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You Like It Darker
You Like It Darker: Stories | Stephen King
41 posts | 20 read | 5 reading | 9 to read
From legendary storyteller and master of short fiction Stephen King comes an extraordinary new collection of twelve short stories, many never-before-published, and some of his best EVER. You like it darker? Fine, so do I, writes Stephen King in the afterword to this magnificent new collection of twelve stories that delve into the darker part of lifeboth metaphorical and literal. King has, for half a century, been a master of the form, and these stories, about fate, mortality, luck, and the folds in reality where anything can happen, are as rich and riveting as his novels, both weighty in theme and a huge pleasure to read. King writes to feel the exhilaration of leaving ordinary day-to-day life behind, and in You Like It Darker, readers will feel that exhilaration too, again and again. Two Talented Bastids explores the long-hidden secret of how the eponymous gentlemen got their skills. In Danny Coughlins Bad Dream, a brief and unprecedented psychic flash upends dozens of lives, Dannys most catastrophically. In Rattlesnakes, a sequel to Cujo, a grieving widower travels to Florida for respite and instead receives an unexpected inheritancewith major strings attached. In The Dreamers, a taciturn Vietnam vet answers a job ad and learns that there are some corners of the universe best left unexplored. The Answer Man asks if prescience is good luck or bad and reminds us that a life marked by unbearable tragedy can still be meaningful. Kings ability to surprise, amaze, and bring us both terror and solace remains unsurpassed. Each of these stories holds its own thrills, joys, and mysteries; each feels iconic. You like it darker? You got it.
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I always have such a hard time reviewing story collections, but I‘m getting smarter: this time I rated each story as I finished it and tried to average.

I truly enjoyed every story at least a little. Two of them were legitimately scary/creepy, but all of them were dark (as promised). Cujo characters and Duma Key making an appearance (in the same story!) = very cool, and Danny Coughlin‘s Bad Dream is 5⭐️ perfection all by itself.


AmyG I look forward to this. I am not a fan of short stories but I love his…and Ann Patchett‘s essays. 6d
TrishB Great summary 👍🏻 6d
Roary47 That‘s a great idea! 🤩 6d
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I'm a Stephen King fan so this review is a bit biased. I enjoyed all the stories in this book. Some were more memorable than others but overall I really enjoyed all of them. My favorite was the story titled "Rattlesnakes". Whether you're a fan of King or not, it's a great book of stories.

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Definitely not my favorite Stephen King collection but still a soft pick. My favorite stories were Rattlesnakes and The Answer Man. Rattlesnakes was by far the scariest story to me and had that great combo of terror and the supernatural I love. The Answer Man was just plain creepy! The rest were ok but not really all that “dark” to me. Will still read everything he writes 🤣! 🌟🌟🌟

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Haven‘t read King in a while, and I was already biased toward this one since I prefer his shorter works to most of his novels. There were two that fell flat for me, but over all, I really enjoyed this. I loved Danny Coughlin‘s Bad Dream, The Turbulence Experts, and Laurie, and the nods to Flannery O‘Connor and Len Deighton - had to go back and reread A Good Man is Hard to Find. The move toward older MCs was nice; write what you know, right?

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I thoroughly enjoyed this. Some of the stories have already started to fade in my memory, but some will live forever. Danny Coughlin‘s Bad Dream is hands down my favorite; I couldn‘t put it down, racing to the end to find out what happens. However, I did DNF Rattlesnakes; the grief in that one was too much for me. I haven‘t read Cujo, knowing the end, and this sequel was…sad. I hear if you stick with it, it‘s fantastic and creepy.

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Soft pick. Not really SK at his best. Most of the short stories were enjoyable enough, but not memorable. The line editors and/or researchers could have done their jobs better, because there are some glaring mistakes in several stories. That said, the two novellas were solid. One of them (featuring a character from Cujo) really creeped me out. And there were a couple of other stories that might linger for a while.

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Library hold came in, so my weekend is made.
Having lived in Florida, I‘m hoping this giant land alligator stays put. 🐊

vivastory If it's a King story, I'm guessing not 🙃 ☠ 3w
Aimeesue @vivastory Yeah, the odds are definitely against me here. Now I‘m just hoping she eats someone I don‘t like. 😄 (edited) 3w
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peaKnit Love Will Patton as the narrator of his books! 4w
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Everyone is scattered about today doing their own thing, leaving me to find time to paint and audiobook the newest Stephen King. Clearly I would not be able to paint without my little helper.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🐾🖤 4w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4w
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In most short story collections, a couple of the stories are great, most are good, and a few are disappointing. Not Uncle Stevie‘s stories! Every single story had me absorbed and racing to get to the ending. I loved all of the stories!

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I feel like Leonard Cohen is an artist I could really sink into, but I'm not familiar with his work aside from a handful of songs and the album You Want It Darker, which was released just weeks before his death. I've been listening to it more this year, as I think of it every time I hear about Stephen King's latest. "On the Level" is a brilliant song.



Eyelit Love Cohen! (And especially love this photo of him) 1mo
vivastory I typically don't tend to recommend best of compilations but in the case of Leonard Cohen I highly recommend both “The Best Of“ & “More Best Of“ I feel a bit strange saying this about best of albums but they truly are some of my favorites of all-time 1mo
TheBookHippie I highly recommend his books my favorite is 1mo
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IndoorDame He‘s one of my all time favorites! 1mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie I agree. His poetry collections are incredible 1mo
kspenmoll Agree with u all- he is amazing. 1mo
Kerrbearlib I love that picture! 1mo
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I‘ve been waiting for the moment all weekend when I could finally sit down and crack this one open!

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Especially liked the longer stories: The Dream and Rattlesnakes

Thanks for pushing me, without pushing me @Oryx @TrishB @scripturient


TrishB I liked the longer ones too (unsurprisingly!) 2mo
Cathythoughts Sounds good. I have ordered. ❤️ 2mo
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It's been awhile since I have read Stephen King. I love that this is a book of his short stories. My love of reading started with Stephen King!!

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For me no one does short stories like Stephen King. This collection is so good. Some stories are almost novellas. Danny Coughlins bad dream is superb and the Jalbert/Javert cop so sinister. The answer man, 😢 I‘m driving fast past any stands with red umbrellas on the roadside from now on. I flew through these so fast that I will go back and re read some again. Nice nod to Leonard Cohen in the title. Thank you from a Constant reader ❤️

Cathythoughts Great review Sinead. Looking forward to it. ❤️👍🏻 2mo
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These stories explore the idea of "darkness" in all the forms it comes. While all of the stores resonated with me, "Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream" is a story that had me completely engrossed. The joy of this collection is its ability to dance from genre to genre with a similar thread through each story, putting King's nuance as a writer on full display. I've grown up on his writing, and as I approach my 50's, his books continue to affect me.

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Managed to find a purple slipcase set of both the WHS & Waterstones editions ☺️

Just waiting on the Independent Booksellers & US editions to arrive

Caroline2 Ohhh 🤩 2mo
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Out of 12 short stories only 2 were like 'O kayyyyyy and?' My favorites: Two Talented Bastids, and The Answer Man
I enjoyed the rest, but for some reason I did not find myself compelled to pick up this book. Haven't felt that way about SK since Fairy Tale 😕


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Constant reader over here

TheBookgeekFrau My current situation is almost this exact picture!! Biggest difference is that I have shoes on 😂 (edited) 2mo
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GASP!!! at the end of chapter 51 (the Danny story) there's Ella letting out a breath she wasn't aware of holding!

Mr King, I choked on my morning tea! 😂😂😂

@Oryx @TrishB @scripturient

Ruthiella 😱 It‘s insidious. Claire Keegan also used it in 2mo
Oryx I spotted that too. I wondered if it was on purpose... I hope 2mo
julesG @Oryx I thought it was on purpose. And it came as quite a surprise. 2mo
julesG @Ruthiella I wonder if established authors do it on purpose. 🤔 2mo
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Rusty is already demonstrating that he's a Stephen King fan! 😻💕📚 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #rusty

AmyG Adorable! 2mo
LiteraryinLawrence Eeeeee! Kitten energy!!! 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Cutest bookmark ever! 2mo
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AnnCrystal 😍💕😻💝. 2mo
rubyslippersreads Such a cute ginger baby! 😻 2mo
KadaGul @RaeLovesToRead So true 🤣. @Branwen Rusty is saying wait 🫷 I haven't finished reading 📖 this page 📃 2mo
Hooked_on_books He has good taste! (But maybe hide Cujo for now. You don‘t want to scare the wee mite.) 2mo
dabbe #rowdyrusty! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Woke up @ 2.30. Reading some of the short stories saved the night. Now, the next evening, reading - The dreamers - Hope this story doesn‘t come back to haunt me tonight. Picture is related to the story. Love the book!

Hedon Finished the book, and loved the last story. I'll have to come back to read rattlesnakes one day, as it is a continuation of 'Cujo', which I haven't read yet. Liked this one so much that I jumped straight into another of his short story collections 'Bazaar of Bad Dreams' 2mo
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Short stories are never my favourite, but somehow King‘s are different. A great collection, some excellent, some ok, some creepy.
I would have loved an 800 page novel but these will do for now 😁

Sharpeipup Is that a Stephen King bookmark? 2mo
Leftcoastzen I read the first one so far ! 😂 2mo
Cathythoughts 👍🏻😁 2mo
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TrishB @Sharpeipup it is 👍🏻 2mo
TrishB @Leftcoastzen hope you enjoy 👍🏻 2mo
RamsFan1963 It might be sacrilegious, but I actually prefer King's short stories, even novellas, to his big doorstop chunksters. 2mo
Centique Love the bookmark! 2mo
Reggie I am shocked you read short stories. I‘ll be reading this soon. 2mo
TrishB @RamsFan1963 I know a lot of people do but I love the big books! 2mo
TrishB @Centique 😘 2mo
TrishB @Reggie only the King! 2mo
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I just finished. All in all, it was a really good book of stories. Some (Danny Coughlin‘s Dream and Rattlesnakes) were really good. The rest were good with a couple that were just meh.

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I folded under the peer pressure, twice actually.

1) @TrishB, @Oryx and @scripturient were all reading the tagged book yesterday and so I got the audiobook

2) the feline highnesses decided the night's up at 4:31 a.m. I got up at 5:30, have been tinkering around the flat (🧺🪣🚮) and am sitting in the early morning sunshine listening to the #audiobook

TrishB I‘m enjoying, so much else I should be doing but enjoying some down time tbh. 2mo
rabbitprincess 😻😻😻 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 2mo
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"My father--my *famous* father--died in 2023, at the age of ninety."


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I love book mail!

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Taking a break from Shakespeare to read my new King book. I‘ve been anxiously awaiting this book since November. #constantreader

BarkingMadRead I cannot wait! The #losersclub will be reading this together in September! 2mo
RedCurly I cannot wait to be published this in my country! I hope next year 2mo
deeannloso @RedCurly I hope, for you, it‘s released soon. 😊 2mo
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Not to sound hyperbolic, but I genuinely felt You Like It Darker was King's best collection of short stories in a very long while. All twelve were memorable, and kept me turning pages in a burning desire to seek resolution, but the clear standouts were Two Talented Bastids, Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream, On Slide Inn Road, The Turbulence Expert, Laurie, Rattlesnakes, The Dreamers, and The Answer Man. 5/5

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SEE?! It's not just me! Rumpel is also super hyped for Stephen King's new book too! 😹💕📚 #catsoflitsy #rumpel

LiteraryinLawrence Hyped, but in a very mellow way… 😋 2mo
KadaGul 😻😻😸😸😸 2mo
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AnnCrystal 👏😹👍💕😻💝. (edited) 2mo
dabbe #roarinrumpel! 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Haha, Rumpel looks more hyped for comfy blanket time 🤣🥰🤣 2mo
Branwen @RaeLovesToRead So true! She does love her comfy time! 😻 2mo
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HAPPY PUB DAY TO STEPHEN KING'S NEW BOOK! 🥳🎉🎉🎉 This just arrived and I absolutely cannot wait to start reading it! Short stories are normally not my favorite form of literature, but King really excels at this form and I love so many of his short stories and novellas! Also, do you like the bracelets I made for the occasion? I TOTALLY love Stephen King a normal amount! 🤭

5feet.of.fury So cute! 2mo
slategreyskies Love the bracelets! 🥰 2mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Awhhh!! This is great! 2mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love the bracelets! 2mo
Suet624 Some of his short stories are the most impactful movies. 2mo
Branwen @5feet.of.fury @slategreyskies @JanuarieTimewalker13 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you so much! 🥹💕📚 @Suet624 Right?! I absolutely agree! Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorite stories ever! 2mo
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Happy Publication Day!

TheBookgeekFrau Already reading my copy! 2mo
DavidDiamond @TheBookgeekFrau Nice! I hope to start mine soon...need to finish my current book before it goes back to the library and I have a book on puppy training! So many books, so little time! 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau @DavidDiamond So very true!! Good luck with the puppy training 🤞🏼🐶 2mo
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The new King comes out tomorrow. The first story collection since “Bazaar of Bad Dreams“ in 2015. This constant reader hasn't bought a King since “Billy Summers“ due to backlog; however I will def be buying this. I have been reading a lot of story collections this year & a new King collection sounds right up my alley. Also, as I have posted previously it was through adaptations of works in “Night Shift“ that I fell in love with King.

Ruthiella When I read Night Shift, I was amazed at how many of the stories had been adapted. The story I remember most is The Mangler. 2mo
vivastory @Ruthiella So many adaptations! 💙 2mo
LeahBergen I may have to get this, too. I love his stories! 2mo
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KathyWheeler His ability with a short story always astounds me given how wordy he often gets. 2mo
AmyG Just picked this up! 2mo
Aimeesue Other than The Shining, it‘s really been his short stories and novellas that have stuck in my mind. Huh. Must read these! 2mo
sarahbarnes The Long Walk is a story of his I still think about even though I read it years ago. 2mo
vivastory @sarahbarnes I was telling a co-worker about that a few days ago 2mo
vivastory @Aimeesue I love all forms of his work personally but story collections are so rare esp late career ones. This one feels special 2mo
vivastory @AmyG I almost swung by B & N today. Will def be stopping by this week! 2mo
vivastory @KathyWheeler More to enjoy 😁 2mo
vivastory @LeahBergen I feel that they are overlooked now. Glad to see the love for them in the comments 💙 2mo
KathyWheeler @vivastory Yes. I bought it while I was out today. (edited) 2mo
Reggie Crouch End from Nightmares and Dreamscapes is one of my all time favorite scary short stories. And I like his novella collection Full Dark No Stars. 2mo
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It's like I knew the new Stephen King book would arrive at work today & planned accordingly. Don't mind me. I will be in the basement "covering" the new books ??

vivastory I haven't bought the last couple King books (although I plan on reading them) but I do 100% plan on buying this. A King story collection is cause for celebration. 2mo
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Tuesday the 21st seems to be big pub day. Here's what I'll be adding to my library's collection next week.

Nutmegnc 😱😱😱🥰🥰🥰That‘s quite a haul!! 2mo
KadaGul Amazing 🤩 🤓Haul. 2mo
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Worked up a sweat moving my entire SK Collection to decorate. Would have taken half the time if I hadn't stopped and flicked through every one bringing back memories of how I acquired each one (and dusted them).

mcctrish That‘s impressive 3mo
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It‘s a good day when you see there is a NEW BOOK BY STEPHEN KING coming out in May. 🥳👏🏻📚🎉

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Shelfie No.2

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Shelfie No.1
I have officially run out of shelf space for my SK Collection.

Still need to get My Pretty Pony, Little Sisters Of Eluria and the forthcoming You like It Darker