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Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic | Sam Quinones
Named on Amazon's Best Books of the Year 2015--Michael Botticelli, U.S. Drug Czar (Politico) Favorite Book of the Year--Angus Deaton, Nobel Prize Economics (Bloomberg/WSJ) Best Books of 2015--Matt Bevin, Governor of Kentucky (WSJ) Books of the Year--Slate.com's 10 Best Books of 2015--Entertainment Weekly's 10 Best Books of 2015 --Buzzfeed's 19 Best Nonfiction Books of 2015--The Daily Beast's Best Big Idea Books of 2015--Seattle Times' Best Books of 2015--Boston Globe's Best Books of 2015--St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Best Books of 2015--The Guardian's The Best Book We Read All Year--Audible's Best Books of 2015--Texas Observer's Five Books We Loved in 2015--Chicago Public Library's Best Nonfiction Books of 2015In 1929, in the blue-collar city of Portsmouth, Ohio, a company built a swimming pool the size of a football field; named Dreamland, it became the vital center of the community. Now, addiction has devastated Portsmouth, as it has hundreds of small rural towns and suburbs across America--addiction like no other the country has ever faced. How that happened is the riveting story of Dreamland. With a great reporter's narrative skill and the storytelling ability of a novelist, acclaimed journalist Sam Quinones weaves together two classic tales of capitalism run amok whose unintentional collision has been catastrophic. The unfettered prescribing of pain medications during the 1990s reached its peak in Purdue Pharma's campaign to market OxyContin, its new, expensive--extremely addictive--miracle painkiller. Meanwhile, a massive influx of black tar heroin--cheap, potent, and originating from one small county on Mexico's west coast, independent of any drug cartel--assaulted small town and mid-sized cities across the country, driven by a brilliant, almost unbeatable marketing and distribution system. Together these phenomena continue to lay waste to communities from Tennessee to Oregon, Indiana to New Mexico.Introducing a memorable cast of characters--pharma pioneers, young Mexican entrepreneurs, narcotics investigators, survivors, and parents--Quinones shows how these tales fit together. Dreamland is a revelatory account of the corrosive threat facing America and its heartland.
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Very informative in certain areas like Mexico heroine chain and how American became more concerned with rehab than incarceration when addiction hit white, Midwest kids versus those in urban city neighborhood. Liked empire of pain better.

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Long 15 hour listen that took me quite a while to get through but a great story that tells the overall arc of opioid addiction in America. Amazing to see how a large pharmaceutical company could lead to pill mills to Mexican black tar heroin.

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Powerful. And enlightening, especially to this Ohioan.

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Very interesting accounting of America‘s opiate addition and the factors that contributed. Well explained , though I felt it was a touch redundant, most likely for clarity‘s sake. I learned a lot and found this more compelling that I had expected.

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Excellent overview of the opiate crisis in America. The author does an excellent job of pulling together all the pieces that led to this crisis. An engaging read that is excellent.

rather_be_reading stacking! 5y
LoverOfLearning Wow! Looks like a great read! Thanks for sharing! 5y
Saknicole Yah! Megan on Litsy! 5y
Saknicole @Kimberlone follow Megan! 5y
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1️⃣ Tagged and still. not. read.
2️⃣ Outlander - I‘m not a rereader
3️⃣ Uhhhh ... thousands. I need to live forever to finish them!
4️⃣ White Rage by Carol Anderson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5️⃣ I‘m so late ... if you get this far, consider yourself tagged! 😘


Eggs Oh I read the Sam Quinones book a couple months ago 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Eggs And how did you feel about it? I should read it, right? 🤪 5y
Eggs Yes it‘s worth the time 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Eggs Thanks! 👊🏻♥️📚 5y
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Quite interesting what you learn from Google sometimes. #FreeFalling is apparently “The effect of smoking a bowl of opium and cocaine”.

The tagged book is subtitled The True Tale of America‘s Opiate Epidemic.


Eggs Well done! I read this book a few months ago-fascinating. Then, too, there is that Tom Petty song 5y
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If you want to understand the history and evolution of perceived bodily pain and its correlation to addiction, this is the book for you. There is repetition but it‘s the writer‘s method for connecting all the dots. Thorough and fascinating.

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It took me a while to finish this one, but it was so good. The author weaves together a few story lines pretty seamlessly to tell the overall picture of our opioid crisis. It‘s a tough topic so I didn‘t always want to pick up the book, but when I did, it was well worth it. Highly recommend this #nonfiction read.

Megabooks I love this one! (edited) 5y
Cosmos_Moon Thanks! I read Dopesick by Beth Macy last year, which was also tough to get through, but worth the read. I‘d like to check this one out. @DuetForever (edited) 4y
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I just finished the introduction and couldn't help but think of the Macklemore song, Drug Dealer.

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Honestly, it was a bit of work to get through but I‘m really glad I stuck it out. It‘s a crazy, sad, compelling story that has affected our nation. Interesting to see the way the opioid epidemic started and spread.

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#MusicalNewYear #BoulevardOfBrokenDreams I purchased this book (about the opioid crisis ) as a #KindleDailyDeal after seeing it appear on many best of lists. Hoping to read later this year.
Also, love Green Day🎤🎸♥️🎶

Hooked_on_books This book is SO good. 6y
Megabooks I love this book!! 6y
Wife Good one! 6y
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TrishB Love Green Day 💕 brilliant live. 6y
Cinfhen Hubby & Niki went to Green Day when he visited her last March @TrishB He said they were incredible live🖤 6y
Cinfhen I‘m excited to read it @Hooked_on_books @Megabooks @Wife I‘m finding my NF books are proving more compelling/ interesting than my fiction reads so far this year 6y
TrishB They definitely are. Full of energy, got everyone going. He‘s a great front man. 6y
Reviewsbylola Great pick! I know the family mentioned in the first pages of the book. Heartbreaking. 6y
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This is a really important read so we can learn exactly how this opiate crisis came to be. It really was the perfect storm of an influx of black tar heroin combined with what can only be described as a terrifying amount of irresponsible marketing and prescribing of prescription opiates (namely OxyContin). Quinones does a nice job of weaving the two stories together and showing how the two sides of this epidemic collided. 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Part of my reading resolutions for this year was to read more nonfiction (at least 10 books). Starting this one tonight.

Reviewsbylola I couldn‘t get into this personally. Too dry (I‘m super picky when it comes to NF). But I know the man and family mentioned in the beginning of the book. 6y
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This was an important book. The opioid crisis is truly complex and is not anywhere near resolved. Quinones has uncovered answers to explain the crisis.

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Sorry for the multiple posts, but this is something I need to get off my chest today.

I tagged a book about the opiate epidemic that I think EVERY ONE should read.

My birth mother died in 2009 of an opiate overdose, I never had the chance to meet her.

This morning, my half-sister called. Her boyfriend, who had been clean for years 7 yrs, relapsed & OD‘d on heroin last night. He was 23. He started when he was 14. 14!!

We are all in shock.

alisiakae My sis is away at college, so she was not there when it happened. No one saw this coming. Trying to get my mind off things tonight with a book (yeah, that‘s not working), because the next few days are going to be really, really tough. 6y
Kathrin 😣😣😣 So sorry! And I agree with the book you tagged, it's eye opening. 6y
DivaDiane I‘m so sorry to hear this. 6y
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BlameJennyJane I am so sorry. This is tragic for you and your family. The tagged book is amazing and sheds light on something so many refuse to acknowledge. 💔 6y
alisiakae @Kathrin @DivaDiane @BlameJennyJane Thank you. I have only known my half-Sisters for a year (I am the oldest) , but we have grown incredibly close in that time, and to see one of them (from a distance - we don‘t live near each other) go through this so soon after another loss is so frustrating. And I agree, addiction needs to be brought out of the darkness of taboo topics and into the light of acknowledgement. (edited) 6y
JoScho Oh my goodness. That is terrible and I am so sorry 🖤 6y
Kalalalatja Oh no, I‘m so sorry! 💔💔 6y
Soubhiville How awful! Wishing you strength in the coming days. 6y
DGRachel I am so sorry. 😢 {{hugs}} 6y
thereadingowlvina So sorry to hear this! Hugs 💖💖💖 6y
kezzlou85 So sorry to hear that 💜💜 6y
TrishB So sorry 💔 sending love and hugs . 6y
jillannjohn So sorry. 6y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m so sorry. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. ❤️ Addiction is real, people. 6y
tournevis *hugs* 6y
Meeko93 So sorry 😔 addiction can rip families apart and it is so sad. Hugs for you and your family ❤ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so sorry!!! ❤️ My step sister has had an addiction problem since the age of 14 also... it‘s so very sad 😢 6y
JenReadsAlot I'm so very sorry. I am an addictions counselor and it is heartbreaking. Hugs to you and your family. 6y
alisiakae @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m sorry to hear about your step-Sister. I hope she is doing okay. @JenReadsAlot Thank you for the work that you do, it is so important. I know so many overdoses happen when a recovering addict relapses, which is incredibly sad and frustrating. I am trying to find a support group that she can go to to help her in the months ahead, if you have any suggestions! (edited) 6y
JenReadsAlot I would suggest she reach out to a counselor and they can connect her with supports. Let me know if you need anything. 6y
Jas16 I am so sorry. sending love 6y
MaleficentBookDragon I am so sorry. It is heartbreaking. My cousin got addicted to heroin (introduced to him by his mother!). He ended up in jail and is now clean. 6y
alisiakae @MaleficentBookDragon Brian was introduced to it by his father! It‘s mind blowing. I wish someone had been with him to call paramedics and administer Narcan. It is a tragic loss of someone so young. 6y
CouronneDhiver Omg 😕 6y
Lcsmcat 💔 I‘m so sorry. 6y
CoffeeK8 I‘m so very sorry for your loss 6y
cobwebmoth So sorry. *hugs* 6y
MaureenMc 😔 6y
JessClark78 So sorry. 💔 6y
CarolynM So sorry to hear such sad news. Strength and love to you and your sister 6y
Crewgurl ❤️ 6y
batsy That's devastating. I'm so sorry. 6y
ScientistSam So sorry to hear such terrible news. Sending hugs to you and your family. 6y
Bookzombie I‘m so sorry. ❤️ 6y
TricksyTails I‘m so sorry. ♥️ Hugs and love to you and your family. 6y
tournevis Losing someone to addiction ia much harder than to disease or accident in my experience. 6y
alisiakae @tournevis Yes, it can be, although I believe addiction is also a disease. It is especially hard when it happens to someone who has been in recovery for a long period of time, and seemingly comes out of the blue. Unfortunately, this is not our first go-round with losses to addiction. 😢 6y
tournevis @4thhouseontheleft I agree that it's a disease. Preaching to the choir, but all things being equal, an ailment or infection is easier to deal with. Overdose or suicide are the hardest, in ky experience. 6y
alisiakae @tournevis Absolutely, and I especially agree with your last sentence. I was just talking about that last night, actually. I wish society would move beyond the taboo against talking about addiction, mental illness and/or suicide in an open way. 6y
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Okay so I haven‘t read the entire book yet because it‘s like a million pages long but this book will open your eyes to so much. This is a must read.

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Lots of great book mail today! Thank you again @Reviewsbylola for the awesome books. Also got my #botm book.

Reviewsbylola Oh yay! I hope you enjoy them. I should be getting Red Clocks today too. 😃 7y
Redwritinghood @Reviewsbylola 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
youngreadrshelf Oooo! Looking forward to Red Clocks! 7y
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In a bit of a reading slump, and struggling to stay invested in Little Fires Everywhere. (I think it‘s more a reflection of me than the book.) So lets give this one a go.

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While I like nonfiction, it tends to be a much slower read for me. I'm ashamed to say that I simply started skimming through the last 100 pages of this book, as it tended to repeat the same concepts throughout the book.
That being said, this is still a must read. Especially if you know little about the rise of opioid use in America and how it developed to be the plaque that it is.

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MUST READ!! Alert 🚨 Alert 🚨 Fascinating dive into the story of the current drug (opiates) epidemic in the US. As a southeast Ohioan, (much of the book was focused on Portsmouth, a town I just returned from today) I found it both revealing and so true. My father in law often talks about Dreamland, the pool, (he grew up in Portsmouth) so I‘m going to have to gift this book for Christmas! 🌟highly recommended

Cinfhen It's high up on my #wishlist 7y
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A fascinating look at America's opiate and heroin epidemic from the doctors who prescribed OxyContin, to addicts, to a rancha of Mexican heroin dealers.

Now y'all see I have a double #tbrbingo. I've chosen one prize (pictured), but I need your help to choose the second! Vote here for what you think it should be.


Note: you can vote for more than one. 😀👍🏻🎉🍾🥂

LauraJ I voted, but just for one. 7y
Megabooks @LauraJ Thanks! 7y
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Finished this a few days ago. It was recommended to me by my former CEO on audio but I honestly felt it detracted for my enjoyment of the book. First, the narrator did not know how to pronounce things in Spanish. For a book with so many Spanish words/ taking place in Mexico, I feel like he should have. I also felt the books was very repetitive. A lot of the same information repeated again and again. But informative and interesting.

Kathrin I had similar thoughts listening to it. 7y
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Oh, and how dare I forget! Littens, say hello to Olive...her humans are close friends of mine, and I am staying with them for a few days. She has a brother, Smoky, which I am sure you will meet soon, too! 😻


Cinfhen Cute 😻😻😻 7y
LauraBeth 😻😻 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 So adorable!!! Hello Olive!❤️ 7y
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rubyslippersreads That face! That little paw! 😻😻😻 7y
Jinjer Sweet Olive! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks So cute!! 😻😻 7y
stacybmartin What a sweetie! 💜 7y
OrangeMooseReads Well hello Olive, you look like a sweet girl that could cause some trouble 😻 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Cute picture! 😻 7y
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I'm back in my hometown for a few days! The area I grew up in - York, PA - is unfortunately known for its high rates of heroin and opiate addiction. Especially in Delta, a small town in York County, and my birth mother's hometown. She died of an opiate overdose in 2009. I felt this was a fitting book to bring along for the trip. 😟

MicheleinPhilly Oh man. You are a much stronger person than I am! I have a tendency to let certain non-fiction books sit on my shelves for YEARS because I don't think I have the emotional fortitude to tackle them. And that's without having a personal connection to the subject matter. Wishing you strength and peace over the next few days. ❤️ 7y
Jinjer This part of Arkansas where I'm living to take care of my 90-yo mom is full of meth. Very sad. 7y
KathyWheeler My husband is from West Virginia, where opiate addiction is very prevalent. My niece was addicted, but, thank God, she was able to overcome it with a lot of help and now takes things day by day. 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage I live in Lancaster County. Waving at you over there. I have Dreamland on my shelf but haven't started it yet. Like @MicheleinPhilly said, I'm putting it off because of personal connections. Our son has been in recovery for a long time, but you just never know. Wishing you a good visit! 7y
alisiakae @MicheleinPhilly I'm not stronger, maybe just at a place and time that I feel ready to tackle the subject. Thank you for your kind words! ☺️ 7y
alisiakae @Jinjer I am sorry to hear that. There are so many parts of the US that are dealing with a very severe epidemic, and I hope our country's policies and programs catch up soon to meet the need. The war on drugs has not been successful, and has actually done tremendous damage. We need a new approach. 7y
alisiakae @KathyWheeler I am glad to hear that your niece is doing better! Addiction impacts so many families. 7y
alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽 Hey over there! 😃 I hope your son continues on the path to recovery. It's a hard path, but it sounds like has a lot of family support. Hugs! 7y
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Yea! A book on my #LitayAtoZ list is on sale on Amazon today. Hopefully they'll be some great ones tomorrow too since it's #PrimeDay

Hooked_on_books It's so, so good. 7y
Reviewsbylola I've been meaning to read this! 7y
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If you have a spare three dollars in your pocket, go buy this e-book now. It's a great introduction to how the heroin epidemic in the United States has really blossomed over the past few years and killed thousands and thousands of people. #ihateheroin #heroinkills #opioidcrisis

Wife Excellent book! I've worked in hospitals for 25 years and watched this epidemic happen. As I was reading, I kept saying "yes, yep, so true, I knew it" ?☠️ 7y
saguarosally @Wife I learned about it when my niece's ex boyfriend died, then I learned more when my niece died. 7y
Wife I'm sorry that happened to your family 😢So many, many people affected in this way. 7y
alisiakae I bought this one during Prime Day. It will be a tough read for me, my birth mother struggled with addiction (heroin in her younger years, pain meds in later years). She died of an accidental overdose at age 50. Her hometown is known for his high rates of heroin addiction. 😢 7y
saguarosally @4thhouseontheleft It's then necessary and may you get through it. 7y
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I think for #scars I'd have to go with two books about scars that have been left on a lot of people, and books that left good scars on me and my thinking.

Dreamland: The opiate/heroin epidemic has left scars on a lot of families, including ones I'm close to.

Evicted: The trail of evictions and poverty has left scars on many Americans and their ability to secure housing.

Two of the best books I read last year! #junetunz

Cinfhen Both are on my TBR, it's a sad sad epidemic 😞 7y
Megabooks @Cinfhen Yes, both are heartbreaking. I hope you get to them. BTW, the audio on both is excellent. 7y
Wife I have read both and totally agree with your recommendation! These really are must reads! 7y
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This connection between the pain pill and heroin epidemic was completely new to me and I am glad I read the book. It does have a ton of good information in it. In the end it's just a so-so rating for me, because I didn't like how the material is organized and felt the language got very repetitive after a while.

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Megabooks One of my favorite books! 7y
tpixie Thus the name 'mother's little helper ' 7y
Hooked_on_books This book is incredible. It is so important right now. 7y
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Amazing picture, amazing wish, amazing dream! 😍😍😍

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It's deceptively chilly outside. I'm going to stay inside and bum myself out, finishing this read....

Reviewsbylola I've been meaning to read this. 7y
bio_chem06 @Reviewsbylola I like it, it's interesting but it's dry, so it's taking me longer than usual to read. 7y
Reviewsbylola I often have that problem with non fic. 7y
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Well, I couldn't understand the British accent in Britt-Marie Was Here while I was cleaning, so I started rereading this. This is one of my favorite pieces of nonfiction journalism and a great choice for #LitsyAtoZ Letter Q! For real #springcleaningreadathon

Reviewsbylola I remember your original review. Yet another book I want to read ASAP!! 7y
EvieBee Ooh! I have this on audible also. 7y
tpixie The Book of Britt was great. Try that version. If you haven't read My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry - read that 1st- where Britt-Marie is introduced. 7y
tpixie Same narrator- so go real or ebook!! 7y
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The face you make after you ran 7 miles in the rain and they black flag the race and tell you to get on the sidewalk, the race is over. I was making my best time and was feeling so great. I'm just going to lay in bed and pout about it, while I read my book. #ibettergetmymedal #capcityhalf

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A very heartbreaking look at the way opiates have affected the lives of so many people, whether users, family members of users, doctors, dealers, cops, etc. It also takes a look at the overwhelming destruction on small-town America. There are some issues with the anecdotal chapters, but I would still give this 4🌟 #stockphoto

Hooked_on_books This book is so good and so informative. It is very necessary. 7y
Megabooks Loved, loved this book! (edited) 7y
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Both horrifying and mind-boggling. Heroin use is a serious issue in my small town (3500 people) in the Midwest. There is a billboard advertising help for opiate addiction as you pull into town. Dreamland gave me a better understanding of the factors influencing this epidemic.

Reviewsbylola Heroin addiction is rampant here as well (I'm in the Midwest too). I work for an attorney that has a lot of appointments in family court and I swear every single case has at least one opiate addicted parent. So sad. 7y
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*Litsy not included in the messiness. Love you all.

Potter6798 This is meeeeeee 7y
annkuch13 So true! And seconding that @litsy is a wonderful exception! Looking forward to your party next week! 7y
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Lmstraubie I made the mistake of looking at Twitter. I then told my husband I would now be disappearing into my book! 😂 7y
RealBooks4ever 💜💜💜 7y
Weaponxgirl Yes, exactly the reason 7y
minkyb Perfect! 7y
valeriegeary 👏 7y
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This was a fantastic look into the opiate epidemic in middle America, and the subsequent rise of heroin in the same area. The author traces each back to the beginnings, providing a parallel set of stories until he combines them in the end. Exceptionally well done and the audio is FANTASTIC.

I listened to this on audio and loved it so much that I bought a hard copy to keep and/or lend out (looking at you, @jpease89 ).

Riveted_Reader_Melissa It's on my #LitsyAtoZ list to read this year! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I have it on my immediate TBR as well! 7y
Reviewsbylola I plan to read this asap! 7y
Wife Great book. The reasons for increase in opiate Rx in America was explained so well. I am in health care and saw it... as I read, I kept saying "yep" "exactly" "true" ????? 7y
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Tea and toast, book and pill --- the sick kit for this morning. I think it's too ambitious of me to think I'll even be able to read with this fever and headache. The skull is to represent me at this moment. 🤒

MaleficentBookDragon I hope you feel better soon. 8y
Chrissyreadit I love your mug! (Feel better!) (edited) 8y
Cinfhen Sorry 😐 feel better💕 8y
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dariazeoli Feel better! 8y
Buddys_Momma Feel better soon! 8y
Weave Get well soon xx 8y
BookHermit No fun. I hope you at least manage to feel well enough to read! 8y
Jas16 Get well soon! 8y
Chelsea.Poole Thank you all sooo much!! ❤️ 8y
DGRachel 😢Feel better! 8y
Dragon Hope the fever breaks and you're feeling better soon 💐 7y
LeahBergen Blech. Feel better soon! 7y
kspenmoll Hope you are well now😃 7y
Chelsea.Poole Thanks again everyone...still trying to shake the head stuff but the fever is over and I've been able to go back to work! 🙌🏻 7y
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Started this audio book as part of #24in48. It started off very strong and I'm looking forward to my drive time this week so that I can finish it. Heroin is a serious problem in my small town (3500 people) and this rings very close to home.

8little_paws 3500 people, wow!! I think if you drew a two block radius around my home (1/4 mile) you'd hit that number. We're packed in 8y
8little_paws Also this is my q book for #litsyatoz 8y
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Listened to this on audio. It was just okay. VERY repetitive stories about how widespread the opiate epidemic has become. Eventually all the small towns started to run together for me. This could have been the length of a This American Life episode but it ran on for hours.

MarticaMustRead Oh nooo! Bummed to hear this since i was hoping it would be a good audio😕. 8y
v_cuev There are definitely very interesting parts. Overall, though it felt repetitive. I was really into it for the first half of the audiobook 8y
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Some #spinepoetry for #24in48! I decided to try and get deep. 📚🙌🏽✌🏽️✊🏽
American Gods shiver
Dreamland, symptoms of being human

readinginthedark Good one! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 👏👏👏 8y
Yamich49 Good one!! 8y
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Chrissyreadit I ❤️ your poem. 8y
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I'm finally ready to post the rest of my epic christmas #bookhaul . I spent quite some time choosing exactly what books I wanted to spend my money on. I'm super excited for all of my new books and I don't even know where to start. 😍

DGRachel Nice! 8y
Desha 😍😍😍🎉🎊🎉 8y
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LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
TheLibrarian Great stack!! 8y
Kristy_K So many good ones! I just bought The Oregon Trail as well. 😁 8y
Moonpa Unmentionable looks so good! 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Woah! Nice haul! 8y
BeersAndBooks I adored Mischling- sad, quiet, hopeful, beautiful. Enjoy!! 8y
ValerieAndBooks Amazing haul!! 8y
Theresa So many good books!! Where will you start? 8y
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I'm finally giving #audiocoloring a try and I have to say, I totally get it now! I wasn't jumping on the colouring bandwagon but when paired with an audiobook, I'm definitely digging it. I might try puzzles next! My main listening time is still when I'm driving, but this is a nice addition. When do you find you listen to audiobooks the most?

lauralovesbooks1 I do audio when driving, cooking, laundry, cleaning, or running. I love audio books (and bookish podcasts too). 8y
Ashley_Nicoletto I love audio coloring! I also listen while cooking, laundry, cleaning, and running. 8y
Ashley_Nicoletto Also, what kind of markers do you use? 8y
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EvieBee When I clean house. It makes me look forward to otherwise annoying chores. Monday's are days I can listen for 6-8 hours straight. 8y
melrailey I listen while I work, clean house, walk, drive. 8y
Jenshootsweddings @Ashley_Nicoletto they're Hobby Lobby brand, twin tips - I figured out that markers are really what makes it for me! 8y
Jenshootsweddings @EvieBee84 I try and listen while I'm doing chores but I find I'm rewinding a lot! 8y
Jenshootsweddings @melrailey it's always been my go to for drives, but I'm trying to incorporate them into day to day life more! 8y
Jenshootsweddings @lauralovesbooks1 I'm so behind on my book podcasts! Probably a good thing for my TBR pile. 8y
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Okay, let's try a run for Michigan again now that it's not storming! Bentley watched intently as I packed the truck and got my audiobook prepped for the ride. The Grumpy Dog had to be coaxed out of the construction zone (which you can see a bit of through the door), so he's not pictured.
Just another part of our long-distance/living apart together marriage ❤

MicheleinPhilly Bentley! 😍 8y
Reviewsbylola Looking forward to Dreamland. 8y
jpease89 Have fun in Michigan! Will miss uuuuu 8y
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Josie Omg that is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. 8y
Cinfhen That Bentley is adorable 😍 8y
B.Reader Is that a cape he is wearing or a bandana? I am hoping for a cape. 8y
ScrappyMags My home state! 💙💛💙💛 8y
Simona Bentley is a very handsome and photogenic dog❣ 8y
britt_brooke Bentley is so handsome!! 8y
Jenshootsweddings @Josie you're so sweet!!! ❤❤ 8y
Jenshootsweddings @Cinfhen thank you! He has his moments! 8y
Jenshootsweddings @B.Reader well since you commented I've been making him wear it as a cape! 8y
Jenshootsweddings @ScrappyMags ooooh! Where are you now? The American is from Detroit, so we split ourtime between MI and 🇨🇦 8y
Jenshootsweddings @britt_brooke @Simona awwww thank you!! ❤ 8y
ScrappyMags @Jenshootsweddings I moved down to South Carolina 8 yrs ago. I love Michigan though always will! 8y
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Another library hold came in. Got a lot of positive recommendations on this one after finishing American Pain.

Reviewsbylola So excited for this one. 8y
RanaElizabeth I'm interested in this but fear it will just make me mad. I've been working in substance abuse research for five years and I've learned to really hate popular media's take on addiction. I'll be interested in your take on this though. 8y
Hooked_on_books It's so good! It's extremely well researched. And @RanaElizabeth I think you'd be happy with it. He points out that it takes years to get over addiction, not 30 days. He displays bad choices by the medical community (which I am a part of) based on bad/erroneous information. I didn't feel he came down on addicts at all. 8y
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RanaElizabeth @Hooked_on_books Good to know! A big part of the research I'm involved in is all about dissemination of knowledge...too many providers just not aware of what's going on. 8y
Hooked_on_books @RanaElizabeth In that case, I think you'd really like this. It shows how the medical community unknowingly created the opiate epidemic. 8y
RanaElizabeth @Hooked_on_books ...and continue to feed the epidemic... 8y
Hooked_on_books @RanaElizabeth Sad but true. In my office/hospital, we've been emphasizing and spreading around the CDC recommendations and those of our health system, which are even tighter. Plus state medical boards are starting to crack down. We're heading in the right direction but have a lot of work to do to try to fix this. 8y
Jenshootsweddings I'm listening to this on audio right now and am absolutely riveted! 8y
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Started this audiobook on my way home from Michigan today. Riveted so far! Relaxing in the tub with it on the speaker above, recharging a bit. Introvert in need of recharging after the holidays! I bet I'm not the only one.

BookishMarginalia No, I'm sure you're not! 💜 8y
Godmotherx5 Oh heck no. You're not the only one. 8y
Reviewsbylola I'm so glad I have two more days off of work so I can recharge too! I am looking forward to this one! 8y
lauralovesbooks1 It took me 3 days of recharging to reset after working retail during the holidays. I love selling books, but my head needs some solitude and rest afterwards. And I just bought this audio --sounds like I should start it on tomorrow's commute. 8y
Jenshootsweddings @lauralovesbooks1 I worked as seasonal help at a bookstore for a few years ... loved it and hated it! And yes, you should! 8y
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#TopReadsof2016 #SeasonsReadings2016 These are the books that were released or won awards in 2016

Best YA by far: The Sun is Also a Star
Honorable mentions in fiction: The Unseen World, Only Love Can Break Your Heart, My Best Friend's Exorcism

Total books read ended up being 243 🎉📚🎉📚🎉

Goal for 2017: Start reading graphic novels/comics 😃

Karen_V Graphic novels & comics have enriched my reading life so much. I bet you'll love them in 2017! 8y
MicheleinPhilly WOW! 👏🏼 8y
Suzze 243! Yay you! Amazing. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 8y
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susanw Yowza! I don't know how you could narrow it down to just those! I'm excited that a bunch of those are on my tbr, so some good ones coming up! 8y
Megabooks @susanw About half of these I read twice this year I enjoyed them so much, the other half were incredibly well written/narrated or evoked a strong emotional response that I can still clearly articulate. I read to be amused, learn, and feel. Most of these books did all three! (edited) 8y
Megabooks @Karen_V I'm so excited to start! 8y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly @Suzze Thanks!! 😊😊 8y
Cinfhen UH.MAY.ZING 🙌🏻💗📚 8y
Reviewsbylola Lots of great books! 8y
Alfoster You are awesome!👏👏 8y
Viji Labgirl was one of my favorites too! 8y
Megabooks @Viji it was so good! 8y
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Ho ho ho. Splurged on a Kindle Paperwhite for myself. Picking up where I left off in this book. I think I might try nonfiction for a while to jog me out of my reading funk.

BookishMarginalia Kindle 💜👍🏼 8y
Alicia That helped me when I was in a slump! Hope you enjoy 😊 8y
Tanzy13 🎄 8y
Christine Good for you!! (Also I loved this book a lot.) 8y
RadicalReader @SarahSDavis I first thought this book was going to be the oops. But this should be quite good 7y
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Not exactly a festive read, but extremely informative about the opiate addiction epidemic in the US. Thanks to @Ebooksandcooks for recommending. I was intrigued by this topic as I work in drug treatment and much of the story talks about Ohio, where I'm from and Kentucky, where I live. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you wonderful Littens! 🎄🎅🏻🎁

Jenshootsweddings I have this on my TBR! 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage On my TBR as well. Book is on the shelf, just need to prioritize. Thanks for the review. 8y
ChasingOm I tried listening to this on audiobook, but the narrarator's mispronunciation of place names (including the town I currently live in) drove me crazy. I need to pick up a physical copy next year... 8y
Megabooks How strange! I started re-listening to this on my drive back to Kentucky today! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's very eye-opening! 8y
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