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Joined September 2016

Mother of three. I'm dependent on all things coffee.Adore tea.Book hoarder. Jigsaw puzzle enthusiast. Potter Head.
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Wolf Gone Wild by Juliette Cross
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Once and Future Witches by Alix E Harrow
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Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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@Avanders it‘s here! What an awesome #coffeebeanbookclub package, thank you!! The mushroom bookmark is legit in my Amazon cart right now, I am so excited!! I can not wait for my snickers coffee with one of my (Roman)”shtoofen wafflez” and the books look amazing and pie and I had to do quality control and open up the cherry jelly beans, we both agree they are amazing. Thank you!!

Avanders Yay!! I‘m so glad you all liked! 😘♥️♥️ (edited): and yesssss, I love those mushroom bookmarks!! 🍄🍄‍🟫 (edited) 2w
BethM Perfection! 2w
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#Coffeebeanbookclub roll call. Starting this new round June 7th. Send me an email if you‘re interested in this round! Nicoleorlando@hotmail.com

Kshakal I emailed you… did you get it?? 2mo
Avanders Oh no — am I too late?? I‘m interested if not! 2mo
Captivatedbybooks Nooooo i missed the sign up 😭😭😭😭😭 1mo
BethM I emailed you about this! I didn‘t see this. 1mo
tpixie @Mommamanzi Happy Birthday! 1mo
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My Senior Year of Awesome | Jennifer Digiovanni
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Senior walk on his last race. Nothing about books but everything about family. Some of you I found through books and now you‘re family/friends. ❤️

Gissy Beautiful photo😍👌❤️ 3mo
Avanders 🥰😍♥️ 2mo
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My Senior Year of Awesome | Jennifer Digiovanni
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I don‘t know where this year or my baby went. Haiden‘s last run. He came in 2nd place in the 800 with a 2 min 18 sec time. Proud is not a strong enough word. Senior year 2024.

Gissy Time goes fast! We can remember those pictures when he was just a child 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 3mo
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Bait and Witch | Angela M. Sanders
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And for the best part of the day…4 books that I can not wait to read. Thank you so much @tdrosebud this box was perfectly me and I appreciate you putting it together for my.

Chrissyreadit 🧡💛🧡💛🧡 10mo
BethM Love everything about this! 9mo
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The candle smells amazing and my daughter has already tried to steal my pumpkin because it‘s “sooooo cuuuute and fluuuuuffffy!!” I may have already had a couple chocolates and hidden them from said daughter haha.

Chrissyreadit 💛🧡💛🧡💛🧡 (edited) 10mo
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Creme Brûlée is one of my favorite desserts and I love coffee. I can not wait to try it, the mug is 100% my whole house vibe. Thank you so much!!

Chrissyreadit 🧡💛🧡💛🧡 10mo
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@tdrosebud @Avanders @Chrissyreadit I‘m home and taking a moment to myself. I am so excited to open!

Chrissyreadit 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 10mo
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The Ex Hex: A Novel | Erin Sterling
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And so… my spooky season begins 🕸.

Chrissyreadit checking in to see if you received your Falling for fall swap. 10mo
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Thank you for@the cbbc package. We are so excited about the bug spray, esp after this storm and the candle smells amazing! #coffeebeanbookclub

Avanders When you start a new round, please let me know! 😘 11mo
Chrissyreadit I‘m so glad you like it! i hope the big spray works- i love it but do have to reapply every 1/2 hour or so 10mo
BethM @Avanders you ready to come back?! ❤️ 9mo
Avanders @BethM yay!! Yes! 👏🏽👏🏽 9mo
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Make Your Move | Heather Garvin
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My bff found an amazing little indi book store in Sanford, Fl. We both signed up for August book club with Make Your Move as our book. I am so glad I have her in my life and am excited to see more awesome events happen with the book store!

Ahw06 Love you!! Can‘t wait for book club!!! 12mo
Mommamanzi @Ahw06 first few pages reminds me of Pie when she gets older. 12mo
Ahw06 Awww!!! It looks so cute! I have to finish up a couple others (at least the one I‘m on now) then I‘ll get started 12mo
Chrissyreadit I‘m hoping to find something fun for your cbbc package at tomorrow‘s National Book Festival and will mail Monday. 12mo
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Another amazing #Coffeebeanbookclub package. I LOVE the candle and lipbalm smell. And laughed so hard when I pulled out the book. Thank you for a perfect package!!

BethM Oooh those bath salts look great! 12mo
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I‘m behind in posting this! I am so excited for the breath and relax cut outs. They are perfect for my calm corner in my classroom. Girl, the bugs are biting so the candles are absolutely needed and so thoughtful, and everything else is perfection. The book was so much fun and was sent out today @Kshakal

Coffeeville Public Library | Coffeeville, MS (Library)
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All the amazing from this package for #coffeebeanbookclub couldn‘t fit in the picture. Take note of the beautiful card, her daughter did the artwork for it! You know all the smells I swoon over…Such a perfect package, thank you so much!

Chrissyreadit I‘m so glad you like it! 1y
BethM She sends amazing packages! @Chrissyreadit your daughter is so talented! 14mo
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Being Thankful | Mercer Mayer
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I love our #coffeebeanbookclub missing from this amazing package is a mason jar filled with one of my fav candies (I hid them before the kids saw them). The coffee smells amazing, I LOVE the coffee coaster, and can‘t wait to try the jelly. This months read looks like so much fun. Thank you so much!!!

Spring Cleaning | Jeff Campbell
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Picture of monarchs we “raised” from eggs (found on our milkweed) feasting on hollyhock Penny planted last year.
Has anyone used PangoBooks to sell nice conditioned books or any other places I should check out? Downsizing my book collection! My bookstore on PangoBooks | handle: @nicole78053 | https://pangobooks.com/bookstore/nicole78053

BethM I‘ve thought about doing this! I‘ll be interested to hear what you think of it. 1y
Soubhiville I have used Pango both to buy and sell. It‘s easy if you have a printer. Just be aware it might take a while to sell, you may still be holding on to books for a while. 1y
UwannaPublishme Beautiful photo! 🦋 1y
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Homeless | Howard Schatz
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@Eggs 1. My fav moment today is happening right now, Penelope and I are having a “sick day” we both finished a book. She wants to put a review on here for it.
2. Last week one of my best students went on the homeless list, he has not been to school since. I‘m heartbroken for him and his family. His birthday was Sat.
3. Goofy, kind, tired

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
Kshakal Sending you and your student well wishes! 💗 1y
Eggs #2 - That‘s 😞 One year I had a 6th gr boy whose mom was taken to jail for something on Dec. 22; so soc svcs came to school to take him to foster care. Broke my ❤️, so close to the holiday. I hope your student comes back❣️ 1y
carolcharityhome Hello are you there 1y
BethM What was her review ? :) 1y
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Coffee Bean Therapy | Brett Stiles
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Today was a GREAT day! #coffeebeanbookclub off to a great start! The coffee smells amazing and I can not wait to wake up and try it. My special treat is perfect too. I LOVE my stickers, and the lollies are BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you SO much!!!

Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉 1y
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Email me at nicoleorlando@hotmail.com

Meshell1313 You had me at coffee & books! Would I be able to join in this round?? 2y
Gissy 🙋🏽‍♀️ 2y
BookwormAHN 🙋🏼‍♀️ 2y
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Chrissyreadit Yes!!! 2y
BethM Yas Yas Yas! I need to see this this week ! 2y
BethM @Meshell1313 just so you know it‘s cozy mysteries! 2y
Kshakal I sent my email! Can‘t wait to start another round! 2y
kspenmoll Can I join in? 2y
MommyOfTwo Cant wait to start again! 1y
Callemarie Are we doing a theme or just any cozy? 1y
MaleficentBookDragon I have 3 more semesters of school left (and I'm a bit overwhelmed) so I'm out this year. I hope I can come back next year. 1y
Mommamanzi @Callemarie any cozy this go around! 1y
Mommamanzi Y‘all, we had state in the school all week so my workload doubled. I‘ll have replies and the list going out in a in email this week! This go around is just a cozy you want to read, or one you live so much you want to share with everyone. Go ahead and start thinking on that if you haven‘t already!❤️ 1y
Avanders Aww I really wish I could, but I just can‘t this round. 😔 too many moving pieces in life right now - but please count me in for next round!!! By then we‘ll have moved (sigh, again), and I‘ll be settled into my new job!! Hope things with you are good ♥️♥️♥️ 1y
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The Trickster | Harold Bloom, Blake Hobby
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And then there is this one. The Lord laughed when this one dropped into my lap. He is BUSY,full of energy, loves pranks, and pulling one over on you. I call him my sour patch kid, he‘s a little sour but then so sweet. He still wants his momma to hold him and read to him before being tucked in and I will hold onto that for as long as I can!

tpixie 💙💙💙💙 He‘s precious! 2y
BethM Awwww reading snuggles are the best! 2y
Avanders What a beautiful boy!! ♥️🥰😍 2y
ElizaMarie So beautiful!!!

Hey, can you send me an email? I am not sure which one you are in my email inbox :( I have a book I want to claim for the next #CBBC round.
kspenmoll Such a sweet face! 2y
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Cross-country Running | Jeff Galloway
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Many of you have watched my babies grow up so I might as well update everyone. This was the last run of Haiden‘s junior year. Next year banners will fly every race with his face to honor him and his fellow senior runners. Scholarships are coming in and my mommas heart is so sad and so proud. Slow down time. It‘s going too fast.

kspenmoll I feel for you! It does go too fast. 2y
Suet624 That was a hard time for me as each of my kids moved closer to graduation. Very hard. 2y
tpixie Yes a hard time. Enjoy! But luckily they keep coming back! Congrats on a great CC year and the scholarships. Sydney ran CC & track in college and loved it 🥰 2y
BethM WAIT! He‘s a junior?! 😱 2y
Avanders 🫢🥹🥲 🥰 2y
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Horseshoe Bend District Library | Horseshoe Bend, ID (Library)
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Why not add another animal to the Manzi farm? Hours at the barn have given me lots of time to read and study. ❤️

Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
tpixie Great photo! She‘s living the life! 2y
BethM She‘s so beautiful! 2y
Avanders Lol the look on her face is perfect 😍🥰😁 2y
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I can not wait to try this coffee. Kittycorn lives in the couch to be loved by all and I absolutely be love my pumpkin more than anything, it goes perfect with my house. And the book is PERFECT for Halloween!! 😍 thank you so much!!! #Coffeebeanbookclub

BookwormAHN Your welcome 😺 2y
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Another amazing package for our #cbbc (it arrived on time, I however, did not post on time). The kiddos begged to have a piece of the candy as a treat in their lunch box. You know how to make us all happy! Thank you!! #coffeebeanbookclub #illovetheseguys #whohasthelingestrunninglitsygeoup?

BookwormAHN Your welcome 😺 2y
Aims42 I love Kinder Buenos, I‘ve never seen mini sizes before 🤯 Totally searching for those now!! 2y
BethM @Aims42 I‘ve never had one! 2y
Avanders Hope you are doing ok!!! ♥️ 2y
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Coffeeville Public Library | Coffeeville, MS (Library)
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I love our group so much #coffeebeanbookclub thank you so much for such an awesome package!! (Note the m&m candy is already open lol) I needed pens so bad and we all laughed when I opened the purple bag with its cute monster face. Love love love it!

BookwormAHN Your welcome 😺 2y
AmyG Oooo that coffe looks good. 2y
Avanders 😍😍😍 2y
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Gissy That purple bag is so cute😍 2y
tpixie Cute bag! Your group has been together a LONG time! Great job community! #CoffeeBeanBookClub (edited) 2y
BethM Great package! This group is seriously the highlight of my month! 2y
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Sapphire Clean girl can mean so many things, but I would think of: Mr Penumbras 24 hour bookstore, A tree grows in Brooklyn. The Night Curcus is a little dark and magic but I don‘t recall lots of foul language or vivid sex scenes- something with Carnivale and it‘s sequel by Stephanie G 2y
Sapphire Belong to me by Maria De Los Santos 2y
Sapphire Or rather Love walked in, which is the first in that series 2y
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Sapphire Hamnet by Maggie O‘fare 2y
LiteraryinLawrence I love graphic novels by Victoria Jamieson: 2y
everlocalwest Sarah Dessen, Allie Condie, Kasie West, Jennifer E. Smith, Marissa Meyer, Jennifer Evans Welch - all of these are popular with early teens in our bookshop and should be pretty easy to find secondhand to stock your LFL. 💙📚 2y
ravenlee Raina Telgemeier graphic novels, Shannon Hale novels and graphic novels. Summer of my German Soldier? 2y
EvieBee I really liked this one when I was that age. 2y
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Another AMAZING package for #coffeebeanbookclub. Thank you so much! The puzzle is beautiful and oh my GOSH the whole box smelled amazing because of the bath bombs (yes they are already opened because I had to get a closer smell lol)
I love our group!

BookwormAHN Your welcome 😺 2y
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My Little Easter Egg | Sara Gillingham
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@Eggs #wondrouswednesday
🥚yep! This year with a double dose of church (penny is singing in the children‘s choir) then family lunch and egg hunt.
🥚 not at all. Between two jobs, parenting, food poisoning, and school this month is kicking my hiney.
🥚 my family and animals!

BethM Anything stomach is automatically 100x worse when you‘re a mom! 2y
Mommamanzi @BethM seriously. Penny and I were the only ones who got it (banana pudding) and cleaning up after her made me have to clean up after myself. We are still so weak but no “active issues” haha 2y
Eggs Hope you all are feeling better❤️ 2y
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I‘ve found myself reading in the chicken run lately. The girls are all healthy and full of character. THEY STARTED LAYING!

Eggs Beautiful 🥚🥚 2y
GondorGirl So beautiful! 🥰 2y
Nute Beautiful! 2y
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The Ex Hex: A Novel | Erin Sterling
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Amazing AMAZING package, thank you!! And ooooh you have no idea how bad I wanted The Ex Hex!!! I pushed my coffee for this month aside to have this coffee, cannot wait to try it in the morning. My 7 year old literally faught me over the pen (she won the battle but I will win the war!) and note there are eggs missing already (I hid them WAY up high, winning the war and all). Thank you!!!! #coffeebeanbookclub

BookwormAHN Your welcome 😺 2y
BethM That pen is the definition of fabulous! I enjoyed The Ex Hex! 2y
Ahw06 The Ex Hex Is so good!! Also of course Pie took the pen! It‘s fabulous!! 🌈 2y
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Tiny dirty human and a new read. Seems like a good night to me!

Avanders Sometimes I just wanna cuddle ‘m forever, you know? But like, without being suffocating… 🤭😘 2y
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Fast Cars | Barbara Alpert
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My mom got dragged to the Daytona 500…. How cute is she!?

LeahBergen 🥰🥰🥰 2y
AmyG More smart (for bringing a book)! 2y
Gissy So elegant and prepared to spend time very well! 📖 😉👌 2y
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Nute Mom knew what to do in the event of getting dragged to the races. Bring a book!🙌🏽 2y
Tamra Kinship 😁 2y
janeycanuck Your mom is an inspiration. 2y
Reggie Lol, this is awesome! 2y
Clwojick Looks like she‘s enjoying Talk Bookish To Me? 2y
BethM Love this! 2y
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Teaching Reading to Every Child | Douglas Fisher, Diane Lapp, James Flood, Cynthia H. Brock
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I am blessed enough to work in a field where I have freedom of time and have been able to be therefor almost every pick up, drop off, race, game, and dinner with my little ones. Never thought I could ask or want more. BUT another perfect “dream job” fell into my lap. I am now a reading coach at our elementary school. I have k-2 come through my class. I get hugs in the hallway from my 5 year old and I get to eat lunch with my 7 year old. ❤️❤️

sprainedbrain That‘s great! Congrats on the dream job! ❤️ 2y
BookwormAHN Nice, congratulations 🎊 2y
Tamra Yay!! 2y
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MaureenMc 🙌 2y
Jas16 Congratulations! 2y
DaveGreen7777 Congratulations! 😀 2y
Bookzombie Congratulations!! 2y
BiblioLitten Congratulations! 2y
BiblioLitten Oh and I love your glasses! 2y
Gissy Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Avanders ♥️♥️♥️ congratulations!! I‘m so happy for you! 2y
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Our #LittleFreeLibrary had such an awesome party after school today. I am so happy I get to be apart of these kids reading journey! Hopped them up on sugar, made the cutest bookmarks, and got to pick from tons of books! #startthemyoung #readersmakeleaders

Chrissyreadit I love this so much! It looks like it was a great day and this is such a lovely way to share reading (and butterfly knowledge) 2y
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My layout app isn‘t working for some reason but I wanted to let you know I got my #coffeebeanbookclub package!!! There is SO MUCH more fun that came along with this. I‘ve been needing a good red pen so I am so excited about this! Thank you so much!!

BookwormAHN Your welcome 😺 2y
Mommamanzi @BookwormAHN I started the bag of coffee yesterday and DANG it‘s good!!! 2y
BookwormAHN It's some of my favorite. 2y
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Excited about my pink and red February reads! ❤️💕

Aims42 Such a pretty stack ❤️💖❤️ 2y
Soubhiville Great idea! Enjoy! 2y
brittanyreads Lovely! I really enjoyed Finlay! 2y
BethM That Ellery series is one of my all time fave cozy series. 2y
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#coffeebeanbookclub members (and potential members) who‘s ready for the next round?!

BethM So in! And I agree- were an amazing group of humans and thankfully friends! 3y
Kshakal Count me in!! I love this group and it is always a bright spot in my month!! 3y
Chrissyreadit YES!!!!!!🙌❤️🙌❤️🙌❤️ 3y
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Chrissyreadit Sent my email! Cause I‘m super excited ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
BookwormAHN Email sent 🤎 3y
Mommamanzi @Chrissyreadit @Kshakal @BookwormAHN and @BethM I know there are a couple more in our group, my brain is broken for the day plus I am trapped under a 5 year old‘s huge sleeping head…. Can one of y‘all recall who I am missing from this round? Thank you!! 3y
MommyOfTwo Are we good to go if we were in last round or do you still want me to email you? 3y
Avanders ♥️♥️♥️ I‘m in! 3y
Gissy I will like to know what this is about to see if I can participate.🤗 3y
Callemarie YASSSSSSSS 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 3y
MaleficentBookDragon I have to miss this round. 😥
This is such a great group and I am very grateful for the people I've met through it.
Have fun! I can't wait to see what cozies you all read this year.
Keep me in mind for next year if you have any dropouts.
(edited) 3y
ElizaMarie I am so in!!! 3y
Chrissyreadit @Gissy 😘😘😘🥳🥳🥳 it‘s so fun ! We each pick a cozy, and send it to the next person each month. And a coffee. Some people send extras, some book and coffee. And a journal to write our thoughts in that months book- so the original sender can see what everyone thought of their book. 3y
Gissy @Chrissyreadit Sounds so interesting!! I will like to join the club! ☕️📖📚 3y
Chrissyreadit @Gissy WooHoo! Send Nicole an email so she has your information 🎉🥳 3y
Pogue Unfortunately we have some serious expenses coming up this year and I will be unable to participate this year. If it works for next year I would like to participate if possible. 3y
SamHeartCoffee You guys are all amazing! Have a really fun year and I will miss you dearly! Thanks for tagging me @BookwormAHN !! 😘 3y
coffeewithbooks Can I join? Is this still going on? 2y
Mommamanzi @coffeewithbooks it is still going on, we are already scheduled through the year. Send me an email and I will take your information down and let you know more about it that way our next round you are ready to go! Nicoleorlando@hotmail.com ❤️ 2y
coffeewithbooks @Mommamanzi cool just sent you email 2y
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Missing! | Roderick Hunt
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I have become MIA from MOST of the internet lately. It was a hard but also amazing year for my family. Some of y‘all know May and June were scary for me. But everyone is thriving and my husband made not only one but two of my dreams come true. I have a beautiful little free library AND chickens. Here are 4 of the many. I‘m happier than ever, just want time to slow down with my babies (and to catch up on my reading!).

BethM ❤️ 3y
Crazeedi That is so awesome, glad your year has ended well❤ 3y
Bookzombie ❤️❤️ 3y
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wanderinglynn So happy that the year turned around and is ending on a high note. Love the chickens! ❤️🐓 3y
tokorowilliamwallace I'm sorry to hear you had some scary times. I hope this will provide some hope, rest, and revival from the stress. 3y
DaveGreen7777 Glad things are going well for you, now! 😊 3y
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The past two weeks have been beyond crazy. I‘m sorry I‘m so late opening/posting. My little man got sick (and is still fighting it) and had to stay in from trick or treating while my other two got to go. This package legit saved him from a full on melt down. Between the jelly window clings, and the awesome diy lanterns (and Shrek‘s Spooky Tales on tv) you seriously saved Halloween. I LOVE my books and can‘t wait to start them! THANK YOU!!!

wanderinglynn Awesome! 🧡🎃 Great box! @PatriciaU 3y
PatriciaU Aw, I‘m glad this stuff helped. It sucks to be sick at Halloween! Hope he gets better soon! 3y
BethM Hope he‘s better soon! Wes had a cold that turned into sinuses abs ears- a month and a half and two rounds of antibiotics later I -think- we‘re over it. 3y
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Avanders Awww I hope everyone‘s feeling better by today! ♥️♥️♥️ 3y
Avanders Heya lady - just checking in & wanted to make sure you got a package I sent? It should have arrived Thursday morning on your front porch.. let me know if it didn‘t make it 🤞🏽😘 3y
Mommamanzi @Avanders OH MY GOSH!!! I feel like such a jerk, I just checked the stack of boxes that my husband and I have been hiding in our room from the kids (Christmas gifts) you AND @Kshakal both had sent me something. I am so so so sorry y‘all!! 3y
Avanders Oh no worries!! Completely understandable 😁😁 I‘m glad it‘s there! And hope you enjoy 🎄♥️😘 3y
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Our LFL, The Monarch Manor, opened last week. It was a crazy wild ride and thank God my BFF drove over to help me set up, make sure I ate, and kept my nerves down. I was so scared no one would show up. That was not the case though, we ended up getting 37 books into kids hands in ONE afternoon. I‘m so excited I get to bless children this way! It was a great success!!!

TiredLibrarian Congrats! 📚❤ 3y
Chrissyreadit It looks like an amazing endeavor! I‘m so excited for you! 3y
BethM This is awesome! 3y
Avanders ♥️♥️♥️ love this 3y
Nute Nice! I love the little planter boxes on the side.☺️ 3y
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October, October | Katya Balen
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#hauntedhallowswap my packaged arrived and I almost opened it! I thought it was from my step mother in law who is also a Patricia that lives in New York! Then I had a really good laugh, because…. What are the odds! So excited!
I‘m waiting on one more thing from Etsy and then mine is hitting the road.

wanderinglynn Yay! 🎉🎃🖤 3y
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The.Monarch.Manor owns my heart! Can‘t wait to get books into so many children‘s hands! Thank you to everyone who helped us get on our feet!

LiteraryinLawrence Sooooo pretty! 3y
JamieArc Super cute! 3y
TiredLibrarian So vibrant and happy looking! 🦋💐😊 3y
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bibliobliss Love that ❤️ 3y
Bookzombie It‘s so cute! 3y
Nute So cute! Congratulations on completing it. The children will be excited.🦋 💕 3y
PatriciaU Beautiful! 3y
Avanders Beautiful!! 🥰 3y
Chrissyreadit I love it so much! Very exciting! 3y
BookBabe So pretty and inviting! 😍 2y
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Follow our LFL journey on Instagram and Facebook @ The.Monarch.Manor

TiredLibrarian It's lovely! 📚❤ 3y
BiblioLitten Stunning! 😍 3y
marleed Cute! 3y
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Can we talk about how awesome this dude is? He absolutely hates reading, doesn‘t understand why I do it so much, enjoy it, or spend money on books (I know, I know, he has good qualities too, I swear!) BUT he loves me enough to learn how to wood work, paint, seal, and about a million other little things to make my hearts desire come true! Our families very own LFL!

Cortg Congratulations! My boys feel the same way about my LFL's and reading, and books but they know I love it so they support it. 3y
LiteraryinLawrence Congrats on your LFL! 3y
jdiehr 😍 3y
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marleed Oh congrats! 3y
Gissy How sweet of your husband by made the free library house for you! He is not a reader but respect your passion❤️❤️❤️ 3y
BookBabe That‘s wonderful! 😃 2y
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I had the complete joy being able to watch my husband and dad put the base to our little free library in today. About to start working on the garden around it. Waiting for the clear coat to dry on the actual “house” part.

Avanders Yay!! 😍🥰🥰😍 3y
TiredLibrarian How exciting! 📚❤ 3y
marleed Oh nice! 3y
Mollyanna So special. I love it! 🥰🥰🥰 3y
BiblioLitten Wow! 😍 3y
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Trees | Lemniscates
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We did a little “light” pruning this weekend before we put up our Little Free Library (don‘t want any branches falling on it!). The support pole and surrounding garden goes in this weekend!!!

kspenmoll Cannot wait to see it up!!‘ 3y
Bookzombie Hi! I just wanted to see if you received the ones I sent. They should have been there Saturday. 3y
Mommamanzi @Bookzombie I did thank you so much!!! If you could send me your mailing address to nicoleorlando@hotmail.com I would love to send you a thank you! 3y
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The Painted Girls | Cathy Marie Buchanan
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My September tbr (that we all know isn‘t going to get read THIS month) I love cozy mysteries, YA, historical fiction, and fantasy so this is the perfect line up for me!

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Please help our Little Free Library reach our goal of 100 books in children‘s hands. We are located a few homes down from the neighborhood k-8th school, so many of the bike rider/walkers go RIGHT PAST OUR HOUSE! We have the opportunity to impact so many children and hopefully start or foster their love of reading and learning. Please repost!

Karisa 💗 A book for a middle schooler headed to there now 3y
Avanders I sent a book - should be there Tuesday! ♥️ 3y
Mommamanzi @Karisa thank you so much!! It came today! Would you send me your mailing info please? Nicoleorlando@hotmail.com 3y
Mommamanzi @Avanders thank you!!! 3y
Bookzombie Hi! You should get two books on Saturday 💗 3y
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Well Played | Jen DeLuca
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My BFF @Ahw06 let me barrow her book of the month book. THEN came in to get her hair done and set up my kindle to link with my library. I‘ve been wanting to do it forever but I‘m not very tech savvy. First thing I downloaded was book two of the Well Met series! Thanks Ash!!!

Ahw06 You‘re so welcome!!! ❤️ you! 3y
Avanders Yay!! 😄 3y
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The Henna Artist | Alka Joshi

One of my favorite books I have read in 2021!

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