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Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Hmm... How would I describe this book?

Scary good. Twisted. Creepy.

More directly, Baby Teeth was a truly terrifying novel that goes to show just how deceiving appearances can be.


If you haven't already done so, I definitely recommend reading this one!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I still think about this one 😱 Have you read ?? So good and very similar! 5mo
monkeygirlsmama @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Never heard of this one before, but now it's on my stack! 5mo
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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It was just ok. In the first two-thirds of the book nothing happened. Just back and forth POVs of mom and daughter thinking about how they hated each other. Then things finally started to happen, but it wasn't really all that creepy or horrific or shocking. I was expecting more.

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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Opening day!!!! #HauntedHalloweenSwap. I‘m super excited to eat my candy and get started on one my books. The magnets are super cute and I love the scarecrow ❤️.

wanderinglynn Fantastic! 🎃🖤👻🧡 9mo
Lauranahe Yay! Glad you like it! 9mo
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I read this as an ARC years ago & still enjoyed it. Having older kids, I know young kids can think and say weird shit. Viscious, homicidal kids are a whole other story! I didn't love the narrator on this one and the parents are a bunch of horndogs, but overall a nice creep factor!!

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Not as creepy as I had imagined. Still a good book, a fast read. Oddly enough, I do want a sequel. Or atleast an epilogue hahah!
⭐️: 3.75/5

WorldsOkayestStepMom This book definitely needed an epilogue!! 14mo
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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This book was disappointing. I was definitely expecting something creepier. I ended up generally disliking all of the characters as well. There were parts I enjoyed but overall pretty meh.

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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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There really isn‘t anything particularly special about Baby Teeth, but I enjoyed it. It‘s the type of book I‘d recommend in passing. Not the type of ‘You have to read this‘ more of a ‘If you get a chance you should check this out.‘ There is a decent amount of suspense and intrigue to keep you wanting to read to the end, but it does get a bit repetitive. And there is a major plot point that‘s a little overly convenient. Still, if you get a chance…

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I have so many conflicting emotions about this novel. I over-hyped it in my head and it wasn't as creepy as I expected. I feel kind of bad for Hanna in a way. I also think it desperately needs an epilouge at the end, and I'm actually frustrated that there isn't one. Overall a pick for me! Also I read this all in one day. My eyes are tired.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage

I DNFed this one. Not a bad book, but definitely not for me. I despised the MC, Suzette. I found her intolerably simpering. And I've never wanted a child to die before but, sheesh, Hanna was truly despicable lol! Anyway, I didn't make it past p50. I have a huge TBR. It's on to The Change!

WJCintron Thanks for the input! 😃👍 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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A low pick: I can‘t decide if this is more a bad parenting story or an evil child story? Probably equal parts both. So much of the parenting frustrated me and parts even made me angry, but the kid was still quite evil.

Either way, this story kept my mind off of the fact that two of my three kiddos are leaving for college in western NC this week. For this reason (pure escapism) I‘ve been reading horror stories for the past few weeks.

Kappadeemom I loved this crazy book 👹 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Oh, this girl…..I have a feeling she is going to get much worse!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This book gave me the creeps!! 😮 2y
BetseyAnd It is me too! 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Finally took the plunge!

WorldsOkayestStepMom This is on my TBR. Can't wait to read your review! 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I can see this title is somewhat divisive but I really enjoyed this chilling parenting tale! I can imagine this when I see how some kids are with their parents. This one is like watching a train wreck. Very well done.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I still think about this book. Both the daughter and the mom were evil, it was just effed all the way around.
#MayMoms #evil @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Sounds wild!! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I totally agree!! 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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#WeekendReading #20in4 #BookNookBuddies2022 #KickTheSlump #ReadMyRoom #BookSpinBingo #BookSpin (February)

I quite thoroughly enjoyed this one…until the final few chapters. Little bit too neat & tidy of a conclusion.

I actually feel like I‘m not actually finished, even though I am🤬😡🤬. Like a cliffhanger but worse ‘cause there is no follow-up or conclusion (that I know of) coming.

CoverToCoverGirl Great review! Some endings… 😳🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks I actually ended up DNFing this one... just wasn't for me! 2y
DieAReader @TheAromaofBooks I can totally see why🧐 My only issue really was the ending lol. 2y
ElizaMarie Oooo. I can see why the ending was a letdown for you. BUt I am glad despite that you enjoyed it :) 2y
DieAReader @ElizaMarie 😉Same♥️ 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Book 38🎧 5⭐️

This story is just wild!😱 what a whirlwind of events. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next!

For one - if my husband doesn‘t believe our child is trying to kill me, he‘s going to have issues!!😂

Hana is a special litter girl, and she really loves her Daddy. Much, much more than… Mommy…
She will need to be dealt with so Hana and Daddy can be happy.

I hope for a sequel! Where will Hana be then!?😬

BeeMagical I also want my own Under Slumber Bumble Beast!👹 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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#FabulousFebruary #BookNookBuddies2022 #ReadMyRoom #BookSpin #BookSpinBingo

Tonight‘s fresh new read brought on courtesy of a much earlier household retirement😴🛌 than usual.

CoverToCoverGirl Love that bookmark! 2y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl ♥️Merci! It was an impulse buy during my last bookstore visit😈 and, I‘ll be totally honest with you gf, I can rarely (as in almost never🙄) pass up on any kind of bookmark, free or otherwise. 🤩Especially ones as snazzy looking, & destined to be part of my ever growing collection, as this one was🤷🏻‍♀️😂SOLD!💸🤓 2y
TheAromaofBooks Good luck!! This one is on my TBR for this month as well although I'm running out of month so I'm not sure if I'm going to get to it!! 😂 2y
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DieAReader @TheAromaofBooks That‘s why I decided to start it last night😂Good luck! I hope you at least get to start it soon🤞🏻🤞🏻 2y
CoverToCoverGirl @DieAReader I‘m with you! I think my bookmark collection is almost as extensive as my actual book collection(s), one for each book, I‘m super good with that! 😊 2y
DieAReader @CoverToCoverGirl That‘s impressive!! 😁I‘ve recently come across a few that are almost as old as me😂 I had them in keepsake boxes but, figured I‘d rather use them instead♥️🤓 2y
Andrew65 Hope you enjoyed it. 2y
DieAReader @Andrew65 I‘m still early into it but so far, I‘m liking it😉🥰 2y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Barnes and Noble had this gem in stock today. I‘ve heard/read so many reviews on this book and I can‘t wait to dive in.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I like how Stage explores the ambivalence of motherhood and the identity shifts that accompany becoming parents, but the story is a little too step-by-step and the characters a little too flat for me. I don't find fictional therapy sessions interesting (not just because fictional mental health treatment is so unrealistically effective and easy to access), and WHY haven't these people childproofed their house? At least stop sharpening the pencils.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you so much for the #litsylove Halloween surprise! I JUST put this one on hold at the library. Now I can cancel the hold! And I love the pattern instruction wrapping. I had never thought of using old patterns like that!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re very welcome!! I‘m happy it made it safely! I found the paper on Etsy and thought it would be different! 🖤🧡 3y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I‘ve been reading so much that I feel like I needed a little break. I just started this one hoping to get me back I to it to make my yearly reading goal.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I‘m not entirely sure how I feel about this book. It was an interesting premise but I didn‘t really like any of the characters. Hanna‘s POV was kind of interesting but I don‘t know. I think this was just a so-so for me.

I did finally finish my June #bookspin anyway. Another off my TBR


TheAromaofBooks I remember seeing a lot of mixed reviews for this one when it first came out. 3y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 215
#BooksToRead #TBRPile #TBRMountain

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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It‘s been awhile since I binged on the #bookbub daily deals.😁

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I read this earlier in the year and was blown away. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I highly recommend this book to anyone I meet. It is one of the most disturbing books I have read in a while. Very well constructed characters. A mother grapples with her difficult daughter who is completely different with her than she is with her husband. Things start to escalate and she begins to fear for her life... easy five stars.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Let‘s take a min and talk about how completely and utterly crazy the daughter is in this book is! I could not put it down! #bookspinbingo

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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❤️🤍Got this one in a Litsy swap but haven‘t read it yet. Looks very creepy! #CuriousCovers #RedandWhite

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It is!! ❤️📚🤍 3y
Eggs ♥️⚪️♥️ 3y
Melli It‘s creepy but at the same time nerve racking.. 3y
LeslieO @Melli I sorta like that! 😄 3y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage

I just finished the audiobook and loved it. It was unexpected in every way. That I found myself terrified of 7 year old Hannah was unbelievable.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Currently listening to this audiobook and loving it!!!

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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This one was creepy good! A page-turner that I couldn't wait to get back to.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #babyteeth #zojestage #bookbeast #bookjoy #readwithme
What are you reading? 😊

reading_rainbow This is such a great cover 3y
BoleyBooks @reading_rainbow I think so too 😊 3y
EagleReader Spooky 😳 3y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage

The book is at its best when it really pushes tough questions around parenting, abuse, and generational trauma. However, Stage backs away from some of these questions where they should have and could have dug in deeper. As a result, the characters often felt flat. Narrative wise, the second half of the book also feels repetitive. A so-so read in the end.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Reviews were mixed at book club, and while there are lots of ways I think this could have been a better book, it still kept me on the edge of my seat and gave me legit anxiety. Probably don't read this book if you have young children/will ever even maybe have children/already suspect your child might be plotting to murder you.
Book 22 of 2021.

Gissy 😳Ok, I guess I can read it, I don‘t have small children☺️ 3y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Completed my first book of the new year! I saw a ton of reviews going in that this book was improbable and unbelievable. After reading I can whole heartedly confirm that‘s not true. I‘ve MET kids like this. I work with families like this on a daily basis, and yes, sometimes it is HORRIFYING. Overall, I felt this book did a wonderful job of portraying some very real effects of mental illness on an entire family. (More below)!

Inkblotsandcoffeestains For back story, I work as a therapist for a therapeutic foster care agency, which works with youth ages 6-17 who have been removed from their homes due to behavioral issues! 4y
Inkblotsandcoffeestains That being said, I don‘t think this should be a book portrayed as this creepy psychological thriller, because it‘s just a bit TOO real for me. 4y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Between a Pick and So-So.
Despite it not being entirely believable it is slightly horrifying and scarily thrilling in the vein of The Good Son and other movies involving unnatural kids. Also, the audio is fairly well performed, despite performing for both the mother and the child. Gabra Zackman did well at differentiating between the two.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Prior to starting Baby Teeth I knew what the basic plot was, but as I mentioned in a previous post I found it to be more of a black comedy. The comedic aspect wore off a bit somewhere around the halfway mark where a paranormal element creeped in. I found this element to be an interesting direction for Stage to take the book & although I found the ending to be less than satisfactory, it was a day well spent & a nice reminder of why👇

vivastory I don't have children. And in the spirit of surprised expectations, I give you links to two of my fave recut trailers: Mrs Doubtfire Recut as a Horror Movie & Midsommar But Its a Feel Good Romantic Comedy

(edited) 4y
GreenGrl87 Oh man! Thank you for sharing these, that Mrs. Doubtfire one was gold! 4y
LitStephanie I haven't seen the second one, but the Mrs. Doubtfire one is hilarious! Hahaha! 4y
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Megabooks I don‘t follow a lot of links on litsy, but those were so hilarious!! I love the Peter Gabriel in the Midsommar one. Perfect! 4y
Tanisha_A 😂 Mrs. Doubtfire 4y
Reggie Lolol the Mrs Doubtfire one. It‘s amazing what dissonant strings can do for a mood. I had seen the Midsommar one before. 4y
udyaa Xd😶 4y
Billypar I love these. @Megabooks I wonder if Peter Gabriel had any idea after writing Solsbury Hill just how many romantic comedy trailers it would be featured in for decades to come? 😅 4y
Billypar Great review - this is one I want to check out at some point! 4y
Megabooks @Billypar I‘m not sure he would‘ve written it then, and other than in these trailers, I actually like the song! 4y
Billypar @Megabooks Ha- that might be true. It is a good song! 4y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I'm not sure what other readers reaction to this book was, but I've chuckled quite a few times. It's like We Need to Talk About Kevin as a black comedy.

rachelm I had the same reaction!! 4y
vivastory @rachelm I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'd love to see this made into a movie, but as a dark comedy. 4y
Suet624 Wow! Love that you linked it to Kevin. 4y
CherylS67 I'm a pediatric nurse and I was like holy moly that is some blatant child abuse. That being said I could t out it down. 4y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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This book is deliciously disturbing! Really liking it so far 😈

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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Very creepy. Now I‘m afraid of having demonic children. Really looking forward to a sequel...

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Loved this book! It follows the pov of Hanna, a seven year old mute girl who thinks life would be perfect if only she could get rid of her mother; and her mother Suzette who is at her wit's end dealing with her daughter's unusual, difficult, and frightening behavior. So many emotions! I felt the frustration, sadness, and fear of these characters and was seriously invested. Is Hanna ill or evil? Is Suzette crazy? 🖤 guessing the whole way.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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The vibes of We Need to Talk About Kevin continue, complete with the same phrase. Loving it so far, though. What is wrong with this girl!?

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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage

Just started this today. Getting a "We Need To Talk About Kevin" vibe. Not sure how I feel about that since We Need to Talk was so disturbing! We'll see...

JillsBookshelf Welcome to Litsy!!! 👋 4y
Selena85 Thanks! 😄 4y
JillsBookshelf @Chelleo has made some Litsy how-to videos. You can check them out if you‘re confused about anything! 😊 4y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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Challenging notions of parenthood, unconditional love, innocence, and perhaps sanity itself, Baby Teeth will have your sympathies shifting and your mind boggling until its bitter end.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I wanted to like this more than I did. I kept waiting for the big explosion of suspense, even to the last five pages, but it just never delivered. It was, however a pleasantly easy quarantine read.

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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I felt just awful the entire time! The switch perspectives between the mother and the daughter was insane! I feel so bad for both of them because no one is at fault, I don‘t know how I would react if my daughter was a psychopath. I also don‘t know how I would react if I was a psychopath. I also understand the selfishness that the mother and the dad feel about their relationship and their parenting. No one is the villain. Now trashy television!

Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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This quarantine really has helped my painting skills! Painting and audiobooks is a great way to social distance. #watercolor #sundayfunday

ElizaMarie I have RuPaul saying this in my head when I read this! I really enjoy your painting! Also Baby Teeth was insane! 4y
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Baby Teeth | Zoje Stage
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It‘s been a slow week for reading, since it‘s been busy with every other aspect of my life. I had a few holds come in, so I‘ve been reading those, and haven‘t worked towards my #MarchUnshelfing at all this week. Hoping to get back into it next week. How‘s everyone else doing?


TheAromaofBooks My new job is taking way too much time!!! My goal for the month is to read 50% from my own shelves and I built up a little cushion during the readathon, so now I'm reading a pair of library books that need to go back haha I kind of need a solid week of reading and no other responsibilities, I think. 4y
alisiakae Same! This week has been all over the place, and not much reading has happened. 4y
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