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Joined September 2016

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Great Plains by Ian Frazier
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Yeah, I would definitely say the last month or so has been very blessed with #bookmail.

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Oh, hello. You didn't miss me on here but I am back. But I did miss Murderbot and I'm glad she is back.

monalyisha 😅😆 6y
readordierachel Welcome back 🤖 6y
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Men Explain Things to Me | Rebecca Solnit
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Second Monday of the month, it's book club night! Bottom is the group read, top is my current read. And the beer is a delicious local stout by Fair State.

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A Plague of Giants | Kevin Hearne
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500+ pages but I flew throught it. Excellent world-building and characters with originality and diversity without ever feeling forced. Epic story with large POV cast that works perfectly. Read this now and get ready to fall in love with a new world.

Honestly, and I've never dared to even think this was possible, but this series could be my Fitz and Fool replacement. It's that good. Hope that Hearne stays in this world for a long time.

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Dear Martin | Nic Stone
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Hot freaking damn. @Schlinkles completely outdid herself, all of these books are perfect. Your goodreads stalking paid off! I can't tell you which book I'm most excited about because they are all awesome but I think I'm gonna start with the tagged book!

melrailey Dear Martin is very, very good. 7y
Schlinkles Yay! I‘m glad you like them! 7y
RanaElizabeth @Schlinkles You did seriously amazing work picking the books. I cannot wait to read the Aaronovitch graphic novel. 7y
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Schlinkles @RanaElizabeth If you like it, I think there are 3 more out. I was really excited that you hadn‘t read them yet. I loved that series and I think the graphic novels are just as good as the novels. 7y
Reviewsbylola Dark Matter!! 7y
silentrequiem That's an amazing stack! 7y
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Oh, guys. The best ending to a series that I've loved all the way, from the start to a beautiful finish. I literally gasped at the final sentences.

Merethebookgal I still need to read Ghostly Echoes first, but I don't want the series to be over! 😩 I'm glad to hear it's a good ending to the series, though. 7y
DGRachel Exactly what @Merethebookgal said👆🏻 7y
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Leviathan Wakes | James S.A. Corey
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I've said it before and I'll say it again a thousand times. I love this series so hard-core. Crazy science, great characters, and heart-pumping action.


Karkar Dude why did they do that to book 5. 😱😱 7y
RanaElizabeth @Karkar I know! Drives me absolutely nuts! 7y
shahn77 That's weird. My copy is the same size as the first four books. That would drive me crazy! 7y
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Melissa_J @shahn77 My copy is the same size as all the rest, too 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
RanaElizabeth @Melissa_J @shahn77 Wait, seriously? Your copies are the bigger size? Ugh. This is why buying books online sometimes sucks. 7y
shahn77 @RanaElizabeth Yep. I had no idea there was a smaller size. I got mine from thriftbooks and I am so glad it is the same size as the rest of the series. I didnt know I needed to worry about it! 7y
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This is what my evening looks like, so I'm in for the night with a great book and breakfast for dinner. Cheers to October snow! ❄❄❄

Tamra Midwest? Me too. Cold Halloween! 🎃 7y
RanaElizabeth @Tamra Yep! Twin Cities. 7y
Tamra @RanaElizabeth 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾 Red Wing! 7y
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RealBooks4ever So pretty! ⛄❄ 7y
CouronneDhiver Pretty! 7y
mrozzz Whoa so soon! 7y
Cathythoughts Beautiful ❤️ 7y
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Great Plains | Ian Frazier
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Reading in the work cafeteria isn't terribly relaxing but at least I'm doing some traveling in my mind with this book. I've done a cross country drive twice and the plains are one of my favorite parts, just so damned big and empty.

LeahBergen This sounds so good. 7y
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Looking for a sweet but spooky fairy tale? How about one set on an island and with creatures from Trinidadian folktales? Middle-grade but definitely not middle of the road boring.

Halloween Hustle | Charlotte Gunnufson
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Going in the mail tomorrow! The wrap job is almost as good as my handrawn Halloween characters!

RadicalReader @RanaElizabeth I seriously cannot stop staring at the leaf wrapping paper never knew such a perfect design existed 7y
RanaElizabeth @RadicalReader Hah! It was on the first page of Amazon results when I typed in fall wrapping paper! 7y
RadicalReader @RanaElizabeth what an AMAZING find you‘ve had with that discovery. Nothing more enjoyable than finding some sensational products online best shopping sprees ever! 7y
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Hallowe'en Party | Agatha Christie
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Look what I got in the mail! Let the waiting impatiently begin!

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Box opening from AfroFuture Books! SF&F from black authors, this is shaping up to be an excellent subscription. Plus, man. Anybody sending me caramel apple candy is gonna be on my good side.

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Difficult Women | Roxane Gay
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This month's #booksandbrews brought to you by a delicious hot toddy as it got quite chilly* today. Bottom is this month's book club pick and top is current read.

*And by chilly, I mean thank-god-I-put-the-flannel-sheets-on-cold.

Booksnchill I dream of Chilly!!! 7y
LeanneAslin I love both of these books (Difficult Women is my fave out the two!) 7y
RanaElizabeth @LeanneAslin I'm really enjoying Difficult Women and I don't usually go for short stories. 7y
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Ship Breaker | Paolo Bacigalupi
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Super excited to get back to this world. Restarting at Ship Breaker in anticipation of Tool of War being published this week.

StaceyKondla I'm excited for this one, too - I have it on pre-order 😊 7y
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Sea of Rust | C. Robert Cargill
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This book was a complete revelation in how robot stories could be written. Told entirely with robot characters (except flashbacks), an amazingly well-built history, and super detailed tech descriptions of the different robot species (?), this is the book of my dreams.

I would compare this to Becky Chambers in the sensitive humanity brought to characters that aren't technically human. I would love to read more about this world.

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Just got this from the library...but can I read it without having watched the movie or read any comics? Any thoughts? Is this truly something that can stand alone?

Yeah_I_Read I really liked it and am not a huge fan of comics. It is definitely good enough to stand on its own. 7y
Yeah_I_Read And I actually watched the movie bc I liked the book but the stories are quite different and I ended up thinking the book was much better 😊 7y
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Leviathan Wakes | James S.A. Corey
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The next book in the Expanse series might not be in the Litsy database as it's not out until December but the library still let me put it on hold. I love putting pre-release titles on hold, I would never cut in line in person but for some reason this feels so tricky, like it's cheating.

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Amazing fall color on my sedum and a book that I hope is amazing. Today's reading promises to be depressing but with great fall blue skies, hard to be too down.

bobregina Beautiful! 7y
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A Dream in Polar Fog | IUrii Sergeevich Rytkheu
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Got my first box from #bookvoyage and so far, so good! Excited to try the teas and the book looks fascinating.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Sometimes starting a new book by a favorite author is terrifying. I'm gonna push through that fear and start this today. Wish me luck!

moranadatter Good luck! 7y
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The Salt Line | Holly Goddard Jones
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Today's reading.

71% excited. 29% percent disappointed that it's not slugs and a literal salt line.

rubyslippersreads 😂😂😂 7y
RealBooks4ever 🤣🤣 I'm curious to read this! 7y
RanaElizabeth @RealBooks4ever So far, it's a lot like Station Eleven (for once, a synopsis comparison seems right). Very character heavy. 7y
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Kaylamburson I really liked this one! Some surprising twists! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk This one is on my radar. 7y
ReadingEnvy Hahaha 7y
readordierachel Ooh, I'm looking forward to this one! 7y
minkyb I hate ticks! 7y
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Finishing out the bottom which was a present from @TheLudicReader last Christmas exchange and starting a favorite author on top. Plus, oh my golly holly, the beer is a sweet potato ale and it is yummy.

TheLudicReader Yay. I hope you've enjoyed it. 7y
Hoopiefoot I'm intrigued by the sweet potato beer! 7y
RanaElizabeth @Hoopiefoot It was by a loval Minneapolis brewery, Indeed. 7y
RanaElizabeth @TheLudicReader It was so great, excellent place setting! 7y
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Stay With Me | Ayobami Adebayo
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Book club picks! From top to bottom: October, November, December, January, and February. Always feels good to have them planned out so people have time for longer library holds and longer books, ahem...the Rothfuss. Such a good looking couple of months!

EvieBee Very nice stack!! 7y
rubyslippersreads Cute 🐢! 7y
TheBookstorePodcast We're doing Stay With Me for October! 7y
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Watching the start of the new Ken Burns documentary on the Vietnam War and I am reminded of one of the best books I've ever read. And the ebook version is on super sale, for only $1.99. If you are fascinated by this part of our history, I highly recommend it.

RanaElizabeth Other amazing books: 7y
RanaElizabeth And of course: 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks for the heads up! 7y
Jinjer Just watched the first episode. Nice historical background piece on how it all got started. I will definitely check out these books! 7y
DGRachel This was such a good book. Gut-wrenching, powerful, disturbing, but so good. 7y
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The Almost Sisters: A Novel | Joshilyn Jackson
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Complete and utter synopsis and cover fail. This book is way, way smarter and deep than everything about it implies. There are some excellent things about race here. Plus, loved how the main character writes comics and that really lays the foundation for the story. I would pay money to read the comics she writes and draws. There is just no way that this cover should have been used for this book.

No_One Wow! Just reading the book description, it sure seems this cover is a miss! I'm glad I read your blurb. It does sound really good but I guess I do still judge books by their covers! 😕📚😊 7y
LauraBeth This is a great review! 7y
RanaElizabeth @No_One The comics she draws are so central to the story and were vividly described, especially with an emphasis on the color purple. Seems like such an odd choice to not connect the cover and the comics. 7y
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minkyb Love this review. 7y
batsy This is such an interesting review. Now I'm curious about the book! 7y
JessReads I hate when that happens! 7y
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In Other Lands | Sarah Rees Brennan
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Complete Con: I had to get out of bed this morning.

Acceptable Pro: The morning glories are still blooming and I get to start this on the commute to work.

Cinfhen The pros sound pretty darn convincing! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I was reading about this one last week. Sounds like my sort of thing and also a bit like the great 7y
RanaElizabeth @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Oh! That looks great! I also really enjoyed this, in the fantasy satire-ish genre. 7y
AlaMich We have had the most amazing morning glory vines this summer but only TWO—count 'em—TWO blooms. So weird... 7y
RanaElizabeth @AlaMich We rented our current place in March and the entire side fence is covered in morning glories. Such a fantastic surprise, we've had a ton of blooms all summer. 7y
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Mudbound | Hillary Jordan
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I know there are some Mudbound fans here that will appreciate this news, coming to screens in November. If you haven't read this yet, I urge you to do so. Even after many years since I originally read it, Mudbound sticks with me as perhaps top ten books ever.

RealBooks4ever Been meaning to read this!! 😻 7y
susanw This book! It has stayed with me all these years too. It should be read by far more people. 7y
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Stopped into a local comics shop for the bottom two and the top came in the mail. Pork belly and fennel is in the oven. This is shaping up to be a great fall Saturday.

Centique Yum, pork belly and fennel! 7y
Bookish.Heart I love Ms. Marvel! 7y
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What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton
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True Confession. I bought the ebook version because I don't know if I'm strong enough to read this in hardback on the train. I can totally bet that I would get some very negative comments and I can't handle that.

Jess7 I can't wait to read this. I prefer ebooks but I think this is one that I want to own in hardback to display in my home. That being said I'm a strong supporter of #HRC and I want people to know it! :-) This would be a great post for #FeministFriday of #AwesomeAutumnBooks - I hope you will join the fun with the daily photo challenges! 7y
Jess7 Heads up: #HRC will be speaking live on CSPAN beginning at 7 pm EST about the 2016 presidential race and her book #WhatHappened 7y
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Stay With Me | Ayobami Adebayo
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This month's #mylitbox is a super surprise as the book is actually October's book club pick. And oddly, the boyfriend was super excited for the smudge stick and has already used it.

The Prey of Gods | Nicky Drayden
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Calling all my fellow friends in Weird. The plot summary does not even come close to capturing the wtf-ness that is this book. If you're looking to get your mind blown, this is it.

Sue I'm waiting impatiently for this to come out in Australia - only a couple more weeks! 7y
RanaElizabeth @Sue Just from the first fifty pages, it will be worth the wait! 7y
RealBooks4ever Want! 💜 7y
readordierachel Loved this one. It was bananas. 7y
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In Other Lands | Sarah Rees Brennan
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When somebody you admire recommends a book on Twitter, the only possible outcome is to immediately go buy it.

Stone Sky | N K Jemisin
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Timed my re-read perfectly for today's release of The Stone Sky, I'm about halfway through The Obelisk Gate. And man, I am amazed all over again at the world-building and originality. So excited to finish this story!

BillBlume The series has been brilliant. Started the third book tonight! 7y
RanaElizabeth @BillBlume Love to hear your thoughts! Three-peat for the Hugo? 7y
BillBlume I really hope that's what will happen. Just started the third book last night. There's such a confidence in her writing, total comfort in this huge story she's writing. Just amazing! 7y
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Pachinko | Min Jin Lee
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Book club night! And while I'm finishing this sans cover as it was getting torn in my bag...I did now finally, finally realize that the cover is a pachinko machine. #booksandbrews

DivineDiana Now, if I only knew what a pachinko machine was?!?🤔 7y
RanaElizabeth @DivineDiana Plinko on The Price Is Right is based off of it, if that helps. 7y
Cinfhen I googled it @DivineDiana 7y
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RanaElizabeth @Cinfhen @DivineDiana That was what finally clued me in. I had a general idea but they were much fancier with colors and lights than I thought. 7y
RealBooks4ever The game is addictive!! 😄 7y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen 👍🏻 7y
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Hey! @Tiffy_Reads Given your love of the tagged book...I'm betting you'll get a giggle out of this amazing Twitter conversation. And everybody needs more giggles, right?

LiteraryinLawrence That is SO funny!! Thanks for sharing the link! 7y
jpmcwisemorgan Oh, this was on of the best Twitter threads ever. I think it got a little news attention too. 7y
RanaElizabeth @jpmcwisemorgan It definitely got attention! Which was amusing because Sam Sykes is just generally hilarious and is always doing stuff like this. He is totally worth a follow. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan Yes, I'm follow my him now. Bookish Twitter is actually pretty good. 7y
RanaElizabeth @jpmcwisemorgan Bookish Twitter is the best! Besides all the smarts and giggles, it's fascinating to watch authors be friends and talk to and support each other. 7y
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Needed a palate cleanser between finishing The Expanse published works and starting The Broken Earth series again in anticipation of the third coming out this month. True crime non-fiction seems like a good break.

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Babylon's Ashes | James S A Corey
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My binge read is almost over with about a hundred pages left in my current read, this is the last of the published books in the Expanse series. Number seven isn't out until October. I know that I've raved and raved about this series but seriously, epic science fiction. Great world-building, great science foundation, and amazing character development. Rocinante forever.

EvieBee So in looking up the series, I realized I purchased the first book awhile ago!! Can't remember what prompted me to. Will have to look it over. 7y
RealBooks4ever I'm so behind in this series!! ☹️ Loved Leviathan Wakes! 💜 7y
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What We Lose | Zinzi Clemmons
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A very, very good month for #mylitbox. Super excited for this book. And love the little pencil bag!

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Pretty excited for all of this. Great book, an amazing pastie, and fresh veggies at the market.

Zelma Excellent start to the day. That pasty looks yummy! 7y
tpixie Perfect! Trifecta!! 7y
RanaElizabeth @Zelma It is so, so good. There are several food trucks and I've gotten the same chicken pastie each time. 7y
EvieBee Looks delicious! I so want to read this book! Keep us posted and let us know if needed Kleenex! 7y
RanaElizabeth @EvieBee I already got the first small sniffles at page four! I'm a crier so this will definitely be an experience! 7y
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August 15th! So, when do I start my reread of the first two? Take into account I've got Pachinko book club on the 14th and am working on finishing The Expanse series. Ack, soon!

tea.n.books Ahhh!! I can't believe it's finally coming out! I'm not ready!! 7y
bookwrm526 Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! 7y
readordierachel So stoked!!! A reread of the first 2 is a great idea. 7y
RanaElizabeth @ReadOrDieRachel I've started doing this with a lot of trilogies, it makes the second or third so much easier to read if the story is recent in my head. 7y
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Hello, Hello | Fumiko Takeshita, Jun Takabatake
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1. St. Paul, MN. In my kitchen, watching the baby bunnies eat my flowers in the back yard.
2. Best is tough. One that I wanted to scream at people to read? Fact of a Body.
3. The rest of the Expanse series. I'm on five and I'm not stopping until I hit the end.
4. Cornwall, Kellerman, etc. Loved going to the library to get books to share with mom.
5. American Gods, because of Swearengen.
6. See number three.

slhbooks @RanaElizabeth My baby bunnies ate my marigolds yesterday. Guess I needed to refresh the bunny repellent😬 7y
RanaElizabeth @slhbooks Hah, I'm more than happy to let them eat my flowers if it means I get to watch their fluffy butts. 7y
kspenmoll My niece just moved to St. Paul in late June- hope to visit one day! 7y
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Cibola Burn | James S.A. Corey
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A half-hour on the train going to work, a half-hour at lunch, a half-hour on the train coming home, and maybe if I'm lucky an hour at home after dinner and before bed. It is just not enough when people's lives are at risk. People that I have come to care deeply for. My kingdom for a reading vacation.

minkyb It would be nice to be able to hit pause for life instead of the book! 7y
AlaMich I just downloaded Leviathan Wakes after watching a few episodes of the Expanse. Can't wait!! 7y
RanaElizabeth @AlaMich Careful...I read the first one and then I couldn't stop and have read them all straight through almost. 7y
AlaMich @RanaElizabeth I'd probably have to read them straight thru to keep track of the characters and plot. 7y
RanaElizabeth They are told in lots (like four or five) of POV. Normally I hate that because I can't keep track either. But I have had no problems here. I think partly because I watched the first season so had a real steong sense of what the characters look like but also because each character is strongly realized. The character building is really good. 7y
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Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above on the case. Like a book made of lace.

Jess7 Pretty! 7y
Christine Love it!! Not the least of reasons why being the sloth and elephant presence, as they are my favorites. ❤️ 7y
LauraKath SO PRETTY! 7y
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Rachbb3 7y
batsy Lovely! 7y
RanaElizabeth @Jess7 @Christine @LauraKath @Rachbb3 @batsy Thanks, guys! Highly recommend the string lights, it's the kind on copper wire. So much easier to hide than those ugly plastic wires. 7y
Jess7 You're welcome. It is super pretty and tranquil. 7y
EvieBee 😻😻😻😻 7y
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Nemesis Games | James S.A. Corey
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Most disappointing #bookmail ever. WTF, man, WTF. What happened to book 5? Why do publishers do this? It's just so aesthetically unpleasant. I could get over the title to author to title switch but the size change is just awful. And they are all about the same number of pages so that's not the issue.

melrailey Oh my! 7y
Balibee146 Hate this too! 7y
Owlizabeth 👎🏼 7y
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LauraBrook Ugh, I HATE this!!!!! Why, publishers, WHY!!?!?!?!!!! 😡😡😡 7y
AlaMich That's just wrong!! It's one of the things I'm a bit compulsive about. 😠 7y
minkyb Awful 7y
GypsyKat Oh! That's the worst!!!! 😡😡😡 7y
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Abaddon's Gate | James S.A. Corey
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Holy mary mother of aliens! Did you ever finish a book on such a cliffhanger that your body gets itchy with adrenaline to start the next? I finished the second on the train this morning and had to wait through work to get home to start the third. And thank freaking god I had the third waiting for me. And now I'm off to Amazon to buy out the rest of the series, just in case of more big cliffhangers.

melrailey I just recently bought the first book but haven't started it yet so I'll have to keep this in mind! 7y
RanaElizabeth @melrailey They're so good! For such beefy books, the story flies. 7y
ChasingOm 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 7y
RanaElizabeth @ChasingOm You created a monster sending the first! 7y
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1. Beer. All day, every day.
2. Definitely covers. At least then I would end up with pretty bookcases.
3. Beeeeeeach.
4. Fantasy!
5. Rochester, as then maybe I'll get to hang out on the moors.

Kalalalatja Those moors do sound pretty awesome 👌 7y
Sassy_Steph 1. Wine
2. First page
3. Beach
4. Realistic
5. Mr. Darcy
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Jamberry | Bruce Degen
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No books today...just lots of berries. But one time, my mom and I made a ton of jelly and labeled it all using images from one of my favorite children's books, Jamberry.

Simona 😍😍😍😍Blueberries are my favorite fruits in any form 😋😋😋 7y
RanaElizabeth @Simona Apples are my fave as they are the most diverse for baking and cooking. But blueberries are my fave eating fruit. Love to snack on frozen ones. 7y
ReadingEnvy Blueberry picking always makes me think of 7y
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RealBooks4ever Lovely! 😻💜 7y
RanaElizabeth @ReadingEnvy Anything by McCloskey! 7y
minkyb Jamberry! I can still recite it by heart. One of my daughter's all time favorites. (She is 29 now) 7y
EvieBee So cool!!! 7y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Having one of those horrible, no good, very bad days. I just want to take my grumpy butt home and check back in with my friends on the Rocinante and make sure they are okay.

cobwebmoth *hugs* 7y
Eyelit 💜💜💜 7y
LazyLibrary 🙌 7y
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Early for a (friend) date means ya'll get a #booksandbrews post! This book is so amazing and so is my cherry wheat!

LeahBergen This sounds good! 7y
LeahBergen (Both of them 😉). 7y
RanaElizabeth @LeahBergen Both are! And even better together! 🍺📚 7y
batsy Ooh, I really want to read this! 7y
Smangela Yum! 7y
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