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Blanc Mortel
Blanc Mortel: roman | Robert Galbraith
Lorsque Billy, un jeune homme perturb, vient demander laide du dtective priv Cormoran Strike pour enquter sur un crime dont il pense avoir t tmoin durant son enfance, Strike est perplexe. Billy, de toute vidence, est psychologiquement instable et ne parvient pas se souvenir de nombreux lments concrets. Il semble nanmoins sincre et son histoire crdible. Mais avant que Strike nait le temps de linterroger, Billy, paniqu, parvient senfuir. Afin de percer le mystre de lhistoire raconte par Billy, Strike et Robin Ellacott autrefois son assistante et dsormais sa partenaire lagence sengagent sur un chemin sinueux travers les bas-fonds de Londres jusqu un sanctuaire secret au cur du Parlement, puis dans un magnifique mais sinistre manoir de la campagne anglaise. Alors que lenqute savre labyrinthique, la vie de Strike est galement loin dtre rectiligne : sa nouvelle notorit en tant que dtective lempche dsormais doprer en sous-main, comme son habitude. De plus, sa relation avec son ancienne assistante devient plus prilleuse que jamais Robin lui est certes indispensable professionnellement, mais leur relation personnelle se complique de jour en jour... Blanc mortel nous propose la fois un mystre captivant et un nouvel pisode haletant de lhistoire de Cormoran Strike et Robin Ellacott. Le livre le plus romanesque de Robert Galbraith.
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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My goodness what a long book! It probably didn't help that I was rushing a bit as I have several other library books I need to finish soon. A complex plot as usual, and I'm becoming more invested in the development of Cormoran and Robin than the cases to be honest! Enjoying the setup of the environment as it makes me feel like I'm traveling in the UK as well.

#harrypotter #mystery #cormoranstrike4

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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When this book was published, I was new to Litsy, and it seemed as though everyone was waiting with baited breath for its release. And everyone was posting their reviews. I decided to investigate the series and checked out the first book from my public library via Libby. I enjoyed the first three books but there was a tremendous waiting for this, the fourth. At some point I learned about JK Rowling‘s negative views about trans people. (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 So I chose not to listen to any more of her books. Recently, I decided that I can still enjoy the product of a problematic author, actor, musician…. I just don‘t have to give those people my money. So when my hold comes through on the fifth book in the series, I will be reading it. Hopefully, I even will enjoy it. Parts of Lethal White move a little slowly, but overall I give it a good recommendation. 10mo
Reggie Lol, that‘s why when my friends ask if they should read Harry Potter I say yes, but only if they steal them. 10mo
CatLass007 @Reggie Yes!! 10mo
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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You know it's good when the plot is nearly secondary to the writing and characters! These just keep getting better 💙 Also, peony season is my fave 😍

PaperbackPirate Beautiful flowers! 😍 11mo
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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I listened to the audio and thought it was really good. I did miss a couple of things near the beginning, so I was briefly confused, but I got past that. And for the most part, I really liked it and wanted to know how this was going to play out (and how are these two stories connected?). Although I have to admit sometimes I find the personal stuff going on in these books to me just as interesting or more interesting that the mystery itself!

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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The weather is gorgeous in N Ireland at the mo, so lots of reading in the garden in these lovely warm, bright evenings 🌤💛

TheSpineView ❤️ this series 12mo
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Another great Strike novel. It is 2am and I am just now going to bed because I had to finish it. So yeah, I recommend it.

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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I enjoyed this a lot more than book 3 - less graphic, several fun situations (bugging the House of Commons, anyone?) & much more Robin and Corm. As always, Robert Glenister does an amazing job with the audio.

But I‘m stepping away from this series now before it starts to annoy me. This one was overlong as it was - afraid 900 pages of less-than-comfortable reading in print because I don‘t use audible any more is just not happening. So long, C & R!

Cathythoughts I really liked Robin and Corm in the one I read … but tooooo long. Too time consuming. 2y
rockpools @Cathythoughts Exactly that. It‘s a great dynamic - but in all honesty, I‘m not that bothered about the murder storylines, certainly not 23-hours-bothered, so… Onwards! 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
erzascarletbookgasm It‘s been so long since I last finished book 3, I‘ve sort of forgotten the complex relationship between Robin and Cormoran. I don‘t know if I‘ll pick this up 🤔 2y
rockpools @erzascarletbookgasm I did enjoy it. But feel like I‘m ending on a high note, stopping here. 2y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Dug this out of the depths of my Audible library, where it‘s been lurking since it first came out. I gave up my Audible subscription a while back (and it has to be said, this series on audio is great), and I don‘t think I‘ll want to read book 5, so this‘ll be my farewell to Robin and Cormoran. It‘s good to be back with them for now though!

Cathythoughts Enjoy ! I‘d love to see the TV series. 2y
rockpools @Cathythoughts I haven‘t caught up with that yet either (I‘m rubbish at tv series!) 2y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Bk7 of January 2022 & #JumpStart2022 & Bk3 of #JoyousJanuary #readathon is done. The 4th in the Cormaran Strike series, it isn‘t my favourite so far but it was still a good read. A mentally unwell young man asks Strike & Robin to investigate his memory of a murder. Lots of twists & turns & the interplay between Robin, her new husband & Strike was also entertaining. #BookspinBingo #SeriesRead2022 #BeatTheBacklist #ChunksterChallenge #ShelfOfShame👇

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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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2021 ended with this 💎! Character development, the excitement of the chase, difficult decisions and punchy dialogue reminds me how much I enjoy this series, despite the reputation of the author. Detective work and drama on a finer level, for the pleasure of this #bookworm. #recentlyread #nospoilers ❤️📚

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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#LethalWhite #RobertGalbraith #BookBingo #StackingTheSeries #SeriesRead2021

4th book in the series. Private detective Cormoran Strike and his secretary Robin Ellacott are back together as Robin and Matthew‘s marriage seems to be crumbling. There‘s blackmail happening in Westminster and they are investigating. A couple of unique characters in Billy who is schizophrenic and Della Wynn, a London minister for sports.

EadieB The 22 hour audio was a great listen but could have been shorter. J.K. Rowling is a great storyteller. Now looking forward to book 5. 3y
Twainy I enjoy these audiobooks. 🖤 the narration is great. 3y
EadieB @Twainy I agree! 3y
TheSpineView I enjoyed all the books. Book 5 is my favorite. Looking forward to #6. 3y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith

I am a saver of books and there are a few authors I want to really take my time to anticipate and savour their work. Galbraith is one of these. I was given this two years ago and to be honest I wasn‘t planning to read for awhile but the release of the book episode as the next instalment in C.B. Strike forced my hand. Finished this on Thursday so started the first episode last night. Loving it

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Finally, I read the fourth novel about #CormoranStrike ! The plot is incredibly cheerful and dynamic, even though almost half of the book is occupied by the inner experiences of the characters and their relationships with former, present and future partners.In general, this is a great pastime, without boredom and long reflections. It's perfectly readable and causes only positive emotions!

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Strike and Robin! Like Han Solo and Leah. The saga continues and it‘s worth every page.

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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#FestiveFilms @Klou
Day 16: Lethal Weapon

Klou 👍❤📚 3y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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This series grows on me more and more with each book. I‘m very picky about my police procedurals, but I could hang out with Robin and Strike forever. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
+21 for #teamreadnosedreindeer

Penny_LiteraryHoarders This one was so great! I have the next one and maybe I'll read over the holidays?? 3y
Gezemice I loved this one, too! Just finished Troubled Blood, and it is even better! 3y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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lmao I‘m sorry, but this killed me (no pun intended)! A turnip for a head?! I can‘t even 😂

#LethalWhite #RobertGalbraith

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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I‘m home! Cervantes to Denmark WA. Cool signs on the road, a hello Perth/goodbye Perth drive-by, and a very happy cat (and human)!!!

Listened to Lethal White by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling.) Actually re-listening because the next in the series has just been published. I love to listen to this series because the narrator, Robert Glenister, is unbelievably good.

bookandbedandtea Looks like a great road trip! I, too, really enjoy the narrator of this series and I'm looking forward to listening to the next one. 4y
BookwormDownUnder @bookandbedandtea His voice is hypnotic! And he does all the accents so well. Uh oh, I think I have a crush on him! 😛 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Just finished a reread of the series before release of the fifth book. Lethal White is one of the weaker mystery installments with too many seemingly disjointed threads and not enough of an emotional touchstone to stay as invested.
That said, I enjoyed watching Strike and Robin's friendship develop and open up again. I am looking forward to the next!

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Attention UK Strike fans! Lethal White starts at 9pm! I swear there‘s been no advertising, I‘ve not seen a thing!

Kimberlone OMG! How am I going to watch this in the US?!!!!! 4y
squirrelbrain There‘s been a tiny bit of advertising but you would have thought it would have been heavily plugged as there‘s nothing new on at the mo. I‘m already on the sofa under a blanket....waiting!.... 4y
LoveToReadLiveToRead @Kimberlone hopefully it‘ll be on for you soon! Have the other ones been aired? 4y
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LoveToReadLiveToRead @squirrelbrain I‘m ready and waiting too! Just going squeeze in an episode of Cobra Kai first....🤛🏻🤜🏻 4y
squirrelbrain My hubby is watching the Lego programme first! 4y
LoveToReadLiveToRead @squirrelbrain oh I‘m recording that! 4y
Kimberlone @LoveToReadLiveToRead yes, I think on Starz, you have to have a subscription. I will have to look when the new season is supposed to air 4y
CarolynM Looking forward to it. Tom Burke😍 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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I hope they end up together 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Kimberlone If there isn‘t forward moment in the 5th book I am going to go crazy! They are clearly meant to be together 😖 4y
MirandaLeighBee @Kimberlone right?! That‘s what I‘m saying! 4y
vlwelser I love these characters. And I totally agree. 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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On to the next mystery 🕵🏻‍♀️ With the new one on preorder, time to get cracking on this one...it‘s gonna be a good one 🥰

#WhatImCurrentlyReading #LethalWhite #RobertGalbraith #MurderMystery

BookwormDownUnder Can't wait for the new one!!!!
MirandaLeighBee @BookwormDownUnder me neither!! 😍😍😍 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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The story line was interesting, a little hard to follow at times, but engaging none the less. Some of the actions of characters felt frustrating at times, but in the end it all worked out. Otherwise, it‘s a great book in the next series! #cormoranstrike #galbraith #lethalwhite⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Another of the Cormoran Strike mystery novels. I enjoyed this one like I did the last. I‘m glad Robin finally got rid of her horrid husband. That‘s one pet peeve that someone so strong and smart sticks around so long with a douche. I am ready for Robin to get with Cormoran already since we all know that‘s where the future is heading!

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Strong, but not as strong as previous books in the series. Still, I love Strike and Robin, and the developments in their personal lives, as well as professional lives.

JKR, as always, meticulously researched this book.

Solid 4 star read

17 Hours on the #24B4Monday clock.
@Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72

Patchshank I love this series. Can't wait for the next book to come out in September. 4y
Andrew65 Great time! 👏👏👏🙌 4y
Crazeedi You're doing awesome!👏💚 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Painted some small shelves and a stool this afternoon.

3 hours of audiobooks

#24B4Monday @Andrew65 @jb72 @SumisBooks

Cathythoughts Nice work 👍🏻❤️ 4y
julesG @Cathythoughts Thanks. Something I've wanted to do for ages. I've got a large wooden bench to paint next. I might wait for the return of the grumpy teenager to help me do it, though. 4y
Cathythoughts I got paint before the lockdown with great intentions ..... still havnt opened the paint .. you‘re inspiring me 👍🏻 4y
julesG @Cathythoughts Audio-painting is great. The weather is nice, I did it outside. You should get your brush and paint out. 💪 4y
Andrew65 A great start 👏👏👏 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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This series keeps getting better and better.

kspenmoll How are you? Heard about Nova Scotia‘s tragedy- anywhere near you? Sending ❤️ 4y
Shemac77 I am well; thank you. Nova Scotia isn‘t that big so everything is near you no matter where you are. It‘s awful. Thank you for the love. It is appreciated more than you know. 💚. @kspenmoll 4y
kspenmoll I am so sorry. Take care-I know your job is to care for others. Thinking of you- hope you are well protected re Covid as well. We need all the love, kindness, we can get right now. 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Reading before bed after a loooong day.

mcctrish I love this series 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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#ispy with my little eye, a book with a green cover @Mitch

Can you find a book with a purple cover? @Caroline2 @RachelO @jenniferw88 @julesG

Mitch 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 4y
julesG Thanks for the tag. I'll go and inspect the stacks, I'd better take that duster with me. Two birds,... 4y
Caroline2 Oh thanks for tag...looking now... 👀 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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#24in48 #stayhome24in48 finished this tonight. Headed to bed for a fresh start in the morning.

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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“ Happiness, dear Rebecca, means first and foremost the calm joyous sense of innocence. “ - Henrik Ibsen, Rosmersholm
#strike #quotes #lethalwhite #cormoranstrike #robinellacott #4thbook #lastbook

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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Some good news. 🎉🎊🎉 Macmillan stopped being a dick and backed out of the 8 weeks delay plan for libraries to get ebooks citing the coronavirus as the reason. Let's see if the other companies will follow suit. I'm glad to know Macmillan will stop being greedy when shit hits the fan. I just wonder how long it will last.

KathyWheeler I‘m just afraid they‘ll reinstate this bs plan after this 4y
Patchshank @KathyWheeler I'm sure they will. According to them libraries cost them too much money in book sales. 4y
KathyWheeler @Patchshank As a librarian, I don‘t believe they are right. 4y
Sweetkokoro It‘s so disgusting how prior to the virus they said “libraries ruin our sales” now here they are saying “libraries will give us our sales” It‘s such an ugly thought process. It‘s proof they aren‘t concerned about people being able to access their products. I hope many get to take advantage of this change while it‘s in place, I feel they will reinstate the bs plan when this is all over with. 4y
Patchshank @KathyWheeler As a library patron I don't believe they are right. Just greedy. @Sweetkokoro I'm sure they will reinstate it. Libraries should take advantage of this while they can. They will probably get a large boost in sale from libraries since everyone is getting laid off and won't be able to afford books. Everything comes down to money. They don't care about anything else. 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Timely quote from today‘s reading.

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Even though this book hurt my hands while holding the behemoth, I really enjoyed the book. I enjoyed it so much I was having dreams about the characters!

I can‘t wait for the next book to come out. Now I kind of want to watch the show 😆.


Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Breakfast and my current read.

I complained when the first book in this series was over 400 pages 😂 and this one is 650!

Does anyone else hands hurt when they read hardback books with more than 400 pages? 🙋🏽‍♀️

#currentlyreading #morningramblings

julesG Yes. That was one of the reasons why I got a kindle. No more tennis-arm from reading my doorstoppers. 4y
Hooked_on_books Heck, my hands even hurt reading a recent 600+ page paperback! (edited) 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Vacation read 🌺🌴☀️

It‘s a good one ❤️

Exuma, Bahamas

HannaPolkadots That looks so awesome!🤩 4y
PNWBookseller85 Love that series!!! 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Annnnnnd Book Outlet had a sale....


Cupcake12 Wow 👀 question is...which one first? (edited) 4y
wanderinglynn Excellent haul! 🙌🏻 I liked Puddin‘ and How to Walk Away. And several of those are on my TBR. 4y
PathfinderNicole I loved Welcome to Night Vale! 4y
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Read-y_Picker Love this! Trying to ignore the part about the Book Outlet sale though lol 🤓 📖📕📗📘📙🥴 4y
Mariposa_Bookworm @Read-y_Picker FYI...BookOutlet frequently has sales...just saying😌 4y
Read-y_Picker @Mariposa_Bookworm oh I am painfully aware of that 😂 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Not so much a review as a spoiler-laden discussion for people who‘ve already read the book, this is meant to complement my earlier post on the first three #CormoranStrike novels: https://www.artkavanagh.ie/Robert-Galbraith-Lethal-White.html

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Good: Some good quotes. Dealt with an abusive relationship well, very poignant to past experiences. It was an intriguing and atmospheric novel.

Bad: I already felt weird reading it after Rowling‘s TERF comment... then she had a character whom she referred to as a “boy-girl.” Even in case of mistaken identity, never okay to use that term. Very bored with the romance plot, and the plot was eh in general.

Overall: Not worth 600+ pages.

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Cannot wait for the next one

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Who‘s excited for the new book? 🎉🙋🏻‍♀️

Bookwormjillk Just pre ordered it. Can‘t wait. 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Excellent! It's hard to give a detailed review as it is a "whodunit" but the pace of the book and the ending left me satisfied. I keep coming back to these mysteries because of the complicated dynamics between Cormoran and Robin more so than the crime they're trying to solve...Excited to have finished my February #BookSpin choice! I'm going to try for the #SecondSpin! @TheAromaofBooks

Kayla.Adriena P.s I've replaced the #12 slot with another unfinished Ebook--so my list is ready for March! 4y
Kayla.Adriena @TheAromaofBooks was the #DoubleSpin for this month #1 ? 4y
TheAromaofBooks Love mysteries where the recurring characters are the best part!! Glad to see your list is updated and ready to go! 😁 And yes, no. 1 is the #doublespin number for the month!! 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Off of work until the middle of next week.! #Readingbuddy #Petsoflitsy #Dogsoflitsy #beaglesoflitsy

ju.ca.no looks so comfy! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Aww! That looks like pure comfort! 🐶❤️ 4y
Kayla.Adriena @ju.ca.no @OriginalCyn620 she could stay like that forever too but eventually I have to use the bathroom 😬 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Enjoy ❤️❤️ 4y
Crazeedi Look at that sweet face!😍🐶 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 When does it end??! Relationships are complicated, so who are we to judge why people stay in them but FFS! (my favorite saying..for f*ck sakes)

Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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🤢🤢🤢 Echoing what others have already said here on Litsy..but Matthew is deeesgusting

Bklover And Robin makes me nuts! “I‘ll wear the gray”. Yuck. 4y
Kayla.Adriena @Bklover tell me there's a point where she's had ENOUGH 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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My #BookSpin choice! It was the only ebook on the list! What are the odds it was chosen 🤔 I have several unread ebooks...not as many as physical. Excited to be using my kindle again! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Next month I might do all Kindle reads for my list. I have a habit of picking them up for free and then never reading them! 😋 4y
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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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A little lengthier than I generally like my mysteries to be, and I found the ending to be a bit confusing, but still a good addition to the series. I‘m in love with the characters so gonna have a hard time waiting for book 5.

tokorowilliamwallace I probably would prefer my mysteries to be on the lengthy side. I'm in the middle a 700-page Elizabeth George volume, and love that Larsson gives us so much room for his incredible sense of context! I've considered these primarily because of their lengths, but I'm still not sure if I want to experiment with the series yet, even though there's volume two currently available at my most frequented resale charity shop. 2y
WordyForever Like the HP series, they tend to get longer as the series goes on. The first few were manageable. But I haven‘t even started the latest yet 2y
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