 👍 #Avengers #InfinityWar #Assemble
Where are my Sacto area peeps? Anyone interested in going? I guess I'll have to read Caraval now lol.
@Blueberry @Karen3 @YouReadMyEyes @NataliePatalie
Found this little guy on my #AudioWalk today. No clue how I spotted him. I was just happy I didn't come across a rattle snake. They have been all over Folsom this year. 😱
Day off = a books in bed kinda morning
Since there are so many awesome people that like Gilmore Girls too, I thought I'd share a pic of my mug this morning. Just don't tell anyone that there's hot chocolate in it and not coffee 😔 #GilmoreGirls #MugShot
#CurrentlyReading the tagged book through Libby
CONGRATS to @Tiffy_Reads and your amazing Milestone!!! Check out her giveaway #TiffysMilestoneGiveaway all you have to do is share the image and answer 2 questions.
1. Fave part of Litsy
Mine is how truly amazing this community is. It is so filled with love, respect, and mutual understanding it blows me away
2. A book you'd like to recieve.
Hmm can I say suprise me? I would love anything on my To-Read list on Litsy 💙 #Giveaway @LitsyHappenings
Just got off work and now I am hanging out with my mom in her beautiful office so she can finish her work (while I read and play on Litsy) before we go to dinner.
What do you guys do to unwind after work?
Any Gilmore Girls fans out there?!? Today's #WordOfTheWeek is a word I've known for a while but had never seen in writing! Anyone suffering from the same affliction as poor Michel? #GilmoreGirls
When you remember that you saw the Google Maps car a few years ago and find yourself... That's me!
The author of the Stalking Jack the Ripper series is doing an ARC Giveaway on Instagram for anyone interested. I LOVED this series and cannot wait for the 3rd book.
I think Mr. Ritter may be a Pirates fan because I had total Jack Sparrow vibes when I read this passage. 😂😂
Okay so I know Litsy was aquired by LibraryThing but what is LibraryThing? How is it different than Goodreads? Can anyone with both tell me if it is worth the effort of adding all my books on there? #Questions #Help #LibraryThing
I LOVED this series. This was the final book and it did such a great job of bringing everything together without feeling rushed or cliché. There were a few things that I did see coming but I still loved it anyway. I cannot wait to see what this author does next. Hopefully he will return to this world at some point ❤
I'm feeling especially sleepy from my migraine meds today so this was my #WordOfTheWeek. Anyone else just extra tired today?
When a company doesn't realize that you work at a different kind of theater 😂😂 We got this in the mail at the MOVIE theater the other day. I told my boss it came just for him 😁
Yyyaaayyy!! My library finally got this book I recommended! I LOVED the first book in this series and I'm excited to dig into this one 😍😍
Wow!! I just got home from work to open my #PotterheadSwap package and I am just blown away! @Shadowfat everything is so amazing I am at a loss for words! Thank you so so very much! I don't even think I can pick one thing that I am most excited for ❤❤❤ Thank you❤❤❤ I hope you enjoy your package at *least* half as much as as I love all of this
I went kayaking today and got to see one of the Bald Eagles that live near Folsom Lake. I don't know about most of you but in the California central valley they aren't very common so this was a major treat. #nature
Anyone else weirded out when they read a book where you share the same name as a main character?
I'm reading the book that I got from my #BlanketAndABookSwap and one of the main characters has the same name as me!! It's so weird reading a book where the character's nicknames are ones people sometimes call you. She and I are polar opposites but still super similar (booknerd and fangirl anyone?) Thanks again @Jadams1776 💓💗
1. Goodreads, Litsy, and my Bullet Journal
2. I really don't have a preference that I know of.
3. What?!? I didn't know about this! I don't know what I'll be doing maybe I'll read...? #LitsyOfflineMiniReadAThon
4. Let's keep it in the Sacto family this week @Karen3 @YouReadMyEyes tagged me so I'm tagging you 😁
@GarthRanzz #TrivialThursday
I had a super stressful day at work but I found the beauty in the day with a walk at Folsom Lake. Here I happened upon the End of the Road.
Somehow an oddly beautiful sight. #nature #reset
Let me introduce you to The #DayZeroProject. I wanted to share this awesome little website with you guys. A few years ago I decided to take part in this goal setting website. The idea is that you set 101 #goals to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). It is not a bucket list, but a way of setting goals that are a little more ambitious. Because you have a larger time frame you can set out to do things you wouldn't normally think possible.
I saw these on a Facebook page and I NEED them soooo bad. This series has my heart. 💙💙💙💙 #ACOTAR #ACOMAF #bookmarks